
Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Liberato Ferrara

Nomes de citação

  • Ferrara, Liberato

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID
Percurso profissional

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2014/10/01 - Atual Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) Politecnico di Milano, Itália


Artigo em conferência
  1. Francesco Lo Monte; Mezquida-Alcaraz, E. J.; Navarro-Gregori, J.; Serna, P.; Liberato Ferrara. "Experimental Characterization of the Tensile Constitutive Behaviour of Ultra-High Performance Concretes: Effect of Cement and Fibre Type". 2022.
  2. Estefanía Cuenca; Roig-Flores, M.; Garofalo, R.; Lozano-Nasner, M.; Ruiz-Munoz, C.; Schillani, F.; Borg, R. P.; Liberato Ferrara; Serna, P.. "Mechanical and Durability Assessment of Concretes Obtained from Recycled Ultra-High Performance Concretes". 2021.
  3. de Carvalho Bello, C. B.; Cecchi, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "Assessing the Alkali-Sensitivity of the Mechanical Behavior of Jute Fibers to Evaluate Their Durability in Cementitious Composites Applications". 2021.
  4. De Belie, N.; K Van Tittelboom,; Sánchez Moreno, M.; Liberato Ferrara; Gruyaert, E.. "Self-Healing Concrete Research in the European Projects SARCOS and SMARTINCS". 2021.
  5. Fioretti, M.; Sriram Kompella, Kasyapa.; Francesco Lo Monte; Esposito, L.; Menna, C.; Moro, S.; Asprone, D.; Liberato Ferrara. "Experimental Investigation on the Early Age Tensile Strength of Fiber Reinforced Mortar Used in 3D Concrete Printing". 2020.
  6. Caruso, M. C.; Pascale, C.; Camacho, E.; Scalari, S.; Animato, F.; Alonso, M. C.; Gimenez, M.; Liberato Ferrara. "Life Cycle Assessment on the Use of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes with Enhanced Durability for Structures in Extremely Aggressive Environments: Case Study Analyses". 2020.
  7. Estefanía Cuenca; Gastaldo Brac, E. M.; Rigamonti, S.; Violante, V.; Liberato Ferrara. "Self-healing Stimulated by Crystalline Admixtures in Chloride Rich Environments: Is It Possible to Extend the Structure Service Life?". 2020.
  8. P. Bamonte, L. Coppola, L. Ferrara, P. Gambarova; Francesco Lo Monte; Liberato Ferrara. "Characterization of the Tensile Behaviour of Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete". 2019.
  10. Lei, T.; Roberto Ottoboni; Marco Faifer; Sergio Toscani; Liberato Ferrara. "A cost-effective method to assess the fiber content and orientation in steel fiber reinforced concrete". 2019.
  11. Grantham, M.G.; Negrini, Alberto; Roig-Flores, Marta; Mezquida-Alcaraz, Eduardo J.; Liberato Ferrara; Serna, Pedro. "Effect of crack pattern on the self-healing capability in traditional, HPC and UHPFRC concretes measured by water and chloride permeability". 2019.
  12. A. Baricevic, M. Jelcic Rukavina, D. Damjanovic, M. Guadagnini; Serna, P.; Francesco Lo Monte; Mezquida-Alcaraz, E. J.; Cuenca, E.; Mechtcherine, V.; Reichardt, M.; et al. "UPGRADING THE CONCEPT OF UHPFRC FOR HIGH DURABILITY IN THE CRACKED STATE: THE CONCEPT OF ULTRA HIGH DURABILITY CONCRETE (UHDC) IN THE APPROACH OF THE H2020 PROJECT RESHEALIENCE". 2019.
  13. A. Baricevic, M. Jelcic Rukavina, D. Damjanovic, M. Guadagnini; De Nardi, C.; Brito de Carvalho Bello, C.; Liberato Ferrara; Cecchi, A.. "Self-healing lime mortars: an asset for restoration of heritage buildings". 2019.
  14. Liberato Ferrara; Patrick Bamonte; Suesta Falcó, C.; Animato, F.; Pascale, C.; Tretjakov, A.; Camacho Torregrosa, E.; et al. "An Overview on H2020 Project “ReSHEALience”". 2019.
  15. Cibelli, A; Giovanni DI LUZIO; Liberato Ferrara; Cusatis, G.; Pathirage, M.; G. Pijaudier-Cabot, P. Grassl and C. La Borderie (Eds). "Modelling of autogenous healing for regular concrete via a discrete model". 2019.
  16. M. A. Araújo, N. De Belie, K. Van Tittelboom; Schröfl, C.; Peled, A.; Regev, O.; Borg, R. P.; Reichardt, M.; Sripada, R.; et al. "Textile-reinforced concrete to realise ultra high durability concrete (UHDC) in the framework of the EU H2020 project "ReSHEALience"". 2019.
  17. Estefanía Cuenca; Criado, M.; Giménez, M.; Gastaldo-Brac, E.; Sideri, S.; Tretjakov, A.; Alonso, M. C.; Liberato Ferrara; M. A. Araújo, N. De Belie, K. Van Tittelboom. "Concept of Ultra High Durability Concrete for improved durability in chemical environments: Preliminary results". 2019.
  18. P. Bamonte, L. Coppola, L. Ferrara, P. G. Gambarova; Esposito, L.; Fioretti, M.; Cucchi, M.; Francesco Lo Monte; Menna, C.; Moro, S.; Asprone, D.; Liberato Ferrara. "Early age fracture performance of 3D printable fiber reinforced cementitious composites". 2019.
  19. P. Bamonte, L. Coppola, L. Ferrara, P. G. Gambarova; Bruno Dal Lago; Del Galdo, M.; Dal Lago, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "Experimental identification of the shear failure modes of a voided precast wall element subjected to lateral loading". 2019.
  20. P. Bamonte, L. Coppola, L. Ferrara, P. G. Gambarova; Bruno Dal Lago; Berretta, E.; Liberato Ferrara. "Structural vulnerability of old precast building stock: case studies from the period 1940s-1970s". 2019.
  21. P. Bamonte, L. Coppola, L. Ferrara, P. G. Gambarova; Estefanía Cuenca; Mezzena, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "Use of nano-additions to improve the performance of UHPFRCs used in geothermal power plant infrastructures". 2019.
  22. Francesco Lo Monte; Zago, Gabriele; Cucchi, Marco; Liberato Ferrara. "Correlation Between “Very Early” Age Fracture Performance and Evolution of Rheological Properties of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites with Adapted Rheology". 2019.
  23. Ana Baricevic Marija Jelcic Rukavina Domagoj Damjanovic Maurizio Guadagnini; Papayianni, I.; Válek, J.; Alvarez, J.; Bokan Bosiljkov, V.; Faria, P.; Liberato Ferrara; et al. "TESTING PROPERTIES GOVERNING THE DURABILITY OF LIME-BASED REPAIR MORTARS". 2019.
  24. Alexander, M.G.; Liberato Ferrara; Cuenca, Estefania; Tejedor, Antonio; Gastaldo Brac, Enricomaria. "Performance of concrete with and without crystalline admixtures under repeated cracking/healing cycles". 2018.
  25. C. Shi, B. Chen; Liberato Ferrara. "Self healing capacity of high performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites: state of art and vision for the future". 2018.
  27. Crosset, P.; Taylor, S. E.; Sonebi, M.; Liberato Ferrara. "Ultimate Capacity and deflection behaviour of BFRP prestressed SCC beam". 2018.
  28. Alexander, M.G.; De Nardi, Cristina; Cecchi, Antonella; Liberato Ferrara. "Assessing the influence of self-healing capacity of lime-based mortars on brick-mortar interface strength in masonry units". 2018.
  29. Liberato Ferrara; Lamperti, M. G. L.. "Identification of tensile constitutive parameters of High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites (HPFRCCs) via the Double Edge Wedge Splitting (DEWS) test: conventional vs. Digital Image Correlation measurements". 2018.
  30. Liberato Ferrara. "Self-healing cement-based materials: an asset for sustainable construction industry". 2018.
  31. R. Caspeele, L. Taerwe, D. Frangopol; Rigamonti, S.; CUENCA ASENSIO, Estefania; Arrigoni, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "Self-healing concrete vs. conventional waterproofing systems in underground structures: A cradle to gate LCA comparison with reference to a case study". 2018.
  32. M. Azenha, D. Schlicke, F. Benboudjema, A. Jedrzejewska; Miljevic, B.; Francesco Lo Monte; Vucetic, S.; Sovljanski, O.; Ristic, I.; Pilic, B.; et al. "CHARACTERIZATION AND MONITORING OF THE CRACK SELF-HEALING ABILITY OF BIO-MORTAR". 2018.
  33. M. Azenha, D. Schlicke, F. Benboudjema, A. Jedrzejewska; Farrugia, C.; Borg, R. P.; Buhagiar, J.; Liberato Ferrara. "APPLICATION OF LYSINIBACILLUS SPHAERICUS FOR CONCRETE CRACK HEALING USING DIFFERENT CALCIUM SOURCES". 2018.
  34. V. Falikman, R. Realfonzo, L. Coppola, P. Hàjek, P. Riva; Cuenca, E.; Cislaghi, G.; Puricelli, M.; Liberato Ferrara. "Influence of self-healing stimulated via crystalline admixtures on chloride penetration". 2018.
  35. M. Azenha, D. Schlicke, F. Benboudjema, A. Jedrzejewska; Liberato Ferrara; Van Mullem, T.; Cuenca, E.; Jonkers, H. M.; Francesco Lo Monte; Sanchez, M.; De Belie, N.; Jefferson, A.. "EFFECTIVENESS OF SELF-HEALING TECHNOLOGIES IN CEMENT BASED MATERIALS: CONCEPT FOR AN INTER-LABORATORY EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION BY MULTIPLE TEST METHODS. A PROPOSAL BY COST ACTION CA 15202 SARCOS". 2018.
  36. Ferrara, Liberato; Liberato Ferrara; Asensio, Estefania Cuenca; Francesco Lo Monte; Flores, Marta Roig; Moreno, Mercedes Sanchez; Snoeck, Didier; Mullem, Tim Van; Belie, Nele De. "Experimental Characterization of the Self-Healing Capacity of Cement Based Materials: An Overview". 2018.
  37. A. Llano-Torre, J. R. Marti-Vargas, P. Serna Ros; Cuenca, E.; Tejedor, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "Repetitividad de la capacidad autorreparante de hormigones reforzados con fibras con aditivo cristalino". 2018.
  38. Bruno Dal Lago; Muhaxheri, Milot; Liberato Ferrara. "Non-linear structural analysis of an innovative precast bracing wall". 2017.
  39. de Nardi, Cristina; Cecchi, Antonella; Liberato Ferrara. "The Influence of Self-Healing Capacity of Lime Mortars on the Behaviour of Brick-Mortar Masonry Subassemblies". 2017.
  40. V. Mechtcherine, V. Slowik, P. Kabele; Mousa, Mohammed; Cuenca, Estefania; Liberato Ferrara; Roy, Nathalie; Tagnit Hamou, Arezki. "Tensile Characterization of an “Eco-Friendly” UHPFRC with Waste Glass Powder and Glass Sand". 2017.
  41. Shanableh, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "An overview on the research on self-healing concrete at Politecnico di Milano". 2017.
  42. Sanchez, M.; Al Tabbaa, A.; De Belie, N.; Liberato Ferrara; Jefferson, A.. "Self-healing approaches for the preventive repair of concrete structures: SARCOS COST Action". 2017.
  43. M. Santhanam, R. Gettu, R. Pillai, S. K. Nayar; Cuenca, Stefania; Liberato Ferrara. "EFFECTS OF CRYSTALLINE ADMIXTURES ON THE REPEATABILITY OF SELF HEALING IN FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE". 2017.
  44. Qingshan Yang, Na Yang, Jiping Ru; Jialin Ren; Bruno Dal Lago; Liberato Ferrara. "Efficiency of mechanical floor connections on the diaphragm action of precast concrete floor/roof decks". 2016.
  45. Saouma, V., Bolander, J. and Landis, E:; Liberato Ferrara; Giovanni DI LUZIO; Krelani, Visar. "Experimental Assessment and Numerical Modeling of Self Healing Capacity of Cement Based Materials via Fracture Mechanics Concepts". 2016.
  46. N. Banthia, M. di Prisco, S: Soleimani-Dashtaki; Liberato Ferrara; Marco Faifer; Sorelli, L.; Baril, M. A.; Rhetoré, J.; Baby, F.; Toutlemonde, F.; Bernardi, S.. "Flow induced alignment of fibres in HPFRCC slabs: non-destructive magnetic survey and correlation with failure modes". 2016.
  47. N. Banthia, M. di Prisco; S. Soleimani.Dashtaki; Nunes da Cunha Moreira, T.; Rocha Ferreira, S.; de Andrade Silva, F.; Krelani, V.; Liberato Ferrara; Toledo Filho, R. D.. "SELF-HEALING ASSESSMENT UNDER TENSILE LOADS OF ULTRA HIGH PERFORMANCE FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE (UHPFRC)". 2016.
  48. Hans Beushausen; Liberato Ferrara; Caggiano, Antonio; Giovanni DI LUZIO; Etse, Guillermo; Gettu, Ravindra; Krelani, Visar; et al. "Five Years of International Collaborative Research on Self-Healing Capacity of Cementitious Composites". 2016.
  49. Liberato Ferrara. "Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites with adapted rheology: from state of art knowledge towards new boundaries for structural concrete applications". 2016.
  50. Goggins, J.; Liberato Ferrara; Deegan, Peter; Kelly, Gavin; Pattarini, Andrea; Sonebi, Mohammed; Taylor, Sue. "Effect of waste ceramic powder on strength development of cement based mortars". 2016.
  51. F. Dehn et al.; Muhaxheri, Milot; Spini, A.; Liberato Ferrara; Marco di Prisco; Lamperti, M. G. L.. "Strengthening/ retrofitting of coupling beams using advanced cement based materials". 2016.
  52. J. Goggins; Bruno Dal Lago; Deegan, Peter; Taylor, Sue; Crossett, Philip; Sonebi, Mohammed; Liberato Ferrara; Pattarini, Andrea. "Pre-stressing using basalt fibre bars: an experimental investigation on a new frontier of precast concrete". 2016.
  53. Bartoli, Steffen G. r. u. n. e. w. a. l. d. Luca; Liberato Ferrara; Kanstad, Terje; Dehn, Frank. "of test results of small specimens of flowable fibre concrete to structural behaviour: A discussion paper of fib Task Group 4.3,". 2016.
  54. Bruno Dal Lago; Liberato Ferrara; Taylor, S. E.; Sonebi, M.; Deegan, P.; Kelly,; A. Pattarini, G. Kelly; Pattarini, A.. "Design of steel-free pre-stressed reinforced concrete slabs: theory and experimentation". 2016.
  55. Baril, Marc Antoine; Sorelli, Luca; Réthoré, Julien; Baby, Florent; Toutlemonde, François; Liberato Ferrara; Marco Faifer; Bernardi, Sébastien. "The Effect of Casting Flow Defects on the Flexural Behavior of 2-way UHPFRC Slabs Investigated by Digital Image Correlation and Magnetic Assessment". 2016.
  56. Goggins, J.; Deegan, P.; Sonebi, M.; Kelly, G.; Taylor, S.; Liberato Ferrara; Pattarini, A.. "Investigation of the maturity and Engineering Performance of Self-Consolidating Concrete for Pre-cast Elements". 2016.
  57. Kamal Henry Khayat; Grunewald, S.; Liberato Ferrara; Dehn, F.. "Flowable fibre-reinforced concrete: Progress in understanding and development of design standards". 2016.
  58. Kamal Henry Khayat; Garcia Taengua, E.; Taylor, S.; Sonebi, M.; Deegan, P.; Liberato Ferrara; Pattarini, A.. "Effect of Polypropylene Macrofibers on the Flexural Response of SCFRC". 2016.
  59. Liberato Ferrara; Pattarini, A.. "Siloxanes in concrete: from manual application of water-proofing treatments to mix-design addition for concrete hydrophobicity". 2016.
  60. M. Menegotto and M. di Prisco; Bruno Dal Lago; Muhaxheri, M.; Liberato Ferrara. "Comportamento Strutturale Di Un Sistema Innovativo Per Pareti Prefabbricate Alleggerite.". 2016.
  61. M. Menegotto and M. di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara. "Cinque Anni Di Ricerca Al Politecnico Di Milano Sulla Capacità Di Autoriparazione Dei Materiali Cementizi.". 2016.
  62. Liberato Ferrara. "Self-healing cement based materials: 5 years of research experience at Politecnico di Milano". 2016.
  63. Kamal Henry Khayat; Nerella, V.; Galvani, F.; Liberato Ferrara; Mechtcherine, V.. "Normal and tangential interaction between discrete particles immersed in viscoelastic fluids: Experimental investigation as basis for Discrete Element Modelling of fresh concrete". 2016.
  64. Liberato Ferrara; Deegan, Peter; Pattarini, Andrea; Sonebi, Mohammed; Taylor, Sue. "Replacement of cement with waste ceramic powder in cementitious composites: results of a preliminary investigation". 2016.
  65. G. Di Luzio, V. Krelani, L. Ferrara; M. Colombo, M. di Prisco; Giovanni DI LUZIO; Krelani, Visar; Liberato Ferrara. "Numerical simulation of self-healing process and its application". 2016.
