Susana Rosa completed her PhD in 2011, performed between the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra (UC) and the University of Liverpool at Connective Tissue and Molecular Pathogenesis Research Group. She contributed for the understanding of the mechanisms that regulate chondrocyte functions in normal and in pathological conditions for the development of new strategies to stop the arthritic process and/or promote cartilage repair. During a short period (2010-2011) she worked as research assistant on a project for the development of an in vitro test to predict the sensitizing potential of chemicals that lead to a patent (PCT/PT2012/000018) and to the establishment of a small Biotech company TOXFINDER (http://toxfinder.pt) dedicated to in vitro predictive toxicology, of which she is a co-founder. In 2012 was awarded with a fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to develop her Post-doc at Biomaterials and Stem Cells based Therapeutics Group (BSCTG), headed by Dr. Lino Ferreira, at CNC-UC. Her main interests were: i) Identification of serum-free conditions to derive endothelial cells from iPSCs with a defined sub-phenotype and platforms for their transplantation; ii) Maturation of brain-like-endothelial cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem-cells; and iii) Development of platforms to culture and maturate cardiomyocytes. She has more than 10 years experience in the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into different types of vascular cells [Vazão H*, Rosa S*. et al., PNAS 2017 (authors with equal contribution)]; (Rosa et al; Sci Rep 2019) including brain-like endothelial cells (BCECs) (Praça et al., Stem Cell Reports 2019). Since 2019, she is junior investigator (DL57 contract) at Advanced Therapies Group at CNC/CIBB where she started a new research line in the study of the effects of aging on the blood brain barrier (BBB). SR has attracted competitive funding. As PI, she was able to secure approximately 225k€ in funding through a FCT project (PTDC/BTM-SAL/5174/2020). Previously, she secured a FCT exploratory project that ended in 2014 (EXPL/DTP-FTO/0570/2012; 37k€, FCT). In addition, she is team member of an European Project (DREAMs, REF: 101080229, 940k€ for University of Coimbra) focusing in the development of iPSC- derived skeletal muscle cells from 5 rare neuromuscular disorders to identify therapeutic drugs by high-throughput drug screening and artificial intelligence. Since the beginning of her investigator career, she was team member of several national and international projects (total funding>6M€). She has mentored and supervised (or co-) 16 researchers: 3 MSc, 8 PhD students, 4 research assistants and 1 Post-doc researcher. Currently is co-supervising one PhD student and one early stage researcher on their projects related with effects of aging at the BBB and on the development of iPSC- derived skeletal muscle cells from 5 rare neuromuscular disorders . She has a total of 22 international peer-reviewed publications, h index of 16, with a total of 856 citations. In the last 5 years SR published 7 papers, including: (i) one as a corresponding and co-senior author in Aging Cell and (ii) three as first author. In the last years she has disseminated her work in 16 international conferences (co-author of 15 works selected for oral communication and 19 poster communications) and 6 oral communications (2 by invitation). Since 2018 Susana Rosa contributes for Regenerative Medicine module of the Master program of Biomedical Engineering (University of Coimbra), as well as for other post-graduation courses. She contributes as a reviewer for scientific journals, participates in academic juries and regularly contributes for out-reach science communication activities

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Susana Carvalho Rosa

Nomes de citação

  • Rosa, Susana

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID
Scopus Author Id

Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Biotecnologia Médica
  • Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Biologia Celular
  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Medicina Básica


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Francês Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Grau Classificação
2012/01/01 - 2019/01/31
Pos-doutoramento (Pós-doutoramento)
Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia (CIBB), Portugal
PhD in Health Technologies Molecular and Celular Biology Speciality (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
"Regulation of human articular chondrocytes functions by anabolic and catabolic stimuli:Implications in the development and progression of Osteoarthritis" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Aproved with distinction
2006/05/01 - 2006/08/15
PhD short residency (Outros)
University of Liverpool Institute of Veterinary Science, Reino Unido
Biologia Ramo Científico (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
"”Mecanismos de degeneração neuronal nos estágios iniciais da Retinopatia diabética: papel do glutamato”" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2019/02/01 - Atual Investigador Contratado (Investigação) Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia (CIBB), Portugal
Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia (CIBB), Portugal
2014/12/01 - 2014/12/15 Investigador visitante (Investigação) International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Itália
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Itália
2013 - 2013 Investigador visitante (Investigação) Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Alemanha
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Alemanha

