Tiago H. Silva is Principal Researcher (tenured) at 3B’s Research Group, I3Bs – Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, from University of Minho (Portugal), member of ICVS/3B’s Associated Laboratory, being coordinator of research on Marine Inspired Biomaterials. He is member of the General Council of the University of Minho and of the Unit Council and the Scientific Council of I3Bs. He his graduated in Chemistry (2001) and PhD in Chemistry (2006), both by Faculty of Sciences – University of Porto (Portugal) working in surface modification by electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly of polyelectrolyte multilayers, with a visiting period at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland). He has about 18 years of experience in valorization of marine resources and by-products and his research focus on the cross-talk between blue and red biotechnologies, by aiming the development of marine inspired biomaterials for regenerative medicine strategies, mainly focusing on bone, cartilage, osteochondral, skin and cornea tissue engineering, as well as on diabetes and cancer advanced therapies. His team (currently 11 people) has established methodologies for the production of marine collagens, squid chitosan, fucoidans, calcium phosphates and biosilica from marine resources and derived by-products and their processing (freeze-drying, photocrosslinking and gelation, polymer complexation, 3D (bio)printing, among others) envisioning biomedical application. Marine biomimetics is also being explored, looking into specific features of marine sponges and other marine invertebrates as inspiration for the design of innovative biomedical applications and smart materials. A focus is given to functional properties, enrolled in collagen aggregation, and hierarchical morphologies. These research activities have been developed through the coordination or participation on several collaborative projects (FP7/H2020/HEurope, INTERREG POCTEP and Atlantic Area, COMPETE2020, NORTE2020, FCT, EEA Grants PT, PRR - NextGenerationEU), corresponding to the management of a total budget close to 19 M€ (about 5.6 M€ of funding for UMinho). As result of his research efforts, Tiago H. Silva is the author or co-author of over 100 published or accepted scientific papers, 16 book chapters, 7 patent applications, with more than 3500 citations and h-index 34 (WoS Clarivate Analytics), besides several (invited) oral and poster communications in international meetings. He has been also active on the organization of symposia and workshops on natural origin materials and marine biomaterials, participates in several high-level working groups on marine biotechnology and is, since January 2024, the President of the European Society for Marine Biotechnology (ESMB). Tiago H. Silva is married and a proud father of four.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Tiago José Quinteiros Lopes Henriques da Silva

Nomes de citação

  • Silva, Tiago H.

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id


  • 3B's Research Group, AvePark - Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Rua Ave 1, Edifício 1, 4805-694, Barco, Guimarães, Portugal (Profissional)


Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Biotecnologia Médica - Biomateriais
  • Ciências da Engenharia e Tecnologias - Biotecnologia Industrial - Bioprodutos Biomateriais
  • Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Biologia Marinha
  • Ciências Exatas - Química


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Português (Idioma materno)
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Espanhol; Castelhano Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Francês Utilizador elementar (A1)
Grau Classificação
Biostatistics in Health Sciences (Advanced Course) (Outros)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Medicina, Portugal
Biomateriales: del concepto a la clínica (MOOC) (Outros)
Universidade de Vigo Departamento de Física Aplicada, Espanha
Chemistry (Doutoramento)
University of Porto - Faculty of Sciences, Portugal
"Nanostructured polyelectrolyte multilayers. Ionic transport and applications" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Chemistry (Licenciatura)
University of Porto - Faculty of Sciences, Portugal
"Evaluation of the capacity of coffee residual for the removal of metallic pollutants from water" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2020/08/07 - Atual Investigador principal (carreira) (Investigação) 3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2020/02 - 2020/08/06 Investigador Auxiliar (carreira) (Investigação) 3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2018/05 - 2020/01 Investigador principal convidado (carreira) (Investigação) 3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2015/10 - 2018/04 Investigador Auxiliar Convidado (carreira) (Investigação) 3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
Laboratório Associado ICVS 3B's, Portugal
2013/08 - 2015/09 Investigador Auxiliar (carreira) (Investigação) 3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2006/05 - 2013/07 Pós-doutorado (Investigação) 3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2001/10 - 2006/05 PhD student, at CIQ-UP, Department of Chemistry Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2004/02 - 2004/07 Laboratory Teacher (Monitor) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2001/09 - 2002/02 Laboratory Teacher (Monitor) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2025/01/01 - Atual “MarUMinho - Programa de investigação multidisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia Marinha da Universidade do Minho”
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

3B's Research Group, Portugal
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Em curso
2024/01/01 - Atual BLUES: Bioprocesses for metabolite production from marine invertebrate cell lines
Investigador responsável
Em curso
2023/12/01 - Atual MARINNONET - Transnational R&D&I cooperation network to foster the competitiveness and sustainability of the Blue Biotech sector in the Atlantic Area territory
Investigador responsável
Em curso
2023/07/01 - Atual IBEROSmais: Network Biofabrication Institute for Healthy Ageing
Investigador responsável
Em curso
2022/04/01 - Atual Pacto da Bioeconomia Azul
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
Em curso
2015/10 - 2018/04 ComplexiTE - An integrated multidisciplinary tissue engineering approach combining novel high-throughput screening and advanced methodologies to create complex biomaterials-stem cells constructs
Grant agreement ID: 321266
European Research Council
SFRH / BPD / 34704 / 2007
Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2001/10 - 2006/05 Sensors using polyelectrolyte thin films
SFRH / BD / 4656 / 2001
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designação Financiadores
2020/10/01 - 2023/11/30 ATLANTIDA - Platform for the monitoring of the North Atlantic ocean and tools for the sustainable exploitation of the marine resources
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
Comissao de Coordenacao e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte
2021/10/01 - 2022/06/30 MIcSeaOnMed - Technical cooperation for the Valorization of Fish by-products up to the Health and Well-being sectors
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
EEA Grants
2018/07 - 2022/06 SharTech - Shark cartilage as a blue biotechnology model for the development of new biomaterials
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07 - 2022/06 SeaJellyBone - Multifunctional hydrogels inspired by mussels that combine bioactivity with superior adhesion for bone tissue regeneration
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07 - 2022/06 Nano-accelerated nerve regeneration and optogenetic empowering of neuromuscular functionality
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07 - 2022/06 BGcoat4Bone - Bioactive coatings containing new BioGlass nanoparticles for orthopedic applications
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/07/01 - 2022/04/05 BLUEBIOLAB - Transborder Laboratory on Marine Biotechnology
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
2018/01 - 2021/12 BLUEHUMAN - BLUE biotechnology as a road for innovation on HUMAN’s health aiming smart growth in Atlantic Area
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2017/09 - 2021/08 BiogenInk - Biogenic Inks combining marine collagen and ionic-doped calcium phosphates for bone tissue engineering
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2017/10 - 2021/07 ValorMar - Valorização integral dos recursos marinhos: potencial, inovação tecnológica e novas aplicações
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2017/07 - 2020/12 CVMar+I - Industrial innovation through specific collaborations between companies and research centers under the scope of marine biotechnological valorization
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2016/03 - 2020/12 SponGES - Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation
Grant agreement n. 679849
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2018/05 - 2020/07 FronThera - Frontiers of technology for theranostics of cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2016/04 - 2020/07 Accelerating tissue engineering and personalized medicine discoveries by the integration of key enabling nanotechnologies, marine-derived biomaterials and stem cells
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
Comissao de Coordenacao e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte
2018/09/01 - 2020/02/29 SeaGlue4GI - Multifunctional marine-inspired bioadhesives as medical devices for gastrointestinal anastomosis repair
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2017/06 - 2019/12 IBEROS - Network Bioengineering Institute for Healthy Ageing
Investigador responsável
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2013/07 - 2015/10 NOVOMAR - Consolidation of the Multipolar Center for Valorization of Marine Resources
Investigador responsável
2013/08 - 2015/09 POLARIS - Unlocking the research potential of 3Bs Group, University of Minho, in Nanomedicine field to stengthen its competitive position at the European level
Grant agreement ID: 316331
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
2014/03 - 2015/05 CarbPol_µ_Algae - Microalgae polysaccharides: structure-based potential biotechnological applications
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012/03 - 2014/06 MARMED: Development of innovating biomedical products from marine resources valorisation
2010/12 - 2013/11 SPECIAL: SPonge Enzymes and Cells for Innovative AppLications
Grant agreement ID: 266033
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
2009/04 - 2012/09 IBEROMARE: Multipolar Centre of Valorization of Marine Resources and Residues
2008/01 - 2010/12 SMARTCARBO - Stimuli-responsive polysaccharide-based materials for biomedical applications
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2006/06 - 2009/09 PROTEUS: Conversion of natural resources and marine residues into high added value products for industrial application
2004/01 - 2006/04 Chemosensors: molecular recognition at solid interfaces
2002/09 - 2006/02 SUSANA: Supramolecular self-assembly of interfacial nanostructures
Grant agreement ID: HPRN-CT-2002-00185


