Artigo em conferência |
- Wardley, William. "Hyperbolic metamaterials in the ultraviolet". Trabalho apresentado em NFO 15, 2018.
- Wardley, William P.; Rodríguez-Fortuño, Francisco J.; Nicholls, Luke H.; Campbell, Serena S.; Nasir, Mazhar E.; Zayats, Anatoly
V.; Dickson, Wayne. "Into the deep UV: self-assembled hyperbolic metamaterials for the ultraviolet range (Conference Presentation)".
- Wardley, William. "Self-Assembled Hyperbolic Metamaterials in the Deep-Ultraviolet". Trabalho apresentado em The 8th International
Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2017.
- Fan, Bo; Roberts, Christopher M.; Olivier, Nicolas; Wardley, William P.; Inampudi, Sandeep; Dickson, Wayne; Zayats, Anatoly
V.; Podolskiy, Viktor A. "Interscale mixing microscopy: far-field imaging beyond the diffraction limit". 2017.
- Skov Cambpell, Serena; Wardley, William P.; Nasir, Mazhar E.; Zayats, Anatoly V.; Dickson, Wayne; Wurtz, Gregory A.. "Self-assembled
hyperbolic metamaterials in the deep UV
(Conference Presentation)". 2016.
- Wardley, William P.; Nasir, Mazhar E.; Rodríguez Fortuño, Francisco J.; Vilain, Sébastien; Skov Campbell, Serena; Wurtz, Gregory
A.; Zayats, Anatoly V.; Dickson, Wayne. "Large-area fabrication and characterisation of ultraviolet regime metamaterials manufactured
using self-assembly techniques
(Conference Presentation)". 2016.
- Wardley, William. "Holes further than the eye cannot see - Large area nanofabrication and characterisation of sub-wavelength
spaced nanohole arrays in the visible and ultraviolet regimes". Trabalho apresentado em EMR, Strasbourg, 2015.
Artigo em revista |
- Goessling, Johannes W.; Wardley, William P.; Lopez-Garcia, Martin. "Highly Reproducible, Bio-Based Slab Photonic Crystals
Grown by Diatoms". Advanced Science (2020): 1903726.
- Alzahrani, Hassan A. H.; Buckingham, Mark A.; Wardley, William P.; Tilley, Richard D.; Ariotti, Nicholas; Aldous, Leigh. "Gold
nanoparticles immobilised in a superabsorbent hydrogel matrix: facile synthesis and application for the catalytic reduction
of toxic compounds". Chemical Communications 56 8 (2020): 1263-1266.
- Wardley, W P; Rodríguez-Fortuño, F J; Zayats, A V; Dickson, W. "Improving propagation lengths of ultraviolet surface plasmon
polaritons on thin aluminium films by ion milling". Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 7 (2018): 074004.
- Simoncelli, Sabrina; Makarova, Maria; Wardley, William; Owen, Dylan M.. "Toward an Axial Nanoscale Ruler for Fluorescence
Microscopy". ACS Nano 11 12 (2017): 11762-11767.
- Khlopin, Dmitry; Laux, Frédéric; Wardley, William P.; Martin, Jérôme; Wurtz, Gregory A.; Plain, Jérôme; Bonod, Nicolas; et
al. "Lattice modes and plasmonic linewidth engineering in gold and aluminum nanoparticle arrays". Journal of the Optical
Society of America B 34 3 (2017): 691.
- Roberts, Christopher M.; Olivier, Nicolas; Wardley, William P.; Inampudi, Sandeep; Dickson, Wayne; Zayats, Anatoly V.; Podolskiy,
Viktor A.. "Interscale mixing microscopy: far-field imaging beyond the diffraction limit". Optica 3 8 (2016): 803.
- Nasir, M. E.; Peruch, S.; Vasilantonakis, N.; Wardley, W. P.; Dickson, W.; Wurtz, G. A.; Zayats, A. V.. "Tuning the effective
plasma frequency of nanorod metamaterials from visible to telecom wavelengths". Applied Physics Letters 107 12 (2015):
- Nasir, Mazhar E.; Dickson, Wayne; Wurtz, Gregory A.; Wardley, William P.; Zayats, Anatoly V.. "Hydrogen Detected by the Naked
Eye: Optical Hydrogen Gas Sensors Based on Core/Shell Plasmonic Nanorod Metamaterials". Advanced Materials 26 21 (2014):
Poster em conferência |
- Wardley, William. "Combined Fourier scatterometry and chlorophyll fluorimetry for in-vivo analysis of biological photonic
structures". Trabalho apresentado em Bio-inspired Optics and Photonics - From Metamaterials to Application, 2019.
- Wardley, William. "Self-assembled ultraviolet regime plasmonic crystals and metamaterials". Trabalho apresentado em Particle,
condensed matter and quantum physics: links via Maxwell's equations, 2015.