Identificação pessoal
- Nome completo
- Ana Rita Rego Gouveia Silva Café
Nomes de citação
- Silva, Ana Rita R.
Identificadores de autor
- Ciência ID
- 5217-13A6-2350
- 0000-0003-0689-639X
Endereços de correio eletrónico
- (Profissional)
- Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Biologia & CESAM. Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 , Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal (Profissional)
- (Profissional)
Domínios de atuação
- Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas
- Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Biologia de Água Doce
- Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Biologia
- Ciências Agrárias - Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pescas - Ciência dos Solos
- Ciências Naturais - Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente - Investigação Climática
- Ciências Naturais - Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente - Ciências do Ambiente
Idioma | Conversação | Leitura | Escrita | Compreensão | Peer-review |
Inglês | Utilizador independente (B1) | Utilizador proficiente (C1) | Utilizador proficiente (C1) | Utilizador proficiente (C1) | |
Português (Idioma materno) |
Grau | Classificação | |
2023/11 - 2023/11
Basic Life Support (BLS) and Automated External Defibrillation (AED) course (Outros)
Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, Portugal
20 |
2020/01/02 - 2020/04/30
Maternity leave (Outros)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
CAP: Certified Authorization Professional (certified trainer) (Outros)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
PhD in Biology and Ecology of Global Change (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
"Multigenerational responses in Daphnia magna: pulse and mixture exposures" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Approved by Unanimity |
2013/07/22 - 2013/07/26
Advanced Course: Ecosystem services provided by wetlands: Anthropogenic impacts and Environmental chemistry (Outros)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal
18 |
2012/08/13 - 2012/08/14
Short course on Toxicokinetics (Outros)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal
MSc degree in Apllied Biology, with specialization in Toxicology and Ecotoxicology (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
"Toxicidade e bioremediação de TBT em solos: avaliação com plantas" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
17 |
Degree in Biology and Geology (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
14 |
Percurso profissional
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2023/12/01 - Atual | Investigador Contratado (Investigação) | Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
2023/07/10 - 2023/11/30 | Pós-doutorado (Investigação) | Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
2020/08/15 - 2022/06/30 | Investigador Contratado (Investigação) | Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal |
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2019/01/01 - 2020/08/14 | Research fellow in the project METOXCLIM-Metal contamination in a global warming perspective: effects on soil properties and relation with toxicity changes | Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
2018/04/01 - 2018/12/31 | Research fellow in the project NanoFASE-Nanomaterial FAte and Speciation in the Environment | Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal |
2016/08/01 - 2018/01/31 | Research fellow in the project NANOFARM-Fate and Effects of Agriculturally Relevant Materials | Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
2011/09/01 - 2016/07 | PhD student within the project RePulse - Responses of Daphnia magna exposed to chemical pulses and mixtures throughout generations | Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
Designação | Financiadores | |
2019/01/01 - 2020/08/14 | METOXCLIM - Metal contamination in a global warming perspective: effects on soil properties and relation with toxicity changes
Bolseiro de Investigação
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
2018/04/01 - 2018/12/31 | NanoFASE- Nanomaterial FAte and Speciation in the Environment
Bolseiro de Investigação
European Commission |
2016/08/01 - 2018/01/31 | NanoFARM- Fate and Effects of Agriculturally Relevant Materials
Bolseiro de Investigação
European Commission |
2012/05 - 2015/09 | REpulse- Responses of Daphnia magna exposed to chemical pulses and mixtures throughout generations
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
Designação | Financiadores | |
2023/12/01 - Atual | InsectERA - New bioindustry
gendas PRR - Código 10.29 a era dos insetos
Em curso
2022/02/01 - 2023/06/30 | NETA- New Strategies for Waste Water Treatment
Designação | Financiadores | |
2022/09 - Atual | TERRA - Climate change impacTs in EstaRRejA region
Investigador responsável
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique |
2022/09 - Atual | SENSE - SustainablE Nano StrategiEs for water remediation
Em curso
2019/01/01 - 2019/06/30 | MICROCLIM - Effects of global warming on microbial populations from contaminated agricultural soils in the area of Estarreja
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
2016/10/01 - 2019/04 | WE-NEED-WatEr NEEDs, availability, quality and sustainability”
European Commission |
2018/01/01 - 2018/12/31 | GLOBALTOX: Toxicity of anthropogenic multi-stressed soils under a global warming perspective
2010/09/01 - 2011/07/22 | TBTRESENSE: Tributiyltin (TBT) bioremediation and development of a biosensor to detect TBT from contaminated sites.