Cargos e Funções

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2016 - Atual Management of the Biomark HD (High Throughput PCR equipment) of the Medical Biotechnology Facility at UC Biotech. Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia (CIBB), Portugal
Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia (CIBB), Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2011 - Atual Founding partner of the University of Coimbra spin-off company ToxFinder Lda. Toxfinder Lda, Portugal
2012/01/01 - 2019/01/30 Post- Doc in the group of Biomaterials and Stem Cells based therapies (BSCBT). (FCT Fellowship SFRH/BPD/79323/2011) CNC.IBILI, Portugal
2011/06/01 - 2011/12/31 Post- Doc in the group of Biomaterials and Stem Cells based therapies (BSCBT);" Cardiac regeneration using embrionary derived vascular cells and a biomimetic matrix” PTDC/SAU-BEB/09846 CNC.IBILI, Portugal
2010/07/01 - 2011/05/31 Research Assistant in the project “In vitro alternative approach for chemical skin sensitization hazard: an EU legislation demand” (PTDC/SAU-OSM/099762/2008). CNC.IBILI, Portugal
2009/02/01 - 2010/02/01 Research Assistant in the project "Metabolic activity and survival of chondrocytes in cryopreserved human osteochondral allografts” (PTDC/SAU-OSM/67936/2006). CNC.IBILI, Portugal
2005/01/01 - 2008/12/31 PhD Student CNC.IBILI, Portugal
2003/09/12 - 2004/07/30 Curricular Scientific Traineeship CNC.IBILI, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2025/01/01 - Atual Engineering extracellular vesicles to permeabilize the blood-brain barrier
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2023/03/01 - 2024/09/01 Polymer brush grafted exosomes for microRNA delivery through blood brain barrier (BBB)_2022.02803.PTDC
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2023/03/01 - 2024/08/31 Nanomedicine and trojan cells for leukemic niche intervention_ 2022.05946.PTDC
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021/03/01 - 2024/08/31 10.54499/PTDC/BTM-SAL/5174/2020_A therapeutic strategy to fight blood-brain-barrier (BBB) ageing
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021/01/01 - 2023/12/31 European project Twinning RESETAgeing (Ref: 952266)
Ref: 952266
Em curso
2022/01/21 - 2023/07/21 CARESS - Cardiac aging through the lens of Hutchinson-Gilford (Progeria) Syndrome
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015/07/01 - 2020/06/30 European ERA-Chair project in ageing (Ref: 669088)_ERA@UC
GA 669088
2014/12/01 - 2017/11/03 CARDIOSTEM- Engineered cardiac tissues and stem cell-based therapies for cardiovascular applications
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2013/07 - 2014/09 Human cardiac engineered tissue for toxicity assessment- CARDIOTOX
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2013 - 2013 EUMINAfab- “High-Throughput Array to GUIDE the Specification of Cells- HTA-GUIDE
EuminaFab 1153
FP7 Capacities Specific Programme.
2011/06/01 - 2011/12/31 Heart regeneration by embryonic vascular cells and a biomimetic scaffold (PTDC/SAU-BEB/098468/2008)
Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010/06/01 - 2011/05/31 In vitro alternative approach for chemical skin sensitization hazard: an EU legislation demand
Bolseiro de Técnico de Investigação
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Bolseiro de Técnico de Investigação
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designação Financiadores
2015/01/01 - 2016/04/30 Evaluation of in-vitro tests to reduce animal testing in drug toxicology studies
QREN 38977/2014
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2011/01/01 - 2012/12/31 Strategic Project - LA 1 - 2011-2012
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Artigo em revista
  1. Francisco, Vitor; Andreia Marques; David Sanfeliu-Redondo; Ines Tomé; Rosa, Susana; Jordi Gracia-Sancho; Ferreira, Lino. "Enhancing Safety and Efficacy of Senolytic Therapies with Advanced Controlled Release Strategies". Nature Communications (2025):
  2. Francesca Tomatis; Susana Rosa; Susana Simões; Marta Barão; Carlos Jesus; João Novo; Emanuel Barth; Manja Marz; Lino Ferreira. "Engineering extracellular vesicles to transiently permeabilize the blood–brain barrier". Journal of Nanobiotechnology (2024): https://doi.org/10.1186/s12951-024-03019-w.
  3. Novo, João Pedro; Gee, Lucy; Caetano, Carolina A.; Tomé, Inês; Vilaça, Andreia; von Zglinicki, Thomas; Moreira, Irina S.; et al. Autor correspondente: Rosa, Susana. "Blood–brain barrier dysfunction in aging is mediated by brain endothelial senescence. J.P. Novo, A.C Caetano, L. Gee, I. Moreira, D. Jurk, S. Rosa*, L. Silva Ferreira*. *Authors with equal contribution. Corresponding and Co-senior authors.". Aging Cell (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/acel.14270.
  4. Quartin, Emanuel; Rosa, Susana; Gonzalez-Anton, Sara; Mosteo Lopez, Laura; Francisco, Vitor; Duarte, Delfim; Lo Celso, Cristina; Pires das Neves, Ricardo; Ferreira, Lino. "Nanoparticle-encapsulated retinoic acid for the modulation of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell niche. Emanuel Quartin*, Susana Rosa* , Sara Gonzalez-Anton, Laura Mosteo Lopez , Vitor Francisco , Delfim Duarte, Cristina Lo Celso, Ricardo Pires das Neves, Lino Ferreira . *Authors with equal contribution". Bioactive Materials 34 (2024): 311-325. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.12.017.
    Aceite para publicação • 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.12.017
  5. Monteiro, Luis Miguel; Gouveia, Pedro J.; Rosa, Susana; Vasques-Novoa, Francisco; Gomes, Rita; Bardi, Ifigeneia; Ricotti, Leonardo; et al. "FLEXIBLE PIEZOELECTRIC PATCHES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF HEART TISSUE ACTIVITY". Tissue Engineering Part A (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/54503179/.
  6. Praça, Catarina; Rosa, Susana C.; Sevin, Emmanuel; Cecchelli, Romeo; Dehouck, Marie-Pierre; Ferreira, Lino S.. "Derivation of Brain Capillary-like Endothelial Cells from Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells". Stem Cell Reports 13 4 (2019): 599-611. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stemcr.2019.08.002.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.stemcr.2019.08.002
  7. Rosa, Susana; Pitrez, Patrícia; Fernandes, Hugo; Ferreira, Lino. "A High-Throughput Screening Method to Identify Compounds Displaying Human Vascular Embryonic Toxicity". Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 50 1 (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpsc.93.
    Publicado • 10.1002/cpsc.93
  8. Rosa, Susana; Praça, Catarina; Pitrez, Patricia R.; Gouveia, Pedro J.; Aranguren, X.L.; Ricotti, L.; Ferreira, Lino S.. "Functional characterization of iPSC-derived arterial- and venous-like endothelial cells.". Scientific reports (2019): http://europepmc.org/articles/PMC6405900.
  9. Abecasis, Bernardo; Gomes-Alves, Patrícia; Rosa, Susana; Gouveia, Pedro J.; Ferreira, Lino; Serra, Margarida; Alves, Paula M.. "Unveiling the molecular crosstalk in a human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiac model". Biotechnology and Bioengineering 116 5 (2019): 1245-1252. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bit.26929.
    Publicado • 10.1002/bit.26929
  10. Gouveia, P. José; Rosa, S.; Ricotti, L.; Abecasis, B.; Almeida, H.V.; Monteiro, L.; Nunes, J.; et al. "Flexible nanofilms coated with aligned piezoelectric microfibers preserve the contractility of cardiomyocytes". Biomaterials 139 (2017): 213-228. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.05.048.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.05.048
  11. Rosa, Susana*; Vazão, H.*; Barata, Tânia; Costa, Ricardo; Honório, Inês; Pitrez, Patrícia R.; Papatsenko, Dimitri; et al. "High-throughput identification of small molecules that affect human embryonic vascular development". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 15 (2017): E3022-E3031. http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1617451114.
  12. Pitrez PR; Rosa SC; Praça C; Ferreira L. "Vascular disease modeling using induced pluripotent stem cells: Focus in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome.". Biochemical and biophysical research communications (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26474704.
