
Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Ricardo Ortiz Cano

Nomes de citação

  • Cano, Ricardo

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Exatas - Química - Química Física
Grau Classificação
2017/10/18 - 2021/09/29
Ciencia de Materiales (Doktori fokozat (PhD))
Universitat d'Alacant, Espanha
"Electronic and Spin Properties of Open-Shell Nanographenes" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Master in molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology (Master Universitario)
Universitat d'Alacant, Espanha
Bachelor in Chemistry (Bachelor)
Universitat d'Alacant, Espanha
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2024/05/15 - Atual Investigador (Investigação) Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2021/10/16 - 2024/02/29 Pós-doutorado (Investigação) Donostia International Physics Center, Espanha


Designação Financiadores
2024 - Atual FantastiCOF
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Em curso
2021 - 2024 Generación y determinación de correlaciones cuánticas en estructuras de nanocintas de grafeno
Investigador Pós-doutorado
Donostia International Physics Center, Espanha
2017 - 2021 Estudio teórico-computacional de la estabilidad y transporte de carga de los estados multiplete de más baja energía en oligoacenos orgánicos cíclicos conjugados de tamaño creciente y su evolución con la estructura y dinámica del sistema
Bolseiro de Doutoramento


Designação Financiadores
2021 - 2024 SPin Research IN Graphene (SPRING)
SPRING FET-Open/863098
Investigador Pós-doutorado
Donostia International Physics Center, Espanha


Artigo em revista
  1. D.Y. Li; Y. Zheng; Cano, Ricardo; B.X. Wang; Y. Jiang; B. Yuan; C. Li; et al. Autor correspondente: D.Y. Li. "Magnetic exchange interaction between unpaired p-and d-electrons in nanographene-metal coordination complexes". National Science Review nwaf033 (2025):
    Publicado • https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwaf033
  2. Alessio Vegliante; Saleta Fernández; Ricardo Ortiz; Manuel Vilas-Varela; Thomas Y. Baum; Niklas Friedrich; Francisco Romero-Lara; et al. "Tuning the Spin Interaction in Nonplanar Organic Diradicals through Mechanical Manipulation". ACS Nano (2024): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.4c01963.
  3. Ricardo Ortiz. "Olympicene radicals as building blocks of two-dimensional anisotropic networks". Physical Review B (2023): https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.108.115113.
  4. Ricardo Ortiz; Geza Giedke; Thomas Frederiksen. "Magnetic frustration and fractionalization in oligo(indenoindenes)". Physical Review B (2023): https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.L100416.
  5. R Ortiz; G Catarina; J Fernández-Rossier. "Theory of triangulene two-dimensional crystals". 2D Materials (2023): https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1583/aca4e2.
  6. Du, Q.; Su, X.; Liu, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Li, C.; Yan, K.K.; Ortiz, R.; et al. "Orbital-symmetry effects on magnetic exchange in open-shell nanographenes". Nature Communications 14 1 (2023): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85167533376&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  7. Mishra, Shantanu; Vilas-Varela, Manuel; Lieske, Leonard-Alexander; Ortiz, Ricardo; Roncevic, Igor; Albrecht, Florian; Frederiksen, Thomas; Pena, Diego; Gross, Leo. "Bistability between {pi}-diradical open-shell and closed-shell states in indeno[1,2-a]fluorene". ArXiv (2023): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/57269840/.
  8. R. Ortiz; J. C. Sancho-García; J. Fernández-Rossier. "Frustrated magnetic interactions in a cyclacene crystal". Physical Review Materials (2022): https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.014406.
  9. "Renormalization of spin excitations and Kondo effect in open-shell nanographenes". Physical Review B 104 7 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.104.075404.
  10. "Large magnetic exchange coupling in rhombus-shaped nanographenes with zigzag periphery". Nature Chemistry 13 6 (2021): 581-586. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41557-021-00678-2.
  11. Mishra, Shantanu; Catarina, Goncalo; Wu, Fupeng; Ortiz, Ricardo; Jacob, David; Eimre, Kristjan; Ma, Ji; et al. "Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains (vol 598, pg 287, 2021)". Nature (2021): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/50188887/.
  12. Mishra, S.; Catarina, G.; Wu, F.; Ortiz, R.; Jacob, D.; Eimre, K.; Ma, J.; et al. "Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains". Nature 598 7880 (2021): 287-292. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85117056918&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  13. "Probing local moments in nanographenes with electron tunneling spectroscopy". Progress in Surface Science 95 4 (2020): 100595-100595. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.progsurf.2020.100595.
  14. Cano, Ricardo. "Collective All-Carbon Magnetism in Triangulene Dimers". Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.202002687.
  15. Ricardo Ortiz; Roberto A. Boto; Noel García-Martínez; Juan C. Sancho-García; Manuel Melle-Franco; Joaqui´n Fernández-Rossier. "Exchange Rules for Diradical p-Conjugated Hydrocarbons". Nano Letters (2019): https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b01773.
  16. A. Pérez-Guardiola; R. Ortiz-Cano; M. E. Sandoval-Salinas; J. Fernández-Rossier; D. Casanova; A. J. Pérez-Jiménez; J. C. Sancho-García. "From cyclic nanorings to single-walled carbon nanotubes: disclosing the evolution of their electronic structure with the help of theoretical methods". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 5 (2019): 2547-2557. https://doi.org/10.1039/C8CP06615A.
  17. Cano, Ricardo. "Electrical spin manipulation in graphene nanostructures". Physical Review B (2018): http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.97.195425.
  18. Cayuelas, Alberto; Ortiz, Ricardo; Najera, Carmen; Sansano, Jose M.; Larranaga, Olatz; de Cozar, Abel; Cossio, Fernando P.. "Enantioselective Synthesis of Polysubstituted Spiro-nitroprolinates Mediated by a (R,R)-Me-DuPhos AgF-Catalyzed 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition". Organic Letters 18 12 (2016): 2926-2929. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000378303400035&KeyUID=WOS:000378303400035.
  19. Ortiz, R.; Lado, J. L.; Melle-Franco, M.; Fernandez-Rossier, J.. "Engineering spin exchange in nonbipartite graphene zigzag edges". Physical Review B 94 9 (2016): http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000383139100004&KeyUID=WOS:000383139100004.
Capítulo de livro
  1. "Emergent quantum matter in graphene nanoribbons". {IOP, 2019.