PTCRIS: 108024
Bolseiro de Mestrado
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
Artigo em conferência |
Artigo em revista |
Poster em conferência |
Tese / Dissertação |
Apresentação oral de trabalho
Título da apresentação | Nome do evento Anfitrião (Local do evento) |
2024/11/29 | TERRA - Climate change impacTs in EstaRRejA region | 12th Colloquium of Estarreja Observatoire Hommes-Millieux International (OHMI) - Geosciences Department
University of Aveiro
2024/11/29 | TERRA - Climate change impacTs in EstaRRejA region | 12º Colóquio do OHM-Estarreja |
2024/11/26 | Efficacy of a microbial biostimulant in forage plant development in a contaminated soil and climate change scenarios | Congresso Internacional de Microbiologia
University of Aveiro
2024/10/24 | Improving soil quality with olive pomace-based entomofertilizer from Hermetia illucens | XXII National Congress of Biochemistry
University of Aveiro
2023/11 | TERRA - Climate change impacTs in EstaRRejA region. Chapter: What is happening in the soil and aquatic compartment? | 11º Colóquio do OHM-Estarreja
Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2023/06 | The NETA project - New Strategies in Wastewater Treatment: innovation and sustainability for the future | Workshop projeto NATURAL
Universidade de Aveiro
2023/05/05 | Chemical hazards in edible insects - accumulation and elimination of contaminants from the substrate | SETAC Dublin – SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting. 30 April - 5 May 2023 |
2023/05/02 | Circularity in the olive mill wastewater management: evaluation of the wastewater treatment from an ecotoxicological perspective | SETAC Dublin – SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting. 30 April - May 2023
2023/05 | Olive pomace valorization: from an environmental issue to an environmentally friendly solution | Applied Agro-Biotechnology International Meeting |
2022/11 | TERRA - Climate change impacTs in EstaRRejA region | 10th Colloquium of OHM-Estarreja: reflection for a transdisciplinary dialogue in Estarreja
(Estarreja, Portugal)
2022/03 | Carbon dioxide effects on the soil invertebrate Enchytraeus crypticus exposed to metal(loid) contamination. | SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, 15-19 May, Copenhagen |
2021/05 | Ecotoxicity of historically metal(loid)-contaminated soils to Folsomia candida under the influence of climate alterations | SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting, 4-7 May 2021, Virtual conference. |
2021/05 | The effects of different temperature in mercury toxicity to the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus. | SETAC Europe, 31st Annual Meeting, 3-6 May 2021, Virtual conference. |
2021/05 | Effect of different climatic factors on the expression of target genes and biochemical markers in the edaphic invertebrate Enchytraeus crypticus exposed to metal contamination. | IX Simposio sobre Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos CONDEGRES. Virtual Conference |
2019/09 | Will ecotoxicity risks of metal-contaminated soils change with global warming? | XXXII Reunión Nacional de Suelos
(Seville, Espanha)
2019/07 | Metal-contaminated soils: an increasing risk in the context of global warming. | Ciência 2019 - Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2019/05 | Effects of Oil Sands Bitumen Exposure on Aquatic Ecosystems: An Integrated Ecotoxicological Approach | SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland. |
2019/05 | (MICRO)PLÁSTICOS no ambiente: uma ameaça real |
Escola Secundária Júlio Dinis, Ovar
2019/05 | Scaling in ecotoxicological assessment of biochar-amended soil: from single-species test to indoor mesocosms experiment | SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland. |
2018/09 | Multigenerational exposure of Folsomia candida to copper agrochemicals: conventional vs nano-pesticides. | Nanosafety forum for young scientists.
2015/05 | Effects of an environmental relevant concentration of carbendazim on twelve generations of Daphnia magna. - poster spotlight | SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting
(Barcelona, Espanha)
2014/05 | Binary mixture toxicity of triclosan and carbendazim on Daphnia magna - poster spotlight | SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting
(Basel, Suiça)
2013/10/09 | Toxicity of tributyltin (TBT) to terrestrial organisms and its species sensitivity distribution | Workshop within the project TBTRESENSE (PTDC/MAR/108024/2008) - TRIBUTILESTANHO (TBT): MONITORIZAÇÃO,TOXICIDADE E BIORREMEDIAÇÃO
University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
Título / Tema Papel desempenhado |
Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização |
2023/09 - 2024/07 | Unraveling the Impact of Climate Change on Aquatic Ecosystems: Insights from Historically Contaminated Soils in Estarreja
2022/09 - 2023/07 | Novas estratégias no tratamento de águas residuais: uma perspectiva ecotoxicológica.