  66. M. Menegotto and M. di Prisco; Bruno Dal Lago; Mariani Orlandi, G.; Rocci, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "Efficacia Di Connessioni Meccaniche Tegolo-trave Sull'azione Diaframma Di Strutture Prefabbricate.". 2016.
  67. K. Sobolev, S.P. Shah; Liberato Ferrara; Ferreira, S. R.; Krelani, Visar; della Torre, M.; Silva, F.; Toledo Filho, R. D.. "Effect of cellulose nanopulp on autogenous and drying shrinkage of cement based composites". 2015.
  68. Roig Flores, Marta; Pirritano, Francesco; Serna, Pedro; Liberato Ferrara. "Study of the self-healing behaviour of early age cracks in concrete with crystalline admixtures under six environmental exposures". 2015.
  69. Roig Flores, Marta; Pirritano, Francesco; Liberato Ferrara; Serna, Pedro. "Self healing capability of concrete containing crystalline admixtures in different exposure conditions". 2015.
  70. Leeman, Andreas; Hammer, Tor Arne; Grunewald, Steffen; Liberato Ferrara; Dehn, Frank. "Time- and load-dependent behavior of flowable fibre concrete: progress report of fib Task Group 8.8". 2015.
  71. Liberato Ferrara; Ferreira, Saulo Rocha; Krelani, Visar; Toledo Filho, Romildo Dias. "Microscopical characterization of the self healing mechanisms in high performance cementitious composites reinforced with steel and natural fibres". 2015.
  72. Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar. "Engineering self healing capacity of cement based materials through crystalline admixtures". 2015.
  73. Schmidt, Wolfram; Grunewald, Steffen; Liberato Ferrara; Dehn, Frank. "Design of concrete for high flowability. Progress report of fib Task Group 8.8". 2015.
  74. Crossett, P.; Taylor, S.; Robinson, D.; Sonebi, M.; Garcia Taengua, E.; Deegan, Peter; Liberato Ferrara. "The flexural behaviour of SCC beams pre-stressed with BFRP". 2015.
  75. H. W Reinhardt; Liberato Ferrara; Geminiani, M.; Gorlezza, R.; Krelani, Visar; Roig Florez, M.; Sanchez Arevalo, G.; Serna Ros, P.. "Autogeneous self healing of High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites". 2015.
  76. M.A. Chiorino; Liberato Ferrara; Cortesi, Luca; Ligabue, Omar. "Internal curing of concrete with presaturated lightweight aggregates: a preliminary investigation". 2015.
  77. M.A. Chiorino; Liberato Ferrara; Ferreira, Saulo R.; Krelani, Visar; Torre, Marco della; Silva, Flavio; Filho, Romildo D. Toledo. "Natural fibres as promoters of autogenous healing in HPFRCCs: results from an on-going Italy-Brasil cooperation". 2015.
  78. M.A. Chiorino; Martinelli, Enzo; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Etse, Guillermo; Liberato Ferrara; Folino, Paula C.; Koenders, Eduardus A. B.; Filho, Romildo D. Toledo. "The EnCoRe project: sustainable solutions for cementitious materials". 2015.
  79. M.A. Chiorino et al.; Liberato Ferrara; Albertini, Isaia; Gettu, Ravindra; Krelani, Visar; Moscato, Simone; Pirritano, Francesco; et al. "Self healing of cement based materials engineered through crystalline admixtures: results from a multinational university network". 2015.
  80. Edmond Hajrizi; Krelani, Visar; Liberato Ferrara. "Reducing the Porosity and Sealing Cracks by Using Crystalline Admixture in Conventional Concrete". 2015.
  81. Grunewald, Steffen; Liberato Ferrara; Dehn, Frank. "Structural design with flowable concrete". 2015.
  82. Caggiano, A.; Krelani, V.; Ferrara, L.; Etse, G.. "Zero-thickness interface formulation for fracture analysis of self-healing concrete". 2015.
  83. Di Luzio, G.; Ferrara, L.; Krelani, V.. "Numerical simulation of self-healing in cementitious composites". 2015.
  84. Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar; Geminiani, M.; Gorlezza, R.. "High performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites: autogeneously self healing materials". 2014.
  85. Liberato Ferrara. "Citius, altius, fortius/faster, higher, tougher: pushing ahead the boundaries of structural concrete through fiber reinforced cementitious composites with adapted rheology". 2014.
  86. Liberato Ferrara; R: Ferreira, S.; Krelani, Visar; Silva, F.; Toledo Filho, R. D.. "Effect of natural fibres on the self healing capacity of high performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites". 2014.
  87. Garcia Taengua, E.; Sonebi, M.; Taylor, S. E.; Crosset, P.; Deegan, P.; Liberato Ferrara; Pattarini, A.. "Optimization of environment-friendly SCFRC mixes for use in precast concrete industry". 2014.
  88. Liberato Ferrara. "Crystalline admixtures in cementitious composites: from porosity reducers to catalysts of self healing". 2014.
  89. Liberato Ferrara; Caggiano, A.; Krelani, Visar; Etse, G.. "Self healing capacity of cementitious composites: experiments and modelling". 2014.
  90. Marco di Prisco; Beltrami, C.; Bonalumi, Pamela; Cadoni, E.; Caverzan, Alessio; Matteo Colombo; Liberato Ferrara; PAOLO MARTINELLI. "Materiali cementizi ad alte prestazioni per mitigare il rischio di azioni eccezionali nei tunnel". 2014.
  91. Giovanni DI LUZIO; Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar. "Numerical simulation of self-healing in cementitious composites". 2014.
  92. García Taengua, E.; Sonebi, M.; Taylor, S. E.; Liberato Ferrara; Deegan, P.; Pattarini, A.. "A Study on Cement Grout Rheology: Optimum Dosage of Superplasticisers Related to their Composition and Interaction with Mineral Additions.". 2014.
  93. Grunewald, S.; Liberato Ferrara; Dehn, F.. "Optimization of flowable concrete for structural design: progress report of fib task Group 8.8". 2014.
  94. Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar; Geminiani, M.; Gorlezza, R.; Serna Ros, P.; Roig Flores, M.; Sanchez Arevalo, G.. "Capacità di autoriparazione dei compositi cementizi fibrorinforzati ad elevate prestazioni". 2014.
  95. Muhaxheri, Milot; Spini, A.; Liberato Ferrara; Lamperti, M. G. L.; Marco di Prisco. "Rinforzo strutturake di architravi mediante compositi cementizi fibrorinforzati ad elevate prestazioni". 2014.
  96. Martinelli, E.; Barros, J. A. O.; Etse, G.; Liberato Ferrara; Folino, P. C.; Koenders, E. A. B.; Toledo Filho, R. D.. "Il progetto EnCoRe: una iniziativa transnazionale per promuovere in concetto di sostenibilità del calcestruzzo e dei materiali cementizi". 2014.
  97. Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar; Ferreira, S. R.; Toledo Filho, R. D.; Silva, F.. "Effetto delle fibre naturali sulle capacità di autoriparazione di compositi cementizi fibrorinforzati". 2014.
  98. Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar; Geminiani, M.; Gorlezza, R.. "Self healing capacity of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites". 2014.
  99. Krelani, Visar; Liberato Ferrara; Geminiani, M.; Gorlezza, R.. "Self healing of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites". 2014.
  100. Muhaxheri, Milot; Spini, A.; Liberato Ferrara; Marco Lamperti Tornaghi; Marco di Prisco. "Strengthening/retrofitting of coupling beams using advanced cement based materials". 2014.
  101. Di Luzio, G.; Ferrara, L.; Krelani, V.. "A numerical model for the self-healing capacity of cementitious Composites". 2014.
  102. Liberato Ferrara. "Self Compacting Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites: what now! what next?". 2013.
  103. Keijin Wang, Surendra P. Shah, Kamal H. Khayat; Liberato Ferrara. "Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (FR-SCC): a state of the art perspective". 2013.
  104. A.N. Dancygier; Marco di Prisco; Carlo, Beltrami; Bonalumi, Pamela; Ezio, Cadoni; Caverzan, Alessio; Matteo Colombo; Liberato Ferrara; PAOLO MARTINELLI. "HPFRC TUNNEL SEGMENTS TO MITIGATE THE RISK OF EXCEPTIONAL LOADS". 2013.
  105. K. Sakata and T.R. Naij; Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar; Gastaldo Brac, E.. "Assessing the self healing capacity of cementitious composites". 2013.
  106. L. Coppola et al.; Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar. "Self healing capacity of concrete: a mechanical approach". 2013.
  107. Muhaxheri, Milot; Liberato Ferrara. "Concept towards application of HPFRCCs for structural repairing/upgrading of coupling beams". 2013.
  108. N. de Belie et al.; Krelani, V.; Liberato Ferrara. "Self healing capacity of concrete with crystalline additives: natural vs. accelerated exposure conditions". 2013.
  109. D. van Gemert et al.; Liberato Ferrara. "Fibers in advanced cement based matrices: tailoring smart material concept to high end applications". 2013.
  110. Liberato Ferrara; Peled, A.; Anteby, I.; Caverzan, Alessio; Nahum, L.; Sadot, O.. "Static and dynamic behaviour of collapsible lightweight aggregate (LWA) concrete". 2013.
  111. N. Roussel and H. Bessaies; Liberato Ferrara; MASSIMILIANO CREMONESI. "Effects of casting process on toughness properties of Fiber Reinforced-Self Compacting Concrete as from EN 14651". 2013.
  112. Ferrara, L.; Krelani, V.. "A fracture testing based approach to assess the self healing capacity of cementitious composites". 2013.
  113. MASSIMILIANO CREMONESI; Liberato Ferrara. "Optimizing the casting of HPFRCC structural elements via Computational FLuid Dynamics Modelling of fresh concrete behavior". 2012.
  114. Muhaxheri, Milot; Liberato Ferrara; H.S. Muller et al.. "Modeling coupling beams made of or retrofitted with HPFRCCs". 2012.
  115. Antonia Pacios Alvarez and Pedro Serna Ros; Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara; Caverzan, Alessio. "SELF-COMPACTING FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE: IS THE MATERIAL REALLY ISOTROPIC". 2012.
  116. J.A.O. Barros; Liberato Ferrara; Shyshko, S.; Mechtcherine, V.. "Predicting the flow-induced dispersion and orientation of steel fibers in self-consolidating concrete by Distinct Element Method". 2012.
  117. Liberato Ferrara; Patrick Bamonte; Krelani, V.; Pessina, I.; Gastaldo Brac, E.. "Una metodologia sperimentale per valutare la capacità di autoriparazione di calcestruzzi con additivi aerocristallizzanti". 2012.
  118. Antonia Pacios Alvarez e Pedro Serna Ros; Liberato Ferrara. "igh performance fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete (HPFR.SCC): a smart material for high end engineering applications". 2012.
  119. Liberato Ferrara; Caverzan, Alessio; Manni, G.. "Collapsible concrete: Un calcestruzzo ad alte prestazioni per la protezione di strutture da urti e impatti". 2012.
  120. J. A. O. Barros; Liberato Ferrara; Caverzan, Alessio; Muhaxheri, Milot; Marco di Prisco. "Identification of tensile behaviour of SFR-SCC: direct vs. indirect tests". 2012.
  121. J.A.O.Barros; Haist, M.; Liberato Ferrara. "Rheological characterization of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites". 2012.
  122. Liberato Ferrara; Patrick Bamonte; Caverzan, Alessio; Musa, A.; Sanal, I.. "Testing the fresh and hardened state performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete". 2012.
  123. J.A.O. Barros; Liberato Ferrara; Marco Faifer; Sergio Toscani; Roberto Ottoboni. "Non-destructive monitoring of fiber dispersion in fiber reinforced concrete: a comparison between different methods". 2012.
  124. Ferrara, L.; Krelani, V.; Pessina, I.; Bamonte, P.; Gastaldo Brac, E.. "An experimental methodology to assess the self-healing capacity of cementitious composites with "aero-crystallizing" additives". 2012.
  125. Faifer, M.; Ottoboni, R.; Toscani, S.; Ferrara, L.. "An improved method for steel fiber reinforced concrete analysis". 2012.
  126. Caverzan, A.; Ferrara, L.. ""Collapsible" concrete as a blast and impact absorber: From material concept to static characterization". 2012.
  127. Marforio, C.; Liberato Ferrara; MARCO IMPERADORI. "Shantitown: Building system in bamboo for emergency". 2011.
  128. Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara. "Concrete and Costruction Technology - The Fibre Reinforced Concrete Experience". 2011.
  129. R. Toledo Filho; Liberato Ferrara; Marco di Prisco. "he role of fiber orientation on strain gardening/softening FRCCs: continuum damage modelling". 2011.
  130. Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara; Marco Lamperti Tornaghi; Lapolla, S.; Magri, Anna; Giulio Zani. "Soluzioni sostenibili per elementi di copertura:; un’opportunità offerta dai compositi cementizi fibrorinforzati". 2011.
  131. Liberato Ferrara; Marco Faifer; Muhaxheri, Milot; Sergio Toscani; Roberto Ottoboni. "Sull’impiego di materiali cementizi fibrorinforzati ad alte prestazioni: dall’orientamento delle fibre all’ortotropia del comportamento meccanico". 2011.
  132. G. Moriconi; Liberato Ferrara; MASSIMILIANO CREMONESI; Attilio Alberto FRANGI. "Computational fluid dynamics modelling of the concrete fresh state behaviour: from identification of rheological properties to casting flow simulation". 2011.
  133. M.N. Fardis; Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara; Marco Lamperti Tornaghi; Magri, Anna; Giulio Zani. "Sustainable roof elements: a proposal offered by cementitious composites technology". 2011.
  134. Manfred A. Hirt et al.; Grunewald, S.; Liberato Ferrara; Dehn, F.. "fib-Task Group “Structural Design with flowable concrete". 2010.
  135. P. Balaguru and G. Parra Montesinos; Shah, S. P.; Liberato Ferrara; Kwon, S. H.. "Recent research on self consolidating fiber reinforced concrete". 2010.
  136. Liberato Ferrara; Roberto Felicetti; Toniolo, Giandomenico; Zenti, C.. "Dispositivi dissipatori ad attrito per pannelli di tamponamento in edifici prefabbricati: una indagine sperimentale". 2010.
  137. Liberato Ferrara; MASSIMILIANO CREMONESI; Attilio Alberto FRANGI. "Sul comportamento del calcestruzzo allo stato fresco: dalla identificazione delle proprietà reologiche alla simulazione dei procedimenti di getto". 2010.
  138. Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara; Marco Lamperti Tornaghi; Lapolla, S.. "Identificazione del comportamento post-fessurativo di materiali cementizi fibrorinforzati ad alte prestazioni: il double-edge wedge splitting test". 2010.
  139. R. Realfonso; Liberato Ferrara; Marco di Prisco. "Self Consolidating High Performance SFRC: from material concept towards structural applications". 2010.
  140. B.H. Oh; Liberato Ferrara; Marco di Prisco; Marco Lamperti Tornaghi. "Identification of the stress-crack opening behavior of HPFRCC: the role of flow-induced fiber orientation". 2010.
  141. Grunewald, S.; Liberato Ferrara; Dehn, F.. "fib Recommendations “Structural Design with floable concrete". 2010.
  142. J. Barros, J. Sena-Cruz, R. Miguel Ferreira, A Camoes; MASSIMILIANO CREMONESI; Liberato Ferrara; Attilio Alberto FRANGI. "Rheological properties of cementitious composites: identification through field tests and Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling". 2010.
  143. Faifer, M.; Ottoboni, R.; Toscani, S.; Ferrara, L.. "Steel fiber reinforced concrete characterization based on a magnetic probe". 2010.
  144. Shah, S.P.; Ferrara, L.; Kwon, S.H.. "Recent research on self-consolidating steel fiber-reinforced concrete". 2010.
  145. Aldea, C.-M.; Ferrara, L.. "American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication: Preface". 2010.
  146. Ferrara, L.; Di Prisco, M.; Ozyurt, N.. "Self-consolidating high-performance SFRC: An example of structural application in Italy". 2010.
  147. Ozyurt, N.; Tregger, N.; Liberato Ferrara; Sedan, I.; Shah, S. P.. "Adapting fresh state properties of fiber reinforced cementitious material for high performance thin-section elements". 2009.
  148. Shah, S. P.; Ferron, R.; Tregger, N.; Liberato Ferrara; Beakraft, M.. "Self-consolidating concrete: now and future". 2009.
  149. Liberato Ferrara. "Statistical properties of steam-cured plant-produced SCC for prestressed precast applications". 2009.
  150. M. di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara. "On diaphragm action of discontinuous paneled roof decks in precast one-storey r/c buildings". 2009.
  151. Faifer, M.; Ottoboni, R.; Toscani, S.; Ferrara, L.; Felicetti, R.. "A multi-electrode measurement system for steel fiber reinforced concrete materials monitoring". 2009.
  152. Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara; Marco Lamperti Tornaghi; Nusiner, E.; Scola, Marcello. "Analisi sperimentale di connessioni prefabbricate bullonate soggette a flessione e taglio". 2008.
  153. Liberato Ferrara; Shah, S. P.. "Self consolidating fiber reinforced concrete". 2008.
  154. Liberato Ferrara; Marco di Prisco; Khurana, R. S.. "Aligning fibers along the flow direction for high mechanical performance of self consolidating SFRC". 2008.
  155. Liberato Ferrara; Ozyurt, N.. "Mix-design optimization of steel fiber reinforced SCC". 2008.
  156. Liberato Ferrara; Shah, S. P.. "Calcestruzzo autocompattante fibrorinforzato: ricerche e prospettive". 2008.
  157. Liberato Ferrara; Marco di Prisco; Khurana, R. S.. "Tailoring optimum performance for the structural use of self-consolidating SFRC". 2008.
  158. Liberato Ferrara; Matteo Colombo; Marco di Prisco; Zecca, C.. "Sandwich panels with glass fiber reinforced surfaces for affordable housing". 2008.
  159. Liberato Ferrara; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Design approach for diaphragm action of roof decks in repcast concrete structure building under earthquake". 2008.
  160. Roberto Felicetti; Liberato Ferrara. "The effect of steel fibre on concrete conductivity and its connection to on-site material assessment". 2008.
  161. Fabio BIONDINI; Liberato Ferrara; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Capacity Design Criteria for Connections in Precast Structures". 2008.
  162. Liberato Ferrara; Shah, S.; Tregger, N.. "Empirical relationships between viscosity and flow-time measurements from minislump tests for cement pastes formulated from SCC". 2007.
  163. Liberato Ferrara; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Negro, P.; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Seismic behaviour of RC precast frame buildings: design, scope and lessons of a state-of-the-art, experimental investigation". 2007.
  164. Liberato Ferrara; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Negro, P.. "Pseudodynamic testing on full scale precast/RC one story buildings". 2007.
  165. Liberato Ferrara; SHAH S., P; FERRON R., P; Tregger, N; Kwon, S. H. X.. "Research on SCC: some emerging themes". 2007.
  166. Liberato Ferrara; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Negro, P.. "Validazione sperimentale dell'approccio EC8 per la progettazione sismica di edifici prefabbricati monopiano in calcestruzzo armato". 2007.
  167. Liberato Ferrara; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Negro, P.. "Design of earthquake resistant precast strucutures: lessons derived from a co-normative research project". 2007.
  168. Liberato Ferrara; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Negro, P.. "Indagine sperimentale sul comportamento sismico di edifici monopiano prefabbricati in c.a.". 2007.
  169. Ferrara, L.; Park, Y.D.; Shah, S.P.. "Toughness properties and fiber dispersion in vibrated and self-consolidating fiber reinforced concrete". 2007.
  170. Liberato Ferrara; Mola, E.; Negro, P.. "Prove pseudodinamiche e cicliche su modelli in scala reale di edifici industriali monopiano prefabbricati". 2006.
  171. Liberato Ferrara; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Negro, P.; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Cyclic test on a full scale prototype of RC precast one storey industrial building". 2006.
  172. Liberato Ferrara; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Negro, P.. "Pseudodynamic and cyclic testing of full scale prototypes of RC precast single storey industrial buildings". 2006.
  173. Liberato Ferrara; Fratesi, R.; Signorini, S.; Sonzogni, F.. "Durabilità delle strutture prefabbricate in calcestruzzo rinforzato con fibre di accaio: indagine sperimentale e proposta di raccomandazioni progettuali". 2005.
  174. Liberato Ferrara. "Quality control of plant produced SCC for precast prestressed roof elements". 2005.
  175. Colombo, A.; Liberato Ferrara; Negro, P.; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Precast vs. cast-in-situ reinforced concrete industrial buildings under earthquake loading: an assessment via pseudodynamic tests". 2005.
  176. Liberato Ferrara. "Non-local damage modeling of splitting tensile tests in plain concrete". 2005.
  177. Colombo, A.; Liberato Ferrara; Negro, P.; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Comportamento sismico delle strutture prefabbricate". 2005.
  178. Liberato Ferrara; Lamperti, T.; Meda, A.; Sonzogni, F.. "Distribuzione delle fibre, lavorabilità e proprietà meccaniche di SFRC: uno studio applicato alla produzione continuativa di elementi prefabbricati per coperture". 2005.
  179. Liberato Ferrara; Fratesi, R.; Signorini, S.; Sonzogni, F.. "Durability of steel-fibre reinforced concrete precast elements: experiments and proposal of design recommendations". 2005.
  180. Colombo, A.; Liberato Ferrara; Negro, P.; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Comportamento sismico di strutture industriali prefabbricate e gettate in opera". 2005.
  181. Roberto Felicetti; Liberato Ferrara. "Non-local damage modeling of high performance concrete exposed to high temperature". 2005.
  182. Giovanni DI LUZIO; Liberato Ferrara. "Analisi del comportamento a taglio di elementi in c.a. prefabbricati in parete sottile". 2004.
  183. Y. Yuan, S.P. Shah, H. Lu; Fabio BIONDINI; Liberato Ferrara; Negro, P.; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Results of pseudodynamic test on a prototype of precast RC frame". 2004.
  184. Liberato Ferrara; Lamperti, T.; Meda, A.; Pasini, F.. "Connecting fibre distribution, workability and mechanical properties of SFRC: an industrial application to precast elements". 2004.
  185. Liberato Ferrara; Toniolo, Giandomenico; Tsionis, G.. "Sulla azione diaframma dei sistemi di copertura in edifici industriali prefabbricati in calcestruzzo armato". 2004.
  186. Colombo, A.; Liberato Ferrara; Negro, P.; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Prove pseudodinamiche su prototipi di telai in calcestruzzo armato prefabbricati e gettati in opera". 2004.
  187. Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara; Matteo Colombo; Mauri, M.. "On the identification of SFRC costitutive law in uniaxial tension". 2004.
  188. Liberato Ferrara; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Continuing statistical control of concrete production: reliability and safety factors". 2002.
  189. Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara. "A non-local approach with evolutionary internal length for the analysis of mode I fracture processes in concrete". 2002.
  190. Fabio BIONDINI; Liberato Ferrara; Negro, P.; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Risultati di prova pseudodinamica su prototipo di telaio prefabbricato in c.a.". 2002.
  191. Failla, C.; Liberato Ferrara; Signorini, S.; Sonzogni, F.. "Influenza degli additivi modificatori di viscosità sulla distribuzione delle fibre nei calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati". 2002.
  192. Liberato Ferrara; Gettu, R.. "Size effect in splitting tests on plain and steel fiber-reinforced concrete: a non-local damage analysis". 2001.
  193. Liberato Ferrara; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Controllo statistico continuativo del calcestruzzo: affidabilità e coefficienti di sicurezza". 2000.
  194. Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara. "Mode I fracture of concrete: non-local damage modelling". 2000.
  195. Liberato Ferrara; Gettu, R.. "Non-local damage analysis of three-point bending tests on SFRC notched beams". 2000.
  196. Failla, C.; Liberato Ferrara; Toniolo, Giandomenico. "Design criteria for structural use of fibre-reinforced concrete in prestressed precast roof elements". 2000.
Artigo em revista
  1. Thanh Liem Vo; William Nash; Marco Del Galdo; Mohammad Rezania; Rich Crane; Mohaddeseh Mousavi Nezhad; Liberato Ferrara. "Coal mining wastes valorization as raw geomaterials in construction: A review with new perspectives". Journal of Cleaner Production 336 (2022): 130213-130213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.130213.
  2. Caruso, M. C.; Pascale, C.; Camacho, E.; Liberato Ferrara. "Comparative environmental and social life cycle assessments of off-shore aquaculture rafts made in ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)". THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT 27 (2022): 281-300. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1202133.
  3. ANTONIO CIBELLI; Pathirage, Madura; Cusatis, Gianluca; Liberato Ferrara; Giovanni DI LUZIO. "A discrete numerical model for the effects of crack healing on the behaviour of ordinary plain concrete: Implementation, calibration, and validation". ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 263 (2022): 1-30. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1199837.
  4. Salam Al-Obaidi; Patrick Bamonte; Francesco Animato; Francesco Lo Monte; Iacopo Mazzantini; Massimo Luchini; Sandra Scalari; Liberato Ferrara. "Innovative Design Concept of Cooling Water Tanks/Basins in Geothermal Power Plants Using Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete with Enhanced Durability". Sustainability 13 17 (2021): 9826-9826. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179826.
  5. Shashank Gupta; Salam Al-Obaidi; Liberato Ferrara. "Meta-Analysis and Machine Learning Models to Optimize the Efficiency of Self-Healing Capacity of Cementitious Material". Materials (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14164437.
  6. Emilio Garcia-Taengua; Mehdi Bakhshi; Liberato Ferrara. "Meta-Analysis of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Mixtures Leads to Practical Mix Design Methodology". Materials 14 14 (2021): 3900-3900. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14143900.
  7. Francesco Lo Monte; Liberato Ferrara. "Self-healing characterization of UHPFRCC with crystalline admixture: Experimental assessment via multi-test/multi-parameter approach". Construction and Building Materials (2021): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122579.
  8. Estefanía Cuenca; D'Ambrosio, Leonardo; Lizunov, Dennis; Tretjakov, Aleksei; Volobujeva, Olga; Liberato Ferrara. "Mechanical properties and self-healing capacity of ultra high performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete with alumina nano-fibres: Tailoring Ultra High Durability Concrete for aggressive exposure scenarios". CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES 118 (2021): 1-17. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1160458.
  9. Estefanía Cuenca; Rigamonti, S.; Gastaldo Brac, E.; Liberato Ferrara. "Crystalline Admixture as Healing Promoter in Concrete Exposed to Chloride-Rich Environments: Experimental Study". JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 33 (2021): 1-14. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1156674.
  10. Estefanía Cuenca; Mezzena, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "Synergy between crystalline admixtures and nano-constituents in enhancing autogenous healing capacity of cementitious composites under cracking and healing cycles in aggressive waters". CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 266 (2021): 1-17. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1156670.
  11. de Souza Oliveira, Aline; da Fonseca Martins Gomes, Otávio; Liberato Ferrara; de Moraes Rego Fairbairn, Eduardo; Toledo Filho, Romildo Dias. "An overview of a twofold effect of crystalline admixtures in cement-based materials: From permeability-reducers to self-healing stimulators". JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 41 (2021): 1-20. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1166727.
  12. Borg, R. P.; Estefanía Cuenca; Garofalo, R.; Schillani, F.; Lozano Nasner, M.; Liberato Ferrara. "Performance Assessment of Ultra-High Durability Concrete Produced From Recycled Ultra-High Durability Concrete". FRONTIERS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT 7 (2021): 1-20. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1174701.
  13. Estefanía Cuenca; Francesco Lo Monte; Moro, Marina; Schiona, Andrea; Liberato Ferrara. "Effects of Autogenous and Stimulated Self-Healing on Durability and Mechanical Performance of UHPFRC: Validation of Tailored Test Method through Multi-Performance Healing-Induced Recovery Indices". SUSTAINABILITY 13 (2021): 1-24. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1188074.
  14. Salam Al-Obaidi; Patrick Bamonte; Massimo Luchini; Iacopo Mazzantini; Liberato Ferrara. "Durability-Based Design of Structures Made with Ultra-High-Performance/Ultra-High-Durability Concrete in Extremely Aggressive Scenarios: Application to a Geothermal Water Basin Case Study". Infrastructures (2020): https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures5110102.
  15. P.V.P. Moorthi; Francesco Pra Mio; Prakash Nanthagopalan; Liberato Ferrara. "Onset and intensity of shear thickening in cementitious suspensions – A parametrical study". Construction and Building Materials 244 (2020): 118292-118292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118292.
  16. Estefanía Cuenca; Liberato Ferrara. "Fracture toughness parameters to assess crack healing capacity of fiber reinforced concrete under repeated cracking-healing cycles". THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS 106 (2020): 1-12. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1126982.
  17. Vitorino, Fabrício de Campos; Dweck, Jo; Liberato Ferrara; Filho, Romildo Dias Toledo. "Effect of plain and carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber on the rheological behavior of silica fume-class G Portland cement slurries". JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 9 (2020): 5364-5377. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1137328.
  18. Menna, Costantino; Mata-Falcón, Jaime; Bos, Freek P.; Vantyghem, Gieljan; Liberato Ferrara; Asprone, Domenico; Salet, Theo; Kaufmann, Walter. "Opportunities and challenges for structural engineering of digitally fabricated concrete". CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 133 (2020): 1-19. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1134925.
  19. Liberato Ferrara; Deegan, Peter; Pattarini, Andrea; Sonebi, Mohammed; Taylor, Su. "Recycling ceramic waste powder: effects its grain-size distribution on fresh and hardened properties of cement pastes/mortars formulated from SCC mixes". JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE CEMENT BASED MATERIALS 8 (2019): 145-160. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1085447.
  20. Farrugia, C.; Borg, R. P.; Liberato Ferrara; Buhagiar, J.. "The Application of Lysinibacillus sphaericus for Surface Treatment and Crack Healing in Mortar". FRONTIERS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT 5 (2019): 1-10. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1086796.
  21. Liberato Ferrara. "High performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites: Six memos for the XXI century societal and economical challenges of civil engineering". CASE STUDIES IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 10 (2019): 1-16. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1073015.
  22. Bruno Dal Lago; Liberato Ferrara. "Efficacy of roof-to-beam mechanical connections on the diaphragm behaviour of precast decks with spaced roof elements". Engineering Structures 176 (2018): 681-696. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.09.027.
  23. M. Sánchez; P. Faria; L. Ferrara; E. Horszczaruk; H.M. Jonkers; A. Kwiecien; J. Mosa; et al. "External treatments for the preventive repair of existing constructions: A review". Construction and Building Materials 193 (2018): 435-452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.10.173.
  24. Estefanía Cuenca; Antonio Tejedor; Liberato Ferrara. "A methodology to assess crack-sealing effectiveness of crystalline admixtures under repeated cracking-healing cycles". Construction and Building Materials 179 (2018): 619-632. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.261.
  25. Jefferson, Tony; Javierre, Etelvina; Freeman, Brubeck; Zaoui, Ali; Koenders, Eddie; Liberato Ferrara. "Research Progress on Numerical Models for Self-Healing Cementitious Materials". ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 1701378 (2018): 1-19. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1054572.
  26. Borg, Ruben P.; Estefanía Cuenca; Gastaldo Brac, Enrico Maria; Liberato Ferrara. "Crack sealing capacity in chloride-rich environments of mortars containing different cement substitutes and crystalline admixtures". JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE CEMENT BASED MATERIALS 7 (2018): 141-159. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1055623.
  27. De Belie, Nele; Gruyaert, Elke; Al-Tabbaa, Abir; Antonaci, Paola; Baera, Cornelia; Bajare, Diana; Darquennes, Aveline; et al. "A Review of Self-Healing Concrete for Damage Management of Structures". ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 1800074 (2018): 1-28. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1054570.
  28. Liberato Ferrara; Van Mullem, Tim; Alonso, Maria Cruz; Antonaci, Paola; Borg, Ruben Paul; Cuenca, Estefania; Jefferson, Anthony; et al. "Experimental characterization of the self-healing capacity of cement based materials and its effects on the material performance: A state of the art report by COST Action SARCOS WG2". CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 167 (2018): 115-142. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1042938.
  29. Giovanni DI LUZIO; Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar. "Numerical modeling of mechanical regain due to self-healing in cement based composites". CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES 86 (2018): 190-205. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1039198.
  30. Liberato Ferrara; Visar Krelani; Fabio Moretti; Marta Roig Flores; Pedro Serna Ros. "Effects of autogenous healing on the recovery of mechanical performance of High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites (HPFRCCs): Part 1". Cement and Concrete Composites 83 (2017): 76-100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2017.07.010.
  31. Bruno Dal Lago; Taylor, Su E.; Deegan, Peter; Liberato Ferrara; Sonebi, Mohammed; Crosset, Philip; Pattarini, Andrea. "Full-scale testing and numerical analysis of a precast fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete slab pre-stressed with basalt fibre reinforced polymer bars". COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING 128 (2017): 120-133. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1030758.
  32. Bruno Dal Lago; Liberato Ferrara; Deegan, Peter; Taylor, Susan; Sonebi, Mohammed; Pattarini, Andrea. "Verso elementi in calcestruzzo armato precompresso senza acciaio: uno studio sperimentale". MODULO 1 (2017): 60-65. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1010010.
  33. Liberato Ferrara; MASSIMILIANO CREMONESI; Marco Faifer; Sergio Toscani; Sorelli, Luca; Baril, Marc Antoine; Réthoré, Julien; et al. "Structural elements made with highly flowable UHPFRC: Correlating computational fluid dynamics (CFD) predictions and non-destructive survey of fiber dispersion with failure modes". ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 133 (2017): 151-171. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1007175.
  34. Cuenca, E.; Liberato Ferrara. "Self-healing capacity of fiber reinforced cementitious composites. State of the art and perspectives". KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 21 (2017): 2777-2789. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1036284.
  35. De Nardi, C.; Cecchi, A.; Liberato Ferrara; Benedetti, A.; Cristofori, D.. "Effect of age and level of damage on the autogenous healing of lime mortars". COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING 124 (2017): 144-157. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1024039.
  36. Bruno Dal Lago; Muhaxheri, Milot; Liberato Ferrara. "Numerical and experimental analysis of an innovative lightweight precast concrete wall". ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 137 (2017): 204-222. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1008782.
  37. Caggiano, Antonio; Etse, Guillermo; Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar. "Zero-thickness interface constitutive theory for concrete self-healing effects". COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 186 (2017): 22-34. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1013970.
  38. Deegan, Peter; Taylor, Susan E; Sonebi, Mohammed; Liberato Ferrara; Bruno Dal Lago; Pattarini, Andrea. "An experimental study towards steel-free precast concrete elements". CONCRETE 51 (2017): 38-41. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1033739.
  39. De Nardi, C.; Bullo, S.; Liberato Ferrara; Ronchin, L.; Vavasori, A.. "Effectiveness of crystalline admixtures and lime/cement coated granules in engineered self-healing capacity of lime mortars". MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 50 (2017): 1-12. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1027022.
  40. García Taengua, Emili; Sonebi, Mohammed; Crossett, Philip; Taylor, Su; Deegan, Peter; Liberato Ferrara; Pattarini, Andrea. "Performance of sustainable SCC mixes with mineral additions for use in precast concrete industry". JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE CEMENT BASED MATERIALS 5 (2016): 157-175. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/981533.
  41. Liberato Ferrara. "Citius, altius, fortius/faster, higher, tougher: pushing ahead the boundaries of structural concrete through fiber-reinforced cementitious composites with adapted rheology". JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE CEMENT BASED MATERIALS 5 (2016): 135-156. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/981529.
  42. Roig Flores, M.; Pirritano, F.; Serna, P.; Liberato Ferrara. "Effect of crystalline admixtures on the self-healing capability of early-age concrete studied by means of permeability and crack closing tests". CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 114 (2016): 447-457. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/979539.
  43. Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar; Moretti, Fabio. "On the use of crystalline admixtures in cement based construction materials: from porosity reducers to promoters of self healing". SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 25 (2016): 1-17. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/995673.
  44. Liberato Ferrara; Krelani, Visar; Moretti, Fabio. "Autogenous healing on the recovery of mechanical performance of High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites (HPFRCCs): Part 2 – Correlation between healing of mechanical performance and crack sealing". CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES 73 (2016): 299-315. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/995678.
  45. Borg, Ruben Paul; Baldacchino, Owen; Liberato Ferrara. "Early age performance and mechanical characteristics of recycled PET fibre reinforced concrete". CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 108 (2016): 29-47. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/974399.
  46. Roussel, Nicolas; Gram, Annika; MASSIMILIANO CREMONESI; Liberato Ferrara; Krenzer, Knut; Mechtcherine, Viktor; Shyshko, Sergiy; et al. "Numerical simulations of concrete flow: A benchmark comparison". CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 79 (2016): 265-271. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/974394.
  47. De Nardi, C.; Bullo, S.; Cecchi, A.; Liberato Ferrara. "Self-healing capacity of advanced lime mortars". ADVANCES IN MATERIALS AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES 1 (2016): 1-12. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/995695.
  48. Baril, M. A.; Sorelli, L.; Réthoré, J.; Baby, F.; Toutlemonde, F.; Liberato Ferrara; Bernardi, S.; Fafard, M.. "Effect of casting flow defects on the crack propagation in UHPFRC thin slabs by means of stereovision Digital Image Correlation". CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 129 (2016): 182-192. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/1001470.
  49. Ferrara, L.. "Tailoring the orientation of fibres in high performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites: Part 2 -correlation to mechanical properties and design implications". International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity 9 1-3 (2015): 92-107. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84940371392&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  50. Ferrara, L.; Caverzan, A.; Peled, A.. "“Collapsible” lightweight aggregate concrete. Part I: material concept and preliminary characterization under static loadings". Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84925682090&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  51. Roig-Flores, M.; Moscato, S.; Serna, P.; Ferrara, L.. "Self-healing capability of concrete with crystalline admixtures in different environments". Construction and Building Materials 86 (2015): 1-11. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84926214793&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  52. Ferrara, L.. "Tailoring the orientation of fibres in high performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites: Part 1 -experimental evidence, monitoring and prediction". International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity 9 1-3 (2015): 72-91. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84940379012&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  53. Ferrara, L.; Caverzan, A.; Nahum, L.; Peled, A.. "“Collapsible” lightweight aggregate concrete. Part II: characterization under static and dynamic loadings". Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84925600159&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  54. García Taengua, E.; Sonebi, M.; Taylor, S.; Liberato Ferrara; Deegan, P.; Pattarini, A.. "Compability of superplasticisers with cementitious materials". BFT INTERNATIONAL 80 (2014): 44-53. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/921156.
  55. Martinelli, E.; Barros, J. A. O.; Etse, G.; Liberato Ferrara; Folino, P. C.; Koenders, E. A. B.; Toledo Filho, R. D.. "The EnCoRe project: An international network for sustainable concrete". ROUTES ET TRANSPORTS 43 (2014): 57-61. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/872564.
  56. Ferrara, L.; Krelani, V.; Carsana, M.. "A "fracture testing" based approach to assess crack healing of concrete with and without crystalline admixtures". Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014): 535-551. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84904979472&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  57. Di Prisco, M.; Ferrara, L.; Lamperti, M.G.L.. "Double edge wedge splitting (DEWS): An indirect tension test to identify post-cracking behaviour of fibre reinforced cementitious composites". Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions 46 11 (2013): 1893-1918. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84886084851&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  58. Faifer, M.; Ferrara, L.; Ottoboni, R.; Toscani, S.. "Low frequency electrical and magnetic methods for non-destructive analysis of fiber dispersion in fiber reinforced cementitious composites: An overview". Sensors (Switzerland) 13 1 (2013): 1300-1318. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84872813471&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  59. Tregger, N.; Gregori, A.; Ferrara, L.; Shah, S.. "Correlating dynamic segregation of self-consolidating concrete to the slump-flow test". Construction and Building Materials 28 1 (2012): 499-505. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84555195985&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  60. Ferrara, L.; Faifer, M.; Muhaxheri, M.; Toscani, S.. "A magnetic method for non destructive monitoring of fiber dispersion and orientation in steel fiber reinforced cementitious composites. Part 2: Correlation to tensile fracture toughness". Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions 45 4 (2012): 591-598. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84861611640&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  61. Ferrara, L.; Cremonesi, M.; Tregger, N.; Frangi, A.; Shah, S.P.. "On the identification of rheological properties of cement suspensions: Rheometry, Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling and field test measurements". Cement and Concrete Research 42 8 (2012): 1134-1146. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84862763056&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  62. Ferrara, L.; Faifer, M.; Toscani, S.. "A magnetic method for non destructive monitoring of fiber dispersion and orientation in steel fiber reinforced cementitious composites-part 1: Method calibration". Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions 45 4 (2012): 575-589. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84861626578&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  63. Ferrara, L.; Bamonte, P.; Caverzan, A.; Musa, A.; Sanal, I.. "A comprehensive methodology to test the performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFR-SCC)". Construction and Building Materials 37 (2012): 406-424. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84865656800&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  64. Ferrara, L.; Ozyurt, N.; Di Prisco, M.. "High mechanical performance of fibre reinforced cementitious composites: The role of "casting-flow induced" fibre orientation". Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions 44 1 (2011): 109-128. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79952006354&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  65. Cremonesi, M.; Ferrara, L.; Frangi, A.; Perego, U.. "Corrigendum to " Simulation of the flow of fresh cement suspensions by a Lagrangian finite element approach" [J. Non-Newton Fluid Mech. 165 (2010) 1555-1563]". Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 166 3-4 (2011): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-78651450524&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  66. Faifer, M.; Ottoboni, R.; Toscani, S.; Ferrara, L.. "Nondestructive testing of steel-fiber-reinforced concrete using a magnetic approach". IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 60 5 (2011): 1709-1717. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79953803432&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  67. Ferrara, L.; Felicetti, R.; Toniolo, G.; Zenti, C.. "Friction dissipative devices for cladding panels in precast buildings: An experimental investigation". European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 15 9 (2011): 1319-1338. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84856144724&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  68. Tregger, N.; Liberato Ferrara; Shah, S. P.. "Predicting dynamic segregation resistance of self-consolidating concrete from the slump-flow test". JOURNAL OF ASTM INTERNATIONAL 7 (2010): 1-7. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/574805.
  69. Tregger, N.; Ferrara, L.; Shah, S.. "Predicting dynamic segregation of self-consolidating concrete from the slump-flow test". Journal of ASTM International 7 1 (2010): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-76749103468&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  70. Cremonesi, M.; Ferrara, L.; Frangi, A.; Perego, U.. "Simulation of the flow of fresh cement suspensions by a Lagrangian finite element approach". Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 165 23-24 (2010): 1555-1563. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-78149469755&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  71. Liberato Ferrara; PARK Y., D; Shah, S. P.. "“Correlation among fresh state behaviour, fiber dispersion and toughness properties of SFRCs”". JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 20 n. 7 (2008): 493-501. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/517957.
  72. Ferrara, L.; Park, Y.-D.; Shah, S.P.. "Correlation among fresh state behavior, fiber dispersion, and toughness properties of SFRCs". Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 20 7 (2008): 493-501. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-45749137572&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  73. Tregger, N.; Ferrara, L.; Shah, S.P.. "Identifying viscosity of cement paste from mini-slump-flow test". ACI Materials Journal 105 6 (2008): 558-566. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-57149127460&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  74. Ferrara, L.; Park, Y.-D.; Shah, S.P.. "A method for mix-design of fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete". Cement and Concrete Research 37 6 (2007): 957-971. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34249331352&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  75. Ferrara, L.; Meda, A.. "Relationships between fibre distribution, workability and the mechanical properties of SFRC applied to precast roof elements". Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions 39 288 (2006): 411-420. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33746587342&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  76. Liberato Ferrara; Marco di Prisco. "Mode I fracture behavior in concrete: nonlocal damage modeling". JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 127 (2001): 678-692. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/558361.
  77. Ferrara, L.; Di Prisco, M.. "Mode I fracture behavior in concrete: Nonlocal damage modeling". Journal of Engineering Mechanics 127 7 (2001): 678-692. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0035396273&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  78. Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara; Meftah, F.; Pamin, J.; de Borst, R.; Mazars, J.; Reynouard, J. M.. "Mixed Mode Fracture in Plain and Reinforced Concrete: Some Results on Benchmark Tests". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE 103 (2000): 127-148. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/558960.
  79. Di Prisco, M.; Ferrara, L.; Meftah, F.; Pamin, J.; De Borst, R.; Mazars, J.; Reynouard, J.M.. "Mixed mode fracture in plain and reinforced concrete: Some results on benchmark tests". International Journal of Fracture 103 2 (2000): 127-148. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0034186885&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  80. Fabio BIONDINI; Bontempi, Franco; Liberato Ferrara. "Non-Linear Behaviour of a Concrete Folded-Plate Structure: Probabilistic Safety Analysis". STUDI E RICERCHE 20 (1999): 31-52. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/693020.
Capítulo de livro
  1. N. Roussel, D. Lowke; Asprone, D.; Menna, C.; Bos, F.; Mata-Falcon, J.; Liberato Ferrara; Auricchio, F.; et al. "Structural Design and Testing of Digitally Manufactured Concrete Structures". 187-222. Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2022.
  2. Sriram K. Kompella; Francesco Lo Monte; Marco Cucchi; Andrea Marcucci; Andrea Bassani; Stefano Guanziroli; Liberato Ferrara. "A Methodology to Assess Early Age Fracture Performance of 3D Printable Cementitious Mixes". 2021.
  3. S. Z. Jones, E. L. Kreiger; Kompella, K. S.; Francesco Lo Monte; Cucchi, M.; Marcucci, A.; Bassani, A.; Guanziroli, S.; Liberato Ferrara. "A Methodology to Assess Early Age Fracture Performance of 3D Printable Cementitious Mixes". 27-34. ASTM, 2021.
  4. Bruno Dal Lago; Bisi, D.; Liberato Ferrara; Jimmy Kim. "On the Application of Basalt-Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Bars to Prestressed Slab Elements Typical of the Precast Concrete Industry". 40-59. American Concrete Institute, 2019.
  5. J.A.O. Barros, L. Ferrara, E. Martinelli; Barros, J. A. O.; Liberato Ferrara. "Approaches for the design of structures made by concrete reinforced with sustainable fibres". 333-352. Springer, 2017.
  6. J.A.O. Barros, L. Ferrara, E. Martinelli; Liberato Ferrara; Ferreira, S. R.; Krelani, V.; Lima, P.; Silva, D.; Toledo Filho, R. D.. "Cementitious composites reinforced with natural fibres". 197-332. Springer, 2017.
  7. C.M. Aldea and M. Ekenel; CUENCA ASENSIO, Estefania; Liberato Ferrara. "repetability of self healing in fiber reinforced concretes with and without crystalline admixtures: preliminary results". 1-18. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE, 2017.
  8. A. Migliacci, P. Ronca, P. Gambarova; Cuenca, E.; Moretti, F.; Liberato Ferrara. "State of the art and recent applications of self-healing concrete". 211-241. IMREADY, 2015.
  9. K.H. Khayat, G. de Schutter; Vieira, M.; Liberato Ferrara; Sonebi, M.; Shi, C.. "Specialty SCC". 221-254. Springer, 2014.
  10. N. Roussel, A. Gram; Thrane, L.; Bras, A.; Bakker, P.; Brameshuber, W.; Cazacliu, B.; Liberato Ferrara; et al. "Computational Fluid Dynamics". 25-64. Springer, 2014.
  11. K. H. Khayat, G. De Schutter; Liberato Ferrara. "Fiber Reinforced SCC". 161-220. Springer, 2014.
  12. A. Migliacci, P. Gambarova, P. ROnca; Liberato Ferrara; Patrick Bamonte; Caverzan, Alessio; Musa, A.; Sanal, I.. "An experimental methodology to assess the performance of steel fiber reinforced self compacting concrete (FRSCC)". 155-184. Starrylink, 2012.
  13. K Sobolev; Liberato Ferrara. "Application of nano-particles; Rheological behavior". 48-70. Portland cement association, 2008.
  14. AICAP; Liberato Ferrara. "Edificio a struttura intelaiata in zona non sismica". 193-336. Pubblicemento, 2008.
  15. M. di Prisco; Fantilli, A. P.; Vallini, P.; Matteo Colombo; Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara. "Constitutive relationships". 37-54. STARRYLINK, 2007.
  16. M. di Prisco; Marco di Prisco; Matteo Colombo; Liberato Ferrara; Patrick Bamonte; Bencardino, F.; Dozio, Daniele; et al. "FRC and HPFRC material property". 9-36. Starrylink, 2007.
  17. H.W. Reinhardt, A.E. Naaman; Marco di Prisco; Dozio, Daniele; Liberato Ferrara. "On the connections between fresh state behavior, fiber dispersion and toughness properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete". 249-258. RILEM PUBLICATION SARL, 2007.
  18. P. Bischoff, F. Malhas; Liberato Ferrara; Park, Y.; Shah, S.. "Role of fiber dispersion on toughness and deflection stiffness properties of SFRCs, The". 83-107. ACI, 2007.
  19. A. MIGLIACCI ET AL.; Liberato Ferrara; PARK Y., D; SHAH S., P; Eds, Vol; P. P.,. "Fresh-state behavior, fiber dispersion and hardened-state properties of self-compacting steel fiber-reinforced concrete". 189-230. Starrylink, 2007.
  20. AICAP; Liberato Ferrara. "Progetto di edificio a struttura intelaiata in zona non sismica". 259-382. Pubblicemento, 2006.
  21. R. de Borst et al.; Marco di Prisco; Liberato Ferrara. "HPFRC pre-stressed thin-web elements: some results on shear resistance". 895-902. A. A. Balkema, 2001.
  22. P. Gambarova; Liberato Ferrara; Marco di Prisco. "Three-vs. four-point bending test for the characterization of plain concrete: a numerical investigation". 73-119. Italcementi, 2001.
Edição de livro
  1. Patrick Bamonte; Coppola, L.; Liberato Ferrara; Gambarova, P. G.. Proceedings of "5th Workshop on The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete". ImReady. 2019.
  2. Barros, J. A. O.; Liberato Ferrara; Martinelli, E.. Recent advances on Green Concrete for Structural Purposes. Springer. 2017.
  3. Aldea, C. M.; Liberato Ferrara. Fiber reinforced Self Consolidating concrete: research and application ACI-SP 274. American Concrete Institute. 2010.
  1. Ferrara, L.; Faifer, M.; Muhaxheri, M.; Toscani, S.; Ottoboni, R.. Connecting non-destructive fiber dispersion measurements with tensile HPFRCC behavior. 2012.
  2. Ferrara, L.; Faifer, M.; Muhaxheri, M.; Toscani, S.; Ottoboni, R.. Non destructive monitoring of fiber dispersion and flow-induced orientation in self-compacting SFRC: A method based on magnetic properties. 2012.
  3. Grünewald, S.; Ferrara, L.; Dehn, F.. "Structural design with flowable concrete" - A fib-recommendation for tailor-made concrete. 2010.
  4. Ferrara, L.; Tregger, N.; Shah, S.P.. Flow-induced fiber orientation in SCSFRC: Monitoring and prediction. 2010.
  5. Ferrara, L.; Grünewald, S.; Dehn, F.. Design with highly flowable fiber-reinforced concrete: Overview of the activity of fib TG 8.8. 2010.
  6. Ferrara, L.. The Use of Viscosity Enhancing Admixtures to Improve the Homogeneity of Fibre Distribution in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concretes. 2003.


Outra produção
  1. Edificio a struttura intelaiata in zona non sismicain Guida alll'uso dell'eurocodice 2 con riferimento alle Norme tecniche per le costruzioni - volume 2. 2008. Liberato Ferrara. https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/551152.