- A. L. Sperling; D. M. Glover. "Aneuploidy during development in facultative parthenogenetic Drosophila". Heredity (2024):
- A. L. Sperling; D. M. Glover. "Parthenogenesis in dipterans: a genetic perspective". Proceedings of the Royal Society B:
Biological Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2023.0261.
- Gianluca Amadei; David M. Glover. "Behind the developing brains and beating hearts of stem cell-derived embryo models". Open
Biology (2023): https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.220325.
- Levente Kovacs; Agnieszka Fatalska; David M. Glover. "Targeting Drosophila Sas6 to mitochondria reveals its high affinity
for Gorab". Biology Open (2022): https://doi.org/10.1242/bio.059545.
- Pallavi Panda; Levente Kovacs; Nikola Dzhindzhev; Agnieszka Fatalska; Veronica Persico; Marco Geymonat; Maria Giovanna Riparbelli;
Giuliano Callaini; David M. Glover. "Tissue specific requirement of Drosophila Rcd4 for centriole duplication and ciliogenesis".
Journal of Cell Biology 219 8 (2020): https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201912154.
- David M. Glover. "Open Biology in a new decade". Open Biology (2020): https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.200025.
- David Glover. "Reviewers in 2018". Open Biology (2019): https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.190032.
- David M. Glover. "2018: a year in review for Open Biology". Open Biology 9 1 (2019): https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.190015.
- Levente Kovacs; Jennifer Chao-Chu; Sandra Schneider; Marco Gottardo; George Tzolovsky; Nikola S. Dzhindzhev; Maria Giovanna
Riparbelli; Giuliano Callaini; David M. Glover. "Gorab is a Golgi protein required for structure and duplication of Drosophila
centrioles". Nature Genetics 50 7 (2018): 1021-1031. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0149-1.
- David M. Glover. "New Year's revolution". Open Biology 8 1 (2018): 180005-180005. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.180005.
- Nikola S. Dzhindzhev; George Tzolovsky; Zoltan Lipinszki; Mohammed Abdelaziz; Janus Debski; Michal Dadlez; David M. Glover.
"Two-step phosphorylation of Ana2 by Plk4 is required for the sequential loading of Ana2 and Sas6 to initiate procentriole
formation". Open Biology 7 12 (2017): 170247-170247. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.170247.
- Leah Bury; Paula A. Coelho; Angela Simeone; Samantha Ferries; Claire E. Eyers; Patrick A. Eyers; Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz;
David M. Glover. "Plk4 and Aurora A cooperate in the initiation of acentriolar spindle assembly in mammalian oocytes". Journal
of Cell Biology 216 11 (2017): 3571-3590. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201606077.
- Ramona Lattao; Levente Kovács; David M Glover. "The Centrioles,Centrosomes, Basal Bodies, and Cilia of Drosophila melanogaster".
Genetics 206 1 (2017): 33-53. https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.116.198168.
- David M. Glover. "Reviewers in 2016". Open Biology 7 5 (2017): 170092-170092. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.170092.
- David M. Glover. "A new world for Open Biology". Open Biology 7 1 (2017): 170002-170002. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.170002.
- Glover DM. "Editorial bring in the new!". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26740588.
- Fu J; Lipinszki Z; Rangone H; Min M; Mykura C; Chao-Chu J; Schneider S; et al. "Conserved molecular interactions in centriole-to-centrosome
conversion.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26595382.
- Coelho PA; Bury L; Shahbazi MN; Liakath-Ali K; Tate PH; Wormald S; Hindley CJ; et al. "Over-expression of Plk4 induces centrosome
amplification, loss of primary cilia and associated tissue hyperplasia in the mouse.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26701933.
- Chen CC; Bowers S; Lipinszki Z; Palladino J; Trusiak S; Bettini E; Rosin L; et al. "Establishment of Centromeric Chromatin
by the CENP-A Assembly Factor CAL1 Requires FACT-Mediated Transcription.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26151904.
- Edlich-Muth C; Artero JB; Callow P; Przewloka MR; Watson AA; Zhang W; Glover DM; et al. "The pentameric nucleoplasmin fold
is present in Drosophila FKBP39 and a large number of chromatin-related proteins.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25813344.
- Glover DM. "The 350th anniversary of scientific publishing: van Leeuwenhoek, the most prolific author of the Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25924629.
