José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues Fuinhas. Concluiu o(a) Título de Agregado em Economia em 2016/06/20 pelo(a) Universidade da Beira Interior, Doutoramento em Economia em 2001/12/19 pelo(a) Universidade da Beira Interior, Mestrado em Economia em 1994/04/15 pelo(a) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia e Licenciatura em Economia em 1987/10/15 pelo(a) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia. É Professor Associado no(a) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia. Publicou 91 artigos em revistas especializadas. Possui 13 capítulo(s) de livros e 2 livro(s). Orientou 6 tese(s) de doutoramento e coorientou 1. Orientou 43 dissertação(ões) de mestrado. Atua na(s) área(s) de Ciências Sociais com ênfase em Economia e Gestão com ênfase em Economia. Nas suas atividades profissionais interagiu com 193 colaborador(es) em coautorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu currículo Ciência Vitae os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: Economic growth; Economic freedom; Globalization; Latin America and Caribben countries; Outliers; ARDL bounds test; Electricity-growth nexus; Ordinary Regime; Special Regime; Spanish electricity system; Toda-Yamamoto causality test; Peak electricity demand; Demand side management; Battery electric vehicles; Renewable electricity generation; Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles; PCSE; Principal component analysis; European union; Energy consumption; Transport sector; Conventional sources; Electricity; Renewable fuels; CO2 emissions; Renewable energy; Fossil fuel dependency; Peak load; Cross-border markets; Electricity consumption; Food consumption; Sustainable development; Meat consumption; ARDL model; Crescimento Económico; Consumo de Energia; Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Sociais::Economia e Gestão; Latin America; Renewable Energy Policies; Panel autoregressive distributed lag; Geração de energia eólica; Mercado de trabalho; PVAR; Impacto; Positivo; Non-renewable energy; Strategy; ARDL; Sustainable Development; ISEW; Europe; Carbon dioxide emissions; Financial development; Oil producing countries; Inflation; Driscoll-Kraay estimator; GDP growth; Road energy consumption; Augmented energy-growth nexus; Panel data; Primary energy consumption; World Energy-growth Nexus; Auto-regressive Distributed Lag Bounds Test,; America, Europe and Central Asia; Asia Pacific; Africa and Middle East; Economic Development; Energy-growth nexus; Nord Pool; Estonia; Sweden; EKC-W; GHG emissions; Panel Data; Renewable Energy; Waste Sector; European Union; Desenvolvimento financeiro; Crescimento econômico; Não linearidade; Electricity - Economic growth nexus; Conventional - Renewable sources; Greece; Electricity mix; Nuclear; France; Net load; Intermittent renewable energy; Combined-cycle plants; Demand surplus; Economic development; Global energy-growth nexus; Short- and long-run elasticities; Asymmetry; steepness; Business cycle; Triples Test; Desenvolvimento de Mercados de Capitais; Inflação.; Painel Var; Pca; Dados Em Painel; Estacionariedade; Sistema Financeiro; Cabo Verde; Desenvolvimento; Gestão de Risco; País Insular; Projeto Agrícola; Corrupção; Índice de Performance Ambiental; Investimento Direto Estrangeiro; Política; Regulação; Electricity generation; Special and ordinary regimes; Granger causality; VAR; Finance; Linearity; Wind power; Energy policy; Oil production; Oil rents; Oil-growth nexus; Macro panels; Econometric; Resource curse; Exports; Fossil fuel; Dynamic regression; OPEC; Oil self-sufficiency; Ardl; Desenvolvimento Financeiro; Emissões de Co2; Não Linearidade; Produção de Petróleo; Contágio; Garch; Metais Preciosos; Var; Volatilidade; Curva de Kuznets; Energia Elétrica; Energias Renováveis; Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos; Gestão de Riscos; Investimento; Planeamento Fiscal; Previsão; Risco-País; Países Produtores de Petróleo; Atividade Económica; Causalidade Granger; Census X-13; Preços do Petróleo; Vec; Crescimento Economico; Não-Lineari

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues Fuinhas

Nomes de citação

  • Fuinhas, José Alberto

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • jafuinhas@gmail.com (Pessoal)

Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Sociais - Economia e Gestão - Economia


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Português (Idioma materno)
Grau Classificação
Economia (Título de Agregado)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Economia (Doutoramento)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Economia (Mestrado)
Especialização em Economia Europeia
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
Economia (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
Percurso profissional

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2018/09/03 - Atual Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2018/09/03 - 2019/02/15 Professor Associado Convidado (Docente Universitário) Universidade da Beira Interior Departamento de Gestão e Economia, Portugal
2018 - 2019 Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2013 - 2019 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2013 - 2019 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2002/01/10 - 2018/09/02 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade da Beira Interior Departamento de Gestão e Economia, Portugal
2013 - 2018 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal

Cargos e Funções

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
1997/01/01 - 2022/03/30 Presidente do Conselho Pedagógico Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2016 - 2017 Coordenação ou direção de centro de investigação, departamento ou equivalente Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2016 - 2017 Coordenação ou direção de centro de investigação, departamento ou equivalente Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2016 - 2017 Coordenação ou direção de centro de investigação, departamento ou equivalente Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2016 - 2017 Coordenação ou direção de centro de investigação, departamento ou equivalente Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2011/01 - 2013/12 Projecto Estratégico - UI 403 - 2011-2012
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designação Financiadores
2019/01/01 - Atual Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais / UIDB/04630/2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011/01/01 - 2013/12/31 Projecto Estratégico - UI 403 - 2011-2012
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Artigo em boletim informativo
  1. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Santiago, Renato. "Impactos Assimétricos da Globalização nas Emissões de CO2 dos Países da América Latina e Caraíbas", FEUC et al. (2019), Retratos da nossa investigação, 2020
Artigo em conferência
  7. Afonso, Tiago; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Determinants of the energy transition: Empirical evidence for OECD countries". Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Energy & Environment: bringing together Engineering and Economics, Guimarães, 2019.
  9. Fuinhas, J.A.; Filipe, M.D.; Belucio, M.; Marques, A.C.. "The relationship between financial development and economic growth in European countries". 2018.
  10. Afonso, Tiago; A. C. Marques; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Saldanha, Marco Mano. "The Interaction Between Electricity Generation sources and economic activity: Evidence from Estonia and Sweden". Trabalho apresentado em 30th International Congress on Applied Economics, Valência, 2017.
  12. Marques, L.M.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "Augmented energy-growth nexus: Economic, political and social globalization impacts". 2017.
  14. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "World Energy-Growth Nexus in Four Aggregates: America; Europe and Central Asia; Pacific Asia; and Africa and Middle East.". Trabalho apresentado em XXX Congreso Internacional De Economía Aplicada (ASEPELT 2016), Valência, 2016.
  15. Serras, F.R.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Evaluating the Impact of New Renewable Energy on the Peak Load - An ARDL Approach for Portugal". 2016.
  16. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Gaspar, J.D.S.. "On the Nexus of Energy Use - Economic Development: A Panel Approach". 2016.
  17. Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "COULD THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SECTORIAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION CONSTITUTE AN OBSTACLE TO CUT OFF THE EXTERNAL ENERGY DEPENDENCE". Trabalho apresentado em ASEPELT2016, Valencia, 2016.
  18. Afonso, Tiago; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Renewable energy is causing economic growth? An empirical study upon countries with a barrier to diversify energy sources". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics, Aveiro, 2015.
  19. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "The globe energy-growth nexus: a short and long-run analysis". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics (ME3), Aveiro, 2015.
  21. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "On the global energy consumption and economic growth nexus: a long ARDL bounds test approach". Trabalho apresentado em 14th IAEE European Conference, Rome, 2014.
Artigo em revista
  1. Negin Entezari; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Measuring wholesale electricity price risk from climate change: Evidence from Portugal". Utilities Policy (2024): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2024.101837.
  2. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Narges Salehnia; Nuno Silva; Magdalena Radulescu. "Revealing the essential and sufficient conditions for the energy consumption diversification". Energy (2024): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2024.133601.
  3. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Volkan Kaymaz; Daniela Castilho. "Cancer Mortality Among Women in the European Union: A Comprehensive Analysis of Economic, Social, and Health Factors". Qeios (2024): https://doi.org/10.32388/12YVRJ.4.
  4. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Volkan Kaymaz; Daniela Castilho. "Cancer Mortality Among Women in the European Union: A Comprehensive Analysis of Economic, Social, and Health Factors". Qeios (2024): https://doi.org/10.32388/12YVRJ.3.
  5. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Volkan Kaymaz; Daniela Castilho. "Cancer Mortality Among Women in the European Union: A Comprehensive Analysis of Economic, Social, and Health Factors". Qeios (2024): https://doi.org/10.32388/12YVRJ.2.
  6. Negin Entezari; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Quantifying the Impact of Risk on Market Volatility and Price: Evidence from the Wholesale Electricity Market in Portugal". Sustainability (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/su16072691.
  7. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Anna Auza; Daniela Castilho; Volkan Kaymaz. "Environmental Governance and Gender Inclusivity: Analyzing the Interplay of PM2.5 and Women’s Representation in Political Leadership in the European Union". Sustainability (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/su16062492.
  8. Silva, N; Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Kazemzadeh, E. "What are the causal conditions that lead to high or low environmental performance? A worldwide assessment". Environmental Impact Assessment Review (2024):
  9. Monteiro, JD; Belucio, M; Fuinhas, JA. "The impact of BMI on life expectancy in Portugal". ACTA SCIENTIARUM-HEALTH SCIENCES (2024): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-00Z-ZXC.
  10. Matheus Belucio; José Alberto Fuinhas; Carlos Vieira. "How does the economy affect a religious phenomenon? A panel approach to international pilgrimages to the Shrine of Fátima". European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation (2023): https://doi.org/10.2478/ejthr-2023-0010.
  11. Nuno Silva; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Emad Kazemzadeh; Volkan Kaymaz. "Renewable energy deployment in Europe: Do politics matter?". Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03839-0.
  12. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Narges Salehnia; Matheus Koengkan; Nuno Silva. "Assessing influential factors for ecological footprints: A complex solution approach". Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137574.
  13. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Fernanda Paula Oliveira; Ugur Ursavas; Natália Moreno. "Building a Sustainable Future: How Eco-Friendly Homes Are Driving Local Economic Development in Lisbon Metropolitan Area". Energies (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/en16134855.
  14. Anna Auza; Jose Alberto Fuinhas. "Russian Doll of Sustainability: Factor Endowments, Democratic Political Equality and Income Inequality in the Post-Communist Central and Eastern European Countries". The Singapore Economic Review (2023): https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217590823500376.
  15. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Mohammad Taher Ahmadi Shadmehri. "Relationship between the share of renewable electricity consumption, economic complexity, financial development, and oil prices: A two-step club convergence and PVAR model approach". International Economics (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inteco.2022.12.001.
  16. Aamir Javed; José Alberto Fuinhas; Agnese Rapposelli. "Asymmetric Nexus between Green Technology Innovations, Economic Policy Uncertainty, and Environmental Sustainability: Evidence from Italy". Energies (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/en16083557.
  17. Matheus Koengkan; Nuno Silva; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Assessing Energy Performance Certificates for Buildings: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) of Portuguese Municipalities". Energies (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/en16073240.
  18. Daniel Machado; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Income Inequality and Economic Freedom Revisited: Are Freedom and Equality Conflicting Values? Evidence from the twenty-first Century". International Economic Journal (2023): https://doi.org/10.1080/10168737.2023.2212251.
  19. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Masoud Shirazi; Matheus Koengkan; Nuno Silva. "Does economic complexity increase energy intensity?". Energy Efficiency (2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-023-10104-w.
  20. José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Renato Filipe de Barros Santiago. "Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth—Special Issue". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su15065260.
  21. Masoud Shirazi; José Alberto Fuinhas; Nuno Silva. "Sustainable economic development and geopolitics: The role of energy trilemma policies". Sustainable Development (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2523.
  22. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Anna Auza; Ugur Ursavas. "The Impact of Energy Efficiency Regulations on Energy Poverty in Residential Dwellings in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area: An Empirical Investigation". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054214.
  23. Ângela Sofia Laiginhas Pina; José Alberto Fuinhas; Zélia Serrasqueiro; Matheus Belucio. "How Do Economic Growth and Terrorism Affect Tourism in the Council of Europe Countries?". Tourism (2023): https://doi.org/10.37741/t.71.1.4.
  24. Daniel Francisco Pais; António Cardoso Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas. "How to Promote Healthier and More Sustainable Food Choices: The Case of Portugal". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043868.
  25. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Magdalena Radulescu; Emad Kazemzadeh; Nooshin Karimi Alavijeh; Renato Santiago; Mônica Teixeira. "Assessing the Role of Financial Incentives in Promoting Eco-Friendly Houses in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area—Portugal". Energies (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/en16041839.
  26. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Magdalena Radulescu; Matheus Koengkan; Nuno Silva. "The heterogeneous impact of the environmental policy stringency on premature indoor and outdoor deaths from air pollution in the G7 countries: Do economic complexity and green innovation matter?". Atmospheric Pollution Research (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2023.101664.
  27. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Narges Salehnia; Fariba Osmani. "The effect of economic complexity, fertility rate, and information and communication technology on ecological footprint in the emerging economies: a two-step stirpat model and panel quantile regression". Quality & Quantity (2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-022-01373-1.
