Artigo em conferência |
- Plasencia, Paula; Carocho, Márcio; Heleno, Sandrina A.; Finimundy, Tiane C.; Barreiro, M.F.; García, Pablo A.; Barros, Lillian.
"Response surface methodology applied to ultrasound-assisted extraction of raspberry and blueberry pruning residues". 2024.
- Plasência, Paula; Heleno, S.A.; Garcia, Pablo; Barreiro, Filomena; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Barros, Lillian. "Chemical and
bioactive characterization of blueberry bioresidues". 2023.
- Plasencia, Paula; Santamaria-Echart, Arantzazu; Heleno, S.A.; Colucci, Giovana; Garcia, Pablo; Barros, Lillian; Barreiro,
Filomena. "Ethosomes: an approach for bioactive plant extract preservation envisaging cosmetic applications". 2023.
- Silva, Ana Rita; Ayuso, Manuel; García, Pablo A.; Barros, Lillian; Edrada-Ebel, RuAngelie. "Metabolomic approach to assess
the effect of the foraging year on the anti-elastase activity of Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L.". 2022.
- Leitão, Mariana; Ribeiro, Tatiana; Barreiros, Luisa; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia Carla dos Santos. "Papaia fermentada:
um potencial antioxidante". 2022.
- Silva, Ana Rita; García, Pablo A.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Barros, Lillian. "Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. and its great bioactive
potential". 2022.
- Santos, Daniela; Leitão, Mariana; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia Carla dos Santos. "Análise de estabilidade de amostras
de papaia fermentada". 2022.
- Leitão, Mariana; Ribeiro, Tatiana; Barreiros, Luisa; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia Carla dos Santos. "Papaia fermentada:
estratégias para monitorizar e melhorar a fermentação das amostras". 2022.
- Plasencia, Paula; Heleno, S.A.; Garcia, Pablo; Barreiro, Filomena; Barros, Lillian. "From berry plant cropping to a cosmetic
formula: sustainable upcycling of active ingredients". 2022.
- Santos, Daniela; Leitão, Mariana; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia Carla dos Santos. "Análise de estabilidade de amostras
de papaia fermentada". 2022.
- Leitão, Mariana; Ribeiro, Tatiana; Barreiros, Luisa; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia Carla dos Santos. "Papaia fermentada:
um potencial antioxidante". 2022.
- Leitão, Mariana; Ribeiro, Tatiana; Barreiros, Luisa; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia Carla dos Santos. "Papaia fermentada:
estratégias para monitorizar e melhorar a fermentação das amostras". 2022.
- Silva, Ana Rita; Pereira, Carla; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; García, Pablo A.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Barros, Lillian. "Comparative
analysis on parasite and host bioactive properties - a Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. case study". 2021.
- Silva, Ana Rita; Pinela, José; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; García, Pablo A.; Barros, Lillian. "Optimisation of a tannin-rich
extract using response surface methodology". 2021.
- Silva, Ana Rita; Taofiq, Oludemi; Pinela, José; Dias, Maria Inês; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Alves, Maria José; Mocan, Andrei;
et al. "Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. extract as a source of anti-aging cosmeceutical ingredients". 2019.
- Plasência, Paula; Ferreira, Isabel; Barreiro, Filomena; Garcia, Pablo. "Extração de compostos bioativos de folhas de mirtilo
por metodologias verdes". 2019.
- Silva, Ana Rita; Fernandes, Ângela; Barros, Lillian; García, Pablo A.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Nutritional characterization
of Cytinus hypocistis L.". 2018.
- Silva, Ana Rita; Dias, Maria Inês; Garcia, Pablo A.; Barros, Lillian; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Cytinus hypocistis L. plant
as source of phenolic compounds with anti-lipid peroxidation activity". 2018.
- García, Pablo A.; Maisterra Udi, Maitane; Castro, María Ángeles; Muñoz-Centeno, Luz M.; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Ferreira, Isabel
C.F.R.. "New cytotoxic neolignans from the cobalt crust fungus". 2017.
- Francisco, Cristhian R.L.; Heleno, Sandrina A.; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Gonçalves, Odinei Hess; Barreiro, M.F.; García, Pablo
A.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Cromatografia em Camada Fina e Cromatografia em Coluna utilizadas na síntese química de derivados
do ergosterol". 2017.
- Castaneda Najarro, Blanca Cecilia; Fernandes, Ângela; Barros, Lillian; Heleno, Sandrina A.; García, Pablo A.; Castro, María
Ángeles; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Pseudofistulina radicata (Schwein) Burds: the first study focused on its antioxidante activity
and bioactive compounds". 2017.
- Castro, María Ángeles; Valles, Elena; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Corral Santana, José María Miguel del;
García, Pablo A.. "New 9-Terpenyl(7-Terpenyl)Purines: synthesis and cytotoxicity". 2016.
- Castro, María Ángeles; Zimba, Amandio D.; García, Pablo A.; Corral Santana, José María Miguel del; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.;
Munyemana, François. "Disacáridos cianogénicos y benzoilados en hojas de Psydrax Locuples". 2015.
- Zimba, Amandio D.; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Pereira, Carla; Munyemana, François; Castro, María Ángeles; Corral Santana, José
María Miguel del; García, Pablo A.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Propriedades bioativas de extratos de folhas de Psydrax locuples
(rubiaceae)". 2014.
Artigo em revista |
- Carolina Miranda-Vera; Ángela-Patricia Hernández; Pilar García-García; David Díez; Pablo A. García; María Ángeles Castro.
"Bioconjugation of Podophyllotoxin and Nanosystems: Approaches for Boosting Its Biopharmaceutical and Antitumoral Profile".
Pharmaceuticals (2025):
- Ángela-Patricia Hernández; Celia Rosales-Fernández; Carolina Miranda-Vera; Anzhela Veselinova; Pablo G. Jambrina; Pilar García-García;
Pablo A. García; et al. "Insights into podophyllotoxin lactone features: New cyclolignans as potential dual tubulin-topoisomerase
II inhibitors". Archiv der Pharmazie (2025):
- Baptista, Eugénia; Pereira, Cláudia S.G.P.; García, Pablo A.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Barreira, João C.M.. "Combined action
of dietary-based approaches and therapeutic agents on cholesterol metabolism and main related diseases". (2025):
- Ana Rita Silva; Manuel Ayuso; Pablo A. García; Lillian Barros; RuAngelie Edrada-Ebel. "Unveiling the metabolites underlying
the skin anti-ageing properties of Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. through a biochemometric approach". Phytomedicine (2024):
- Eugénia Baptista; Ângela Liberal; Rossana V. C. Cardoso; Ângela Fernandes; Maria Inês Dias; Tânia C.S.P. Pires; Ricardo C.
Calhelha; et al. "Chemical and Bioactive Properties of Red Rice with Potential Pharmaceutical Use". Molecules (2024):
- Ángela-Patricia Hernández; Lorea Chaparro-González; Olga Garzo-Sánchez; Carlota Arias-Hidalgo; Pablo Juanes-Velasco; Pablo
A. García; Mª Ángeles Castro; Manuel Fuentes. "Podophyllic Aldehyde, a Podophyllotoxin Derivate, Elicits Different Cell Cycle
Profiles Depending on the Tumor Cell Line: A Systematic Proteomic Analysis". International Journal of Molecular Sciences
- Pablo A. García; Ángela-Patricia Hernández; Mª Antonia Gómez-Zurita; José M. Miguel del Corral; Marina Gordaliza; Andrés Francesch;
Arturo San Feliciano; Mª Ángeles Castro. "Cytotoxic Cyclolignans Obtained by the Enlargement of the Cyclolignan Skeleton of
Podophyllic Aldehyde, a Selective Podophyllotoxin-Derived Cyclolignan". Molecules (2024):
- Silva, Ana Rita; Ayuso, Manuel; García, Pablo A.; Barros, Lillian; Edrada-Ebel, RuAngelie. "Unveiling the metabolites underlying
the skin anti-ageing properties of Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. through a biochemometric approach". (2024):
- Baptista, Eugénia; Liberal, Ângela; Cardoso, Rossana V.C.; Fernandes, Ângela; Dias, Maria Inês; Pires, Tânia C.S.P.; Calhelha,
Ricardo C.; et al. "Chemical and Bioactive Properties of Red Rice with Potential Pharmaceutical Use". (2024):
- Mariana Leitão; Tatiana Ribeiro; Daniela Santos; Fernando Moreira; Luísa Barreiros; Pablo García; Patrícia Correia. "Fermented
papaya: strategies to monitor and improve fermentation - preliminary study". RevSALUS - Revista Científica da Rede Académica
das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia (2023):
- Carolina Miranda-Vera; Ángela-Patricia Hernández; Pilar García-García; David Diez; Pablo Anselmo García García; MARIA ANGELES
CASTRO. "Podophyllotoxin: Recent Advances in the Development of Hybridization Strategies to Enhance Its Antitumoral Profile".