Artigo em conferência
  1. A. A. Barros; I. M. Aroso; T.H. Silva; J. F. Mano; A. R. C. Duarte; R. L. Reis. "Optimization of a new technology for extraction based on water pressurized with carbon dioxide". Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the 14th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Marseille, 2014.
  2. A. R. C. Duarte; V. E. Santo; A. Alves; S. S. Silva; J. Moreira-Silva; T. H. Silva; A. P. Marques; et al. "Unleashing the Potential of Supercritical Fluids for Polymer Processing in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine". Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, San Francisco, 2012.
  3. S. Fernandes-Silva; J. Moreira-Silva; T.H. Silva; R. I. Pérez-Martín; C. G. Sotelo; J. F. Mano; A. R. C. Duarte; R.L. Reis. "Cross-linking marine-origin collagen sponges/hydrogels under high pressure CO2". Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, San Francisco – CA, 2012.
Artigo em revista
  1. Almeida, Mariana; Silva, Tiago; Solstad, Runar Gjerp; Lillebø, Ana I.; Calado, Ricardo; Vieira, Helena. "How Significant Are Marine Invertebrate Collagens? Exploring Trends in Research and Innovation". Marine Drugs 23 1 (2024): 2. https://doi.org/10.3390/md23010002.
    Acesso aberto • 10.3390/md23010002
  2. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Gonçalves, Cristiana; Sousa, Rita O.; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, J. Miguel; Silva, Tiago H.. Autor correspondente: Silva, Tiago H.. "Extraction and Purification of Biopolymers from Marine Origin Sources Envisaging Their Use for Biotechnological Applications". Marine Biotechnology 26 6 (2024): 1079-1119. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10126-024-10361-5.
  3. Diogo, Gabriela S.; Permuy, María; Marques, Catarina F.; Sotelo, Cármen G.; Pérez-Martín, Ricardo I.; Serra, Julia; González, Pio; et al. Autor correspondente: Silva, Tiago H.. "In vivo assessment of marine vs bovine origin collagen-based composite scaffolds promoting bone regeneration in a New Zealand rabbit model". Biomaterials Advances 159 (2024): 213813. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioadv.2024.213813.
  4. Rocha, Miguel S.; Marques, Catarina F.; Carvalho, Ana C.; Martins, Eva; Ereskovsky, Alexander; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. Autor correspondente: Silva, Tiago H.. "The Characterization and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Chondrosia reniformis Collagen Isolated from Different Body Parts (Ectosome and Choanosome) Envisaging the Development of Biomaterials". Marine Drugs 22 2 (2024): 55. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md22020055.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md22020055
  5. Gomes, Joana M.; Marques, Catarina F.; Rodrigues, Luísa C.; Silva, Tiago H.; Silva, Simone S.; Reis, Rui L.. "3D bioactive ionic liquid-based architectures: An anti-inflammatory approach for early-stage osteoarthritis". Acta Biomaterialia 173 (2024): 298-313. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2023.11.014.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.actbio.2023.11.014
  6. Diogo, Gabriela S.; Pirraco, Rogério P.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. Autor correspondente: Silva, Tiago H.. "From Its Nature to Its Function: Marine-Collagen-Based-Biomaterials for Hard Tissue Applications". Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/ten.teb.2023.0077.
    No prelo • 10.1089/ten.teb.2023.0077
  7. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Dani, Sophie; Sotelo, Carmen G; Pérez-Martín, Ricardo I; Reis, Rui L; Silva, Tiago H; Gelinsky, Michael. "Assessing non-synthetic crosslinkers in biomaterial inks based on polymers of marine origin to increase the shape fidelity in 3D extrusion printing". Biomedical Materials 18 5 (2023): 055017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-605x/acecec.
    Publicado • 10.1088/1748-605x/acecec
  8. Amorim, Sara; Dudik, Olesia; Soares da Costa, Diana; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.; Pires, Ricardo A.. "Fucoidan-Coated Silica Nanoparticles Promote the Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells into the Osteogenic Lineage". ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 9 8 (2023): 4907-4915. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.3c00265.
    Publicado • 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.3c00265
  9. Reys, Lara L.; Silva, Simone S.; Soares da Costa, Diana; Rodrigues, Luísa C.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. Autor correspondente: Silva, Tiago H.. "Building Fucoidan/Agarose-Based Hydrogels as a Platform for the Development of Therapeutic Approaches against Diabetes". Molecules 28 11 (2023): 4523. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28114523.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/molecules28114523
  10. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Gelinsky, Michael; Williams, David S.; Mearns-Spragg, Andrew; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. Autor correspondente: Silva, Tiago H.. "Marine collagen-chitosan-fucoidan/chondroitin sulfate cryo-biomaterials loaded with primary human cells envisaging cartilage tissue engineering". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 241 (2023): 124510. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124510.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124510
  11. Wang, Lingzhi; Oliveira, Catarina; Li, Qiu; Ferreira, Andreia S.; Nunes, Cláudia; Coimbra, Manuel A.; Reis, Rui L.; et al. Autor correspondente: Silva, Tiago H.. "Fucoidan from Fucus vesiculosus Inhibits Inflammatory Response, Both In Vitro and In Vivo". Marine Drugs 21 5 (2023): 302. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md21050302.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md21050302
  12. Escobar, Ane; Carvalho, Mariana R.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, J. Miguel. "Longitudinally aligned inner-patterned silk fibroin conduits for peripheral nerve regeneration". In vitro models 2 5 (2023): 195-205. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s44164-023-00050-3.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1007/s44164-023-00050-3
  13. Rodrigues, Cristina V.; Sousa, Rita O.; Carvalho, Ana C.; Alves, Ana L.; Marques, Catarina F.; Cerqueira, Mariana T.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Potential of Atlantic Codfish (Gadus morhua) Skin Collagen for Skincare Biomaterials". Molecules 28 8 (2023): 3394. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28083394.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/molecules28083394
  14. Machado, Inês; Marques, Catarina F.; Martins, Eva; Alves, Ana L.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Marine Gelatin-Methacryloyl-Based Hydrogels as Cell Templates for Cartilage Tissue Engineering". Polymers 15 7 (2023): 1674. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/polym15071674.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/polym15071674
  15. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Lobo, Flávia C. M.; Rodrigues, Luísa C.; Fernandes, Emanuel M.; Williams, David S.; Mearns-Spragg, Andrew; Sotelo, Carmen G.; et al. "Advanced Polymeric Membranes as Biomaterials Based on Marine Sources Envisaging the Regeneration of Human Tissues". Gels 9 3 (2023): 247. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/gels9030247.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/gels9030247
  16. Almeida, Mariana; Fernandes, Emanuel M.; Marques, Catarina F.; Lobo, Flávia C. M.; Sousa, Rita O.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Structure and Composition of the Cuticle of the Goose Barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes: A Flexible Composite Biomaterial". Marine Drugs 21 2 (2023): 96. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md21020096.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md21020096
  17. Fernandes, Emanuel M.; Lobo, Flávia C. M.; Faria, Sara I.; Gomes, Luciana C.; Silva, Tiago H.; Mergulhão, Filipe J. M.; Reis, Rui L.. "Development of Cork Biocomposites Enriched with Chitosan Targeting Antibacterial and Antifouling Properties". Molecules 28 3 (2023): 990. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28030990.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/molecules28030990
  18. Martins, Eva; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "In Vivo Skin Hydrating Efficacy of Fish Collagen from Greenland Halibut as a High-Value Active Ingredient for Cosmetic Applications". Marine Drugs 21 2 (2023): 57. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md21020057.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md21020057
  19. Alves, Ana L.; Carvalho, Ana C.; Machado, Inês; Diogo, Gabriela S.; Fernandes, Emanuel M.; Castro, Vânia I. B.; Pires, Ricardo A.; et al. "Cell-Laden Marine Gelatin Methacryloyl Hydrogels Enriched with Ascorbic Acid for Corneal Stroma Regeneration". Bioengineering 10 1 (2023): 62. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/bioengineering10010062.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/bioengineering10010062
  20. Ferreira, Andreia S.; Pereira, Liliana; Canfora, Feliciana; Silva, Tiago H.; Coimbra, Manuel A.; Nunes, Cláudia. "Stabilization of Natural Pigments in Ethanolic Solutions for Food Applications: The Case Study of Chlorella vulgaris". Molecules 28 1 (2023): 408. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28010408.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/molecules28010408
  21. Correia, Cátia; Soares da Costa, Diana; Inácio, Ana Rita; Vale, A. Catarina; Peixoto, Daniela; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, Rui L.; Pashkuleva, Iva; Alves, Natália M.. "Adhesive and Antibacterial Films Based on Marine-Derived Fucoidan and Chitosan". ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 10 50 (2022): 16770-16779. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c05144.
  22. Martins, Eva; Diogo, Gabriela S.; Pires, Ricardo; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "3D Biocomposites Comprising Marine Collagen and Silica-Based Materials Inspired on the Composition of Marine Sponge Skeletons Envisaging Bone Tissue Regeneration". Marine Drugs 20 11 (2022): 718. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md20110718.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md20110718
  23. Escobar, Ane; Carvalho, Mariana R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor-Loaded CMCht/PAMAM Dendrimer Nanoparticles for Peripheral Nerve Repair". Pharmaceutics 14 11 (2022): 2408. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14112408.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/pharmaceutics14112408
  24. Martins, Eva; Fernandes, Rita; Alves, Ana L.; Sousa, Rita O.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Skin Byproducts of Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Greenland Halibut) as Ecosustainable Source of Marine Collagen". Applied Sciences 12 21 (2022): 11282. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app122111282.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/app122111282
  25. Fernandes, Andreia S.; Oliveira, Catarina; Reis, Rui L.; Martins, Albino; Silva, Tiago H.. "Marine-Inspired Drugs and Biomaterials in the Perspective of Pancreatic Cancer Therapies". Marine Drugs 20 11 (2022): 689. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md20110689.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md20110689
  26. Freitas-Ribeiro, Sara; Diogo, Gabriela S.; Oliveira, Catarina; Martins, Albino; Silva, Tiago H.; Jarnalo, Mariana; Horta, Ricardo; Reis, Rui L.; Pirraco, Rogério P.. "Growth Factor-Free Vascularization of Marine-Origin Collagen Sponges Using Cryopreserved Stromal Vascular Fractions from Human Adipose Tissue". Marine Drugs 20 10 (2022): 623. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md20100623.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md20100623
  27. Reys, Lara L.; Silva, Simone S.; Soares da Costa, Diana; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Fucoidan-based hydrogels particles as versatile carriers for diabetes treatment strategies". Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 33 15 (2022): 1939-1954. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09205063.2022.2088533.
    Publicado • 10.1080/09205063.2022.2088533
  28. Monteiro, Nelson O.; Oliveira, Catarina; Silva, Tiago H.; Martins, Albino; Fangueiro, Joana F.; Reis, Rui L.; Neves, Nuno M.. "Biomimetic Surface Topography from the Rubus fruticosus Leaf as a Guidance of Angiogenesis in Tissue Engineering Applications". ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 8 7 (2022): 2943-2953. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.2c00264.
    Publicado • 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.2c00264
  29. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Williams, David S.; Sotelo, Carmen G.; Pérez-Martín, Ricardo I.; Mearns-Spragg, Andrew; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Marine origin biomaterials using a compressive and absorption methodology as cell-laden hydrogel envisaging cartilage tissue engineering". Biomaterials Advances 137 (2022): 212843. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioadv.2022.212843.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.bioadv.2022.212843
  30. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Gonçalves, Cristiana; Oliveira, Joaquim Miguel; Williams, David S.; Mearns-Spragg, Andrew; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "A Design of Experiments (DoE) Approach to Optimize Cryogel Manufacturing for Tissue Engineering Applications". Polymers 14 10 (2022): 2026. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/polym14102026.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/polym14102026
  31. Correia, Cátia; Sousa, Rita O.; Vale, A. Catarina; Peixoto, Daniela; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, Rui L.; Pashkuleva, Iva; Alves, Natália M.. "Adhesive and biodegradable membranes made of sustainable catechol-functionalized marine collagen and chitosan". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 213 (2022): 112409. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112409.
  32. Romano, Giovanna; Almeida, Mariana; Varela Coelho, Ana; Cutignano, Adele; Gonçalves, Luis G; Hansen, Espen; Khnykin, Denis; et al. "Biomaterials and Bioactive Natural Products from Marine Invertebrates: From Basic Research to Innovative Applications". Marine Drugs 20 4 (2022): 219. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md20040219.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md20040219
  33. Gonçalves, Cristiana; Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, J. Miguel; Cristiana Gonçalves; Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; et al. Autor correspondente: Cristiana Gonçalves. "Engineering of Viscosupplement Biomaterials for Treatment of Osteoarthritis: A Comprehensive Review". Advanced Engineering Materials 24 8 (2022): 2101541. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adem.202101541.
    Publicado • 10.1002/adem.202101541
  34. Alves, Ana Luísa; Fraguas, Francisco Javier; Carvalho, Ana Cristina; Valcárcel, Jesús; Pérez-Martín, Ricardo Isaac; Reis, Rui Luís; Vázquez, José Antonio; Silva, Tiago Henriques. "Characterization of codfish gelatin: A comparative study of fresh and salted skins and different extraction methods". Food Hydrocolloids 124 (2022): 107238. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.107238.
  35. Alves, A.L.; Costa-Gouveia, J.; Vieira de Castro, J.; Sotelo, C.G.; Vázquez, J.A.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Torrado, E.; et al. "Study of the immunologic response of marine-derived collagen and gelatin extracts for tissue engineering applications". Acta Biomaterialia 141 (2022): 123-131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2022.01.009.
  36. Rahman, Azizur; Silva, Tiago H.. "Collagens from Marine Organisms towards Biomedical Applications". Marine Drugs 20 3 (2022): 170. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md20030170.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/md20030170
  37. Diogo, Gabriela S.; Marques, Catarina F.; Freitas-Ribeiro, Sara; Sotelo, Carmen G.; Pérez-Martin, Ricardo I.; Pirraco, Rogério P.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Mineralized collagen as a bioactive ink to support encapsulation of human adipose stem cells: A step towards the future of bone regeneration". Materials Science and Engineering: C (2021): 112600. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2021.112600.
  38. Ferreira, Andreia S.; Mendonça, Inês; Póvoa, Inês; Carvalho, Hélia; Correia, Alexandra; Vilanova, Manuel; Silva, Tiago H.; Coimbra, Manuel A.; Nunes, Cláudia. "Impact of growth medium salinity on galactoxylan exopolysaccharides of Porphyridium purpureum". Algal Research 59 (2021): 102439. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2021.102439.
  39. Oliveira, Catarina; Reis, Rui L; Martins, Albino; Silva, Tiago H. "Marine-derived polymeric nanostructures for cancer treatment". Nanomedicine 16 22 (2021): 1931-1935. http://dx.doi.org/10.2217/nnm-2021-0175.
  40. Reys, Lara L.; Silva, Simone S.; Oliveira, Catarina; Neves, Nuno M.; Martins, Albino; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Angiogenic potential of airbrushed fucoidan/polycaprolactone nanofibrous meshes". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021): 695-706. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.04.166.
  41. Reys, Lara L.; Vaithilingam, Vijayaganapathy; Sthijns, Mireille M. J. P. E.; Soares, Eduardo; Rademakers, Timo; Vries, Rick; Mohammed, Sami G.; et al. "Fucoidan Hydrogels Significantly Alleviate Oxidative Stress and Enhance the Endocrine Function of Encapsulated Beta Cells". Advanced Functional Materials 31 35 (2021): 2011205. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202011205.
  42. Frazão, Laura. P.; Fernandes, Ana M.; Oliveira, Catarina; Martins, Albino; Silva, Tiago H.; Vieira de Castro, Joana; Nogueira-Silva, Cristina; Neves, Nuno M.. "New Vascular Graft Using the Decellularized Human Chorion Membrane". ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 7 7 (2021): 3423-3433. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c00293.
  43. Dudik, Olesia; Amorim, Sara; Xavier, Joana R.; Rapp, Hans Tore; Silva, Tiago H.; Pires, Ricardo A.; Reis, Rui L.. "Bioactivity of Biosilica Obtained From North Atlantic Deep-Sea Sponges". Frontiers in Marine Science 8 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.637810.
  44. Oliveira, Catarina; Gonçalves, Céline S.; Martins, Eduarda P.; Neves, Nuno M.; Reis, Rui L.; Costa, Bruno M.; Silva, Tiago H.; Martins, Albino. "Fucoidan/chitosan nanoparticles functionalized with anti-ErbB-2 target breast cancer cells and impair tumor growth in vivo". International Journal of Pharmaceutics 600 (2021): 120548. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120548.
  45. Fassini, Dario; Wilkie, Iain C.; Pozzolini, Marina; Ferrario, Cinzia; Sugni, Michela; Rocha, Miguel S.; Giovine, Marco; et al. "Diverse and Productive Source of Biopolymer Inspiration: Marine Collagens". Biomacromolecules 22 5 (2021): 1815-1834. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.1c00013.
  46. Diogo, Gabriela S.; Carneiro, Filipa; Freitas-Ribeiro, Sara; Sotelo, Carmen G.; Pérez-Martín, Ricardo I.; Pirraco, Rogério P.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Prionace glauca skin collagen bioengineered constructs as a promising approach to trigger cartilage regeneration". Materials Science and Engineering: C 120 (2021): 111587. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2020.111587.
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  47. Backes, E.H.; Fernandes, E.M.; Diogo, G.S.; Marques, C.F.; Silva, T.H.; Costa, L.C; Passador, F.R.; Reis, R.L.; Pessan, L.A.. "Engineering 3D printed bioactive composite scaffolds based on the combination of aliphatic polyester and calcium phosphates for bone tissue regeneration". Materials Science and Engineering C 122 (2021): 111928. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2021.111928.
  48. Martins, E.; Xavier, J.; Diogo, G.S.; Silva, T.H; Reis, R.L.. "Macro and Microstructural Characteristics of North Atlantic Deep-Sea Sponges as bioinspired models for tissue engineering scaffolding". Frontiers of Marine Science 7 (2021): 613647.
  49. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Marine origin materials on biomaterials and advanced therapies to cartilage tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Biomaterials Science 9 20 (2021): 6718-6736. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d1bm00809a.
  50. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Gonçalves, Cristiana; Oliveira, Joaquim Miguel; Williams, David S.; Mearns-Spragg, Andrew; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Innovative methodology for marine collagen–chitosan–fucoidan hydrogels production, tailoring rheological properties towards biomedical application". Green Chemistry 23 18 (2021): 7016-7029. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d1gc02223g.
  51. Sousa, R.O.; Martins, E.; Carvalho, D.N.; Alves, A.L.; Oliveira, C.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Collagen from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) skins extracted using CO2 acidified water with potential application in healthcare". Journal of Polymer Research 27 3 (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10965-020-02048-x.
  52. Almeida, M.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine invertebrates are a source of bioadhesives with biomimetic interest". Materials Science and Engineering: C 108 (2020): 110467. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2019.110467.
  53. Ferreira, A.S.; Ferreira, S.S.; Correia, A.; Vilanova, M.; Silva, T.H.; Coimbra, M.A.; Nunes, C.. "Reserve, structural and extracellular polysaccharides of Chlorella vulgaris: A holistic approach". Algal Research 45 (2020): 101757. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2019.101757.
  54. Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Martins, A.; Silva, T.H.. "A review on fucoidan antitumor strategies: From a biological active agent to a structural component of fucoidan-based systems". Carbohydrate Polymers 239 (2020): 116131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116131.
  55. Casanova, M.R.; Oliveira, C.; Fernandes, E.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.; Martins, A.; Neves, N.M.. "Spatial immobilization of endogenous growth factors to control vascularization in bone tissue engineering". Biomaterials Science 8 (2020): 2577-2589. https://doi.org/10.1039/D0BM00087F.
  56. Seixas, M.J.; Martins, E.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Extraction and characterization of collagen from elasmobranch’s cartilage envisaging biomedical application". Marine Drugs 18 (2020): 617.
  57. Diogo, G.S.; Carneiro, F.; Sotelo, C.G.; Perez-Martin, R.I.; Pirraco, R.P.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Prionace glauca skin collagen as a potential inductor of human adipose stem cells chondrogenic differentiation". Materials Science and Engineering C (2020):
  58. Gokalp, M.; Kooistra, T.; Rocha, M.S.; Silva, T.H.; Osinga, R.; Murk, A.J.; Wijgerde, T.. "The Effect of Depth on the Morphology, Bacterial Clearance, and Respiration of the Mediterranean Sponge Chondrosia reniformis (Nardo, 1847)". Marine Drugs 18 (2020): 358.
  59. Carvalho, D.N.; López-Cebral, R.; Sousa, R.O.; Alves, L.A.; Reys, L.L.; Oliveira, J.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine collagen-chitosan-fucoidan cryogels as cell-laden biocomposites envisaging tissue engineering". Biomedical Materials 15 (2020): 055030.
  60. Oliveira, C.; Soares, A.I.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Marques, A.P.; Silva, T.H.; Martins, A.. "Fucoidan immobilized at the surface of a fibrous mesh presents toxic effects over melanoma cells, but not over noncancer skin cells". Biomacromolecules 21 (2020): 2745-2754.
  61. Diogo, G.S.; Marques, C.; Sotelo, C.G.; Pérez-Martín, R.; Pirraco, R.P.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Cell-laden Biomimetically Mineralized Shark Skin Collagen-based 3D Printed hydrogels for the Engineering of Hard Tissues". ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 6 (2020): 3664-3672.
  62. Marques, C.F.; Diogo, G.S.; Pina, S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Collagen-based bioinks for hard tissue engineering applications: a comprehensive review". Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 30 3 (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10856-019-6234-x.
  63. Pina, S.; Ribeiro, V.P.; Marques, C.F.; Maia, F.R.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Scaffolding strategies for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications". Materials 12 11 (2019): 1824. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma12111824.
  64. Oliveira, C.; Granja, S.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Baltazar, F.; Silva, T.H.; Martins, A.. "Fucoidan from Fucus vesiculosus inhibits new blood vessel formation and breast tumor growth in vivo". Carbohydrate Polymers 223 (2019): 115034. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.115034.
  65. Sousa, R.O.; Alves, A.L.; Carvalho, D.N.; Martins, E.; Oliveira, C.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Acid and enzymatic extraction of collagen from Atlantic cod (Gadus Morhua) swim bladders envisaging health-related applications". Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 31 1 (2019): 20-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09205063.2019.1669313.
  66. Shen, Q.; Ou, A.; Liu, S.; Elango, J.; Wang, S.; Silva, T.H.; Wu, W.; Robinson, J.; Bao, B.. "Effects of ion concentrations on the hydroxyl radical scavenging rate and reducing power of fish collagen peptides". Journal of Food Biochemistry 43 4 (2019): e12789. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jfbc.12789.
  67. Matias, R.S.; Gregory, S.; Ceia, F.R.; Baeta, A.; Seco, J.; Rocha, M.S.; Fernandes, E.M.; et al. "Show your beaks and we tell you what you eat: Different ecology in sympatric Antarctic benthic octopods under a climate change context". Marine Environmental Research 150 (2019): 104757. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104757.
  68. Ballarin, L.; Rinkevich, B.; Bartscherer, K.; Burzynski, A.; Cambier, S.; Cammarata, M.; Domart-Coulon, I.; et al. "Maristem - stem cells of marine/aquatic invertebrates: from basic research to innovative applications". Sustainability 10 2 (2018): 526. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su10020526.
  69. Diogo, G.S.; López-Senra, E.; Pirraco, R.; Canadas, R.; Fernandes, E.; Serra, J.; Pérez-Martín, R.; et al. "Marine Collagen/Apatite Composite Scaffolds Envisaging Hard Tissue Applications". Marine Drugs 16 8 (2018): 269. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md16080269.
  70. Carvalho, A.M.; Marques, A.P.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Evaluation of the potential of collagen from codfish skin as a biomaterial for biomedical applications". Marine Drugs 16 12 (2018): 495. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md16120495.
  71. López-Cebral, R.; Peng, G.; Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Chen, J.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Dual delivery of hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs from chitosan/diatomaceous earth composite membranes". Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 29 2 (2018): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10856-018-6025-9.
  72. Dudik, O.; Leonor, I.; Xavier, J.R.; Rapp, H.T.; Pires, R.A.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Sponge-derived silica for tissue regeneration". Materials Today 21 5 (2018): 577-578. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mattod.2018.03.025.
  73. Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Martins, Albino; Silva, T.H.. "Gemcitabine delivered by fucoidan/chitosan nanoparticles presents increased toxicity over human breast cancer cells". Nanomedicine 13 16 (2018): 2037-2050. http://dx.doi.org/10.2217/nnm-2018-0004.
  74. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Pirraco, R.P.; Marques, A.P.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Influence of freezing temperature and deacetylation degree on the performance of freeze-dried chitosan scaffolds towards cartilage tissue engineering". European Polymer Journal 95 (2017): 232-240. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2017.08.017.
  75. Coelho, R.C.G.; Marques, A.L.P.; Oliveira, S.M.; Diogo, G.S.; Pirraco, R.P.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Xavier, J.C.; et al. "Extraction and characterization of collagen from Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic squid and its potential application in hybrid scaffolds for tissue engineering". Materials Science and Engineering: C 78 (2017): 787-795. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2017.04.122.
  76. Carvalho, C.R.; López-Cebral, R.; Silva-Correia, J.; Silva, J.M.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Freier, T.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Investigation of cell adhesion in chitosan membranes for peripheral nerve regeneration". Materials Science and Engineering: C 71 (2017): 1122-1134. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2016.11.100.
  77. Shavandi, A.; Silva, T.H.; Bekhit, A.A.. "Keratin: dissolution, extraction and biomedical application". Biomaterials Science 5 9 (2017): 1699-1735. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c7bm00411g.
  78. Alves, A.; Marques, A.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Cosmetic potential of marine fish skin collagen". Cosmetics 4 4 (2017): 39. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cosmetics4040039.
  79. Novoa-Carballal, R.; Pérez-Martín, R.; Blanco, M.; Sotelo, C.G.; Fassini, D.; Nunes, C.; Coimbra, M.A.; et al. "By-products of Scyliorhinus canicula, Prionace glauca and Raja clavata: A valuable source of predominantly 6S sulfated chondroitin sulfate". Carbohydrate Polymers 157 (2017): 31-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.09.050.
  80. Fassini, D.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Bioinspiring Chondrosia reniformis (Nardo, 1847) collagen-based hydrogel: a new extraction method to obtain a sticky and self-healing collagenous material". Marine Drugs 15 12 (2017): 380. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md15120380.
  81. López-Cebral, R.; Silva-Correia, J.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Peripheral nerve injury: Current challenges, conventional treatment approaches and new trends on biomaterials-based regenerative strategies". ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 3 12 (2017): 3098-3122. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00655.
  82. Raftery, R.M.; Woods, B.; Marques, A.L.P.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, T.H.; Cryan, S.A.; Reis, R.L.; O’Brien, F.J.. "Multifunctional biomaterials from the sea: Assessing the effects of chitosan incorporation into collagen scaffolds on mechanical and biological functionality". Acta Biomaterialia 43 (2016): 160-169. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2016.07.009.
  83. Barros, A.A.; Aroso, I.M.; Silva, T.H.; Mano, J.F.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Reis, R.L.. "In vitro bioactivity studies of ceramic structures isolated from marine sponges". Biomedical Materials 11 4 (2016): 045004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-6041/11/4/045004.
  84. Silva, J.C.; Barros, A.A.; Aroso, I.M.; Fassini, D.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Duarte, A.R.C.. "Extraction of collagen/gelatin from the marine demosponge Chondrosia reniformis (Nardo, 1847) using water acidified with carbon dioxide – Process optimization". Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55 25 (2016): 6922-6930. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00523.
  85. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares da Costa, D.; Oliveira, N.M.; Mano, J.F.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Fucoidan hydrogels photocrosslinked with visible radiation as matrices for cell culture". ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2 7 (2016): 1151-1161. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.6b00180.
  86. Oliveira, C.; Ferreira, A.S.; Novoa-Carballal, R.; Nunes, C.; Pashkuleva, I.; Neves, N.M.; Coimbra, M.A.; et al. "The key role of sulfation and branching on fucoidan antitumor activity". Macromolecular Bioscience 17 5 (2016): 1600340. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mabi.201600340.
  87. Barros, A.A.; Aroso, I.M.; Silva, T.H.; Mano, J.F.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Reis, R.L.. "Water and carbon dioxide, green solvents for the extraction of collagen/gelatin from marine sponges". ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 3 2 (2015): 254-260. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/sc500621z.
  88. Barros, A.A.; Aroso, I.M.; Silva, T.H.; Mano, J.F.; Duarte, A.R.C.. "Surface modification of silica-based marine sponge bioceramics induce hydroxyapatite formation". Crystal Growth & Design 14 9 (2014): 4545-4552. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500654u.
  89. Silva, T.H.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Marques, A.; Domingues, A.; Bayon, Y.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine origin collagens and its potential applications". Marine Drugs 12 12 (2014): 5881-5901. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md12125881.
  90. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Caridade, S.G.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Revealing the potential of squid chitosan-based structures for biomedical applications". Biomedical Materials 8 4 (2013): 045002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-6041/8/4/045002.
  91. Duarte, A.R.C.; Santo, V.E.; Alves, A.; Silva, S.S.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, T.H.; Marques, A.P.; et al. "Unleashing the potential of supercritical fluids for polymer processing in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 79 (2013): 177-185. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.supflu.2013.01.004.
  92. Zhang, H.; Shahbazi, M.A.; Mäkilä, E.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Salonen, J.J.; Hirvonen, J.T.; Santos, H.A.. "Diatom silica microparticles for sustained release and permeation enhancement following oral delivery of prednisone and mesalamine". Biomaterials 34 36 (2013): 9210-9219. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.08.035.
  93. Fernandes-Silva, S.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, T.H.; Perez-Martin, R.I.; Sotelo, C.G.; Mano, J.F.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Reis, R.L.. "Porous Hydrogels From Shark Skin Collagen Crosslinked Under Dense Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere". Macromolecular Bioscience 13 11 (2013): 1621-1631. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mabi.201300228.
  94. Oliveira, S.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Mano, J.F.. "Nanocoatings containing sulfated polysaccharides prepared by layer-by-layer assembly as models to study cell–material interactions". Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1 35 (2013): 4406. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c3tb20624f.
  95. Oliveira, S.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Mano, J.F.. "Hierarchical fibrillar scaffolds obtained by non-conventional layer-by-layer electrostatic self-assembly". Advanced Healthcare Materials 2 3 (2012): 422-427. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adhm.201200204.
  96. Silva, S.S.; Santos, T.C.; Cerqueira, M.T.; Marques, A.P.; Reys, L.L.; Silva, T.H.; Caridade, S.G.; Mano, J.F.; Reis, R.L.. "The use of ionic liquids in the processing of chitosan/silk hydrogels for biomedical applications". Green Chemistry 14 5 (2012): 1463. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c2gc16535j.
  97. Silva-Correia, J.; Zavan, B.; Vindigni, V.; Silva, T.H.; Oliveira, J.M.; Abatangelo, G.; Reis, R.L.. "Biocompatibility evaluation of ionic- and photo-crosslinked methacrylated gellan gum hydrogels: in vitro and in vivo study". Advanced Healthcare Materials 2 4 (2012): 568-575. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adhm.201200256.
  98. Silva, T.H.; Alves, A.; Popa, E.G.; Reys, L.L.; Gomes, M.E.; Sousa, R.A.; Silva, S.S.; Mano, J.F.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine algae sulfated polysaccharides for tissue engineering and drug delivery approaches". Biomatter 2 4 (2012): 278-289. http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/biom.22947.
  99. Silva, T.H.; Alves, A.; Ferreira, B.M.; Oliveira, J.M.; Reys, L.L.; Ferreira, R.J.F.; Sousa, R.A.; et al. "Materials of marine origin: a review on polymers and ceramics of biomedical interest". International Materials Reviews 57 5 (2012): 276-306. http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1743280412y.0000000002.
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Capítulo de livro
  1. Rocha, M. S.; Reis, R. L.; Silva, T. H.. "Marine Sponges and Derived Biopolymers for Regenerative Medicine". In Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix, 1-22. Springer International Publishing, 2024.
  2. Alves, Ana L.; Marques, Catarina F.; Almeida, Mariana; Pérez-Martín, Ricardo I.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Isolation and Characterization of Marine-Derived Collagens and Gelatins in the Perspective of Biomedical Application". In Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix, 1-28. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
    No prelo • 10.1007/978-3-030-92090-6_51-1
  3. Inácio, Ana Rita; Carvalho, Ana C.; Oliveira, Catarina; Reys, Lara; Silva, Simone S.; Neves, Nuno M.; Martins, Albino; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Sulfated Seaweed Polysaccharides". In Polysaccharides of Microbial Origin, 1-34. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-35734-4_17-1
  4. C. Oliveira; A. C. Carvalho; Rui L. Reis; N. N. Neves; A. Martins; Tiago H. Silva. "Marine derived materials for cancer treatment". In Biomaterials for 3D Tumor Modeling, editado por S. C. Kundu; Rui L. Reis. Elsevier, 2020.
    Aceite para publicação
  5. L. L. Reys; S. S. Silva; C. Oliveira; R. López-Cebral; N. M. Neves; A. Martins; J. M. Oliveira; T. H. Silva; R. L. Reis. "Marine origin polysaccharides for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: chitosan and fucoidan as illustrative examples". In Encyclopedia of Marine Biotechnology, editado por S.-K. Kim. Wiley, 2020.
    Aceite para publicação
  6. D. Fassini; S. M. Oliveira; T. H. Silva; R. L. Reis. "Biotechnological valorization of marine collagens: biomaterials for health applications". In Encyclopedia of Marine Biotechnology, editado por S.-K. Kim. Wiley, 2020.
  7. C. Gonçalves; R. López-Cebral; H. Radhouani; I. Oliveira; T. H. Silva; J. Silva-Correia; J. M. Oliveira; R. L. Reis. "Natural polysaccharides". In Handbook of Biomaterials, editado por P. L. Granja; D. Mantovani; H. Engkvist. Wiley, 2020.
    Aceite para publicação
  8. Carvalho, Duarte Nuno; Inácio, Ana Rita; Sousa, Rita O.; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.. "Seaweed polysaccharides as sustainable building blocks for biomaterials in tissue engineering". In Sustainable Seaweed Technologies, 543-587. Elsevier, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1016/b978-0-12-817943-7.00019-6
  9. Martins, Eva; Rocha, Miguel S.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, Rui L.. "Remarkable Body Architecture of Marine Sponges as Biomimetic Structure for Application in Tissue Engineering". In Marine-Derived Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applications, editado por A. H. Shoi; B.Ben-Nissan, 27-50. Springer Singapore, 2019.
  10. Marques, A. L. P.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Electrospinning of marine-origin biopolymers toward tissue regeneration". editado por P. N. Sudha. CRC Press, 2017.
  11. Silva, Joana M.; Carlos, G. D.; Marques, A. L. P.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Marine collagen isolation and processing envisaging biomedical applications". editado por N. M. Neves; R.L. Reis. John Wiley and Sons, 2016.
  12. Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Drug delivery systems and cartilage tissue engineering scaffolding using marine-derived products". editado por S.-K. Kim. Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2015.
  13. A. L. P. Marques; C. G. Sotelo; G. S. Diogo; J. Moreira-Silva; M. Blanco; T. H. Silva; R. I. Pérez-Martín; R. L. Reis. "Colagénio Marinho: valorização de subprodutos marinhos com vista à regeneração de tecidos". In Valorización de Recursos Marinos: Biomateriales en Regeneración de Tejidos y Liberación de fármacos, editado por C. G. Sotelo et al, 49-77. Vigo, Espanha: IIM-CSIC, 2015.
  14. L. L. Reys; C. Oliveira; J. Miguel Oliveira; R. López-Cebral; S. S. Silva; T. H. Silva; Rui L. Reis. "Polissacarídeos de origem marinha para aplicação em estratégias de engenharia de tecidos". editado por C. G. Sotelo et al.. Vigo, Espanha: IIM-CSIC, 2015.
  15. Silva, Tiago H.; Duarte, Ana Rita C.; Silva, Joana M.; Mano, J. F.; Reis, R. L.. "Biomaterials from marine-origin biopolymers". editado por J. F. Mano. Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2012.
Edição de livro
  1. Rahman, Azizur; Silva, Tiago H.. Collagen from Marine Biological Source and Medical Applications. MDPI. 2022.
    Publicado • 10.3390/books978-3-0365-3664-4 • Editor
  2. C. G. Sotelo; P. Sieiro-Piñeiro; J. Maroto-Leal; J A Vázquez; R. I. Pérez-Martín; T. H. Silva; R. L. Reis (eds.). Valorización de Recursos Marinos: Biomateriales en Regeneración de Tejidos y Liberación de fármacos. Vigo, Espanha: IIM-CSIC. 2015.
Poster em conferência
  1. Escobar, A.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.; Oliveira, J.M.. "NPS for growth factor delivery in nerve guidance conduits: an overview". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  2. Carvalho, D.N.; López-Cebral, R.; Sousa, R.O.; Oliveira, J.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Development of hydrogels-based on marine biopolymers envisaging cartilage tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  3. Martins, E.; Marques, C.F.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "3D-printed polycaprolactone structures functionalized with fish collagen and biosilica from marine sponge as composite biomaterials". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  4. Alves, A.L.; Costa-Gouveia, J.; Sotelo, C.G.; Vázquez, J.A.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Torrado, E.; Reis, R.L.; Castro, A.G.; Silva, T.H.. "Evaluation of immune response of marine-derived collagen and gelatin". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  5. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Construction of fucoidan-based hydrogels as a pancreatic beta-cells encapsulating system for diabetes treatment". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  6. Sousa, R.O.; Marques, A.P.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Valorization of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) by-products by isolation of collagen and native ECM envisaging wound healing and skin regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  7. Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.; Martins, A.. "Fibrous meshes functionalized with fucoidan as a treatment alternative of melanoma". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  8. Seixas, M.J.; Martins, E.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Cartilaginous fishes: a self-explanatory source of collagen for cartilage tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  9. Almeida, M.; Rocha, M.; Martins, E.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Characterization of collagen from the marine invertebrate Actinia fragacea (Cnidaria) and assessment of biotechnological potential". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  10. Dudik, O.; Amorim, S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Silva, T.H.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.. "Modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles improves BMP-2 loading and its release timeframe". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  11. Carneiro, F.; Diz, A.P.; Giovine, M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Sea star TIMPs as putative natural crosslinkers of collagen to scaffolds production". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  12. Carvalho, A.C.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Marine algae and cyanobacteria as sources of natural products with anticancer and immunomodulatory properties". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  13. Inácio, A.R.; Sousa, R.O.; Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Martins, A.; Silva, T.H.. "Fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed Bifurcaria bifurcata: seasonal variations on physicochemical features and anti-tumor activity breast cancer cell line". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  14. Rocha, M.S.; Gokalp, M.; Osinga, R.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Production of collagen from maricultured sponge Chondrosia reniformis". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  15. Machado, I.; Alves, A.L.; Sousa, R.O.; Martins, E.; Marques, C.F.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Extraction and characterization of marine gelatine and its methacrylation (gelma) towards the production of hydrogels for tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  16. Fernandes, D.C.; Canadas, R.F.; Sousa, R.O.; Carvalho, D.N.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Morphological modulation of differentiating neuroblastoma cells into neurons using natural biomaterials physical and chemical properties". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2019, 2019.
  17. Diogo, G.S.; Marques, C.F.; Sotelo, C.G.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Pirraco. R.P.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "3D printed mineralized marine-collagen hydrogels for hard tissues regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 2nd Conference “Tendon Biophysical Environment”, 2019.
  18. Martins, E.; Diogo, G.S.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Collagen and silica-based materials with key biological properties for prompting bone regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  19. Colares, R.V.; Marques, C.F.; Dudik, O.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Biosilica from marine sponges on the development of biomaterials ink formulations for the 3D printing of scaffolds for bone tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  20. Gabbai-Armelin, P.R.; Dudik, O.; Marques, C.F.; Pires, R.A.; Renno, A.C.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "3D printing of new sponge biosilica scaffolds incorporated with bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2)". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  21. Almeida, M.; Rocha, M.; Martins, E.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Biomedical potential of the sea anemone Actinea fragacea (Cnidaria)". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  22. Rocha, M.S.; Fassini, D.; Martins, E.; Alves, A.L.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Development of novel biomedical applications based on Chondrosia reniformis collagen aggregation phenomenon". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  23. Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.; Martins, A.. "Fucoidan immobilized at the surface of fibrous meshes as a strategy to treat melanoma". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  24. Duarte, F.; Carvalho, D.N.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Functionalization of squid chitosan with angiogenic peptides for the development of new biomaterials". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  25. Seixas, M.J.; Martins, E.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Elasmobranch’s byproducts: a source of collagen for cartilage tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  26. Carneiro, F.; Bettencourt, R.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Identification and structural characterization of adhesive proteins from Bathymodiolus azoricus". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  27. Sousa, R.O.; Kanokpanont, S.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Collagen extracted from Asian sea bass and diatoms purified silica for the development of scaffold for bone regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  28. Carvalho, D.N.; López-Cebral, R.; Sousa, R.O.; Oliveira, J.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Development of innovative scaffolds-based in marine origin biopolymers envisaging cartilage tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  29. Alves, A.L.; Sotelo, C.G.; Vázquez, J.A.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Marine-based collagen membranes as biomaterial for tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  30. Diogo, G.S.; Marques, C.F.; Sotelo, C.G.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Pirraco, R.P.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Hard tissues regeneration based on a strategy of 3D printed mineralized marine-collagen hydrogels". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  31. Caldas, M.; Rebelo, R.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Correlo, V.M.. "Electro-responsive controlled drug delivery from melanin nanoparticles". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  32. Carvalho, A.C.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Evaluation of biological activities of marine algae and cyanobacteria extracts". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  33. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Fucoidan-based hydrogels as pancreatic beta cells encapsulating system". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  34. Escobar, A.; Carvalho, M.R.; Carvalho, C.R.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Promotion of peripheral nerve regeneration with optogenetic neuromuscular stimulation". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  35. Dudik, O.; Amorim, S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Silva, T.H.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.. "Development of mesoporous silica-based nanoparticles as BMP-2 controlled release systems". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  36. Carvalho, D.N.; López-Cebral, R.; Sousa, R.O.; Reys, L.L.; Oliveira, J.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Marine origin biopolymers on the development of cryo-system gels envisaging cartilage tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Trabalho apresentado em 29th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials (ESB2019), 2019.
  37. Matias, R.S.; Gregory, S.; Ceia, F.R.; Baeta, A.; Seco, J.; Rocha, M.; Fernandes, E.M.; et al. "Show us your beaks and we tell you what you eat: Different ecology in sympatric Antarctic benthic octopods under a climate change context". Trabalho apresentado em XX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies (SIEBM XX), 2019.
  38. Fernandes, D.C.; Canadas, R.F.; Sousa, R.O.; Carvalho, D.N.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Neural differentiation enhancement using natural biomaterials". Trabalho apresentado em FoReCaST 2nd workshop, 2019.
  39. Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.; Martins, A.. "ErbB-2 antibody immobilized at the surface of marine-polymeric nanoparticles targeting breast cancer cells". Trabalho apresentado em FoReCaST 2nd workshop, 2019.
  40. Rocha, M.S.; Fassini, D.; Martins, E.; Alves, A.L.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Understanding and mimicking Chondrosia reniformis collagen aggregation phenomenon". Trabalho apresentado em FoReCaST 2nd workshop, 2019.
  41. Inácio, A.R.; Sousa, R.O.; Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Martins, A.; Silva, T.H.. "Fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed Bifurcaria bifurcata: seasonal variations on physicochemical features and anti-tumor activity breast cancer cell line". Trabalho apresentado em FoReCaST 2nd workshop, 2019.
  42. Dudik, O.; Amorim, S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Silva, T.H.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.. "Silica-based nanoparticles as BMP-2 localized delivery systems for bone tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  43. Martins, E.; Diogo, G.S.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Marine collagen silica composites for bone tissue applications". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  44. Almeida, M.; Rocha, M.; Martins, E.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Study of structural and functional proteins in the sea anemone Actinea fragacea (Cnidaria) and their potential biomedical interest". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  45. Carvalho, D.N.; López-Cebral, R.; Sousa, R.O.; Reys, L.L.; Oliveira, J.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Marine origin biopolymers on the development of innovative scaffolds envisaging cartilage tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  46. Sousa, R.O.; Kanokpanont, S.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Collagen extraction from Asian sea bass and silica purification from diatoms envisaging the development of scaffolds for bone regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  47. Machado, I.; Alves, A.L.; Sousa, R.O.; Martins, E.; Marques, C.F.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Marine origin methacrylated gelatine (mgelma)-based hydrogels and its application in tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  48. Seixas, M.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Collagen and muscle hydrolysates extracted from elasmobranch’s byproducts for cartilage tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  49. Diogo, G.S.; Marques, C.F.; Sotelo, C.G.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Pirraco, R.P.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "In situ mineralization of shark skin collagen to produce 3D printable cell-laden hydrogels for the engineering of hard tissue". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  50. Marques, C.F.; Martins, E.; Fernandes, E.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Fabrication of calcium phosphates/poly(caprolactone) composite using 3D printing technique for bone tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  51. Duarte, F.; Carvalho, D.N.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Functionalization of squid chitosan with angiogenic peptides for the development of new biomaterials". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  52. Carneiro, F.; Bettencourt, R.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Adhesive proteins from Bathymodiolus azoricus: functional and structural characterization". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  53. Alves, A.L.; Sotelo, C.G.; Vásquez, J.A.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Development of electrospun marine-based collagen membranes as biomaterial for tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em Achilles 1st Conference, 2019.
  54. Diogo, G.S.; Marques, C.F.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Pirraco, R.P.; Sotelo, C.G.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Cell-laden Prionace Glauca Skin Collagen-based 3D Printed Scaffolds for the Engineering of Mineralized Tissues". Trabalho apresentado em Society For Biomaterials (SFB) 2019 Annual Meeting & Exposition, Seattle, 2019.
  55. Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.; Martins, A.. "Fucoidan-coated Fibrous Mesh as a Skin Patch to Treat Melanoma". Trabalho apresentado em Society For Biomaterials (SFB) 2019 Annual Meeting & Exposition, 2019.