  28. Fuinhas, JA; Silva, N; Duarte, J. "On the interdependencies between mortgage, credit card and auto loans delinquency rates: evidence from the US states plus the District of Columbia". STUDIES IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE (2023):
  29. Bellucio, Matheus; Machado, Victor; Rodrigues, Gustavo; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "Is religious tourism in the Shrine of Aparecida (Brazil) affected by economic and climatic conditions?". (2023): http://hdl.handle.net/10174/33535.
  30. Bellucio, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "The City of Fatima: History, Development and Economic Perspectives". (2023): http://hdl.handle.net/10174/33538.
  31. Bellucio, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "São as visitas turístico-religiosas da cidade santuário de Aparecida influenciadas por fatores económicos e pela busca por informação?". (2023): http://hdl.handle.net/10174/33536.
  32. Bellucio, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "A importância das visitas turístico-religiosas para a economia local de Fátima (Portugal)". (2023): http://hdl.handle.net/10174/33533.
  33. Bellucio, Matheus; Santos, Glauber; Duarte, Marco; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "Socioeconomic Determinants of Pilgrimages: A Var Approach to the Portuguese Case of Fatima". (2023): http://hdl.handle.net/10174/33534.
  34. da Guarda, FRB; Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Impact of a health promotion program on hospital admission expenses for stroke in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco". Journal of Public Health (Germany) (2023):
  35. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Vieira, I. "The Asymmetric Impact of Energy’s Paradigm Transition on Environmental Degradation: a Macroeconomic Evidence from Latin American and the Caribbean Countries". Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2023):
  36. Fonseca, AJdS; Castro, R; Santos Júnior, EP; Maurício, CFB; Gehrke, CS; Gomes, FdSV; Fuinhas, JA; Coelho Junior, LM. "Análise dos custos de capital para uma termoelétrica a óleo combustível no Nordeste brasileiro: uma aplicação do WACC e CAPM". International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism (2023):
  37. Kazemzadeh, E; Fuinhas, JA; Salehnia, N; Koengkan, M; Silva, N. "Exploring necessary and sufficient conditions for carbon emission intensity: a comparative analysis". ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2023):
  38. Silva, N.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Shirazi, M.. "On the link between shadow economy and carbon dioxide emissions: an analysis of homogeneous groups of countries". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 53 (2023): 114336-114357. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85174527141&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  39. Koengkan, M.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "The influence of gender inequality on women’s cancer mortality in European countries: a quantitative study". Journal of Public Health (Germany) (2023): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85179939571&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  40. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Narges Salehnia; Matheus Koengkan; Masoud Shirazi; Fariba Osmani. "Factors driving CO2 emissions: the role of energy transition and brain drain". Environment, Development and Sustainability (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02780-y.
  41. Nuno Carlos Leitão; Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. "The Role of Intra-Industry Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Renewable Energy on Portuguese Carbon Dioxide Emissions". Sustainability (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/su142215131.
  42. Fatemeh Dehdar; Nuno Silva; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Nazia Nazeer. "The Impact of Technology and Government Policies on OECD Carbon Dioxide Emissions". Energies (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/en15228486.
  43. Iyabo Adeola Olanrele; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Assessment of renewable electricity adoption in sub-Saharan Africa". Energy & Environment (2022): https://doi.org/10.1177/0958305X221118878.
  44. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Heterogeneous Effect of “Eco-Friendly” Dwellings on Transaction Prices in Real Estate Market in Portugal". Energies (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/en15186784.
  45. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Fariba Osmani. "The Heterogeneous Effect of Economic Complexity and Export Quality on the Ecological Footprint: A Two-Step Club Convergence and Panel Quantile Regression Approach". Sustainability (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/su141811153.
  46. Emad Kazemzadeh; Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Mônica Teixeira; Alexandre Mejdalani. "Heterogeneous Impact of Electrification of Road Transport on Premature Deaths from Outdoor Air Pollution: A Macroeconomic Evidence from 29 European Countries". World Electric Vehicle Journal (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj13080155.
  47. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Belucio; Emad Kazemzadeh; Yormy Eliana Melo Poveda; Nooshin Karimi Alavijeh; Renato Santiago. "The Consequences of Gender Inequality on Latin America’s Economic Growth: Macroeconomic Evidence". Sexes (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/sexes3030030.
  48. Matheus Belucio; Renato Santiago; José Alberto Fuinhas; Luiz Braun; José Antunes. "The Impact of Natural Gas, Oil, and Renewables Consumption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions: European Evidence". Energies (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/en15145263.
  49. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Does the Obesity Problem Increase Environmental Degradation? Macroeconomic and Social Evidence from the European Countries". Economies 10 6 (2022): 131-131. https://doi.org/10.3390/economies10060131.
  50. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Emad Kazemzadeh. "Do financial incentive policies for renewable energy development increase the economic growth in Latin American and Caribbean countries?". Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment (2022): 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/20430795.2022.2031849.
  51. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Mônica Teixeira; emad kazemzadeh; Anna Auza; Fatemeh Dehdar; Fariba Osmani. "The Capacity of Battery-Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles to Mitigate CO2 Emissions: Macroeconomic Evidence from European Union Countries". World Electric Vehicle Journal (2022): https://www.mdpi.com/2032-6653/13/4/58.
  52. Emad Kazemzadeh; Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Effect of Battery-Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles on PM2.5 Emissions in 29 European Countries". Sustainability 14 4 (2022): 2188-2188. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14042188.
  53. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Belucio; Nooshin Karimi Alavijeh; Nasrin Salehnia; Daniel Machado; Vinícius Silva; Fatemeh Dehdar. "The Impact of Battery-Electric Vehicles on Energy Consumption: A Macroeconomic Evidence from 29 European Countries". World Electric Vehicle Journal (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj13020036.
  54. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Fariba Osmani; Nuno Silva. "Do energy efficiency and export quality affect the ecological footprint in emerging countries? A two-step approach using the SBM–DEA model and panel quantile regression". Environment Systems and Decisions (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-022-09846-2.
  55. José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Nuno Silva; Emad Kazemzadeh; Anna Auza; Renato Santiago; Mônica Teixeira; Fariba Osmani. "The Impact of Energy Policies on the Energy Efficiency Performance of Residential Properties in Portugal". Energies 15 3 (2022): 802-802. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15030802.
  56. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Kazemzadeh, E; Alavijeh, NK; de Araujo, SJ. "The impact of renewable energy policies on deaths from outdoor and indoor air pollution: Empirical evidence from Latin American and Caribbean countries". Energy (2022):
  57. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Kazemzadeh, E; Osmani, F; Alavijeh, NK; Auza, A; Teixeira, M. "Measuring the economic efficiency performance in Latin American and Caribbean countries: An empirical evidence from stochastic production frontier and data envelopment analysis". International Economics (2022):
  58. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Osmani, F; Kazemzadeh, E; Auza, A; Alavijeh, NK; Teixeira, M. "Do financial and fiscal incentive policies increase the energy efficiency ratings in residential properties? A piece of empirical evidence from Portugal". ENERGY (2022):
  59. Pais, DF; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "The cost of healthier and more sustainable food choices: Do plant-based consumers spend more on food?". AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD ECONOMICS (2022):
  60. Koengkan, M; Kazemzadeh, E; Fuinhas, JA; Tash, MNS. "Heterogeneous impact of eco-innovation on premature deaths resulting from indoor and outdoor air pollution: empirical evidence from EU29 countries". ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2022):
  61. Shirazi, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Portfolio decisions of primary energy sources and economic complexity: The world's large energy user evidence". Renewable Energy (2022):
  62. Dehdar F.; Fuinhas J.A.; Karimi Alavijeh N.; Nazeer N.; Zangoei S.. "Investigating the determinants of carbon emissions in the USA: a state-level analysis". Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022):
  63. Shirazi, Masoud; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Portfolio decisions of primary energy sources and economic complexity: The world's large energy user evidence". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/103664.
  64. Leitão, Nuno Carlos; Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "The Role of Intra-Industry Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Renewable Energy on Portuguese Carbon Dioxide Emissions". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/103666.
  65. Dehdar, Fatemeh; Silva, Nuno; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Koengkan, Matheus; Nazeer, Nazia. "The Impact of Technology and Government Policies on OECD Carbon Dioxide Emissions". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/103665.
  66. Kazemzadeh, Emad; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Salehnia, Narges; Koengkan, Matheus; Shirazi, Masoud; Osmani, Fariba. "Factors driving CO2 emissions: the role of energy transition and brain drain". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/103985.
  67. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Koengkan, Matheus; Silva, Nuno; Kazemzadeh, Emad; Auza, Anna; Santiago, Renato; Teixeira, Mónica; Osmani, Fariba. "The Impact of Energy Policies on the Energy Efficiency Performance of Residential Properties in Portugal". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101052.
  68. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Belucio, Matheus; Kazemzadeh, Emad; Poveda, Yormy Eliana Melo; Alavijeh, Nooshin Karimi; Santiago, Renato. "The Consequences of Gender Inequality on Latin America’s Economic Growth: Macroeconomic Evidence". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101078.
  69. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Kazemzadeh, Emad; Osmani, Fariba; Alavijeh, Nooshin Karimi; Auza, Anna; Teixeira, Mónica Martins. "Measuring the economic efficiency performance in Latin American and Caribbean countries: An empirical evidence from stochastic production frontier and data envelopment analysis". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101478.
  70. Dehdar, Fatemeh; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Karimi Alavijeh, Nooshin; Nazeer, Nazia; Zangoei, Samane. "Investigating the determinants of carbon emissions in the USA: a state-level analysis". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/103397.
  71. Belucio, Matheus; Santiago, Renato; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Braun, Luiz; Antunes, José. "The Impact of Natural Gas, Oil, and Renewables Consumption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions: European Evidence". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/100949.
  72. Kazemzadeh, Emad; Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Effect of Battery-Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles on PM2.5 Emissions in 29 European Countries". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/100471.
  73. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Kazemzadeh, Emad; Alavijeh, Nooshin Karimi; de Araujo, Saulo Jardim. "The impact of renewable energy policies on deaths from outdoor and indoor air pollution: Empirical evidence from Latin American and Caribbean countries". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101525.
  74. Pais, Daniel Francisco; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "The cost of healthier and more sustainable food choices: Do plant-based consumers spend more on food?". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101072.
  75. Kazemzadeh, Emad; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Koengkan, Matheus; Osmani, Fariba; Silva, Nuno. "Do energy efficiency and export quality affect the ecological footprint in emerging countries? A two-step approach using the SBM–DEA model and panel quantile regression". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101570.
  76. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Teixeira, Mónica Martins; Kazemzadeh, Emad; Auza, Anna; Dehdar, Fatemeh; Osmani, Fariba. "The Capacity of Battery-Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles to Mitigate CO2 Emissions: Macroeconomic Evidence from European Union Countries". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101054.
  77. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Belucio, Matheus; Alavijeh, Nooshin Karimi; Salehnia, Nasrin; Machado, Daniel; Silva, Vinícius; Dehdar, Fatemeh. "The Impact of Battery-Electric Vehicles on Energy Consumption: A Macroeconomic Evidence from 29 European Countries". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101053.
  78. Kazemzadeh, Emad; Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Teixeira, Mónica Martins; Mejdalani, Alexandre. "Heterogeneous Impact of Electrification of Road Transport on Premature Deaths from Outdoor Air Pollution: A Macroeconomic Evidence from 29 European Countries". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101202.
  79. Kazemzadeh, Emad; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Koengkan, Matheus; Osmani, Fariba; Silva, Nuno. "Do energy efficiency and export quality affect the ecological footprint in emerging countries? A two-step approach using the SBM–DEA model and panel quantile regression". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/104014.
  80. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Heterogeneous Effect of “Eco-Friendly” Dwellings on Transaction Prices in Real Estate Market in Portugal". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101869.
  81. Kazemzadeh, Emad; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Koengkan, Matheus; Osmani, Fariba. "The Heterogeneous Effect of Economic Complexity and Export Quality on the Ecological Footprint: A Two-Step Club Convergence and Panel Quantile Regression Approach". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101761.
  82. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Osmani, Fariba; Kazemzadeh, Emad; Auza, Anna; Alavijeh, Nooshin Karimi; Teixeira, Mónica Martins. "Do financial and fiscal incentive policies increase the energy efficiency ratings in residential properties? A piece of empirical evidence from Portugal". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101086.
  83. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Does the Obesity Problem Increase Environmental Degradation? Macroeconomic and Social Evidence from the European Countries". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/100954.
  84. Koengkan, Matheus; Kazemzadeh, Emad; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Tash, Mohammad Nabi Shahiki. "Heterogeneous impact of eco-innovation on premature deaths resulting from indoor and outdoor air pollution: empirical evidence from EU29 countries". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/101091.
  85. Olanrele, Iyabo Adeola; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Assessment of renewable electricity adoption in sub-Saharan Africa". (2022): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/103396.
  86. Santiago, R.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Koengkan, M.; Marques, A.C.. "What effect does public and private capital have on income inequality? The case of the Latin America and Caribbean region". Latin American Economic Review 31 (2022): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85125098686&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  87. Pais, D.F.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Erratum to “Drivers of a new dietary transition towards a sustainable and healthy future” [Clean. Responsible Consum. (2021) 100025] (Cleaner and Responsible Consumption (2021) 3, (S266678432100019X), (10.1016/j.clrc.2021.100025))". Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 4 (2022): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85123783955&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  88. José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Nuno Carlos Leitão; Chinazaekpere Nwani; Gizem Uzuner; Fatemeh Dehdar; Stefania Relva; Drielli Peyerl. "Effect of Battery Electric Vehicles on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 29 European Union Countries". Sustainability (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/su132413611.
  89. Belucio, Matheus; De Oliveira Santos, Glauber Eduardo; Duarte, Marco Daniel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Vieira, Carlos. "Determinantes Socioeconómicos das Peregrinações: Uma Abordagem Var do Caso Português de Fátima". RPER 56 (2021): 43-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.59072/rper.vi56.160.
    Publicado • 10.59072/rper.vi56.160
  90. Nuno Silva; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan. "Assessing the advancement of new renewable energy sources in Latin American and Caribbean countries". Energy 237 (2021): 121611-121611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.121611.
  91. Daniel Francisco Pais; António Cardoso Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Drivers of a new dietary transition towards a sustainable and healthy future". Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 3 (2021): 100025-100025. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clrc.2021.100025.
  92. Luís Miguel Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas; António Cardoso Marques. "China’s Effect on World Energy-Growth Nexus: Spillovers Evidence from Financial Development and CO2 Emissions". Economies (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/economies9040136.
  93. Ernesto Ferreira; José Alberto Fuinhas; Victor Moutinho. "An investigation of the environmental Kuznets relationship in BRICS countries at a sectoral economic level". Energy Systems (2021): https://doi.org/10.1007/s12667-021-00459-3.
  94. Emad Kazemzadeh; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan. "The impact of income inequality and economic complexity on ecological footprint: an analysis covering a long-time span". Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (2021): https://doi.org/10.1080/21606544.2021.1930188.
  95. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Nuno Silva. "Exploring the capacity of renewable energy consumption to reduce outdoor air pollution death rate in Latin America and the Caribbean region". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 2 (2021): 1656-1674. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-10503-x.
  96. Afonso, TL; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "Does energy efficiency and trade openness matter for energy transition? Empirical evidence for countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development". ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY (2021):
  97. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Belucio, M. "Exploring the causality between economic growth, financial development and inflation in sixteen high-income countries". Revista de Estudos Sociais (2021):
  98. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Does the overweight epidemic cause energy consumption? A piece of empirical evidence from the European region". ENERGY (2021):
  99. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Vieira, I. "The Reaction of the Consumption of Fossil Fuels to Trade Openness in Latin America & the Caribbean Countries". Revista de Estudos Sociais (2021):
  100. Castilho, D; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. "The impacts of the tourism sector on the eco-efficiency of the Latin American and Caribbean countries". SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING SCIENCES (2021):
  101. Madeira, A; Moutinho, V; Fuinhas, JA. "Does waiting times decrease or increase operational costs in short and long-term? Evidence from Portuguese public hospitals". EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS (2021):
  102. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Is gender inequality an essential driver in explaining environmental degradation? Some empirical answers from the CO2 emissions in European Union countries". ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW (2021):
  103. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Fuinhas, C. "Does Urbanisation Process Increase the Overweight Epidemic? The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean Region". SSRN Electronic Journal (2021):
  104. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "The role of the globalisation process on mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions of Latin American & Caribbean countries". Cadernos UniFOA (2021):
  105. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Vieira, I. "Measuring the effect of trade liberalisation on the consumption of non-renewable energy sources in Latin America and the Caribbean Countries". ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS LETTERS (2021):
  106. Castilho, Daniela; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "The impacts of the tourism sector on the eco-efficiency of the Latin American and Caribbean countries". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95781.
  107. Pais, Daniel Francisco; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Drivers of a new dietary transition towards a sustainable and healthy future". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95768.
  108. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "China’s Effect on World Energy–Growth Nexus: Spillovers Evidence from Financial Development and CO2 Emissions". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95852.
  109. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Silva, Nuno. "Exploring the capacity of renewable energy consumption to reduce outdoor air pollution death rate in Latin America and the Caribbean region". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/94905.
  110. Silva, Nuno; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Koengkan, Matheus. "Assessing the advancement of new renewable energy sources in Latin American and Caribbean countries". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95716.
  111. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Is gender inequality an essential driver in explaining environmental degradation? Some empirical answers from the CO2 emissions in European Union countries". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95774.
  112. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Does the overweight epidemic cause energy consumption? A piece of empirical evidence from the European region". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95724.
  113. KOENGKAN, Matheus; FUINHAS, José; VIEIRA, Isabel. "The reaction of the consumption of fossil fuels to trade openness in Latin America & the Caribbean countries". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10174/30496.
  114. KOENGKAN, Matheus; FUINHAS, José; VIEIRA, Isabel. "Measuring the effect of trade liberalisation on the consumption of non-renewable energy sources in Latin America and the Caribbean countries". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10174/30495.
  115. Silva, Nuno; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Koengkan, Matheus. "Assessing the advancement of new renewable energy sources in Latin American and Caribbean countries". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/104013.
  116. KOENGKAN, Matheus; FUINHAS, José; VIEIRA, Isabel. "Measuring the effect of trade liberalisation on the consumption of non-renewable energy sources in Latin America and the Caribbean countries". (2021): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-010-QHN.
  117. Bellucio, Matheus; Machado, Victor; Rodrigues, Gustavo; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "Is religious tourism in the Shrine of Aparecida (Brazil) affected by economic and climatic conditions?". (2021): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-011-2TM.
  118. Bellucio, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "A importância das visitas turístico-religiosas para a economia local de Fátima (Portugal)". (2021): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-011-2TR.
  119. Bellucio, Matheus; Santos, Glauber; Duarte, Marco; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "Socioeconomic Determinants of Pilgrimages: A Var Approach to the Portuguese Case of Fatima". (2021): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-011-2TS.
  120. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Exploring the effect of the renewable energy transition on CO2 emissions of Latin American & Caribbean countries". International Journal of Sustainable Energy (2020): 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786451.2020.1731511.
  121. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. "The interactions between renewable energy consumption and economic growth in the Mercosur countries". International Journal of Sustainable Energy (2020): 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786451.2020.1732978.
  122. Hdom, HAD; Fuinhas, JA. "Energy production and trade openness: Assessing economic growth, CO2 emissions and the applicability of the cointegration analysis". Energy Strategy Reviews (2020):
  123. Pais, DF; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "Reducing Meat Consumption to Mitigate Climate Change and Promote Health: but Is It Good for the Economy?". Environmental Modeling and Assessment (2020):
  124. Marques, LM; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. "On the restricted form of energy-growth nexus: a global level VECM approach and the historical structural breaks". International Journal of Energy Sector Management (2020):
  125. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Isabel; Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Isabel Vieira. "Effects of financial openness on renewable energy investments expansion in Latin American countries". Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment (2020): 1-18. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20430795.2019.1665379.
  126. Santiago, R; Alberto Fuinhas, JA; Cardoso Marques, AC. "An analysis of the energy intensity of Latin American and Caribbean countries: Empirical evidence on the role of public and private capital stock". ENERGY (2020):
  127. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Santiago, R. "The relationship between CO2 emissions, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, economic growth, and urbanisation in the Southern Common Market". JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND POLICY (2020):
  128. Fuinhas, J.A.; Belucio, M.; Castilho, D.; Mateus, J.; Caetano, R.. "Tourism and economic growth nexus in Latin America and Caribbean countries: Evidence from an autoregressive distributed lag panel". Academica Turistica 13 1 (2020): 21-34. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85090795760&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  129. Belucio, M.; De Oliveira Santos, G.E.; Duarte, M.D.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Vieira, C.. "Socioeconomic determinants of pilgrimages: A var approach to the Portuguese case of fatima". Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais 2020 56 (2020): 43-63. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85091884113&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  130. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Isabel. "Effects of financial openness on renewable energy investments expansion in Latin American countries". (2020): https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20430795.2019.1665379.
  131. Hdom, Hélde A.D.; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Energy production and trade openness: Assessing economic growth, CO2 emissions and the applicability of the cointegration analysis". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95803.
  132. Pais, Daniel Francisco; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Reducing Meat Consumption to Mitigate Climate Change and Promote Health: but Is It Good for the Economy?". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95873.
  133. KOENGKAN, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Isabel. "Effects of financial openness on renewable energy investments expansion in Latin American countries". (2020): https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20430795.2019.1665379.
  134. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Exploring the effect of the renewable energy transition on CO2 emissions of Latin American & Caribbean countries". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95797.
  135. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "On the restricted form of energy-growth nexus: a global level VECM approach and the historical structural breaks". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95872.
  136. Santiago, Renato; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "An analysis of the energy intensity of Latin American and Caribbean countries: Empirical evidence on the role of public and private capital stock". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95764.
  137. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "The interactions between renewable energy consumption and economic growth in the Mercosur countries". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/100829.
  138. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Santiago, Renato. "The relationship between CO2 emissions, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, economic growth, and urbanisation in the Southern Common Market". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/100832.
  139. KOENGKAN, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Isabel. "Effects of financial openness on renewable energy investments expansion in Latin American countries". (2020): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-010-QHR.
  140. Bellucio, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "The City of Fatima: History, Development and Economic Perspectives". (2020): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-011-2TN.
  141. Bellucio, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Carlos. "São as visitas turístico-religiosas da cidade santuário de Aparecida influenciadas por fatores económicos e pela busca por informação?". (2020): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-011-2TQ.
  142. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José; Vieira, Isabel. "Effects of financial openness on renewable energy investments expansion in Latin American countries". (2020): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-010-QHM.
  143. Renato Santiago; Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; António Cardoso Marques. "The relationship between public capital stock, private capital stock and economic growth in the Latin American and Caribbean countries". International Review of Economics (2019): https://doi.org/10.1007/s12232-019-00340-x.
  144. José Alberto Fuinhas; Victor Moutinho; Estefano Silva. "Delinquency and Default in USA Student Debt as a Proportional Response to Unemployment and Average Debt per Borrower". Economies (2019): https://doi.org/10.3390/economies7040100.
  145. Luís Miguel Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas; António Cardoso Marques. "Are There Spillovers from China on the Global Energy-Growth Nexus? Evidence from Four World Regions". Economies (2019): https://doi.org/10.3390/economies7020059.
  146. Patrícia Alexandra Leal; António Cardoso Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas. "Decoupling economic growth from GHG emissions: Decomposition analysis by sectoral factors for Australia". Economic Analysis and Policy 62 (2019): 12-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eap.2018.11.003.
  147. António Cardoso Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas; Daniela Pereira Macedo. "The impact of feed-in and capacity policies on electricity generation from renewable energy sources in Spain". Utilities Policy (2019): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2019.01.001.
  148. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. "The role of financial openness and China’s income on fossil fuels consumption: fresh evidence from Latin American countries". GeoJournal (2019):
  149. Pereira, D.S.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Are renewables affecting income distribution and increasing the risk of household poverty?". Energy (2019): 791-803. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85060842522&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  150. Koengkan, M.; Santiago, R.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "Does financial openness cause the intensification of environmental degradation? New evidence from Latin American and Caribbean countries". Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85062017752&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  151. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Santiago, R. "Asymmetric impacts of globalisation on CO2 emissions of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean". Environment Systems and Decisions (2019):
  152. Belucio, M; Fuinhas, JA; Antunes, J; Sá, V; Mota, J. "THE IMPACT OF WEALTH AND POVERTY ON GAMBLING EXPENDITURE IN THE UNITED STATES". Revista de Estudos Sociais (2019):
  153. Belucio, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Factors that influence touristic-religious visits to the Sanctuary of Fatima: an economic perspective". ESTUDOS DE RELIGIAO (2019):
  154. Koengkan, M; Santiago, R; Fuinhas, JA. "The impact of public capital stock on energy consumption: Empirical evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean region". International Economics (2019):
  155. Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA; Pereira, DS. "The dynamics of the short and long-run effects of public policies supporting renewable energy: A comparative study of installed capacity and electricity generation". ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY (2019):
  156. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; Lopes, C. "The impact of financial development and globalisation on economic growth: Evidence from a macro panel of ten countries". Asian Economic and Financial Review (2019):
  157. Koengkan, M; Poveda, YE; Fuinhas, JA. "Globalisation as a motor of renewable energy development in Latin America countries". GeoJournal (2019):
  158. Pais, D.F.; Afonso, T.L.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Are economic growth and sustainable development converging? Evidence from the comparable genuine progress indicator for organisation for economic co-operation and development countries". International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 4 (2019): 202-213. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85067280838&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  159. Afonso, TL; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "Accommodating renewable energy sources in a small electricity market: An analysis considering the interactions of sources within Portugal and Spain". HELIYON (2019):
  160. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R; Couto, AP. "THE ENERGY-GROWTH NEXUS WITHIN OIL PRODUCTION AND OIL RENTS CONTEXT". Revista de Estudos Sociais (2019):
  161. Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA; Tomas, C. "Energy efficiency and sustainable growth in industrial sectors in European Union countries: A nonlinear ARDL approach". JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION (2019):
  162. Afonso, Tiago Lopes; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Accommodating renewable energy sources in a small electricity market: An analysis considering the interactions of sources within Portugal and Spain". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/11270.
  163. Koengkan, Matheus; Poveda, Yormy Eliana; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Globalisation as a motor of renewable energy development in Latin America countries". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95853.
  164. Pereira, Diogo Santos; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Are renewables affecting income distribution and increasing the risk of household poverty?". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95765.
  165. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Vieira, Isabel. "Effects of financial openness on renewable energy investments expansion in Latin American countries". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/95782.
  166. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Are There Spillovers from China on the Global Energy-Growth Nexus? Evidence from Four World Regions". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/100931.
  167. Renato Santiago; José Alberto Fuinhas; António Cardoso Marques; Santiago, Renato; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "The impact of globalization and economic freedom on economic growth: the case of the Latin America and Caribbean countries". Economic Change and Restructuring (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s10644-018-9239-4.
  168. Patrícia H. Leal; Antonio Cardoso Marques; Jose Alberto Fuinhas. "How economic growth in Australia reacts to CO2 emissions, fossil fuels and renewable energy consumption". International Journal of Energy Sector Management 12 4 (2018): 696-713. https://doi.org/10.1108%2Fijesm-01-2018-0020.
  169. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; António Cardoso Marques. "Does financial openness increase environmental degradation? Fresh evidence from MERCOSUR countries". Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-3057-0.
  170. António Cardoso Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas; Patrícia Alexandra Leal. "The impact of economic growth on CO2 emissions in Australia: the environmental Kuznets curve and the decoupling index". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 27 (2018): 27283-27296. https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs11356-018-2768-6.
  171. António Cardoso Marques; Diogo A. Pereira; José A. Fuinhas. "Using Three Approaches To Determine Whether Renewable Energy Sources Have Replaced Fossil Fuel". Science Trends (2018): https://doi.org/10.31988%2Fscitrends.16567.
  172. Matheus Da Costa Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. "THE IMPACT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CONSUMPTION ON CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS - THE CASE OF SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES". Revista Brasileira de Energias Renováveis 7 2 (2018): https://doi.org/10.5380%2Frber.v7i2.58266.
  173. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Neves, S.A.; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Neves, Sónia Almeida. "Ordinary and Special Regimes of electricity generation in Spain: How they interact with economic activity". Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018): 1226-1240. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85029173358&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  174. Afonso, T.L.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Saldanha, E.M.. "Interactions between electricity generation sources and economic activity in two Nord Pool systems. Evidence from Estonia and Sweden". Applied Economics 50 29 (2018): 3115-3127. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85038616193&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  175. Moutinho, V.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.; Santiago, R.. "Assessing eco-efficiency through the DEA analysis and decoupling index in the Latin America countries". Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018): 512-524. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85054669864&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  176. Koengkan, M.; Losekann, L.D.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "The relationship between economic growth, consumption of energy, and environmental degradation: renewed evidence from Andean community nations". Environment Systems and Decisions (2018): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85050815724&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  177. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Pereira, D.A.; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Pereira, Diogo André. "Have fossil fuels been substituted by renewables? An empirical assessment for 10 European countries". Energy Policy 116 (2018): 257-265. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85044679367&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  178. Neves, S.A.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "On the drivers of peak electricity demand: What is the role played by battery electric cars?". Energy 159 (2018): 905-915. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85049909296&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  179. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Pais, D.F.; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Pais, Daniel Francisco. "Economic growth, sustainable development and food consumption: Evidence across different income groups of countries". Journal of Cleaner Production 196 (2018): 245-258. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85049331449&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  180. Neves, S.A.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Could alternative energy sources in the transport sector decarbonise the economy without compromising economic growth?". Environment, Development and Sustainability (2018): 1-18. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85045080103&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  181. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Pais, Daniel Francisco. "Economic growth, sustainable development and food consumption: Evidence across different income groups of countries". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6748.
  182. Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Technological progress and other factors behind the adoption of electric vehicles: Empirical evidence for EU countries". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6742.
  183. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Pereira, Diogo André. "Have fossil fuels been substituted by renewables? An empirical assessment for 10 European countries". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6747.
  184. Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Could alternative energy sources in the transport sector decarbonise the economy without compromising economic growth?". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6745.
  185. Santiago, Renato; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "The impact of globalization and economic freedom on economic growth: the case of the Latin America and Caribbean countries". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6743.
  186. Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "On the drivers of peak electricity demand: What is the role played by battery electric cars?". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6741.
  187. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Neves, Sónia Almeida. "Ordinary and Special Regimes of electricity generation in Spain: How they interact with economic activity". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6738.
  188. Santiago, Renato; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "The impact of globalization and economic freedom on economic growth: the case of the Latin America and Caribbean countries". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10316/100826.
  189. José Alberto Fuinhas; António Cardoso Marques; Matheus Koengkan. "Are renewable energy policies upsetting carbon dioxide emissions? The case of Latin America countries". Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2017): https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs11356-017-9109-z.
  190. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; Faria, SD. "Natural Resources, Globalization and Sustainable Economic Welfare: A Panel ARDL Approach". ESTUDIOS DE ECONOMIA APLICADA (2017):
  191. Domingos, H.A.; de Melo Faria, A.M.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "Renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sectors of European Union member states: a panel data analysis". Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2017): 1-12. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000407723100004&KeyUID=WOS:000407723100004.
  192. Neves, SA; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "Is energy consumption in the transport sector hampering both economic growth and the reduction of CO2 emissions? A disaggregated energy consumption analysis". Transport Policy (2017): http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000412261100008&KeyUID=WOS:000412261100008.
  193. Marques, LM; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. "On the dynamics of energy-growth nexus: Evidence from a world divided into four regions". International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy (2017):
  194. Menegaki, AN; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "Redefining the energy-growth nexus with an index for sustainable economic welfare in Europe". ENERGY (2017):
  195. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. "The Negative Impact of Renewable Energy Consumption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions: An empirical evidence from South American Countries". Revista Brasileira de Energias Renováveis 6 5 (2017): https://doi.org/10.5380%2Frber.v6i5.49252.
  196. Afonso, TL; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "Strategies to make renewable energy sources compatible with economic growth". ENERGY STRATEGY REVIEWS (2017):
  197. Gaspar, JD; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "The traditional energy-growth nexus: A comparison between sustainable development and economic growth approaches". ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS (2017):
  198. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; António Cardoso Marques. "O IMPACTO DA PRODUÇÃO DE ENERGIA EÓLICA NO MERCADO DE TRABALHO: UMA ABORDAGEM PVAR". Revista de Estudos Sociais (2017): https://publons.com/publon/14989017/.
  199. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Koengkan, Matheus. "Are renewable energy policies upsetting carbon dioxide emissions? The case of Latin America countries". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6750.
  200. Afonso, Tiago Lopes; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Strategies to make renewable energy sources compatible with economic growth". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6751.
  201. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "O impacto da produção de energia eólica no mercado de trabalho: uma abordagem PVAR". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6812.
  202. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Faria, Samuel da Silva. "Natural Resources, Globalization and Sustainable Economic Welfare: A Panel ARDL Approach". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6815.
  203. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "On the dynamics of energy-growth nexus: Evidence from a world divided into four regions". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6814.
  204. Menegaki, Angeliki N.; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Redefining the energy-growth nexus with an index for sustainable economic welfare in Europe". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6754.
  205. Afonso, Tiago Lopes; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Saldanha, Marco Aurélio Mano. "Interactions between electricity generation sources and economic activity in two Nord Pool systems". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6851.
  206. Lopes, Mónica Alexandra; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "On the Relationship of Energy and CO2: The Effect of Financial Deep on Oil Producing Countries". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6753.
  207. Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Is energy consumption in the transport sector hampering both economic growth and the reduction of CO 2 emissions? A disaggregated energy consumption analysis". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6713.
  208. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Augmented energy-growth nexus: economic, political and social globalization impacts". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6813.
  209. Domingos, Hélde Araujo; Faria, Alexandre Magno De Melo; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sectors of European Union member states: a panel data analysis". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6749.
  210. Gaspar, Jorge dos Santos; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "The traditional energy-growth nexus: A comparison between sustainable development and economic growth approaches". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6752.
  211. "INFLUENCE OF DIVIDEND POLICY ON MARKET VALUE OF BRAZILIAN COMPANIES". Revista de Gestao Financas E Contabilidade (2017): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/10916326/.
  212. António Cardoso Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas. "How electricity generation regimes are interacting in Portugal. Does it matter for sustainability and economic activity?". Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8 2 (2016): 025902-025902. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4944959.
  213. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Nunes, A.R.. "Electricity generation mix and economic growth: What role is being played by nuclear sources and carbon dioxide emissions in France?". Energy Policy 92 (2016): 7-19. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000373863600002&KeyUID=WOS:000373863600002.
  214. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Menegaki, A.N.. "Renewable vs non-renewable electricity and the industrial production nexus: Evidence from an ARDL bounds test approach for Greece". Renewable Energy 96 (2016): 645-655. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84967143990&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  216. José Alberto Fuinhas; António Cardoso Marques; Rúben Simão. "A Não Linearidade do Nexus Desenvolvimento Financeiro - Crescimento Económico: O caso dos países produtores de petróleo". Revista de Estudos Sociais 18 36 (2016): 195-195. https://publons.com/publon/17396100/.
  217. José Alberto Fuinhas; Sérgio Francisco Piola; José Rivaldo Mello de França; André Nunes. "Os efeitos da Emenda Constitucional 29 na alocação regional dos gastos públicos no Sistema Único de Saúde no Brasil". Ciencia E Saude Coletiva (2016): https://publons.com/publon/10916327/.
  218. Serras, Flávio Rodrigues; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Evaluating the Impact of New Renewable Energy on the Peak Load - An ARDL Approach for Portugal". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6819.
  219. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Nunes, André Francisco Roque. "Electricity generation mix and economic growth: what role is being played by nuclear sources and carbon dioxide emissions in France?". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6758.
  220. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "On the Global Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: a Long Time Span Analysis". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6824.
  221. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Almeida, Pedro; Nogueira, David do Coito; Branco, Tania. "Two centuries of economic growth: international evidence on deepness and steepness". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6816.
  222. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Gaspar, Jorge dos Santos. "On the Nexus of Energy Use - Economic Development". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6820.
  223. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Simão, Ruben. "A não linearidade do Nexus desenvolvimento financeiro - crescimento económico: o caso dos países produtores de petróleo". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6818.
  224. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "How electricity generation regimes are interacting in Portugal". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6760.
  225. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Menegaki, Angeliki N.. "Renewable vs non-renewable electricity and the industrial production nexus: Evidence from an ARDL bounds test approach for Greece". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6759.
  226. Jose Alberto Fuinhas; Antonio Cardoso Marques; Tânia Noélia Quaresma. "Does oil consumption promote economic growth in oil producers?". International Journal of Energy Sector Management 9 3 (2015): 323-335. https://doi.org/10.1108%2Fijesm-03-2014-0003.
  227. José Alberto Fuinhas; Antônio Cardoso Marques; Ricardo Carreira. "A different look over the financial depth nonlinearity: Evidence from Europe". Revista de Estudos Sociais 17 35 (2015): 120-120. https://doi.org/10.19093%2Fres.v17i35.2543.
  228. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "The role of Portuguese electricity generation regimes and industrial production". Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015): 321-330. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000348880600027&KeyUID=WOS:000348880600027.
  229. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Afonso, T.L.. "The dynamics of the Italian electricity generation system: An empirical assessment". WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 12 (2015): 229-238. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84934764971&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  230. Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.; Couto, A.P.. "Oil rents and economic growth in oil producing countries: evidence from a macro panel". Economic Change and Restructuring 48 3-4 (2015): 257-279. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000383088300003&KeyUID=WOS:000383088300003.
  231. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; Couto, AP. "Oil-growth nexus in oil producing countries: Macro panel evidence". International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy (2015): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-00G-25V.
  232. Marquesa, AC; Fuinhasa, JA; Pereira, A. "On the dynamics of generating electricity from diversified sources: evidence from Portugal". Energy and Environment (2015):
  233. Marques, L.M.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "On the global energy consumption and economic growth nexus: A long time span analysis". International Energy Journal 15 4 (2015): 143-150. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84969256357&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  234. José Alberto Fuinhas. "Quality determinants of Environmental Impact Report". Revista Eletronica Em Gestao Educacao E Tecnologia Ambiental (2015): https://publons.com/publon/10916331/.
  235. José Alberto Fuinhas. "The budget program in the context of public management". Revista Eletronica Em Gestao Educacao E Tecnologia Ambiental (2015): https://publons.com/publon/10916328/.
  237. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Couto, Alcino Pinto. "Oil-growth nexus in oil producing countries: macro panel evidence". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6823.
  238. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Pereira, Agostinho. "On the Dynamics of Generating Electricity from Diversified Sources: Evidence from Portugal". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6825.
  239. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Quaresma, Tânia Noélia Raposo. "Does oil consumption promote economic growth in oil producers?". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6755.
  240. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Couto, Alcino Pinto. "Oil rents and economic growth in oil producing countries: evidence from a macro panel". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6757.
  241. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Carreira, Ricardo. "A different look over the financial depth nonlinearity: evidence from Europe". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6822.
  242. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "The role of Portuguese electricity generation regimes and industrial production". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6756.
  243. Flora, R.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Wind power idle capacity in a panel of European countries". Energy 66 (2014): 823-830. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000334262000083&KeyUID=WOS:000334262000083.
  244. Fuinhas, José. "Are Natural Resources and Apartheid Playing a Relevant Role in the Energy-Growth Nexus in South Africa?". International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics, Vol. 21, No. 5-6, pp. 421-436 (2014):
  245. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Menegaki, A.N.. "Interactions between electricity generation sources and economic activity in Greece: A VECM approach". Applied Energy 132 (2014): 34-46. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84904565776&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  246. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Are Natural Resources and Apartheid Playing a Relevant Role in the Energy-Growth Nexus in South Africa?". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6826.
  247. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Menegaki, Angeliki N.. "Interactions between electricity generation sources and economic activity in Greece: A VECM approach". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6762.
  248. Flora, Rui; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Wind power idle capacity in a panel of European countries". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6761.
  249. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Are Natural Resources and Apartheid Playing a Relevant Role in the Energy-Growth Nexus in South Africa?". (2014): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-011-2T4.
  250. Marques, L.M.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "Does the stock market cause economic growth? Portuguese evidence of economic regime change". Economic Modelling 32 1 (2013): 316-324. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84875070303&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  251. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. "Rentierism, energy and economic growth: The case of Algeria and Egypt (1965-2010)". ENERGY POLICY (2013): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-008-EQ6.
  252. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Does the stock market cause economic growth? Portuguese evidence of economic regime change". (2013): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6764.
  253. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Rentierism, energy and economic growth: The case of Algeria and Egypt (1965–2010)". (2013): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6763.
  254. Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA; Gonçalves, BM; António Cardoso Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas; Bruno Miguel Gonçalves. "Dieselization and Road Transport CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions: Evidence from Europe". Low Carbon Economy (2012): https://publons.com/publon/17396099/.
  255. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Is renewable energy effective in promoting growth?". Energy Policy 46 (2012): 434-442. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84861221692&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  256. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. "An ARDL Approach to the Oil and Growth Nexus: Portuguese Evidence". Energy Sources Part B-Economics Planning and Policy (2012): http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000301979400008&KeyUID=WOS:000301979400008.
  257. Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "Are public policies towards renewables successful? Evidence from European countries". RENEWABLE ENERGY (2012): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-002-7V8.
  258. Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "Energy consumption and economic growth nexus in Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey: An ARDL bounds test approach (1965-2009)". Energy Economics 34 2 (2012): 511-517. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000301630100014&KeyUID=WOS:000301630100014.
  259. Marques, AC; Fontes, J; Fuinhas, J; António Cardoso. Marques; Júlio Fontes; José Fuinhas. "HOUSEHOLD PREFERENCES FOR TIME-OF-USE RATES IN THE PORTUGUESE ELECTRICITY MARKET". Energy Studies Review (2012): https://publons.com/publon/14989023/.
  260. Fontes, JW; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "Household preferences for time-of-use rates in the portuguese electricity market". Energy Studies Review (2012):
  261. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Energy consumption and economic growth nexus in Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6765.
  262. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "An ARDL Approach to the Oil and Growth Nexus". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6768.
  263. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Are public policies towards renewables successful? Evidence from European countries". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6766.
  264. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Gonçalves, Bruno Miguel. "Dieselization and Road Transport CO2 Emissions". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6767.
  265. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Is renewable energy effective in promoting growth?". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6769.
  266. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Manso, J.P.. "A Quantile Approach to Identify Factors Promoting Renewable Energy in European Countries". Environmental and Resource Economics 49 3 (2011): 351-366. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79958144437&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  267. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Drivers promoting renewable energy: A dynamic panel approach". Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 3 (2011): 1601-1608. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-78651087928&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  268. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Do energy efficiency measures promote the use of renewable sources?". Environmental Science and Policy 14 4 (2011): 471-481. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000291577300012&KeyUID=WOS:000291577300012.
  269. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. "DIFFERENT MEASURES OF VOLATILITY: THE HYPOTHESIS OF OUTPUT COMPOSITION IN PORTUGAL". Argumenta Oeconomica (2011): http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000296942700003&KeyUID=WOS:000296942700003.
  270. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Drivers promoting renewable energy: a dynamic panel approach". (2011): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6772.
  271. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Energy Consumption Effects on an Economy with Structural Breaks: evidence from Portugal (1965-2008)". (2011): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6827.
  272. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "Do energy efficiency measures promote the use of renewable sources?". (2011): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6770.
  273. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Different measures of volatility: the hypothesis of output composition in Portugal". (2011): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6828.
  274. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Energy Consumption Effects on an Economy with Structural Breaks: evidence from Portugal (1965-2008)". (2011): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-011-2T1.
  275. Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA; Manso, JRP. "Motivations driving renewable energy in European countries: A panel data approach". ENERGY POLICY (2010): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-003-1AX.
  276. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Manso, Jose. "Motivations driving renewable energy in European countries: A panel data approach". (2010): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6773.
  277. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Manso, Jose. "A Quantile Approach to Identify Factors Promoting Renewable Energy in European Countries". (2010): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6771.
  278. KOENGKAN, Matheus; FUINHAS, José; VIEIRA, Isabel. "The reaction of the consumption of fossil fuels to trade openness in Latin America & the Caribbean countries". (2000): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-010-QHS.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Flor, Rui. "On the public policies supporting renewables and wind power overcapacity: insights into the European way forward". Portugal,
  2. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "Determinants of obesity in the Latin America and Caribbean region". 2023.
  3. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "Context of the obesity problem in the Latin American region". 2023.
  4. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "The effect of the urbanisation process on body mass index in Latin American and Caribbean countries". 2023.
  5. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "Interactions between obesity, economic growth, globalisation, urbanisation and poverty in Latin American and Caribbean countries". 2023.
  6. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "Environmental degradation in the Latin American and Caribbean region". 2023.
  7. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "Impact of the obesity epidemic on economic growth in Latin American and Caribbean countries". 2023.
  8. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "The consequences of the obesity epidemic on food production: empirical evidence from Latin American and Caribbean countries". 2023.
  9. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "Causes of environmental degradation in the Latin American and Caribbean region". 2023.
  10. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "Does the obesity epidemic increase the consumption of fossil fuels in Latin America and Caribbean countries?". 2023.
  11. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Gonçalves Silva, NMB. "The increase of CO2 emissions by obesity epidemic in Latin American and Caribbean countries". 2023.
  12. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Introduction". 2022.
  13. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Renewable Energy Transition and Globalisation in the Latin American and Caribbean Region: A Five-Decade Picture". 2022.
  14. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Does Financial Openness Expand the Renewable Energy Investment in Latin American Countries?". 2022.
  15. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "The Interactions Between Renewable Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and Globalisation: Fresh Evidence from the Mercosur Countries". 2022.
  16. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "The Energy-Economic Growth Nexus in Latin American and Caribbean Countries: A New Approach with the Globalisation Index". 2022.
  17. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Impact of Trade Openness on the Consumption of Fossil Fuels in Latin American and Caribbean Countries". 2022.
  18. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "The Role of the Globalisation Process in Mitigating Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Latin American and Caribbean Countries". 2022.
  19. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Does the Energy Transition Process Decrease the Environmental Degradation in Latin American and Caribbean Countries?". 2022.
  20. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Conclusions". 2022.
  21. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "Energy transition in the Latin America region: Initiatives and challenges". 2021.
  22. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "The role of public, private, and public-private partnership capital stock on the expansion of renewable energy investment in Latin America and the Caribbean region". 2021.
  23. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "The effect of energy transition on economic growth and consumption of nonrenewable energy sources in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean". 2021.
  24. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "The consequences of energy transition on environmental degradation of Latin America and the Caribbean". 2021.
  25. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "Introduction". 2021.
  26. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "The capacity of energy transition to decrease deaths from air pollution: Empirical evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean countries". 2021.
  27. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "The relationship between public capital stock, private capital stock, and economic growth in the Latin American and Caribbean countries: A matter of complementarity". 2021.
  28. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "Concentration hurts: Exploring the effects of capital stock on Latin American and Caribbean income inequality". 2021.
  29. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Santiago, R. "The downward trend in the energy intensity of Latin America and the Caribbean: Is the region's physical capital contributing to this tendency?". 2021.
  30. Belucio, M; Lopes, C; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. "Energy-growth nexus, domestic credit, and environmental sustainability: A panel causality analysis". 2019.
  31. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; Koengkan, M.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "The effect of fiscal and financial incentive policies for renewable energy on CO2 emissions: the case for the Latin American region". 141-172. 2019.
  32. Marques, L.M.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "The impacts of china’s effect and globalization on the augmented energy-nexus: Evidence in four aggregated regions". 97-139. 2019.
  33. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; Koengkan, M.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "The relationship between financial openness, renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and economic growth in the Latin American countries: an approach with a panel vector auto regression model". 199-229. 2019.
  34. Afonso, T.L.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Energy-growth nexus and economic development: A quantile regression for panel data". 1-25. 2019.
  35. Santiago, R.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, A.C.. "Income inequality, globalization, and economic growth: A panel vector autoregressive approach for Latin American countries". 57-96. 2019.
  36. Neves, SA; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "The interactions between conventional and alternative energy sources in the transport sector: A panel of OECD countries". 2019.
  37. Hdom, HAD; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; De Melo Faria, AM. "The electricity generation, waste, and CO2 emissions in Latin America and the caribbean countries: A panel autoregressive distributed lag approach". 2019.
  38. Pereira, D.S.; Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.. "Daily management of the electricity generation mix in France and Germany". 253-301. 2019.
  39. Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. "On the Dynamics of Renewable Energy Consumption (Aggregated and Disaggregated) and Economic Growth: An Approach by Energy Sources". 2018.
  40. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; Mota, J. "The nexus of economic growth, stock market development, and globalization: A panel VAR approach". 2017.
  41. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC; Couto, AP. "Economic growth and self-consumption in oil producing countries: Empirical evidence and perspectives". 2014.
  42. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Flor, Rui. "On the public policies supporting renewables and wind power overcapacity: insights into the European way forward". 2013.
Documento de trabalho
  1. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. 2012. "Interação entre o mercado acionista e o crescimento económico: Uma apreciação do caso português (1993-2010)". https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/39808/.
  1. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; Barateiro Gonçalves Silva, NM. Energy Economic Development in Europe. 2023.
  2. Fuinhas, JA; Koengkan, M; de Barros Santiago, RF. Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth. 2023.
  3. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. Globalisation and Energy Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2022.
  4. Matheus Koengkan; Jose Alberto Fuinhas; Aida Isabel Pereira Tavares; Nuno Miguel Barateir Gonçalves Silva. Obesity Epidemic and the Environment. 2022.
  5. Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA; Tavares, AIP; Silva, NMBG. Obesity Epidemic and the Environment: Latin America and the Caribbean Region. 2022.
  6. Fuinhas, J.A.; Koengkan, M.; Santiago, R.. Physical Capital Development and Energy Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2021.
  7. Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC. The extended energy-growth nexus: Theory and empirical applications. 2019.
  8. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Belucio, Matheus; Santiago, Renato; Afonso, Tiago Lopes. Exercícios Introdutórios de Análise Económica de Dados. Universidade da Beira Interior. 2019.
  9. Marques, A.C.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Marques, AC; Fuinhas, JA. Energy mix, intermittency of renewables and electricity export drivers. 2013.
Poster em conferência
  1. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Energy Consumption and Supply: Are Both Promoting Economic Growth?". Trabalho apresentado em Encontro Com A Ciência e Tecnologia Em Portugal (Ciência 2017), 2017.
  1. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Negin Entezari. "Assessing the Relationship Between Clean Cooking Fuels and Women's Cancer Mortality in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis". 2025. https://doi.org/10.32388/7SWT9Q.2.
  2. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas; Negin Entezari. "Assessing the Relationship Between Clean Cooking Fuels and Women's Cancer Mortality in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis". 2024. https://doi.org/10.32388/7SWT9Q.
  3. Castilho, D; Fuinhas, JA. "Could tourism investments influence financial inclusion in the European Union countries?". 2024. https://www.authenticus.pt/P-010-NYF.
  4. Silva, N; Tavares, AI; Koengkan, M; Fuinhas, JA. "Analyzing the impact of fiscal conditions on private health expenditures in OECD countries: a quantile ARDL investigation". 2024. https://www.authenticus.pt/P-010-G2Z.
  5. Koengkan M; Fuinhas JA; Kazemzadeh E; Alavijeh NK; Araújo SJ. "Do Renewable Energy Policies Can Decrease The Deaths From Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution? Empirical Evidence From Latin American and Caribbean Countries". 2021. http://europepmc.org/abstract/PPR/PPR374771.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. "Do the Energy Supply Impacts on Economic Growth Equal Than Energy Consumption? An Augmented Energy-Growth Nexus Approach". Trabalho apresentado em 15º IAEE European Energy Conference, Viena, 2017.
  2. Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. "The interactions between conventional and alternative energy sources in transport sector, economic growth and co2 emissions ¿ Panel VAR approach". Trabalho apresentado em 15th IAEE European Conference - Heading Towards Sustainable Energy Systems: Evolution or Revolution, Viena, 2017.
Tese / Dissertação
  1. Pereira, Diogo André dos Santos. "Essays on demand-side management policies and measures: renewables accommodation, energy poverty and pricing strategies". Doutoramento, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/12605.
  2. Pina, Ângela Sofia Laiginhas. "Examining the connection between economic growth, tourism, and terrorism in Council of Europe countries". Mestrado, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/11452.
  3. Teixeira, Maria Carolina Fernandes Lameirão. "The impact of criminal activity on tourism". Mestrado, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/11457.
  4. Madeira, André Emanuel dos Santos. "Does waiting times decrease or increase operational costs? Evidence from Portuguese Public Hospitals". Mestrado, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/11451.
  5. Pereira, Pedro Aquino. "A relação entre crescimento econômico e o mix tributário nos países da OCDE". Mestrado, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/94431.
  6. Martens, Cédric. "Procurement Intern, Finance department.". Mestrado, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/94517.
  7. Auza, Katrina Anna. "Dissertation: INCOME INEQUALITY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN TRANSITION COUNTRIES". Mestrado, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/94432.
  8. Santiago, Renato Filipe de Barros. "Is the Latin American and Caribbean capital stock affecting the development of the region?". Doutoramento, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/12065.
  9. Afonso, Tiago Jorge Lopes. "Energy transition and economic growth: Evidence from countries with barriers to deversification of their electricity mix". Doutoramento, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10298.
  10. Ribeiro, Ana Filipa de Castro Martins Oliveira. "Electric cars impact in the economic growth and the CO2 : case of European Union". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/21097.
  11. Marques, Rodrigo Filipe do Carmo. "The human development-economic growth nexus". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10874.
  12. Lindeza, Tiago Manuel Patrício. "Analysing Globalisation and Different Measures of Income Inequality". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10875.
  13. Castilho, Daniela dos Reis. "The impacts of the tourism sector on the ecoefficiency of the Latin America and Caribbean countries". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10872.
  14. Mateus, Joana Beatriz Lourenço. "The impact of unemployment and income on delinquency and default in the USA". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10873.
  15. Mateus, Joana Beatriz Lourenço. "The impact of unemployment and income on delinquency and default in the USA". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10873.
  16. Castilho, Daniela dos Reis. "The impacts of the tourism sector on the ecoefficiency of the Latin America and Caribbean countries". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10872.
  17. Lindeza, Tiago Manuel Patrício. "Analysing Globalisation and Different Measures of Income Inequality". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10875.
  18. Afonso, Tiago Jorge Lopes. "Energy transition and economic growth: Evidence from countries with barriers to deversification of their electricity mix". Doutoramento, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10298.
  19. Marques, Rodrigo Filipe do Carmo. "The human development-economic growth nexus". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10874.
  20. Ribeiro, Ana Filipa de Castro Martins Oliveira. "Electric cars impact in the economic growth and the CO2 : case of European Union". Mestrado, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/21097.
  21. Costa, Raquel Sofia Pedro Ribeiro da. "Sovereign Wealth Funds: Theory and Practice". Doutoramento, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/11127.
  22. Almeida, João Filipe Mateus de. "Impacto da Crise Financeira Global nos Mercados de Ações Latino-Americanos e o Efeito China". Mestrado, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10131.
  23. Calei, Sabino dos Santos. "Decisões da Estrutura de Capital com Base na Teoria do Trade off e na Teoria da Pecking order". Mestrado, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9703.
  24. Neves, Sónia Almeida. "Essays on the economics of the energy mix diversification in the Transport Sector". Doutoramento, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7084.
  25. Neves, Sónia Almeida. "Essays on the economics of the energy mix diversification in the Transport Sector". Doutoramento, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7084.
  26. Calei, Sabino dos Santos. "Decisões da Estrutura de Capital com Base na Teoria do Trade off e na Teoria da Pecking order". Mestrado, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9703.
  27. Almeida, João Filipe Mateus de. "Impacto da Crise Financeira Global nos Mercados de Ações Latino-Americanos e o Efeito China". Mestrado, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10131.
  28. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Marques, Luís Miguel Soares Santos. "Essays on globe energy consumption and economic growth nexus". Doutoramento, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/4816.
  29. Filipe, Nuno Miguel Dias. "The nexus between financial development and economic growth". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9979.
  30. Antunes, José Alberto Neves Pires. "The impacts of ECB monetary policy on Euro-area bank’s performance". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9748.
  31. Silva, Estefano da Rocha Oliveira da. "Delinquency and default in the USA student debt as fractional response to unemployment and average debt per borrower". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9792.
  32. Lopes, Alexandre Almeida. "The Spillover effects between USA and Euro Area". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9846.
  33. Lopes, Cátia Marisa Francisco. "The impact of financial development and globalization on economic growth". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10126.
  34. Silva, Matheus Belucio da. "Economy and religious tourism". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9749.
  35. Curto, Raquel Freire. "Eco-Inovação e Capacidade Inovadora Empresarial". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9848.
  36. Madeira, Pedro Rafael Correia da Ascenção. "Stock market development, financial development and economic growth in Portugal". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9847.
  37. Marques, Luís Miguel Soares Santos. "Essays on globe energy consumption and economic growth nexus". Doutoramento, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/4816.
  38. Silva, Estefano da Rocha Oliveira da. "Delinquency and default in the USA student debt as fractional response to unemployment and average debt per borrower". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9792.
  39. Lopes, Cátia Marisa Francisco. "The impact of financial development and globalization on economic growth". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/10126.
  40. Filipe, Nuno Miguel Dias. "The nexus between financial development and economic growth". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9979.
  41. Silva, Matheus Belucio da. "Economy and religious tourism". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9749.
  42. Madeira, Pedro Rafael Correia da Ascenção. "Stock market development, financial development and economic growth in Portugal". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9847.
  43. Curto, Raquel Freire. "Eco-Inovação e Capacidade Inovadora Empresarial". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9848.
  44. Lopes, Alexandre Almeida. "The Spillover effects between USA and Euro Area". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9846.
  45. Antunes, José Alberto Neves Pires. "The impacts of ECB monetary policy on Euro-area bank’s performance". Mestrado, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9748.
  46. Pinheiro, Ana Raquel Tavares. "On the gender gap in labour market: Evidence of European Union countries". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7828.
  47. Henriques, Ricardo Jorge Esteves. "The effects of Globalization on Economic Growth". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9513.
  48. Gomes, Hugo Miguel Gaião. "Crescimento económico e autossuficiência em países produtores de combustíveis fósseis". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7829.
  49. Santiago, Renato Filipe de Barros. "The Impact of Globalization and Economic Freedom on Economic Growth: The Case of Latin American and Caribbean Countries". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7830.
  50. Almeida, Rita Alexandra Rodrigues. "Apreciação da competitividade das empresas na presença da discriminação por género". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9568.
  51. Gaiolas, Pedro Nuno Pinheiro. "Causal Nexus Between Economic Growth, Inflation, Stock Market Development and Banking Sector Development". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9402.
  52. Faria, Samuel da Silva. "Natural Resources, Globalization and Sustainable Economic Welfare". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9567.
  53. Domingos, André Filipe Branco. "Efeitos da globalização, da liberdade económica e do capital humano no crescimento económico". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7831.
  54. Rocha, Ana Isabel Carneiro. "Driving Factors of the Adoption of Electric Vehicles". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9565.
  55. Koengkan, Matheus da Costa. "Are Renewable Energy Policies Reducing the Carbon Dioxide Emissions?". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7827.
  56. Santiago, Renato Filipe Barros. "The Impact of Globalization and Economic Freedom on Economic Growth: The Case of Latin American and Caribbean Countries". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7830.
  57. Domingos, André Filipe Branco. "Efeitos da globalização, da liberdade económica e do capital humano no crescimento económico". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7831.
  58. Gomes, Hugo Miguel Gaião. "Crescimento económico e autossuficiência em países produtores de combustíveis fósseis". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7829.
  59. Pinheiro, Ana Raquel Tavares. "On the gender gap in labour market: Evidence of European Union countries". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7828.
  60. Faria, Samuel da Silva. "Natural Resources, Globalization and Sustainable Economic Welfare". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9567.
  61. Koengkan, Matheus da Costa. "Are Renewable Energy Policies Reducing the Carbon Dioxide Emissions?". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7827.
  62. Almeida, Rita Alexandra Rodrigues. "Apreciação da competitividade das empresas na presença da discriminação por género". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9568.
  63. Henriques, Ricardo Jorge Esteves. "The effects of Globalization on Economic Growth". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9513.
  64. Gaiolas, Pedro Nuno Pinheiro. "Causal Nexus Between Economic Growth, Inflation, Stock Market Development and Banking Sector Development". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9402.
  65. Rocha, Ana Isabel Carneiro. "Driving Factors of the Adoption of Electric Vehicles". Mestrado, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9565.
  66. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Mota, João Vasco Oliveira. "Economic growth, inflation and stock market development: a panel var approach". Mestrado, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5735.
  67. Couto, Alcino Fernando Ferreira Pinto; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Araújo, Raul António Correia. "Sistema Financeiro e Crescimento Económico nos países da OCDE: 1980-2011". Mestrado, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6049.
  68. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Rodrigues, Karim Jorge de Lima Lobo. "Análise de Risco de Mercados Agrícolas". Mestrado, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5781.
  69. Couto, Alcino Fernando Ferreira Pinto; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Santos, António José de Lucena. "Impacto dos Fatores Económicos na Qualidade Ambiental na Zona Euro e OCDE". Mestrado, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6190.
  70. Araújo, Raul António Correia. "Sistema Financeiro e Crescimento Económico nos países da OCDE: 1980-2011". Mestrado, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6049.
  71. Santos, António José de Lucena. "Impacto dos Fatores Económicos na Qualidade Ambiental na Zona Euro e OCDE". Mestrado, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6190.
  72. Rodrigues, Karim Jorge de Lima Lobo. "Análise de Risco de Mercados Agrícolas". Mestrado, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5781.
  73. Mota, João Vasco Oliveira. "Economic growth, inflation and stock market development: a panel var approach". Mestrado, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5735.
  74. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Simão, Rúben José Ramos Ponte. "A Não Linearidade do Nexus Desenvolvimento Financeiro - Crescimento Económico: O caso dos países produtores de petróleo". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5779.
  75. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Neves, Diogo Alexandre Almeida. "Transmissão da volatilidade nos mercados". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6038.
  76. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Valério, Carlos Miguel Ferreira. "Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos e Geração de Eletricidade na Europa". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6043.
  77. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Tavares, João Carlos Gonçalves. "Análise de risco de país como unidade de medida na avaliação de investimentos africanos". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5780.
  78. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Lopes, Mónica Alexandra Marques. "On the relationship of energy and co2: the effect of financial deep on oil producing countries". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5900.
  79. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Fonseca, Carlos Daniel Matos. "Interação dos Preços do Petróleo com a Atividade Económica". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5985.
  80. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Carreira, Ricardo Filipe Futre. "The nonlinearity of financial depth and economic growth: Evidence from European countries". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5987.
  81. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Saldanha, Marco Aurélio Mano. "Relação entre as fontes de geração de eletricidade e a atividade económica: análise ARDL da Estónia e da Suécia". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5713.
  82. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Andrade, Bruna Sofia Figueiredo dos Reis. "Opinião pública acerca das energias renováveis: Análise de Espanha e Reino Unido". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5828.
  83. Carreira, Ricardo Filipe Futre. "The nonlinearity of financial depth and economic growth: Evidence from European countries". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5987.
  84. Tavares, João Carlos Gonçalves. "Análise de risco de país como unidade de medida na avaliação de investimentos africanos". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5780.
  85. Fonseca, Carlos Daniel Matos. "Interação dos Preços do Petróleo com a Atividade Económica". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5985.
  86. Lopes, Mónica Alexandra Marques. "On the relationship of energy and co2: the effect of financial deep on oil producing countries". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5900.
  87. Valério, Carlos Miguel Ferreira. "Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos e Geração de Eletricidade na Europa". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6043.
  88. Simão, Rúben José Ramos Ponte. "A Não Linearidade do Nexus Desenvolvimento Financeiro - Crescimento Económico: O caso dos países produtores de petróleo". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5779.
  89. Saldanha, Marco Aurélio Mano. "Relação entre as fontes de geração de eletricidade e a atividade económica: análise ARDL da Estónia e da Suécia". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5713.
  90. Neves, Diogo Alexandre Almeida. "Transmissão da volatilidade nos mercados". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6038.
  91. Andrade, Bruna Sofia Figueiredo dos Reis. "Opinião pública acerca das energias renováveis: Análise de Espanha e Reino Unido". Mestrado, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5828.
  92. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Lopes, Sofia Correia. "Análise da interação dinâmica da estrutura de prazo das taxas de juro". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5897.
  93. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Antunes, João Marques. "Modelização VAR da Volatilidade dos Preços do Ouro e dos Índices dos Mercados Financeiros". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5980.
  94. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Mártir, Paulo Alexandre. "Promove a ajuda externa o crescimento económico dos países em via de desenvolvimento?". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5489.
  95. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Nogueira, David do Coito. "Análise VAR dos índices bolsistas SP500, FTSE100, PSI20, HSI e IBOVESPA". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6183.
  96. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, Ana Filipa Pereira da Silva Ferreira. "Dinâmica das taxas de juro e procura de crédito em Portugal". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5981.
  97. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Gaspar, Catarina da Conceição de Pinho. "Endividamento Antes e Após a Introdução do Euro". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6180.
  98. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Santos, Carlos Filipe Botelho Cardoso Ramos. "O nexus energia-crescimento e o nível da auto-suficiência na produção de petróleo". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6181.
  99. Melo, Tiago Filipe Sequeira; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso. "Efeito rebound no consumo de eletricidade residencial". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6182.
  100. Antunes, João Marques. "Modelização VAR da Volatilidade dos Preços do Ouro e dos Índices dos Mercados Financeiros". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5980.
  101. Lopes, Sofia Correia. "Análise da interação dinâmica da estrutura de prazo das taxas de juro". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5897.
  102. Marques, Ana Filipa Pereira da Silva Ferreira. "Dinâmica das taxas de juro e procura de crédito em Portugal". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5981.
  103. Melo, Tiago Filipe Sequeira. "Efeito rebound no consumo de eletricidade residencial". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6182.
  104. Mártir, Paulo Alexandre. "Promove a ajuda externa o crescimento económico dos países em via de desenvolvimento?". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/5489.
  105. Santos, Carlos Filipe Botelho Cardoso Ramos. "O nexus energia-crescimento e o nível da auto-suficiência na produção de petróleo". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6181.
  106. Gaspar, Catarina da Conceição de Pinho. "Endividamento Antes e Após a Introdução do Euro". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6180.
  107. Nogueira, David do Coito. "Análise VAR dos índices bolsistas SP500, FTSE100, PSI20, HSI e IBOVESPA". Mestrado, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6183.
  108. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Gomes, Teresa Maria Resende Cierco; Baltazar, José Luís Barata. "Estágio no Núcleo de Apoio Técnico e Relações Internacionais da Autoridade Nacional de Protecção Civil". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2830.
  109. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Lopes, João José Serrão. "O papel da energia, das exportações e do investimento no crescimento económico: evidência empírica de técnicas modernas de painel". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3073.
  110. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Ferreira, Mónica Filipa Moreira. "Consumo de energia e crescimento: evidência em período longo para um painel de países europeus". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3074.
  111. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Quaresma, Tânia Noélia Raposo. "Does oil production promote economic growth in OPEC countries?". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3081.
  112. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Lopes, Susana Patrícia de Sousa. "Energia e crescimento económico: análise painel de países asiáticos". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3083.
  113. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Rocha, João Carlos Castro. "Consumo de energia e crescimento económico em países exportadores de petróleo". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3098.
  114. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Almeida, Jenildo da Costa. "Será a abundância de petróleo uma maldição para Timor-Leste?". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3101.
  115. Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Gouveia, Joana Filipa Gomes. "Resíduos sólidos urbanos e geração de eletricidade: evidência empírica em países da UE". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3055.
  116. Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Pereira, Agostinho Filipe da Rocha. "Wind power energy and electricity exports: empirical evidence from Portugal". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3057.
  117. Quaresma, Tânia Noélia Raposo. "Does oil production promote economic growth in OPEC countries?". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3081.
  118. Lopes, Susana Patrícia de Sousa. "Energia e crescimento económico: análise painel de países asiáticos". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3083.
  119. Ferreira, Mónica Filipa Moreira. "Consumo de energia e crescimento". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3074.
  120. Lopes, João José Serrão. "O papel da energia, das exportações e do investimento no crescimento económico: evidência empírica de técnicas modernas de painel". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3073.
  121. Pereira, Agostinho Filipe da Rocha. "Wind power energy and electricity exports: empirical evidence from Portugal". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3057.
  122. Gouveia, Joana Filipa Gomes. "Resíduos sólidos urbanos e geração de eletricidade: evidência empírica em países da UE". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3055.
  123. Almeida, Jenildo da Costa. "Será a abundância de petróleo uma maldição para Timor-Leste?". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3101.
  124. Baltazar, José Luís Barata. "Estágio no Núcleo de Apoio Técnico e Relações Internacionais da Autoridade Nacional de Protecção Civil". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2830.
  125. Rocha, João Carlos Castro. "Consumo de energia e crescimento económico em países exportadores de petróleo". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3098.
  126. Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Flora, Rui Manuel Calado. "Intermittency, backup and overcapacity in wind energy: evidence from european countries". Mestrado, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2936.
  127. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Marques, Luís Miguel Soares Santos. "Interação entre o mercado acionista e o produto: uma apreciação do caso português, 1993-2010". Mestrado, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2937.
  128. Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Figueiredo, Sónia Margarida Sousa. "As exportações de eletricidade e a diversificação das fontes de geração". Mestrado, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2938.
  129. Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Silva, Alexandra Marlene Fonseca. "Políticas públicas de incentivo à produção de eletricidade renovável". Mestrado, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2939.
  130. Silva, Alexandra Marlene Fonseca. "Políticas públicas de incentivo à produção de eletricidade renovável". Mestrado, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2939.
  131. Figueiredo, Sónia Margarida Sousa. "As exportações de eletricidade e a diversificação das fontes de geração". Mestrado, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2938.
  132. Flora, Rui Manuel Calado. "Intermittency, backup and overcapacity in wind energy: evidence from european countries". Mestrado, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2936.
  133. Marques, Luís Miguel Soares Santos. "Interação entre o mercado acionista e o produto: uma apreciação do caso português, 1993-2010". Mestrado, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2937.
  134. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Lopes, Raquel Silva. "O pilar 3 de Basileia II e o tratamento do risco de crédito dos bancos portugueses". Mestrado, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3032.
  135. Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Gonçalves, Bruno Miguel Correia. "Dieselisation and road transport CO2 emissions: evidence from Europe". Mestrado, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3020.
  136. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Marques, António Manuel Cardoso; Almeida, Pedro Miguel Cameira de. "A assimetria dos ciclos económicos: evidência internacional". Mestrado, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3021.
  137. Gonçalves, Bruno Miguel Correia. "Dieselisation and road transport CO2 emissions: evidence from Europe". Mestrado, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3020.
  138. Lopes, Raquel Silva. "O pilar 3 de Basileia II e o tratamento do risco de crédito dos bancos portugueses". Mestrado, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3032.
  139. Almeida, Pedro Miguel Cameira de. "A assimetria dos ciclos económicos: evidência internacional". Mestrado, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/3021.
  140. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Maciel, Fátima Alexandra da Costa. "Consumo de petróleo e crescimento económico: o caso português, 1965-2008". Mestrado, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2992.
  141. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Batista, Jorge Augusto Antunes. "Avaliação económica no tratamento de úlceras da perna através da aplicação do tratamento de terapia compressiva". Mestrado, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2995.
  142. Batista, Jorge Augusto Antunes. "Avaliação económica no tratamento de úlceras da perna através da aplicação do tratamento de terapia compressiva". Mestrado, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2995.
  143. Maciel, Fátima Alexandra da Costa. "Consumo de petróleo e crescimento económico: o caso português, 1965-2008". Mestrado, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2992.
  144. Fuinhas, José Alberto Serra Ferreira Rodrigues; Nunes, João Paulo Martins da Silva. "Risco sistémico do sistema bancário nacional". Mestrado, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2934.
  145. Nunes, João Paulo Martins da Silva. "Risco sistémico do sistema bancário nacional". Mestrado, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/2934.


Outra produção
  1. Renewable energy deployment in Europe: Do politics matter?. 2023. Nuno Silva; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Emad Kazemzadeh; Volkan Kaymaz.
  2. Renewable energy deployment in Europe: Do politics matter?. 2023. Nuno Silva; José Alberto Fuinhas; Matheus Koengkan; Emad Kazemzadeh; Volkan Kaymaz.
  3. Unveiling the Impact of Gender Inequality on Women's Lives: Decoding Cancer Mortality Patterns in European Countries Through Quantitative Analysis. 2023. Koengkan, M.; Fuinhas, J.A.. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85162748103&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  4. Do Renewable Energy Policies Can Decrease The Deaths From Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution? Empirical Evidence From Latin American and Caribbean Countries. 2021. Koengkan, M.; Fuinhas, J.A.; Kazemzadeh, E.; Alavijeh, N.K.; Araújo, S.J.. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85132476608&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  5. The driving forces of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions from South Latin American countries and their impacts on these countries’ process of decoupling. 2020. Moutinho, V; Santiago, R; Fuinhas, JA; Marques, AC.
  6. Technological progress and other factors behind the adoption of electric vehicles: Empirical evidence for EU countries. This paper aims to analyse the factors supporting the transition to new forms of mobility, namely Electric Vehicles (EV). For a deep understanding of these effects, we analysed EV, by dividing them into individual Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV), which are 100% electric, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). The factors examined include: policy, social, economic, environmental, and technica. 2018. Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Sónia Almeida Neves; António Cardoso Marques; José Alberto Fuinhas. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6742.
  7. Are renewable energy policies upsetting carbon dioxide emissions? The case of Latin America countries. The impact of renewable energy policies in carbon dioxide emissions was analysed for a panel of ten Latin American countries, for the period from 1991 to 2012. Panel autoregressive distributed lag methodology was used to decompose the total effect of renewable energy policies on carbon dioxide emissions in its short- and long-run components. There is evidence for the presence of cross-sectional de. 2017. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Koengkan, Matheus. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6750.
  8. O impacto da produção de energia eólica no mercado de trabalho: uma abordagem PVAR. Este artigo estuda o impacto da geração de energia eólica sobre o mercado de trabalho. O modelo Panel Data Vector Autoregressive (PVAR) foi utlizado para analisar um painel de nove países no período de 1992-2014. Os testes preliminares indicaram, a existência de cross-section dependence em todas a variáveis em logaritmos e primeiras diferenças, a estacionaridade das variáveis DLF e DLO, bem como a. 2017. Koengkan, Matheus; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6812.
  9. Strategies to make renewable energy sources compatible with economic growth. This paper focuses on the relationship between economic activity, and renewable and non-renewable energy consumption for the set of countries with the largest usage of each energy source. The dominance of one type of energy source could raise an unintentional barrier to a strategy of energy mix diversification. A panel of 28 countries was studied, using annual data for the time span 1995e2013. The. 2017. Afonso, Tiago L.; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6751.
  10. On the Relationship of Energy and CO2: The Effect of Financial Deep on Oil Producing Countries. The relationship between energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the financial depth was appraised within a panel of thirteen oil producing countries. The role of CO2 is analysed as economic growth driver and as explained variable. An Autoregressive Distributed Lag model with annual frequency data for the period from 1970 to 2012 was used. The paper showed that CO2 promotes economic growth i. 2017. Lopes, Mónica Alexandra; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6753.
  11. Redefining the energy-growth nexus with an index for sustainable economic welfare in Europe. This paper inaugurates the study of the energy-sustainable economic growth for Europe. It is novel both because it calculates an Index for Sustainable EconomicWelfare (ISEW) index for European countries, but foremost because it compares the conventional energy-growth nexus with the newly appeared energysustainable growth nexus. Also, it goes further by suggesting ways to overcome the limitations p. 2017. Menegaki, Angeliki N.; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6754.
  12. Augmented energy-growth nexus: economic, political and social globalization impacts. The augmented energy-growth nexus with globalization is analyzed for a panel of 43 countries between 1971 to 2013, by using na autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach. The impacts of economic, political and social globalization on energy-growth nexus are explored. The results are consistent with the presence of cointegration. Evidences of the traditional feedback hypothesis on the energy-gr. 2017. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6813.
  13. On the dynamics of energy-growth nexus: Evidence from a world divided into four regions. This paper provides a comparative analysis of the energy-growth nexus in different world regions by using an identical methodology for each one, thereby avoiding the usual problem of results varying due to the use of differing methodologies. To access data covering the entire world, four regions were used: (i) America (North and South); (ii) Europe and Central Asia; (iii) Asia Pacific; and (iv) Af. 2017. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6814.
  14. Natural Resources, Globalization and Sustainable Economic Welfare: A Panel ARDL Approach. GDP has been the most widely accepted measure of economic performance but it fails to accurately measure economic development, overlooking key aspects of quality of life and sustainability. Thereby, the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) emerges as the dominant alternative. This paper aims to (i) compare both GDP and ISEW as measures of economic performance and (ii) establish the effects. 2017. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Faria, Samuel da Silva. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6815.
  15. Renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sectors of European Union member states: a panel data analysis. In the last two decades, there has been a rich debate about the environmental degradation that results from exposure to solid urban waste. Growing public concern with environmental issues has led to the implementation of various strategic plans for waste management in several developed countries, especially in the European Union. In this paper, the relationships were assessed between economic grow. 2017. Domingos, Hélde Araujo; Faria, Alexandre Magno De Melo; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6749.
  16. The traditional energy-growth nexus: A comparison between sustainable development and economic growth approaches. tGross Domestic Product (GDP) is the indicator commonly used to measure economic growth and sus-tainable development. However, this indicator can be very inefficient for evaluating development. Themost prominent alternative indicator is the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW). Indeed, thisindex can be used to control for the way that countries use available resources, balancing ecological. 2017. Gaspar, Jorge dos Santos; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6752.
  17. Is energy consumption in the transport sector hampering both economic growth and the reduction of CO 2 emissions? A disaggregated energy consumption analysis. The transport sector was analysed by studying the interaction between conventional (fossil fuels) and alternative (electricity and renewable fuels) energy consumption, on economic growth and CO2 emissions. To do this, annual data for 15 OECD countries from 1995 to 2014 was used. The short- and long-run effects were analysed individually with the robust Driscoll-Kraay estimator in an Autoregressive. 2017. Neves, Sónia Almeida; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6713.
  18. Interactions between electricity generation sources and economic activity in two Nord Pool systems. The interactions between electricity sources and industrial production in Estonia and Sweden are analysed based on monthly data. The availability of data defines the time spans from January 2010 to September 2015 for Sweden and from April 2010 to December 2014 for Estonia. These countries are particularly interesting to study because of their dissimilar generation mix. Estonia’s generation mix is. 2017. Afonso, Tiago Lopes; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Saldanha, Marco Mano. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6851.
  19. The Impact of Renewable Energy Consumption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions-The Case of South American Countries. 2017. Matheus Koengkan; José Alberto Fuinhas. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.15757.44003.
  20. A não linearidade do Nexus desenvolvimento financeiro - crescimento económico: o caso dos países produtores de petróleo. O presente estudo apresenta uma nova perspectiva da influência do Desenvolvimento Financeiro sobre o Crescimento Econômico num painel de 15 países produtores de petróleo, com um período temporal de 1981 a 2011. Incorporou-se no modelo variáveis como as rendas de petróleo, o rácio de produção de petróleo sobre consumo de energia primária, preços de petróleo, exportações de bens e serviços, consumo. 2016. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Simão, Ruben. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6818.
  21. Evaluating the Impact of New Renewable Energy on the Peak Load - An ARDL Approach for Portugal. The integration of intermittent renewable energy will lead to demand surplus, whenever the need for generation from combined-cycle plants increases. This paper focuses on Portugal, a country in which wind power is largely integrated, and which has recently made major investments in solar power. The results show that coal energy management does not contribute to smoothing out the intermittency prob. 2016. Serras, Flávio Rodrigues; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6819.
  22. On the Global Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: a Long Time Span Analysis. There is plenty of research on the energy-growth nexus for individual countries and panels of countries, but none at a global level. For this reason, this paper aims to provide important information for energy policymakers. The global energy consumption and economic growth nexus was analyzed by using an annual time series from 1965 to 2013. An auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach was fo. 2016. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6824.
  23. Two centuries of economic growth: international evidence on deepness and steepness. This paper focuses on more than two centuries of annual data. It applies the coefficient of skewness and the triples test, in order to detect the presence of deepness and steepness asymmetries in the real GDP per capita of thirty-one countries. By considering a large set of countries over periods starting from 1800, 1820, 1850, 1870, and 1900 and ending in 2010, the robustness of results was addre. 2016. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Almeida, Pedro; Nogueira, David; Branco, Tania. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6816.
  24. How electricity generation regimes are interacting in Portugal. This paper uses monthly data for the time span 2006:M01 to 2014:M06, to study the relationship between electricity generation regimes, both ordinary and special, and economic activity in Portugal. An autoregressive distributed lag bounds test approach is pursued to analyse the short- and long-run dynamics between renewable/non-renewable electricity sources and industrial production. Results show t. 2016. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6760.
  25. On the Nexus of Energy Use - Economic Development. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is inefficient for evaluating sustainable development, and the most suitable indicator for this is the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW). This paper focuses on distinguishing the ISEW from GDP, mainly through the study of the energy consumption - economic growth nexus. The traditional hypotheses were tested using a Panel-Corrected Standard Errors estimator f. 2016. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Gaspar, Jorge dos Santos. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6820.
  26. Electricity generation mix and economic growth: what role is being played by nuclear sources and carbon dioxide emissions in France?. The gradual trend towards the electrification of economies has raised new challenges. Focusing on France, this paper uses monthly data from January 2010 to November 2014, to study the challenge of the simultaneous integration of various sources of generation, and their relationship with economic growth. For the analysis of the dynamics of interaction between electricity sources, the auto-regressiv. 2016. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Nunes, André Francisco Roque. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6758.
  27. Renewable vs non-renewable electricity and the industrial production nexus: Evidence from an ARDL bounds test approach for Greece. This paper uses monthly data from Aug. 2004 to Feb. 2014 and employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag bounds test approach to study the short and long-run relationship of renewable and non-renewable electricity with economic growth in Greece. Dummies reveal most of the major energy policy adaptations taking place in Greece to overcome the economic crisis and reach stipulated renewable energy tar. 2016. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Menegaki, Angeliki N.. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6759.
  28. A different look over the financial depth nonlinearity: evidence from Europe. The nonlinear relationship between Economic Growth and Financial Depth was assessed for a panel of 25 European countries, for the period from 1996 to 2011. These countries share common spatial patterns as was confirmed by the presence of cross-sectional dependence. Furthermore, heteroskedasticity and first order autocorrelation are present in the panel. The Hausman test supports the presence of he. 2015. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Carreira, Ricardo. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6822.
  29. Does oil consumption promote economic growth in oil producers?. Purpose – The oil-growth nexus is studied in a panel of Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPECs), for a long time span (1960-2011), controlling for the specific context of oil production. Their membership in the cartel put them under a common guidance, which originates phenomena of cross-section dependence/contemporaneous correlation in the panel. Design/methodology/approach – Rec. 2015. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Quaresma, Tânia Noélia. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6755.
  30. Oil-growth nexus in oil producing countries: macro panel evidence. The oil consumption-economic growth nexus is examined in a panel of oil producing countries over a long time span (1965-2012). Both, the ratio of oil production to primary energy consumption, i.e. oil self-sufficiency, and the persistence of the second structural oil shock were controlled for. The phenomenon of cross-sectional dependence that is present in the panel confirms that these countries s. 2015. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Couto, Alcino Pinto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6823.
  31. The role of Portuguese electricity generation regimes and industrial production. This paper examines how renewables (special regime) simultaneously interact with conventional sources (ordinary regime), within the Portuguese electricity generation system. There is also an appraisal of the relationship between these two regimes and economic activity, using the industrial production index. First difference VAR modelling was applied for monthly data for the time span of 2007:M1 to. 2015. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6756.
  32. Oil rents and economic growth in oil producing countries: evidence from a macro panel. In this paper, new approaches are taken to explore two new dimensions of the oil growth nexus that are relevant when focusing on oil producing countries. Based on panel regressions, we regress per capita income on the ratio of oil production to primary energy consumption and oil rents per capita, adding control variables and exploring a relationship analysis within a multivariate oil-growth nexus. 2015. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso; Couto, Alcino Pinto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6757.
  33. Are Natural Resources and Apartheid Playing a Relevant Role in the Energy-Growth Nexus in South Africa?. The energy-growth nexus is studied in South Africa, by using a technique able to capture both short and long-run phenomena, the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). Annual time series data from 1965 to 2011 was used. It is proved that the prices of natural resources have a positive effect on economic growth. The influence of the end of apartheid on the energy–growth nexus began soon after the e. 2014. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6826.
  34. Interactions between electricity generation sources and economic activity in Greece: A VECM approach. The interactions between electricity generation sources and industrial production in Greece were analysed from August 2004 to October 2013. Greece has been subject to a tough economic adjustment under external financial assistance guidelines. In the meantime, the country has remained committed to international agreements concerning the use of renewables. The variables interact with each other, and. 2014. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Menegaki, Angeliki N.. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6762.
  35. Wind power idle capacity in a panel of European countries. In renewables, namely wind power, the evidence of discrepancy between the installed and the used capacity needs to be studied in depth. The wind idle capacity is analysed, through panel data techniques, for a set of 18 European countries for the time span 1998e2011. Notwithstanding the so-called common policy guidelines within the countries, contemporaneous effects among countries were not proven.. 2014. Flora, Rui; Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6761.
  36. Rentierism, energy and economic growth: The case of Algeria and Egypt (1965–2010). The Algerian economy is an example of a high level of rentierism, while the Egyptian economy shows a low/moderate level of rentierism. The ARDL bounds test approach was used upon annual time series data from 1965 to 2010. The results suggest cointegration for both countries. Bi-causality between energy consumption and growth in the long run was found. For Algeria there is a reversed (negative) ene. 2013. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6763.
  37. Does the stock market cause economic growth? Portuguese evidence of economic regime change. The relationship between stock market and economic growth is tested for Portugal (1993–2011), which is a small open economy dependent on bank financing. The relationship between economic growth and bank financing is also appraised. Using Vector Autoregressive (VAR) modeling, Granger causality, variance decomposition and impulse response function are discussed. The physical replacement of the curre. 2013. Marques, Luís Miguel; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6764.
  38. Energy consumption and economic growth nexus in Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey. The paper examines the nexus between primary energy consumption and growth in Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey (PIGST), with annual time series data, from 1965 to 2009. PIGST are southern European economies which have experienced several episodes that make them of particular interest to the study of periods of economic expansion and stagnation. An ARDL bounds test approach is a suitable t. 2012. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6765.
  39. An ARDL Approach to the Oil and Growth Nexus. In the literature, the causal relationship between oil consumption and economic growth has been poorly studied. Portugal is a medium-sized economy, which has experienced several episodes that make it of particular interest in the study of periods of economic expansion and stagnation. Portugal is constrained by external energy dependency and, due to international commitments, it is also faced with. 2012. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6768.
  40. Dieselization and Road Transport CO2 Emissions. Road transport carbon dioxide emissions were analyzed, by focusing on a panel of 14 European countries for the time span 1995-2007. We deal with the existence of contemporaneous correlation by using the Panel Corrected Standard Errors estimator. We extend the empirical literature by controlling the effect of new diesel passenger car registrations and the average power of those vehicles. The price. 2012. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Gonçalves, Bruno Miguel. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6767.
  41. Are public policies towards renewables successful? Evidence from European countries. Qualitative and theoretical literature indicates public policies as a major driver in the development of renewables. This paper empirically tests this claim, within a context of several drivers of renewables, by focusing on a large panel of European countries. Given the presence of heteroskedasticity and contemporaneous correlation resulting from the uniformity of public policies supporting renewa. 2012. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6766.
  42. Is renewable energy effective in promoting growth?. This paper applies panel data techniques to analyze the role of the various energy sources in economic growth, for a set of 24 European countries (1990-2007), controlling for energy consumption and energy dependency. The results suggest that the negative effect of the use of renewables supplants the positive effect of creating income by exploiting a natural resource locally, and thus growth does n. 2012. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6769.
  43. Energy Consumption Effects on an Economy with Structural Breaks: evidence from Portugal (1965-2008). The paper examines the nexus between growth and primary energy consumption in Portugal, using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds test approach with annual time series data from 1965 to 2008. Portugal is a medium-sized economy which has experienced several episodes of economic expansion and stagnation that make it of particular interest. Portugal is constrained by external energy depe. 2011. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6827.
  44. Different measures of volatility: the hypothesis of output composition in Portugal. 1This paper focuses on analyzing the impact of the consequences of monetary union on GDP volatility in Portugal. Using quarterly data from 1978:01 to 2009:04, we test the output composition effect and the correlation effect through three alternative approaches of volatility: year on year, quarter on quarter and the value of output gap. Results support the presence of the composition effect. Overal. 2011. Fuinhas, José Alberto; Marques, António Cardoso. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6828.
  45. Drivers promoting renewable energy: a dynamic panel approach. We study the commitment to renewable energy sources, focusing on a set of 24 European countries, and applying panel dynamic estimators. Europe is a leading player in the fight against climate change, and the estimators we use reveal themselves to be appropriate in handling the persistency effect on renewables. The level of renewable energy use in the previous period has a positive and highly signi. 2011. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6772.
  46. Do energy efficiency measures promote the use of renewable sources?. This paper analyses the factors behind the deployment of renewable energy, focusing particularly on the effect of energy efficiency policies and measures. The impact of these factors is appraised within the context of several phases of the use of renewable sources.We therefore apply the quantile regression technique to a set of 21 European Countries in two time spans: from 1990 to 1998, and from 1. 2011. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6770.
  47. Motivations driving renewable energy in European countries: A panel data approach. Despite the increasing amount of literature available on renewable energy, the empirical analysis about drivers promoting renewables remains scarce. We have analyzed those drivers for European Countries. Over an extended period of time (1990-2006) we used panel data techniques, namely the fixed effects vector decomposition. The results suggest that both the lobby of the traditional energy sources. 2010. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Manso, Jose. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6773.
  48. A Quantile Approach to Identify Factors Promoting Renewable Energy in European Countries. This paper analyses the impact of several factors on the use of renewable energy sources in a set of European Union countries, by applying a quantile regression approach.We find that different factors are effective for different levels of renewable energy commitment and the magnitudes of some effects evolve in accordance with the level of renewable energy sources used. Consequently, some policies. 2010. Marques, António Cardoso; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Manso, Jose. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6771.


Título / Tema
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2018 - 2018 The Spillover effects between USA and Euro Area: A VECM approach with oil Prices
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2018 - 2018 The impact of financial development and globalization on economic growth: Evidence from a macro panel of ten countries
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2018 - 2018 Delinquency and default in the USA student debt as fractional response to unemployment and average debt per borrower
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2018 - 2018 The nexus between financial development and economic growth: A panel-VAR evidence
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2018 - 2018 Stock market development, financial development and economic growth in Portugal: Evidence from a Vector Autoregressive model
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2017 - 2017 Natural Resources, Globalization and Sustainable Economic Welfare: A Panel ARDL Approach
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2017 - 2017 Crescimento económico e autossuficiência em países produtores de combustíveis fósseis: uma abordagem ARDL bounds
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Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
2020/02/26 Financial Development and Consumption
Joshua Dias Duarte (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal