Artigo em revista |
- António M. Monge Soares; António P. Gonçalves; Luis C. Alves; Pedro Valério; Filipe Santos; Rui Monge Soares; Manuela de Deus.
"Non-invasive analysis of faience necklace beads and scarabs from Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age necropolises in southern
Portugal". Trabajos de Prehistoria (2025):
- Aguiar Santos, Beatriz; J.B. Correia; Silva, Teresa; Esperto, José Luís; Figueira, Isabel; Mascarenhas, João; Lopes, EB; et
al. Autor correspondente: António Pereira Gonçalves. "Thermoelectric properties of tetrahedrites produced from mix-tures of
natural and synthetic materials". Materials -MDPI (2025):
Em revisão
- José F. Malta; Marta S. C. Henriques; José A. Paixão; António P. Gonçalves. "Reentrant Spin Glass and Magnetic Skyrmions in
the Co7Zn7Mn6-xFex ß-Mn-Type Alloys". Magnetochemistry (2024):
- Henriques, Margarida I. Sousa; Silva, André; Havela, Ladislav; António Pereira Gonçalves. Autor correspondente: António Pereira
Gonçalves. "On the U-Fe-C Isothermal Section at 1100 °C". Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 45 3 (2024): 696-702.
Publicado • 10.1007/s11669-024-01122-x
- Ricardo Martins; António Pereira Gonçalves; José Brito Correia; Andrei Galatanu; Eduardo Alves; Elena Tejado; José Ygnacio
Pastor; Marta Dias. "Simulation, Structural, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of the FeTiTaVW High Entropy Alloy". Metals
- Martins, R.; A.P. Gonçalves; Correia, J.B.; A.Galatanu; Alves, E.; Dias, M.. "Simulation and study of the milling parameters
on CuFeTaTiW multicomponent alloy". Nuclear Materials and Energy 38 (2024): 101568.
- M. Dias; P.A. Carvalho; A.P. Gonçalves; E. Alves; J.B. Correia. "Hybrid molecular dynamic Monte Carlo simulation and experimental
production of a multi-component Cu–Fe–Ni–Mo–W alloy". Intermetallics 161 (2023): 107960-107960.
- José F. Malta; Marta S. C. Henriques; José A. Paixão; António P. Gonçalves. "Synthesis and Structural and Magnetic Properties
of Polycrystalline GaMo4Se8". Magnetochemistry (2023):
- Viviana Sousa; Arka Sarkar; Oleg I. Lebedev; Christophe Candolfi; Bertrand Lenoir; Rodrigo Coelho; António P. Gonçalves; et
al. "Large-Scale Colloidal Synthesis of Chalcogenides for Thermoelectric Applications". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
- Duarte Moço; José F. Malta; Luís F. Santos; Elsa B. Lopes; António P. Gonçalves. "Thermoelectric Properties of Nickel and
Selenium Co-Doped Tetrahedrite". Materials (2023):
- Rodrigo Coelho; Álvaro Casi; Miguel Araiz; David Astrain; Elsa Branco Lopes; Francisco P. Brito; António P. Gonçalves. "Computer
Simulations of Silicide-Tetrahedrite Thermoelectric Generators". Micromachines (2022):
- M. Dias; S. Magalhães; F. Antão; R.C. da Silva; A.P. Gonçalves; P.A. Carvalho; J.B. Correia; A. Galatanu; E. Alves. "Damage
threshold of CuCrFeTiV high entropy alloys for nuclear fusion reactors". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (2022):
- Rodrigo Coelho; Yassine De Abreu; Francisco Carvalho; Elsa Branco Lopes; António Pereira Gonçalves. "An Electrical Contacts
Study for Tetrahedrite-Based Thermoelectric Generators". Materials (2022):
- João Zilhão; António M. Monge Soares; António Pereira Gonçalves. "Botones de cachalote con perforación en V de Galeria da
Cisterna (Sistema Kárstico de Almonda, Torres Novas, Portugal)". Trabajos de Prehistoria (2022):
- Francisco Antão; Ricardo Martins; José Brito Correia; Rui Coelho da Silva; António Pereira Gonçalves; Elena Tejado; José Ygnacio
Pastor; Eduardo Alves; Marta Dias. "Improvement of Mechanical Properties with Non-Equimolar CrNbTaVW High Entropy Alloy".
Crystals 12 2 (2022): 219-219.
- José F. Malta; Marta S. C. Henriques; José A. Paixão; António P. Gonçalves. "Evidence of a cluster spin-glass phase in the
skyrmion-hosting GaMo4S8 compound". Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2022):
- Ferreira, Helena M.; Lopes, Elsa B.; Malta, José F.; Ferreira, Luís M.; Casimiro, Maria Helena; Santos, Luís F.; Pereira,
Manuel F.C.; Moço, Duarte; Gonçalves, António P.. "Preparation and densification of bulk pyrite, FeS2". Journal of Physics
and Chemistry of Solids 159 (2021): 110296.
- Sanjib Chowdhury; Dario Manara; Oliver Dieste-Blanco; Davide Robba; António Pereira Gonçalves. "Laser Heating Study of the
High-Temperature Interactions in Nanograined Uranium Carbides". Materials (2021):
- F. P. Brito; João Silva Peixoto; Jorge Martins; António P. Gonçalves; Loucas Louca; Nikolaos Vlachos; Theodora Kyratsi. "Analysis
and Design of a Silicide-Tetrahedrite Thermoelectric Generator Concept Suitable for Large-Scale Industrial Waste Heat Recovery".
Energies 14 18 (2021): 5655-5655.
- Barreto, Jorge; Martins, Daniel; Castelo Branco, Moritz; Branco, Joaquim; Pereira Gonçalves, António; Tirolien, Thierry; Bonfait,
Grégoire. "Hydrogen Gas Gap Heat Switch operating in the 150 K to 400 K temperature range". Cryogenics (2021): 103365.
No prelo • 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2021.103365
- Santos, Miguel D.; Dias, Sandra I.G.; Gonçalves, António P.; Fernandes, Edgar C.. "Thermoelectric power generation from Biogas+H2 flames:
Influence of Flame-Wall Interaction". Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 126 (2021): 110350.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2021.110350
- Pedro Brogueira; Antonio Pereira Goncalves; Duarte Miguel Prazeres; Isabel Marrucho; Jose Bioucas; Joao Pimentel Nunes; Joao
Ramoa Correia; et al. "Técnico2122: rethinking engineering education at IST". 2021 4th International Conference of the
Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE) (2021):
- Brito, F.P.; Vieira, Rui; Martins, Jorge; Goncalves, L.M.; Goncalves, A.P.; Coelho, Rodrigo; Lopes, E.B.; Symeou, Elli; Kyratsi,
Theodora. "Analysis of thermoelectric generator incorporating n-magnesium silicide and p-tetrahedrite materials". Energy
Conversion and Management 236 (2021): 114003.
- Rodrigo Coelho; Elsa Branco Lopes; António Pereira Gonçalves. "Protective Coatings for Cu11Mn1Sb4S13 and Cu10.5Ni1.5Sb4S13
Tetrahedrites". Journal of Electronic Materials (2021):
- Jéssica D. S. Vicente; Domingas C. Miguel; Afonso M. P. Gonçalves; Diogo M. Cabrita; José Carretas; Bruno J. C. Vieira; João
Carlos Waerenborgh; et al. "On the Dissolution of Metals in Ionic Liquids 1. Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, and Zinc". Sustainable
Chemistry (2021):
- Sanjib Chowdhury; Leonor Maria; Adelaide Cruz; Dario Manara; Olivier Dieste-Blanco; Thierry Stora; António Gonçalves. "Uranium
Carbide Fibers with Nano-Grains as Starting Materials for ISOL Targets". Nanomaterials 10 12 (2020): 2458-2458.
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "Nanosize La-filled CoSb3 skutterudite fabricated by electrospinning". SN Applied Sciences
- Rodrigo Coelho; Elli Symeou; Theodora Kyratsi; António Pereira Gonçalves. "Tetrahedrite Sintering Conditions: The Cu11Mn1Sb4S13
Case". Journal of Electronic Materials (2020):
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "80 K vibration-free cooler for potential future Earth observation missions". IOP Conference
Series: Materials Science and Engineering (2020):
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "Magnetic studies of monoclinic Cu4O(SeO3)3, a copper-oxo-selenite derivative". EPJ Web of Conferences
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "Quantum effects in electrical transport properties of Bismuth chalcogenides Topological Insulators".
EPJ Web of Conferences (2020):
- Gonçalves, António Pereira; Lopes, Elsa Branco. "Towards the Use of Cu–S Based Synthetic Minerals for Thermoelectric Applications".
Semiconductors 53 13 (2019): 1817-1824.
- Soner Steiner; G. Rogl; Hans Flandorfer; Henri Noel; Antonio Pereira Gonçalves; Gerald Giester; Peter F. Rogl. "The system
thorium-palladium-boron: A DFT study on the stability and properties of Th2Pd15B5". Journal of Alloys and Compounds
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "Peculiar properties of UMB4 (M¿=¿V, Cr, Mo, W) uranium borides". Advances in Applied Ceramics
- Tiago Kalil Cortinhas Alves; Gonçalo Domingues; Elsa Branco Lopes; António Pereira Gonçalves. "Effect of Composition on Thermoelectric
Properties of As-Cast Materials: The Cu12-xCoxSb4S13-ySey Case". Journal of Electronic Materials 48 4 (2019): 2028-2035.
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "Synthesis and magnetic studies of nanocrystalline Cu2OSeO3, a chiral topological magnet". Journal
of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2019):
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "The influence of preparation conditions on the electrical transport properties of tetrahedrites".
Materials Today: Proceedings (2019):
- Dias, M.; Antão, F.; Catarino, N.; Galatanu, A.; Galatanu, M.; Ferreira, P.; Correia, J.B.; et al. "Sintering and irradiation
of copper-based high entropy alloys for nuclear fusion". Fusion Engineering and Design (2019):
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "CuxCrFeMoTi (x¿=¿0.21, 0.44, 1) high entropy alloys as novel materials for fusion applications".
Materials Science and Engineering: B (2018):
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "Eu Valence in EuAg5-xGax (x=0.5 and 1)". Acta Physica Polonica A (2018):
- António P. Gonçalves; Elsa B. Lopes; Maria F. Montemor; Judith Monnier; Bertrand Lenoir. "Oxidation Studies of Cu12Sb3.9Bi0.1S10Se3
Tetrahedrite". Journal of Electronic Materials 47 5 (2018): 2880-2889.
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "Short range order of As 40-x Cu x Te 60 glasses". Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2018):
- António Pereira Gonçalves. "Stabilization of Metastable Thermoelectric Crystalline Phases by Tuning the Glass Composition
in the Cu–As–Te System". Inorganic Chemistry (2018):
- Soner Steiner; Gerda Rogl; Herwig Michor; Peter Rogl; Gerald Giester; Antonio Pereira Gonçalves. "Structure and properties
of a novel boride: ThNi12B6". Dalton Transactions (2018):
- Pavlo Solokha; Riccardo Minetti; Serena De Negri; Laura Cristina J. Pereira; Antonio P. Gonçalves; Adriana Saccone. "The R
MgSn2 Series of Compounds (R = Rare Earth Metal): Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Magnetic Measurements". European Journal
of Inorganic Chemistry 2017 24 (2017): 3040-3047.
- Vaney, J.-B.; Delaizir, G.; Wiendlocha, B.; Tobola, J.; Alleno, E.; Piarristeguy, A.; Gon?alves, A.P.; et al. "Effect of Isovalent
Substitution on the Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of the Solid Solution ?-As2Te3-xSex
(0 ? x ? 1.5)". Inorganic Chemistry 56 4 (2017): 2248-22.
Publicado • 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b02930
- Gon?alves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Monnier, J.; Alleno, E.; Godart, C.; Montemor, M.F.; Vaney, J.-B.; Lenoir, B.; Gonçalves, A.P..
"Tetrahedrites for low cost and sustainable thermoelectrics". Solid State Phenomena 257 257 (2017): 135-138.
Publicado • 10.4028/
- Salamakha, L.; Sologub, O.; Rizzoli, C.; Michor, H.; Goncalves, A. P.; Rogl, P.; Bauer, E.. "Crystal structure and physical
properties of UMo3B7". Intermetallics 85 (2017): 180-186.
- Latka, Kazimierz; Przewoznik, Janusz; Zukrowski, Jan; Verbovytskyy, Yuriy; Goncalves, Antonio Pereira. "Mossbauer and heat
capacity studies of ErZnSn2". Nukleonika 62 2 (2017): 129-133.
- Vaney, Jean-Baptiste; Carreaud, Julie; Morin, Cedric; Delaizir, Gaelle; Piarristeguy, Andrea; Colas, Maggy; Cornette, Julie;
et al. "Thermoelectric properties and stability of glasses in the Cu-As-Te system". Journal of the American Ceramic Society
100 7 (2017): 2840-2851.
- A.P. Gon{\c{c. "Fast and scalable preparation of tetrahedrite for thermoelectrics via glass crystallization". Journal of
Alloys and Compounds 664 664 (2016): 209-217.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.12.213
- Kaczorowski, D.; Verbovytskyy, Y.; Gon?alves, A.P.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Kondo effect in UCu5.5Ga0.5".
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 656 656 (2016): 957-960.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.10.025
- Branco, J.B.; Ferreira, A.C.; Gon?alves, A.P.; Soares, C.O.; Almeida Gasche, T.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Synthesis of methanol using
copper?f block element bimetallic oxides as catalysts and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4) as feedstock".
Journal of Catalysis 341 341 (2016): 24-32.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jcat.2016.06.007
- Vaney, J.-B.; Carreaud, J.; Delaizir, G.; Morin, C.; Monnier, J.; Alleno, E.; Piarristeguy, A.; et al. "Thermoelectric Properties
of the a-As2Te3 Crystalline Phase". Journal of Electronic Materials 45 3 (2016): 1447-1452.
Publicado • 10.1007/s11664-015-4063-3
- Branco, J.B.; Ferreira, A.C.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Soares, C.O.; Gon?alves, A.P.. "Methanol synthesis over binary copper-f block
element intermetallic compounds". Catalysis Communications 84 84 (2016): 103-107.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.catcom.2016.06.011
- Vaney, J.B.; Carreaud, J.; Delaizir, G.; Piarristeguy, A.; Pradel, A.; Alleno, E.; Monnier, J.; et al. "High thermoelectric
performance in Sn-substituted a-As2Te3". Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 12 (2016): 2329-2338.
Publicado • 10.1039/c5tc04267d
- Gonçalves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Villeroy, B.; Monnier, J.; Godart, C.; Lenoir, B.; Gon?alves, A.P.. "Effect of Ni, Bi and Se
on the tetrahedrite formation". RSC Advances 6 104 (2016): 102359-102367.
Publicado • 10.1039/c6ra21482g
- Vaney, J.-B.; Crivello, J.-C.; Morin, C.; Delaizir, G.; Carreaud, J.; Piarristeguy, A.; Monnier, J.; et al. "Electronic structure,
low-temperature transport and thermodynamic properties of polymorphic ß-As2Te3". RSC Advances
6 57 (2016): 52048-52057.
Publicado • 10.1039/c6ra01770c
- Vaney, J.-B.; Carreaud, J.; Delaizir, G.; Morin, C.; Monnier, J.; Alleno, E.; Piarristeguy, A.; et al. "Low-Temperature Transport
Properties of Bi-Substituted ß-As2Te3 Compounds". Journal of Electronic Materials 45 3 (2016):
Publicado • 10.1007/s11664-015-4227-1
- Vaney, J.-B.; Delaizir, G.; Piarristeguy, A.; Monnier, J.; Alleno, E.; Lopes, E.B.; Gonçalves, A.P.; et al. "High-temperature
thermoelectric properties of the ß-As2-xBixTe3 solid solution". APL Materials 4 10
- Henriques MS; Gorbunov DI; Waerenborgh JC; Pasturel M; Andreev AV; Dušek M; Skourski Y; Havela L; Gonçalves AP. "Synthesis
and structural/physical properties of U3Fe2Ge7: a single-crystal study.". (2015):
- ??tka, K.; Przewo?nik, J.; Verbovytskyy, Y.; Gon?alves, A.P.; Latka, K.; Przewoznik, J.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Magnetic properties
of the selected phases from the Eu-Ag-Al and Eu-Ag-Ga systems". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 650 650 (2015): 572-577.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.08.024
- Morin, C.; Corallini, S.; Carreaud, J.; Vaney, J.-B.; Delaizir, G.; Crivello, J.-C.; Lopes, E.B.; et al. "Polymorphism in
Thermoelectric As2Te3". Inorganic Chemistry 54 20 (2015): 9936-99.
Publicado • 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b01676
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; Gon?alves, A.P.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "On the ternary RExMg1-xAl2 (RE = Gd
e Tm), RE3Ag5?xMg11?x, REAg4+xMg2-x, RE4Ag10.3Mg12
and RE4Ag10+xMg3-x (RE = Ce e Nd, Sm) phases". Solid State Sciences 40 40 (2015):
Publicado • 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2015.01.006
- Henriques, M. S.; Berthebaud, D.; Lignie, A.; El Sayah, Z.; Moussa, C.; Tougait, O.; Havela, L.; Goncalves, A. P.. "Isothermal
section of the ternary phase diagram U-Fe-Ge at 900 degrees C and its new intermetallic phases". Journal of Alloys and
Compounds 639 (2015): 224-234.
- Latka, K.; Przewoznik, J.; Zukrowski, J.; Verbovytskyy, Y.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Analysis of heat capacity and Mössbauer data
for LuZnSn2 compound". Nukleonika 60 1 (2015): 97-101.
- Vaney, J.-B.; Carreaud, J.; Delaizir, G.; Pradel, A.; Piarristeguy, A.; Morin, C.; Alleno, E.; et al. "High-temperature thermoelectric
properties of Sn-Doped ß-As2 Te3". Advanced Electronic Materials 1 1-2 (2015):
- Henriques, M.S.; Gorbunov, D.I.; Andreev, A.V.; Prchal, J.; Raison, P.; Heathman, S.; Arnold, Z.; et al. "Structural and electronic
response of U3Fe4Ge4 to high pressure". Journal of Applied Physics 117 11 (2015):
- Henriques, M.S.; Paixão, J.A.; Henriques, M.S.C.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Paix{\~a. "Preparation and crystal structure of U<inf>3</inf>Fe<inf>2</inf>C<inf>5</inf>:
An original uranium-iron carbide". Journal of Nuclear Materials 464 464 (2015): 299-303.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.04.047
- Vaney, J.-B.; Piarristeguy, A.; Ohorodniichuck, V.; Ferry, O.; Pradel, A.; Alleno, E.; Monnier, J.; et al. "Effective medium
theory based modeling of the thermoelectric properties of composites: Comparison between predictions and experiments in the
glass-crystal composite system Si10As15Te75-Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3".
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 42 (2015): 11090-11098.
Publicado • 10.1039/c5tc02087e
- Bauer, E.; Royanian, E.; Michor, H.; Sologub, O.; Scheidt, E.-W.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Bursik, J.; et al. "Superconductivity and
spin fluctuations in the actinoid-platinum metal borides {Th, U}Pt3 B". Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics 92 2 (2015):
- Valério, P.; Silva, R.J.C.; Soares, A.M.M.; Araújo, M.F.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Soares, R.M.; Val{\'e. "Combining X-ray based methods
to study the protohistoric bronze technology in Western Iberia". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section
B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 358 358 (2015): 117-123.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.06.011
- Henriques, M.S.; Ferreira, A.C.; Cruz, A.; Ferreira, L.M.; Branco, J.B.; Brázda, P.; Jurek, K.; Stora, T.; Gonçalves, A.P..
"Preparation of Yb<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> submicron- and nano-materials via electrospinning". Ceramics
International (2015):
- Silva, C.; Vovk, A.; Da Silva, R.C.; Strichovanec, P.; Algarabel, P.A.; Gon?alves, A.P.; Borges, R.P.; et al. "Magnetic properties
of Co-N thin films deposited by reactive sputtering". Thin Solid Films 556 556 (2014): 125-127.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.tsf.2014.01.019
- Gon?alves, A.P.; Henriques, M.S.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Curlik, I.; Il{'; Gonçalves, A.P.; Il'Kovic, S.; Reiffers, M.. "On the
crystal structure and physical properties of the UFeSb2 compound". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 616 616
(2014): 601-606.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.07.153
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Bauer, E.; Michor, H.; Gon?alves, A.P.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "On the ternary UCu6.68Al4.32
phase". Solid State Sciences 34 34 (2014): 69-72.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2014.05.013
- Gorbunov, D.I.; Henriques, M.S.; Andreev, A.V.; Gukasov, A.; Petrícek, V.; Baranov, N.V.; Skourski, Y.; et al. "Electronic
properties of a distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Dy3Ru4Al12". Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics 90 9 (2014):
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; Pereira, M.F.C.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "On the 500 C isothermal section of the ternary Eu-Ag-Ga system up to
33.3 at.% Eu". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 584 584 (2014): 447-453.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.09.092
- Henriques, M.S.; Gorbunov, D.I.; Andreev, A.V.; Arnold, Z.; Surblé, S.; Heathman, S.; Griveau, J.-C.; et al. "Effects of high
pressure on the structural, magnetic, and transport properties of the itinerant 5 f ferromagnet U 2 Fe 3 Ge". Physical
Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 89 5 (2014):
- Gonçalves, A.P.; Godart, C.. "New promising bulk thermoelectrics: Intermetallics, pnictides and chalcogenides". European
Physical Journal B 87 2 (2014):
- Dias, M.; Carvalho, P.A.; Mardolcar, U.V.; Tougait, O.; Noël, H.; Gonçalves, A.P.; No{\. "B-Fe-U phase diagram". Metallurgical
and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 45 4 (2014): 1813-1822.
Publicado • 10.1007/s11661-013-2150-8
- Tkach, I.; Kim-Ngan, N.-T.H.; Warren, A.; Scott, T.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Havela, L.. "Electronic properties of ¿-U and superconductivity
of U-Mo alloys". Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 498 (2014): 14-20.
- Henriques, M.S.; Berthebaud, D.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Lopes, E.B.; Pasturel, M.; Tougait, O.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Gon?alves, A.P..
"A novel ternary uranium-based intermetallic U34Fe 4-xGe33: Structure and physical properties".
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 606 606 (2014): 154-163.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.03.189
- Buehler-Paschen, S.; Pereira Gonçalves, A.; Populoh, S.; König, J.D.. "Advanced thermoelectrics: From materials to devices".
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science 211 6 (2014): 1227-1228.
- Vaney, J.B.; Delaizir, G.; Alleno, E.; Rouleau, O.; Piarristeguy, A.; Monnier, J.; Godart, C.; et al. "A comprehensive study
of the crystallization of Cu-As-Te glasses: Microstructure and thermoelectric properties". Journal of Materials Chemistry
A 1 28 (2013): 8190-82.
Publicado • 10.1039/c3ta11159h
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Contribution to the investigation of the ternary Eu-Ag-Al system". Intermetallics
43 43 (2013): 103-109.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2013.07.013
- Berthebaud, D.; Tougait, O.; Potel, M.; Lopes, E. B.; Waerenborgh, J. C.; Goncalves, A. P.; Noel, H.. "Crystal structure and
electronic properties of the new compound U3Fe4Ge4". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 554 554 (2013): 408-413.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.11.162
- Nunes, D.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Carvalho, P.A.. "Electron diffraction of ThMn12/Th2Zn17-Type structures in the Nd-Fe-Ti system".
Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 5 (2013): 1211-12.
Publicado • 10.1017/S1431927613001748
- Dias, M.; Carvalho, P.A.; Dos Santos, I.C.; Tougait, O.; Havela, L.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "HOLZ rings in EBSD patterns of the
UFeB4 compound: Association with a random distribution of planar defects". Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 5 (2013):
Publicado • 10.1017/S1431927613013366
- Dias, M.; Carvalho, P.A.; Bohn, M.; Tougait, O.; Noël, H.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Liquidus projection of the B-Fe-U diagram: The
boron-rich corner". Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 44 1 (2013):
Publicado • 10.1007/s11661-012-1369-0
- Dias, M.; Carvalho, P.A.; Mardolcar, U.V.; Tougait, O.; Noël, H.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Liquidus projection of the B-Fe-U diagram:
The Fe-rich corner". Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 44 5 (2013):
Publicado • 10.1007/s11661-012-1559-9
- Henriques, M.S.; Gorbunov, D.I.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Havela, L.; Andreev, A.V.; Skourski, Y.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Magnetic, thermal,
and transport properties of single-crystalline U 3Fe4Ge4". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 555 555 (2013): 304-310.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.12.092
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; Pasturel, M.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "On the crystal structure of the CeZn1.35Ga2.65 and CeZnGa4 ternary phases".
Intermetallics 40 40 (2013): 60-64.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2013.04.008
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "On the U-Cu-Al and U-Cu-Ga systems at 600 °c". Intermetallics 33 33 (2013): 16-26.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2012.09.024
- Villeroy, B.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Delaizir, G.; Pereira, C.C.L.; Marçalo, J.; Wang, X.; Andrews, L.; Godart, C.. "Preparation
of dense 13C pellets using spark plasma sintering technique". Materials Research Innovations 17 4 (2013): 289-292.
Publicado • 10.1179/1433075X12Y.0000000062
- Nunes, D.; Goncalves, A.P.; De Hosson, J.T.M.; Carvalho, P.A.. "Structure properties of the YFe11 Mo intermetallic compound".
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49 3 (2013): 1149-11.
Publicado • 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2226906
- Kim-Ngan, N.-T.H.; Tkach, I.; Ma.kova, S.; Goncalves, A.P.; Havela, L.. "Study of decomposition and stabilization of splat-cooled
cubic ¿-phase U-Mo alloys". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 580 (2013): 223-231.
- Henriques, M.S.; Gorbunov, D.I.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Havela, L.; Shick, A.B.; Diviš, M.; Andreev, A.V.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Unusual
5f magnetism in the U2Fe3Ge ternary Laves phase: A single crystal study". Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25 6
- Gonçalves, A.P.; Godart, C.. "Alternative strategies for thermoelectric materials development". NATO Science for Peace
and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics (2013): 1-24.
- Henriques, M.S.; Malnoe, T.; Tougait, O.; Vilar, R.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Isothermal sections of the U-Fe-Sb ternary system".
Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena 194 194 (2013): 21-25.
Publicado • 10.4028/
- Latka, K.; Przewoznik, J.; Verbovytskyy, Y.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Thermodynamic Properties of RZnSn2 (R = Y, Er, Lu) compounds
with HfCuSi2 Structure Type". Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena 194 (2013): 67-70.
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "The BaAl4 structure and its derivatives from the R-Zn-Ga systems". Diffusion and Defect
Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena 194 (2013): 5-9.
- Pereira, C.C.L.; Maurice, R.; Lucena, A.F.; Hu, S.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Marçalo, J.; Gibson, J.K.; Andrews, L.; Gagliardi, L..
"Thorium and uranium carbide cluster cations in the gas phase: Similarities and differences between thorium and uranium".
Inorganic Chemistry 52 19 (2013): 10968-10975.
Publicado • 10.1021/ic401058b
- Borges, R. P.; Ribeiro, B.; Cruz, M. M.; Godinho, M.; Wahl, U.; da Silva, R. C.; Goncalves, A. P.; Magen, C.. "Nanoparticles
of Ni in ZnO single crystal matrix". European Physical Journal B 86 6 (2013):
- Vaney, J.B.; Piarristeguy, A.; Pradel, A.; Alleno, E.; Lenoir, B.; Candolfi, C.; Dauscher, A.; et al. "Thermal stability and
thermoelectric properties of CuxAs 40-xTe60-ySey semiconducting glasses". Journal of Solid State Chemistry 203 (2013):
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; ¿?atka, K.; Przewoznik, J.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Crystal structure and magnetic properties of GdZn2Ga2". Intermetallics
22 1 (2012): 106-109.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2011.10.012
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; ¿?tka, K.; Przewoznik, J.; Leal, N.; Gonalves, A.P.; Ltka, K.. "On the new ternary RZnSn2 compounds with
HfCuSi2 structure type". Intermetallics 20 1 (2012): 176-182.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2011.08.024
- Gonçalves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Delaizir, G.; Vaney, J.B.; Lenoir, B.; Piarristeguy, A.; Pradel, A.; et al. "Semiconducting
glasses: A new class of thermoelectric materials?". Journal of Solid State Chemistry 193 (2012): 26-30.
- Gong, Yu.; Andrews, L.; Gonalves, A.P.; Pereira, C.C.L.; Maralo, J.. "Infrared spectra of Rh 12C and Rh 13C in solid neon
and solid argon". Chemical Physics Letters 528 (2012): 7-10.
- Borges, R.P.; Ribeiro, B.; Costa, A.R.G.; Silva, C.; Da Silva, R.C.; Evans, G.; Gonçalves, A.P.; et al. "Erratum: Magnetic
and transport properties of transition-metal implanted ZnO single crystals (European Physical Journal B (2011) 79 (185))".
European Physical Journal B 85 3 (2012):
- Vejpravová, J.P.; Prokleška, J.; Pospíšil, J.; Kitazawa, H.; Gonalves, A.P.; Komatsubara, T.; Ritter, C.; Isnard, O.; Sechovský,
V.. "Magnetic and transport properties of CePt 3Ge Kondo lattice in crystalline and sub-micron state". Journal of Alloys
and Compounds 520 (2012): 22-29.
- Dias, M.; Carvalho, P.A.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Santos, I.C.; Tougait, O.; Tran, V.H.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Crystal structure and
magnetism of UFe 3B 2". Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 17 (2012): 2649-2653.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jmmm.2012.03.036
- Casaca, A.; Lopes, E.B.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Almeida, M.. "Electrical transport properties of CuS single crystals". Journal
of Physics Condensed Matter 24 1 (2012):
- Wang, Xuefeng; Andrews, Lester; Ma, Dongxia; Gagliardi, Laura; Gonc¸alves, Anto¿?nio P.; Pereira, Cla¿?udia C. L.; Marc¸alo,
Joaquim; Godart, Claude; Villeroy, Benjamin. "Infrared spectra and quantum chemical calculations of the uranium-carbon molecules
UC, CUC, UCH, and U(CC)2". The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 24 (2011): 244313-244313.
Publicado • 10.1063/1.3602325
- Steven, E.; Kiswandhi, A.; Krstovska, D.; Brooks, J. S.; Almeida, M.; Gonc¸alves, A. P.; Henriques, M. S.; Luke, G. M.; Williams,
T. J.. "Robust properties of the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe". Applied Physics Letters 98 13 (2011): 132507-132507.
Publicado • 10.1063/1.3572034
- Gonçalves, A. P.; Delaizir, G.; Lopes, E. B.; Ferreira, L. M.; Rouleau, O.; Godart, C.. "Chalcogenide Glasses as Prospective
Thermoelectric Materials". Journal of Electronic Materials 40 5 (2011): 1015-1017.
Publicado • 10.1007/s11664-010-1486-8
- Gonçalves, A P; Estrela, P; de Visser, A; Lopes, E B; Catarino, I; Bonfait, G; Godinho, M; et al. "Single-crystal study on
the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet UZn 12". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 4 (2011): 045602-045602.
Publicado • 10.1088/0953-8984/23/4/045602
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Crystal structure and magnetic properties of YbZn8.3–9.2Ga2.7–1.8 with
BaHg11 structure type". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 3 (2011): 14-17.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.09.137
- Havela, L.; Miliyanchuk, K.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Gaczynski, P.; Lopes, E.B.; Peši¿?ka, J..
"Increase of TC in UFe2+x synthesized by ultrafast cooling". Intermetallics 19 1 (2011): 113-120.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2010.10.006
- Nunes, D.; Colaço, R.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Carvalho, P.A.. "Microstructures and magnetic domain configurations
of NdFe 11Ti and Nd 2(Fe,Ti) 17 aggregates". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 104 4 (2011): 1053-10.
Publicado • 10.1007/s00339-011-6365-5
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; Kaczorowski, D.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "On new ternary phases from Eu-Zn-T (T = Al and Ga) systems". Intermetallics
19 5 (2011): 613-620.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2010.12.011
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Lopes, E.B.; Gonalves, A.P.. "Crystal structure and properties of the new ternary YbZn
xGa 4-x and Yb 3Zn 11-xGa x phases". Intermetallics 19 12 (2011): 1989-1995.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2011.06.019
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Leal, N.; Gonalves, A.P.. "New representatives with BaAl 4, La 3Al 11 and BaHg 11 structure types from
the R-Zn-Ga systems (R = Y, Lu, Gd-Tm)". Intermetallics 19 7 (2011): 1080-1084.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2011.03.011
- Verbovytskyy, Y.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Crystal structure and magnetic properties of YbZn 0.7In 1.3". Journal
of Rare Earths 29 10 (2011): 943-945.
Publicado • 10.1016/S1002-0721(10)60574-1
- Rátkai, L.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Delaizir, G.; Godart, C.; Kaban, I.; Beuneu, B.; Jóvári, P.. "The Cu and Te coordination environments
in Cu-doped GeTe glasses". Solid State Communications 151 21 (2011): 1524-1527.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.ssc.2011.07.037
- Henriques, M.S.; Berthebaud, D.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Lopes, E.B.; Branco, M.B.C.; Noël, H.; Tougait, O.; et al. "Structural and
physical properties of the U 9Fe 7Ge 24 uranium germanide". Intermetallics 19 7 (2011): 841-847.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2010.12.004
- Miranda, Maria; Lemos, Ana; Claro, Ana; Maria João Melo; Miguel, Catarina; Castro, Rita; Solange V Muralha; João A. Lopes;
António Pereira Gonçalves. "The colour of medieval Portuguese illumination: an interdisciplinary approach". r e v i s ta
d e h i s t ó r i a d a a r t e n.º e s p e c i a l - 2 0 1 1 Serie W nº 1 (2011): 228-245.
- Borges, R. P.; Ribeiro, B.; Costa, A. R.G.; Silva, C.; da Silva, R. C.; Evans, G.; Gonçalves, A. P.; Cruz, M. M.; Godinho,
M.. "Magnetic and transport properties of transition-metal implanted ZnO single crystals". The European Physical Journal
B 79 2 (2010): 185-195.
Publicado • 10.1140/epjb/e2010-10512-3
- Gonçalves, A P; Henriques, M S; Waerenborgh, J C; Pereira, L C J; Lopes, E B; Almeida, M; Mašková, S; et al. "Peculiarities
of U-based Laves phases". IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 9 1 (2010): 012090-012090.
Publicado • 10.1088/1757-899X/9/1/012090
- Wang, Xuefeng; Andrews, Lester; Malmqvist, Per-Åke; Roos, Bjo¨rn O.; Gonc¸alves, Anto¿?nio P.; Pereira, Cla¿?udia C. L.; Marc¸alo,
Joaquim; Godart, Claude; Villeroy, Benjamin. "Infrared Spectra and Quantum Chemical Calculations of the Uranium Carbide Molecules
UC and CUC with Triple Bonds". Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 24 (2010): 8484-8488.
Publicado • 10.1021/ja102475t
- Dias, M.; Carvalho, P.A.; Sologub, O.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Santos, I.C.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Studies on the new UFe2B6 phase".
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 492 1-2 (2010): 13-15.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.11.079
- Dias, M.; Carvalho, P. A.; Dias, A. P.; Bohn, M.; Franco, N.; Tougait, O.; Noël, H.; Gonçalves, A. P.. "Cascade of Peritectic
Reactions in the B-Fe-U System". Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 31 2 (2010): 104-112.
Publicado • 10.1007/s11669-009-9642-7
- Sologub, O; Rogl, P; Bauer, E; Hilscher, G; Michor, H; Royanian, E; Giester, G; Goncalves, A P. "The system uranium–palladium–boron
with U 2.5 Pd 20.5 B 6 , a new heavy fermion
compound". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 12 (2010): 125601-125601.
Publicado • 10.1088/0953-8984/22/12/125601
- Goncalves, Antonio Pereira; Lopes, Elsa Branco; Rouleau, Olivier; Godart, Claude. "Conducting glasses as new potential thermoelectric
materials: the Cu-Ge-Te case". Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 8 (2010): 1516-15.
Publicado • 10.1039/b908579c
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "The Yb-Zn-Ga system: Partial isothermal section at 400 °C with 0-33.3 at.\% Yb". Intermetallics
18 4 (2010): 655-665.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2009.11.001
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Kaczorowski, D.; Gonalves, A.P.. "Novel RZn2Ga2 (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) intermetallic compounds with BaAl4-type
structure". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 508 1 (2010): 20-23.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.07.227
- Ferreira, A.C.; Ferraria, A.M.; do Rego, A.M.B.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Girão, A.V.; Correia, R.; Gasche, T.A.; et al. "Partial
oxidation of methane over bimetallic copper-cerium oxide catalysts". Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 320
1-2 (2010): 47-55.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.molcata.2009.12.014
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Alves, L.C.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Phase relations of the Eu-Zn-Al system at 400 °C from 0 to 33.3 at.% Eu".
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 495 1 (2010): 39-44.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.01.108
- Henriques, M.S.; Mora, P.; Cruz, M.M.; Noël, H.; Tougait, O.; Tran, V.H.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Crystal structure and magnetic
properties of UFe5Ga7". Journal of Nuclear Materials 389 1 (2009): 160-163.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2009.01.033
- Miguel, C.; Claro, A.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Muralha, V.S.F.; Melo, M.J.. "A study on red lead degradation in a medieval manuscript
Lorvão Apocalypse (1189)". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 40 12 (2009): 1966-19.
Publicado • 10.1002/jrs.2350
- Nunes, D.; Colaço, R.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Carvalho, P.A.. "Magnetic domain morphologies and wall energy in YFe11Ti crystals".
Materials Characterization 60 12 (2009): 1607-16.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.matchar.2009.09.003
- Afonso, M.L.; Gomes, A.; Carvalho, A.; Alves, L.C.; Wastin, F.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Electrochemical behaviour of uranium (IV)
in DMF at vitreous carbon". Electrochimica Acta 54 28 (2009): 7318-73.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.electacta.2009.07.057
- Branco, J.B.; Dias, C.J.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Thermal studies on oxidation-reduction of LnCu2 intermetallic compounds and their
catalytic behavior for 2-propanol decomposition". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 478 1-2 (2009): 687-693.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.11.113
- Gonçalves, A.P.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Gaczynski, P.; Noël, H.; Tougait, O.. "Spin-glass-like behaviour in the ternary U3Fe4+xAl12-x
uranium-iron aluminide". Intermetallics 17 1-2 (2009): 25-31.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2008.09.003
- Godart, C.; P. Gonçalves, A.; Lopes, E.B.; Villeroy, B.. "Role of structures on thermal conductivity in thermoelectric materials".
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics (2009): 19-49.
- Gonçalves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.P.; Franco, N.; Rouleau, O.; Godart, C.. "New approaches to thermoelectric
materials". NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics (2009): 51-67.
- Royanian, E.; Bauer, E.; Kaldarar, H.; Galatanu, A.; Khan, R.T.; Hilscher, G.; Michor, H.; et al. "The formation, structure
and physical properties of M2Pd 14+xB5-y compounds, with M = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Lu and Th". Journal of Physics
Condensed Matter 21 30 (2009):
- Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "The Yb-Zn-In system at 400 °C: Partial isothermal section with 0-33.3 at.% Yb". Journal
of Alloys and Compounds 486 1-2 (2009): 148-153.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.06.160
- Nunes, D.; Colaço, R.; de Hosson, J.Th.M.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Carvalho, P.A.. "Magnetic microstructure of YFe11Ti
aggregates". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 487 1-2 (2009): 11-17.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.07.150
- Borges, R.P.; Ferreira, P.; Saraiva, A.; Gonçalves, R.; Rosa, M.A.; Gonçalves, A.P.; da Silva, R.C.; et al. "Pulsed injection
metal organic chemical vapour deposition and characterisation of thin CaO films". Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 8-11
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Publicado • 10.1016/j.physb.2008.12.031
- Salamakha, L.P.; Bauer, E.; Mudryi, S.I.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Almeida, M.; Noël, H.. "Isothermal section of the Ce-Au-Sb system
at 870 K". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 479 1-2 (2009): 184-188.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.12.127
- A.P. Gonçalves; E.B. Lopes; A. Casaca; M. Dias; M. Almeida. "Growth of CuS platelet single crystals by the high-temperature
solution growth technique". Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008): 2742-2745.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2008.01.057
- Sologub, O.L.; Salamakha, L.P.; Noël, H.; Roisnel, T.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "On the crystal structure of new series of compounds,
RPt2+xSb2-y (x = 0.125, y = 0.25; R = La, Ce, Pr)". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 450 1-2 (2008): 215-221.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.10.073
- Berthebaud, D.; Tougait, O.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Noël, H.. "Phase relations and stabilities at 900 °C in the U-Fe-Si ternary
system". Intermetallics 16 3 (2008): 373-377.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2007.11.007
- Havela, L.; Andreev, A.V.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Šebek, J.; Sechovský, V.; Popov, Y.F.. "Crystal structure and electronic properties
of new uranium intermetallic compound UGa1.85Zr0.15". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 460 1-2 (2008): 83-89.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.06.042
- Henriques, M.S.; Tougait, O.; Noel, H.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Evidence of uranium magnetic
ordering on U2Fe3Ge". Solid State Communications 148 3-4 (2008): 159-162.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.ssc.2008.07.029
- Branco, J.B.; Gonçalves, A.P.; de Mato, A.P.. "Isoprene gas phase hydrogenation catalyzed by ThNi2 and UNi2". Journal of
Alloys and Compounds 465 1-2 (2008): 361-366.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.10.086
- Godart, C.; Lopes, E.B.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Thermoelectric promise of (InxSnx)Co 4Sb12 materials". Acta Physica Polonica
A 113 1 (2008): 403-406.
Publicado • 10.12693/APhysPolA.113.403
- Havela, L.; Miliyanchuk, K.; Pešicka, J.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Šantavá, E.; Šebek, J.; Peši¿?ka,
J.. "Magnetic properties of UFe2+x prepared by splat cooling". Acta Physica Polonica A 113 1 (2008): 247-250.
Publicado • 10.12693/APhysPolA.113.247
- Bauer, E.; Chen, X.-Q.; Rogl, P.; Hilscher, G.; Michor, H.; Royanian, E.; Podloucky, R.; et al. "Superconductivity and spin
fluctuations in { Th,U } Pt4 Ge12 skutterudites". Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 6 (2008):
- L.P. Salamakha; O.L. Sologub; A.P. Gonçalves; S.I. Mudryi; V.B. Kapustianyk; M. Almeida. "Ce(Au,Sb)2 with UHg2 structure type,
a new member of the AlB2 family". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 430 (2007): 175-178.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.05.020
- P.S. Salamakha; E.I. Solomon; J.R. Hester; C. Rizzoli; A.P. Gonçalves; M. Almeida. "Rietveld refinement of the RNi4B compounds
(R = Gd, Tb, Er)". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 439 (2007): 162-165.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.08.265
- M. Almeida; L.P. Salamakha; A.P. Gonçalves. "R(Au similar to Sb-0.75 similar to(0.25))(2) (R = La, Ce, Pr) with UHg2 structure
type, new members of the". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 429 (2007): 140-142.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.04.013
- Sologub, O.L.; Salamakha, L.P.; Noël, H.; Roisnel, T.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "La3Ru8B6 and Y3Os8B6, new members of a homologous
series R(A)nM3n-1B2n". Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 10 (2007): 2740-27.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jssc.2007.02.019
- Miliyanchuk, K.; Havela, L.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Prokeš, K.. "Peculiarities of U2 T2 X hydrides". Journal
of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 2 SUPPL. (2007): 945-947.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.10.157
- Salamakha, L.P.; Sologub, O.L.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Mudryi, S.I.; Almeida, M.. "R(Au~0.75Sb~0.25)2 (R = La, Ce, Pr) with UHg2
structure type, new members of the AlB2 family". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 429 1-2 (2007): 140-142.
- Havela, L.; Miliyanchuk, K.; Kolomiets, A.V.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Šantavá, E.; Prokeš, K.. "5f Magnetism studied
in complex intermetallic U-based hydrides". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 446-447 (2007): 606-609.
- Borges, R.P.; Pinto, J.V.; da Silva, R.C.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Cruz, M.M.; Godinho, M.. "Ferromagnetism in ZnO doped with Co
by ion implantation". Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 2 SPEC. IS (2007):
- Berthebaud, D.; Lopes, E.B.; Tougait, O.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Potel, M.; Noël, H.. "Thermoelectric properties of ternary compounds
from the U-Fe-Si system". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 442 1-2 SPEC. (2007): 348-350.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.10.176
- Berthebaud, D.; Tougait, O.; Potel, M.; Lopes, E.B.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Noël, H.. "Crystal structure and electronic properties
of the new compounds, U6Fe16Si7 and its interstitial carbide U6Fe16Si7C". Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 10 (2007):
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jssc.2007.07.030
- Rizzoli, C.; Sologub, O.L.; Salamakha, L.P.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Structural investigation of the CeRh2Sb2-x compound". Journal
of Alloys and Compounds 431 1-2 (2007): 85-88.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.05.033
- Berthebaud, D.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Tougait, O.; Potel, M.; Lopes, E.B.; Noël, H.. "Novel intermetallic compound UFe5Si3: A new
room-temperature magnet with an original atomic, arrangement". Chemistry of Materials 19 14 (2007): 3441-3447.
Publicado • 10.1021/cm070943w
- Dias, M.; Sologub, O.L.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Crystal structure and magnetism of YPt2B". Journal of Alloys
and Compounds 438 1-2 (2007): 62-65.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.08.044
- Dias, M.; Carvalho, P.A.; Sologub, O.; Tougait, O.; Noël, H.; Godart, C.; Leroy, E.; Gonçalves, A.P.. "Isothermal section
at 950 °C of the U-Fe-B ternary system". Intermetallics 15 3 (2007): 413-418.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.intermet.2006.08.001
- A.P. Gonçalves; L.C.J. Pereira; J.C. Waerenborgh; D.P. Rojas; M. Almeida; L. Havela; H. Noël. "Crystal structure and magnetic
properties of UFe3Al9". Physica B 373 (2006): 8-15.
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- Sério, S.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Almeida, M.; Godinho, M.. "Effect of Fe site distribution on the magnetic properties
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