Orientador de Jaime Lopes
2021/09 - 2022/12 | Assessment of wastewater treatment efficacy: an ecotoxicological and ecological approach
Orientador de José Pinto
2021/09 - 2022/12 | Ecotoxicological assessment of sludge from wastewater treatment
Coorientador de Andreia Pereira
2021/09 - 2022/07 | The effect of multiple climatic factors on the toxicity of historically contaminated soils
2020/10 - 2021/07 | Dynamics of terrestrial invertebrate populations exposed to contaminated soils in a climate change scenario - P
Orientador de Daniela Gomes
Bachelor |
2020 - 2021/07 | The effect of multiple climatic factors on the toxicity
of historically contaminated soils - P
Orientador de Maria Inês Vieira
bachelor |
2020/10 - 2021/01 | Dynamics of terrestrial invertebrate populations exposed to contaminated soils in a climate change scenario
Orientador de Maria João Ferreira
Bachelor |
2020/10 - 2021/01 | The effect of multiple climatic factors on the toxicity
of historically contaminated soils
Orientador de Sara Tavares
bachelor |
Organização de evento
Nome do evento Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação) |
Instituição / Organização | |
2024/09/27 - Atual | Participation in "European researchers' night" at Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva, Aveiro (2024/09/27)
Festival (Outra)
2023/12/06 - Atual | Workshop of "How can we use ecotoxicity tools to evaluate soil functions?" for World Soil Day 2023 - Green Mind Event.
Oficina (workshop)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
2024/12/09 - 2024/12/09 | School activity in Escola Básica Vera Cruz: Insects and environmental sustainability = circularity (2024/12/09)
2019/05 - 2019/05 | “(MICRO)PLÁSTICOS no ambiente: uma ameaça real - theory and practice at Escola Secundária Júlio Dinis, Ovar. (2019/05 - 2019/05) | |
2019/03 - 2019/04 | Receiving students from the Science Club of Júlio Dinis school, Ovar within the project “Águas cinzentas” (2019/03 - 2019/04) | Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
2018/09/01 - 2018/10/05 | Science Fair in Oliveira do Bairro in Aveiro (Portugal) - organization and participation. (2018/10/03 - 2018/10/05) | |
2018/02 - 2018/02 | Biodiversity activity in school "Escola Secundária Homem Cristo, Aveiro" (2018/02 - 2018/02) | |
2016 - 2018 | School visits and students lab visits (from 3y to 18y-old students) - at applee, department of BIology, UA (2016 - 2018) | Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal |
2016/10/13 - 2016/10/15 | Science Fair in Oliveira do Bairro in Aveiro (Portugal) - organization and participation. (2016/10/13 - 2016/10/15)
2013/07 - 2013/07 | Activity in "Academia de Verão" (2013/07) | Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal |
Participação em evento
Descrição da atividade Tipo de evento |
Nome do evento Instituição / Organização |
2023/04 - Atual | "Festa da Primavera já começou na Escola de Santiago" - Atividades sobre biodiversidade na Escola de Santiago, Aveiro
2022/09 - Atual | Participation in "European researchers' night" at Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva, Aveiro | |
2022/07 - Atual | Volunteer at 2nd meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) and the XXI conference of the Iberian Association of
Limnology (AIL)
2nd meeting of SIBECOL and AIL
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2024/10/23 - 2024/10/23 | 1st InsectERA Congress - Insects as a tool for sustainability
1st InsectERA Congress |
2023/07/29 - 2023/07/29 | Participatory session on water and soil in Estarreja, organized by the Agorarisk project - with local population of Estarreja
2021/04/07 - 2021/04/08 | labtalks Conference – Safety, Innovation and Quality in Laboratories
labtalks Conference - Modus Complete |
2018/10/24 - 2018/10/24 | I Workshop de Fármacos no Ambiente: cenários e desafios
Oficina (workshop)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2018/02/27 - 2018/02/27 | Workshop: Sustainable agriculture and the re-thinking of fertilisers’ regulations in a context of circular economy
Oficina (workshop)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2015/03/30 - 2015/04/02 | IV Encontro Nacional de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2014/12/04 - 2014/12/05 | CLIMA 2014- IV Nacional Congress of Climate Changes |
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2013/09/12 - 2013/09/12 | Comet assay - lectures |
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2013/02/27 - 2013/02/27 | Pratical cases of evaluation of contaminated soils. |
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2012/07/25 - 2012/07/25 | Workshop on Environmental stress and host-parasiite relationships
Oficina (workshop)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2012/03/30 - 2012/03/30 | Analytical Chemistry Symposium - Environmental occurrence, persistence and fate of pharmaceuticals,
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2012/02/10 - 2012/02/10 | Emerging pollutants in aquatic environment: analysis, level of contamination and environmental concerns | Centro de Congressos da Alfândega, Porto, Portugal |
2012/01/13 - 2012/01/13 | Toxicology of Non-Essential Metals |
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Geociências, Portugal
2010/02/08 - 2010/02/13 | Workshop: Risk assessment of Contaminated Sites
Oficina (workshop)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal
Júri de grau académico
Tema Tipo de participação |
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau) Instituição / Organização |
2023/12/14 | Light Pollution And Warming: Consequences For Freshwater Invertebrate Girardia tigrina
Filipa Veiga (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2022/12/20 | Ecotoxicological characterization of sludge originated in the treatment of olive oil wastewaters
Andreia Pereira (Mestrado) |
2021/07/28 | Functional and ecotoxicological soil regeneration in abandoned metal(loid) mine tailings from semiarid Mediterranean environments
spontaneously colonized by vegetation (as substitute member)
Antonio Peñalver Alcalá (Doutoramento) |
Arbitragem científica em revista
Nome da revista (ISSN) | Editora | |
2023/02 - Atual | Toxics - Guest editor of a Special Issue: Sub-Lethal Effects of Emerging Contaminants in Terrestrial and Aquatic Invertebrates | MDPI |
2021 - Atual | Water Environment Research | Wiley |
2019 - Atual | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (1090-2414) | Elsevier |
Comissão de avaliação
Descrição da atividade Tipo de assessoria |
Instituição / Organização | Entidade financiadora | |
2024/02 - 2024/02 | Member of the jury committee for the attribution of a scholarship within the SENSE -SustainablE Nano Strategies for water
remediation: Estarreja as a case study - project
2024/01/31 - 2024/01/31 | Member of the jury committee for the attribution of a scholarship from Agendas PRR within the scope of the InsectERA project
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal | |
2022/11/23 - 2022/11/23 | Member of the jury committee for the attribution of a scholarship within the ENTOSAFE -edible insects: from a sustainable
food production to a food safety concern - project
2022/05/30 - 2022/05/30 | Member of the jury committee for the attribution of a scholarship within the "VitroTox - Linking in vitro to in vivo toxicity of pharmaceuticals: An integrative approach" project |
Consultoria / Parecer
Descrição da atividade | Instituição / Organização | |
2021/04 - 2021/04 | Waster sampling and ecotoxicological analysis for Gyptec - Gessos Técnicos, S.A. |
Curso / Disciplina lecionado
Disciplina | Curso (Tipo) | Instituição / Organização | |
2024/07/15 - 2024/07/19 | "How to work with ecotoxicology data - hands on course" - Species Sensitivity Distribution module and support to Mixture toxicity and multiple stressors module - within PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals) project | Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal | |
2022/10/17 - 2022/10/21 | "How to work with ecotoxicology data - hands on course" - Species Sensitivity Distribution module and support to Mixture toxicity and multiple stressors module | Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal | |
2022/07/11 - 2022/07/15 | “How to work with ecotoxicology data – hands on course” - Species Sensitivity Distribution model | Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal | |
2019/07/01 - 2019/07/05 | “Modelling approaches in ecotoxicology” - Species Sensitivity Distribution module | Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal | |
2019/01/28 - 2019/03/12 | "How to work with ecotoxicology data – hands on course" - Species Sensitivity Distribution module | Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal | |
2018/11 - 2018/11 | Support to pratical classes - "Indicadores biológicos de poluição" | Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal | |
2017/11 - 2017/11 | Support to pratical classes - "Indicadores biológicos de poluição" | Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal |
Membro de associação
Nome da associação | Tipo de participação | |
2013 - Atual | Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe) | Membership |
Revisão ad hoc de artigos em revista
Nome da revista (ISSN) | Editora | |
2023/06 - Atual | Ecotoxicology | Springer |
2022 | Best poster award for "Valorization of agricultural wastes as a sustainable approach to improve soil productivity and health:
a case study with tomato" in the Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability congress.
Universidade do Porto GreenUPorto Centro de Investigação em Produção Agroalimentar Sustentável, Portugal
2011 | Best Contributions on the international conference «Protection of agricultural soils against joint stress of natural and anthropogenic factors», Pulawy, Poland: poster |