Pharmaceutics (2023):
- Ángela-Patricia Hernández; Paula Díez; Pablo Anselmo García García; Martín Pérez-Andrés; A. Veselinova; Pablo G. Jambrina;
Arturo San Feliciano Martín; et al. "Improving Properties of Podophyllic Aldehyde-Derived Cyclolignans: Design, Synthesis
and Evaluation of Novel Lignohydroquinones, Dual-Selective Hybrids against Colorectal Cancer Cells". Pharmaceutics
- Mariana Leitao; Beatriz Ferreira; Beatriz Guedes; Daniela Moreira; Pablo Anselmo García García; Luisa Barreiros; Patrícia
Correia. "Screening of Antioxidant Effect of Spontaneous and Bioinoculated with Gluconobacter oxydans Fermented Papaya:
A Comparative Study". Fermentation (2023):
- Plasencia, Paula; Heleno, Sandrina A.; Finimundy, Tiane C.; Carocho, Márcio; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Añibarro-Ortega, Mikel;
Alves, Maria José; et al. "Recovery of high valuable bioactive molecules from Vaccinium myrtillus L. bioresidues". (2023):
- Leitão, Mariana; Barreiros, Luísa; Moreira, Fernando; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia. "Screening of antioxidant activity
of fermented papaya". (2023):
- Leitão, Mariana; Ferreira, Beatriz; Guedes, Beatriz; Moreira, Daniela; García, Pablo A.; Barreiros, Luísa; Correia, Patrícia
Carla dos Santos. "Screening of antioxidant effect of spontaneous and bioinoculated with gluconobacter oxydans fermented papaya:
a comparative study". (2023):
- Leitao, Mariana; Ribeiro, Tatiana; Santos, Daniela; Moreira, Fernando; Barreiros, Luísa; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia.
"Fermented papaya: strategies to monitor and improve fermentation: preliminary study". (2023):
- Paula Plasencia; Finimundy, Tiane; Carocho, Marcio; Calhelha, Ricardo; José pinela; Pires, T.C.S.P.; Oludemi, Taofiq; et al.
"Extraction of bioactive compounds from Rubus idaeus bioresidues: a full screening on phenolic composition and bioactive
potential". (2023):
- Leitão, Mariana; Barreiros, Luisa; Moreira, Fernando; García, Pablo; Correia, Patrícia. "Screening of antioxidant activity
of fermented papaya". (2023):
- Mariana Leitao; Tatiana Ribeiro; Pablo Anselmo García García; Luisa Barreiros; Patrícia Correia. "Benefits of Fermented Papaya
in Human Health". Foods (2022):
- Silva, Ana Rita; Ayuso, Manuel; Pereira, Carla; Dias, Maria Inês; Kostic, Marina; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Sokovic, Marina; et
al. "Evaluation of parasite and host phenolic composition and bioactivities - The practical case of Cytinus hypocistis (L.)
L. and Halimium lasianthum (Lam.) Greuter". (2022):
- Leitão, Mariana; Ribeiro, Tatiana; García, Pablo A.; Barreiros, Luísa; Correia, Patrícia Carla dos Santos. "Benefits of fermented
papaya in human health". (2022):
- Ángela-Patricia Hernández; Pablo Chamorro; Mª Lucena Rodríguez; José M. Miguel del Corral; Pablo Anselmo García García;
Andrés Francesch; Arturo San Feliciano Martín; MARIA ANGELES CASTRO. "New Antineoplastic Naphthohydroquinones Attached to
Labdane and Rearranged Diterpene Skeletons". Molecules (2021):
- Silva, Ana Rita; Pinela, José; García, Pablo A.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Barros, Lillian. "Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L.: optimised
heat/ultrasound-assisted extraction of tannins by response surface methodology". (2021):
- Ángela-Patricia Hernández; Paula Díez; Pablo Anselmo García García; Martín Pérez-Andrés; Pablo Ortega; Pablo G. Jambrina;
David Diez; MARIA ANGELES CASTRO; Manuel Fuentes. "A Novel Cytotoxic Conjugate Derived from the Natural Product Podophyllotoxin
as a Direct-Target Protein Dual Inhibitor". Molecules (2020):
- "Exploring the phytochemical profile of Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. as a source of health-promoting biomolecules behind its
in vitro bioactive and enzyme inhibitory properties". Food and Chemical Toxicology 136 (2020): 111071-111071.
- Silva, Ana Rita; Pinela, José; Dias, Maria Inês; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Alves, Maria José; Mocan, Andrei; García, Pablo A.;
Barros, Lillian; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Exploring the phytochemical profile of Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. as a source of
health-promoting biomolecules behind its in vitro bioactive and enzyme inhibitory properties". (2020):
- Vicky Roa Linares; Yaneth Miranda-Brand; Verónica Tangarife-Castaño; Rodrigo Ochoa; Pablo Anselmo García García; MARIA ANGELES
CASTRO; Liliana Amparo Betancur Galvis; Arturo San Feliciano Martín. "Anti-Herpetic, Anti-Dengue and Antineoplastic Activities
of Simple and Heterocycle-Fused Derivatives of Terpenyl-1,4-Naphthoquinone and 1,4-Anthraquinone". Molecules (2019):
- Silva, Ana Rita; Fernandes, Ângela; García, Pablo A.; Barros, Lillian; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L.
subsp. macranthus Wettst.: Nutritional Characterization". Molecules 24 6 (2019): 1111.
- "Antileishmanial activity of terpenylquinones on Leishmania infantum and their effects on Leishmania topoisomerase IB". International
Journal for Parasitology-Drugs and Drug Resistance 11 (2019): 70-79.
- Gomes, Denise B.; Zanchet, Barbara; Locateli, Gelvani; Benvenutti, Régis C.; Vechia, Cristian A. Dalla; Schönell, Amanda P.;
Diel, Kriptsan A.P.; et al. "Antiproliferative potential of solidagenone isolated of Solidago chilensis". Revista Brasileira
de Farmacognosia 28 6 (2018): 703-709.
- Farias, Ingrid V.; Faqueti, Larissa G.; Noldin, Vania Floriani; Franchi Junior, Gilberto; Nowil, Alexandre E.; Schuquel, Ivania
T.A.; Delle Monache, Franco; et al. "Cytotoxic phloroglucinol meroterpenoid from Eugenia umbelliflora fruits". Phytochemistry
Letters 27 (2018): 187-192.
- Pablo Anselmo García García; Ángela Patricia Hernández; Arturo San Feliciano; MARIA ANGELES CASTRO. "Bioactive Prenyl- and
Terpenyl-Quinones/Hydroquinones of Marine Origin †". Marine Drugs (2018):
- Hernández, Ángela P.; Díez, Paula; García, Pablo A.; Miguel del Corral, José M.; Pérez-Andrés, Martín; Díez, David; San Feliciano,
Arturo; Fuentes, Manuel; Castro, M Ángeles. "New Hybrids Derived from Podophyllic Aldehyde and Diterpenylhydroquinones with
Selectivity toward Osteosarcoma Cells". ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 9 4 (2018): 328-333.
- García, Pablo. "Marine Alkylpurines: A Promising Group of Bioactive Marine Natural Products". Marine Drugs (2018):
- Gomes,Denise B.; Zanchet,Barbara; Locateli,Gelvani; Benvenutti,Régis C.; Vechia,Cristian A. Dalla; Schönell,Amanda P.; Diel,Kriptsan
A.P.; et al. "Antiproliferative potential of solidagenone isolated of Solidago chilensis". (2018):
- Maisterra Udi, Maitane; Castro, María Ángeles; Muñoz-Centeno, Luz M.; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; García,
Pablo A.. "Antileishmanial activity and tubulin polymerization inhibition of podophyllotoxin derivatives on Leishmania infantum".
International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance (2017):
- Batista, Ronan; Garcia, Pablo A.; Angeles Castro, Maria; Miguel del Corral, Jose M.; Speziali, Nivaldo L.; Varotti, Fernando
de P.; de Paula, Renata C.; et al. "Synthesis, cytotoxicity and antiplasmodial activity of novel ent-kaurane derivatives".
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 62 (2013): 168-176.
- Faqueti, Larissa G.; Petry, Christiane Maes; Meyre-Silva, Christiane; Machado, Karima E.; Cruz, Alexandre Belle; Garcia, Pablo
A.; Cechinel-Filho, Valdir; San Feliciano, Arturo; Delle Monache, Franco. "Euglobal-like compounds from the genus Eugenia".
Natural Product Research 27 1 (2013): 28-31.
- Batista, Ronan; García, Pablo A.; Castro, María Angeles; Corral, José M. Miguel del; Speziali, Nivaldo L.; Varotti, Fernando
de P.; Paula, Renata C. de; et al. "Synthesis, cytotoxicity and antiplasmodial activity of novel ent-kaurane derivatives".
- Angeles Castro, Ma; Ma Miguel del Corral, Jose; Garcia, Pablo A.; Victoria Rojo, Ma; Bento, Ana C.; Mollinedo, Faustino; Francesch,
Andres M.; San Feliciano, Arturo. "Lignopurines: A new family of hybrids between cyclolignans and purines. Synthesis and biological
evaluation". European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 58 (2012): 377-389.
- Angeles Castro, Ma; Miguel del Corral, Jose Ma; Garcia, Pablo A.; Victoria Rojo, Ma; de la Iglesia-Vicente, Janis; Mollinedo,
Faustino; Cuevas, Carmen; San Feliciano, Arturo. "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of New Podophyllic Aldehyde Derivatives
with Cytotoxic and Apoptosis-Inducing Activities". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 53 3 (2010): 983-993.
- Batista, Ronan; Garcia, Pablo A.; Angeles Castro, Maria; Miguel Del Corral, Jose M.; Feliciano, Arturo S.; de Oliveira, Alaide
B.. "iso-Kaurenoic acid from Wedelia paludosa DC". Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias 82 4 (2010): 823-831.
- "Elaboración de textos cient´ificos desde primer curso del grado: experiencia en la asignatura “Información y Metodolog´ia
Cient´ifica” ; Preparation of scientific texts from first year of degree: experience in the subject " Información y Metodolog´ia
Cient´ifica”". (2010):
- Batista,Ronan; García,Pablo A.; Castro,María Ángeles; Del Corral,José M. Miguel; Feliciano,Arturo S.; Oliveira,Alaíde B. de.
"iso-Kaurenoic acid from Wedelia paludosa D.C.". (2010):
- Molinari, Aurora; Ojeda, Claudia; Oliva, Alfonso; Miguel del Corral, Jose M.; Angeles Castro, M.; Garcia, Pablo A.; Cuevas,
Carmen; San Feliciano, Arturo. "Synthesis, characterisation, and antineoplastic cytotoxicity of hybrid naphthohydroquinone-nucleic
base mimic derivatives". Medicinal Chemistry Research 18 1 (2009): 59-69.
- Bedoya, Luis M.; Alvarez, Amparo; Bermejo, Mercedes; Gonzalez, Nuria; Beltran, Manuela; Sanchez-Palomino, Sonsoles; Cruz,
Sully M.; et al. "Guatemalan plants extracts as virucides against HIV-1 infection". Phytomedicine 15 6-7 (2008): 520-524.
- Castro, Ma Angeles; del Corral, Jos M. Miguel; Gordaliza, Marina; Garcia, Pablo A.; Gomez-Zurita, Ma Antonia; San Feliciano,
Arturo. "Synthesis and cytotoxic evaluation of C-9 oxidized podophyllotoxin derivatives". Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
15 4 (2007): 1670-1678.
- Anselmo Garcia, Pablo; Braga de Oliveira, Alaide; Batista, Ronan. "Occurrence, biological activities and synthesis of kaurane
diterpenes and their glycosides". Molecules 12 3 (2007): 455-483.
- Batista, Ronan; Garcia, Pablo A.; Castro, Maria A.; del Corral, Jose M. Miguel; Feliciano, Arturo San; de Oliveira, Alaide
B.. "New oxidized ent-kaurane and ent-norkaurane derivatives from kaurenoic acid". Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
18 3 (2007): 622-627.
- Batista, Ronan; Garcia, Pablo A.; Castro, Maria A.; Miguel del Corral, Jose M.; Sanz, Francisca; Speziali, Nivaldo L.; de
Oliveira, Alaide B.. "Methyl ent-16 beta,17-epoxykauran-19-oate". Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online
63 (2007): O932-O933.
- Batista,Ronan; García,Pablo A.; Castro,Maria A.; del Corral,José M. Miguel; San Feliciano,Arturo; Oliveira,Alaíde B. de. "New
oxidized ent-kaurane and ent-norkaurane derivatives from kaurenoic acid". (2007):
- Batista, R.; Garcia, P. A.; Castro, M. A.; del Corral, J. M. M.; Speziali, N. L.; de Oliveira, A. B.. "Methyl ent-15b-hydroxy-16a-kauran-19-oate".
Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online 61 (2005): O1525-O1527.
- Castro, M. A.; del Corral, J. M. M.; Gordaliza, M.; Garcia, P. A.; Gamito, A. M.; Gualberto, S. A.; Batista, R.; San Feliciano,
A.. "A novel synthetic route to cytotoxic 1,4-anthraquinones from 1,4-benzoquinones". Synthesis-Stuttgart 19 (2005):
- Castro, M. A.; del Corral, J. M. M.; Gordaliza, M.; Garcia, P. A.; Gomez-Zurita, M. A.; Garcia-Grdvalos, M. D.; de la Iglesia-Vicente,
J.; et al. "Synthesis and biological evaluation of new selective cytotoxic cyclolignans derived from podophyllotoxin". Journal
of Medicinal Chemistry 47 5 (2004): 1214-1222.
- Gordaliza, M.; Garcia, P. A.; del Corral, J. M. M.; Castro, M. A.; Gomez-Zurita, M. A.. "Podophyllotoxin: distribution, sources,
applications and new cytotoxic derivatives". Toxicon 44 4 (2004): 441-459.
- Castro, M.A.; Miguel del Corral, J.M.; Gordaliza, M.; Gómez-Zurita, M.A.; García, P.A.; San Feliciano, A.. "Chemoinduction
of cytotoxic selectivity in Podophyllotoxin-related lignans". Phytochemistry Reviews 2 3 (2003): 219-233.
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- Gordaliza, M.; Castro, A.; del Corral, J. M.; Lopez-Vazquez, L.; Garcia, P. A.; Garcia-Gravalos, D.; San Feliciano, A.. "Synthesis
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53 46 (1997): 15743-15760.
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D.. "SELECTIVE CYTOTOXIC CYCLOLIGNANS". Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 5 21 (1995): 2465-2468.