  13. Mendes AF; Rosa SC; Rufino AT; Ribeiro M; Judas F. "Diabetes-induced osteoarthritis: role of hyperglycemia in joint destruction.". BMC musculoskeletal disorders (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/PMC/PMC4674852.
  14. Rosa, Susana. "Development of an in Vitro Dendritic Cell-Based Test for Skin Sensitizer Identification.". Chem Res Toxicol (2013): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23445166.
  15. Rufino, A.T.; Rosa, S.C.; Judas, F.; Mobasheri, A.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, A.F.. "Expression and function of K(ATP) channels in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes: Possible role in glucose sensing". Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 114 8 (2013): 1879-1889. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84879133940&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  16. Rosa, Susana. "Profiling changes triggered during maturation of dendritic cells: a lipidomic approach". Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2012): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22402731.
  17. Rosa, S.C.; Rufino, A.T.; Judas, F.; Tenreiro, C.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, A.F.. "Expression and function of the insulin receptor in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes: Modulation of anabolic gene expression, glucose transport and GLUT-1 content by insulin". Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 19 6 (2011): 719-727. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79955972378&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  18. Rosa, S.C.; Rufino, A.T.; Judas, F.M.; Tenreiro, C.M.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, A.F.. "Role of glucose as a modulator of anabolic and catabolic gene expression in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes". Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 112 10 (2011): 2813-2824. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80053207223&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  19. Neves, Â.; Rosa, S.; Gonçalves, J.; Rufino, A.; Judas, F.; Salgueiro, L.; Lopes, M.C.; Cavaleiro, C.; Mendes, A.F.. "Screening of five essential oils for identification of potential inhibitors of IL-1-induced Nf-B activation and no production in human chondrocytes: Characterization of the inhibitory activity of-pinene". Planta Medica 76 3 (2010): 303-308. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77049099601&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  20. Rosa, S.C.; Gonçalves, J.; Judas, F.; Mobasheri, A.; Lopes, C.; Mendes, A.F.. "Impaired glucose transporter-1 degradation and increased glucose transport and oxidative stress in response to high glucose in chondrocytes from osteoarthritic versus normal human cartilage". Arthritis Research and Therapy 11 3 (2009): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-67649439168&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  21. Rosa, S.C.; Gonçalves, J.; Judas, F.; Lopes, C.; Mendes, A.F.. "Assessment of strategies to increase chondrocyte viability in cryopreserved human osteochondral allografts: evaluation of the glycosylated hydroquinone, arbutin". Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 17 12 (2009): 1657-1661. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-70449635135&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  22. Rosa, S.C.; Judas, F.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, A.F.. "Nitric oxide synthase isoforms and NF-¿B activity in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes: Regulation by inducible nitric oxide". Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry 19 3 (2008): 276-283. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-52149088545&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  23. Judas, F.; Rosa, S.; Teixeira, L.; Lopes, C.; Ferreira Mendes, A.. "Chondrocyte Viability in Fresh and Frozen Large Human Osteochondral Allografts: Effect of Cryoprotective Agents". Transplantation Proceedings 39 8 (2007): 2531-2534. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-35348884844&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  24. Santiago, A.R.; Rosa, S.C.; Santos, P.F.; Cristóvão, A.J.; Barber, A.J.; Ambrósio, A.F.. "Elevated glucose changes the expression of ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits and impairs calcium homeostasis in retinal neural cells". Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 47 9 (2006): 4130-4137. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33749133437&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Mobasheri, A.; Bondy, C.A.; Moley, K.; Mendes, A.F.; Rosa, S.C.; Richardson, S.M.; Hoyland, J.A.; Barrett-jolley, R.; Shakibaei, M.. "Does Arthritis Have a Nutritional Etiology?". In Facilitative Glucose Transporters in Articular Chondrocytes, 13-17. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
  2. Mobasheri, A.; Bondy, C.A.; Moley, K.; Mendes, A.F.; Rosa, S.C.; Richardson, S.M.; Hoyland, J.A.; Barrett-Jolley, R.; Shakibaei, M.. "Articular Cartilage: Structure, Function, and Pathophysiology". In Facilitative Glucose Transporters in Articular Chondrocytes, 5-13. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
  1. Mobasheri, A.; Bondy, C.A.; Moley, K.; Mendes, A.F.; Rosa, Susana; Richardson, S.M.; Hoyland, J.A.; Barrett-Jolley, R.; Shakibaei, M.. Facilitative glucose transporters in articular chondrocytes. Expression, distribution and functional regulation of GLUT isoforms by hypoxia, hypoxia mimetics, growth factors and pro-inflammatory cytokines.. 2008.
Poster em conferência
  1. Pitrez, João; Marques, Andreia; Tomé, Inês; Rosa, Susana; Francisco, Vitor; Ferreira, Lino. "Senescence in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells: implications for age-related liver changes". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd RESETageing Conference, 2023.
  2. Tomatis, Francesca; Susana Margarida Neto Simões; Rosa, Susana; Emanuel Barth; Manja Mars; Ferreira, Lino. "Engineering extracellular vesicles with microRNAs to cross the blood-brain barrier". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd RESETageing Conference, 2023.
  3. Tomé, Inês; Rosa, Susana; Sanfeliu-Redondo, D.; Aristu-Zabalza, P.; Vizioli, M.G.; Pitrez, P.; Gracia-Sancho, Jordi; et al. "Targeting cell senescence in the blood-brain barrier with senotherapeutic nanoparticles". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd RESETageing Conference, 2023.
  4. Novo, João Pedro; Ana Carolina Silva Caetano; Thomas von Zglinicki; Rosa, Susana; Ferreira, Lino. Autor correspondente: Ferreira, Lino. "Development of an in vitro senescent human blood-brain barrier model". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd RESETageing Conference, 2023.
  5. Tomatis, Francesca; Susana Margarida Neto Simões; Rosa, Susana; Emanuel Barth; Manja Mars; Ferreira, Lino. "Engineering extracellular vesicles to modulate the blood-brain barrier". Trabalho apresentado em ETRS & SPCE-TC Joint Meeting 2023, 2023.
  6. Inês Tomé Ribeiro; Rosa, Susana; Sanfeliu-Redondo, David; Maria Grazia Vizioli; Pitrez, Patrícia; Gracia-Sancho, Jordi; Francisco, Vitor; Diana Jurk; Ferreira, Lino. "Targeting the senescence program in the blood brain barrier with senotherapeutic nanoparticles". Trabalho apresentado em 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, 2023.
  7. Novo, João Pedro; A.C Caetano; L. Gee; Vilaça A; T. Zglinicki; I. S. Moreira; D. Jurk ; Rosa, Susana; Lino da Silva Ferrera. Autor correspondente: Lino da Silva Ferrera. "The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated in part by a senescence brain endothelial cell program". Trabalho apresentado em Annual Meeting of the German Association for Aging Research (DGfA), 2023.
  8. Tomatis, Francesca; Susana Margarida Neto Simões; Susana Rosa; Emanuel Barth; Manja Mars; Ferreira, Lino. "Engineering extracellular vesicles to cross the blood-brain barrier". Trabalho apresentado em FENS Regional Meeting, 2023.
  9. João Pedro da Costa Novo; Ana Carolina Silva Caetano; Lucy Gee; Moreira, Irina S; Diana Jurk; Rosa, Susana; Lino da Silva Ferreira. "The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated in part by a senescence brain endothelial cell program. J.P. Novo, A.C. Caetano, L. Gee, I. Moreira, D. Jurk, S. Rosa*, L. Silva Ferreira*. *Authors with equal contribution.". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd RESETageing Conference, 16-17th September 2022 Newcastle, United Kingdom., 2022.
  10. Francesca Tomasis; Susana Simões; Rosa, Susana; Emanuel Bath; Manja Mars; Lino da Silva Ferrera. "Engineering extracellular vesicles with microRNAs to cross the blood-brain barrier. Tomatis F., Simoes S., Rosa S., Barth E., Marz M., Ferreira L.". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd RESETageing Conference, 16-17th September 2022 Newcastle, United Kingdom., 2022.
  11. Novo, João Pedro; Caetano, Carolina; L. Gee; Moreira, Irina S; Diana Jurk; Rosa, Susana; Ferreira, Lino. "The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated in part by a senescence brain endothelial cell program". Trabalho apresentado em 1st MIA Portugal Spring School on Aging, 2022.
  12. João Pedro da Costa Novo; Ana Carolina Silva Caetano; Lucy Gee; Moreira, Irina S; Diana Jurk; Rosa, Susana; Lino da Silva Ferreira. "The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated in part by a senescence brain endothelial cell program. J.P. Novo, A.C. Caetano, L. Gee, I. Moreira, D. Jurk, S. Rosa*, L. Silva Ferreira*. *Authors with equal contribution.". Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies (SPCE TC). 10-11th March 2022. Braga, Portugal., 2022.
  13. João P. Novo; Carolina Caetano; Rosa, Susana; Ferreira, Lino. "An in vitro human senescent blood-brain barrier model". Trabalho apresentado em BEB Day 2022 - The overview effect, 2022.
  14. Eleonora Rizzi; Susana Margarida Neto Simões; Rosa, Susana; Tomatis, Francesca; MP. Dehouck; Ferreira, Lino; C. Mysiorek. "Tackling stroke in vitro: characterization of a triculture human Blood-Brain Barrier model and its suitability for nanogels studies. E. Rizzi, F. Traldi, S. Simoes, S. Rosa, F. Tomatis, MP. Dehouck, F. Gosselet, L. Ferreira, M. Resmini, C. Mysiorek". Trabalho apresentado em Signal transduction at the Blood-Brain Barrier symposium, 2021.
  15. Ana Carolina Silva Caetano; Rosa, Susana; Catarina Praça; Diana Jurk; Lino da Silva Ferreira. "The BBB during ageing: Development of a potential in vitro BBB model". Trabalho apresentado em CIBB Meeting, 2019.
  16. Ana Carolina Silva Caetano; Susana Carvalho Rosa; Catarina Praça; Diana Jurk; Ferreira, Lino. "The BBB during ageing: Development of a potential in vitro BBB model.". Trabalho apresentado em iMed Conference, 2019.
  17. Caetano, Carolina; Rosa, Susana; Catarina Praça; Jurk, Diana; Ferreira, Lino. "The blood-brain barrier during ageing: development of a potential in vitro aged BBB model". Trabalho apresentado em Ageing: models, mechanisms and therapies, Coimbra, Portugal, 2019.
  18. Ana Carolina Silva Caetano; Rosa, Susana; Catarina Praça; Diana Jurk; Ferreira, Lino. "The BBB during ageing: Development of a potential in vitro BBB model.". Trabalho apresentado em Ageing: Models, mechanisms and therapies, 2019.
  19. Abecasis, Bernardo; Canhão, Pedro; Almeida, Henrique; Rosa, Susana; Alves, Patrícia; Ferreira, Lino; Serra, Margarida; Alves, Paula. "Engineering 3D hiPSC-based Cardiac Tissues for Preclinical Research". Trabalho apresentado em Advances in Cell Based Screening in Drug Discovery, 2019.
  20. Abecasis, Bernardo; Canhão, Pedro; Almeida, Henrique; Rosa, Susana; Gouveia, Pedro; Alves, Patrícia; Ferreira, Lino; Serra, Margarida; Alves, Paula. "3D hiPSC-based Cardiac Tissues For Preclinical Research". Trabalho apresentado em 26th ESACT Meeting, 2019.
  21. Abecasis, Bernardo; Canhão, Pedro; Almeida, Henrique; Rosa, Susana; Gouveia, Pedro; Alves, Patrícia; Ferreira, Lino; Serra, Margarida; Alves, Paula. "Towards a microencapsulated 3D hiPSC-derived in vitro cardiac microtissue for recapitulation of human heart microenvironment features". Trabalho apresentado em ESTIV 2018, 2018.
  22. Abecasis, Bernardo; Canhão, Pedro; Almeida, Henrique; Alves, Patricia; Rosa, Susana; Gouveia, Pedro; Ferreira, Lino; Serra, Margarida; Alves, Paula. "Development of a complex engineered cardiac tissue using human induced pluripotent stem cell derivatives". Trabalho apresentado em Cardiovascular Research Workshop @ Bayer, 2018.
  23. Rosa, Susana; Pedro Jose Gouveia; Leonardo Ricotti; Ferreira, Lino S.. "Combining induced pluripotent stem cells and nanofilms to generate human arterial and venous endothelial patches.". Trabalho apresentado em TERMIS-EU Meeting 2017. Davos, Switzerland., 2017.
  24. Rosa, Susana; Gouveia, P.J; Ricotti, L.; Ferreira, L.S.. "Combining induced pluripotent stem cells and nanofilms to generate human arterial and venous endothelial patches.". Trabalho apresentado em 10th World Congress on Biomaterials. Montreal, Canada., 2016.
  25. Praça, Catarina; Rosa, Susana; Cecchelli, Romeo; Dehouck, Marie-Pierre; Ferreira, L.S. "Derivation of a human in vitro BBB model from hiPSCs.". Trabalho apresentado em 10th World Congress on Biomaterials. Montreal, Canada., 2016.
  26. Rosa, Susana; Gouveia, P.J.; Ricotti, L.; Ferreira, L.S.. "Combining induced pluripotent stem cells and nanofilms to generate human arterial and venous endothelial patches.". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem cells and Cell Therapies. Oeiras, Portugal., 2015.
  27. Praça, Catarina; Rosa, Susana; Cecchelli, Romeo; Dehouck, Marie-Pierre; Ferreira, L.S.. "Derivation of a human in vitro BBB model from hiPSCs.". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cell Therapies. Oeiras, Portugal, 2015.
  28. Abecasis, B.; Gouveia, P.J; Rosa, Susana; Correia, C.; Koshkin, A.; Gomes-Alves, Patrícia; serra, maria; Ferreira, L.S; Alves, Paula M.. "Cardiac tissue using human Induced pluripotent stem cell derivatives: Phenotypic characterization of co-cultures of endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem cells and Cell therapies. Oeiras, Portugal., 2015.
  29. Gouveia, P.J.; Rosa, Susana; Ricotti, L.; Pires das Neves, R; Menciassi, A.. "Flexible nanofilms coated with aligned piezoelectric microfibers preserve the long -term contractility of cardiomyocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem cells and Cell therapies. Oeiras, Portugal., 2015.
  30. Vazao, H; Barata, T.; Rosa, Susana; Pontes-Quero, S.; Honório, I.; Papatsenko, D.; Benedito, R.; et al. "High-throughput identification of small molecules that affect human embryonic vascular development.". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem cells and Cell therapies. Oeiras, Portugal., 2015.
  31. Rosa, Susana. "Engineering Cardiac tissue using human induced pluripotent stem cell derivatives: Proteomic characterization of co-cultures od cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells.". Trabalho apresentado em Scale-UP and Manufacturing of Cell-based Therapies IV. San Diego, California, USA., 2015.
  32. Gouveia, P.J; Rosa, Susana; Ricotti, L.; Pires das Neves, R.; Menciassi, A.; Gouveia, P.J.; Leonardo, R.. "Cardiokit: a system for cardiac tissue engineering and toxicity assessment.". Trabalho apresentado em TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society) Conference. Washington D.C. (USA)., 2014.
  33. Neves, B.; Rosa, Susana; Martins, J.; Gonçalo, M; Lopes, M.C; Cruz, M.T.. "An in-vitro cell test for skin sensitizers prediction based on the analysis and integration of gene expression and signaling pathways activation.". Trabalho apresentado em 41st Annual European Society for Dermatological Research Meeting (ESDR). Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
  34. Rosa, Susana. "Modulation of Sphingosine-1-Receptors expression by LPS and contact allergen PPD.". Trabalho apresentado em 41st Annual European Society for Dermatological Research Meeting (ESDR). Barcelona, Spain., 2011.
  35. Ferreira Mendes, A.; Rosa, Susana; Rufino, A.T.; Judas, F.M; Salgueiro, L.; Lopes, M.C.; Cavaleiro, Carlos. "DUAL INHIBITION OF IL-1-INDUCED NF-KB ACTIVATION AND INOS ACTIVITY IN HUMAN CHONDROCYTES BY ALPHA-PINENE.". Trabalho apresentado em 10th World Congress on inflammation. Paris, France, 2011.
  36. Lopes, M.C.; Rosa, Susana; Judas, F.M.; Ferreira Mendes, A.. "Inducible nitric oxide downregulates NF-kappaB activity in human chondrocytes: implications in osteoarthritis.". Trabalho apresentado em 14th International Congress of Immunology. Kobe, Japan, 2010.
  37. Rosa, Susana. "Alpha-pinene inhibits interleukin-1-induced nitric oxide production by NF-kappaB-dependent and independent mechanisms in human chondrocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 16th World Congress on Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010.
  38. Rosa, Susana. "Inhibition of IL-1 ß induced NF-kappaB activation by a-pinene obtained from a natural source.". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd European Congress of Immunology. Berlin, Germain., 2009.
  39. Rosa, Susana; Rufino, A.T.; Judas, F.M; Lopes, M.C.; Ferreira Mendes, A.. "Role of high extracellular glucose concentrations in modulating anabolic and catabolic gene expression in normal and osteoarthritic human chondrocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 15th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Brussels, Belgium., 2009.
  40. Rufino, A.T.; Rosa, Susana; Judas, F.M.; Mobasheri, A.; Lopes, M.C.; Ferreira Mendes, A.. "Role of K(ATP) channels in modulating GLUT-1 content in normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 15th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Brussels, Belgium., 2009.
  41. Lopes, M.C.; Rosa, Susana; Gonçalves, J.; Judas, F.M; Ferreira Mendes, A.. "Cryoprotection of human articular chondrocytes by the glycosylated hidroquinone, arbutin.". Trabalho apresentado em XVII Congress of Latin- America Pharmacology Association. Chile., 2008.
  42. Rosa, Susana; Gonçalves, J.; Judas, F.M.; Mobasheri, A.; Lopes, M.C.; Ferreira Mendes, A.. "Dysregulation of glucose transport and GLUT-1 protein in osteoarthitic chondrocytes in response to high extracellular glucose.". Trabalho apresentado em 13th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Rome, Italy., 2008.
  43. Rosa, Susana; Gonçalves, J.; Judas, F.M; Mobasheri, A.; Lopes, M.C.; Ferreira Mendes, A.. "Evaluation of the cryoprotective efficacy of combinations of dimethylsulfoxide, glycerol and arbutin in human tibial plateaus.". Trabalho apresentado em 13th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Rome, Italy., 2008.
  44. Gonçalves, J.; Rosa, Susana; Neves, A.; Judas, F.M.; Salgueiro, L.; Cavaleiro, C.; Lopes, MC.; Mendes, A.F.. "Dual inhibition of IL-1 induced NF-kappaB activation and iNOS enzyme activity, in human chondrocytes, by natural and commercial alpha-Pinene.". Trabalho apresentado em 13th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Rome, Italy., 2008.
  45. Rosa, Susana; Judas, F.M.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira. "Glucose uptake and Glucose transporter-1 expression in human chondrocytes are differentially regulated by high and low glucose concentrations.". Trabalho apresentado em 12th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Fort Lauderdale (EUA)., 2007.
  46. Rosa, Susana; Neves, Â.; Judas, F.M.; Salgueiro, L.; Cavaleiro, Carlos; Lopes, MC.; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira. "Alfa-Pinene prevents Interleukin-1beta induced NF-kappaB activation and nitric oxide production in human chondrocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 12th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Fort Lauderdale (EUA)., 2007.
  47. Rosa, Susana; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira ; Judas, F.M.; Lopes, M.C.. "Arbutin improves chondrocyte viability in human osteochondral allografts.". Trabalho apresentado em 1st International Consensus Meeting – Horizons in Cell and Tissue Banking. Lisbon, Portugal., 2007.
  48. Rosa, Susana; Mobasheri, A.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira. "Glucose transport in immortalized human chondrocytes (C-28/I2) in normoxia and hypoxia.". Trabalho apresentado em 11th World Congress on Osteoarthritis.Prague, Check Republic., 2006.
  49. Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira ; Rosa, Susana; Judas, F.M.; Lopes, M.C.. "Chondrocyte viability in human tibial plateaus cryopreserved with the natural glycosylated hydroquinone, Arbutin.". Trabalho apresentado em 11th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Prague, Check Republic., 2006.
  50. Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira ; Rosa, Susana; Judas, F.M.; Lopes, M.C.. "Viability of chondrocytes in human tibial plates criopreserved with Arbutin, a natural origin glycosylated hydroquinone.". Trabalho apresentado em V Congresso de Investigação em Medicina. Coimbra, Portugal., 2006.
  51. Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira ; Rosa, Susana; Judas, F.M.; Lopes, M.C.. "Differential iNOS and nNOS expression and NF-kappaB activity in normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 2º Workshop in Clinical Biochemistry – Molecular Mechanisms of Signalling and DIsease. Porto, Portugal., 2006.
  52. Rosa, Susana; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira ; Judas, F.M.; Proença, A.; Lopes, M.C.. "The type I Nitric Oxide Synthase is expressed in normal but not in osteoarthritic human chondrocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 10th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Boston, EUA., 2005.
  53. Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira ; Rosa, Susana; Judas, F.M.; Proença, Carlos Carranho; Lopes, M.C.. "Role of Nitric Oxide on IL-1-induced NF-kappaB activation in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes.". Trabalho apresentado em 10th World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Boston, EUA., 2005.
  54. Judas, F.M.; Mendes, Alexandrina Ferreira ; Rosa, Susana; Maria Celeste Lopes. "Study of chondrocytes viability in fresh and criopreserved osteochondral grafts: Role of crioprotector agents. (Best poster Awardee).". Trabalho apresentado em XXV National Congress of Ortophedics and Traumatology. Vilamoura-Algarve, 2005.
  55. Santiago, AR.; Rosa, Susana; Paulo F. Santos; Armando J. Cistóvão; Alistair J. Barber; António F. Ambrósio. "High glucose alters Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors and calcium homeostasis in retinal neural cells.". Trabalho apresentado em 15th Meeting of the EASD Eye Complications Study Group. Coimbra, Portugal., 2005.
  56. Ambrósio, A.F.; Santiago, A.R.; Rosa, Susana; Cristóvão, A.J.; Santos, P.F.. "High glucose causes caspase-3-independent apoptosis in retinal neural cells. .". Trabalho apresentado em ARVO Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, USA., 2005.
  57. Santiago, A.R.; Neto, A.M.; Rosa, Susana; Garrido, M.J.; Santos, P.F.; Cristóvão, A.J.; Ambrósio, A.F.. "Effect of hyperglycemia and diabetes on the expression of AMPA and kainate receptor subunits in rat retina.". Trabalho apresentado em ARVO Annual Meeting 2004. Fort Lauderdale, USA., 2004.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Ricardo Pires das Neves; Quartin, Emanuel; González Antón, Sara; Rosa, Susana; Francisco, Vitor; Mosteo, Laura; Duarte, Delfim; Lo Celso, Cristina; Ferreira, Lino. "Cells as therapeutical vehicles for the delivery of light sensitive retinoic acid nanoparticles for leukemic niche modulation". Trabalho apresentado em EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, 2021.
  2. Rosa, Susana; Gonçalves, Juliana; Rufino, Ana; Salgueiro, L.; Cavaleiro, C.; Mendes, Alexandrina; Lopes, M.C.. "Inhibition of IL-1-induced NF-kB activation by a Pinene obtained from a natural source". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd European Congress of Immunology, Berlin, Germany, 2009.
    Publicado • 10.1002/eji.200990184
  3. Gonçalves, Juliana; Rosa, Susana; Neves, Ângela; Judas, Fernando; Salgueiro, L.; Cavaleiro, C.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, Alexandrina. "Dual inhibition of IL-1-induced NF-kB activation and INOS enzyme activity, in human chondrocytes, by natural and commercial a Pinene". Trabalho apresentado em 2008 World Congress on Osteoarthritisheld, Rome, Italy, 2008.
    Publicado • 10.1016/S1063-4584(08)60585-3
  4. Neves, Ângela; Rosa, Susana; Judas, Fernando; Cavaleiro, C.; Salgueiro, L.; Lopes, M.C.; Mendes, Alexandrina. "alpha-Pinene prevents IL1 induced NF-kb activation and NO production in human chondrocytes". Trabalho apresentado em 2007 World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2007.
    Publicado • 10.1016/S1063-4584(07)62048-2
Tese / Dissertação
  1. Rosa, Susana. "Regulation of human articular chondrocyte functions by catabolic and anabolic stimulus: Implications in the development and progression of Osteoarthritis". Doutoramento, 2011.

Propriedade Intelectual

  1. Cruz, Maria Teresa; Neves, Bruno; Rosa, Susana; Amílcar Falcão; João D. Martins; Isabel Cristina Ferreira; Joana Filipa Sousa; Ana Cristina Rosa da Silva. 2016. "Method for Determining Low Molecular Weight Respiratory Allergens (Provisional Patent Application no201510000228)". Portugal.
  2. Neves, BM; Rosa, Susana; Cruz, Maria Teresa. 2012. "Development of a dendritic cell-derived in vitro test to detect skin sensitizers". Portugal.


Empresa spin-off
  1. 2011. Toxfinder. http://toxfinder.pt.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2023/12/06 The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated by a senescence brain endothelial cell program. Presenter:Susana Rosa 3rd RESETageing Conference
University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2023/11/23 Targeting cell senescence in the blood-brain barrier with senotherapeutic nanoparticles Pharma Day- Encontro anual de Estudantes de Doutoramento em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Faculdade de Farmácia (coimbra, Portugal)
2023/11 Targeting cell senescence in the blood-brain barrier with senotherapeutic nanoparticles European Tissue Repair Society and the Portuguese Society of Stem Cells and Cell Therapies Meeting
European Tissue Repair Society and Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Therapies (Coimbra, Portugal)
2023/09/04 Piezoelectric patches preserve electrical integrity of cardiac tissue 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials.
European Society for Biomaterials (Davos, Suiça)
2023/09/04 Engineering extracellular vesicles to cross the blood-brain barrier 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, ESB 2023
European Society for Biomaterials (Davos)
2023/09 Targeting senescence in the blood-brain barrier with senotherapeutic nanoparticles European Society of Biomaterials 2023
European Society of Biomaterials (davos, Suiça)
2022/12/06 The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated in part by a senescence brain endothelial cell program. Presenter:Susana Rosa Ageing without borders, 6-7th December 2022 Faro, Porugal.
(Faro, Portugal)
2022/09/16 The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated in part by a senescence brain endothelial cell program. Presenter: Susana Rosa 2nd RESETageing Conference, 16-17th September 2022 Newcastle, United Kingdom
(Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2022/09/16 Engineering extracellular vesicles with microRNAs to cross the blood-brain barrier 2nd RESETageing conference. Biology of ageing: senescence and cell stress, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, September 16th-17th, 2022, oral.
Newcastle University (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2022/06/03 Senescent brain endothelial cell program partially mediates the transition from young to aged Blood-Brain Barrier. I International Meeting on the Brain Vasculature-Online Event
Universidade Nova, Lisboa
2022/04/06 The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated in part by a senescence brain endothelial cell program 1st MIA Portugal Spring School on Aging
The Alliance for Healthy Aging (Coimbra, Portugal)
2021/12/10 Structure and function of the Blood Brain-Barrier (BBB). What in vitro BBB models can tell us about BBB function. Presenter: Susana Rosa Workshop in Translational Neurology - Blood-Brain Barrier in the Clinical Setting
Nanostem H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 G.A. 764958 (Online event-ZOOM, Portugal)
2021/09/06 Engineering extracellular vesicles to cross the blood-brain barrier 31st Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, ESB 2021
European Society for Biomaterials (Porto, Portugal)
2017/10/13 Tissue-engineered vascular patches from iPSC-derived endothelial cell subtypes. Presenter: Susana Rosa 10th International Meeting of the SPSC-TC
Stem Cells Portuguese Society (Covilhã, Portugal)
2017/02/04 Tissue-engineered vascular patches prepared from nanofilms and endothelial cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. Presenter: Susana Rosa Heart Without Borders
Heart Without Borders (Coimbra, Portugal)
2015/07/04 Towards an in vitro cardiac tissue: developments in the extracellular matrix and iPSC-derived cells. Presenter: Susana Rosa Santa Marta 8º Lisbon Summer Meeting
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/12 Combining induced pluripotent stem cells and nanofilms to generate human arterial and venous endothelial patches. Presenter: Susana Rosa VVIII Congress of the Portuguese Biochemical Society.
Portuguese Biochemical society (Coimbra, Portugal)
2011/12 Stem cells and biomaterials for the treatment of ischemic diseases. Presenter: Susana Rosa Microbiotec´11-Portuguese Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology
2011/11 Stem Cells and biomaterials for the treatment of ischemic diseases”. Presenter: Susana Rosa XIV Jornadas de Engenharia Biológica
2011/10 "Cicatrization of diabetic wounds using umbilical coord blood derived stem cells". Presenter: Susana Rosa Congresso iMed3.0.
(Paris, França)
2009/12 Expression and function of the insulin receptor in normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes: Modulation of glucose transport and and GLUT-1 content by insulin. Presenter: Susana Rosa XL Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia (Porto, Portugal)
2008/05/31 Inflammation and arthritic diseases: role of NF-kappaB and NO. Presenter: Susana Rosa II Colóquio do Departamento das Ciências Aplicadas na Saúde subordinado ao tema “Novas Terapias para velhas doenças”


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2021/09 - Atual Unravelling and treating blood-brain barrier dysfunction upon ageing
Coorientador de João Novo
PDBEB (Doutoramento)
Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia (CIBB), Portugal
2025/01/06 - 2025/02/06 Characterization of lysosomal exocytosis. Laboratory Rotation. Master Student.
Masters Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology (Mestrado)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2024/01/01 - 2024/06/30 Research Fellowship under the grant: A therapeutic strategy to fight BBB aging (BI: PTDC/BTM- SAL/5174/2020).
2021 - 2023 Postdoctoral researcher (Junior level) hired under the grant: A therapeutic strategy to fight BBB aging (BI: PTDC/BTM- SAL/5174/2020) for 18 months.
2022/11 - 2022/12 Characterization of brain organoid sections by immunohistochemistry and image analysis_Laboratory Rotation
PhD Progranmme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine at Center for Innovation in Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB). (Doutoramento)
Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia (CIBB), Portugal
2021/10/01 - 2022/09 Imaging aged brain cell-senescence
Centro de Inovação em Biomedicina e Biotecnologia (CIBB), Portugal

Werner Siemens Imaging Center, Alemanha
2021/10/20 - 2021/11/30 Laboratory Rotation. The student was involved in cell culture techniques, Blood-brain barrier (BBB) in vitro model, studies of permeability of the BBB and permeation of the nanoparticles and characterization of BBB monolayer.
2018/09/15 - 2019/07/31 Investigation of the aging at Blood Brain Barrier for the development of an in vitro model
Dissertação em Neurobiologia (Mestrado)
Universidade de Coimbra Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Portugal

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2021/06 - 2021/06 Member of the organizing committe of the 1st RESETageing Conference, Online, June 11th 2021. The conference had the attendance of more than 200 individuals from academia and research institutions. The conference was divided in several sessions including: Cell Senescnece; Omics of Ageing; Cardiovascular Ageing (2021 - 2021)
2019/06/28 - 2019/06/29 Member of the organizing committee of the Conference: Ageing: Models, mechanisms and Therapies. (2019/06/28 - 2019/06/29)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2018/06 - 2018/06 Member of the organizing committee of the Workshop on “Ageing: models and therapies”, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Polo III, June 27th, 2018. The meeting had the contribution of Alessandro Ori (Leibniz Institute of Ageing, Germany), Thomas von Zglinicki (University of Newcastle, UK), Bruno Jesus (IMM and University of Aveiro), Manuel Santos (University of Aveiro), Claudia Cavadas (University of Coimbra), Rodrigo Cunha (University of Coimbra) and João Malva (University of Coimbra). Approximately 75 individuals from academia. (2018 - 2018)

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2024/05 - 2024/05 Short-talk on the subject of "Professions" for a pre-school (4-6 years old) audience at Centro Escolar de Cantanhede about the work of a scientist.
2024/04/10 - 2024/04/10 Short talk on Biocant Open Day (2024) to showcase to high-school and bachelor students my research area of interest. I presented to the audience the European Union founded project DREAMs dedicated to find therapeutic solutions for rare neuromuscular diseases.
Biocant Open Day
2024/03 - 2024/03 Participated in the workshop iPSC Reprogramming Workshop: From PBMC Reprogramming to Myotube Differentiation. 11-13th March 2024. I-Stem CECS, Paris, France.
Oficina (workshop)
iPSC Reprogramming Workshop: From PBMC Reprogramming to Myotube Differentiation
2023/09/23 - 2023/09/23 Participated in the European Researchers' Night under the theme SCIEVER - SCIENCE FOR EVERYONE - Sustainability and Inclusion. I elaborated games/activities to bring awareness for brain aging. The activity took place in Coimbra on September 29, 2023.
2021/09/27 - 2021/09/27 Participated in the European Researchers Night under the theme SCICLI – Science for climate, to bring scientists closer to civil society. I elaborated games/activities for the general audience to bring awareness for brain aging.
2019/11/29 - 2019/11/29 Ciencia Viva-Conferências na escola; Engagement of High School students with Science. Escola Secundária de Tábua
Células estaminais. O que são? Para que servem? Onde as podemos encontrar?
2019/01/21 - 2019/01/21 School Conferences at Colégio Nossa Senhora da Assunção, Anadia, to engage High School students with science organized by Instituto para a Educação e Cidadania.
Células Estaminais. O que sabemos e para o que servem?
2016/11/28 - 2016/12/02 Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy Course organized by CNC, Coimbra.
Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy Course
2014/12/16 - 2014/12/20 Course in Laboratory Animal Sciences- Category B, organized by CNC, Coimbra.
Laboratory Animal Sciences- Category B
2009/09/02 - 2009/09/04 Multifluorescence Microscopy Course organized by CNC, Coimbra. Multifluorescence Microscopy Course
2009 - 2009 Participated in a Cientistas ao Palco an event organized by European´s Research Night to engage general public with science.
Cientistas ao palco
2007/02 - 2007/02 Advanced Course in “Immunology: new perspectives and insights” in the context of the 4th BEB PhD Program. CNC, Coimbra.
• Advanced Course in “Immunology: new perspectives and insights”
2007/01 - 2007/01 Advanced Course in Biostatistics on the context of the 5th BEB PhD Program. CNC, Coimbra.
Advanced Course in Biostatistics
2005/09 - 2005/09 Workshop: “Articular cartilage: From physiopathology to tissue engineering”; September 2005, La-Londe-Les Maures, France.
Oficina (workshop)
INSERM, França
2005/01 - 2005/01 Participation in Symposium in the context of GABBA PhD program. mRNA Processing and Mechanisms of Gene Expression, Porto, Portugal.
mRNA Processing and Mechanisms of Gene Expression
2004 - 2004 Participated as a Monitor of workshops in the context of VIII National Meeting of Biology Students.
Oficina (workshop)
Cellular Toxicity Assays

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
Arguente principal
Júlia Marisa Tavares e Silva (Mestrado)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2019/11/17 Unveiling the CCBE1 role on human iPSC-derived cardiac fibroblasts differentiation and functionality
Arguente principal
Cláudia Filipa Ribeiro Diniz (Mestrado)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2018/11/05 Towards a bioinspired 3D triculture hiPSC-derived cardiac tissue model for human heart microenvironment recapitulation and drug testing
Arguente principal
Pedro Gustavo Marchã Canhão Costa Rações (Mestrado)
2017/11 Cellular and non-cellular therapies to treat Myocardial Infarction
Ivana Kostic (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2024/10 - 2024/10 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Wiley Online Library
2022 - 2022 NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease
2022 - 2022 Frontiers in Pharmacology
2021/12 - 2021/12 Cell death and disease Nature Publishing Group
2016/09 - 2016/10 PLoS ONE (1932-6203) Public Library of Science
2014/09 - 2014/10 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (1097-4644) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2012/10 - 2012/11 Arthritis Research & Therapy (1478-6354) Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2025/02/10 - 2025/02/14 Regenerative Medicine-Pratical classes. Masters Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology Masters Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology (Mestrado) Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2024/10 - 2024/11 Regenerative Medicine (12 h per year) included in the syllabus of the Master program of Biomedical Engineering (University of Coimbra) (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2023/09 - 2023/12 Regenerative Medicine (12 h per year) included in the syllabus of the Master program of Biomedical Engineering (University of Coimbra) Regenerative Medicine (12 h per year) included in the syllabus of the Master program of Biomedical Engineering (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2023/03/15 - 2023/03/15 In vitro models of the human blood brain-barrier (BBB) (1h lecture). Part of the Post-graduation Course: Finding solutions in a dish: advanced human in vitro modeling approaches for fundamental and translational research. (Pós-Graduação) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2022/10 - 2022/11 Pratical classes on Introduction to cell culture (4 hours), Cell characterization by Immunocytochemistry (4 hours) and qPCR (4 hours)on the module of Regenerative Medicine to Biomedical Engineering students (Master). (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2022/04 - 2022/04 In vitro vascular models derived from human pluripotent stem cells (1 hour lecture). Module of Advanced Therapies Course of PhD program in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (BEB). (Doutoramento) Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2021/10 - 2021/11 Pratical classes on Introduction to cell culture (4 hours), Cell characterization by Immunocytochemistry (4 hours) and qPCR (4hours) on the module of Regenerative Medicine to Biomedical Engineering Master students. Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2020/12/10 - 2020/12/11 Lecturer on Structure and function of the Blood Brain-Barrier (BBB) (1h). Workshop in Translational Neurology Blood-Brain Barrier in the Clinical setting organized by NanoStem
2020/10 - 2020/11 Pratical classes on Introduction to cell culture (5 hours), Cell characterization by Immunocytochemistry (5 hours) and qPCR (5 hours)on the Course unit of Regenerative Medicine . Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
2020/07/13 - 2020/07/13 Lecturer on Quantitative Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction- qRT-PCR (1 hour). 2nd NanoStem Summer School.
2019/09/01 - 2019/12/31 Lecturer on Processing and Characterization of Pluripotent Stem Cells ( 2 hours) on the Course unit of Regenerative Medicine. Lecturer on Pratical classes on Introduction to cell culture (5 hours), Cell characterization by Immunocytochemistry (5 hours) and qPCR (5 hours)on the Course unit of Regenerative Medicine . Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
2019/12/17 - 2019/12/17 Lectured on the module of In vitro models for regenerative medicine and drug screening (1.30h). In the course of Regenerative Medicine (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho Escola de Medicina, Portugal
2018/09 - 2018/12 Lecturer on Processing and Characterization of Pluripotent Stem Cells ( 2 hours) on the Course unit of Regenerative Medicine. Lecturer on Pratical classes on Introduction to cell culture (5 hours), Cell characterization by Immunocytochemistry (5 hours) and qPCR (5 hours)on the Course unit of Regenerative Medicine . Biomedical engineering (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
2013 - 2013 Lectured in the module “Biology of the Stem Cell”, classes on the Modulation of Stem Cells by Biomaterials (4 hours). (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Lectured in the module “Biology of the Stem Cell”, classes on the Modulation of Stem Cells by Biomaterials (4 hours). Master Course in Biomedical Sciences (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2009 - 2010 Lecturer on Practical lessons about “Bases and Aplications of quantitative Real-Time PCR” (2 hours) and “Determination of Nitric Oxide production for screening of molecules with an anti-inflammatory activity” (8 hours). Farmácia Biomédica (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2017/08/04 - 2017/08/04 Interview for Telejornal RTP1 Divulgation of the work: High-throughput identification of small molecules that affect human embryonic vascular development

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2023/10 - 2023/10 Participated in poster evaluation committee of the ETRS & SPCE-TC Joint Meeting in October 2023.
2013 - 2013 Juri member (main arguer) of the evaluation of the Phd Project of the student candidate Joana Balça Pinheiro da Costa e Silva in Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine. Modulation of intracellular signaling pathways involved in Temozolomide resistance: miRNA targeting in Glioma Stem Cells. Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Juri member (main arguer) of the defense of the PhD Project of Maria Madalena Azevedo Alves Ribeiro, Ph.D. Program of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra. Modulation of chondrogenic differentiation and phenotypic stability of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells: role of estrogen hormones. Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal


Tópico Nome do aluno
2024/06 - Atual Development of an in vitro Pompe disease model using Pompe-derived iPSCs and characterize the disease at the lysosome level. Joana Guerra Faria Cunha
2022/03 - Atual Nanoformulations to tackle Blood-brain barrier senescence Inés Tomé
2019/07 - Atual Engineering extracellular vesicles to cross the blood-brain barrier Francesca Tomatis
2024/01/01 - 2024/06/30 Generation of iPSCs isogenic cell lines as models of rare neuromuscular diseases. Mafalda Neves
2016/10 - 2018/02 Stem cell based cardiac tissue constructs for screening Luis Monteiro
2012 - 2017 Maturation of brain-like endothelial cells derived from stem cells to study BBB development Catarina Praça
2015/06/01 - 2015/07/31 Bioengineering Platforms to Study Cell Adhesion Claudia Fernandes
2011 - 2015 Cardiac tissue constructs for drug screening Pedro Gouveia


2013 Award for innovation and entrepreneurship” (1st prize) to University of Coimbra spin-off Toxfinder
Biocant Associação de Transferência de Tecnologia, Portugal
2013 Travel grant in the context of an EuminaFab project: High-Throughput Array to GUIDE the Specification of Cells-
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development Joint Technology Initiatives, Bélgica
2012 1st Prize Regional Business Ideas Competition RIERC 2012: “Sensitizer predictor: an in vitro cell-based test for skin sensitization prediction”.
2011 Bolsa de Ignição do programa estratégico INOV C
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2011 2nd Prize Idea to ® Product Competition attributed by Cotec: Sensitizer Predictor: an in vitro cell-based test for skin sensitization prediction.
2005 Best Poster Award for: “Chondrocytes viability in fresh and cryopreserved osteochondral allografts: effect of cryoprotector agents”. Judas F., Mendes A.F., Rosa S.C., Lopes M.C., Proença A. XXV National Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

Outra distinção

2022 Travel grant to present as an oral communication the work: The transition from a young to aged BBB is mediated in part by a senescence brain endothelial cell program. Awarded by 2nd RESETageing conference. Biology of aging: Senescence and Stress.
2011 Post-doctoral Fellowship SFRH/BPD/79323/2011
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2010 Award “Igualdade” from Business Ideas Competition “Arrisca Coimbra 2010” with the project "In vitro Test for detection of cutaneous allergic potential of chemicals: an imposition of the new European legislation".
2007 “Jorge Mineiro” Award for the work: Cryopreservation of human articular cartilage: validation of a large dimensions osteochondral model and cryoprotector efficacy of glicerol, DMSO and Arbutin”. National Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology