Artigo em revista |
- Carla A. Lopes; Marta Duarte; Susana Prazeres; Ivone Carvalho; Laura Vilarinho; José Martinez-de-Oliveira; Edward Limbert;
Manuel C. Lemos. "Maternal Urinary Iodine Concentration during Pregnancy and Its Impact on Child Growth and Neurodevelopment:
An 11-Year Follow-Up Study". Nutrients (2023):
- Manuela Schubert Baldo; Célia Nogueira; Cristina Pereira; Patricia Janeiro; Sara Ferreira; Charles M. Lourenço; Anabela Bandeira;
et al. "Leigh Syndrome Spectrum: A Portuguese Population Cohort in an Evolutionary Genetic Era". Genes (2023):
- Patrícia Lipari Pinto; Cristina Florindo; Patrícia Janeiro; Rita Santos Loureiro; Sandra Mexia; Hugo Rocha; Isabel Tavares
de Almeida; Laura Vilarinho; Ana Gaspar. "Acquired Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Newborns: Positive Impact on Newborn Health through
Early Detection". Nutrients (2022):
- Célia Nogueira; Lisbeth Silva; Ana Marcão; Carmen Sousa; Helena Fonseca; Hugo Rocha; Teresa Campos; et al. "Role of RNA in
Molecular Diagnosis of MADD Patients". Biomedicines (2021):
- J. Gerard Loeber; Dimitris Platis; Rolf Zetterström; Shlomo Almashanu; François BOEMER; James R. Bonham; Patricia Borde; et
al. "Neonatal Screening in Europe Revisited: An ISNS Perspective on the Current State and Developments Since 2010". International
Journal of Neonatal Screening (2021):
- Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F); Marcao, Ana; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Lopes, Lurdes; Carvalho, Ivone; Vilarinho, Laura.
"Programa Portugues de Cribado Neonatal". Rev Esp Salud Publica 95 (2021):
- Ferreira, Filipa; Azevedo, Luísa; Neiva, Raquel; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Marcão, Ana; Rocha, Hugo; et al. "Phenylketonuria
in Portugal: Genotype-phenotype correlations using molecular, biochemical, and haplotypic analyses". Molecular Genetics
& Genomic Medicine (2021):
Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1002/mgg3.1559
- Lopes-Pereira, Maria; Roque, Susana; Costa, Patrício; Quialheiro, Anna; Santos, Nadine Correia; Goios, Ana; Vilarinho, Laura;
Correia-Neves, Margarida; Palha, Joana Almeida. "Impact of iodine supplementation during preconception, pregnancy and lactation
on maternal thyroid homeostasis and offspring psychomotor development: protocol of the IodineMinho prospective study". BMC
Pregnancy and Childbirth 20 1 (2020):
Publicado • 10.1186/s12884-020-03376-y
- Sitta, Angela; Guerreiro, Gilian; de Moura Coelho, Daniella; da Rocha, Vitoria Volfart; dos Reis, Bianca Gomes; Sousa, Carmen;
Vilarinho, Laura; Wajner, Moacir; Vargas, Carmen Regla. "Clinical, biochemical and molecular findings of 24 Brazilian patients
with glutaric acidemia type 1: 4 novel mutations in the GCDH gene". Metabolic Brain Disease 36 2 (2020): 205-212.
Publicado • 10.1007/s11011-020-00632-0
- Franková, Vera; Driscoll, Riona O.; Jansen, Marleen E.; Loeber, J. Gerard; Kožich, Viktor; Bonham, James; Borde, Patricia;
et al. "Regulatory landscape of providing information on newborn screening to parents across Europe". European Journal
of Human Genetics 29 1 (2020): 67-78.
Publicado • 10.1038/s41431-020-00716-6
- Encarnação, Marisa; Coutinho, Maria Francisca; Cho, Soo Min; Cardoso, Maria Teresa; Ribeiro, Isaura; Chaves, Paulo; Santos,
Juliana Inês; et al. "NPC1
silent variant induces skipping of exon 11 (p.V562V) and unfolded protein response was found in a specific Niemann-Pick type
C patient". Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine 8 11 (2020):
Publicado • 10.1002/mgg3.1451
- Encarnação, Marisa; Coutinho, Maria Francisca; Silva, Lisbeth; Ribeiro, Diogo; Ouesleti, Souad; Campos, Teresa; Santos, Helena;
et al. "Assessing Lysosomal Disorders in the NGS Era: Identification of Novel Rare Variants". International Journal of
Molecular Sciences 21 17 (2020): 6355.
Publicado • 10.3390/ijms21176355
- Barroso, Fábio; Correia, Joana; Bandeira, Anabela; Carmona, Carla; Vilarinho, Laura; Almeida, Manuela; Rocha, Júlio César;
38 (2020):
Publicado • 10.1590/1984-0462/2020/38/2018158
- Schubert Baldo, Manuela; Vilarinho, Laura. "Molecular basis of Leigh syndrome: a current look". Orphanet Journal of Rare
Diseases 15 1 (2020):
Publicado • 10.1186/s13023-020-1297-9
- Coutinho, Maria Francisca; Encarnação, Marisa; Matos, Liliana; Silva, Lisbeth; Ribeiro, Diogo; Santos, Juliana Inês; Prata,
Maria João; Vilarinho, Laura; Alves, Sandra. "Molecular Characterization of a Novel Splicing Mutation Underlying Mucopolysaccharidosis
(MPS) Type VI—Indirect Proof of Principle on Its Pathogenicity". Diagnostics 10 2 (2020): 58.
Publicado • 10.3390/diagnostics10020058
- Henriques, Bárbara J.; Lucas, Tânia G.; Martins, Esmeralda; Gaspar, Ana; Bandeira, Anabela; Nogueira, Célia; Brandão, Otilia;
et al. "Molecular and Clinical Investigations on Portuguese Patients with Multiple acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency". Current
Molecular Medicine 19 7 (2019): 487-493.
Publicado • 10.2174/1566524019666190507114748
- Coelho, Margarida Paiva; Correia, Joana; Dias, Aureliano; Nogueira, Célia; Bandeira, Anabela; Martins, Esmeralda; Vilarinho,
Laura. "Iron-sulfur cluster ISD11 deficiency (
gene) presenting as cardiorespiratory arrest and 3-methylglutaconic aciduria". JIMD Reports 49 1 (2019): 11-16.
- Nogueira, Célia; Silva, Lisbeth; Pereira, Cristina; Vieira, Luís; Leão Teles, Elisa; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Campos, Teresa;
et al. "Targeted next generation sequencing identifies novel pathogenic variants and provides molecular diagnoses in a cohort
of pediatric and adult patients with unexplained mitochondrial dysfunction". Mitochondrion 47 (2019): 309-317.
- Jotta, Rita; Ramos, Ruben; Florindo, Cristina; Ventura, Fátima V.; Vilarinho, Laura; Tavares de Almeida, Isabel; Gaspar, Ana.
"Follow-up of fatty acid ß-oxidation disorders in expanded newborn screening era". European Journal of Pediatrics 178
3 (2019): 387-394.
- Keller, Rebecca; Chrastina, Petr; Pavlíková, Markéta; Gouveia, Sofía; Ribes, Antonia; Kölker, Stefan; Blom, Henk J.; et al.
"Newborn screening for homocystinurias: Recent recommendations versus current practice". Journal of Inherited Metabolic
Disease 42 1 (2019): 128-139.
Publicado • 10.1002/jimd.12034
- Pereira, Cristina; Souza, Carolina Fischinger de; Vedolin, Leonardo; Vairo, Filippo; Lorea, Cláudia; Sobreira, Cláudia; Nogueira,
Célia; Vilarinho, Laura. "Leigh Syndrome Due to mtDNA Pathogenic Variants". Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and
Screening 7 (2019):
- Lopes, Tânia; Coelho, Margarida; Bordalo, Diana; Bandeira, António; Bandeira, Anabela; Vilarinho, Laura; Fonseca, Paula; et
36 4 (2018): 519-523.;2018;36;4;00003.
- Lobitz, Stephan; Telfer, Paul; Cela, Elena; Allaf, Bichr; Angastiniotis, Michael; Backman Johansson, Carolina; Badens, Catherine;
et al. "Newborn screening for sickle cell disease in Europe: recommendations from a Pan-European Consensus Conference". British
Journal of Haematology 183 4 (2018): 648-660.
- Calejo, Margarida; Vilarinho, Laura; Neiva, Raquel; Botelho, Luís; Ramalheira, João; Taipa, Ricardo; Melo-Pires, Manuel; Lima,
António Bastos; Damásio, Joana. "Late-onset Levodopa Responsive Parkinsonism Due to Polymerase ¿ 1 Mutations". Movement
Disorders Clinical Practice 5 6 (2018): 645-648.
- Marcão, Ana; Barreto, Celeste; Pereira, Luísa; Vaz, Luísa; Cavaco, José; Casimiro, Ana; Félix, Miguel; et al. "Cystic Fibrosis
Newborn Screening in Portugal: PAP Value in Populations with Stringent Rules for Genetic Studies". International Journal
of Neonatal Screening 4 3 (2018): 22.
- Bonham, James; Carling, Rachel; Lindner, Martin; Franzson, Leifur; Zetterstrom, Rolf; Boemer, Francois; Cerone, Roberto; et
al. "Raising Awareness of False Positive Newborn Screening Results Arising from Pivalate-Containing Creams and Antibiotics
in Europe When Screening for Isovaleric Acidaemia". International Journal of Neonatal Screening 4 1 (2018): 8.
- Keller, Rebecca; Chrastina, Petr; Pavlíková, Markéta; Gouveia, Sofía; Ribes, Antonia; Kölker, Stefan; Blom, Henk J.; et al.
"Atypical adult-onset methylmalonic acidemia and homocystinuria presenting as hemolytic uremic syndrome". CEN Case Reports
178 1 (2018): 21-32.
J Inherit Metab Dis. 2019 Feb 11;42(1):128-139. doi: 10.1002/jimd.12034. Epub 2018 Jun 15
- Encarnação, Marisa; Coutinho, Maria Francisca; Silva, Lisbeth; Matos, Liliana; Ribeiro, Diogo; Nogueira, Célia; Gaspar, Paulo;
Vilarinho, Laura; Alves, Sandra. "Desenvolvimento de um ensaio de sequenciação de nova geração para acelerar o diagnóstico
molecular das doenças lisossomais de sobrecarga". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações 7 22 (2018): 34-37.
- Célia, Nogueira; Pereira, Cristina; Silva, Lisbeth; Encarnação, Marisa; Teles, Elisa Leão; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Campos, Teresa;
et al. "Avanços no diagnóstico das doenças mitocondriais através da sequenciação de nova geração". Boletim Epidemiológico
Observações 7 21 (2018): 5-8.
- Ferreira, Filipa; Leal, Inês; Sousa, David; Costa, Teresa; Mota, Conceição; Gomes, Ana Marta; Lopes, Daniela; et al. "CTNS
Molecular Genetics Profile in a Portuguese Cystinosis Population". Open Journal of Genetics 08 04 (2018): 91-100.
- Pereira, Sandra; Adrião, Mariana; Sampaio, Mafalda; Basto, Margarida Aires; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Vilarinho, Laura; Leão Teles,
Elisa; Alonso, Isabel; Leão, Miguel. "Mitochondrial Encephalopathy: First Portuguese Report of a VARS2 Causative Variant.".
JIMD Reports 42 (2018): 113-119.
- Cruz S; Taipa R; Nogueira C; Melo-Pires M; Vilarinho L. "Reply.". (2017):
- Huemer M; Diodato D; Schwahn B; Schiff M; Bandeira A; Benoist JF; Burlina A; et al. "Guidelines for diagnosis and management
of the cobalamin-related remethylation disorders cblC, cblD, cblE, cblF, cblG, cblJ and MTHFR deficiency.". (2017):
- Cruz S; Taipa R; Nogueira C; Pereira C; Almeida LS; Neiva R; Geraldes T; et al. "Clinical, biochemical, molecular, and histological
features of 65 Portuguese patients with mitochondrial disorders.". (2017):
- Valongo, Carla; Lopes, Altina; Vilarinho, Laura. "Síndromes de deficiência em creatina cerebral: 13 anos de experiência em
Portugal". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações 6 18 (2017): 18-23.
- Marcão, Ana; Rocha, Hugo; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Carvalho, Ivone; Lopes, Lurdes; Vilarinho, Laura. "Rastreio neonatal
em Portugal: resultados de 1979 a 2016". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações 6 20 (2017): 7-12.
- Fonseca H; Azevedo L; Serrano C; Sousa C; Marcão A; Vilarinho L; Fonseca, Helena; et al. "3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase
deficiency: Mutational spectrum derived from comprehensive newborn screening.". Gene 594 2 (2016): 203-210.
- Nunes, D; Nogueira, C; Lopes, A; Chaves, P; Rodrigues, E; Cardoso, T; Leão Teles, E; et al. "LPIN1 deficiency: A novel mutation
associated with different phenotypes in the same family". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports 9 (2016): 29-30.
- Nogueira, C; Marcão, A; Rocha, H; Sousa, C; Fonseca, H; Valongo, C; Vilarinho, L. "Molecular picture of cobalamin C/D defects
before and after newborn screening era". Journal of Medical Screening 24 1 (2016): 6-11.
- Nogueira, Célia; Nunes, Diana; Lopes, Altina; Vilarinho, Laura. "Causas metabólicas de rabdomiólise associadas a mutações
no gene LPIN1". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações 5 17 (2016): 41-44.
- Valongo, Carla; Dias, Aureliano Jorge; Leite, Mónica Sofia; Vilarinho, Laura. "Doenças do metabolismo do colesterol: cromatografia
de esteróis no diagnóstico de 25 casos em Portugal". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações 5 16 (2016): 33-37.
- Rocha, Hugo; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Marcão, Ana; Lopes, Lurdes; Carvalho, Ivone; Vilarinho, Laura. "Rastreio neonatal
dos défices do ciclo da ureia em Portugal". Boletim Epidemiologico Observações 5 supl 7 (2016): 12-15.
- Oliveira, Joana Faleiro; Rodrigues, Magda; Costa, Cláudia; Janeiro, Patrícia; Almeida, Isabel Tavares; Vilarinho, Laura; Gaspar,
Ana. "Tirosinemia Tipo 1: O Passado e o Presente Numa Unidade de Doenças Metabólicas". Acta Pediatr Port 47 4 (2016):
- Ferreira, Filipa; Vilarinho, Laura. "Dor abdominal aguda como apresentação de porfirias". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações
5 7 (2016): 29-32.
- Nogueira, Celia; Vilarinho, Laura. "Doenças mitocondriais: síndrome da depleção do mtDNA". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações
5 (2016): 25-28.
- Vanzin, Camila Simioni; Mescka, Caroline Paula; Donida, Bruna; Hammerschimidt, Tatiane Grazieli; Ribas, Graziela S.; Kolling,
Janaína; Scherer, Emilene B.; et al. "Lipid, Oxidative and Inflammatory Profile and Alterations in the Enzymes Paraoxonase
and Butyrylcholinesterase in Plasma of Patients with Homocystinuria Due CBS Deficiency: The Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid Importance".
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 35 6 (2015): 899-911.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Rocha, Hugo; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Lopes, Lurdes; Carvalho, Ivone; Marcão, Ana; Pinho e Costa,
Paulo. "Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce: 35 anos de atividade (1979-2014)". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações
4 14 (2015): 3-6.
- Nogueira,Célia; Almeida,Ligia S; Videira,Arnaldo; Santorelli,Filippo M; Vilarinho,Laura. "Doenças da comunicação intergenómica:
abordagem clínica e laboratorial". Arquivos de Medicina 29 1 (2015): 11-19.
- Ferreira, Filipa; Almeida, Lígia S; Gaspar, Ana; Costa, Cláudia Dias da; Janeiro, Patrícia; Bandeira, Anabela; Martins, Esmeralda;
et al. "Trimetilaminúria (Síndroma de odor a peixe) uma doença subestimada: espectro mutacional da população portuguesa".
Boletim Epidemiológico Observações 4 5 (2015): 37-39.
- Marcão, Ana; Couce, María L.; Nogueira, Célia; Fonseca, Helena; Ferreira, Filipa; Fraga, José M.; Bóveda, M. Dolores; Vilarinho,
Laura. "Newborn Screening for Homocystinuria Revealed a High Frequency of MAT I/III Deficiency in Iberian Peninsula". JIMD
Reports 20 (2015): 113-120.
- Rocha, Hugo; Castiñeiras, Daisy; Delgado, Carmen; Egea, José; Yahyaoui, Raquel; González, Yolanda; Conde, Manuel; et al. "Prevalência
ao nascimento dos défices da ß-oxidação mitocondrial dos ácidos gordos na Península Ibérica". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações
4 11 (2015): 26-29.
- Ferreira, F; Almeida, L.S; Gaspar, A; da Costa, C.D; Janeiro, P; Bandeira, A; Martins, E.; et al. "Contribuição dos polimorfismos
no gene FMO3 na patologia e na farmacogenética". Acta Farmacêutica Portuguesa 4 1 (2015): 34-41.
- de Bruin, E.; Loeber, J.G.; Meijer, A.; Castillo, G. Martinez; Cepeda, M.L. Granados; Torres-Sepúlveda, M. Rosario; Borrajo,
G.J.C.; et al. "Evolution of an influenza pandemic in 13 countries from 5 continents monitored by protein microarray from
neonatal screening bloodspots". Journal of Clinical Virology 61 1 (2014): 74-80.
- Vilarinho, Laura. "Clinical presentation and outcome in a series of 88 patients with the cblC defect". (2014):
- Ventura FV; Leandro P; Luz A; Rivera IA; Silva MF; Ramos R; Rocha H; et al. "Retrospective study of the medium-chain acyl-CoA
dehydrogenase deficiency in Portugal.". Clinical Genetics 85 6 (2014): 555-561.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Nogueira, Celia; Meschini, Maria Chiara; Nesti, Claudia; Garcia, Paula; Diogo, Luisa; Valongo, Carla; et
al. "A Novel SUCLA2 Mutation in a Portuguese Child Associated With "Mild" Methylmalonic Aciduria". J Child Neurol 30
2 (2014): 228-232.
- Pinho e Costa, Paulo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Incidência da deficiência da desidrogenase dos ácidos gordos de cadeia média (MCAD)
em Portugal". Boletim Epidemiologico Observações 3 7 (2014): 30-31.
- Leal,Rita; Santos,Tânia; Galvão,Ana; Macário,Fernando; Pratas,Jorge; Cunha,Fernanda Xavier; Vilarinho,Laura; Campos,Mário.
"Primary hyperoxaluria type 1: A literature review upon three clinical cases.". Portuguese Journal of Nephrology & Hypertension
28 4 (2014): 281-289.
- Nogueira, Célia; Almeida, Ligia S; Nesti, Claudia; Pezzini, Ilaria; Videira, Arnaldo; Vilarinho, Laura; Santorelli, Filippo
M. "Syndromes associated with mitochondrial DNA depletion". Italian Journal of Pediatrics 40 1 (2014): 34.
- Rocha, Hugo; Castiñeiras, Daisy; Delgado, Carmen; Egea, José; Yahyaoui, Raquel; González, Yolanda; Conde, Manuel; et al. "Birth
Prevalence of Fatty Acid ß-Oxidation Disorders in Iberia". JIMD Reports Volume 16 (2014): 89-94.
- Antunes, Ana Patrícia; Nogueira, Celia; Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F); Vilarinho, Laura; Evangelista, Teresinha; Vilarinho,
Laura. "Intermittent Rhabdomyolysis With Adult Onset Associated With a Mutation in the ACADVL Gene". Journal of Clinical
Neuromuscular Disease 15 2 (2013): 69-72.
- Vilarinho, Laura. "Identification of maternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 10 in a patient with mitochondrial DNA depletion
syndrome". Mol Genet Metab (2013):
- Ferreira, Rita; Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F); Almeida, Vanessa; Padrão, Ana I.; Santa, Cátia; Vilarinho, Laura; Amado, Francisco;
Vitorino, Rui; Vilarinho, Laura. "Mitochondria proteome profiling: A comparative analysis between gel- and gel-free approaches".
Talanta 115 (2013): 277-283.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Ferreira F; Esteves S; Almeida LS; Gaspar A; da Costa CD; Janeiro P; et al. "Trimethylaminuria (fish odor
syndrome): Genotype characterization among Portuguese patients". Gene (2013):
doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.05.025
- Vilarinho, Laura; Oliveira, Sara Freitas; Pinho, Liliana; Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F); Nogueira, Celia; Vilarinho, Laura;
Dinis, Maria José; Silva, Conceição. "Rhabdomyolysis as a presenting manifestation of very long-chain acyl-coenzyme a dehydrogenase
deficiency". Clin Pract 3 2 (2013):
- Vilarinho, Laura; Nogueira, Celia; Barros, José; Sá, Maria José; Azevedo, Luísa; Taipa, Ricardo; Torraco, Alessandra; et al.
"Novel TTC19 mutation in a family with severe psychiatric manifestations and complex III deficiency". Neurogenetics
14 2 (2013): 153-160.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Silva, E.S; Vilarinho, Laura; Martins, Esmeralda; Cardoso, M.L.; Medina, M; Barbot, C. "Liver transplantation
prevents progressive neurological impairment in argininemia". JIMD Rep 11 (2013): 25-30.
- Pinho e Costa, Paulo; Vilarinho, Laura. "O reflexo das modificações demográficas recentes na evolução do Programa Nacional
de Diagnóstico Precoce". Boletim Epidemiologico Observações 2 6 (2013): 8-8.
- Vilarinho, Laura. "MPV17: fatal hepatocerebral presentation in a Brazilian infant". Mol Genet Metab (2012):
- Alves, Ema; Henriques, Bárbara J.; Rodrigues, João V.; Prudêncio, Pedro; Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F); Vilarinho, Laura; Martinho,
Rui G.; et al. "Mutations at the flavin binding site of ETF:QO yield a MADD-like severe phenotype in Drosophila". Biochimica
et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease 1822 8 (2012): 1284-1292.
- Vilarinho L; Marques JS; Rocha H; Ramos A; Lopes L; Narayan SB; Bennett MJ. "Diagnosis of a patient with a kinetic variant
of medium and short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency by newborn screening.". (2012):
- Marquardt, Gregg; Currier, Robert; McHugh, David M.S.; Gavrilov, Dimitar; Magera, Mark J.; Matern, Dietrich; Oglesbee, Devin;
et al. "Enhanced interpretation of newborn screening results without analyte cutoff values". Genetics in Medicine 14
7 (2012): 648-655.
- Martins, Esmeralda; Marcão, Ana; Bandeira, A; Fonseca, H; Nogueira, Celia; Vilarinho, Laura. "Methionine Adenosyltransferase
I/III Deficiency in Portugal: High Frequency of a Dominantly Inherited Form in a Small Area of Douro High Lands.". JIMD
Reports 6 (2012): 107-112.
- Esteves, Sofia; Nogueira, Célia; Evangelista, Teresinha; Encarnação, Marisa; Teixeira, Marco; Neiva, Raquel; Pereira, Cristina;
Vilarinho, Laura. "Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy - Molecular study of 540 Portuguese patients". Current Topics in
Genetics 5 (2012): 11-18.
- Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F); Ferreira, R.; Carvalho, J.; Vitorino, R.; Santa, C.; Lopes, L.; Gregersen, N.; Vilarinho, Laura;
Amado, F.. "Characterization of mitochondrial proteome in a severe case of ETF-QO deficiency". Journal of Proteomics
75 1 (2011): 221-228.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Ferreira, Mariana; Evangelista, Teresinha; Almeida, Lígia S.; Martins, João; Macario, Maria Carmo; Martins,
Esmeralda; et al. "Relative frequency of known causes of multiple mtDNA deletions: two novel POLG mutations". Neuromuscular
Disorders 21 7 (2011): 483-488.
- Cozar, Mónica; Urreizti, Roser; Vilarinho, Laura; Grosso, Carola; Dodelson de Kremer, Raquel; Asteggiano, Carla G.; Dalmau,
Jaime; et al. "Identification and functional analyses of CBS alleles in Spanish and Argentinian homocystinuric patients".
Human Mutation 32 7 (2011): 835-842.
- Nogueira, Célia; Carrozzo, Rosalba; Vilarinho, Laura; Santorelli, Filippo M.. "Infantile-Onset Disorders of Mitochondrial
Replication and Protein Synthesis". Journal of Child Neurology 26 7 (2011): 866-875.
- Beckhauser, Mayara Thays; Peruchi, Mirella Maccarini; De Luca, Gisele Rozone; Lin, Katia; Esteves, Sofia; Vilarinho, Laura;
Lin, Jaime. "Neuroradiological findings of an adolescent with early treated phenylketonuria: is phenylalanine restriction
enough?". Clinics and Practice 1 2 (2011): 25.
- Martins, Esmeralda; Cardoso, M. Luis; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Barbot, Clara; Ramos, Altina; Bennett, Michael J.; Teles, Elisa
Leão; Vilarinho, Laura. "Short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency: the clinical relevance of an early diagnosis
and report of four new cases". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 34 3 (2011): 835-842.
- McHugh, David M S; Cameron, Cynthia A; Abdenur, Jose E; Abdulrahman, Mahera; Adair, Ona; Al Nuaimi, Shahira Ahmed; Åhlman,
Henrik; et al. "Clinical validation of cutoff target ranges in newborn screening of metabolic disorders by tandem mass spectrometry:
A worldwide collaborative project". Genetics in Medicine 13 3 (2011): 230-254.
- Ferreira, Mariana; Torraco, Alessandra; Rizza, Teresa; Fattori, Fabiana; Meschini, Maria Chiara; Castana, Cinzia; Go, Nancy
E.; et al. "Progressive cavitating leukoencephalopathy associated with respiratory chain complex I deficiency and a novel
mutation in NDUFS1". neurogenetics 12 1 (2011): 9-17.
- Nogueira, Célia; Coutinho, Miguel; Pereira, Cristina; Tessa, Alessandra; Santorelli, Filippo M.; Vilarinho, Laura. "Molecular
Investigation of Pediatric Portuguese Patients with Sensorineural Hearing Loss". Genetics Research International 2011
(2011): 1-5.
- Gomes Martins, Esmeralda; Santos Silva, Ermelinda; Vilarinho, Silvia; Saudubray, Jean Marie; Vilarinho, Laura. "Neonatal cholestasis:
an uncommon presentation of hyperargininemia". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 33 S3 (2010): 503-506.
- Betsalel, Ofir T; Rosenberg, Efraim H; Almeida, Ligia S; Kleefstra, Tjitske; Schwartz, Charles E; Valayannopoulos, Vassili;
Abdul-Rahman, Omar; et al. "Characterization of novel SLC6A8 variants with the use of splice-site analysis tools and implementation
of a newly developed LOVD database". European Journal of Human Genetics 19 1 (2010): 56-63.
- Vilarinho, Laura. "Four years of expanded newborn screening in Portugal with tandem mass spectrometry". J Inherit Metab
Dis (2010):
DOI 10.1007/s10545-010-9048-z
- Urreizti, R; Moya-García, AA; Pino-Ángeles, A; Cozar, M; Langkilde, A; Fanhoe, U; Esteves, C; et al. "Molecular characterization
of five patients with homocystinuria due to severe methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency". Clinical Genetics
78 5 (2010): 441-448.
- Azevedo, Olga; Vilarinho, Laura; Almeida, Filipa; Ferreira, Francisco; Guardado, Joana; Ferreira, Mariana; Lourenço, António;
Medeiros, Rosa; Almeida, João. "Cardiomyopathy and Kidney Disease in a Patient with Maternally Inherited Diabetes and Deafness
Caused by the 3243A>G Mutation of Mitochondrial DNA". Cardiology 115 1 (2010): 71-74.
- Moreira, Amélia; Neves, Joana; Vilarinho, Laura; Osório, R. Vaz; Oliveira, Pedro; Costeira, Maria José; José Costeira, Maria.
"Hipotiroxinemia em recém-nascidos pré-termo". Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa 41 3 (2010): 117-121.
- Leao-Teles, Elisa; Quelhas, Dulce; Vilarinho, Laura; Jaeken, Jaak. "De Barsy syndrome and ATP6V0A2-CDG". European Journal
of Human Genetics 18 5 (2009): 526-526.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Tafulo, Sandra; Sibilio, Michelina; Kok, Fernando; Fontana, Federica; Diogo, Luisa; Venâncio, Margarida;
et al. "Identification of novel L2HGDH gene mutations and update of the pathological spectrum". Journal of Human Genetics
55 1 (2009): 55-58.
- Quental, Sofia; Gusmão, Alfredo; Rodríguez-Pombo, Pilar; Ugarte, Magdalena; Vilarinho, Laura; Amorim, António; Prata, Maria
J.. "Revisiting MSUD in Portuguese Gypsies: Evidence for a Founder Mutation and for a Mutational Hotspot within theBCKDHAGene".
Annals of Human Genetics 73 3 (2009): 298-303.
- Diogo, Luísa; Grazina, Manuela; Garcia, Paula; Rebelo, Olinda; Veiga, Margarida Alte; Cuevas, Juan; Vilarinho, Laura; et al.
"Pediatric Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Disorders in the Centro Region of Portugal". Pediatric Neurology 40 5 (2009):
- Paixão, P; Almeida, S; Gouveia, P; Vilarinho, Laura; Vaz Ozorio, R. "Prevalence of human cytomegalovirus congenital infection
in Portuguese newborns". Euro Surveill 14 9 (2009): 13-15.
- Quental, S.; Martins, E.; Vilarinho, L.; Amorim, A.; João Prata, M.. "Maple syrup urine disease due to a new large deletion
at BCKDHA caused by non-homologous recombination". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 31 S2 (2008): 457-460.
- Quental, Sofia; Macedo-Ribeiro, Sandra; Matos, Raquel; Vilarinho, Laura; Martins, Esmeralda; Teles, Elisa Leão; Rodrigues,
Esmeralda; et al. "Molecular and structural analyses of maple syrup urine disease and identification of a founder mutation
in a Portuguese Gypsy community". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 94 2 (2008): 148-156.
- Nogueira, Célia; Aiello, Chiara; Cerone, Roberto; Martins, Esmeralda; Caruso, Ubaldo; Moroni, Isabella; Rizzo, Cristiano;
et al. "Spectrum of MMACHC mutations in Italian and Portuguese patients with combined methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria,
cblC type". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 93 4 (2008): 475-480.
- Pe´rez-Cerda´, Celia; Quelhas, Dulce; Vega, Ana I; Ecay, Jesu´s; Vilarinho, Laura; Ugarte, Magdalena. "Screening Using Serum
Percentage of Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin for Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation in Children with Suspected Metabolic
Disease". Clinical Chemistry 54 1 (2008): 93-100.
- Martins, Esmeralda; Barbot, Clara; Luís Cardoso, Maria; Silva, Ermelinda; Vilarinho, Laura. "Avaliação da efectividade do
tratamento das doenças metabólicas tipo intoxicação diagnosticadas no período sintomático". Portuguese Journal of Pediatrics
39 6 (2008): 233-239.
- Nogueira, Celia; Nunes, João; Evangelista, Teresinha; Fattori, Fabiana; Tessa, Alessandra; Pereira, Cristina; Santorelli,
Filippo M.; Vilarinho, Laura. "A new mtDNA–tRNAGlu mutation (14728T>C) presenting a late-onset mitochondrial encephalomyopathy".
Mitochondrion 7 6 (2007): 396-398.
- Garcia, Paula; Martins, Esmeralda; Diogo, Luísa; Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F); Marcão, Ana; Gaspar, Eurico; Almeida, Margarida;
et al. "Outcome of three cases of untreated maternal glutaric aciduria type I". European Journal of Pediatrics 167
5 (2007): 569-573.
- Almeida, L.S.; Vilarinho, L.; Darmin, P.S.; Rosenberg, E.H.; Martinez-Muñoz, C.; Jakobs, C.; Salomons, G.S.. "A prevalent
pathogenic GAMT mutation (c.59G>C) in Portugal". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 91 1 (2007): 1-6.
- Pereira, Cristina; Nogueira, Celia; Barbot, Clara; Tessa, Alessandra; Soares, Carla; Fattori, Fabiana; Guimarães, António;
Santorelli, Filippo M.; Vilarinho, Laura. "Identification of a new mtDNA mutation (14724G>A) associated with mitochondrial
leukoencephalopathy". Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 354 4 (2007): 937-941.
- Urreizti, Roser; Asteggiano, Carla; Bermudez, Marta; Córdoba, Alfonso; Szlago, Marina; Grosso, Carola; de Kremer, Raquel Dodelson;
et al. "The p.T191M mutation of the CBS gene is highly prevalent among homocystinuric patients from Spain, Portugal and South
America". Journal of Human Genetics 52 4 (2007): 388-389.
- Almeida, Ester; Loureiro, Helena; Almeida, Helena; Machado, Maria do Céu; Cabral, Aguinaldo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Síndrome de
Pearson. Caso clínico". Portuguese Journal of Pediatrics 38 2 (2007): 79-81.
- Campos, Antonio Pedro; Sá Vaz, Catarina; Oliveira Duque, Federico; Santos Leite, Margarida; Vilarinho, Laura; Freire Diogo
Matos, Luísa; Garcia Matos, Paula. "Galactosemia: una enfermedad neurometabólica". Revista de Neurología 44 11 (2007):
- Quelhas, D.; Quental, R.; Vilarinho, L.; Amorim, A.; Azevedo, L.. "Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type Ia: Searching
for the Origin of Common Mutations inPMM2". Annals of Human Genetics 71 3 (2006): 348-353.
- Almeida, L.S.; Rosenberg, E.H.; Martinez-Muñoz, C.; Verhoeven, N.M.; Vilarinho, L.; Jakobs, C.; Salomons, G.S.. "Overexpression
of GAMT restores GAMT activity in primary GAMT-deficient fibroblasts". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 89 4 (2006):
- Azevedo, L.; Soares, P. A.; Quental, R.; Vilarinho, Laura; Teles, E. L.; Martins, Esmeralda; Diogo, L.; et al. "Mutational
Spectrum and Linkage Disequilibrium Patterns at the Ornithine Transcarbamylase Gene (OTC)". Annals of Human Genetics
70 6 (2006): 797-801.
- Gort, L.; Boleda, M. D.; Tyfield, L.; Vilarinho, L.; Rivera, I.; Cardoso, M. L.; Santos-Leite, M.; Girós, M.; Briones, P..
"Mutational spectrum of classical galactosaemia in Spain and Portugal". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 29 6
(2006): 739-742.
- Gago, Miguel Fernandes; Rosas, M.J.; Guimarães, Joana; Ferreira, Mariana; Vilarinho, Laura; Castro, Lígia; Carpenter, Stirling.
"SANDO: Two novel mutations in POLG1 gene". Neuromuscular Disorders 16 8 (2006): 507-509.
- Mercimek-Mahmutoglu, S.; Stoeckler-Ipsiroglu, S.; Adami, A.; Appleton, R.; Araujo, H. C.; Duran, M.; Ensenauer, R.; et al.
"GAMT deficiency: Features, treatment, and outcome in an inborn error of creatine synthesis". Neurology 67 3 (2006):
- Nogueira, Célia; Quelhas, Dulce; Vilarinho, Laura. "Prenatal diagnosis for CDG Ia based on post-mortem molecular study of
Guthrie card". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 87 4 (2006): 379.
- Vilarinho,Laura; Queirós,Ana; Leandro,Paula; Almeida,Isabel Tavares de; Rivera,Isabel; Ferreira,Mariana; Aguiar,Tatiana. "Cadeia
Respiratória Mitocondrial Aspectos Clínicos, Bioquímicos, Enzimáticos e Moleculares Associados ao Défice do Complexo I .".
Arquivos de Medicina 20 5-6 (2006): 161-172.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Rocha, Hugo; Marcão, Ana; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Bogas, Mário; Osório, Rui Vaz. "Diagnóstico precoce:
resultados preliminares do rastreio metabólico alargado". Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa 37 5 (2006): 186-191.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Queiros, Ana; Leandro, Paula; Tavares de Almeida, Isabel; Rivera, Isabel. "Fenilcetonuria Revisitada". Arquivos
de Medicina 20 5-6 (2006): 161-172.
- Goios, A.; Nogueira, C.; Pereira, C.; Vilarinho, L.; Amorim, A.; Pereira, L.. "mtDNA single macrodeletions associated with
myopathies: Absence of haplogroup-related increased risk". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 28 5 (2005): 769-778.
- Cardoso, M.L.; Balreira, A.; Martins, E.; Nunes, L.; Cabral, A.; Marques, M.; Lima, M. Reis; et al. "Molecular studies in
Portuguese patients with Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome and report of three new mutations in DHCR7". Molecular Genetics and
Metabolism 85 3 (2005): 228-235.
- Zavadáková, Petra; Fowler, Brian; Suormala, Terttu; Novotna, Zorka; Mueller, Peter; Hennermann, Julia B.; Zeman, Jir¿í; et
al. "cblEType of homocystinuria due to methionine synthase reductase deficiency: Functional correction by minigene expression".
Human Mutation 25 3 (2005): 239-247.
- DUARTE, J; LEAO, A; MAGALHAES, J; ASCENSAO, A; BASTOS, M; AMADO, F; Vilarinho, Laura; et al. "Strenuous exercise aggravates
MDMA-induced skeletal muscle damage in mice". Toxicology 206 3 (2005): 349-358.
- Cardoso,Maria Luís; Fortuna,Ana Maria; Castedo,Sérgio; Martins,Margarida; Montenegro,Nuno; Jakobs,Cornelis; Clayton,Peter;
Vilarinho,Laura. "Diagnóstico Pré-Natal de Síndrome de Smith-Lemli-Opitz". Arquivos de Medicina 19 1-2 (2005): 23-27.
- Vilarinho, L.; Cardoso, M.L.; Gaspar, P.; Barbot, C.; Azevedo, L.; Diogo, L.; Santos, M.; et al. "Novel L2HGDH mutations in
21 patients with L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria of Portuguese origin". Human Mutation 26 4 (2005): 395-396.
- Temudo, Teresa; Martins, Esmeralda; Poças, Fátima; Cruz, Romeu; Vilarinho, Laura. "Maple syrup disease presenting as paroxysmal
dystonia". Annals of Neurology 56 5 (2004): 749-750.
- Valongo, Carla; Cardoso, Maria Lui´s; Domingues, Pedro; Almeida, Li´gia; Verhoeven, Nanda; Salomons, Gajja; Jakobs, Cornelis;
Vilarinho, Laura. "Age related reference values for urine creatine and guanidinoacetic acid concentration in children and
adolescents by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry". Clinica Chimica Acta 348 1-2 (2004): 155-161.
- Bruno, C.; van Diggelen, O. P.; Cassandrini, D.; Gimpelev, M.; Giuffrè, B.; Donati, M. A.; Introvini, P.; et al. "Clinical
and genetic heterogeneity of branching enzyme deficiency (glycogenosis type IV)". Neurology 63 6 (2004): 1053-1058.
- Lupi, Anna; De Riso, Antonio; Torre, Sara Della; Rossi, Antonio; Campari, Elena; Vilarinho, Laura; Cetta, Giuseppe; Forlino,
Antonella. "Characterization of a new PEPD allele causing prolidase deficiency in two unrelated patients: natural-occurrent
mutations as a tool to investigate structure–function relationship". Journal of Human Genetics 49 9 (2004): 500-506.
- Cardoso, M.L; Rodrigues, M.R; Leão, E; Martins, E; Diogo, L; Rodrigues, E; Garcia, P; Rolland, M.O; Vilarinho, L. "The E37X
is a common HMGCL mutation in Portuguese patients with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric CoA lyase deficiency". Molecular Genetics
and Metabolism 82 4 (2004): 334-338.
- Almeida, Li´gia S; Verhoeven, Nanda M; Roos, Birthe; Valongo, Carla; Cardoso, Maria Luis; Vilarinho, Laura; Salomons, Gajja
S; Jakobs, Cornelis. "Creatine and guanidinoacetate: diagnostic markers for inborn errors in creatine biosynthesis and transport".
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 82 3 (2004): 214-219.
- Urreizti, Roser; Balcells, Susana; Rodés, Marga; Vilarinho, Laura; Baldellou, Antonio; Luz Couce, María; Muñoz, Carmen; et
al. "Spectrum of CBS mutations in 16 homocystinuric patients from the Iberian Peninsula: High prevalence of T191M and absence
of I278T or G307S". Human Mutation 22 1 (2003): 103-103.
- Butler, M.; Quelhas, D.; Critcheley, A; Carchon, H; Hebestreit, H; Hibbert, R; Vilarinho, Laura; et al. "Detailed glycan analysis
of serum glycoproteins of patients with congenital disorders of glycosylation indicates the specific defective glycan processing
step and provides an insight into pathogenesis". Glycobiology 13 9 (2003): 601-622.
- Carrozzo, R.; Bornstein, B.; Lucioli, S.; Campos, Y.; de la Pena, P.; Petit, N.; Dionisi-Vici, C.; et al. "Mutation analysis
in 16 patients with mtDNA depletion". Human Mutation 21 4 (2003): 453-454.
- Azevedo, Lui´sa; Stolnaja, Larisa; Tietzeova, Evzenie; Hrebicek, Martin; Hruba, Eva; Vilarinho, Laura; Amorim, António; Dvorakova,
Lenka. "New polymorphic sites within ornithine transcarbamylase gene: population genetics studies and implications for diagnosis".
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 78 2 (2003): 152-157.
- Vilaseca, M. A.; Vilarinho, L.; Zavadakova, P.; Vela, E.; Cleto, E.; Pineda, M.; Coimbra, E.; et al. "CblE type of homocystinuria:
mild clinical phenotype in two patients homozygous for a novel mutation in the MTRR gene". Journal of Inherited Metabolic
Disease 26 4 (2003): 361-369.
- AZEVEDO, L.; CALAFELL, F.; Vilarinho, Laura; AMORIM, A.. "Haplotype analysis and phylogeny of ornithine transcarbamylase polymorphisms".
Annals of Human Genetics 66 6 (2002): 379-385.
- Azevedo, Lui´sa; Vilarinho, Laura; Leão Teles, Elisa; Amorim, António. "Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency: a novel splice
site mutation in a family with meiotic recombination and a new useful SNP for diagnosis". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
76 1 (2002): 68-70.
- Lopes, I.; Marques, L.; Neves, E.; Silva, A.; Taveira, M.; Pena, R.; Vilarinho, L.; Martins, E.. "Prolidase deficiency with
hyperimmunoglobulin E: A case report". Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 13 2 (2002): 140-142.
- Carrozzo, R.; Tessa, A.; Vazquez-Memije, M.E.; Piemonte, F.; Patrono, C.; Malandrini, A.; Dionisi-Vici, C.; et al. "The T9176G
mtDNA mutation severely affects ATP production and results in Leigh syndrome". Neurology 56 5 (2001): 687-690.
- Tessa, Alessandro; Giannotti, Aldo; Tieri, Luigi; Vilarinho, Laura; Marotta, Giacomo; Santorelli, Filippo M. "Maternally inherited
deafness associated with a T1095C mutation in the mDNA". European Journal of Human Genetics 9 2 (2001): 147-149.
- Santos Silva, E.; Martins, E.; Cardoso, M. L.; Barbot, C.; Vilarinho, L.; Medina, M.. "Liver transplantation in a case of
argininaemia". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 24 8 (2001): 885-887.
- Vilarinho, L.; Barbot, C.; Carrozzo, R.; Calado, E.; Tessa, A.; Dionisi-Vici, C.; Guimarães, A.; Santorelli, F. M.. "Clinical
and molecular findings in four new patients harbouring the mtDNA 8993T>C mutation.". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
24 8 (2001): 883-884.
- Moura, Gabriela; Vilarinho, Laura; Machado, Jorge. "The action of Cd, Cu, Cr, Zn, and Pb on fluid composition of Anodonta
cygnea (L.): organic components". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
127 1 (2000): 105-112.
- Rivera, Isabel; Cabral, Aguinaldo; Almeida, Manuela; Leandro, Paula; Carmona, Carla; Eusébio, Filomena; Tasso, Teresa; et
al. "The Correlation of Genotype and Phenotype in Portuguese Hyperphenylalaninemic Patients". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
69 3 (2000): 195-203.
- Moura, Gabriela; Vilarinho, Laura; Santos, António Carvalho; Machado, Jorge. "Organic compounds in the extrapalial fluid and
haemolymph of Anodonta cygnea (L.) with emphasis on the seasonal biomineralization process". Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 125 3 (2000): 293-306.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Leão, Elisa; Barbot, Clara; Santos, Manuela; Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F); Santorelli, F. M.. "Clinical
and molecular studies in three portuguese mtdna t8993g families". Pediatric Neurology 22 1 (2000): 29-32.
- Rocha, Hugo; Cabral, Aguinaldo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Identification of a novel nonsense mutation (Q24X) in the glucose-6-phosphatase
gene of a Portuguese patient with GSD Ia (von Gierke disease)". Human Mutation 16 5 (2000): 449-449.<449::aid-humu25>;2-l.
- Santorelli, F. M.; De Joanna, G.; Casali, C.; Tessa, A.; Siciliano, G.; Amabile, G. A.; Pierelli, F.; Vilarinho, L.; Santoro,
L.. "Multiple mtDNA deletions: clinical and molecular correlations". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 23 2 (2000):
- Tessa, Alessandra; Vilarinho, Laura; Casali, Carlo; Santorelli, Filippo M. "MtDNA-related idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy".
European Journal of Human Genetics 7 8 (1999): 847-848.
- Rocha, Hugo; Flores, Carlos; Campos, Yolanda; Arenas, Joaquín; Vilarinho, Laura; Santorelli, Filippo M.; Torroni, Antonio.
"About the “Pathological” Role of the mtDNA T3308C Mutation…". The American Journal of Human Genetics 65 5 (1999):
- Cardoso, M. Lu¿s; Martins, Esmeralda; Vasconcelos, Rui; Vilarinho, Laura; Rocha, Jorge. "Identification of a novel R21X mutation
in the liver-type arginase gene (ARG1) in four Portuguese patients with argininemia". Human Mutation 14 4 (1999): 355-356.<355::aid-humu20>;2-i.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Santorelli, Filippo M; Coelho, Isabel; Rodrigues, Lurdes; Maia, Maria; Barata, Isabel; Cabral, Pedro; et
al. "The mitochondrial DNA A3243G mutation in Portugal: clinical and molecular studies in 5 families". Journal of the Neurological
Sciences 163 2 (1999): 168-174.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Rodrigues, Lurdes; Coelho, Isabel; Rocha, Hugo; Pires, M. Melo; Guimarães, António. "Heterogeneidade Clínica
de 6 Casos com a Mutação «MELAS» A3243G do DNA Mitocondrial". Acta Pediatr Port 30 2 (1999): 149-155.
- Rocha, Gustavo; Azevedo, Margarida; Figueiroa, Sónia; Costa, Fernanda Manuela; Vilarinho, Laura. "Citopatias Mitocondriais.
Uma Doença? Várias Doenças? 2 Casos Clínicos". Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa 30 6 (1999): 503-507.
- Fernandes, Agostinho; Robalo, Conceição; Fineza, Isabel; Borges, Luís; Vilarinho, Laura; T. Almeida, Isabel; Velho, Sérgio;
Diogo, Luísa. "Macrocefalia e Doença Metabólica (A Propósito de Dois Casos Clínicos)". Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa 30
1 (1999): 65-69.
- Vilarinho, L.; Chorão, R.; Cardoso, M. L.; Rocha, H.; Nogueira, C.; Santorelli, F. M.. "The ND1 T3308C mutation may be a mtDNA
polymorphism. Report of two Portuguese patients.". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 22 1 (1999): 90-91.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Santorelli, Filippo M.; Cardoso, Maria Luís; Coelho, Teresa; Guimarães, António; Coutinho, Paula. "Mitochondrial
DNA Analysis in Ocular Myopathy". European Neurology 39 3 (1998): 148-153.
- Santorelli, Filippo M.; Tanji, Kurenai; Kulikova, Romana; Shanske, Sara; Vilarinho, Laura; Hays, Arthur P.; DiMauro, Salvatore.
"Identification of a Novel Mutation in the mtDNA ND5 Gene Associated with MELAS". Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications 238 2 (1997): 326-328.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Santorelli, F M; Rosas, M J; Tavares, C; Melo-Pires, M; DiMauro, S. "The mitochondrial A3243G mutation presenting
as severe cardiomyopathy.". Journal of Medical Genetics 34 7 (1997): 607-609.
- Barbot, Clara; Fineza, Isabel; Diogo, Luisa; Maria, Maria; Melo, José; Guimarães, António; Melo Pires, Manuel; Luis Cardoso,
Maria; Vilarinho, Laura. "l-2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria: clinical, biochemical and magnetic resonance imaging in six Portuguese
pediatric patients". Brain and Development 19 4 (1997): 268-273.
- Braga, A. C.; Vilarinho, Laura; Ferreira, E.; Rocha, Hugo (331F-6236-B34F). "Hyperargininemia Presenting as Persistent Neonatal
Jaundice and Hepatic Cirrhosis". Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition 24 2 (1997): 218-221.
- Pereira, J. Silva; Vilarinho, Laura. "Doença Metabólica Rara. Deficiência em Prolidase". Acta Pediatr. Port 28 3 (1997):
- Wanders, R.J.A.; Vilarinho, L.; Hartung, H.P.; Hoffmann, G.F.; Mooijer, P.A.W.; Jansen, G.A.; Huijmans, J.G.M.; et al. "L-2-Hydroxyglutaric
aciduria: normal L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity in liver from two new patients". Journal of Inherited Metabolic
Disease 20 5 (1997): 725-726.
- Vilarinho, L.; Maia, C.; Coelho, T.; Coutinho, P.; Santorelli, F. M.. "Heterogeneous presentation in Leigh syndrome". Journal
of Inherited Metabolic Disease 20 5 (1997): 704-705.
- Ferreira, G.; Freitas, S.; Pereira, S. A.; Martins, I.; Tavares, E.; Vilarinho, Laura. "3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric aciduria
in a girl with trisomy 21". European Journal of Pediatrics 155 12 (1996): 1068-1068.
- Diogo, L.; Fineza, I.; Canha, J.; Borges, L.; Cardoso, M. L.; Vilarinho, L.. "Macrocephaly as the presenting feature ofl-2-hydroxyglutaric
aciduria in a 5-month-old boy". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 19 3 (1996): 369-370.
- Martins, E.; Costa, A.; Silva, E.; Medina, M.; Cardoso, M. L.; Vianey-Saban, C.; Divry, P.; Vilarinho, L.. "Lethal dilated
cardiomyopathy due to long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
19 3 (1996): 373-374.
- Barbot, C.; Martins, E.; Vilarinho, L.; Dorche, C.; Cardoso, M.. "A Mild Form of Infantile Isolated Sulphite Oxidase Deficiency".
Neuropediatrics 26 06 (1995): 322-324.
- Vilarinho, L.; Alves, J. Ramos; Dorche, C.; Chadefaux, B.; Parvy, P.. "Citrullinaemia and isolated sulphite oxidase deficiency
in two siblings". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 17 5 (1994): 638-639.
- Vilarinho, L.; Araujo, R.; Vilarinho, A.; Pereira, E.; Abdo, K.; Bardet, J.; Parvy, P.; Rabier, D.. "A new case of hyperoxaluria
type II". Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 16 5 (1993): 896-897.
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Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 16 1 (1993): 154-155.
- Caillaud, Catherine; Vilarinho, Laura; Vilarinho, Antoine; Rev, Françoise; Bertheion, Monique; Santos, Rosario; Lyonnet, Stanislas;
et al. "Linkage disequilibrium between phenylketonuria and RFLP haplotype 1 at the phenylalanine hydroxylase locus in Portugal".
Human Genetics 89 1 (1992): 69-72.
- Vaz Osorio, R; Vilarinho, Laura; Soares, J. "National screening for phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism and congenital
adrenal hyperplasia". Acta Med Port 5 3 (1992): 131-134.
- Vilarinho, Laura; Caillaud, Catherine; Lyonnet, Stanislas; Rey, Françoise; Melle, Dominique; Frebourg, Thierry; Berthelon,
Monique; et al. "A 3-base pair in-frame deletion of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene results in a kinetic variant of phenylketonuria".
The Journal of Biological Chemistry 266 15 (1991): 9531-9354.
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- Vilarinho, Laura; Vaz Ozorio, R. "Assessment of a trial screening program for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Portugal based
on an antibody-coated tube RIA for 17 alpha-OH-progesterone.". Clinical Chemistry 35 12 (1989): 2338-2339.
- Ramos Alves, J; Pinto Ribeiro, J; Magalhães, J; Vilarinho, Laura; Cathelineau, L; Roth, A; Charpentier, C; et al. ""Hepatitis"
indicative of congenital ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency". Ann Pediatr (Paris) 33 2 (1986): 101-107.
Poster em conferência |
- Gaspar, Paulo; Rocha, Hugo; Alves, Sandra; Vilarinho, Laura. "LysoGl1 e LysoGb3: biomarcadores para o diagnóstico e follow-up
da Doença de Gaucher e Fabry". 2017.
- Gaspar, Paulo; Alves, Sandra; Leão Teles, Elisa; Vilarinho, Laura. "Projeto FIND: a importância de um diagnóstico". 2017.
- Gaspar, Paulo; Alves, Sandra; Leão Teles, Elisa; Vilarinho, Laura. "FIND: a importância de um diagnóstico". 2017.
- Gaspar, Paulo; Alves, Sandra; Vilarinho, Laura. "Lysossomal acid lipase activity in dried blood spots - preliminar results".
- Nogueira, Célia; Vilarinho, Laura; Ribeiro, Diogo; Alves, Sandra; Vieira, Luís; Sá, Maria José; Macário, Maria do Carmo; Silva,
Ana; Sá, João. "Metabolic Diseases Masquerading As Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis". 2017.
- Nogueira, Célia; Pereira, Cristina; Silva, Lisbeth; Vieira, Luis; Leão Teles, Elisa; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Campos, Teresa;
et al. "Defeitos Genéticos das Doenças Mitocondriais: Abordagem por Sequenciação de Nova Geração". 2017.
- Nogueira, Célia; Pereira, Cristina; Silva, Lisbeth; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Janeiro, Patricia; Sequeira, Sílvia; Santos, Helena;
et al. "Diagnóstico das Doenças Mitocondriais por Sequenciação de Nova Geração". 2017.
- Nogueira, Célia; Vilarinho, Laura; Pereira, Cristina; Silva, Lisbeth; Vieira, Luis; Leão Teles, Elisa; Rodrigues, Esmeralda;
et al. "Next Generation Sequencing Improves Mitochondrial Diseases Diagnosis". 2017.
- Encarnação, Marisa; Coutinho, Maria Francisca; Silva, Lisbeth; Ribeiro, Diogo; Nogueira, Célia; Vilarinho, Laura; Alves, Sandra.
"Neurodegenerative Lysosomal Diseases Approached by Next Generation Sequencing". 2017.
- Rocha, Hugo; Nogueira, Célia; Martins, Esmeralda; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Leão, Miguel; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; et al.
"Bases moleculares de los defectos en el complejo mitocondrial ETF/ETF-QO". 2017.
- Lopes, Lurdes; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Carvalho, Ivone; Marcão, Ana; Rocha, Hugo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Portuguese Newborn
Screening Program: 36 years at the service of public health". 2017.
- Nogueira, Celia; Vilarinho, Laura; Pereira, Cristina; Silva, Lisbeth; Vieira, Luis; Leão Teles, Elisa; Rodrigues, Esmeralda;
et al. "Mitochondrial disorders: insights into diagnosis and management in the new era of genomic medicine". Trabalho apresentado
em 13th SPDM International Symposium (SPDM) 2017, 2017.
- Marcão,Ana; Lopes,Lurdes; Sousa,Cármen; Fonseca,Helena; Rocha,Hugo; Carvalho,Ivone; Vilarinho,Laura. "RASTREIO NEONATAL DE
- Ferreira, Filipa; Carmona, Célia; Ramos, Sónia; Fonseca, Helena; Sousa, Cámen; Rocha, Hugo; Marcão, Ana; Vilarinho, Laura.
"Homocistinúria clássica – doença muito rara em Portugal com risco trombótico associado". 2016.
- Lopes, Lurdes; Marcão, Ana; Carvalho, Ivone; Sousa, Cármen; Fonseca, Helena; Rocha, Hugo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Prevalência da
fibrose quística em Portugal: comparação com outros países da Europa". 2016.
- Fonseca, Helena; Souza, Carolina; Vairo, Fillipo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Molecular study is na importante tool in the confirmation
of Inborn Errors of Metabolism". 2015.
- Marcão, Ana; Fonseca, Helena; Sousa, Carmen; Rocha, Hugo; Silva, Francisco; Vilarinho, Laura. "Two cases of late-onset Argininosuccinic
aciduria with normal results at newborn screening". 2015.
- Lopes, Lurdes; Marcão, Ana; Carvalho, Ivone; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Rocha, Hugo; Vilarinho, Laura; et al. "Aplicação
dos marcadores IRT/PAP/IRT no rastreio neonatal da fibrose quística". 2015.
- Rocha, Hugo; Lopes, Altina; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Silva, Ermelinda; Trindade, Eunice; Vaio, Francisco; Souza, Carolina; Leão,
Elisa; Vilarinho, Laura. "Genotype/phenotype correlation in Glycogen Storage Disease type IX". 2015.
- Rocha, Hugo; Lopes, Altina; Soares, Gabriela; Negrão, Luis; Coelho, Teresa; Chorão, Rui; Lourenço, Teresa; Vilarinho, Laura.
"McArdle disease: mutational spectrum of Portuguese patients". 2015.
- Sousa, Carmen; Marcão, Ana; Nogueira, Célia; Fonseca, Helena; Rocha, Hugo; Silva, Carla; Guimas, Arlindo; et al. "Adult-onset
form in VLCAD deficiency: seven cases". 2015.
- Lopes, Lurdes; Marcão, Ana; Carvalho, Ivone; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Rocha, Hugo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Estudo piloto
para o rastreio neonatal da fibrose quística". 2014.
- Marcão, Ana; Lopes, Lurdes; Carvalho, Ivone; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Rocha, Hugo; Barreto, Celeste; Vilarinho, Laura.
"Preliminary results of the pilot study for Cystic Fibrosis newborn screening in Portugal". 2014.
- Fonseca, Helena; Sousa, Carmen; Marcão, Ana; Nogueira, Célia; Lopes, Altina; Ferreira, Filipa; Neiva, Raquel; et al. "Estudos
moleculares de Erros Inatos do Metabolismo- Contributo da Unidade de Rastreio Neonatal Metabolismo e Genética no diagnóstico
das Doenças Raras". 2014.
- Vanzin, Camila; Nogueira, Célia; Vilarinho, Laura; Wajner, Moacir; Wyse, Angela; Vargas, Carmen. "Alterations in lipid profile
and enzymes paraoxonase and butyrylcholinesterase in CBS-deficient patients". 2014.
- Lopes,Lurdes; Marcão,Ana; Carvalho,Ivone; Sousa,Carmen; Fonseca,Helena; Rocha,Hugo; Vilarinho,Laura. "Estratégia utilizada
no estudo piloto para o rastreio neonatal da fibrose quística". 2014.
- Fonseca, Helena; Sousa, Carmen; Marcão, Ana; Rocha, Hugo; Lopes, Lurdes; Vilarinho, Laura. "3- Methylcrotonyl-coa Carboxylase
Deficiency: Biochemical and Molecular Studies in 36 Patients". 2013.
- Valongo, Carla; Almeida, Lígia; Ramos, Altina; Santos, Raquel Andreia; Vilarinho, Laura. "Mental retardation: a common clinical
hallmark of creatine deficiency disorders". 2013.
- Nogueira, Célia; Garcia, Paula; Diogo, Luisa; Valongo, Carla; Santorelli, Filippo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Biochemical data as
important clues for diagnosis of SUCLA2 defects". 2013.
- Nogueira, Célia; Nesti, Claudia; Meschini, M. Clara; Carrozzo, Rosalba; Barros, José; Sá, Maria José; Azevedo, Luisa; Santorelli,
Filippo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Complex III deficiency in a Portuguese family: expanding the clinical phenotype". 2013.
- Valongo, Carla; Rodrigues, Marilia; Dias, Aureliano; Vilarinho, Laura. "Primary hyperoxaluria Type 1: organic aciduria diagnosed
in plasma". 2013.
- Nogueira, Célia; Garcia, Paula; Diogo, Luísa; Valongo, Carla; Santorelli, Filippo; Vilarinho, Laura. "A novel SUCLA2 mutation
in a Portuguese patient". 2013.
- Lopes, Lurdes; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Carvalho, Ivone; Marcão, Ana; Rocha, Hugo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Programa Nacional
de Diagnóstico Precoce em Portugal- Casuística de 2011". 2012.
- Fonseca, Helena; Bueno, Maria; Sousa, Carmen; Marcão, Ana; Lopes, Lurdes; Rocha, Hugo; Vilarinho, Laura. "3-Methylcrotonyl
CoA Carboxylase Deficiency: Disorder or Just a Biochemical Phenotype?". 2012.
- Nogueira, Célia; Barros, José; Sá, Maria José; Azevedo, Luisa; Santorelli, Filippo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Identification of a
novel TTC19 mutation in a Portuguese family with complex III deficiency". 2012.
- Nogueira, Célia; Garcia, Paula; Diogo, Luisa; Valongo, Carla; Santorelli, Filippo; Vilarinho, Laura. "A novel missense mutation
in SUCLA2 associated with mild methylmalonic aciduria". 2012.
- Vilarinho, Laura. "Rastreio Neonatal Metabólico do Séc. XXI". 2012.
- Marcão, Ana; Nogueira, Célia; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Lopes, Maria de Lurdes; Rocha, Hugo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Molecular
characterization of Methylmalonyl CoA mutase deficiency in patients identified through newborn screening". 2012.
- Nogueira, Célia; Nesti, Claudia; Meschini, Maria Chiara; Carrozzo, Rosalba; Barros, Jose; Sá, Maria José; Azevedo, Luisa;
Vilarinho, Laura; Santorelli, Filippo. "Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxia and Low Mitocondrial Complex III in a Portuguese
Family". 2012.
- Nogueira, Célia; Coutinho, Miguel; Pereira, Cristina; Tessa, Alessandra; Santorelli, Filippo; Vilarinho, Laura. "Molecular
investigation of pediatric Portuguese patients with sensorineural hearing loss". 2012.
- Rocha, Hugo; Ferreira, Rita; Vitorino, Rui; Almeida, Vanessa; Santa, Cátia; Lopes, Lurdes; Vilarinho, Laura; Amado, Francisco.
"Role of mitochondrial antioxidant defense systems in fatty acid ß-oxidation defects". 2012.
- Carvalho, Ivone; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Lopes, Lurdes; Vilarinho, Laura. "Relevance of the repetition of normal hTSH
in premature babies". 2011.
- Fonseca, Helena; Sousa, Carmen; Marcão, Ana; Rocha, Hugo; Lopes, Lurdes; Vilarinho, Laura. "3-Methylcrotonylglycinuria: a
new common mutation in the Portuguese population?". 2011.
- Marcão, Ana; Nogueira, Célia; Sousa, Carmen; Fonseca, Helena; Rocha, Hugo; Lopes, Lurdes; Martins, Esmeralda; Vilarinho, Laura.
"MAT I/III deficiency in Portugal: high frequency of R264H mutation in a small area of Douro high lands". 2011.
- Sousa, Carmen; Nogueira, Célia; Fonseca, Helena; Marcão, Ana; Rocha, Hugo; Lopes, Lurdes; Leão, Elisa; et al. "Prenatal diagnosis
in severe cases: a new gain in Portuguese neonatal". 2011.
- Nogueira, Célia Teixeira; Leitão, Luzia; Azevedo, Luísa; Domingues, Lucília; Vilarinho, Laura. "Molecular characterization
of portuguese patients with Citrullinemia Type I (urea cycle disease)". 2009.