- Fu J; Hagan IM; Glover DM. "The centrosome and its duplication cycle.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25646378.
- Jedrusik A; Cox A; Wicher K; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M. "Maternal-zygotic knockout reveals a critical role of Cdx2 in the
morula to blastocyst transition.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25512302.
- Lipinszki Z; Lefevre S; Savoian MS; Singleton MR; Glover DM; Przewloka MR. "Centromeric binding and activity of Protein Phosphatase
4.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25562660.
- Carmena M; Earnshaw WC; Glover DM. "The Dawn of Aurora Kinase Research: From Fly Genetics to the Clinic.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26636082.
- Haider S; Lipinszki Z; Przewloka MR; Ladak Y; D'Avino PP; Kimata Y; Lio' P; Glover DM. "DAPPER: a data-mining resource for
protein-protein interactions.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26405458.
- Dzhindzhev NS; Tzolovsky G; Lipinszki Z; Schneider S; Lattao R; Fu J; Debski J; Dadlez M; Glover DM. "Plk4 phosphorylates
Ana2 to trigger Sas6 recruitment and procentriole formation.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25264260.
- Alqarni SS; Murthy A; Zhang W; Przewloka MR; Silva AP; Watson AA; Lejon S; et al. "Insight into the architecture of the NuRD
complex: structure of the RbAp48-MTA1 subcomplex.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24920672.
- Savoian MS; Glover DM. "Differing requirements for Augmin in male meiotic and mitotic spindle formation in Drosophila.". (2014):
- Lipinszki Z; Wang P; Grant R; Lindon C; Dzhindzhev NS; D'Avino PP; Przewloka MR; Glover DM; Archambault V. "Affinity purification
of protein complexes from Drosophila embryos in cell cycle studies.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24906338.
- Soetedjo L; Glover DA; Jin H. "Targeting of vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2, VPAC2, a secretin family G-protein coupled
receptor, to primary cilia.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25369807.
- Riparbelli MG; Gottardo M; Glover DM; Callaini G. "Inhibition of Polo kinase by BI2536 affects centriole separation during
Drosophila male meiosis.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24802643.
- Coelho PA; Bury L; Sharif B; Riparbelli MG; Fu J; Callaini G; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M. "Spindle formation in the mouse
embryo requires Plk4 in the absence of centrioles.". (2013): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24268700.
- Takeda T; Robinson IM; Savoian MM; Griffiths JR; Whetton AD; McMahon HT; Glover DM. "Drosophila F-BAR protein Syndapin contributes
to coupling the plasma membrane and contractile ring in cytokinesis.". (2013): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/23926047.
- Soetedjo L; Glover DA; Jin H. "Targeting of vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2, VPAC2, a secretin family G-protein coupled
receptor, to primary cilia.". (2013): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/23862016.
- Earnshaw WC; Allshire RC; Black BE; Bloom K; Brinkley BR; Brown W; Cheeseman IM; et al. "Esperanto for histones: CENP-A, not
CenH3, is the centromeric histone H3 variant.". (2013): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/23580138.
- Fu J; Glover DM. "Structured illumination of the interface between centriole and peri-centriolar material.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22977736.
- Capalbo L; Montembault E; Takeda T; Bassi ZI; Glover DM; D'Avino PP. "The chromosomal passenger complex controls the function
of endosomal sorting complex required for transport-III Snf7 proteins during cytokinesis.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22724069.
- Delgehyr N; Wieland U; Rangone H; Pinson X; Mao G; Dzhindzhev NS; McLean D; et al. "Drosophila Mgr, a Prefoldin subunit cooperating
with von Hippel Lindau to regulate tubulin stability.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22451918.
- Glover DM. "The overlooked greatwall: a new perspective on mitotic control.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22754657.
- Delgehyr N; Rangone H; Fu J; Mao G; Tom B; Riparbelli MG; Callaini G; Glover DM. "Klp10A, a microtubule-depolymerizing kinesin-13,
cooperates with CP110 to control Drosophila centriole length.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22365849.
- Carmena M; Pinson X; Platani M; Salloum Z; Xu Z; Clark A; MacIsaac F; et al. "Correction: The Chromosomal Passenger Complex
Activates Polo Kinase at Centromeres.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/PMC/PMC3284318.
- Venkei Z; Przewloka MR; Ladak Y; Albadri S; Sossick A; Juhasz G; Novák B; Glover DM. "Spatiotemporal dynamics of Spc105 regulates
the assembly of the Drosophila kinetochore.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22645658.
- Glover D. "Open Biology's first few months.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/PMC/PMC3352091.
- Carmena M; Pinson X; Platani M; Salloum Z; Xu Z; Clark A; Macisaac F; et al. "The chromosomal passenger complex activates
Polo kinase at centromeres.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22291575.
- Bassi ZI; Verbrugghe KJ; Capalbo L; Gregory S; Montembault E; Glover DM; D'Avino PP. "Sticky/Citron kinase maintains proper
RhoA localization at the cleavage site during cytokinesis.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22084308.
- Capalbo L; D'Avino PP; Archambault V; Glover DM. "Rab5 GTPase controls chromosome alignment through Lamin disassembly and
relocation of the NuMA-like protein Mud to the poles during mitosis.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21987826.
- Glover D; Holt C; Johnson L; Parham P. "Introducing Open Biology.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/PMC/PMC3352079.
- Emery A; Sorrell DA; Lawrence S; Easthope E; Stockdale M; Jones DO; Zheleva D; Scaerou F; Glover DM. "A novel cell-based,
high-content assay for phosphorylation of Lats2 by Aurora A.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21788394.
- Rangone H; Wegel E; Gatt MK; Yeung E; Flowers A; Debski J; Dadlez M; et al. "Suppression of scant identifies Endos as a substrate
of greatwall kinase and a negative regulator of protein phosphatase 2A in mitosis.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21852956.
- Meng Z; Capalbo L; Glover DM; Dunphy WG. "Role for casein kinase 1 in the phosphorylation of Claspin on critical residues
necessary for the activation of Chk1.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21680713.
- Przewloka MR; Venkei Z; Bolanos-Garcia VM; Debski J; Dadlez M; Glover DM. "CENP-C is a structural platform for kinetochore
assembly.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21353555.
- Venkei Z; Przewloka MR; Glover DM. "Drosophila Mis12 complex acts as a single functional unit essential for anaphase chromosome
movement and a robust spindle assembly checkpoint.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20980244.
- Montembault E; Zhang W; Przewloka MR; Archambault V; Sevin EW; Laue ED; Glover DM; D'Avino PP. "Nessun Dorma, a novel centralspindlin
partner, is required for cytokinesis in Drosophila spermatocytes.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21187330.
- Sharif B; Na J; Lykke-Hartmann K; McLaughlin SH; Laue E; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M. "The chromosome passenger complex is
required for fidelity of chromosome transmission and cytokinesis in meiosis of mouse oocytes.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21123620.
- Wang S; Griffiths G; Midgley CA; Barnett AL; Cooper M; Grabarek J; Ingram L; et al. "Discovery and characterization of 2-anilino-4-
(thiazol-5-yl)pyrimidine transcriptional CDK inhibitors as anticancer agents.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21035734.
- Dzhindzhev NS; Yu QD; Weiskopf K; Tzolovsky G; Cunha-Ferreira I; Riparbelli M; Rodrigues-Martins A; et al. "Asterless is a
scaffold for the onset of centriole assembly.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20852615.
- Burrows C; Abd Latip N; Lam SJ; Carpenter L; Sawicka K; Tzolovsky G; Gabra H; et al. "The RNA binding protein Larp1 regulates
cell division, apoptosis and cell migration.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20430826.
- Ahmed AA; Lu Z; Jennings NB; Etemadmoghadam D; Capalbo L; Jacamo RO; Barbosa-Morais N; et al. "SIK2 is a centrosome kinase
required for bipolar mitotic spindle formation that provides a potential target for therapy in ovarian cancer.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20708153.
- Wang S; Midgley CA; Scaërou F; Grabarek JB; Griffiths G; Jackson W; Kontopidis G; et al. "Discovery of N-phenyl-4-(thiazol-5-yl)pyrimidin-2-amine
aurora kinase inhibitors.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20462263.
- Romé P; Montembault E; Franck N; Pascal A; Glover DM; Giet R. "Aurora A contributes to p150(glued) phosphorylation and function
during mitosis.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20479466.
- Morris SA; Teo RT; Li H; Robson P; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M. "Origin and formation of the first two distinct cell types
of the inner cell mass in the mouse embryo.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20308546.
- Savoian MS; Glover DM. "Drosophila Klp67A binds prophase kinetochores to subsequently regulate congression and spindle length.".
(2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20144994.
- Higgins J; Midgley C; Bergh AM; Bell SM; Askham JM; Roberts E; Binns RK; et al. "Human ASPM participates in spindle organisation,
spindle orientation and cytokinesis.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21044324.
- Wu Q; Bruce AW; Jedrusik A; Ellis PD; Andrews RM; Langford CF; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M. "CARM1 is required in embryonic
stem cells to maintain pluripotency and resist differentiation.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19544422.
- Blagden SP; Gatt MK; Archambault V; Lada K; Ichihara K; Lilley KS; Inoue YH; Glover DM. "Drosophila Larp associates with poly(A)-binding
protein and is required for male fertility and syncytial embryo development.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19631203.
- Przewloka MR; Venkei Z; Glover DM. "Searching for Drosophila Dsn1 kinetochore protein.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19270503.
- Archambault V; Glover DM. "Polo-like kinases: conservation and divergence in their functions and regulation.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19305416.
- D'Avino PP; Glover DM. "Cytokinesis: mind the GAP.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19188915.
- Bettencourt-Dias M; Glover DM. "SnapShot: centriole biogenesis.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19135899.
- Cunha-Ferreira I; Rodrigues-Martins A; Bento I; Riparbelli M; Zhang W; Laue E; Callaini G; Glover DM; Bettencourt-Dias M.
"The SCF/Slimb ubiquitin ligase limits centrosome amplification through degradation of SAK/PLK4.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19084407.
- Przewloka MR; Glover DM. "The kinetochore and the centromere: a working long distance relationship.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19886809.
- D'Avino PP; Archambault V; Przewloka MR; Zhang W; Laue ED; Glover DM. "Isolation of protein complexes involved in mitosis
and cytokinesis from Drosophila cultured cells.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19475384.
- Archambault V; D'Avino PP; Deery MJ; Lilley KS; Glover DM. "Sequestration of Polo kinase to microtubules by phosphopriming-independent
binding to Map205 is relieved by phosphorylation at a CDK site in mitosis.". (2008): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/18832073.
- Glover DM; Capalbo L; D'Avino PP; Gatt MK; Savoian MS; Takeda T. "Girds 'n' cleeks o' cytokinesis: microtubule sticks and
contractile hoops in cell division.". (2008): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/18481968.
- Archambault V; Chen F; Glover DM. "A bitter PP1 fights the sweet polo.". (2008): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/18538650.
- D'Avino PP; Takeda T; Capalbo L; Zhang W; Lilley KS; Laue ED; Glover DM. "Interaction between Anillin and RacGAP50C connects
the actomyosin contractile ring with spindle microtubules at the cell division site.". (2008): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/18349071.
- Rodrigues-Martins A; Riparbelli M; Callaini G; Glover DM; Bettencourt-Dias M. "From centriole biogenesis to cellular function:
centrioles are essential for cell division at critical developmental stages.". (2008): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/18196975.
- Archambault V; Glover DM. "Yeast Polo-like kinase substrates are nailed with the right tools.". (2008): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/18254925.
- Archambault V; Zhao X; White-Cooper H; Carpenter AT; Glover DM. "Mutations in Drosophila Greatwall/Scant reveal its roles
in mitosis and meiosis and interdependence with Polo kinase.". (2007): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17997611.
- Rodrigues-Martins A; Bettencourt-Dias M; Riparbelli M; Ferreira C; Ferreira I; Callaini G; Glover DM. "DSAS-6 organizes a
tube-like centriole precursor, and its absence suggests modularity in centriole assembly.". (2007): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17689959.
- Bettencourt-Dias M; Glover DM. "Centrosome biogenesis and function: centrosomics brings new understanding.". (2007): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17505520.
- Rodrigues-Martins A; Riparbelli M; Callaini G; Glover DM; Bettencourt-Dias M. "Revisiting the role of the mother centriole
in centriole biogenesis.". (2007): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17463247.
- Chen F; Archambault V; Kar A; Lio' P; D'Avino PP; Sinka R; Lilley K; et al. "Multiple protein phosphatases are required for
mitosis in Drosophila.". (2007): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17306545.
- D'Avino PP; Archambault V; Przewloka MR; Zhang W; Lilley KS; Laue E; Glover DM. "Recruitment of Polo kinase to the spindle
midzone during cytokinesis requires the Feo/Klp3A complex.". (2007): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17593971.
- Przewloka MR; Zhang W; Costa P; Archambault V; D'Avino PP; Lilley KS; Laue ED; McAinsh AD; Glover DM. "Molecular analysis
of core kinetochore composition and assembly in Drosophila melanogaster.". (2007): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17534428.
- D'Avino PP; Savoian MS; Capalbo L; Glover DM. "RacGAP50C is sufficient to signal cleavage furrow formation during cytokinesis.".
(2006): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17032738.
- Gatt MK; Glover DM. "The Drosophila phosphatidylinositol transfer protein encoded by vibrator is essential to maintain cleavage-furrow
ingression in cytokinesis.". (2006): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16684816.
- Laycock JE; Savoian MS; Glover DM. "Antagonistic activities of Klp10A and Orbit regulate spindle length, bipolarity and function
in vivo.". (2006): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16723741.
- Pearson J; Godinho SA; Tavares A; Glover DM. "Heterologous expression of mammalian Plk1 in Drosophila reveals divergence from
Polo during late mitosis.". (2006): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16412419.
- Petretti C; Savoian M; Montembault E; Glover DM; Prigent C; Giet R. "The PITSLRE/CDK11p58 protein kinase promotes centrosome
maturation and bipolar spindle formation.". (2006): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16462731.
- Bettencourt-Dias M; Rodrigues-Martins A; Carpenter L; Riparbelli M; Lehmann L; Gatt MK; Carmo N; et al. "SAK/PLK4 is required
for centriole duplication and flagella development.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16326102.
- Page AR; Kovacs A; Deak P; Torok T; Kiss I; Dario P; Bastos C; et al. "Spotted-dick, a zinc-finger protein of Drosophila required
for expression of Orc4 and S phase.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16369566.
- Gatt MK; Savoian MS; Riparbelli MG; Massarelli C; Callaini G; Glover DM. "Klp67A destabilises pre-anaphase microtubules but
subsequently is required to stabilise the central spindle.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15928044.
- D'Avino PP; Savoian MS; Glover DM. "Cleavage furrow formation and ingression during animal cytokinesis: a microtubule legacy.".
(2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15811947.
- Riparbelli MG; Inoue Y; Glover DM; Callaini G. "parva germina, A gene involved in germ cell maintenance during male and female
Drosophila gametogenesis.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15704116.
- Plusa B; Hadjantonakis AK; Gray D; Piotrowska-Nitsche K; Jedrusik A; Papaioannou VE; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M. "The first
cleavage of the mouse zygote predicts the blastocyst axis.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15772664.
- Prigent C; Glover DM; Giet R. "Drosophila Nek2 protein kinase knockdown leads to centrosome maturation defects while overexpression
causes centrosome fragmentation and cytokinesis failure.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15572022.
- Plusa B; Frankenberg S; Chalmers A; Hadjantonakis AK; Moore CA; Papalopulu N; Papaioannou VE; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M.
"Downregulation of Par3 and aPKC function directs cells towards the ICM in the preimplantation mouse embryo.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15657073.
- Glover DM. "Polo kinase and progression through M phase in Drosophila: a perspective from the spindle poles.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15640838.
- Soares ML; Haraguchi S; Torres-Padilla ME; Kalmar T; Carpenter L; Bell G; Morrison A; et al. "Functional studies of signaling
pathways in peri-implantation development of the mouse embryo by RNAi.". (2005): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16381610.
- Bettencourt-Dias M; Giet R; Sinka R; Mazumdar A; Lock WG; Balloux F; Zafiropoulos PJ; et al. "Genome-wide survey of protein
kinases required for cell cycle progression.". (2004): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15616552.
- Máthé E; Kraft C; Giet R; Deák P; Peters JM; Glover DM. "The E2-C vihar is required for the correct spatiotemporal proteolysis
of cyclin B and itself undergoes cyclical degradation.". (2004): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15458643.
- D'Avino PP; Savoian MS; Glover DM. "Mutations in sticky lead to defective organization of the contractile ring during cytokinesis
and are enhanced by Rho and suppressed by Rac.". (2004): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15240570.
- Inoue YH; Savoian MS; Suzuki T; Máthé E; Yamamoto MT; Glover DM. "Mutations in orbit/mast reveal that the central spindle
is comprised of two microtubule populations, those that initiate cleavage and those that propagate furrow ingression.". (2004):
- Savoian MS; Gatt MK; Riparbelli MG; Callaini G; Glover DM. "Drosophila Klp67A is required for proper chromosome congression
and segregation during meiosis I.". (2004): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15252134.
- Gray D; Plusa B; Piotrowska K; Na J; Tom B; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M. "First cleavage of the mouse embryo responds to change
in egg shape at fertilization.". (2004): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15028215.
- Deak P; Donaldson M; Glover DM. "Mutations in makos, a Drosophila gene encoding the Cdc27 subunit of the anaphase promoting
complex, enhance centrosomal defects in polo and are suppressed by mutations in twins/aar, which encodes a regulatory subunit
of PP2A.". (2003): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/12953067.
- Glover DM. "Aurora A on the mitotic spindle is activated by the way it holds its partner.". (2003): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/14580330.
- Minestrini G; Harley AS; Glover DM. "Localization of Pavarotti-KLP in living Drosophila embryos suggests roles in reorganizing
the cortical cytoskeleton during the mitotic cycle.". (2003): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/14517316.
- Renault AD; Zhang XH; Alphey LS; Frenz LM; Glover DM; Saunders RD; Axton JM. "giant nuclei is essential in the cell cycle
transition from meiosis to mitosis.". (2003): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/12756181.
- Blagden SP; Glover DM. "Polar expeditions--provisioning the centrosome for mitosis.". (2003): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/12776127.
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(2003): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/12734797.
- Grabarek JB; Wianny F; Plusa B; Zernicka-Goetz M; Glover DM. "RNA interference by production of short hairpin dsRNA in ES
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- Máthé E; Inoue YH; Palframan W; Brown G; Glover DM. "Orbit/Mast, the CLASP orthologue of Drosophila, is required for asymmetric
stem cell and cystocyte divisions and development of the polarised microtubule network that interconnects oocyte and nurse
cells during oogenesis.". (2003): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/12538517.
- Anderson M; Ng SS; Marchesi V; MacIver FH; Stevens FE; Riddell T; Glover DM; Hagan IM; McInerny CJ. "Plo1(+) regulates gene
transcription at the M-G(1) interval during the fission yeast mitotic cell cycle.". (2002): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/12411492.
- Plusa B; Grabarek JB; Piotrowska K; Glover DM; Zernicka-Goetz M. "Site of the previous meiotic division defines cleavage orientation
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of the central spindle for cytokinesis in Drosophila.". (2002): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/11870210.
- Giet R; McLean D; Descamps S; Lee MJ; Raff JW; Prigent C; Glover DM. "Drosophila Aurora A kinase is required to localize D-TACC
to centrosomes and to regulate astral microtubules.". (2002): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/11827981.
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- Donaldson MM; Tavares AA; Hagan IM; Nigg EA; Glover DM. "The mitotic roles of Polo-like kinase.". (2001): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/11559744.
- de Cárcer G; do Carmo Avides M; Lallena MJ; Glover DM; González C. "Requirement of Hsp90 for centrosomal function reflects
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- Cullen CF; May KM; Hagan IM; Glover DM; Ohkura H. "A new genetic method for isolating functionally interacting genes: high
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- Inoue YH; do Carmo Avides M; Shiraki M; Deak P; Yamaguchi M; Nishimoto Y; Matsukage A; Glover DM. "Orbit, a novel microtubule-associated
protein essential for mitosis in Drosophila melanogaster.". (2000): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/10747094.
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- Salzberg A; Prokopenko SN; He Y; Tsai P; Pál M; Maróy P; Glover DM; Deák P; Bellen HJ. "P-element insertion alleles of essential
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- Mayer-Jaekel RE; Ohkura H; Ferrigno P; Andjelkovic N; Shiomi K; Uemura T; Glover DM; Hemmings BA. "Drosophila mutants in the
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(1994): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/7844174.
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the subcellular distribution of proteins essential for mitosis during embryogenesis in Drosophila.". (1991): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/1840268.
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(1990): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/2170019.
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