Artigo em revista |
- Breia, R.; Conde, A.; Pimentel, D.; Conde, C.; Fortes, A.M.; Granell, A.; Gerós, H.. "VvSWEET7 Is a Mono- and Disaccharide
Transporter Up-Regulated in Response to Botrytis cinerea Infection in Grape Berries". Frontiers in Plant Science 10
- João Coelho; Marilia Almeida-Trapp; Diana Pimentel; Flávio Soares; Pedro Reis; Cecília Rego; Axel Mithöfer; Ana Margarida
Fortes. "The study of hormonal metabolism of Trincadeira and Syrah cultivars indicates new roles of salicylic acid, jasmonates,
ABA and IAA during grape ripening and upon infection with Botrytis cinerea". Plant Science (2019):
- Fortes, A.M.; Agudelo-Romero, P.; Pimentel, D.; Alkan, N.. "Transcriptional modulation of polyamine metabolism in fruit species
under abiotic and biotic stress". Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (2019):
- Conde, A.; Neves, A.; Breia, R.; Pimentel, D.; Dinis, L.-T.; Bernardo, S.; Correia, C.M.; et al. "Kaolin particle film application
stimulates photoassimilate synthesis and modifies the primary metabolome of grape leaves". Journal of Plant Physiology
223 (2018): 47-56.
- Jérôme Grimplet; Diana Pimentel; Patricia Agudelo-Romero; Jose Miguel Martinez-Zapater; Ana Margarida Fortes. "The LATERAL
ORGAN BOUNDARIES Domain gene family in grapevine: genome-wide characterization and expression analyses during developmental
processes and stress responses". Scientific Reports 7 1 (2017):
- Conde, A.; Pimentel, D.; Neves, A.; Dinis, L.-T.; Bernardo, S.; Correia, C.M.; Gerós, H.; Moutinho-Pereira, J.. "Kaolin foliar
application has a stimulatory effect on phenylpropanoid and flavonoid pathways in grape berries". Frontiers in Plant Science
7 AUG2016 (2016):
- Dinis, L.-T.; Bernardo, S.; Conde, A.; Pimentel, D.; Ferreira, H.; Félix, L.; Gerós, H.; Correia, C.M.; Moutinho-Pereira,
J.. "Kaolin exogenous application boosts antioxidant capacity and phenolic content in berries and leaves of grapevine under
summer stress". Journal of Plant Physiology 191 (2016): 45-53.
Poster em conferência |
- Pimentel, Diana; Erban, Alexander; Rego, Cecília; Kopka, Joachim; Fortes, Ana Margarida. "Phytohormonal and metabolic reprogramming
in grape berry (Vitis vinifera cv. Carignan) upon powdery mildew infection.". Trabalho apresentado em International Congress
on Grapevine and Wine Sciences (ICGWS), 2018.
- Pimentel, Diana; Cecília Rego; Ana Margarida Fortes. "Phytohormonal metabolism of 'Carignan' grape berries upon infection
with powdery mildew.". Trabalho apresentado em XII International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, 2018.
- Pimentel, Diana; Alexander Erban; Flávio Soares; Cecília Rego; Antonio Granell; Joachim Kopka; Ana Margarida Fortes. "Functional
Genomics applied to the study of resistance against powdery mildew in grapevine.". Trabalho apresentado em Encontro Ciência
2018, 2018.
- Pimentel, Diana; Flávio Soares; Antonio Granell; Ana Margarida Fortes. "Functional characterization of SlGRAS10: unveiling
its role in climacteric fruit ripening.". Trabalho apresentado em XIV Solanaceae and 3rd Cucurbitaceae Joint Conference,