Outra produção
  1. Giant magnetic exchange coupling in rhombus-shaped nanographenes with zigzag periphery. 2020. Cano, Ricardo.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2024/09/01 Exchange interaction in pi-d platforms as monomers of magnetic organic frameworks CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society
(Braga, Portugal)
2023/09/18 Olympicene radicals as building blocks of two-dimensional anisotropic networks SPRING23 workshop
(San Sebastián, Espanha)
2022/10/25 Fractional edge states in frustrated indenofluorene chains On-Surface Synthesis International Workshop (OSS 2022)
(Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Espanha)
2021/04/15 Frustrated magnetism in a cyclacene crystal APS March Meeting
2021/01/18 Frustrated magnetism in a cyclacene crystal Symposium on Computing pi-Conjugated Compounds
2019/07 Exchange Rules for Diradical p-Conjugated Hydrocarbons Theory Meets Experiment in Low-Dimensional Structures with Correlated Electrons
(República Checa)
2019/05 Probing spin fluctuations in graphene nanoribbons with STM tunnelling spectroscopy XXXVII Bienal Reunion of the Spanish Royal Chemical Society
Spanish Royal Chemical Society (Espanha)
2019/03/04 Inelastic Spin Flip Spectroscopy of Local Spin Moments in Nanographenes March Meeting
American Physical Society (Boston, Estados Unidos)
2018/12 Inelastic Spin Flip Spectroscopy of Local Spin Moments in Nanographenes
Progress in Organic Optoelectronics and Energy Conversion (Espanha)

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2020 - 2021 20 hours of practical lectures of physics to students of the biology degree Universitat d'Alacant, Espanha
2019 - 2020 20 hours of practical lectures of physics to students of the biology degree (Bachelor) Universitat d'Alacant, Espanha
2018 - 2019 20 hours of practical lectures of physics for students of the biology degree (Bachelor) Universitat d'Alacant, Espanha

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2021/10/05 A newspaper publication about my PhD thesis defence. Información
2021/05/14 Interview about a research done in collaboration with the EMPA in Switzerland, reporting the most resistant nanomagnet at that date. Información

Revisão ad hoc de artigos em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2024 - Atual Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2024 - Atual Nature Communications
2023 - Atual Nanotechnolgy Reviews
2020 - Atual Journal of the American Chemical Society


2024 PhD extraordinary award
Universitat d'Alacant, Espanha
2022 Ex-aequo award for the "Best theory thesis" IX Edition of Thesis Awards
Real Sociedad Española de Física, Espanha
2022 Finalist in the V Edition IUMA Young Researchers Awards
Universitat d'Alacant, Espanha
2016 Extraordinary award for the master in molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology