Artigo em conferência |
- Benítez, G.E.F.; Parra, V.; Huerta, M.; Marzinotto, A.; Clotet, R.; González, R.; Moreno, A.; et al. "Smartphone application
for quantitative measurement of Parkinson tremors". 2015.
- Torres, R.; Huerta, M.; Clotet, R.; González, R.; Sánchez, L.E.; Rivas, D.; Erazo, M.. "A kinect based approach to assist
in the diagnosis and quantification of parkinson’s disease". 2015.
- Rosado, D.G.; Blanco, C.; Mellado, D.; Jürjens, J.; Sánchez, L.E.. "Foreword". 2014.
- Rosado, D.G.; Blanco, C.; Mellado, D.; Jürjens, J.; Crespo, L.E.S.. "Foreword". 2013.
- Santos-Olmo, A.; Sánchez, L.E.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "A systematic review of methodologies and models for the
analysis and management of associative and hierarchical risk in SMEs". 2012.
- Rosado, D.G.; Crespo, L.E.S.; Blanco, C.; Jürjens, J.. "Foreword". 2012.
- Gallego, A.; Santos-Olmo, A.; Sánchez, L.E.; Fernández-Medina, E.. "Automated security metrics in ISMSs to discover the level
of security of OSs and DBMSs". 2011.
- Rosado, D.G.; Sánchez, L.E.; Jürjens, J.. "Foreword". 2011.
- Santos-Olmo, A.; Sánchez, L.E.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Desirable characteristics for an ISMS oriented to SMEs".
- Rebollo, O.; Mellado, D.; Sánchez, L.E.; Medina, E.F.. "Comparative analysis of information security governance frameworks:
A public sector approach". 2011.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Ruiz, C.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Managing the asset risk of SMEs". 2010.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Parra, A.S.-O.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "MMSM-SME: Methodology for the management of security and
its maturity in SME". 2009.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Villafranca, D.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Management of scorecards and metrics to manage security
in SMEs". 2009.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Villafranca, D.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Practical application of a security management maturity
model for SMES based on predefined schemas". 2008.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Villafranca, D.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Scmm-tool tool for computer automation of the information
security management systems". 2007.
- Sanchez, L.E.; Villafranca, D.; Fernandez-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Developing a model and a tool to manage the information
security in small and medium enterprises". 2007.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Villafranca, D.; Piattini, M.. "MMISS-SME practical development: Maturity model for information systems security
management in SMEs". 2007.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Villafranca, D.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Practical approach of a secure management system based
on ISO/IEC 17799". 2006.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Villafranca, D.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Developing a maturity model for information system security
management within small and medium size enterprises". 2006.
Artigo em revista |
- Rosado, David G.; Moreno, Julio; Sánchez, Luis E.; Santos-Olmo, Antonio; Serrano, Manuel A.; Fernández-Medina, Eduardo. "MARISMA-BiDa
pattern: Integrated risk analysis for big data". Computers & Security 102 (2021): 102155.
- Corral, M.A.; Antonelli, L.; Sánchez, L.E.. "Health Ontology and Information Systems: A Systematic Review". IEEE Latin
America Transactions 15 1 (2017): 103-120.
- Crespo, Luis. "Applying the Action-Research Method to Develop a Methodology to Reduce the Installation and Maintenance Times
of Information Security Management Systems". Future Internet (2016):
- Sánchez, L.E.; Santos-Olmo, A.; Álvarez, E.; Huerta, M.; Camacho, S.; Fernández-Medina, E.. "Development of an expert system
for the evaluation of students' curricula on the basis of competencies". Future Internet 8 2 (2016):
- Santos-Olmo, A.; Sánchez, L.E.; Caballero, I.; Camacho, S.; Fernandez-Medina, E.. "The importance of the security culture
in SMEs as regards the correct management of the security of their assets". Future Internet 8 3 (2016):
- Santos Olmo Parra, A.; Sanchez Crespo, L.E.; Alvarez, E.; Huerta, M.; Fernandez Medina Paton, E.. "Methodology for Dynamic
Analysis and Risk Management on ISO27001". IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 6 (2016): 2897-2911.
- Sanchez Crespo, L.E.; Santos Olmo Parra, A.; Garcia Rosado, D.; Camacho Estrada, S.; Fernandez Medina, E.. "Competency Assessment
of the Engineering Software for the Curricular Orientation of Students". IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 6 (2016):
- Rosado, D.G.; Sanchez, L.E.; Mellado, D.; Fernandez Medina, E.. "Content related to computing security on computer engineering
degree according to international professional certificates". IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 6 (2015): 1951-1960.
- Blanco, C.; Rosado, D.G.; Sánchez, L.E.; Jürjens, J.. "Security in information systems: Advances and new challenges". Computer
Standards and Interfaces (2014):
- Blanco, C.; Rosado, D.G.; Sánchez, L.E.; Jürjens, J.. "Security in information systems: Advances and new challenges". Computer
Standards and Interfaces 36 4 (2014): 687-688.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Santos-Olmo, A.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "Methodological framework for risk analysis in the information
management in SMEs | Marco metodológico para análisis de riesgos en el manejo de información en PYMES". Dyna (Spain)
88 2 (2013): 158-160.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Santos-Olmo, A.; Álvarez, E.; Fernandez-Medina, E.; Piattini-Velthuis, M.. "LOPD Compliance and ISO 27001 legal
requirements in the Health Sector". IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 3 (2012): 1824-1837.
- Rosado, D.G.; Sánchez, L.E.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Jürjens, J.. "Security in information systems: New challenges and opportunities".
Journal of Universal Computer Science 18 6 (2012): 728-731.
- Caballero, I.; Sánchez, L.E.; Freitas, A.; Fernández-Medina, E.. "HC+: Towards a framework for improving processes in health
organizations by means of security and data quality management". Journal of Universal Computer Science 18 12 (2012):
- Mellado, D.; Blanco, C.; Sánchez, L.E.; Fernández-Medina, E.. "A systematic review of security requirements engineering".
Computer Standards and Interfaces 32 4 (2010): 153-165.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Parra, A.S.-O.; Rosado, D.G.; Piattini, M.. "Managing security and its maturity in small and medium-sized enterprises".
Journal of Universal Computer Science 15 15 (2010): 3038-3058.
- Enrique Sanchez, Luis; Ruiz, Carlos; Fernandez-Medina, Eduardo; Piattini, Mario; Ieee,. "Managing the asset risk of SMEs".
Fifth International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security: Ares 2010, Proceedings (2010): 422-429.
Capítulo de livro |
- Sánchez, L.E.; Santos-Olmo, A.; Fernandez-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. "ISMS building for SMEs through the reuse of knowledge".
394-419. 2013.
Livro |
- Guerra, L.A.; Lanzarini, L.C.; Sánchez, L.E.. The electroencephalogram as a biomarker based on signal processing using
nonlinear techniques to detect dementia. 2018.
- Le¿n, S.R.M.; Robles, G.; González-Barahona, J.M.; Sánchez C, L.E.. Considerations regarding the creation of a post-graduate
master’s degree in free software. 2014.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Santos-Olmo, A.; Fernandez-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. ISMS building for SMEs through the reuse of knowledge.
- Rebollo, Oscar; Mellado, Daniel; Enrique Sanchez, Luis; Fernandez-Medina, Eduardo. Comparative Analysis of Information
Security Governance Frameworks: A Public Sector Approach. 2011.
- Sanchez, L. E.; Rosado, D. G.; Blanco, C.; Fernandez-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. Software Engineering: Professional trends.
- Sánchez, L.E.; Santos-Olmo, A.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. Building ISMS through the reuse of knowledge. 2010.
- Blanco, Carlos; Rosado, David G.; Enrique Sanchez, Luis; Fernandez-Medina, Eduardo; Piattini, Mario. ORIENTATION OF SECURITY
- Sánchez, L.E.; Santos-Olmo, A.; Fernández-Medina, E.; Piattini, M.. Security culture in small and medium-size enterprise.
- Enrique Sanchez, Luis; Santos-Olmo Parra, Antonio; Fernandez-Medina, Eduardo; Piattini, Mario. MMSM-SME: Methodology for
the Management of Security and its Maturity in SME. 2009.
- Enrique Sanchez, Luis; Villafranca, Daniel; Fernandez-Medina, Eduardo; Piattini, Mario. Practical application of a security
management maturity model for SMES based on predefined schemas. 2008.
- Sanchez, Luis Enrique; Villafranca, Daniel; Fernandez-Medina, Eduardo; Piattini, Mario. SCMM-tool - Tool for computer automation
of the information security management systems. 2007.
- Sanchez, Luis Enrique; Villafranca, Daniel; Fenandez-Medina, Eduardo; Piattini, Mario. Developing a model and a tool to
manage the information security in small and medium enterprises. 2007.
- Sanchez, Luis Enrique; Villafranca, Daniel; Fernandez-Medina, Eduardo; Piattini, Mario; Ieee Comp Soc. Practical approach
of a secure management system based on ISO/IEC 17799. 2006.