Dr. Ganna Rozhnova is an Associate Professor in Infectious Disease Modeling at the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands and the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Lisbon in Portugal. She is a group leader at the BioISI—Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute in Lisbon. Her research focuses on applying infectious disease modeling to address questions and support evidence-based policymaking in public health. Her mission as a researcher is to contribute to improving people’s health by providing guidance to stakeholders on the implementation of public health measures. She concentrates on highly relevant emerging and established infectious diseases that require massive control efforts and have a large societal impact. Dr. Rozhnova is interested in understanding the emergence, evolution, and spatio-temporal dynamics of infectious diseases on various scales (e.g., host, hospital/school, or population) and evaluating the impact of interventions on disease transmission. Her most recent research aims to explore the prospects of HIV elimination, promising HIV cure strategies, and the (post-)pandemic dynamics of SARS-CoV-2. Other applications include influenza, CMV, and childhood infections. Dr Rozhnova is a recipient of highly competitive awards (PhD and postdoctoral fellowships from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Award "Stimulus for Research" from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), institutional excellence programs (Research Career Development Program) and grants (list below). She held official appointments as an invited visiting scientist at the University of California (Santa Barbara, USA), the Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge, UK), the Gladstone Institute of Immunology and Virology (San Francisco, USA), and the MRC Biostatistics Unit (Cambridge, UK). The main funders of her current research are Aidsfonds, FCT, NWO, ZonMw and European Commission.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Ganna Rozhnova

Nomes de citação

  • Rozhnova, Ganna

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID


Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Ciências da Saúde - Epidemiologia


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Português Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Russo (Idioma materno)
Ucraniano (Idioma materno)
Grau Classificação
2006/12 - 2010/11
Física (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Stochastic effects in population dynamics: simulations and analytical models" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Summa cum laude
2006/12 - 2008/01
Física (Pós-Graduação)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2005 - 2006
Física (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Percurso profissional

Cargos e Funções

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2023/09/01 - Atual Invited Associate Professor Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2022/12/16 - Atual Associate Professor University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2014 - Atual Research Group leader (2020 - present) Researcher (2014-2019) BioISI — Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute, FCUL, Portugal
2014/02/28 - 2022/12/15 Assistant Professor University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2013/07/01 - 2014/02/25 Visiting Scientist University of Cologne — Institute of Theoretical Physics, Alemanha
2010/12/01 - 2013/06/30 Postdoctoral Researcher University of Manchester — School of Physics and Astronomy, Reino Unido
2006/12/01 - 2010/11/30 PhD researcher Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2010/03 - 2010/08 Invited Assistant Professor Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2023/01/01 - 2025/12/31 Targeted control of COVID-19 post mass vaccination (EUR 249,981)
Investigador responsável
FCiênciasID Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2021/11/01 - 2025/11/01 VERDI: SARS-coV2 variants Evaluation in pRegnancy and paeDIatrics cohorts (Total EUR 10,000,000/My budget EUR 671,000)
Partner/Task lead/WP4 (Modeling)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
European Commission
Em curso
2021/11/01 - 2025/11/01 VERDI: SARS-coV2 variants Evaluation in pRegnancy and paeDIatrics cohorts (Monkeypox Amendment: Total EUR 5,000,000/My budget EUR 470,000)
Partner/Task lead/WP4 (Modeling)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
European Commission
Em curso
2020/03 - 2025/07 Prospects of HIV elimination among Dutch MSM by targeted screening for acute HIV infection and partner notification (EUR 274,938)
Investigador responsável
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
Em curso
2023 - 2025 NCOH Pandemic Preparedness Research Kickstarter (Total EUR 2,500,000/My budget EUR 450,000)
Partner/Task lead/WP4 (Risk Prediction Models)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
Em curso
2023/07/01 - 2024/07/01 CoviChron: Covid-19 and Chronic illness interactions in transmission dynamics (EUR 235,000)
Investigador responsável
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
Em curso
2023/05/15 - 2023/06/15 Unifying the epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of pathogens (EUR 40,000)
Investigador responsável
BioISI — Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute, FCUL, Portugal

University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
Nordita Institute
Em curso
2020/03 - 2022/08 Making HIV cure work: impact on quality of life, risk behavior, and the Dutch epidemic (EUR 274,894)
Investigador responsável
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
Em curso
2019/11 - 2021/04 Gini in a bottle: Impact of PrEP on sexual behavior and sexually transmitted infections in the MSM population (EUR 47,000)
Role: Co-Applicant
2018/06 - 2020/11 Risk underestimation, high-risk sexual behavior episodes and estimating the impact of tailored interventions (EUR 170,000)
Role: Co-Applicant
2017/10 - 2020/09 Mapping structure, dynamics and behaviour of Dutch Caribbean HIV transmission networks (EUR 275,000)
Role: Leader of WP5
2020/05/04 - 2020/08/03 Making the way out: model-based evaluation of exit strategies from the COVID-19 lock-down in Portugal (EUR 17,490)
Investigador responsável
BioISI — Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute, FCUL, Portugal
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
2017/12/01 - 2019/12/31 Modelling the impact of demographic change on the effectiveness of vaccination
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
2015/10 - 2017/06 Making it count: timing of STI and HIV prevention interventions throughout sexual careers of men who have sex with men
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2014/02/28 - 2017/02/27 Prospects of elimination of HIV by treatment as prevention in MSM in the Netherlands
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2010/12 - 2013/06 Stochastic metapopulation models for infection dynamics and viral evolution (EUR 90,000)
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
2007 - 2011 The physics of populations: the role of the contact network in the competition of species and in the propagation of diseases (EUR 12,500)
Programme Stimulus for Research 2007
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
2006/12 - 2010/11 Spatio-temporal patterns on complex networks: the role of the structure of the interaction network (EUR 60,000)
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology


Artigo em boletim informativo
  1. Ana Subtil Simões. "Ao fazer previsões para dois países - Holanda e Portugal - podemos aprender e testar a robustez do nosso modelo", Interview. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 2020, https://ciencias.ulisboa.pt/pt/noticia/20-08-2020/%E2%80%9Cao-fazer-previs%C3%B5es-para-dois-pa%C3%ADses-holanda-e-portugal-podemos-aprender-e-testar.
  2. Francesca Arici. "The impact of preventive measures on the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Ganna Rozhnova", European Women in Mathematics, 2020, https://www.europeanwomeninmaths.org/ganna-rozhnova/.
  3. Rozhnova, Ganna; Basten, Maartje. "Project: The consequences of HIV cure", Aidsfonds Netherlands, 2019, https://aidsfonds.nl/projecten/project-de-gevolgen-van-hiv-genezing/.
  4. Rozhnova, Ganna; Geurts, Paul. "Increased use of pre-exposure prophylaxis may end the HIV epidemic in the Netherlands", Infection and Immunity, University Medical Center Utrecht, 2018, https://www.umcutrecht.nl/en/over-ons/nieuws/infection-and-immunity/nov-1-increased-use-of-pre-exposure-prophylaxis-may-end-the-hiv-epidemic-in-the-netherlands.
Artigo em jornal
  1. Andrea Cunha Freitas. "Covid-19: rapidez de testes e do rastreio de contactos mudam rumo da infecção", Interview. Público: Saúde, 2020, https://www.publico.pt/2020/07/17/ciencia/noticia/covid19-rapidez-testes-rastreio-contactos-mudam-rumo-infeccao-1924805.
  2. Rozhnova, Ganna; Nogueira, João Miguel; Ferreira, Paulo. "Como combater o inimigo epidémico invisível e vencer?", Público: Ciência, 2020, https://www.publico.pt/2020/03/31/ciencia/noticia/combater-inimigo-epidemico-invisivel-vencer-1910227.
Artigo em revista
  1. Boldea, Otilia; Alipoor, Amir; Pei, Sen; Shaman, Jeffrey; Rozhnova, Ganna. "Age-specific transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 during the first 2 years of the pandemic". PNAS Nexus 3 2 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae024.
  2. van Boven, Michiel; van Dorp, Christiaan H.; Westerhof, Ilse; Jaddoe, Vincent; Heuvelman, Valerie; Duijts, Liesbeth; Fourie, Elandri; et al. "Estimation of introduction and transmission rates of SARS-CoV-2 in a prospective household study". PLOS Computational Biology 20 1 (2024): e1011832. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011832.
  3. Rouzine, Igor M.; Rozhnova, Ganna. Autor correspondente: Rozhnova, Ganna. "Evolutionary implications of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination for the future design of vaccination strategies". Communications Medicine 3 1 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s43856-023-00320-x.
  4. Westerhof, Ilse; de Hoog, Marieke; Ieven, Margareta; Lammens, Christine; van Beek, Janko; Rozhnova, Ganna; Eggink, Dirk; et al. "The impact of variant and vaccination on SARS-CoV-2 symptomatology; three prospective household cohorts". International Journal of Infectious Diseases 128 (2023): 140-147. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2022.12.018.
  5. Romijnders, Kim A. G. J.; de Groot, Laura; Vervoort, Sigrid C. J. M.; Basten, Maartje; van Welzen, Berend J.; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Reiss, Peter; et al. "The experienced positive and negative influence of HIV on quality of life of people with HIV and vulnerable to HIV in the Netherlands". Scientific Reports 12 1 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-25113-5.
    Publicado • 10.1038/s41598-022-25113-5
  6. Teslya, Alexandra; Rozhnova, Ganna; Pham, Thi Mui; van Wees, Daphne A.; Nunner, Hendrik; Godijk, Noortje G.; Bootsma, Martin; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.. "The importance of sustained compliance with physical distancing during COVID-19 vaccination rollout". Communications Medicine 2 1 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s43856-022-00207-3.
    Publicado • 10.1038/s43856-022-00207-3
  7. Romijnders, Kim A.G.J.; de Groot, Laura; Vervoort, Sigrid C.J.M.; Basten, Maartje G.J.; van Welzen, Berend J.; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Reiss, Peter; Davidovich, Udi; Rozhnova, Ganna. "The perceived impact of an HIV cure by people living with HIV and key populations vulnerable to HIV in the Netherlands: A qualitative study". Journal of Virus Eradication 8 1 (2022): 100066. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jve.2022.100066.
  8. Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Ashby, Ben; Fearon, Elizabeth; Overton, Christopher E.; Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Pellis, Lorenzo; Quaife, Matthew; et al. "Challenges for modelling interventions for future pandemics". Epidemics 38 (2022): 100546. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epidem.2022.100546.
  9. Basten, Maartje G. J.; van Wees, Daphne A.; Matser, Amy; Boyd, Anders; Rozhnova, Ganna; den Daas, Chantal; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E. E.; Heijne, Janneke C. M.. "Time for change: Transitions between HIV risk levels and determinants of behavior change in men who have sex with men". PLOS ONE 16 12 (2021): e0259913. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0259913.
  10. van Wees, Daphne Amanda; Diexer, Sophie; Rozhnova, Ganna; Matser, Amy; den Daas, Chantal; Heijne, Janneke; Kretzschmar, Mirjam. "Quantifying heterogeneity in sexual behaviour and distribution of STIs before and after pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men". Sexually Transmitted Infections 98 6 (2021): 395-400. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/sextrans-2021-055227.
  11. Viana, João; van Dorp, Christiaan H.; Nunes, Ana; Gomes, Manuel C.; van Boven, Michiel; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Veldhoen, Marc; Rozhnova, Ganna. "Controlling the pandemic during the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination rollout". Nature Communications 12 1 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23938-8.
  12. Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Rozhnova, Ganna; van Boven, Michiel. "Isolation and Contact Tracing Can Tip the Scale to Containment of COVID-19 in Populations With Social Distancing". Frontiers in Physics 8 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2020.622485.
  13. Rozhnova, Ganna; van Dorp, CH; Bruijning-Verhagen, P; Bootsma, MCJ; van de Wijgert, JHHM; Bonten, MJM; Kretzschmar, ME. "Model-based evaluation of school- and non-school-related measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic". Nature Communications (2021): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-21899-6.
    No prelo
  14. Basten, Maartje; den Daas, Chantal; Heijne, Janneke C. M.; Boyd, Anders; Davidovich, Udi; Rozhnova, Ganna; Kretzschmar, Mirjam; Matser, Amy. "The Rhythm of Risk: Sexual Behaviour, PrEP Use and HIV Risk Perception Between 1999 and 2018 Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Amsterdam, The Netherlands". AIDS and Behavior (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10461-020-03109-4.
  15. Gomes, Manuel Carmo; Nunes, Ana; Nogueira, João; Rebelo, Carlota; Viana, João; Rozhnova, Ganna. "Forecasting the Pandemic: The Role of Mathematical Models". Acta Médica Portuguesa 33 11 (2020): 713. http://dx.doi.org/10.20344/amp.15049.
  16. Rouzine, Igor M.; Rozhnova, Ganna. "Correction: Antigenic evolution of viruses in host populations". PLOS Pathogens 16 8 (2020): e1008830. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1008830.
  17. Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Rozhnova, Ganna; Bootsma, Martin C J; van Boven, Michiel; van de Wijgert, Janneke H H M; Bonten, Marc J M. "Impact of delays on effectiveness of contact tracing strategies for COVID-19: a modelling study". The Lancet Public Health 5 8 (2020): e452-e459. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s2468-2667(20)30157-2.
  18. Teslya, Alexandra; Pham, Thi Mui; Godijk, Noortje G.; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Bootsma, Martin C. J.; Rozhnova, Ganna. "Impact of self-imposed prevention measures and short-term government-imposed social distancing on mitigating and delaying a COVID-19 epidemic: A modelling study". PLOS Medicine 17 7 (2020): e1003166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003166.
  19. Rozhnova, Ganna; E. Kretzschmar, Mirjam; van der Klis, Fiona; van Baarle, Debbie; Korndewal, Marjolein; C. Vossen, Ann; van Boven, Michiel. "Short- and long-term impact of vaccination against cytomegalovirus: a modeling study". BMC Medicine 18 1 (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12916-020-01629-3.
  20. van der Roest, B; Godijk, NG; Kretzschmar, ME; Rozhnova, Ganna; Bootsma, M. "Predict the number of admissions of patients with COVID-19 [Voorspellen van het aantal opnames van patiënten met COVID-19]". Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie 28 2 (2020): 68-72. https://www.nvmm.nl/ntmm/artikeloverzicht/juni-2020/thema-covid-19-rol-van-modellen-bij-het-voorspellen-van-opnames/.
  21. Rozhnova, Ganna; Heijne, Janneke C.M.; Basten, Maartje; den Daas, Chantal; Matser, Amy; Kretzschmar, Mirjam. "Impact of sexual trajectories of men who have sex with men on the reduction in HIV transmission by pre-exposure prophylaxis". Epidemics 28 (2019): 100337. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epidem.2019.03.003.
  22. Rozhnova, Ganna; Heijne, Janneke; Bezemer, Daniela; van Sighem, Ard; Presanis, Anne; De Angelis, Daniela; Kretzschmar, Mirjam. "Elimination prospects of the Dutch HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in the era of preexposure prophylaxis". AIDS 32 17 (2018): 2615-2623. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/qad.0000000000002050.
  23. Rouzine, Igor M.; Rozhnova, Ganna. "Antigenic evolution of viruses in host populations". PLOS Pathogens 14 9 (2018): e1007291. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1007291.
  24. Rozhnova, Ganna; Anastasaki, Marilena; Kretzschmar, Mirjam. "Modelling the dynamics of population viral load measures under HIV treatment as prevention". Infectious Disease Modelling 3 (2018): 160-170. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.idm.2018.09.001.
  25. Rozhnova, Ganna; van der Loeff, Maarten F. Schim; Heijne, Janneke C. M.; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.. "Impact of Heterogeneity in Sexual Behavior on Effectiveness in Reducing HIV Transmission with Test-and-Treat Strategy". PLOS Computational Biology 12 8 (2016): e1005012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005012.
  26. Rast, Luke I.; Rouzine, Igor M.; Rozhnova, Ganna; Bishop, Lisa; Weinberger, Ariel D.; Weinberger, Leor S.. "Conflicting Selection Pressures Will Constrain Viral Escape from Interfering Particles: Principles for Designing Resistance-Proof Antivirals". PLOS Computational Biology 12 5 (2016): e1004799. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004799.
  27. Rozhnova, G.; Nunes, A.; McKane, A.J.. "Impact of commuting on disease persistence in heterogeneous metapopulations". Ecological Complexity 19 (2014): 124-129. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2014.06.001.
  28. Rozhnova, Ganna; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; Grenfell, Bryan T.. "Characterizing the dynamics of rubella relative to measles: the role of stochasticity". Journal of The Royal Society Interface 10 88 (2013): 20130643. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2013.0643.
  29. Rozhnova, Ganna; Nunes, Ana. "Modelling the long-term dynamics of pre-vaccination pertussis". Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 76 (2012): 2959-2970. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2012.0432.
  30. Rozhnova, G.; Nunes, A.; McKane, A. J.. "Phase lag in epidemics on a network of cities". Physical Review E 85 5 (2012): http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physreve.85.051912.
  31. Rozhnova, G.; Nunes, A.; McKane, A. J.. "Stochastic oscillations in models of epidemics on a network of cities". Physical Review E 84 5 (2011): http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physreve.84.051919.
  32. Rozhnova, G.; Nunes, A.. "Stochastic effects in a seasonally forced epidemic model". Physical Review E 82 4 (2010): http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physreve.82.041906.
  33. Rozhnova, G.; Nunes, A.. "Population dynamics on random networks: simulations and analytical models". The European Physical Journal B 74 2 (2010): 235-242. http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjb/e2010-00068-7.
  34. Rozhnova, G.; Nunes, A.. "Cluster approximations for infection dynamics on random networks". Physical Review E 80 5 (2009): http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physreve.80.051915.
  35. Rozhnova, G.; Nunes, A.. "Fluctuations and oscillations in a simple epidemic model". Physical Review E 79 4 (2009): http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physreve.79.041922.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Rozhnova, Ganna; Nunes, Ana. "SIRS Dynamics on Random Networks: Simulations and Analytical Models". In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, editado por Zhou, Jie, 792-797. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
  1. Pham, Thi Mui; Westerhof, Ilse; Bootsma, Martin C.J.; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Rozhnova, Ganna; Bruijning-Verhagen, Patricia. "Seasonal patterns of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in secondary schools: a modelling study". 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.21.22273952.
  2. Bootsma, MCJ; Kretzschmar, ME; Rozhnova, G; Heesterbeek, JAP; Kluytmans, JAJW; Bonten, MJM. "Regular universal screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection may not allow reopening of society after controlling a pandemic wave". 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.18.20233122.
Recurso online
  1. Pham, Thi Mui; Rozhnova, Ganna; Westerhof, Ilse; Bonten, Marc J M; Bootsma, Martin C. J.; Kretzschmar, Mirjam; Bruijning-Verhagen, P. Modelling the impact of preventive measures on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary schools in the Netherlands. 2021. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5057515.
  2. Jen Christensen. Three simple acts can stop Covid-19 outbreaks, study finds. CNN. 2020. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/21/health/covid-19-three-things-will-stop-it-wellness/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2a4yL-i5KNf1rJZpIAY2d4bOYJYnOEIAEs-C3W9ly766Ye3HsmQZwFVgA.
  1. Pham, Thi Mui; Westerhof, Ilse; Rozhnova, Ganna; Bootsma, Martin C. J.; Kretzschmar, Mirjam; Bruijning-Verhagen, Patricia. 2021. Third report modeling SARS-CoV-2 infections in secondary education. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/rapporten/2021/09/07/derde-rapport-modellering-sars-cov-2-infecties-in-het-voortgezet-onderwijs.
  2. Pham, Thi Mui; Rozhnova, Ganna; Westerhof, Ilse; Bootsma, Martin C J; Kretzschmar, Mirjam; Bruijning-Verhagen, Patricia. 2021. Modelling the impact of preventive measures on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary schools in the Netherlands. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/kamerstukken/2021/08/13/resultaten-modellering-umcu-vaccinatiegraad-13-augustus.
  3. Pham, Thi Mui; Westerhof, Ilse; Rozhnova, Ganna; Bootsma, Martin C.J.; Kretzschmar, Mirjam; Bruijning-Verhagen, Patricia. 2021. Second report modeling SARS-CoV-2 infections in secondary education. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/rapporten/2021/07/07/tweede-rapport-modellering-sars-cov-2-infecties-in-het-voortgezet-onderwijs.
  4. Pham, Thi Mui; Rozhnova, Ganna; Westerhof, Ilse; Kretzschmar, Mirjam; Bootsma, Martin C. J.; Bruijning-Verhagen, Patricia. 2021. Impact of preventive measures on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary education - a model study. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/rapporten/2021/06/10/impact-van-preventieve-maatregelen-op-de-overdracht-van-sars-cov-2-in-het-voortgezet-onderwijs-een-model-studie.
Tese / Dissertação
  1. Rozhnova, Ganna. "Stochastic effects in population dynamics: simulations and analytical models". 2010. https://repositorio.ul.pt/handle/10451/2341.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2022/02/11 The dynamics of SARS-COV-2 during the vaccination rollout and in the post-pandemic period Keynote lecture
13th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS) (Espanha)
2021/11/10 COVID-19 dynamics for physicists Invited seminar
Poznan University (Polónia)
2021/04/23 Model-based evaluation of the impact of public health measures on controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands and Portugal Invited seminar
MTB seminar series, Basque Center of Applied Mathematics (Espanha)
2021/04/21 Model-based evaluation of school and non-school related measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic Invited seminar
Infectious Disease Outbreaks lecture series, Bordeaux University (França)
2021/04/19 Controlling the pandemic during the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination rollout Keynote talk
Workshop Evolutionary Implications of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, Cambridge University (Reino Unido)
2020/12/11 Model-based evaluation of school- and non-school based public health measures on controlling the COVID-19 pandemic Invited seminar
Centre for Mathematics, University of Coimbra (Portugal)
2020/07/29 Making the way out: model-based evaluation of contact tracing and self-imposed prevention measures on the COVID-19 pandemic Invited seminar
Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds, Rush University Medical Center (Estados Unidos)
2019/11/13 Sexual behaviour and perceived risk of HIV between 1999 and 2018 among men who have sex with men in Amsterdam, the Netherlands Contributed talk
The 12th Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment. The Royal Tropical Institute (Amsterdam, Países Baixos)
2019/10/10 A model for the antigenic evolution of influenza viruses Invited talk
Workshop on Multi-strain Pathogen Dynamics, The Netherlands Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Bilthoven, Países Baixos)
2018/07/24 Impact of pre-exposure prophylaxis on the Dutch HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men Contributed talk
The 11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Lisbon University (Lisbon, Portugal)
2016/06/21 Modelling the dynamics of population viral load measures under HIV treatment as prevention Invited seminar
Statistics Modelling Economics Department, Public Health England (London, Reino Unido)
2015/09/02 Impact of heterogeneity in sexual behavior on possible contributed talk elimination of HIV transmission with test-and-treat strategy Invited talk
Conference "Mathematical and computational epidemiology of infectious diseases - the interplay between models and public health policies". "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture (Erice, Itália)
2014/09/19 The role of stochasticity in characterizing the dynamics of rubella Invited seminar
Workshop "Mathematical challenges for long epidemic time series", Mathematics Research Centre, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick (Warwick, Reino Unido)
2013/06/05 A therapy for HIV based on HIV itself Invited talk
Gene Center, University of Munich (LMU) (Munich, Alemanha)
2013/06/02 Requirements for evolutionary stability of TIPs and HIV in high-risk populations Invited talk
Workshop "Quantitative laws of genome evolution" (Como, Itália)
2013/05/14 Understanding the impact of commuting on infectious disease persistence Invited seminar
Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (London, Reino Unido)
2013/02/27 The multiscale modelling of HIV dynamics Invited seminar
Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology, University of California, San Francisco (San Francisco, Estados Unidos)
2013/01/09 Modelling childhood disease dynamics from a physics perspective Invited seminar
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Disease Dynamics Unit, Cambridge University (Cambridge, Reino Unido)
2012/11/28 Stochastic fluctuations in systems with intrinsic noise Invited seminar
Department of Mathematics, School of Natural & Mathematical Sciences, King's College London (London, Reino Unido)
2012/11/08 The science of individual-based modelling Invited talk
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, The Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (Oxford, Reino Unido)
2012/04/17 Modelling disease dynamics from a physics perspective Invited seminar
Disease Dynamics Seminar, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University (Princeton, Estados Unidos)
2011/05/22 Stochastic effects in infection dynamics: simulations and analytical models Invited talk
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Minisymposium "Epidemiology, Population Dynamics and Networks" (Snowbird, Estados Unidos)
2011/05/13 Stochastic fluctuations in systems with intrinsic noise Invited colloquium
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne (Cologne, Alemanha)
2011/03/22 Stochastic models of infection dynamics Invited seminar
Program "Microbial and Viral Evolution", Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, Estados Unidos)
2009/02/25 SIRS dynamics on random networks: simulations and analytical models Contributed talk
International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (Shanghai, China)
2008/09/16 Oscillations and stochastic fluctuations in infectious disease dynamics Contributed talk
European Conference on Complex Systems, Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel)
2007/07/09 Sustained oscillations in simple epidemic models Contributed talk
Conference "Dynamics Days Europe", Loughborough University (Loughborough, Reino Unido)


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2022/01 - Atual 1 postdoctoral reseacher (A. Teslya)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2021/11 - Atual 1 PhD student, Thesis "Within household SARS-CoV-2 transmission and modelling of vaccine strategies among children and pregnant women" (I. Westerhof)
Epidemiology (Doutoramento)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2021/02 - Atual 1 MSc in Epidemiology student (F. Romero Gonzalez)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2021 - Atual 1 MSc student, Thesis "COVID-19 in a Synthetic Portugal" (P. Pires)
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Mestrado)
BioISI — Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute, FCUL, Portugal
2020/03 - 2022/08 2 postdoctoral reseachers (M. Werkman, K. Romijnders)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2018/02 - 2022/02 1 PhD student, Thesis "Contagions under control: Mathematical models to inform infectious disease prevention and control" (M. Pham)
Epidemiology (Doutoramento)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2020/05 - 2021/08 1 BI researcher at the MSc in Physics level (J. Viana)
BioISI — Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute, FCUL, Portugal
2015 - 2019 2 MSc in Epidemiology students (E. Alsina, G. Schroder) and 1 Erasmus student (M. Anastasaki)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2012 - 2012 2 research students in Physics (J. Cowan, J. Williams)
The University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy, Reino Unido

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2021/07/17 - 2021/07/17 Workshop "Towards zero new HIV infections: prospects of HIV elimination and an HIV cure", STI & HIV World Congress: https://www.stihiv2021.org (2021/07/17 - 2021/07/17)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
2020/12/12 - 2020/12/13 Workshop "Stochastic modelling of complex systems in biology, medicine and physiology" (2020/12/12 - 2020/12/13) The University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy, Reino Unido
2020/12/01 - 2020/12/01 Workshop Nationaal Congres Soa*Hiv*Seks 2020 (2020/12/01 - 2020/12/01)
Oficina (workshop)
Soa Aids Nederland, Países Baixos
2016 - 2020 Bi-weekly journal club of Utrecht Center for Infection Dynamics (2016 - 2020)
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2012/06/21 - 2012/06/22 Symposium "Epidemiology and Viral Evolution" (2012/06/21 - 2012/06/21)
The University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy, Reino Unido

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2016 - Atual Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (Master) University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2014 - Atual Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases (Master) University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2020/09 Interview for the Association European Women in Mathematics by Francesca Arici
2020/08/20 Interview for Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa by Ana Subtil Simões
2020/07/03 Interview for Público by Andrea Cunha Freitas
2020/06/17 Interview for Público: Saúde by Andrea Cunha Freitas
2018/11/01 Interview for the University Medical Center Utrecht by Paul Geurts

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2020/07/23 - 2020/07/23 Interview for NBC News by Rose Nugee

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2022 - Atual Mathematical Biosciences (Epidemiology and Public Health specialty section), Elsevier Editorial Board Member
2021 - Atual Communications Medicine, Nature Portfolio Editorial Board Member
2021 - Atual Frontiers in Epidemiology (Infectious Disease Epidemiology specialty section) Editorial Board Member
2014 - Atual Utrecht University Faculty Club Association member
2011 - Atual Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Association member
2010 - Atual Institute of Physics (IOP) Association member


2007 Prémio "Estímulo à Investigação"
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal
2000 Gold Medal "For a Marked Progress in Studies"
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ucrânia


2024 Chair of the Young Academy
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos

Outra distinção

2021 Selected for Research Career Development Program for Assistant Professors
University Medical Center Utrecht, Países Baixos
2016 Visiting scientist
MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, Reino Unido
2013 Visiting Scientist
Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology, Estados Unidos
2012 Visiting Scientist
Princeton University Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Estados Unidos
2011 Visiting Scientist
University of Cologne — Institute of Theoretical Physics, Alemanha
2011 Visiting Scientist
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Estados Unidos
2010 Bolsa de Pós-Doutoramento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2006 Bolsa de Doutoramento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2000 Merit Scholarship
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ucrânia