Identificação pessoal
- Nome completo
- João Francisco Tomaz Santos Botelho
- Data de nascimento
- 1988/05/16
- Género
- Masculino
Nomes de citação
- Botelho, João
Identificadores de autor
- Ciência ID
- 6010-5A73-CB50
- 0000-0002-2771-2345
- Google Scholar ID
- _Sz69QgAAAAJ
Endereços de correio eletrónico
- (Profissional)
- (Profissional)
- (Profissional)
- (Académico)
- (Académico)
- (Académico)
- (Académico)
Domínios de atuação
- Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Microbiologia
- Ciências Exatas - Ciências da Computação e da Informação - Bioinformática
- Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Biologia da Evolução das Espécies
- Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Ciências da Saúde - Doenças Infeciosas
- Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Ciências da Saúde - Saúde Pública e Saúde Ambiental
Idioma | Conversação | Leitura | Escrita | Compreensão | Peer-review |
Português (Idioma materno) | |||||
Inglês | Utilizador proficiente (C2) | Utilizador proficiente (C2) | Utilizador proficiente (C2) | Utilizador proficiente (C2) | Utilizador proficiente (C2) |
Grau | Classificação | |
2021/06/10 - 2021/06/17
Introduction to Containers for Scientific Computing (Outros)
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Alemanha
2021/06/02 - 2021/06/04
Advanced R (Outros)
Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, Alemanha
2021/05/27 - 2021/05/28
R for Beginners (Outros)
Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, Alemanha
2021/05/17 - 2021/05/20
Ontologies – statistics, biases, tools, networks, and interpretation (CBNA L2P1) (Outros)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Alemanha
2021/04/29 - 2021/04/29
High-Performance and Parallel Computing introduction course (Outros)
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Alemanha
2021/01/14 - 2021/01/15
Research Software Development Workshop (Outros)
Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, Alemanha
Ciências Farmacêuticas (Doutoramento)
Especialização em Microbiologia
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
"Carbapenemase producers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: lights on new mobile genetic elements" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
A |
2016/01/20 - 2016/01/22
2nd ESCMID course on the Principles of Molecular Microbiological Diagnostics (Outros)
Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum+, Países Baixos
Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
15 |
Percurso profissional
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2024/12/01 - Atual | Investigador (Investigação) | Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal |
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal | ||
2022/07/27 - 2024/11/15 | Investigador (Investigação) | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Espanha |
Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas, Espanha | ||
2019/04/24 - 2022/06/23 | Pós-doutorado (Investigação) | Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, Alemanha |
2019/01/02 - 2019/03/31 | Pós-doutorado (Investigação) | Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal |
2012/01/16 - 2012/07/15 | Estagiário de Investigação (Investigação) | Universidade de Aveiro CICECO, Portugal |
2011/03/01 - 2011/05/31 | Estagiário de Investigação (Investigação) | Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika w Toruniu Collegium Medicum im Ludwika Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy Wydzial Farmaceutyczny, Polónia |
2009/09/01 - 2011/03/01 | Estagiário de Investigação (Investigação) | Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal |
Designação | Financiadores | |
2025 - Atual | Effective Monitoring and Modelling solutions for data-driven hOlistic management of URBAN water quality
Horizon 2020 |
2022/07/27 - Atual | Coevolution of virus-host interactions and their effect on the microbiome
Investigador Pós-doutorado
Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas, Espanha
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Em curso
2015/01/02 - 2018/12/19 | Carbapenemase producers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: lights on new mobile genetic elements
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Governo da República Portuguesa Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
Designação | Financiadores | |
2024/12/01 - Atual | Exploring core gene redundancy and antibiotic resistance through microbial genomics, mathematical modeling, and deep learning
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2022/07/27 - Atual | Severo Ochoa programme
CEX2020-000999-S (2022–2025)
Investigador Pós-doutorado
Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas, Espanha
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Em curso
2022/09/01 - 2025/08/31 | Optimising Pseudomonas putida as a crop warden. Environmental signals, effector specificity and efficiency of the type VI
secretion system biocontrol weapon
Investigador Pós-doutorado
Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Em curso
2021/01/01 - 2022/12/31 | Bacterial responses to evolution-informed antibiotic therapy - resistance and microbiome monitoring in an interventional study
EXC 2167
Investigador Pós-doutorado
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
2012/01/16 - 2012/07/15 | Development of sustainable selective catalytic oxidation of alkanes
Bolseiro de Mestrado
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
Artigo em revista |
Edição de número de revista |
Poster em conferência |
Pré-impressão |
Recurso online |
Tese / Dissertação |
Apresentação oral de trabalho
Título da apresentação | Nome do evento Anfitrião (Local do evento) |
2024/10/24 | Regions of genome plasticity: a comparative analysis of mobility and retention patterns in bacterial and archaeal pangenomes | IUMS 2024
IUMS (Florence, Itália)
2024/10/24 | Regions of genome plasticity: a comparative analysis of mobility and retention patterns in bacterial and archaeal pangenomes | IUMS24
(Florence, Itália)
2024/10/23 | Timescales and Genetic Linkage Explain the Variable Impact of Defense Systems on Horizontal Gene Transfer - ePoster flash presentation | IUMS 2024
IUMS (Florence, Itália)
2024/10/23 | Timescales and Genetic Linkage Explain the Variable Impact of Defense Systems on Horizontal Gene Transfer | IUMS24
(Florence, Itália)
2023/10/25 | Regions of Genome Plasticity: A Comparative Analysis of Mobility and Retention Patterns in Bacterial and Archaeal Pangenomes | The Local Pangenome 2023
(Alicante, Espanha)
2023/06/27 | The Importance Of Recycling The Sheath Of The Type VI Secretion System (T6SS), A Bacterial Killing Machine And Biocontrol Weapon | XXIX SEM congress (Spanish society for Microbiology)
(Burgos, Espanha)
2023/01 | Assembly and disassembly of a bacterial killing machine and biocontrol weapon. The importance of recycling the sheath of the Type VI secretion system | X Meeting of the Plant Microbiology Group (MiP23)
Spanish Society for Microbiology (SEM) (Nerja, Espanha)
2022/10/20 | The ESKAPE mobilome contributes to the spread of antimicrobial resistance and CRISPR-mediated conflict between mobile genetic elements | SMBEeverywhere GS5 - Evolutionary Genomics of Host-Pathogen Interactions and Antimicrobial Drug Resistance
The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
2022/10/20 | The ESKAPE mobilome contributes to the spread of antimicrobial resistance and CRISPR-mediated conflict between mobile genetic elements | SMBEeverywhere |
2022/02/03 | The ESKAPE mobilome | Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Virtual Conference
The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy/The Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership
2021/05/07 | The ESKAPE pathogens mobilome | Microbial Genomics Workshop
University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Estados Unidos)
2021/05/07 | The ESKAPE pathogens mobilome |
University of Pittsburgh
2021/03/05 | Integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs): what do we know about them? | Seminar at Hildegard Uecker’s lab
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology (Ploen, Alemanha)
2021/03/05 | Integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs): what do we know about them? |
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
2020/12/02 | Crossroads of mobile genetic elements and antibiotic resistance | BLS Seminar Series
Lancaster University (Lancaster, Reino Unido)
2020/12/02 | Crossroads of mobile genetic elements and antibiotic resistance |
Lancaster University
2020/04 | Big data analysis of all bacterial genomes establishes a triple whammy of carbapenemases, ICEs and multiple clinically-relevant bacteria | 30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID)
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) (Paris, França)
2019/08/07 | Antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa – mechanisms, epidemiology and evolution of mobile genetic elements | Seminar at Tal Dagan’s lab
CAU Kiel (Kiel, Alemanha)
2019/08/07 | Antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa – mechanisms, epidemiology and evolution of mobile genetic elements |
Kiel University
2018/11 | An in silico approach to explore the link between carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas spp. and ICE | Antimicrobial Resistance – Genomes, Big Data and Emerging Technologies
Wellcome (Hinxton, Reino Unido)
2017/09 | Two decades of relentless blaVIM-2 producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa dissemination: the decisive role of mobile genetic elements and successful clones | 16th International Conference on Pseudomonas
Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) (Liverpool, Reino Unido)
2017/04/23 | Sequencing the plasmid pJB12 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa reveals Tn6352, a novel transposon associated with mobilization of blaVIM-2 harbouring In58 integron | 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID)
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) (Wien, Áustria)
2015/12 | Unveiling clones and integrons dynamics associated with carbapenemase-producing P. aeruginosa clinical isolates in a Portuguese hospital | Microbiotec’15
Portuguese Society of Microbiology/Portuguese Society of Biotechnology (Evora, Portugal)
2014/02 | Molecular characterization of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates from a Portuguese Hospital | IJUP'14
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2011/02 | Metabolic profiling and bioactivity of Lithospermum diffusum | IJUP'11
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
Título / Tema Papel desempenhado |
Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização |
2022/09/01 - Atual | Virus-host interaction dynamics in the gut microbiome through the analysis of CRISPR arrays
Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas, Espanha
2022/09/01 - 2024/04/15 | Quantifying the effect of CRISPR-Cas immunity on gene gain and loss
Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas, Espanha
2020/10 - 2021/08 | Collateral sensitivity and horizontal gene transfer; an intersection
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Alemanha
Organização de evento
Nome do evento Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação) |
Instituição / Organização | |
2025/04/02 - 2025/04/03 | Co-chair a session on "Microbial Warfare: conflicts between species, strains, and mobile genetic elements" at the Microbiology
Society Annual Conference in Liverpool (2-3 April 2025) - (2025/03/31)
Conferência (Outra)
Microbiology Society, Reino Unido |
2021/05/25 - 2021/05/25 | Webinar ‘Mobile Elements and Antibiotic Resistance’ (2021/05/25 - 2021/05/25)
Seminário (Outra)
2019/05/08 - 2019/05/10 | Evolutionary Biology Meets the Antibiotic Crisis (2019/05/08 - 2019/05/10)
Oficina (workshop) (Outra)
Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, Alemanha |
Participação em evento
Descrição da atividade Tipo de evento |
Nome do evento Instituição / Organização |
2023/06/01 - 2023/06/02 | 4th Griffith's Legacy Meeting - Today’s models, approaches and
2021/10/11 - 2021/10/13 | AMR Hackathon
Oficina (workshop)
AMR Hackathon
Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance, Suécia
2021/09/28 - 2021/09/30 | Genomic population structures of microbial pathogens
Genomic population structures of microbial pathogens
The Royal Society, Reino Unido
2021/09/20 - 2021/09/21 | Career Steps for Postdocs in Academia & Industry
Oficina (workshop)
Career Steps for Postdocs in Academia & Industry
Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, Alemanha
2021/05/06 - 2021/06/08 | Plasmids Around the Globe 2021
Plasmid Biology Society |
2021/04/26 - 2021/04/30 | Annual Conference Online 2021
Microbiology Society, Reino Unido
2020/06/09 - 2020/08/04 | Pseudomonas Seminars, organized by Urvish Trivedi and Cassie Nelson
Júri de grau académico
Tema Tipo de participação |
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau) Instituição / Organização |
2022/02/05 | Evolutionary Relationships and Interactions of Conjugative Antibiotic Resistance Plasmids
Miss Aurelie Tsee Woon Yuen (Doutoramento)
La Trobe University, Austrália
2022/02/05 | Evolutionary Relationships and Interactions of Conjugative Antibiotic Resistance Plasmids
Arguente principal
Aurelie Tsee Woon Yuen (Doutoramento)
La Trobe University, Austrália
Comissão de avaliação
Descrição da atividade Tipo de assessoria |
Instituição / Organização | Entidade financiadora | |
2024/09/03 - 2024/09/20 | Review grant proposal for the National Science Center, Poland
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Bialymstoku, Polónia | |
2023/02/02 - 2023/02/15 | FWO Call for Junior and Senior post-doctoral Fellowships
Universiteit Antwerpen, Bélgica | Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen |
2020/06/30 - 2020/07/21 | Medical Research Council (MRC)-funded fellowships
Imperial College London, Reino Unido | UK Research and Innovation |
2020/01/29 - 2020/03/15 | Research Südtirol/Alto Adige 2019
Università degli Studi di Trento, Itália | Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige |
Curso / Disciplina lecionado
Disciplina | Curso (Tipo) | Instituição / Organização | |
2024/11/11 - 2024/11/11 | Seminar for the Master’s in Applied Microbiology | (Mestrado) | Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal |
2022/11/02 - 2022/11/02 | Seminar for the Master’s in Applied Microbiology | (Mestrado) | Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal |
2015 - 2017 | Curricular unit of Clinical Bacteriology | Master in Clinical Analysis | Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal |
2015 - 2016 | Curricular unit of Microbiological Quality | Master in Quality Control | Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal |
2015 - 2016 | Curricular unit of Bacteriology | Integrated Master's in Pharmaceutical Sciences | Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal |
Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)
Programa | Tema | |
2020/11/13 - Atual | Programme held in Portuguese and named "Conversas de Consultório" | Science communication, focused on the use of antibiotics and how it impacts the society and the environment |
Membro de comissão
Descrição da atividade Tipo de participação |
Instituição / Organização | |
2015 - 2017 | Member of the Pedagogic Council
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal |
Revisão ad hoc de artigos em revista
Nome da revista (ISSN) | Editora | |
2024/07 - Atual | Journal of Applied Microbiology | |
2024/06 - Atual | Drug Resistance Updates | |
2024/05 - Atual | Cell Press Community | |
2023/10 - Atual | JAC-Antimicrobal Resistance | |
2023/09/21 - Atual | Nature Communications | |
2023/08 - Atual | iMeta | |
2023/07 - Atual | Microbiology | |
2023/07 - Atual | The Lancet Regional Health - Europe | |
2023/06/21 - Atual | Microbial Biotechnology | |
2023/04/24 - Atual | NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics | |
2023/02/27 - Atual | Chemosphere | |
2021/10/29 - Atual | Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal | |
2021/04/26 - Atual | Virulence | |
2021/04/10 - Atual | Future Microbiology | |
2021/04/10 - Atual | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | |
2021/01/05 - Atual | Emerging Microbes & Infections | |
2020/11/18 - Atual | Microorganisms | |
2020/10/16 - Atual | BMC Microbiology | |
2020/10/12 - Atual | Communications Biology | |
2020/09/18 - Atual | Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy | |
2020/05/21 - Atual | Antibiotics | |
2020/05/07 - Atual | mSystems | |
2019/12/10 - Atual | Microbial Genomics | |
2019/11/28 - Atual | Infection and Drug Resistance | |
2019/09/27 - Atual | Eurosurveillance | |
2019/08/24 - Atual | Plos One | |
2017/09/11 - Atual | Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | |
2016/01/04 - Atual | Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy |
Tópico | Nome do aluno | |
2014/09 - 2016/12 | Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Acinetocter baumannii isolates resistant to carbapenems | Aymen Mabrouk |
2014/07 - 2014/08 | Molecular characterization of clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to carbapenems | Michael Quinta Brilhante |
2014/05 - 2014/06 | Molecular characterization of clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to carbapenems | Catarina Rocha |
2020 | Kiel Life Science Award for Early Career Postdocs
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Alemanha
2019 | ASM Infectious Disease Fellows Program Award
American Society for Microbiology, Estados Unidos
2015 | Best Oral Presentation at the Microbiotec 15
American Society for Microbiology, Estados Unidos
Outra distinção
2019 | ECCMID Travel grant to attend the 29th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), held in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13-16 April 2019
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Suiça
2019 | FEMS Congress Grant for Early Career Scientists to attend Microbiotec¿19, held in Coimbra, Portugal, 5-7 December 2019
Federation Of European Microbiological Societies, Reino Unido
2018 | Novo Nordisk Fonden Grant to attend the Copenhagen Bioscience Conference 15 - Averting the post-antibiotic era, held in Hillerød,
Denmark, 31 October to 3 November 2018
Novo Nordisk Fonden, Dinamarca
2018 | Wellcome Genome Campus bursary to attend the Antimicrobial Resistance - Bacterial Genomics, Big Data & Emerging Technologies
conference, held in Hinxton, UK, 27-29 November 2018
Wellcome Sanger Institute, Reino Unido
2018 | Wellcome Genome Campus bursary to attend the Antimicrobial Resistance - Bacterial Genomics, Big Data & Emerging Technologies
conference, held in Hinxton, UK, 27-29 November 2018
Wellcome Sanger Institute, Reino Unido
2017 | BSAC Travel grant for the 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), held in Wien,
Austria, 21-25 April 2017
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Reino Unido
2017 | FEMS Congress Grant for Early Career Scientists to attend the 7th FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, held in Valencia,
Spain, 9-13 July 2017
Federation Of European Microbiological Societies, Reino Unido
2017 | Microbiology Society Conference Grant to attend the 16th International Conference on Pseudomonas, held in Liverpool, UK, 5-9
September 2017
Microbiology Society, Reino Unido
2015 | ESCMID Travel grant for the ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course: 2nd Course on Principles of Molecular Microbiological Diagnostics,
held in Maastricht, Netherlands, 20-22 January 2016
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Suiça