  56. Diogo, G.S.; Pirraco, R.P.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Sotelo, C.G.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Natural-derived composite scaffolds envisioning regeneration in cartilage lesions". Trabalho apresentado em 29th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials, 2018.
  57. Alves, A.L.; Carvalho, A.M.; Marques, A.L.P.; Martins, E.; Marques, A.P.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine Fish Collagen and its Potential for Biomedical and Cosmetic Application". Trabalho apresentado em 29th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials, 2018.
  58. Sousa, R.O.; Alves, A.L.; Carvalho, D.N.; Martins, E.; Oliveira, C.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Production and biomedical potential of collagen from codfish swim-bladder". Trabalho apresentado em 29th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials, 2018.
  59. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Pirraco, R.P.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Assessing the potential of fucoidan-based hydrogels for pancreatic cells encapsulation". Trabalho apresentado em 29th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials, 2018.
  60. Oliveira, C.; Granja, S.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Baltazar, F.; Silva, T.H.. "Fucoidan inhibits new blood vessels formation in a tumor microenvironment". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – World Congress 2018, 2018.
  61. Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Blue inspired tissue engineering: marine origin compounds on the development of biomaterials for regenerative medicine and advanced therapies". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – World Congress 2018, 2018.
  62. Diogo, G.S.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Sotelo, C.G.; Pirraco, R.P.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine derived collagen:hyaluronic acid biopolymer scaffolds envisioning cartilage lesions regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  63. Alves, A.L.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Bioengineering of marine collagen/gelatin-based membranes by electrospinning technique for cornea regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  64. Carneiro, F.; Bettencourt, R.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Characterization study of adhesive proteins from Bathymodiolus azoricus mussel from deep-sea hydrothermal vents". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  65. Dudik, O.; Amorim, S.; Silva, T.H.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.. "Silica.based particles for effective immobilization of BMP-2 towards bone tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  66. Rocha, M.S.; Fassini, D.; Martins, E.; Alves, A.L.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Chondrosia reniformis dynamic collagenous tissues and aggregating factor(s) as a source of inspiration for the development of biomedical applications". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  67. Oliveira, C.; Granja, S.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Baltazar, F.; Silva, T.H.; Martins, A.. "Fucoidan impairs angiogenesis and tumor growth in vivo". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  68. Inácio, A.R.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Evaluation of the variability of fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed and its anti-inflammatory and antitumor activity". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  69. López-Cebral, R.; Silva-Correia, J.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Recent advances towards a guided peripheral nerve regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  70. Sousa, R.O.; Martins, E.; Carvalho, D.N.; Alves, A.L.; Oliveira, C.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Collagen extraction from codfish (Gadus morhua) skins using CO2 acidified water". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  71. Marques, C.; Diogo, G.S.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "3D printing scaffolds based on marine origin materials for bone tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  72. Almeida, M.; Rocha, M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Bioadhesion in the marine crustacean Pollicipes pollicipes". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  73. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Pirraco, R.P.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Design of fucoidan-agarose hydrogels as a platform for encapsulation of pancreatic cells towards an advanced therapy for diabetes mellitus". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  74. Martins, E.; Diogo, G.S.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "3D composite scaffolds inspired by the skeleton architecture of the deep-sea marine sponges". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Summer School, 2018.
  75. López-Cebral, R.; Civantos, A.; Ramos, V.; Seijo, B.; López-Lacomba, J.L.; Sanz-Casado, J.V.; Silva, T.H.; et al. "Highly valuable endogenous molecules incorporated within physically cross-linked gellan gum scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Americas Chapter Meeting 2017, 2018.
  76. Bettencourt, R.; Rocha, M.S.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "New adhesive proteins from the Deep Sea hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  77. Rocha, M.S.; Fassini, D.; Martins, E.; Alves, A.L.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Interaction between marine collagens and Chondrosia reniformis marine sponge extract under the context of dynamic collagenous tissues". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  78. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Fucoidan-based hydrogels as pancreatic beta cells encapsulating system". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  79. Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Martins, A.; Silva, T.H.. "Gemcitabine delivered by fucoidan based nanoparticles presents increased toxicity over human breast cancer cells". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  80. Martins, E.; Diogo, G.S.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "3D Collagen-silica composites inspired by body architecture of marine sponges". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  81. López-Cebral, R.; Novoa-Carballal, R.; Oliveira, J.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "High molecular weight chitosan obtaining: High efficiency process". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  82. Dudik, O.; Diogo, G.S.; Pires, R.A.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Potential of sponge-derived biosilica for the development of biomaterials for bone tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  83. Diogo, G.S.; Sotelo, C.G.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Shark collagen mineralized scaffolds for engineering of bone tissue: Co-precipitation method". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  84. Alves, A.L.; Marques, A.L.P.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine Fish Skin Collagen and its potential for cosmetic application". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2017 and FoReCaST 1st workshop, 2017.
  85. Alves, A.L.; Marques, A.L.P.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine Fish Skin Collagen and its potential for cosmetic application". Trabalho apresentado em Gene2Skin Winter School, 2017.
  86. Dudik, O.; Diogo, G.S.; Silva, T.H.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.. "Bioactive biogenic silica found in deep sea sponges". Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Bioinspired Macromolecular Systems, Aveiro, 2017.
  87. Ferreira, A.S.; Nunes, C.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Physico-chemical characterization of starch from the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris". Trabalho apresentado em GluPor12 – Portuguese Society of Chemistry, 2017.
  88. Dudik, O.; Diogo, G.S.; Pires, R.A.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Characterization of bioceramics derived from marine sponges". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Second School, 2017.
  89. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Design of agarose-fucoidan hydrogels for Diabetes Treatment". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Second School, 2017.
  90. Alves, A.L.; Matins, E.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Marine collagen based membranes for cornea regeneration by electrospinning technique". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Second School, 2017.
  91. Martins, E.; Diogo, G.S.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Bio-inspiration in body architecture of North Atlantic deep-sea sponges for the development of 3D composite structures of marine collagen and silica". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Second School, 2017.
  92. Oliveira, C.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.; Martins, A.; Silva, T.H.. "Fucoidan-based nanoparticles for the delivery of antitumor agents". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Second School, 2017.
  93. Rocha, M.S.; Fassini, D.; Martins, E.; Alves, A.L.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Extraction and purification of collagen and aggregating factor(s) from Chondrosia reniformis for the production of biomimetic hydrogels". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Second School, 2017.
  94. Diogo, G.S.; Alves, A.L.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Biomimetic mineralization of cod skin collagen envisaging hard tissue applications". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE Second School, 2017.
  95. Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "A wave moving marine materials up to the biomedical field: engineering different human tissues as high added-value blue biotechnology approach". Trabalho apresentado em Bioprosp_17, 2017.
  96. López-Cebral, R.; Peng, G.; Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Chen, J.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Naturally occurring sublingual pharmaceutical dosage forms for drug administration in swallowing impaired patients". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  97. Alves, A.L.; Martins, E.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Alaminos, M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Bioengineered marine collagen based membranes for cornea regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  98. Diogo, G.S.; López-Senra, E.; Pirraco, R.P.; Canadas, R.; Marques, A.P.; Moreira-Silva, J.; González, P.; et al. "Marine collagen/apatite scaffolds envisaging tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  99. Martins, E.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Pires, R.A.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Development of collagen/silica composites inspired on chemical and morphological features of North Atlantic deep sea sponges". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  100. Sousa, R.O.; Carvalho, D.N.; Alves, A.L.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Valorization of cod by-products by extraction of biopolymers with biomedical potential". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  101. Sousa, R.O.; Carvalho, D.N.; Alves, A.L.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Valorization of cod by-products by extraction of biopolymers with biomedical potential". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  102. Carvalho, D.N.; Sousa, R.O.; Alves, A.L.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Extraction of collagen type II from jellyfish, its characterization and further processing envisaging cartilage tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  103. Carvalho, D.N.; Sousa, R.O.; Alves, A.L.; Martins, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Extraction of collagen type II from jellyfish, its characterization and further processing envisaging cartilage tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  104. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Oliveira, N.M.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Construction of fucoidan microparticles as an insulin delivery system for diabetes treatment". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  105. Oliveira, C.; Ferreira, A.S.; Novoa-Carballal, R.; Nunes, C.; Pashkuleva, I.; Neves, N.M.; Coimbra, M.A.; et al. "Structure-activity relationship on fucoidan extracts towards anti-tumor therapy". Trabalho apresentado em CHEM2NATURE First School, 2016.
  106. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Oliveira, N.M.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Construction of fucoidan microparticles as an insulin delivery system for diabetes treatment". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2016, 2016.
  107. Carvalho, C.R.; López-Cebral, R.; Silva-Correia, J.; Silva, J.M.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Freier, T.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Investigation of cell adhesion in chitosan membranes for peripheral nerve regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2016, 2016.
  108. Oliveira, C.; Ferreira, A.S.; Novoa-Carballal, R.; Nunes, C.; Pashkuleva, I.; Neves, N.M.; Coimbra, M.A.; et al. "Structure-activity relationship on fucoidan extracts towards anti-tumor therapy". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2016, 2016.
  109. Nunes, C.; Ferreira, A.S.; Oliveira, C.; Novoa-Carballal, R.; Pashkuleva, I.; Neves, N.M.; Martins, A.; et al. "The potential of fucoidans for biomedical applications". Trabalho apresentado em Seagriculture 2016, 2016.
  110. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Oliveira, N.M.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Mano, J.F.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, T.H.. "Evaluation of the potential of fucoidan-based microparticles for diabetes treatment". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Internacional Society – European Chapter Meeting 2016, 2016.
  111. Silva, T.H.; Oliveira, C.; Reys, L.L.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Novoa-Carballal, R.; Oliveira, N.M.; Ferreira, A.S.; et al. "Biomedical potential of fucoidan, a seaweed sulfated polysaccharide: from a anticancer agent to a building block of cell encapsulating systems for regenerative therapies". Trabalho apresentado em 10th World Biomaterials Congress, 2016.
  112. Raftery, R. M.; Woods, B.; Marques, A.L.P.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Cryan, S.-A.; O'Brien, F.J.. "Multifunctional Biomaterials from the Sea: Assessing the Effects of Chitosan Incorporation into Collagen Scaffolds on Mechanical and Biological Functionality". Trabalho apresentado em Orthopaedic Research Society – 2016 Annual Meeting, 2016.
  113. Peng, G.; López-Cebral, R.; Reys, L.L.; Marques, A.L.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Silva, S.S.; Silva, T.H.; Chen, J.; Reis, R.L.. "Ecofriendly and Biocompatible Chitosan/Diatomaceous Earth Composite Membranes for Dual Drug Release". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Internacional Society – World Congress 2015, 2015.
  114. Diogo, G.S.; López, E.; González, P.; Serra, J.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Sotelo, C.G.; Canadas, R.F.; et al. "Marine Collagen/Apatite Scaffolds Envisaging Tissue Engineering Applications". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Internacional Society – World Congress 2015, 2015.
  115. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Oliveira, N.M.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Fucoidan-based Particles for Diabetes Mellitus Treatment". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Internacional Society – World Congress 2015, 2015.
  116. Carlos, G.D.; López, E.; González, P.; Serra, J.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Sotelo, C.G.; Silva, T.H.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Reis, R.L.. "Shark Collagen/hydroxyapatite scaffolds Envisaging Biomedical Applications". Trabalho apresentado em 27th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials, Krakow, 2015.
  117. Peng, G.; López-Cebral, R.; Reys, L.L.; Marques, A.L.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Silva, S.S.; Silva, T.H.; Chen, J.; Reis, R.L.. "Chitosan/diatomaceous earth composite membranes as drug delivery systems of gentamicin and dexamethasone". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2015, 2015.
  118. Fassini, D.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Injectable marine collagen-based hydrogel with self-gelation properties". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2015, 2015.
  119. Marques, A.L.P.; Martins, A.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Neves, N.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine-origin collagen-based electrospun nanofibrous membranes for tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2015, 2015.
  120. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Soares Da Costa, D.; Oliveira, N.M.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Fucoidan-based microparticles for diabetes mellitus therapies". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2015, 2015.
  121. Oliveira, C.; Martins, A.; Neves, N.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine-derived fucoidan as a therapeutic strategy for cancer". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2015, 2015.
  122. Santos, M.B.; Franco, A.; Silva, T.H.; Rodrigues, F.; Gastro, A.G.; Leonor, I.B.; Reis, R.L.. "Development of antibacterial surfaces bioinspired on the micro/nanotopography of natural surfaces". Trabalho apresentado em The POLARIS Conference: Challenges in Nanomedicine and Regenerative Medicine, 2015.
  123. Reys, R.L.; Silva, S.S.; Oliveira, N.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Methacrylated fucoidan as photocrosslinkable biopolymer for tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2014, 2014.
  124. Oliveira, C.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Nanoparticles for Sustained Drug Delivery based in Marine Polysaccharides". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2014, 2014.
  125. Oliveira, C.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Nanoparticles for Sustained Drug Delivery based in Marine Polysaccharides". Trabalho apresentado em 2º workshop POLARIS: Top-down fabrication and nanocharacterization techniques to develop nanosystems for biomedical applications, 2014.
  126. Silva, T.H.; Barros, A.A.; Marques, A.L.P.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Diogo, G.S.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Reis, R.L.. "The Oceans as a Source and as an Inspiration for Biomaterials Development: Some key examples". Trabalho apresentado em 26th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials, 2014.
  127. Prata, M.B.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Marques, A.P.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Chondrosia reniformis marine-sponge collagen membranes for skin re-epithelialization". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Internacional Society – European Chapter Meeting 2014, 2014.
  128. Barros, A.A.; Aroso, I.M.; Silva, T.H.; Mano, J.F.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine-based bioactive ceramics for tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials (SFB), 2014.
  129. Zhang, H.; Shahbazi, M.A.; Mäkilä, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Salonen, J.; Hirvonen, J.; Santos, H.A.. "Sustained release of prednisone and mesalamine from diatom exoskeletons: bioinspiration for the development of safe oral drug delivery devices to tackle gastrointestinal diseases". Trabalho apresentado em TermStem 2013, 2013.
  130. Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, T.H.; Prata, M.B.; Cerqueira, M.T.; Pirraco, R.P.; Giovine, M.; Marques, A.P.; Reis, R.L.. "Potential of marine sponge collagen coatings for skin regeneration strategies". Trabalho apresentado em TermStem 2013, 2013.
  131. Oliveira, S.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Mano, J.F.. "Polysaccharide-based nanostructured multilayers with distinct sulfated and aminated composition to improve cells response and biomineralization". Trabalho apresentado em TermStem 2013, 2013.
  132. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Pirraco, R.P.; Boutinguiza, M.; Comesaña, R.; Lusquiños, F.; Pou, J.; et al. "Biomedical exploitation of squid chitosan using particle aggregation derived composite scaffolds". Trabalho apresentado em TermStem 2013, 2013.
  133. Barros, A.A.; Aroso, I.M.; Silva, T.H.; Mano, J.F.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine Sponges – a new source of bioactive ceramics for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Trabalho apresentado em 1st workshop Polaris – Nanosystems for medicine: fundamentals, synthesis and applications, 2013.
  134. Domingues, A.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Bayon, Y.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Sotelo, C.G.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Preparation of marine origin collagen membranes". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2013 (termistanbul2013), 2013.
  135. Oliveira, S.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Mano, J.F.. "Sulfonic Layer-by-Layer Nanocoatings Made of Marine-Origin Polysaccharides As Models for Cell-GAGs Interactions Studies". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2013 (termistanbul2013), 2013.
  136. Zhang, H.; Shahbazi, M.A.; Mäkilä, E.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Hirvonen, J.; Santos, H.A.. "Diatom Enhanced the Drug Delivery for Colon Inflammation Disease". Trabalho apresentado em BioNanoMed 2013 – 4th International Congress Nanotechnology, Medicine & Biology, 2013.
  137. Oliveira, S.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Mano, J.F.. "Novel approach to create hybrid and hierarchical scaffolds aimed for tissue regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em Term Stem 2012, 2012.
  138. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Pirraco, A.P.; Marques, A.P.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Cartilage regeneration approach based on squid chitosan scaffolds: in-vitro assessment". Trabalho apresentado em Term Stem 2012, 2012.
  139. Moreira-Silva, J.; Afonso, D.; Silva, T.H.; Volpato, F.; Motta, A.; Marques, A.P.; Mano, J.F.; Reis, R.L.; Migliaresi, C.. "Fish scales patterning guiding hASCs growth". Trabalho apresentado em Term Stem 2012, 2012.
  140. Oliveira, S.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Mano, J.F.. "Hierarchical scaffolds obtained by non-conventional layer-by-layer electrostatic self-assembly". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd TERMIS World Congress, 2012.
  141. Fernandes-Silva, S.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, S.S.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Sotelo, C.G.; Mano, J.F.; Marques, A.P.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine collagen scaffolds crosslinked “in situ” with genipin for cartilage regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd TERMIS World Congress, 2012.
  142. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Boutinguiza, M.; Comesaña, R.; Lusquiños, F.; Pou, J.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Development of marine-based nanocomposite scaffolds for biomedical applications". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd TERMIS World Congress, 2012.
  143. Duarte, A.R.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, T.H.; Osinga, R.; Ilan, M.; Marques, A.P.; Mano, J.F.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine sponges as natural scaffolds: decellularization by supercritical fluid technology and cellularization with osteoblasts for tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd TERMIS World Congress, 2012.
  144. Oliveira, S.M.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Mano, J.F.. "Novel 3D Scaffolds with Nanostructured Coatings or Micro Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MIT Portugal Program Conference, 2012.
  145. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Pirraco, R.P.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Unravelling the Potencial of Squid Chitosan Based Structures for Regenerative Medicine". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd Meeting of the Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B’s, 2012.
  146. Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, T.H.; Frias, A.M.; Berilli, V.; Duarte, A.R.; Silva, S.S.; Mano, J.F.; Marques, A.P.; Reis, R.L.. "Potencial of Marine-Origin Collagen for Tissue Regeneration Strategies". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd Meeting of the Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B’s, 2012.
  147. Fernandes-Silva, S.; Moreira-Silva, J.; Silva, T.H.; Pérez-Martín, R.I.; Sotelo, C.G.; Mano, J.F.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Reis, R.L.. "Cross-Linking Marine-Origin Collagen Sponges/Hydrogels under High Pressure CO2". Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, 2012.
  148. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Caridade, S.G.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Unraveling the potential of chitosan derived from squid pens for development of structures for tissue engineering". Trabalho apresentado em 1st SPECIAL Open Day – Marine Biotechnology, 2011.
  149. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Frias, A.M.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Valorization of chitosan from squid pens and further use on the development of scaffolds for biomedical applications". Trabalho apresentado em XXXVIII Congress of the European Society of Artificial Organs (ESAO 2011) and IV Biennial Congress of the International Federation of Artificial Organs (IFAO 2011), 2011.
  150. Reys, L.L.; Silva, S.S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Caridade, S.G.; Mano, J.F.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.. "Unraveling the potential of chitosan derived from squid pens for development of porous structures for tissue engineering scaffolding". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers (FBPS’11), 2011.
  151. Mirande, E.S.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Mano, J.F.. "Nanostructured Natural-based Polyelectrolyte Multilayers to Agglomerate Chitosan Particles into Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering". Trabalho apresentado em Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2010, 2010.
  152. Silva, T.H.; Alves, A.; Ferreira, B.M.; Silva, S.S.; Sousa. R.A.; Mano, J.F.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.. "Marine derived materials on the development of biomedical applications". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Meeting of the Associate Laboratory IBB – Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2009.
  153. Silva, T.H.; Neves, N.M.; Mano, J.F.; Sousa, R.A.; Reis, R.L.. "Production of chitosan from squid pens and crustacean shells". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge InVENTS Conference on “Biomineralization of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies”, 2007.
  154. Sousa, R.A.; Alves, A.; Ferreira, B.M.; Gomes, S.; Silva, T.H.; Mano, J.F.; Neves, N.M.; Reis, R.L.. "Development of novel biomaterials through the valorisation of marine raw materials and marine residues". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge InVENTS Conference on “Biomineralization of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies”, 2007.
  155. Silva, T.H.; Ferreira, B.M.; Mano, J.F.; Neves, N.M.; Sousa, R.A.; Reis, R.L.. "Morphological characterization of marine products and marine derived compounds for different biomedical applications". Trabalho apresentado em XLI Congress of the Portuguese Society for Microscopy, 2006.
  156. Cruz, A.; Silva, T.H.; Moura, C.; Freire, C.. "Molecular Recognition of Ba2+ by Polyelectrolyte Thin Films". Trabalho apresentado em 4th Meeting of Requimte (network of chemistry and technology), 2006.
  157. Silva, T.H.; Moura, C.; Silva, F.. "The influence of electrolytes on permeability of nanostructured polyelectrolyte films". Trabalho apresentado em 7th National Meeting of Physical Chemistry of the Portuguese Chemical Society, 2005.
  158. Cruz, A.; Valente, M.; Silva, T.H.; Freire, C.; Moura, C.. "Preparation and characterization of modified polyelectrolyte films for molecular recognition". Trabalho apresentado em 6th Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, 2005.
  159. Silva, T.H.; Barreira, S.V.P.; Moura, C.; Silva, F.. "Understanding permeability of polyelectrolyte thin films". Trabalho apresentado em New Trends in Molecular Electrochemistry/XII Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, 2003.
  160. Silva, T.H.; Barreira, S.V.P.; Moura, C.; Silva, F.. "Electrochemical characterization and stability of self-assembled films". Trabalho apresentado em XV Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Electrochemistry, 2002.
  161. Silva, T.H.; Silva, F.; Moura, C.. "Extraction of metallic cations from water using coffee grounds". Trabalho apresentado em XVIII National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ), 2002.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Matias, Ricardo; Gregory, Susan; Ceia, Filipe; Baeta, Alexandra; Seco, José; Rocha, Miguel; Fernandes, Emanuel; et al. "Show us your beaks and we tell you what you eat: Different ecology in sympatric Antarctic benthic octopods under a climate change context". Trabalho apresentado em Frontiers in Marine Science: XX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies (SIEBM XX), Porto, 2019.
  2. Tiago H. Silva. "Tissue engineering inspired in marine organisms: current biomaterials and future perspective on stem cell role". Trabalho apresentado em 1st general meeting and working group meetings of the COST Action 16203: Stem cells of marine/aquatic invertebrates: from basic to innovative applications (MARISTEM), Piran, 2018.
  3. R. L. Cebral; A. Civantos; V. Ramos; B. Seijo; J. L. Lopez-Lacomba; J. V. Sanz-Casado; Tiago H. Silva; Rui L. Reis; A. Sanchez. "Highly valuable endogenous molecules incorporated within physically cross-linked gellan gum scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em 2017 TERMIS - Americas, Charlotte, NC, 2017.
  4. Tiago H. Silva; C. Oliveira; L. L. Reys; D. Soares da Costa; R. Novoa Carballal; N. M. Oliveira; A. S. Ferreira; et al. "Biomedical potential of fucoidan, a seaweed sulfated polysaccharide: from a anticancer agent to a building block of cell encapsulating systems for regenerative therapies". Trabalho apresentado em Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. Conference Abstract: 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montréal, 2016.
  5. Diogo, G. S.; Lopez, E.; González, P.; Serra, J.; Perez-Martin, R. I.; Sotelo, C. G.; Canadas, Raphael Faustino; et al. "Marine Collagen/Apatite scaffolds envisaging tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em 4th TERMIS World Congress, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015.
  6. Reys, L. L.; Silva, Simone Santos; Soares da Costa, D.; Oliveira, N. M.; Mano, J. F.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Fucoidan-based particles for diabetes mellitus treatment". Trabalho apresentado em IV TERMIS World Congress, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015.
  7. Silva, Tiago H.; G. Peng; R. López-Cebral; L. L. Reys; A. L. P. Marques; J. M. Oliveira; S. S. Silva; et al. "Ecofriendly and Biocompatible Chitosan/Diatomaceous Earth Composite Membranes for Dual Drug Release". Trabalho apresentado em 4th TERMIS Word Congress, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015.
  8. Marques, A. P.; Domingues, A.; Silva, Joana M.; Perez-Martin, R. I.; Sotelo, C. G.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Marine origin collagen membranes for drug delivery". Trabalho apresentado em TERMIS-EU 2014, Genoa, 2014.
  9. Barros, Alexandre António Antunes; Aroso, Ivo Manuel Ascensão; Silva, Tiago H.; Mano, J. F.; Duarte, Ana Rita C.; Reis, R. L.. "Bioactive ceramics for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine derived from marine sponges". Trabalho apresentado em Termis-EU 2014, Genoa, 2014.
  10. Barros, Alexandre A.; Aroso, Ivo Manuel Ascensão; Silva, Tiago H.; Mano, J. F.; Duarte, Ana Rita C.; Reis, R. L.. "Marine sponges : a new source of bioactive ceramics for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications". Trabalho apresentado em TERMIS-EU, Genoa, 2014.
  11. Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Marine inspired biomaterials: from sea up to tissue regeneration approaches". Trabalho apresentado em TERMIS-EU 2014, Genoa, 2014.
  12. Prata, Margarida Barros; Silva, Joana M.; Marques, A. P.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Chondrosia reniformis marine-sponge collagen membranes for skin re-epithelialization". Trabalho apresentado em Termis-EU 2014, Genoa, 2014.
  13. Silva, Joana M.; Silva, Tiago H.; Prata, Margarida Barros; Cerqueira, M. T.; Pirraco, Rogério; Giovine, M.; Marques, A. P.; Reis, R. L.. "Potential of marine sponge collagen coatings for skin regeneration strategies". Trabalho apresentado em TERM STEM 2013, Porto, 2013.
  14. Zhang, H.; Shahbazi, M. A.; Mäkilä, E. M.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.; Salonen, J. J.; Hirvonen, J. T.; Santos, H. A.. "Sustained release of prednisone and mesalamine from diatom exoskeletons : bioinspiration for the development of safe oral drug delivery devices to tackle gastrointestinal diseases". Trabalho apresentado em TERM STEM 2013, Porto, 2013.
  15. Oliveira, Sara M.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.; Mano, J. F.. "Polysaccharide-based nanostructured multilayers with distinct sulfated and aminated composition to improve cells response and biomineralization". Trabalho apresentado em TERM STEM 2013, Porto, 2013.
  16. Reys, L. L.; Silva, Simone Santos; Pirraco, Rogério; Boutinguiza, M.; Comesaña, R.; Lusquiños, F.; Pou, J.; et al. "Biomedical exploitation of squid chitosan using particle aggregation derived composite scaffolds". Trabalho apresentado em TERM STEM 2013, Porto, 2013.
  17. Duarte, Ana Rita C.; Silva, Joana M.; Silva, Tiago H.; Osinga, R.; Ilan, M.; Marques, A. P.; Mano, J. F.; Reis, R. L.. "Marine sponges as natural scaffolds : decellularization by supercritical fluid technology and cellularization with osteoblasts for tissue engineering applications". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Termis World Congress, Vienna, 2012.
  18. Oliveira, Sara M.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.; Mano, J. F.. "Novel approach to create hybrid and hierarchical scaffolds aimed for tissue regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2012 10.1002/term.1608, Guimaraes, 2012.
  19. Reys, L. L.; Silva, Simone Santos; Pirraco, Rogério; Marques, A. P.; Mano, J. F.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Cartilage regeneration approach based on squid chitosan scaffolds : in-vitro assessment". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2012, Guimarães, 2012.
  20. Reys, L. L.; Silva, Simone Santos; Boutinguiza, M.; Comesaña, R.; Lusquiños, F.; Pou, J.; Mano, J. F.; Silva, Tiago H.; Reis, R. L.. "Development of marine-based nanocomposite scaffolds for biomedical applications". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Termis World Congress, Vienna, 2012.
  21. Silva, Joana M.; Afonso, David Losa de Areia; Silva, Tiago H.; Volpato, F.; Motta, A.; Marques, A. P.; Mano, J. F.; Reis, R. L.; Migliaresi, C.. "Fish scales patterning guiding hASC growth". Trabalho apresentado em TERMSTEM 2012, Guimaraes, 2012.
  22. S. M. Oliveira; T. H. Silva; R. L. Reis; J. F. Mano. "Hierarchical scaffolds obtained by nonconventional layer-by-layer electrostatic self-assembly". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Termis World Congress 2012, Vienna, 2012.
  23. S. Fernandes-Silva; J. Moreira-Silva; S. S. Silva; R. I. Pérez-Martín; C. G. Sotelo; J. F. Mano; A. P. Marques; T. H. Silva; R.L. Reis. "Marine collagen scaffolds crosslinked ‘in situ’ with genipin for cartilage regeneration". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Termis World Congress 2012, Vienna, 2012.
  24. L. L. Reys; S. S. Silva; J. M. Oliveira; A. M. Frias; J. F. Mano; T. H. Silva; R. L. Reis. "Valorization of chitosan from squid pens and further use on the development of scaffolds for biomedical applications". Trabalho apresentado em XXXVIII Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO 2011) and IVBiennial Congress of the International Federation on Artificial Organs (IFAO 2011), Porto, 2011.
  25. Silva, Tiago H.; T.H. Silva; J. F. Mano; R. L. Reis. "Marine Polysaccharide Multilayers: pH Responsive Systems for the Surface Modification of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds". Trabalho apresentado em TERMIS-EU 2008, Porto, 2008.
Tese / Dissertação
  1. Silva, Tiago H.. "Nanostructured polyelectrolyte multilayers. Ionic transport and applications (Filmes de Polielectrólitos Nanoestruturados)". Doutoramento, University of Porto - Faculty of Sciences, 2006.
  2. Silva, Tiago H.. "Evaluation of the capacity of coffee residual for the removal of metallic pollutants from water, graduation research project in Analytical Chemistry". Licenciatura, University of Porto - Faculty of Sciences, 2001.

Propriedade Intelectual

  1. Rui L. Reis; A. R. C. Duarte; J. F. Mano; T. H. Silva; I. Aroso; A. A. Barros; J. C. Silva. 2019. "Method to obtain collagen/gelatin from marine sponges".
Pedido provisório de patente
  1. 2021. "Nanofiber mesh comprising fucoidan, method and uses thereof".
  2. 2021. "Ceramic-based composites materials methods and uses thereof".
  3. 2019. "Eco-friendly gels from marine biopolymers, products and uses thereof".

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2024/05/29 Marine Inspired Biomaterials as enabling tools for different Advanced Therapies 12th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2024)
(Daegu, Coreia do Sul)
2024/05/17 Blue biotechnology as toolbox for Human Health: marine biomaterials on the design of innovative advanced therapies 6th Meeting on Medicinal Biotechnology
(Porto, Portugal)
2023/11/23 Materials isolated from marine resources and by-products on the development of biomaterials for regenerative medicine European Congress of Marine Biotechnology
(Malaga, Espanha)
2023/11/09 Blue biomaterials as instruments for the engineering of human tissues and other advanced therapies Les Rendez-Vous de Concarneau 2023
(Concarneau, França)
2023/10/18 From marine coproducts to marine biomaterials: biomedical applications in perspective Conference Networking: Valorization of Marine Coproducts
Laboratório Colaborativo B2E (Matosinhos, Portugal)
2023/09/27 0302_CVMAR_I_1_P: Inovação industrial através de colaborações específicas entre empresas e centros de investigação no contexto de valorização biotecnológica marinha Seminario proyectos POCTEP 2014-2020 Capitalización & economía azul
(Conil de la Frontera, Espanha)
2023/06 Marine biomaterials in biomedical applications as new therapeutic solutions One Sustainable Ocean – event parallel to the UN Ocean Conference
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Lisboa, Portugal)
2023/03 Marine biomaterials in the crosstalk between blue and red biotechnologies XIV Symposium on Bioengineering
(Porto, Portugal)
2023/01/17 Innovative compression and absorption methodology for the production of hydrogels (CAMPH) based in marine biopolymers for tissue engineering 14th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group - GLUPOR 14
(Caparica, Portugal)
2022/12 Marine origin materials as building-blocks on tissue regeneration approaches and other advanced therapies 1º Encontro de Biotecnologia Marinha nos Açores
(Horta, Portugal)
2022/11/02 Marine origin materials on the development of biomaterials for cartilage tissue engineering under the scope of the MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering
University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2022/10 Extraction of collagen from different species of marine sponges: protein comparison and assessment of biotechnological potential 11th World Sponge Conference
(Leiden, Países Baixos)
2022/09/26 Da valorização de recursos marinhos e seus co-produtos até aplicações para biomedicina: alguns contributos da ciência dos biomateriais Ciclo de palestras “Mar e Matosinhos” — A Ciência e a Bioeconomia Azul
(Matosinhos, Portugal)
2022/09/21 Marine biomaterials for the engineering of human tissues: blue biotechnology approaches in biomedicine III Chemical and Biological Engineering Doctoral Symposium – University of Minho
(Braga, Portugal)
2022/06/21 Compostos Bioativos de Origem Marinha - Marine (bio)materials for biomedical application under the scope of the BSc degree in Aquatic Sciences
ICBAS – University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2022/05/24 From valorization of marine resources to biomedical applications for tissue engineering and other advanced therapies MIcSeaOnMed Workshop
3B's Research Group, University of Minho (Guimarães, Portugal)
2022/01/10 Blue biomaterials in regenerative medicine: some key-enabling tools on-line conference to students at GEOMAR
GEOMAR (Kiel, Alemanha)
2021/09/30 Marine collagens on biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 7th Freiberg Collagen Symposium 2021
FILK Research Institute (Freiberg, Alemanha)
2021/06/17 Can blue have a role in biomaterials for regenerative medicine? TERM STEM 2021
3B's Research Group, University of Minho (Braga, Portugal)
2020/10 From valorization of marine by-products to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine Marine by-products and fishery by-catch valorization in the era of zerowaste: implementation of triple bottom line approach for sustainable management of marine resources
2019/10/21 Macroalgae polysaccharides in biomedical area: examples in regenerative medicine and therapeutic strategies against cancer Conference of the Portuguese Association of Applied Algology (APAA)
(Porto, Portugal)
2019/10/14 Marine Biotechnology on Tissue Engineering: some key-enabling tools Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Chapter Meeting 2019
(Brisbane, Austrália)
2019/09/09 Marine demosponges skeletal elements as inspiration on the fabrication of 3D Collagen-Silica composites envisaging bone tissue regeneration 29th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials (ESB2019)
(Dresden, Alemanha)
2019/07/29 Macrofauna associated with the sponge Vazella pourtalesii and ecological interactions in a monospecific sponge ground on the Scotian Shelf (NS, Canada) 7th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals
(Cartagena, Colômbia)
2019/05/27 Cell-laden biomimetically mineralized shark skin collagen-based 3D printed scaffolds for the engineering of hard tissues Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2019 (TERMIS-EU2019)
(Rhodes, Grécia)
2019/05/27 Fucoidan impairs the formation of tubular-like structures in vitro and inhibits tumor growth in vivo Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2019 (TERMIS-EU2019)
(Rhodes, Grécia)
2018/12/12 Marine Inspired Biomaterials as key enabling tools for Blue Tissue Engineering CHEM2NATURE workshop
(Porto, Portugal)
2018/11/14 Biotechnological valorization of marine resources with industry-driven framework: 2 examples with different thematic and regional perspectives BUSINESS2SEA
(Porto, Portugal)
2018/10/08 Marine origin biomaterials and compounds on Tissue Engineering: some approaches and projects Sea Tech Week
2018/10/01 Marine Biotechnology on Health: Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine BLUEandGREEN Legacy International Conference
(Porto, Portugal)
2018/09/09 Synergistic toxic effect of marine-origin polymeric nanoparticle loaded with gemcitabine over human breast cancer cells 29th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials
(Maastricht, Países Baixos)
2018/05/21 Marine Inspired Biomaterials on Tissue Engineering approaches 5th Cycle of Conferences of Applied Bioengineering
Autonomous University of Baja California (Tijuana, México)
2018/04/19 Interface of marine and medical biotechnologies: a blue perspective on tissue engineering IX National Journeys of Biomedical Sciences
(Faro, Portugal)
2018/03/07 The role of the fucoidan structures on their antitumor activity: the contribution of mass spectrometry 7th workshop of Mass Spectrometry and Carbohydrates
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2017/11/06 Blue tissue engineering: marine inspiration on the development of biomaterials International Symposium on Bioinspired Macromolecular Systems
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2017/09/25 Blue Tissue Engineering: development of biomedical applications based on marine origin materials Rendez-Vous de Concarneau: where Industry meets Science in Marine Biotechnology
(Concarneau, França)
2017/09/07 Blue Tissue Engineering: from Oceans to the Bench and to Bedside Oceans Meeting 2017
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/11/21 A sea of inspiration for the development of biomaterials on tissue engineering approaches CHEM2NATURE First School
(Guimarães, Portugal)
2016/11/21 Isolation and characterization of collagen type I from codfish: a potential source of collagen for tissue engineering strategies CHEM2NATURE First School
(Guimarães, Portugal)
2016/11/17 Adding value to marine biological resources and by-products: from seafood up to biomedical, pharma and cosmetics Campus do Mar International Scientific Conference 2016
(Vila Real, Portugal)
2016/09/03 Marine Inspired Biomaterials as building blocks for tissue regeneration”, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Chapter Meeting 2016 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Chapter Meeting 2016
(Taipei, Taiwan)
2016/06/27 Valorization of marine resources and by-products for high added-value applications in the biotech, pharma, biomedical and regenerative medicine sectors 2nd workshop “Atlantic Interactions: knowledge, Climate Change, Space and Oceans
FCT (Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal)
2015/08/30 Assessing the potential of fucoidan-based microparticles for biomedical application 27th Annual Conference – European Society for Biomaterials
(Krakow, Polónia)
2015/05/04 Valorisation of Marine Resources: from marine biomass and marine rest raw-materials into high-added value applications, with emphasis in biomedical and regenerative medicine applications Workshop about Cooperation between Portugal and Noruega on Marine Science and Technology, on the occasion of the official visit of the President of the Portuguese Republic to Norway, Research Council of Norway
Research Council of Norway (Oslo, Noruega)
2015/03/23 Marine macroalgae sulfated polysaccharides resembling GAGs in biomedical applications: using fucoidan on the development of biomaterials Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine
(Galway, Irlanda)
2014/11/06 Collagen/apatite scaffolds obtained from shark skin and teeth Bioceramics 26
(Barcelona, Espanha)
2014/10/23 Collagen/gelatin extraction from marine sponges - a green technology approach TERMSTEM 2014
(Porto, Portugal)
2014/06/10 Marine inspired biomaterials: from sea up to tissue regeneration approaches Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2014
2014/06/10 Marine origin collagen membranes for drug delivery Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2014
(Genoa, Itália)
2014/06/10 Bioactive ceramics for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine derived from marine sponges Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2014
(Genoa, Itália)
2014/05/18 Optimization of a new technology for extraction based on water pressurized with carbon dioxide 14th European Meeting of Supercritical Fluids
(Marselha, França)
2014/04/16 Green solvents extraction of sponge-origin collagen/gelatin for biomedical applications Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials
(Denver, Estados Unidos)
2014/03/26 Blue Biotechnology – Valorization of marine resources II Biotechnology Conferences of the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo
Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Ponte de Lima, Portugal)
2014/01/29 Innovative applications from marine macrobes – are sustainable exploitations of marine resources possible? New Frontiers in Blue Biotechnology – Lunch Briefing at the invitation of Ulrike Rodust (MEP), European Parliament
European Parliament (Bruxelas, Bélgica)
2013/06/17 The enchantment of natural architectures as bio-inspiration for the development of 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering: studies on marine sponges Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2013 (termistanbul2013)
(Istambul, Turquia)
2013/06/17 Marine biomaterials and bioinspiration on tissue engineering approaches Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2013 (termistanbul2013)
(Istambul, Turquia)
2012/05/18 A Sea of Opportunities in Regenerative Medicine 2nd Meeting of the Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B’s
Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B’s (Braga, Portugal)
2012/05/13 Unleashing the Potential of Supercritical Fluids for Polymer Processing in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids
(San Francisco – CA, Estados Unidos)
2012/05/09 Marine biomaterials on the origin of biomedical applications 3rd Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting
(Porto, Portugal)
2011/12/20 Marine Biomaterials: a new wave on health applications”, 1st Meeting of the Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B’s, 1st Meeting of the Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B’s
Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B’s (Braga/Guimarães, Portugal)
2011/09/04 Natural-based Polyelectrolyte Multilayers in Tissue Engineering Strategies: Agglomeration of Chitosan Particles into Scaffolds 24th European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB 2011)
(Dublin, Irlanda)
2011/04/18 Preparation of polysaccharide nanostructured multilayers using an in-house dipping machine: assessment of reproducibility VI International Materials Symposium MATERIAIS 2011 e XV Meeting of the Portuguese Materials Society (SPM)
(Guimarães, Portugal)
2010/12/10 Project IBEROMARE – context and work strategy 1st IBEROMARE Seminar "Valorization of By-products from fisheries: an industrial perspective
(Vigo, Espanha)
2010/10/23 Valorization of marine resources: unraveling high-potential materials 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Associate Laboratory IBB – Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering
(Braga, Portugal)
2009/07/19 Chitosan derived from squid pens on the development of biomedical membranes 6th European Conference on Marine Natural Products
2008/06/22 Marine polysaccharide multilayers: pH responsive systems for the surface modification of Tissue Engineering scaffolds Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2008
(Porto, Portugal)
2008/04/14 pH responsive multilayered systems for the surface modification of Tissue Engineering scaffolds 5th Marie Curie Cutting Edge InVENTS Conference on “Synthesis and applications of self-assembling materials at nano-scale”
(Funchal, Madeira, Portugal)
2007/12/13 Metodologias de obtenção de diversos polímeros e cerâmicos de origem marinha com alto potencial de valorização Conferences of project PROTEUS, CETMAR
(Vigo, Espanha)
2005/09/19 Role of surface adsorption and electrostatic interactions of electroactive marker ions on their redox response at a self assembled film of 11-amineundecanethiol XXX Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Chemical Society
University of Santiago de Compostela (Lugo, Espanha)
2005/07/09 Ionic transport through polyelectrolyte multilayers: the capillary membrane model VIII Iberic Meeting of Electrochemistry/XIII Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society
University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal)
2005/06/23 Permeability of polyelectrolyte multilayers: an electrochemical and theoretical study Meeting of the European research network SUSANA (Supramolecular Self-Assembled Nanostructures)
(Porto, Portugal)
2005/03/10 On the relation between transport and structure in polyelectrolyte multilayers Meeting of the European research network SUSANA (Supramolecular Self-Assembled Nanostructures)
2004/09/21 Electrochemical study on permeability of multilayer films 55th ISE (International Society of Electrochemistry) Annual Meeting
(Thessaloniki, Grécia)
2004/05/07 Mass Transport in Polyelectrolytes Multilayers Conferences of CIQ (Centro de Investigação em Química – University of Porto)
Centro de Investigação em Química – University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2004/02/13 Study of Polyelectrolytes Multilayers by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Meeting of European research network SUSANA (Supramolecular Self-Assembled Nanostructures)
(Liverpool, Reino Unido)
2003/07/04 Understanding permeability of polyelectrolyte thin films Meeting of the European research network SUSANA (Supramolecular Self-Assembled Nanostructures)
(Amsterdam, Países Baixos)


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2019/10 - Atual Sea star TIMPs as putative natural crosslinkers of collagen to scaffolds production
Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2019/10 - Atual Cod (Gadus morhua) collagen and native ECM biomaterials for skin wound healing
Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2018/10 - Atual Extraction and purification of collagens and aggregating factors from marine sponges and echinoderms for the production of biomimetic hydrogels
Marine Science, Technology and Management (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2018/09 - 2023/10 Tissue engineering strategies based on marine biomaterials for regeneration of cartilage tissue
Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2016/10 - 2023/10 From fish by-products to marine biomaterials for corneal bioengineering
Marine Science, Technology and Management (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2020/10 - 2022/01 Potential of Atlantic codfish (Gadus morhua) skin collagen and derivatives on skincare
Applied Biochemistry - Biomedicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho Departamento de Química, Portugal
2018/10 - 2022/01 Biosilica from deep-sea marine sponge Geodia barretti for the development of 3D printed scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration applications
Biotechnology of Marine Resources (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
2015/01 - 2021/12 Chlorella vulgaris and Porphyridium purpureum: two microalgae with polysaccharides and other potential valuable compounds
Sustainable Chemistry (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Química, Portugal
2012/03 - 2021/06 Alga-origin fucoidan on development of therapeutic approaches for diabetes mellitus
Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2016/10 - 2020/10 Marine inspired composite biomaterials envisaging the engineering of hard tissues
Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2016/10 - 2020/07 Fucoidan-based strategies envisioning antitumor therapies
Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2018/10 - 2020/02 Extraction and characterization of collagen from elasmobranches’ byproducts envisaging cartilage tissue engineering
Biotechnology of Marine Resources (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
2017/10 - 2019/02 Fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed Bifurcaria bifurcata: seasonal variations on physicochemical features and anti-tumor activity against breast cancer cell line
Biotechnology of Marine Resources (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/10 Valorization of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products by extraction of collagen with potential application in cosmetic and biomedical field
Biotechnology of Marine Resources (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/10 Marine collagen-chitosan-fucoidan cryogels as cell-laden biocomposites envisaging cartilage tissue engineering
Biotechnology of Marine Resources (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
2014/04 - 2016/03 Extraction and characterization of collagen from Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic squids and its potential application in tissue engineering hybrid scaffolds
Polymers Properties and Technology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho Departamento de Engenharia de Polímeros, Portugal
2010/01 - 2010/12 Preparation of squid chitosan porous structures for Tissue Engineering applications
Polymers Properties and Technology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho Departamento de Engenharia de Polímeros, Portugal

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2022/05/24 - 2022/05/24 Co-Chair of the MIcSeaOnMed Workshop on "Blue Biotechnology: from the academy to the entrepreneur sector", Guimarães, Portugal (2022/05/24 - 2022/05/24)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
3B's Research Group, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2021/06/16 - 2021/06/18 Member of Organizing Committee of the TERMSTEM 2021 Conference (2021/06/16 - 2021/06/18)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2018/01/03 - 2018/06/06 Member of Organizing Committee of the Chem2Nature Summer School, Porto, Portugal (2018/06/03 - 2018/06/06) 3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2015/12/01 - 2016/04/29 Member of Organizing Committee of the 5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (5th PYCheM) and 1st European Young Chemists Meeting (1st EYCheM), Guimarães, Portugal (2016/04/26 - 2016/04/29) University of Minho - Chemistry department, Portugal

3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal

Young Chemists Group, Portugal
2013/06/01 - 2014/06/14 Co-organization and co-chair of symposium “Biologically derived materials from natural resources” in the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2014 (TERMIS-EU2014) (2014/06/10 - 2014/06/14)
2011/04/09 - 2011/10/12 Member of Organizing Committee of the XXXVIII Congress of the European Society of Artifical Organs (ESAO 2011) and IV Biennial Congress of the International Federation of Artificial Organs (IFAO 2011), Porto, Portugal (2011/10/09 - 2011/10/12)
2008/11/01 - 2009/11/20 Member of Organizing Committee for the 5th European Symposium on Biopolymers, Funchal, Portugal (2009/11/18 - 2009/11/20)
2007/06/22 - 2008/06/26 Co-organization and co-chair of symposium “PROTEUS Symposium: Marine Origin Materials for TERM Applications” in the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2008 (TERMIS-EU2008), Porto, Portugal (2008/06/22 - 2018/06/26)
2007/06/22 - 2008/06/26 Member of Organizing Committee for the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter Meeting 2008 (TERMIS-EU2008), Porto, Portugal (2008/06/22 - 2008/06/26)
2005/01/01 - 2005/06/23 Co-organization of meeting of the European network SUSANA (Supramolecular Self Assembled Nanostructures), Porto, Portugal (2005/06/22 - 2005/06/23)
2004/09/01 - 2005/02/17 Co-organization of workshop in Forensic Chemistry, Dep. Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal (2005/02/15)

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
2024/12 Bioadhesive hydrogels for bone tissue regeneration
Arguente principal
Juliana Gonçalves Azevedo (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2024/07 Molecular characterization of the fibrillar collagens from Chondrosia reniformis Nardo, 1847 and their biotechnological potential
Eleonora Tassara (Doutoramento)
Università degli Studi di Genova, Itália
2024/07 Marine biologically active matrices (BAM)/ mineralized chitin nanocrystals (MCHNC) as 3D hybrid porous biomaterials for alveolar bone regeneration
Sheila Olza Fernández de Quincoces (Doutoramento)
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, França

Universidad del País Vasco, Espanha
2023/12 Development of novel insecticidal nanoformulations for plant protection
Jorge Miguel Vieira de Frias (Doutoramento)
Universidade dos Açores, Portugal
2023/11 Plant-Derived Bioactive Compounds for Inflammatory Diseases
Sara Filipa Fontoura Vieira (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2022/12/12 Adhesive and bioactive membranes for bone tissue regeneration
Arguente principal
Mário Cordeiro Fonseca (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, Portugal
2021/09/20 Isolation and validation of fish roe derived-lipids and bioactive agents for biomedical applications
Marta Cristina Alves Moreira Guedes (Doutoramento)
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2021/06/22 Smart Delivery Biomaterials for Targeting Hyperplasic Synovium and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Isabel Maria Matos Lopes Oliveira (Doutoramento)
3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2019/02 Biological characterization of ceramic nanocoatings for biomedical engineering
Bettiana Marcela Hidalgo Robatto (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Vigo, Espanha
2017/12 Preparation of conductive fibers for biomedical applications
Ana Raquel Fernandes Bastos (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/05 Contribution to the molecular characterization of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis phenotypes associated with Hereditary Hemochromatosis
Márcio Alexandre Filipe Simão (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2016/12 Fish sarcoplasmic proteins as biomaterial for biomedical applications
Sara Filipa Fontoura Vieira (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/12 Valorización de descartes y subproductos de pintarroja (Scyliorhinus canicula)
María Blanco Comesaña (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Vigo, Espanha
2015/12 Bioinspired coatings for orthopedic implants
Ana Luísa Azevedo Carvalho (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/06 Development of novel biocompatible blend membranes of k-carrageenan/chitosan for controlled drug delivery
Arguente principal
Kushaal Kirtesh Raj (Mestrado)
The University of the South Pacific, Ilhas Fiji
2015/02 Evolution, gene regulation and functional analysis of BMP2 in fish
Cátia Andreia Lourenço Marques (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2009/12 Nanostructured Natural-based Polyelectrolyte Multilayers to Agglomerate Chitosan Particles into Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering
Emanuel Sá Miranda (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2008/12 New thermo-responsive hydrogels based on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) / hyaluronic acid semi-interpenetrated polymer networks: swelling properties and drug release studies
João Luís Ribeiro dos Santos (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2008/07 Study of Synthesis of Chitosan Derivatives Potentially Useful in Drug Transport
Mary Kalina Sarmento Batista (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2008/01 Polyelectrolyte Layered Particulate Systems for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering
Jessica Grech (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência
2025/07/07 - 2025/07/11 International Marine Biotechnology Conference (IMBC) IMBA - International Marine Biotechnology Association
2019/10/14 - 2019/10/17 Co-chair of session “Nature Inspired Biomaterials Towards Tissue Regeneration 2” in the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Chapter Meeting (TERMIS-AP2019), Brisbane, Australia
2019/06/10 - 2019/06/13 Congresso Nacional de Biotecnología, Vigo, Spain
2018/10/08 - 2018/10/12 SeaTechWeek, Brest, France
2016/09/03 - 2016/09/06 Co-chair of session “Next-generation of Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine” in the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Chapter Meeting (TERMIS-AP2016), Taipei, Taiwan

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2024/11 - Atual Blue Biotechnology (2948-2364) BMC (BioMed Central), part of Springer Nature
2022/09 - Atual Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Marine Drugs” (section Biomaterials of Marine Origin) MDPI
2022/01 - Atual - Associate Editor in the journal “Frontiers in Biomaterials Science” (section “Biomaterials Science for Regenerative Therapies”) Frontiers
2020/06 - Atual - Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Applied Sciences” (section Materials) MDPI
2018/05 - Atual Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal “Marine Biotechnology” MDPI
2018/05 - Atual Member of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Healthcare Engineering Hindawi
2016/01 - Atual Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Annals of Marine Science” Peertechz
2013/04 - Atual Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal “Open Material Sciences” (previously “Mesoporous Biomaterials”) De Gruyter
2007/12 - Atual Reviewer for 42 scientific journals
2021 - 2022 Guest Co-editor of Special Issue entitled “Marine Biomimetics as a Tool for Innovation” on Marine Drugs (1660-3397) MDPI
2020 - 2020 Guest Co-editor of Special Issue entitled “New Trends on Marine Biomaterials” on Applied Sciences (2076-3417) MDPI
2020 - 2020 Guest Co-editor of Special Issue entitled “Marine Organisms for Bone Regeneration - 2020” on Marine Drugs (1660-3397) MDPI
2018 - 2019 Guest Co-editor of Special Issue entitled “Collagen from Marine Biological Source and Medical Applications” on Marine Drugs (1660-3397) MDPI

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2017 - Atual Lecture "Marine origin materials in biomedical application" within the Curricular Unit "Biomaterials" PhD Program in Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (Doutoramento) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017 - Atual Lecturer of the Curricular Unit "Topics of Biomaterials" PhD Program in Marine Biotechnology and Aquaculture (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2009 - Atual Lectures on marine inspired biomaterials and marine biotechnology on advanced courses organized by 3B’s Research Group Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
2021/12/06 - 2021/12/07 Métodos de extração, purificação e caracterização de biopolímeros (on-line theoretical course, in Portuguese) 3B´s Research Group - I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics - University of Minho, Portugal
2011 - 2017 Lecture "Marine origin biomaterials" on the curricular unit on "Biomaterials" Integrated Master in Biomedical Engineer (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013 - 2016 Lecture "Marine origin biomaterials" on the Module on "BioNanotechnology and Biomaterials" Doctoral Programme in Bio-Engineering Systems – MIT-Portugal (Doutoramento)
2013 - 2013 Lecturer of the Curricular Units “Use and valorization of marine by-products” and “New Marine Products” Do*Mar - Doctoral Programme on Marine Science, Technology and Management (Doutoramento) Universidade de Vigo, Espanha
2010 - 2012 Lab tutor of the Module on "BioNanotechnology and Biomaterials" Doctoral Program in Bio-Engineering Systems – MIT-Portugal (Doutoramento)
2003 - 2004 Laboratory Teacher of Chemistry Chemistry (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2001 - 2002 Laboratory Teacher of Chemistry Chemistry (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2020/01/24 - Atual Radio show “90 segundos de Ciência”, from the Portuguese radio station Antena 1
2019/07/27 - Atual Interview by the Portuguese news agency LUSA disseminated in the news, in several Portuguese TV channels
2015/10/06 - Atual TV show “Mentes que brilham”, from the Portuguese TV channel Porto Canal

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2024/01 - Atual President of the European Society for Marine Biotechnology (ESMB)
2022/01/01 - Atual International Marine Biotechnology Association member
2022/01/01 - Atual IUPAC - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry member
2018 - Atual Member of the Direction Board of the European Society of Marine Biotechnology (ESMB)
2015/09 - Atual 1st Secretary of the Board of the General Assembly of BBA – The Portuguese Marine Bioresources Network (not for profit association), in representation of A4TEC
2015/07 - Atual Member of European Society for Biomaterials (ESB)
2008/06 - Atual Member of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS)
2001/10 - Atual Member of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ)
2022/04 - 2023/12 Vice-President of the European Society of Marine Biotechnology (ESMB)
2015/09 - 2017/10 Member of the Fiscal Council of BBA – The Portuguese Marine Bioresources Network (not for profit association)
2007/03 - 2011/03 Board Member of Associação de Bolseiros de Investigação Científica - ABIC (Portuguese Association of Fellowship holders)
2007/03 - 2011/03 Coordinator of ABIC branch in University of Minho

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2023/01 - Atual Member of the Scientific Council of I3Bs (elected as representative of Professors and Researchers)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2021/12 - Atual Member of the Unit Council of I3Bs (elected as representative of Professors and Researchers)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, Portugal
2021/04 - Atual Member of the General Council of University of Minho (elected as representative of Professors and Researchers)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/10 - Atual Member of the Management Committee (one of the two Portuguese representatives) of the COST Action CA 16203: Stem cells of marine/aquatic invertebrates: from basic research to innovative applications
2023/04/05 - 2023/09/30 1 of the 15 experts composing the Technical Committee nominated by the Portuguese Minister of Economy and Sea, as proposed by Fundação Oceano Azul, part of the Working Group established by the Portuguese Government to propose the model and roadmap for the establishment of an International Center of Blue Biotechnology
2017/03 - 2018/09 External expert on Marine Biotechnology and member of redaction team for the elaboration of the national Agenda of Research and Innovation on the Sea by Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT)
2017/10/10 - 2017/10/13 Member of the entourage of the official mission of Portugal (Directorate General for Maritime Policy) to Iceland, as expert on Marine Biotechnology DGPM - Direção Geral de Política do Mar, Portugal
2015/05/03 - 2015/05/06 Member of the entourage of the official visit of the President of the Portuguese Republic to Norway, as expert on Marine Biotechnology

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2022 - Atual Project reviewer for Université Libre de Bruxelles – Programme "Actions de recherche concertées" (Belgium) Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bélgica
2021 - Atual Project reviewer for Israel Science Foundation Israel Science Foundation, Israel
2021 - Atual Project reviewer for Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Italy) – internal research programme Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli, Itália
2020 - Atual Project reviewer for French Institute for Dental Research
2020 - Atual Project reviewer for National Science Centre of Poland Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Polónia
2019 - Atual Project reviewer for Ghent University – Industrial Research Fund Universiteit Gent, Bélgica
2018 - Atual Project Reviewer for COST Actions European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Bélgica
2018 - Atual Project reviewer for Directorate General for Maritime Policy, Portugal: Fundo Azul, EEA Grants DGPM - Direção Geral de Política do Mar, Portugal
2015 - Atual Project reviewer for Ministry of Health of Czech Republic Ministerstvo zdravotnictví Ceské republiky, República Checa
2010 - Atual Project evaluator for European Union: FP7 Marie Curie Actions, BBI JU, H2020-BG European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Bélgica
2006 - Atual Project reviewer for Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Argentina) Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, Argentina
2014 - 2018 Member of PhD Advisory Commission of Diana Noriega


Tópico Nome do aluno
2019/05 - Atual Ana Cristina Carvalho (Junior Researcher - Post-doc fellow)
2019/01 - Atual Catarina Marques (Junior Researcher - Post-doc fellow)
2018/01 - Atual Mariana Almeida (Junior Researcher - Post-doc fellow)
2019/07 - 2021/12 Olesia Dudik (Junior Researcher - Post-doc fellow)
2019/07 - 2021/12 Eva Martins (Junior Researcher - Post-doc fellow)
2019/03 - 2021/12 Inês Machado (Research fellow)
2019/04 - 2021/07 Rita Inácio (Research fellow)
2017/12 - 2020/12 Filipa Duarte (Research fellow)
2019/09 - 2020/08 Andreia Fernandes (Research fellow)
2018/11 - 2019/10 Paulo Gabbai-Armelin (Visiting Post-doc - UNIFESP, Brazil)
2017/12 - 2019/09 Filipa Carneiro (Research fellow)
2017/02 - 2019/06 Olesia Dudik (Post-doc)
2018/10 - 2019/03 Mariana Barbosa (Post-doc)
2017/06 - 2019/03 Raul Bettencourt (Assistant Researcher)
2014/10 - 2018/12 Rita López Cebral (Post-doc)
2018/01 - 2018/09 Rita Sousa (Research fellow)
2018/01 - 2018/09 Duarte Carvalho (Research fellow)
2017/01 - 2018/09 Miguel Rocha (Research fellow)
2016/07 - 2018/06 Eva Martins (Post-doc)
2017/04 - 2017/10 Rita Fernandes (Research trainee - ESA-IPVC, Portugal)
2016/03 - 2016/10 Liliana Ferreira (Research trainee - ESA-IPVC, Portugal)
2014/05 - 2016/09 Catarina Oliveira (Research fellow)
2010/04 - 2016/02 Joana Moreira da Silva (Post-doc)
2014/10 - 2015/10 Dario Fassini (Post-doc)
2013/10 - 2015/10 Gabriela Diogo (Research fellow)
2012/11 - 2015/10 Ana Marques (Research fellow)
2014/09 - 2015/02 Guangjia Peng (MSc Student - Erasmus Mundus)
2013/04 - 2014/03 Margarida Prata (Research fellow)
2012/06 - 2013/03 Alberta Domingues (Research fellow)
2010/12 - 2012/03 Susana Fernandes Silva (Research fellow)
2009/07 - 2012/02 Lara Reys (Research fellow)
2009/08 - 2010/06 Ricarte Ferreira (Research fellow)
2008/10 - 2008/11 Maria Magdalena Echezarreta (Visiting Post-doc - USC, Spain)
2008/05 - 2008/07 Rebecca Ryan (Erasmus Research trainee - NUIG, Ireland)


2024 Research Award
Meeting of Medicinal Biotechnology, Portugal
2020 honorable mention in Green Project Awards (attributed to the team)
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal

Quercus Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza, Portugal

Grupo GCI, Portugal
2017 "Best Oral Poster Presentor" award at Bioprosp 17, Tromso, Norway, in 10th of March 2017
University of Tromso, Noruega
2001 “Eng. António d’Almeida” award, for being the best student (ex-aequo) of Chemistry in Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, in 2001
University of Porto - Faculty of Sciences, Portugal

Outra distinção

2007 Post-doctoral fellowship, between 2007 and 2013, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal
2001 PhD scholarship, between 2001 and 2005, funded by FCT
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal