Artigo em conferência |
- Almada-Correia, I; Castro, Miguel; Motta, Carla; Catarina Sousa Guerreiro; Khmelinskii, Nikita; Filipa Oliveira Ramos; Catarina
Inês Marques de Sousa Mendes; et al. "Gut permeability in lupus nephritis: results from the GUT-LUPUS study (COL17)". Trabalho
apresentado em VII Congresso Hispano-Português de Nefrologia Pediátrica 2023 and XLVI Congreso Español de Nefrologia Pediátrica
2023, Lisboa, 2023.
- Almada-Correia, I; Castro, Miguel; Motta, Carla; Catarina Sousa Guerreiro; Khmelinskii, Nikita; Filipa Oliveira Ramos; Catarina
Inês Marques de Sousa Mendes; et al. "Resultados do Estudo Gut-Lupus: Dieta, Composição Corporal, Microbiota e Permeabilidade
Intestinal no Lúpus Eritematoso Sistémico (Oral 01)". Trabalho apresentado em I Congresso Português de Reumatologia Pediátrica,
Lisboa, 2022.
Artigo em revista |
- Gomes-Silva, Joana; Pinho, Marcos D.; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José; Silva-Costa, Catarina; Pinto, Margarida;
et al. "Pneumococci remain the main cause of complicated pediatric pneumonia in the post-pandemic era despite extensive pneumococcal
vaccine use". Pneumonia 16 1 (2024):
- Silva-Costa, Catarina; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Pinho, Marcos; Friães, Ana; Subtil-Limpo, Fábio; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino,
José. "Rebound of pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal after the COVID-19 pandemic was not associated with
significant serotype changes". Journal of Infection 89 4 (2024): 106242.
- Xie, Ouli; Morris, Jacqueline M.; Hayes, Andrew J.; Towers, Rebecca J.; Jespersen, Magnus G.; Lees, John A.; Ben Zakour, Nouri
L.; et al. "Inter-species gene flow drives ongoing evolution of Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp.
equisimilis". Nature Communications 15 1 (2024):
- Faria, Nuno Alexandre; Touret, Tiago; Simões, Alexandra S.; Palos, Carlos; Bispo, Soraia; Cristino, José Melo; Ramirez, Mário;
et al. "Genomic Insights into the expansion of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae within Portuguese Hospitals". Journal
of Hospital Infection (2024):
- Gouveia, C.; Bajanca-Lavado, Maria Paula; Mamede, Rafael; Carvalho, A.; Rodrigues, F.; Melo Cristino, Jose; Ramirez, Mário;
et al. "Sustained increase of paediatric invasive Streptococcus pyogenes infections dominated by M1UK and diverse emm12 isolates,
Portugal, September 2022 to May 2023". Eurosurveillance (2023):
- Cezar Vinícius Würdig Riche; Mabel Kamweli Aworh; Renato Cassol; Diego Rodrigues Falci; Mario Ramirez; Cícero Armídio Gomes
Dias. "Epidemiology and risk factors for mortality among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremic patients in
Southern Brazil". PLOS ONE (2023):
- Silva-Costa, Catarina; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Santos, Andreia; Ramirez, Mario; Melo-Cristino, Jose. "Adult non-invasive pneumococcal
pneumonia in Portugal is dominated by serotype 3 and non-PCV13 serotypes 3-years after near universal PCV13 use in children".
Frontiers in Public Health (2023):
- Xie, Ouli; Morris, Jacqueline M; Hayes, Andrew J.; Towers, Rebecca J; Jespersen, Magnus G.; Lees, John A.; Ben Zakour, Nouri
L.; et al. "Inter-species gene flow drives ongoing evolution of Streptococcus pyogenes and
Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis". BioRxiv (2023):
- Catarina Inês Mendes; Pedro Vila-Cerqueira; Yair Motro; Jacob Moran-Gilad; João André Carriço; Mário Ramirez. "LMAS: evaluating
metagenomic short de novo assembly methods through defined communities". GigaScience (2022):
- Catarina Silva-Costa; Joana Gomes-Silva; Marcos D. Pinho; Ana Friães; Mário Ramirez; José Melo-Cristino; Eleanor A. Powell;
Laura Andrade de Oliveira. "Continued Vaccine Breakthrough Cases of Serotype 3 Complicated Pneumonia in Vaccinated Children,
Portugal (2016–2019)". Microbiology Spectrum (2022):
- Elisabete R. Martins; Dulce Nascimento do Ó; Ana Luísa Marques Costa; José Melo-Cristino; Mário Ramirez; Jennifer M. Auchtung.
"Characteristics of Streptococcus agalactiae Colonizing Nonpregnant Adults Support the Opportunistic Nature of Invasive Infections".
Microbiology Spectrum (2022):
- A. Friães; R. Mamede; M. Ferreira; J. Melo-Cristino; M. Ramirez; Daniel J. Diekema. "Annotated Whole-Genome Multilocus Sequence
Typing Schema for Scalable High-Resolution Typing of Streptococcus pyogenes". Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2022):
- Mukherjee, Debanjan; Chora, Angelo Ferreira; Lone, Jean-Christophe; Ramiro, Ricardo S.; Blankenhaus, Birte; Serre, Karine;
Ramirez, Mario; et al. "Host lung microbiota promotes malaria-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome". Nature Communications
- Birta Baeringsdottir; Helga Erlendsdottir; Erla Soffia Bjornsdottir; Elisabete R. Martins; Mário Ramirez; Asgeir Haraldsson;
Thordur Thorkelsson. "Group B streptococcal infections in infants in Iceland: clinical and microbiological factors". Journal
of Medical Microbiology (2021):
- Catarina Silva-Costa; Joana Gomes-Silva; Lúcia Prados; Mário Ramirez; José Melo-Cristino. "Pediatric Invasive Pneumococcal
Disease Three Years after PCV13 Introduction in the National Immunization Plan—The Continued Importance of Serotype 3". Microorganisms
- Catarina Silva-Costa; Joana Gomes-Silva; Inês Teodoro; Mário Ramirez; José Melo-Cristino. "Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in
Adults in Portugal: The Importance of Serotypes 8 and 3 (2015–2018)". Microorganisms (2021):
- Rafael Mamede; Pedro Vila-Cerqueira; Mickael Silva; João A Carriço; Mário Ramirez. "Chewie Nomenclature Server (chewie-NS):
a deployable nomenclature server for easy sharing of core and whole genome MLST schemas". Nucleic Acids Research (2021):
- Ramirez, Mário. "Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in COVID-19 patients and healthy volunteers up to 6 months post
disease onset.". European journal of immunology (2020):
- Ramirez, Mário. "Two multi-fragment recombination events resulted in the ß-lactam-resistant serotype 11A-ST6521 related to
Spain9V-ST156 pneumococcal clone spreading in south-western Europe, 2008 to 2016.". Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen
sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin (2020):
- Catarina I. Mendes; Erley Lizarazo; Miguel P. Machado; Diogo N. Silva; Adriana Tami; Mário Ramirez; Natacha Couto; John W.
A. Rossen; João A. Carriço. "DEN-IM: dengue virus genotyping from amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing". Microbial
Genomics (2020):
- Catarina Silva-Costa; Maria J. Brito; Sandra I. Aguiar; Joana P. Lopes; Mário Ramirez; José Melo-Cristino. "Dominance of vaccine
serotypes in pediatric invasive pneumococcal infections in Portugal (2012–2015)". Scientific Reports (2019):
- A. Friães; J. Melo-Cristino; M. Ramirez. "Changes in emm types and superantigen gene content of Streptococcus pyogenes causing
invasive infections in Portugal". Scientific Reports (2019):
- Mark van der Linden; Rafael Mamede; Natascha Levina; Peter Helwig; Pedro Vila-Cerqueira; João André Carriço; José Melo-Cristino;
Mário Ramirez; Elisabete R Martins. "Heterogeneity of penicillin-non-susceptible group B streptococci isolated from a single
patient in Germany". Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2019):
- Tiago F Jesus; Bruno Ribeiro-Gonçalves; Diogo N Silva; Valeria Bortolaia; Mário Ramirez; João A Carriço. "Plasmid ATLAS: plasmid
visual analytics and identification in high-throughput sequencing data". Nucleic Acids Research (2019):
- Echaniz-Aviles, Gabriela; Guerreiro, Soraia, I; Silva-Costa, Catarina; Mendes, Catarina, I; Carrico, Joao Andre; Noemi Carnalla-Barajas,
Maria; Soto-Nogueron, Araceli; et al. "Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 3 in Mexico (1994 to 2017): Decrease of the Unusual
Clonal Complex 4909 Lineage following PCV13 Introduction". Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2019):
- Ramirez, Mário. "Group B Streptococcal Neonatal and Early Infancy Infections in Iceland, 1976-2015". Pediatric Infectious
Disease Journal (2019):
- Dias, Oscar; Saraiva, Joao; Faria, Cristiana; Ramirez, Mario; Pinto, Francisco; Rocha, Isabel. "iDS372, a Phenotypically Reconciled
Model for the Metabolism of Streptococcus pneumoniae Strain R6". Frontiers in Microbiology (2019):
- Pinho, Marcos D.; Foster, Geoffrey; Pomba, Constanga; Machado, Miguel P.; Baily, Johanna L.; Kuiken, Thijs; Melo-Cristino,
Jose; et al. "Streptococcus canis Are a Single Population Infecting Multiple Animal Hosts Despite the Diversity of the Universally
Present M-Like Protein SCM". Frontiers in Microbiology (2019):
- Andreia N. Horácio; Daniela Flavia Hozbor; Catarina Silva-Costa; Elísia Lopes; Mário Ramirez; José Melo-Cristino. "Conjugate
vaccine serotypes persist as major causes of non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal despite declines in serotypes
3 and 19A (2012-2015)". PLOS ONE (2018):
- Silva, Mickael; Machado, Miguel P.; Silva, Diogo N.; Rossi, Mirko; Moran-Gilad, Jacob; Santos, Sergio; Ramirez, Mario; Carrico,
Joao Andre. "chewBBACA: A complete suite for gene-by-gene schema creation and strain identification". Microbial Genomics
4 3 (2018):
- Carrico, J. A.; Rossi, M.; Moran-Gilad, J.; Van Domselaar, G.; Ramirez, M.. "A primer on microbial bioinformatics for nonbioinformaticians".
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24 4 (2018): 342-349.
- Silva-Costa, Catarina; Brito, Maria Joao; Pinho, Marcos D.; Friaes, Ana; Aguiar, Sandra I.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, Jose;
Portuguese Grp Study Streptococcal; Pediat Infect Dis Soc. "Pediatric Complicated Pneumonia Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae
Serotype 3 in 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccinees, Portugal, 2010-2015". Emerging Infectious Diseases 24 7 (2018):
- Lopes, Elisia; Fernandes, Tania; Machado, Miguel P.; Carrico, Joao Andre; Mello-Cristino, Jose; Ramirez, Mario; Martins, Elisabete
R.; Portuguese Grp Study Streptococcal. "Increasing macrolide resistance among Streptococcus agalactiae causing invasive disease
in non-pregnant adults was driven by a single capsular-transformed lineage, Portugal, 2009 to 2015". Eurosurveillance
23 21 (2018): 14-23.
- Natacha Couto; Leonard Schuele; Erwin C. Raangs; Miguel P. Machado; Catarina I. Mendes; Tiago F. Jesus; Monika Chlebowicz;
et al. "Critical steps in clinical shotgun metagenomics for the concomitant detection and typing of microbial pathogens".
Scientific Reports (2018):
- Catarina Pato; José Melo-Cristino; Mario Ramirez; Ana Friães. "Streptococcus pyogenes Causing Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
Are Enriched in the Recently Emerged emm89 Clade 3 and Are Not Associated With Abrogation of CovRS". Frontiers in Microbiology
- Jorge Diamantino-Miranda; Herminia de Lencastre; Sandra Isabel Aguiar; João André Carriço; José Melo-Cristino; Mário Ramirez.
"Clonal and serotype dynamics of serogroup 6 isolates causing invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal: 1999-2012". PLOS
ONE (2017):
- Martins, Elisabete R.; Pedroso-Roussado, Cristiano; Melo-Cristino, Jose; Ramirez, Mario; Portuguese Grp Study Streptococcal.
"Streptococcus agalactiae Causing Neonatal Infections in Portugal (2005-2015): Diversification and Emergence of a CC17/PI-2b
Multidrug Resistant Sublineage". Frontiers in Microbiology 8 (2017):
- Nascimento, Marta; Sousa, Adriano; Ramirez, Mario; Francisco, Alexandre P.; Carrico, Joao A.; Vaz, Catia. "PHYLOViZ 2.0: providing
scalable data integration and visualization for multiple phylogenetic inference methods". Bioinformatics 33 1 (2017):
- Jamet, Anne; Touchon, Marie; Ribeiro-Goncalves, Bruno; Carrico, Joao Andre; Charbit, Alain; Nassif, Xavier; Ramirez, Mario;
Rocha, Eduardo P. C.. "A widespread family of polymorphic toxins encoded by temperate phages". Bmc Biology 15 (2017):
- Machado MP; Ribeiro-Gonçalves B; Silva M; Ramirez M; Carriço JA. "Epidemiological Surveillance and Typing Methods to Track
Antibiotic Resistant Strains Using High Throughput Sequencing". Antibiotics: Methods and Protocols (2017):
- Bruno Ribeiro-Gonçalves; Alexandre P. Francisco; Cátia Vaz; Mário Ramirez; João André Carriço. "PHYLOViZ Online: web-based
tool for visualization, phylogenetic inference, analysis and sharing of minimum spanning trees". Nucleic Acids Research
- Pinho, Marcos D.; Erol, Erdal; Ribeiro-Goncalves, Bruno; Mendes, Catarina I.; Carrico, Joao A.; Matos, Sandra C.; Preziuso,
Silvia; et al. "Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus dysgalactiae strains isolated from horses are a genetically distinct population
within the Streptococcus dysgalactiae taxon". Scientific Reports 6 (2016):
- Horacio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, Catarina; Lopes, Joana P.; Ramirez, Mario; Melo-Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Grp Study Streptococcal.
"Serotype 3 Remains the Leading Cause of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Adults in Portugal (2012-2014) Despite Continued
Reductions in Other 13-Valent Conjugate Vaccine Serotypes". Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (2016):
- Horacio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, Catarina; Diamantino-Miranda, Jorge; Lopes, Joana P.; Ramirez, Mario; Melo-Cristino, Jose;
Portuguese Grp Study Streptococcal. "Population Structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae Causing Invasive Disease in Adults in
Portugal before PCV13 Availability for Adults: 2008-2011". Plos One 11 5 (2016):
- Bjoernsdottir, E. S.; Martins, E. R.; Erlendsdottir, H.; Haraldsson, G.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Kristinsson, K. G.; Ramirez, M..
"Changing epidemiology of group B streptococcal infections among adults in Iceland: 1975-2014". Clinical Microbiology and
Infection 22 4 (2016):
- Barato, P.; Martins, E. R.; Vasquez, G. M.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Martinez, N.; Iregui, C.. "Capsule impairs efficient
adherence of Streptococcus agalactiae to intestinal epithelium in tilapias Oreochromis sp". Microbial Pathogenesis
100 (2016): 30-36.
- Ana Friães; Miguel P. Machado; Catarina Pato; João Carriço; José Melo-Cristino; Mario Ramirez. "Emergence of the Same Successful
Clade among Distinct Populations of emm89 Streptococcus pyogenes in Multiple Geographic Regions". mBio 6 6 (2015):
- Raquel Arinto-Garcia; Marcos Daniel Pinho; João André Carriço; José Melo-Cristino; Mário Ramirez; S. S. Richter. "Comparing
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization–Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and Phenotypic and Molecular Methods for Identification
of Species within the Streptococcus anginosus Group". Journal of Clinical Microbiology 53 11 (2015): 3580-3588.
- Silva-Costa, Catarina; Friaes, Ana; Ramirez, Mario; Melo-Cristino, Jose. "Macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pyogenes: prevalence
and treatment strategies". Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy 13 5 (2015): 615-628.
- Coelho, Luis Pedro; Pato, Catarina; Friaes, Ana; Neumann, Ariane; von Koeckritz-Blickwede, Maren; Ramirez, Mario; Carrico,
Joao Andre. "Automatic determination of NET (neutrophil extracellular traps) coverage in fluorescent microscopy images". Bioinformatics
31 14 (2015): 2364-2370.
- Teixeira, Andreia Sofia; Monteiro, Pedro T.; Carrico, Joao A.; Ramirez, Mario; Francisco, Alexandre P.. "Not Seeing the Forest
for the Trees: Size of the Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs) Forest and Branch Significance in MST-Based Phylogenetic Analysis".
Plos One 10 3 (2015):
- Friaes, A.; Resina, C.; Manuel, V.; Lito, L.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Epidemiological survey of the first case of
vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in Europe". Epidemiology and Infection 143 4 (2015): 745-748.
- Rosini, Roberto; Campisi, Edmondo; De Chiara, Matteo; Tettelin, Herve; Rinaudo, Daniela; Toniolo, Chiara; Metruccio, Matteo;
et al. "Genomic Analysis Reveals the Molecular Basis for Capsule Loss in the Group B Streptococcus Population". Plos One
10 5 (2015):
- Ana Friães; Friães A; Catarina Pato; Pato C; José Melo-Cristino; Melo-Cristino J; Mario Ramirez; Ramirez M. "Consequences
of the variability of the CovRS and RopB regulators among Streptococcus pyogenes causing human infections". Scientific
Reports (2015):
- C. Silva-Costa; M. Ramirez; J. Melo-Cristino. "Declining macrolide resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes in Portugal
(2007–13) was accompanied by continuous clonal changes". Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2015):
- P Barato; E R Martins; J Melo-Cristino; C A Iregui; M Ramirez. "Persistence of a single clone of Streptococcus agalactiae
causing disease in tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) cultured in Colombia over 8 years". Journal of Fish Diseases (2015):
- Cardoso, Liliana Sofia; Suissas, Claudia Elvas; Ramirez, Mario; Antunes, Marilia; Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues. "Comparison
of alternative mixture model methods to analyze bacterial CGH experiments with multi-genome arrays.". BMC research notes
7 (2014): 148-148.
- Lopez, Elena; Domenech, Arnau; Ferrandiz, Maria-Jose; Frias, Maria Joao; Ardanuy, Carmen; Ramirez, Mario; Garcia, Ernesto;
Linares, Josefina; de la Campa, Adela G.. "Induction of Prophages by Fluoroquinolones in Streptococcus pneumoniae: Implications
for Emergence of Resistance in Genetically-Related Clones". Plos One 9 4 (2014):
- Horacio, Andreia N; Lopes, Joana P; Ramirez, Mario; Melo-Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group for the Study of Streptococcal Infections.
"Non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in portugal-serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance.". PloS one 9 7
(2014): e103092-e103092.
- Preziuso, S.; Pinho, M. D.; Attili, A. R.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Acke, E.; Midwinter, A. C.; Cuteri, V.; Ramirez, M.. "PCR based
differentiation between Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp equisimilis strains isolated from humans and horses". Comparative
Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 37 3 (2014): 169-172.
- Carrolo, Margarida; Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues; Melo-Cristino, Jose; Ramirez, Mario. "Pherotype Influences Biofilm Growth
and Recombination in Streptococcus pneumoniae". Plos One 9 3 (2014):
- Sanderson-Smith, Martina; De Oliveira, David M. P.; Guglielmini, Julien; McMillan, David J.; Vu, Therese; Holien, Jessica
K.; Henningham, Anna; et al. "A Systematic and Functional Classification of Streptococcus pyogenes That Serves as a New Tool
for Molecular Typing and Vaccine Development". Journal of Infectious Diseases 210 8 (2014): 1325-1338.
- Olafsdottir, L. B.; Erlendsdottir, H.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Weinberger, D. M.; Ramirez, M.; Kristinsson, K. G.; Gottfredsson,
M.. "Invasive infections due to Streptococcus pyogenes: seasonal variation of severity and clinical characteristics, Iceland,
1975 to 2012". Eurosurveillance (2014):
- Aguiar, S. I.; Brito, M. J.; Horacio, A. N.; Lopes, J. P.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Decreasing incidence and changes
in serotype distribution of invasive pneumococcal disease in persons aged under 18 years since introduction of 10-valent and
13-valent conjugate vaccines in Portugal, July 2008 to June 2012". Eurosurveillance (2014):
- Vaz, Catia; Francisco, Alexandre P.; Silva, Mickael; Jolley, Keith A.; Bray, James E.; Pouseele, Hannes; Rothganger, Joerg;
Ramirez, Mario; Carrico, Joao A.. "TypOn: the microbial typing ontology". Journal of Biomedical Semantics (2014):
- Horácio, A.N.; Diamantino-Miranda, J.; Aguiar, S.I.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "The Majority of Adult Pneumococcal Invasive
Infections in Portugal Are Still Potentially Vaccine Preventable in Spite of Significant Declines of Serotypes 1 and 5". PLoS
ONE 8 9 (2013):
- Melo-Cristino, J.; Resina, C.; Manuel, V.; Lito, L.; Ramirez, M.. "First case of infection with vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus in Europe". The Lancet 382 9888 (2013):
- Mcmillan, D.J.; Drèze, P.-A.; Vu, T.; Bessen, D.E.; Guglielmini, J.; Steer, A.C.; Carapetis, J.R.; et al. "Updated model of
group A Streptococcus M proteins based on a comprehensive worldwide study". Clinical Microbiology and Infection 19
5 (2013):
- Vaz, M.; Meirinhos-Soares, L.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Lopes, J.A.. "Serotype discrimination of encapsulated
Streptococcus pneumoniae strains by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics". Journal of Microbiological
Methods 93 2 (2013): 102-107.
- Friães, A.; Lopes, J.P.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Changes in Streptococcus pyogenes causing invasive disease in Portugal:
Evidence for superantigen gene loss and acquisition". International Journal of Medical Microbiology 303 8 (2013): 505-513.
- Costa, A.; Afonso, J.; Osório, C.; Gomes, A.L.; Caiado, F.; Valente, J.; Aguiar, S.I.; et al. "MiR-363-5p regulates endothelial
cell properties and their communication with hematopoietic precursor cells". Journal of Hematology and Oncology 6 1
- Silva-Costa, C.; Carriço, J.A.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Scarlet fever is caused by a limited number of streptococcus
pyogenes lineages and is associated with the exotoxin genes ssa, speA and speC". Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
- Martins, E.R.; Andreu, A.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Distribution of pilus islands in Streptococcus agalactiae that
cause human infections: Insights into evolution and implication for vaccine development". Clinical and Vaccine Immunology
20 2 (2013): 313-316.
- Carriço, J.A.; Sabat, A.J.; Friedrich, A.W.; Ramirez, M.. "Bioinformatics in bacterial molecular epidemiology and public health:
Databases, tools and the next-generation sequencing revolution". Eurosurveillance 18 4 (2013):
- Frias, M.J.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Export of the pneumococcal phage SV1 lysin requires choline-containing teichoic
acids and is holin-independent". Molecular Microbiology 87 2 (2013): 430-445.
- Friães, A.; Pinto, F.R.; Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Superantigen gene complement of Streptococcus pyogenes
- Relationship with other typing methods and short-term stability". European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases 32 1 (2013): 115-125.
- M D. Pinho; S C. Matos; L H. Wieler; M. D. Pinho; S. C. Matos; C Pomba; A Lubke-Becker; et al. "Multilocus Sequence Analysis
of Streptococcus canis Confirms the Zoonotic Origin of Human Infections and Reveals Genetic Exchange with Streptococcus dysgalactiae
subsp equisimilis". Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2013):
- Almeida, J.; Tiple, J.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Vaz, C.; P. Francisco, A.; Carriço, J.A.. "An ontology and a REST
API for sequence based microbial typing data". Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 6620 LNBI (2012): 21-28.
- Martins, E.R.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.; Lito, L.; Monteiro, L.; Martins, F.; Pessanha, M.A.; et al. "Dominance of serotype
Ia among group B streptococci causing invasive infections in nonpregnant adults in Portugal". Journal of Clinical Microbiology
50 4 (2012): 1219-1227.
- Horácio, A.N.; Diamantino-Miranda, J.; Aguiar, S.I.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Serotype changes in adult invasive pneumococcal
infections in Portugal did not reduce the high fraction of potentially vaccine preventable infections". Vaccine 30
2 (2012): 218-224.
- Friães, A.; Pinto, F.R.; Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Group A streptococci clones associated with invasive
infections and pharyngitis in Portugal present differences in emm types, superantigen gene content and antimicrobial resistance".
BMC Microbiology 12 (2012):
- Silva-Costa, C.; Friães, A.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Differences between macrolide-resistant and -susceptible streptococcus
pyogenes: Importance of clonal properties in addition to antibiotic consumption". Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
56 11 (2012): 5661-5666.
- Aguiar, S.I.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Use of the 13-valent conjugate vaccine has the potential to eliminate pilus
carrying isolates as causes of invasive pneumococcal disease". Vaccine 30 37 (2012): 5487-5490.
- Francisco, A.P.; Vaz, C.; Monteiro, P.T.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.; Carriço, J.A.. "PHYLOViZ: Phylogenetic inference
and data visualization for sequence based typing methods". BMC Bioinformatics 13 1 (2012):
- Martins, E.R.; Andreu, A.; Correia, P.; Juncosa, T.; Bosch, J.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Group B streptococci causing
neonatal infections in barcelona are a stable clonal population: 18-Year surveillance". Journal of Clinical Microbiology
49 8 (2011): 2911-2918.
- Severiano, A.; Carriço, J.A.; Robinson, D.A.; Ramirez, M.; Pinto, F.R.. "Evaluation of Jackknife and Bootstrap for defining
confidence intervals for pairwise agreement measures". PLoS ONE 6 5 (2011):
- Sá-Leao, R.; Pinto, F.; Aguiar, S.; Nunes, S.; Carriço, J.A.; Frazao, N.; Gonçalves-Sousa, N.; et al. "Analysis of invasiveness
of pneumococcal serotypes and clones circulating in portugal before widespread use of conjugate vaccines reveals heterogeneous
behavior of clones expressing the same serotype". Journal of Clinical Microbiology 49 4 (2011): 1369-1375.
- Severiano, A.; Pinto, F.R.; Ramirez, M.; Carriço, J.A.. "Adjusted Wallace coefficient as a measure of congruence between typing
methods". Journal of Clinical Microbiology 49 11 (2011): 3997-4000.
- Melo-Cristino, José; Santos, Letícia; Silva-Costa, Catarina; Friães, Ana; Pinho, Marcos D.; Ramirez, Mário; Portuguese Surveillance
Group for the Study of Respiratory Pathogens. "The Viriato Study". Pediatric Drugs 12 (2010): 11-17.
- Carrolo, M.; Frias, M.J.; Pinto, F.R.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Prophage spontaneous activation promotes DNA release
enhancing biofilm formation in Streptococcus pneumoniae". PLoS ONE 5 12 (2010):
- Pinho, M.D.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Fluoroquinolone resistance in Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis
and evidence for a shared global gene pool with Streptococcus pyogenes". Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 54 5
(2010): 1769-1777.
- Martins, E.R.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Evidence for rare capsular switching in Streptococcus agalactiae". Journal
of Bacteriology 192 5 (2010): 1361-1369.
- Aguiar, S.I.; Pinto, F.R.; Nunes, S.; Serrano, I.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Sá-Leão, R.; Ramirez, M.; De Lencastre, H.. "Denmark14-230
clone as an increasing cause of pneumococcal infection in Portugal within a background of diverse serotype 19A lineages".
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 48 1 (2010): 101-108.
- Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Expanding the diagnosis of pediatric bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia from blood cultures
to molecular methods: Advantages and caveats". Clinical Infectious Diseases 51 9 (2010): 1050-1052.
- McMillan, D.J.; Bessen, D.E.; Pinho, M.; Ford, C.; Hall, G.S.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Population genetics of Streptococcus
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- Aguiar, S.I.; Serrano, I.; Pinto, F.R.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.. "Changes in Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes causing
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and Infection 14 9 (2008): 835-843.
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- Martins, E.R.; Florindo, C.; Martins, F.; Aldir, I.; Borrego, M.J.; Brum, L.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.. "Streptococcus
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Capítulo de livro |
- Silva-Costa, Catarina; Melo-Cristino, José; Ramirez, Mario. "Streptococcus pneumoniae". In Molecular Medical Microbiology,
1479-1490. Elsevier, 2024.
Poster em conferência |
- Friães, Ana; Gouveia, Catarina; Bajanca-Lavado, Maria Paula; Mamede, Rafael; Melo-Cristino, José; Ramirez, Mário. "Paediatric
invasive group A streptococcal infections in Portugal: post-pandemic expansion of the M1UK sub-lineage circulating since 2014/15".
Trabalho apresentado em ECCMID, 2024.
- Friães, Ana; Santos, B; Mamede, Rafael; Marrão, G; Melo-Cristino, José; Ramirez, Mário. "Increasing macrolide resistance among
pharyngeal Streptococcus pyogenes in a Portuguese hospital due to emm2-ST55 lineage carrying mef(A)-msr(D)". Trabalho apresentado
em ECCMID, 2024.
- Gomes-Silva, Joana; Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group
for the Study of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Paediatric Infectious
Disease Society. "Pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease: the importance of molecular methods in the diagnosis and serotyping
of Streptococcus pneumoniae in culture negative samples". Trabalho apresentado em 16th International Conference on Molecular
Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases, 2023.
- Boto, C.; Carneiro, S.; Carvalho, A.; Lemos, A.; Machado, P.; Pinto, M.; Friães, Ana; et al. "Comparação entre pneumonia por
Streptococcus pneumoniae versus Streptococcus pyogenes". Trabalho apresentado em 23º Congresso Nacional de Pediatria,
- Couto, C.; Lemos, A.; Stella, L.; Sobral, C.; Pinto, M.; Melo Cristino, Jose; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Gouveia, C.. "Infeção
profunda dos tecidos moles por Streptococcus do grupo A, sem fasceíte - a propósito de uma série de casos". Trabalho apresentado
em 23º Congresso Nacional de Pediatria, 2023.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group for the Study of Streptococcal
Infections. "Invasive pneumococcal disease in adults in Portugal: small decrease in PCV13 serotypes (2019-2022)". Trabalho
apresentado em 16th European Meeting on the Molecular Biology of the Pneumococcus (EuroPneumo), 2023.
- Gouveia, C.; Carvalho, A.; Rodrigues, F.; Varandas, L.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Friães, Ana; Portuguese Group
for the Study of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Pediatric Invasive Streptococcal Disease. "Pediatric
invasive infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes in Portugal (2014-2022)". Trabalho apresentado em 41st Annual Meeting
of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), 2023.
- Gomes-Silva, Joana; Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group
for the Study of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Pediatric Infectious
Disease Society. "Sustained importance of Streptococcus pneumoniae among pediatric complicated pneumonia in Portugal (2019-22)".
Trabalho apresentado em 41st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), 2023.
- Almada-Correia, I; Castro, Miguel; Motta, Carla; Catarina Sousa Guerreiro; Khmelinskii, Nikita; Filipa Oliveira Ramos; Catarina
Inês Marques de Sousa Mendes; et al. "Unraveling the mysteries of the connection between gut and the chronic activation of
the immune system in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (POS1426).". Trabalho apresentado em European Congress of Rheumatology
(EULAR 2023), 2023.
- Gomes-Silva, Joana; Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group
for the Study of Streptococcal Infections; The Portuguese Study Group Of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Of The Paediatric Infectious
Diseases Society.. "Etiologic diagnosis from pleural effusion and empyema in pediatrics: is it worth looking beyond Streptococcus
pneumoniae in the post-pneumococcal vaccine era?". Trabalho apresentado em 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology
and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2023.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Subtil-Limpo, F; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group for the Study
of Streptococcal Infections; The Portuguese Study Group Of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Of The Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Society.. "Vaccine serotypes and the post-pandemic rebound of pediatric invasive disease in Portugal (2018-2022)". Trabalho
apresentado em 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2023.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; The Portuguese Group For The Study Of Streptococcal
Infections. "Small decrease of PCV13 serotypes in invasive pneumococcal disease in adults in Portugal 7 years after PCV13
universal use in children". Trabalho apresentado em 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
(ECCMID), 2023.
- Mamede, Rafael; Friães, Ana; Ferreira, Mariana; Melo Cristino, Jose; Ramirez, Mário. "Enabling high resolution typing of Streptococcus
pyogenes with a novel whole-genome multilocus sequence typing schema". Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Meeting
on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM XIII), 2022.
- Mamede, Rafael; Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Ramirez, Mário. "Optimizing the gene-by-gene approach for bacterial typing with chewBBACA
3". Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM XIII), 2022.
- de Almeida, Inês; Forofontov, Mykyta; Mamede, Rafael; Ramirez, Mário. "Schema Refinery: a tool to assist in the creation of
cg/wgMLST schemas with chewBBACA". Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers
(IMMEM XIII), 2022.
- Forofontov, Mykyta; de Almeida, Inês; Mamede, Rafael; Martins, Elisabete; Ramirez, Mário. "Creation of a schema for gene-by-gene
typing of Streptococcus agalactiae". Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers
(IMMEM XIII), 2022.
- Almada-Correia, I; Castro, Miguel; Motta, Carla; Catarina Sousa Guerreiro; Khmelinskii, Nikita; Filipa Oliveira Ramos; Catarina
Inês Marques de Sousa Mendes; et al. "Exploring the link between diet, gut microbiota, gut permeability, and disease activity
in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Poster 290)". Trabalho apresentado em 28th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress,
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Santos, Andreia; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José; Portuguese Group for the Study
of Streptococcal Infections. "Persistence of PCV13 serotypes in non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in adults in Portugal
after vaccine introduction in the national immunization plan for children". Trabalho apresentado em 12th International
Symposium on Pneumococci&Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-12), 2022.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Subtil-Limpo, F; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group for the Study
of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Paediatric Infectious Disease
Society. "Pneumococcal pediatric invasive disease in Portugal: importance of serotype 3 and increase in non-vaccine types
six-years after near universal vaccination with PCV13". Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Symposium on Pneumococci&Pneumococcal
Diseases (ISPPD-12), 2022.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group
for the Study of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Paediatric Infectious
Disease Society. "Complicated pediatric pneumococcal pneumonia in the context of near universal vaccination in Portugal".
Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Symposium on Pneumococci&Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-12), 2022.
- Friães, Ana; Mamede, Rafael; Melo Cristino, Jose; Ramirez, Mário. "High resolution typing of Streptococcus pyogenes using
a novel whole genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST) schema". Trabalho apresentado em 21st Lancefield International
Symposium for Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases (LISSSD), 2022.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Subtil-Limpo, F; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José; Portuguese Group for the Study
of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Paediatric Infectious Disease
Society. "Decreases in pediatric invasive disease (pIPD) in Portugal (2018-2021) and the growing importance of non-vaccine
serotypes and of serotype 3 complicated pneumonia in pIPD". Trabalho apresentado em 15th European Meeting on the Molecular
Biology of the Pneumococcus - Europneumo, 2022.
- Gomes-Silva, Joana; Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Looking beyond
Streptococcus pneumoniae in culture-negative complicated pneumonia in children in Portugal (2009-19)". Trabalho apresentado
em 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2022.
- Castro AC; Jose Melo Cristino; Ramirez, Mário; Pinho, Marcos Daniel. "Genomic characterization of Streptococcus dysgalactiae
subspecies equisimilis isolates causing invasive infections (Poster 03794)". 2022.
- Gomes-Silva, Joana; Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho MD; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group for the
Study of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Pediatric Infectious Disease
Society. Autor correspondente: Ramirez, Mário. "Looking beyond Streptococcus pneumoniae in culture-negative complicated pneumonia
in children in Portugal (2010-19)". Trabalho apresentado em 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (ECCMID), 2022.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Santos, A; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José; Portuguese
Group for the Study of Streptococcal Infections. "Non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal (2016-2018): the importance
of conjugate vaccine serotypes". Trabalho apresentado em 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (ECCMID), 2022.
- Faria, Nuno A.; Tiago Touret; Alexandra S. Simões; Margarida Pinto; José Melo-Cristino; Ramirez, Mário; João André Carriço;
et al. "Multiple events of colistin resistance emergence in epidemic carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-KP) clonal
types circulating in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases, 2022.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Continued dominance
of serotype 3 in pediatric complicated pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal, five years after PCV13 introduction into routine
infant immunization". Trabalho apresentado em 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
(ECCMID), 2022.
- Mamede, Rafael; Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Ramirez, Mário. "Accelerating the gene-by-gene approach for bacterial genomics with
chewBBACA 3.0". Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM XIII),
- Mamede, Rafael; Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Ramirez, Mário. "Fast, faster, fastest: improving an allele calling algorithm for whole-genome
multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST)". Trabalho apresentado em ECCMID 2021, 2021.
- Riche, C.V.W.; Mamede, Rafael; Falci, D.R.; Carriço, João André; Ramirez, Mário; Dias, C.A.G.. "MRSA invasive infections:
epidemiology and risk-factors for mortality in bacteraemic patients in Porto Alegre, Brazil". Trabalho apresentado em ECCMID
2021, 2021.
- Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Mamede, Rafael; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário. "Defining publicly available whole-genome multilocus sequence
typing schemas - the example of Streptococcus pyogenes". Trabalho apresentado em ECCMID 2021, 2021.
- Mamede, Rafael; Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário. "Towards a framework for the definition of publicly available
whole-genome multilocus sequence typing schemas - the example of Streptococcus pyogenes". Trabalho apresentado em GenomePT
Symposium, 2021.
- Mamede, Rafael; Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Ramirez, Mário. "The need for speed: improving an allele calling algorithm for whole-genome
multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST)". Trabalho apresentado em Applied Bioinformatics & Public Health Microbiology 2021,
- Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Mamede, Rafael; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário. "Tracking strains is simpler if you use common schemas
from public repositories". Trabalho apresentado em Applied Bioinformatics & Public Health Microbiology 2021, 2021.
- Mamede, Rafael; Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Silva, Mickael; Carriço, João André; Ramirez, Mário. "Enabling easy sharing of gene-by-gene
typing schemas and results based on a common allelic nomenclature". Trabalho apresentado em iMM Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics Day, 2020.
- Gouveia, C.; Varandas, L.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Friães, Ana. "Pediatric invasive infections caused by Streptococcus
pyogenes in Portugal (2014-2018)". Trabalho apresentado em 38th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious
Diseases (ESPID), 2020.
- Mamede, Rafael; Melo-Cristino, José; Ramirez, Mário; Martins, Elisabete. "Genomic characterization of emerging penicillin
non-susceptibility among group B streptococci". Trabalho apresentado em Bioinformatics Open Days, 2020.
- Vila-Cerqueira, Pedro; Mamede, Rafael; Silva, Mickael; Carriço, João André; Ramirez, Mário. "Chewie-NS: Enabling the use of
gene-by-gene typing methods through a public and centralized service". Trabalho apresentado em Trabalho apresentado em
Bioinformatics Open Days 2020, 2020.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva J; Prados L; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Continued dominance of serotype 3 and increase
in serotype 8 as causes of pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal four years after PCV13 inclusion in the national
immunization plan". Trabalho apresentado em 38th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases,
26-29 October., 2019.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva J; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Serotypes 19F, 11A and 23B dominate in pediatric non-invasive
pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal (2015-2018)". Trabalho apresentado em 38th Annual Meeting of the European Society for
Paediatric Infectious Diseases, 2019.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Gomes-Silva J; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Despite introduction
of PCV13 into routine infant immunization serotype 3 continues to cause pediatric complicated pneumococcal pneumonia among
vaccinees". Trabalho apresentado em 38th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases,
- Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Gomes-Silva J; Guerreiro, Soraia I.; Brito, Maria J.; Ramirez, Mário;
Melo-Cristino, José. "Molecular diagnostics reveals persistence of serotype 3 as the main cause of pediatric complicated pneumonia
in Portugal despite extensive PCV13 use". Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological
Markers (IMMEM XII), 2019.
- Gomes-Silva J; Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Characterization of the genetic lineages responsible
for pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal (1999-2015)". Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Meeting
on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM XII), 2019.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos; Friães, Ana; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Guerreiro, Soraia; Brito, Maria; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino,
José. "Molecular diagnostics reveals persistence of serotype 3 as the main cause of pediatric complicated pneumonia in Portugal
despite extensive PCV13 use (P263)". Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers
(IMMEM XII), 2019.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Gomes-Silva J; Guerreiro, Soraia I.; Brito, Maria J.; Ramirez, Mário;
Melo-Cristino, José. "Three years after PCV13 introduction in the National Immunization Plan serotype 3 is still the main
cause of complicated pneumonia in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 14th European Meeting on the Molecular Biology of
the Pneumococcus, 2019.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos D.; Friães, Ana; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Guerreiro, Soraia; Brito, Maria João; Ramirez, Mário;
et al. "Three years after PCV13 introduction in the National Immunization Plan serotype 3 is still the main cause of complicated
pneumonia in Portugal (P46)". Trabalho apresentado em 14th European Meeting on the Molecular Biology of the Pneumococcus,
- Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Castro AC; Jose Melo Cristino; Ramirez, Mário. "Diversity of emm types among Streptococcus dysgalactiae
subspecies equisimilis isolates recovered from invasive and non-invasive human infections in Portugal (P2695)". 2019.
- Friães, Ana; Marrão, Gina; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Low macrolide resistance and minimal clonal diversity among
Streptococcus pyogenes causing pharyngitis in Portugal (P2837)". Trabalho apresentado em 29th European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2019.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in adults in Portugal:
continued decline of PCV13 serotypes (2015-2017)". Trabalho apresentado em IDWeek 2018, 2018.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Serotypes 8 and 3 are the leading cause of invasive pneumococcal
disease in adults in Portugal (2015-2017)". Trabalho apresentado em IDWeek 2018, 2018.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Horácio, Andreia N.; Aguiar, Sandra I; Lopes JP; Brito, Maria J.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Persistence
of PCV7 and PCV13 serotypes in pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal after more than a decade of vaccine use".
Trabalho apresentado em 11th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-11), 2018.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Brito, Maria J.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Aguiar, Sandra I; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José.
"Serotype 3 is the leading cause of complicated pediatric pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal even among PCV13 vaccinated children
(2010-2015)". Trabalho apresentado em 11th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-11),
- Horácio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, C.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Emerging non-vaccine serotypes but also
conjugate vaccine serotypes remain the major causes of non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in adults in Portugal (2012-2015)".
Trabalho apresentado em 11th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-11), 2018.
- Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Jose Melo Cristino; Ramirez, Mário. "Genotypic relationships of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis
isolates from humans and animals (P-170)". Trabalho apresentado em MicroBioTec'17, 2017.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Horácio, Andreia N.; Aguiar, Sandra I; Lopes JP; Brito, Maria J.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Pediatric
invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal: changing epidemiology (2012-2016)". Trabalho apresentado em MicroBioTec'17,
- Silva-Costa, C.; Horácio, Andreia N.; Aguiar, Sandra I; Lopes JP; Brito Maria J; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "PCV13
serotypes are still important causes of pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal after more than a decade of conjugate
vaccine". Trabalho apresentado em International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (ICC 2017), 2017.
- Horácio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, C.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Importance of vaccine serotypes and
emergence of non-vaccine serotypes causing non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in adults in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado
em International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (ICC 2017), 2017.
- Horácio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, C.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia
in adults in Portugal (2012-2015): resilience of vaccine serotypes and emergence of non-vaccine serotypes". Trabalho apresentado
em IDWeek 2017, 2017.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Aguiar, Sandra I; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Serotype distribution
among Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates causing complicated pneumonia in children in Portugal (2010-2015)". Trabalho apresentado
em 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2017.
- Friães, Ana; Lopes, Joana P.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Clonal stability among Group A Streptococci causing invasive
infections in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,
- Mendes CI; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Jose Melo Cristino; Ramirez, Mário; Carriço JA. "Pan-genome comparison between Streptococcus
dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis isolates from human and animal sources". Trabalho apresentado em Bioinformatics Open Days,
- Silva-Costa, C.; Aguiar, Sandra I; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "High prevalence
of serotype 3 in pneumococcal isolates causing complicated pneumonia and empyema in Portugal (2010-2015)". Trabalho apresentado
em International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (IMED 2016), 2016.
- Horácio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, C.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Serotypes and Antimicrobial Resistance
of Isolates Causing Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Adult Patients in Portugal After the 13-Valent Conjugate Vaccine Received
an Adult Indication - 2012-2014". Trabalho apresentado em IDWeek 2016, 2016.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Horácio, Andreia N.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Isolates expressing PCV13 serotypes
are still the leading cause of pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 10th International
Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases, 2016.
- Horácio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, C.; Diamantino-Miranda J; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "CC156 persisted
as the major cause of adult IPD in Portugal in the late post-PCV7 period despite being mostly composed of isolates expressing
PCV7 serotypes". Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases, 2016.
- Horácio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, C.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Serotype and antimicrobial resistance
of isolates causing invasive pneumococcal disease in adults in Portugal (2012-2014)". Trabalho apresentado em 10th International
Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases, 2016.
- Pato, Catarina; Friães, Ana; Lopes, Joana P.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Comparison of Streptococcus pyogenes isolates
from invasive and skin and soft tissue infections reveal differences in the capacity to interact with host proteins". Trabalho
apresentado em 26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2016.
- Horácio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, C.; Diamantino-Miranda J; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "The dominant clonal
complex causing invasive disease in Portugal still expressed PCV7 serotypes in spite of a decade of vaccine use in children".
Trabalho apresentado em Microbiotec'15, 2015.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Horácio, Andreia N.; Aguiar, Sandra I; Lopes JP; Brito, Maria J.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "PCV13
serotypes are still major causes of invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal despite 10 years of conjugate vaccine use in
the private market". Trabalho apresentado em 9th World Congress of the World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases,
- Silva-Costa, C.; Aguiar, Sandra I; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Brito, Maria J.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José.
"The advantage of various PCR-based techniques in the enhanced ethiological diagnosis of pediatric complicated pneumococcal
pneumonia in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 9th World Congress of the World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases,
- Horácio, Andreia N.; Silva-Costa, C.; Lopes JP; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "PCV13 serotypes were the major constituents
of the major clones causing adult IPD in Portugal in the conjugate vaccine era". Trabalho apresentado em 12th European
Meeting on the Molecular Biology of the Pneumococcus (EuroPneumo), 2015.
- Aguiar, Sandra I; Silva-Costa, C.; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Brito, Maria J.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Complicated
pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal: Enhanced ethiological diagnosis and serotype distribution". Trabalho apresentado em 33rd
Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, 2015.
- Melo-Cristino, José; Friães, Ana; Resina, Cristina; MANUEL, V.; Lito, Luís; Ramirez, Mário. "Emergence of vancomycin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance,
- Silva-Costa, C.; Aguiar, Sandra I; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "The role of conventional and
real-time PCR in determining the pneumococcal etiology of complicated pneumonia cases". Trabalho apresentado em International
Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance, 2014.
- Melo-Cristino, José; Friães, Ana; Resina, Cristina; MANUEL, V.; Lito, Luís; Ramirez, Mário. "Detection, evolution and outcome
of the first case of Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) infection in Europe". Trabalho apresentado em ID
Week 2014, 2014.
- Arinto-Garcia, Raquel; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Ramirez, Mário; Jose Melo Cristino. "Comparison between phenotypic and genotypic
methods for the identification of the Streptococcus anginosus group (P0593)". 2014.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Streptococcus pyogenes in Portugal: decrease of macrolide resistance
and clonal instability in spite of sustained macrolide consumption". Trabalho apresentado em 28th International Congress
of Chemotherapy and Infection (ICC 2013), 2013.
- Pato Catarina; Silva-Costa, C.; Sancho L; Portugal C; Sardinha T; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Decreasing macrolide
resistance among pharyngeal group A streptococci recovered in a prospective survey in a Portugal hospital". Trabalho apresentado
em 23rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2013.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Macrolide resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes in Portugal (2007-2011).
diminishing resistance and clonal instability in spite of high macrolide consumption". Trabalho apresentado em GAS Infections
2013, 2013.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Importance of clonal properties in addition to antibiotic
consumption in determining the differences between macrolide resistant and susceptible Streptococcus pyogenes". Trabalho
apresentado em International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance, 2013.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Friães, Ana; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Dinamics of susceptibility to tigecycline
and to an extended panel of antimicrobials of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in Portugal (2005-2011)". Trabalho
apresentado em 52th Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), 2012.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Continued decline of macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pyogenes in
Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2012.
- Friães, Ana; Silva-Costa, C.; Pinto, Francisco; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, Jose. "Identification of clones with enhanced
invasive capacity among Group A Streptococci isolated in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em XVIII Lancefield International
Symposium, 2011.
- Pato, Catarina; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Molecular characterization and antimicrobial resistance
of Streptococcus pyogenes causing skin and soft tissue infections in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em XVIII Lancefield
International Symposium, 2011.
- Friães, Ana; Lopes, Joana P.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Molecular changes in Streptococcus pyogenes invasive isolates
recovered during ten years in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em XVIII Lancefield International Symposium, 2011.
- Preziuso S; Pinho, Marcos; Attili AR; Jose Melo Cristino; Ramirez, Mário; Cuteri V. "The streptokinase gene as a candidate
target for differentiation between Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis causing infections in humans and horses (P980)".
- Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Ramirez, Mário; Jose Melo Cristino. "Multilocus sequence typing characterisation of Streptococcus dysgalactiae
subsp. equisimilis isolates from Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 21st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) and 27th International Congress of Chemotherapy (ICC), 2011.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Friães, Ana; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "In vitro susceptibility to Tigecycline
and to an extended panel of antimicrobials of Gram-positive and Gram-negative isolates in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado
em 50th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), 2010.
- Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Ramirez, Mário; Jose Melo Cristino. "Molecular characterization of levofloxacin resistance in Streptococcus
dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis isolates from Portugal (P1002)". Trabalho apresentado em 20th European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2010.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Streptococcus pyogenes
isolated scarlet fever patients". Trabalho apresentado em 20th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (ECCMID), 2010.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Friães, Ana; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose. "In vitro susceptibility to tigecycline
and to an extended panel of antimicrobials of Gram positive and Gram negative isolates in Portugal. P204". Trabalho apresentado
em 19th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2009.
- Friães, Ana; Silva-Costa, C.; Vaz, Filipa; Fernandes, Paulo; Carriço, João André; Pires, Renato; Santos-Sanches, Ilda; Ramirez,
Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Quantitative comparison of Streptococcus pyogenes typing methods". Trabalho apresentado em XVII
Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, 2008.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Friães, Ana; Pinto, Francisco; Vaz Filipa; Fernandes Paulo; Carriço, Joao A.; Melo-Cristino, José; Ramirez,
Mário. "Re-evaluating the appropriateness of using emm typing to define group A streptococci clones". Trabalho apresentado
em 8th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM 8), 2008.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Pinto, Francisco; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Decrease in macrolide resistance and clonal instability
among Streptococcus pyogenes in spite of increased macrolide consumption". Trabalho apresentado em 18th European Congress
of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2008.
- Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Characterization of an emm12/T12 GAS clone associated with paediatric invasive
disease in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 18th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID),
- Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Susceptibility to tigecycline and to an extended panel of antimicrobials
of contemporary Gram-positive and Gram-negative Portuguese isolates.". Trabalho apresentado em 17th European Congress of
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases” (ECCMID), 2007.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Identity of macrolide-resistant clones of Streptococcus pyogenes in
Portugal supports Europe-wide dissemination of a few lineages". Trabalho apresentado em Strep-Euro Symposium – Global burden
of Streptococcal disease, battle against it, 2006.
Resumo em conferência |
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; he Portuguese
Group for the Study of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Paediatric
Infectious Disease Society. "Serotype 3 dominance in pediatric complicated pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal during the COVID-19
pandemic (2020-2022)". Trabalho apresentado em 16th European Meeting on the Molecular Biology of the Pneumococcus (EuroPneumo),
Rethymno, 2023.
- Almada-Correia, I; Castro, Miguel; Motta, Carla; Catarina Sousa Guerreiro; Khmelinskii, Nikita; Filipa Oliveira Ramos; Catarina
CO-030)". Trabalho apresentado em 22º Congresso Nacional de Pediatria, Lisboa, 2022.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group
for the Study of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Paediatric Infectious
Disease Society. "Pneumococci and serotype 3 remain important causes of complicated pneumonias despite six-years of near universal
coverage of PCV13". Trabalho apresentado em 15th European Meeting on the Molecular Biology of the Pneumococcus - Europneumo,
Liverpool, 2022.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva, Joana; Pinho, Marcos Daniel; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Portuguese Group
for the Study of Streptococcal Infections; Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Paediatric Infectious
Disease Society. "Continued dominance of serotype 3 in paediatric complicated pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal, five years
after PCV13 introduction into routine infant immunisation". Trabalho apresentado em 32nd European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Lisbon, 2022.
- Inês Almada-Correia; Castro, Miguel; Catarina Sousa Guerreiro; Khmelinskii, Nikita; Catarina Inês Marques de Sousa Mendes;
Ramirez, Mário; João Eurico Cortez Cabral da Fonseca; Patrícia Costa-Reis. "Oral communication: Vamos olhar para o intestino
no lúpus eritematoso sistémico". Trabalho apresentado em XXVII Jornadas de Pediatria do Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa,
- Almada-Correia, Inês; Castro, Miguel; Catarina Sousa Guerreiro; Motta, Carla; Ramirez, Mário; João Eurico Cortez Cabral da
Fonseca; Patrícia Costa-Reis. "Oral communication: Exploring the link between diet, microbiome, gut permeability, metabolomics
and disease activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus". Trabalho apresentado em iMED Conference - Innovate Competition,
- Friães, Ana; Marrão, Gina; Melo Cristino, Jose; Ramirez, Mário. "Decreasing macrolide resistance among group A streptococci
causing pharyngitis in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 38th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious
Diseases (ESPID), 2020.
- Riche, C.V.W.; Mamede, Rafael; Pereira, R.I.; Carriço, J.A.; Dias, C.A.G.; Ramirez, Mário. "Decline of the Brazilian endemic
clone and dominance of internationally disseminated lineages among MRSA from bacteraemic patients in Porto Alegre, Brazil".
Trabalho apresentado em ECCMID, 2020.
Aceite para publicação • 10.1190/sbgf2017-101
- Mamede, Rafael; Melo-Cristino, José; Ramirez, Mário; Martins, Elisabete. "Emergence of penicillin non-susceptible group B
streptococci within the hypervirulent CC17 clone colonizing pregnant women in Portugal ¿ a genomic analysis". Trabalho apresentado
em ECCMID, 2020.
Aceite para publicação
- Gouveia, C.; Varandas, L.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo Cristino, Jose; Friães, Ana. "Clinical and bacterial characteristics of paediatric
invasive infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes". Trabalho apresentado em 30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology
and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2020.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva J; Teodoro I; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "The PCV13 serotypes still account for a large
fraction of invasive pneumococcal disease in adults three-years after PCV13 introduction in the pediatric vaccination schedule
(Portugal: 2015-2018)". Trabalho apresentado em 30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
(ECCMID), 2020.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva J; Prados L; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in
Portugal: dominance of serotype 3 and increase in serotype 8 four years after PCV13 inclusion in the National Immunization
Plan". Trabalho apresentado em 30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2020.
- Silva-Costa, C.; Gomes-Silva J; Prados L; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Persistence of serotype 19F and the importance
of non-vaccine serotypes in pediatric non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal (2015-2018)". Trabalho apresentado em
30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2020.
- Friães, Ana; Melo-Cristino, José; Ramirez, Mário. "Genetic variation within the transcriptional regulator genes covR/S and
ropB among invasive and non-invasive Streptococcus pyogenes isolates". Trabalho apresentado em XIX Lancefield International
Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, Buenos Aires, 2014.
- Carriço, João André; Friães, Ana; Prior, K.; Harmsen, D.; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Whole genome analysis of the
first vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) isolated in Europe". Trabalho apresentado em 24th European Congress
of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Barcelona, 2014.
- Pato, Catarina; Friães, Ana; Ramirez, Mário; Melo-Cristino, José. "Characteristics of Streptococcus pyogenes causing skin
and soft tissue infections in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (ECCMID), London, 2012.
- Pires, Renato; Friães, Ana; Silva-Costa, C.; Rolo, Dora; Brito-Avô, A.; Morais, A.; Gonçalo-Marques, J.; et al. "Relationship
among macrolide resistant group A streptococci associated with oropharyngeal colonization and infection". Trabalho apresentado
em XVII Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, Porto Heli, 2008.