Artigo em conferência |
- Carla Pires, Susana Correia, Afonso M. Cavaco,; Marina Vigário; Pires, Carla; Carla Pires, Susana Correia, Márcia Costa, Afonso
M.; Cavaco, Marina Vigário.. "Are Portuguese brand names of medicines readable?". Trabalho apresentado em 1st International
Conference on Pharmacy Practice Research: Postgraduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Supervisors Symposium, Lisboa,
Publicado •
Artigo em revista |
- Carla Pires; Ana Fernandes. "Adverse Effects of Natural Products: A Brief Pre-Systematic Review". Current Nutraceuticals
- Carla Pires; Pedro Joel Rosa; Marina Vigário; Afonso Cavaco. "Validation of a new tool for evaluating subjects’ satisfaction
with medicine package leaflets: a cross-sectional descriptive study". Sao Paulo Medical Journal 137 5 (2019): 454-462.
- Pires, Carla. "Scoping Pharmacy Students’ Learning Outcomes: Where Do We Stand?". Pharmacy (2019):
- Carla Pires; Susana Correia; Márcia Costa; Afonso Cavaco; Marina Vigário. "Effects of non-native word shapes in the recognition
and recall of medicine names". Written Language & Literacy 22 1 (2019): 95-129.
- Pires, Carla. "Ceftriaxone: clinical review, consumption in Portugal and safety alerts". Journal Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical
Research (2018):
- Pires, C.; Rosa, P.; Vigário, M.; Cavaco, A.. "Short Assessment of Health Literacy (SAHL) in Portugal: development and validation
of a self-administered tool". Prim Health Care Res Dev (2018): 1-18.
- Pires, Carla; Cavaco, Afonso. "Pre-systematic review on software tools to evaluate package inserts of medicines as prescription
information". Procedia Computer Science 138 (2018): 177-184.
- Carla Pires; Afonso Cavaco; Marina Vigário. "Towards the Definition of Linguistic Metrics for Evaluating Text Readability".
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics (2017): 1-31.
- Pires, Carla Maria Batista Ferreira; Cavaco, Afonso. "Design of Brand Names of Medicines Considering Subjects’ Preferences".
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2017): 2168479017719933-2168479017719933.
- Carla Pires, Fernando Martins, Afonso Cavaco, Marina Vigário. "Automatic Quantification of Abbreviations in Medicine Package
Leaflets and Their Comprehension Assessment". International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC)
8 (2017): 47-64.
- Carla Pires, Marina Vigário, Afonso Cavaco. "Evaluation of the type and structure of the imprints used on the surface of medicines".
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research (2017) 47 (2017): 23-26.
- Pires, Carla; Cavaco, Afonso; Vigario, Marina. "Evaluation of brand names of medicines: linguistic and format issues". The
International journal of pharmacy practice 25 3 (2017): 231-237.
- Carla Pires, Afonso Cavaco, Marina Vigário. "How sociodemographic features impact subjects' opinion on packages leaflets
of medicines?". Australasian Medical Journal 10 9 (2017): 774-784.
- Cavaco, A. M.; Pires, C.; Vigario, M.. "Linguistics metrics of package leaflets: estimating effects on users' comprehension
of medicines information". International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 38 2 (2016): 506-506.
- Pires, C.; Vigario, M.; Cavaco, A.. "Graphical content of medicinal package inserts: an exploratory study to evaluate potential
legibility issues". Health Information and Libraries Journal 33 2 (2016): 121-139.
- Pires, C.; Vigario, M.; Cavaco, A.. "Factors influencing subjects' comprehension of a set of medicine package inserts". International
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 38 4 (2016): 888-898.
- Pires, C.; Cavaco, A.; Martins, F.; Vigario, M.. "Using an Automatic Tool to Identify Potential Readability Issues in a Large
Sample of Medicinal Package Inserts". Methods of Information in Medicine 54 4 (2015): 379-381.
- Pires, C.; Vigario, M.; Cavaco, A.. "Package leaflets of the most consumed medicines in Portugal: safety and regulatory compliance
issues. A descriptive study". Sao Paulo Medical Journal 133 2 (2015): 91-100.
- Pires, Carla; Vigario, Marina; Cavaco, Afonso. "Brand names of Portuguese medication: understanding the importance of their
linguistic structure and regulatory issues". Ciencia & Saude Coletiva 20 8 (2015): 2569-2583.
- Pires, C.; Vigario, M.; Cavaco, A.. "Readability of medicinal package leaflets: a systematic review". Revista De Saude
Publica 49 (2015): 13-13.
- Pires, C.; Cavaco, A.; Vigario, M.. "Problems Identified in the Package Leaflets of the Portuguese Non-Generic Medicines".
Acta Medica Portuguesa 28 1 (2015): 21-28.
- Cavaco, A.; Pires, C.; Vigário, M.. "How Challenging Are Branded Medicines in Portugal? A Linguistic Evaluation of Brand Names".
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 10 5 (2014): e25-e26.
- Pires, C. M.; Cavaco, A. M.. "Communication between healthcare providers and patients: review of studies that used the RIAS
(Roter Interaction Analysis System) methodology". Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira 60 2 (2014): 156-172.
- Pires, C. M.; Cavaco, A. M.. "Exploring the perspectives of potential consumers and healthcare professionals on the readability
of a package insert: a case study of an over-the-counter medicine". European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 70 5
(2014): 583-588.
- Cavaco, A.; Pires, C.. "Improving Package Leaflet Information: Potential Users and Physicians Opinions". Research in Social
and Administrative Pharmacy 8 6 (2012): e50-e51.
- Pires, Carla. "Clinical and therapeutic analysis of type 2 diabetics in Portuguese community pharmacies". Acta medica portuguesa
24 Suppl 2 (2011): 449-56.
Capítulo de livro |
- Carla Pires; Dinah Duarte. "A Regulatory and Safety Perspective on Medical Devices". 2021.
- Pires, C.; Vigario, M.; Martins, F.; Cavaco, A.. "Abbreviations and symbols in a large sample of medicinal package leaflets:
automatic detection and comprehension assessment". editado por CruzCunha, M. M.; Varajao, J.; Rijo, R.; Martinho, R.; Schubert,
P.; Boonstra, A.; Correia, R.; Berler, R., 683-690. 2015.
Poster em conferência |
- Pires, Carla. "Diet impact on type 2 Diabetics an initial review". Trabalho apresentado em Jornadas Lusófonas da Nutrição,
ULHT, 2020.
- Pires, Carla. "Alertas de segurança Portugueses sobre Dispositivos Médicos no ano 2017". Trabalho apresentado em III Congresso
Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais, promovido pelo Curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais da
Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL-IPL), 2019.
- Pires, Carla. "Adverse effects of natural products a brief pre-systematic review". Trabalho apresentado em Bio.Natural
– Bioactive Natural Products Research Meeting,, 2019.
- Pires, Carla. "A brief review on patents of medicines for treating HIV containing material from algae, lichens, fungi or plants,
or derivatives". Trabalho apresentado em Bio.Natural – Bioactive Natural Products Research Meeting, 2019.
- Pires, Carla. "Validation of a new tool to evaluate the readability of Package Leaflets of medicines: LiS-RPL". Trabalho apresentado
em 16th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019), 2019.
- Pires, Carla. "Effects of non-native spelling in the production accuracy of Portuguese medicine brand names". Trabalho apresentado
em HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, 2018.
- Pires, Carla. "Quantificação Automática Abreviaturas e Símbolos nos Folhetos dos Medicamentos e a Avaliação da sua Compreensão".
Trabalho apresentado em Encontro Internacional de Doutorandos em Enfermagem da Universidade de Lisboa, 2016.
- Pires, Carla. "Potential readability issues in a large sample of medicinal package inserts: quantification of words and abbreviations".
Trabalho apresentado em Congresso Nacional dos Farmacêuticos, Lisbon, 2015.
- Pires, Carla. "Recognition and immediate recall of Portuguese medicine brand names.". Trabalho apresentado em International
Meeting of Doctoral Students in Nursing University of Lisbon, 2015.
- Pires, Carla. "Hábitos de consulta dos folhetos informativos e utilização de medicamentos em duas regiões de Portugal". Trabalho
apresentado em III Reunião Científica Anual da SPFCF: Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmácia Clínica e Farmacoterapia, 2015.
- Pires, Carla. "Medicine Package Inserts Abbreviations and Acronyms in Portuguese: Exploring How Difficult They are for educated
people". Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, 2013.
- Pires, Carla. "Graphic Legibility Aspects in Portuguese Package Leaflet". Trabalho apresentado em 4th Postgraduate iMed.UL
Students Meeting, 2012.
- Oliveira, Rodolfo Sérgio de. "Legibilidade de folhetos informativos com base nas perspetivas dos doentes e dos profissionais
de saúde". Trabalho apresentado em Congresso Nacional dos Farmacêuticos, 2012.
- Pires, Carla. "Portuguese Package Leaflet Readability Study: a research project to find new tools for development of leaflets
comprehension based on linguistic metrics". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Post-Graduate iMed.UL Students Meeting, 2011.
Resumo em conferência |
- Afonso Cavaco, Marcia Costa, Carla Pires, Susana Correia, Marina Vigario. "Exploring memory issues with the brand names of
medicines names of medicines". Trabalho apresentado em t ISPW - International Social Pharmacy Workshop, University of Aberdeenshire,
Scotland, 19-22 July, 2016.
Publicado • DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12278
- Pires, Carla. "Linguistics metrics of package leaflets: estimating effects on users´ comprehension of medicines information".
Trabalho apresentado em 44th ESCP- European Society of Clinical Pharmacy International Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy Medicines
Information: Making Better Decisions, LISBON, 2015.
- Cavaco, Afonso; Pires, Carla; Vigário, marina; Pires, C. M.; Vigario, M.; Cavaco, A. M.. "How Challenging Are Branded Medicines
in Portugal? A Linguistic Evaluation of Brand Names". Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Communication
in Healthcare, September 29-October 2 2013, Montréal., 2014.