Artigo em revista |
- Pérez Mayoral, Elena; Godino Ojer, Marina; Ventura, Márcia; Matos, Ines. "New Insights into N-Doped Porous Carbons as Both
Heterogeneous Catalysts and Catalyst Supports: Opportunities for the Catalytic Synthesis of Valuable Compounds". Nanomaterials
13 13 (2023): 2013.
- Godino-Ojer, Marina; Morales, Vanessa Ripoll; López Peinado, Antonio J.; Bernardo, Maria; Lapa, Nuno; Ferraria, Ana Maria;
do Rego, Ana Maria Botelho; et al. "P-Doped carbon catalyst highly efficient for benzodiazepine synthesis. Tires valorisation".
Catalysis Today 419 (2023): 114160.
- Bernardo, Maria; Lapa, Nuno; Pinto, Filomena; Nogueira, Miguel; Matos, Inês; Ventura, Márcia; Ferraria, Ana Maria; do Rego,
Ana Maria Botelho; Fonseca, Isabel Maria. "Valorisation of spent tire rubber as carbon adsorbents for Pb(II) and W(VI) in
the framework of a Circular Economy". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 30 (2023): 74820-74837.
- Teresa Cordeiro; Inês Matos; Florence Danède; Joao Sotomayor; Isabel M. Fonseca; Marta Corvo; Maria Madalena Dionísio Andrade;
et al. "Evidence of Strong Guest–Host Interactions in Simvastatin Loaded in Mesoporous Silica MCM-41". Pharmaceutics
15 5 (2023): 1320-1320.
- Mokhati, A.; Benturki, O.; Bernardo, M.; Kecira, Z.; Matos, I.; Lapa, N.; Ventura, M.; et al. "Nanoporous carbons prepared
from argan nutshells as potential removal agents of diclofenac and paroxetine". Journal of Molecular Liquids 326 (2021):
Publicado • 10.1016/j.molliq.2021.115368
- Dias, Rita; Sousa, Diogo; Bernardo, Maria; Matos, Inês; Fonseca, Isabel; Cardoso, Vitor Vale; Carneiro, Rui Neves; et al.
"Study of the Potential of Water Treatment Sludges in the Removal of Emerging Pollutants". Molecules 26 4 (2021): 1010.
Publicado • 10.3390/molecules26041010
- d’Orey, Piedade; Cordeiro, Teresa; Lourenço, Mirtha A. O.; Matos, Inês; Danède, Florence; Sotomayor, João C.; Fonseca, Isabel
M.; et al. "How Molecular Mobility, Physical State, and Drug Distribution Influence the Naproxen Release Profile from Different
Mesoporous Silica Matrices". Molecular Pharmaceutics (2021):
No prelo • 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.0c00908
- Inocêncio, Sara; Cordeiro, Teresa; Matos, Inês; Danède, Florence; Sotomayor, João C.; Fonseca, Isabel M.; Correia, Natália
T.; Corvo, Marta C.; Dionísio, Madalena. "Ibuprofen incorporated into unmodified and modified mesoporous silica: From matrix
synthesis to drug release". Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 310 (2021): 110541.
- Pérez-Mayoral, Elena; Matos, Ines; Bernardo, María; Ventura, Marcia; Fonseca, Isabel M.. "Carbon-Based Materials for the Development
of Highly Dispersed Metal Catalysts: Towards Highly Performant Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis". Catalysts 10
12 (2020): 1407.
Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/catal10121407
- Godino-Ojer, M.; Matos, I.; Bernardo, M.; Carvalho, R.; G.P. Soares, Olívia Salomé; Durán-Valle, C.; Fonseca, I.M.; Mayoral,
E. Pérez. "Acidic porous carbons involved in the green and selective synthesis of benzodiazepines". Catalysis Today
357 (2020): 64-73.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.cattod.2019.11.027
- Ventura, Márcia G.; Pullert, Thomas; Risso, Rúbia; Matos, Inês; Fonseca, I.; Vital, Joaquim M.. "Composite catalytic materials
based on k-carrageenan and CaO used on the transesterification of soybean oil for the process of biodiesel obtention". Catalysis
Today (2020):
No prelo • 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.11.001
- Godino-Ojer, M.; Blazquez-García, R.; Matos, I.; Bernardo, M.; Fonseca, I.M.; Pérez Mayoral, E.. "Porous carbons-derived from
vegetal biomass in the synthesis of quinoxalines. Mechanistic insights". Catalysis Today 354 (2020): 90-99.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.cattod.2019.06.043
- Dias, Diogo; Bernardo, Maria; Matos, Inês; Fonseca, Isabel; Pinto, Filomena; Lapa, Nuno. "Activation of co-pyrolysis chars
from rice wastes to improve the removal of Cr3+ from simulated and real industrial wastewaters". Journal of Cleaner Production
267 (2020): 121993.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121993
- Cordeiro, T.; Paninho, A.B.; Bernardo, M.; Matos, I.; Pereira, C.V.; Serra, A.T.; Matias, A.; Ventura, M.G.. "Biocompatible
locust bean gum as mesoporous carriers for naproxen delivery". Materials Chemistry and Physics 239 (2020):
- Nogueira; Matos; Bernardo; Pinto; Lapa; Surra; Fonseca. "Char from Spent Tire Rubber: A Potential Adsorbent of Remazol Yellow
Dye". C — Journal of Carbon Research 5 4 (2019): 76.
Publicado • 10.3390/c5040076
- Pérez-Mayoral, Elena; Matos, Inês; Bernardo, Maria; Fonseca, Isabel M.. "New and Advanced Porous Carbon Materials in Fine
Chemical Synthesis. Emerging Precursors of Porous Carbons". Catalysts 9 2 (2019): 133.
- Dias, Diogo; Bernardo, Maria; Lapa, Nuno; Pinto, Filomena; Matos, Inês; Fonseca, Isabel Maria; Dias, D.; et al. "Activated
carbons from the co-pyrolysis of rice wastes for Cr(III) removal". Chemical Engineering Transactions 65 65 (2018):
601-606. 10.3303/CET1865101.
Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3303/CET1865101
- Dias, D.; Lapa, N.; Bernardo, M.; Ribeiro, W.; Matos, I.; Fonseca, I.; Pinto, F.. "Cr(III) removal from synthetic and industrial
wastewaters by using co-gasification chars of rice waste streams". Bioresource Technology 266 (2018): 139-150.
- Madureira, Joana; Melo, Rita; Verde, Sandra Cabo; Matos, Ines; Bernardo, Maria; Noronha, Joao P.; Margaca, Fernanda M. A.;
Fonseca, Isabel M.. "Recovery of phenolic compounds from multi-component solution by a synthesized activated carbon using
resorcinol and formaldehyde". Water Science and Technology 77 2 (2018): 456-466.
- Godino-Ojer, M.; Milla-Diez, L.; Matos, I.; Durán-Valle, C.J.; Bernardo, M.; Fonseca, I.M.; Pérez Mayoral, E.. "Enhanced Catalytic
Properties of Carbon supported Zirconia and Sulfated Zirconia for the Green Synthesis of Benzodiazepines". ChemCatChem
10 22 (2018): 5215-5223.
- Matos, I.; Bernardo, M.; Fonseca, I.. "Porous carbon: A versatile material for catalysis". Catalysis Today 285 (2017):
- Bernardo, M.M.S.; Madeira, C.A.C.; dos Santos Nunes, N.C.L.; Dias, D.A.C.M.; Godinho, D.M.B.; de Jesus Pinto, M.F.; do Nascimento
Matos, I.A.M.; Carvalho, A.P.B.; de Figueiredo Ligeiro Fonseca, I.M.. "Study of the removal mechanism of aquatic emergent
pollutants by new bio-based chars". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24 28 (2017): 22698-22708.
- Matos, Ines; Bernardo, Maria; Neves, Paulo Duarte; Castanheiro, Jose Eduardo; Vital, Joaquim; Fonseca, Isabel M.. "Mesoporous
Carbon as effective and sustainable catalyst for fine chemistry". Boletin Del Grupo Espanol Del Carbon 39 (2016): 19-22.
- Silva, Caue A. C.; Figueiredo, Flavia C. A.; Rodrigues, Raphael; Sairre, Mirela I.; Goncalves, Maraisa; Matos, Ines; Fonseca,
Isabel M.; Mandelli, Dalmo; Carvalho, Wagner A.. "Enhancing the biodiesel manufacturing process by use of glycerin to produce
hyacinth fragrance". Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 18 5 (2016): 1551-1563.
- Bernardo, M.; Rodrigues, S.; Lapa, N.; Matos, I.; Lemos, F.; Batista, M. K. S.; Carvalho, A. P.; Fonseca, I.. "High efficacy
on diclofenac removal by activated carbon produced from potato peel waste". International Journal of Environmental Science
and Technology 13 8 (2016): 1989-2000.
- Batista, M.K.S.; Mestre, A.S.; Matos, I.; Fonseca, I.M.; Carvalho, A.P.. "Biodiesel production waste as promising biomass
precursor of reusable activated carbons for caffeine removal". RSC Advances 6 51 (2016): 45419-45427.
- Bernardo, M.; Lapa, N.; Matos, I.; Fonseca, I.. "Critical discussion on activated carbons from bio - wastes - environmental
risk assessment". Boletin Del Grupo Espanol Del Carbon 40 (2016): 18-21.
- Couto, O.M.; Matos, I.; da Fonseca, I.M.; Arroyo, P.A.; da Silva, E.A.; de Barros, M.A.S.D.. "Effect of solution pH and influence
of water hardness on caffeine adsorption onto activated carbons". Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 93 1 (2015):
- Matos, I.; Silva, M.F.; Ruiz-Rosas, R.; Vital, J.; Rodríguez-Mirasol, J.; Cordero, T.; Castanheiro, J.E.; Fonseca, I.M.. "Methoxylation
of a-pinene over mesoporous carbons and microporous carbons: A comparative study". Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
199 (2014): 66-73.
- Lopez-Sanz, Jesus; Perez-Mayoral, Elena; Soriano, Elena; Omenat-Moran, Delia; Duran, Carlos J.; Maria Martin-Aranda, Rosa;
Matos, Ines; Fonseca, Isabel. "Acid-Activated Carbon Materials: Cheaper Alternative Catalysts for the Synthesis of Substituted
Quinolines". Chemcatchem 5 12 (2013): 3736-3742.
- Matos, I.; Ascenso, J.R.; Lemos, M.; Fan, Z.; Yuan, J.; Farinha, J.P.S.; Lemos, F.; Gonçalves Da Silva, A.M.P.S.; Marques,
M.M.. "Structure, morphology and interfacial behaviour of ethylene/methacrylate copolymers". Journal of Polymer Research
20 3 (2013):
- Caiado, M.; MacHado, A.; Santos, R.N.; Matos, I.; Fonseca, I.M.; Ramos, A.M.; Vital, J.; Valente, A.A.; Castanheiro, J.E..
"Alkoxylation of camphene over silica-occluded tungstophosphoric acid". Applied Catalysis A: General 451 (2013): 36-42.
- Matos, I.; Fernandes, S.N.; Liu, H.-R.; Tevtia, A.K.; Singh, R.P.; Lemos, M.; Lemos, F.; Marques, M.M.. "Copolymerization
of ethylene with unsaturated alcohols and methylmethacrylate using a silylated a-diimine nickel catalyst: Molecular modeling
and photodegradation studies". Journal of Applied Polymer Science 129 4 (2013): 1820-1832.
- Pérez-Mayoral, E.; Matos, I.; Nachtigall, P.; Položij, M.; Fonseca, I.; Vitvarová-Procházková, D.; Cejka, J.. "Intramolecular
hydroalkoxylation of non-activated C=C bonds catalysed by zeolites: An experimental and theoretical study". ChemSusChem
6 6 (2013): 1021-1030.
- Durán-Valle, C.J.; Madrigal-Martínez, M.; Martínez-Gallego, M.; Fonseca, I.M.; Matos, I.; Botelho Do Rego, A.M.. "Activated
carbon as a catalyst for the synthesis of N-alkylimidazoles and imidazolium ionic liquids". Catalysis Today 187 1 (2012):
- Matos, I.; Neves, P.D.; Castanheiro, J.E.; Perez-Mayoral, E.; Martin-Aranda, R.; Duran-Valle, C.; Vital, J.; Botelho Do Rego,
A.M.; Fonseca, I.M.. "Mesoporous carbon as an efficient catalyst for alcoholysis and aminolysis of epoxides". Applied Catalysis
A: General 439-440 (2012): 24-30.
- MacHado, J.; Castanheiro, J.E.; Matos, I.; Ramos, A.M.; Vital, J.; Fonseca, I.M.. "SBA-15 with sulfonic acid groups as a Green
Catalyst for the acetoxylation of a-pinene". Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 163 (2012): 237-242.
- Mestre, A.S.; Bexiga, A.S.; Proença, M.; Andrade, M.; Pinto, M.L.; Matos, I.; Fonseca, I.M.; Carvalho, A.P.. "Activated carbons
from sisal waste by chemical activation with K 2CO 3: Kinetics of paracetamol and ibuprofen removal
from aqueous solution". Bioresource Technology 102 17 (2011): 8253-8260.
- Coelho, A.; Fonseca, I.M.; Matos, I.; Marques, M.M.; Botelho do Rego, A.M.; Lemos, M.A.N.D.A.; Lemos, F.. "Catalytic degradation
of low and high density polyethylenes using ethylene polymerization catalysts: Kinetic studies using simultaneous TG/DSC analysis".
Applied Catalysis A: General 374 1-2 (2010): 170-179.
- Matos, I.; Pérez-Mayoral, E.; Soriano, E.; Zukal, A.; Martín-Aranda, R.M.; López-Peinado, A.J.; Fonseca, I.; Cejka, J.. "Experimental
and theoretical study of pyrazole N-alkylation catalyzed by basic modified molecular sieves". Chemical Engineering Journal
161 3 (2010): 377-383.
- Pito, D.S.; Matos, I.; Fonseca, I.M.; Ramos, A.M.; Vital, J.; Castanheiro, J.E.. "Methoxylation of a-pinene over heteropolyacids
immobilized in silica". Applied Catalysis A: General 373 1-2 (2010): 140-146.
- Alves, L.G.; Antunes, M.A.; Matos, I.; Munhá, R.F.; Teresa Duarte, M.; Fernandes, A.C.; Mercês Marques, M.; Martins, A.M..
"Reactivity of a new family of diamido-diamine cyclam-based zirconium complexes in ethylene polymerization". Inorganica
Chimica Acta 363 8 (2010): 1823-1830.
- Pérez-Mayoral, E.; Matos, I.; Fonseca, I.; Cejka, J.. "Zeolites efficiently promote the cyclization of nonactivated unsaturated
alcohols". Chemistry - A European Journal 16 40 (2010): 12079-12082.
- Matos, I.; Fernandes, A.; Catalão, R.; Dptelh Do Rego, A.M.; Ascenso, J.R.; Fonseca, I.F.; Lemos, F.; Marques, M.M.. "Heterogeneization
of alpha diimines nickel catalysts for the polymerization of ethylene and methylmethacrylate". E-Polymers (2010):
- João Ferreira, M.; Matos, I.; Duarte, M.T.; Marques, M.M.; Martins, A.M.. "Synthesis and characterization of titanium ketimide
complexes Ti(N{double bond, long}CtBu2)nCl4-n(n = 1, 2): Ethylene polymerization
studies". Catalysis Today 133-135 1-4 (2008): 647-653.
- Carvalho, M.F.N.N.; Cermák, J.; Fernandes, A.C.; Ferreira, A.S.; Galvão, A.M.; Matos, I.; Marques, M.M.. "Ethylene polymerisation
by Ni-diphosphine azine complexes". Polymer International 56 5 (2007): 613-620.
- Fernandes, S.; Correia, S.; Matos, I.; Marques, M.M.; Rana, S.; Kumar, B.; Gupta, M.K.; Singh, R.P.. "Photodegradation of
ethylene/propylene/polar monomers, Co-, and terpolymers. II. Prepared by Ni catalyst systems". Journal of Applied Polymer
Science 104 3 (2007): 1783-1791.
- Ferreira, M.J.; Matos, I.; Ascenso, J.R.; Duarle, M.T.; Marques, M.M.; Wilson, C.; Martins, A.M.. "Alkylation, cation formation,
and insertion reactions in titanium tris(ketimide) complexes". Organometallics 26 1 (2007): 119-127.
- Viciosa, M.T.; Rodrigues, C.; Fernández, S.; Matos, I.; Marques, M.M.; Duarte, M.T.; Mano, J.F.; Dionísio, M.. "Dielectric
and thermal characterization of low density ethylene/10-undecen- 1 -ol copolymers prepared with nickel catalysts". Journal
of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 45 19 (2007): 2802-2812.
- Matos, I.; Fernandes, S.; Guerreiro, L.; Barata, S.; Ramos, A.M.; Vital, J.; Fonseca, I.M.. "The effect of surfactants on
the porosity of carbon xerogels". Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 92 1-3 (2006): 38-46.
- Matos, I.; Zhang, Y.; Fonseca, I.; Lemos, F.; Lemos, M.; Freire, F.; Fernandas, A.C.; et al. "Ethylene polymerization over
transition metal supported catalysts. III. Vanadium". E-Polymers (2006): 1-20.
- Martins, A.M.; Marques, M.M.; Ascenso, J.R.; Dias, A.R.; Duarte, M.T.; Fernandes, A.C.; Fernandes, S.; et al. "Titanium and
zirconium ketimide complexes: Synthesis and ethylene polymerisation catalysis". Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
690 4 (2005): 874-884.
- Matos, I.; Zhang, Y.; Lemos, M.A.N.D.A.; Freire, F.; Fonseca, I.F.; Marques, M.M.; Lemos, F.. "Kinetic modeling studies of
ethylene polymerization reactions using supported chromium catalysts". Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry
42 14 (2004): 3464-3472.
- Zhang, Y.; Matos, I.; Lemos, M.A.N.D.A.; Freire, F.; Nunes, T.G.; Do Rego, A.M.B.; Henriques, R.T.; et al. "Ethylene polymerization
over transition-metal supported catalysts. II. Cr on zeolite, silica, and charcoal: Characterization and activity studies".
Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 41 23 (2003): 3768-3780.
Poster em conferência |
- Matos, Inês. "Biomass derived carbons for furfural and glycerol catalytic valorisation.". Trabalho apresentado em 5th Green
& Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2020, Dresden, November 10-11, 2020. Online conference, 2020.
- Matos, Inês. "Materiales de carbono derivados de biomasa implicados en la síntesis de quinoxalinas. Consideraciones mecanísticas".
Trabalho apresentado em XXIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2018.
- Inocêncio, Sara; Matos, Inês; Danède, Florence; Santos, Andreia F. M.; Sotomayor, João C.; Fonseca, Isabel M.; Correia, Natália
T.; et al. "Chemical-physical study of ibuprofen incorporated into unmodified and modified mesoporous silicas: from matrix
synthesis to drug release". Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference -
CHEMPOR 2018, 2018.
- Matos, Inês. "Cr(III) Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbons obtained through the Co-pyrolysis of Wastes from
Rice Production". Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (CHEMPOR 2018),
- Matos, Inês. "Highly efficient and selective synthesis of benzodiacepines catalyzed by acid carbon materials". Trabalho apresentado
- Matos, Inês. "Materiales de carbón bifuncionales implicados en la síntesis de 1,5-benzodiacepinas". Trabalho apresentado em
- Matos, Inês. "Activated Carbon from biomass, a sustainable acid catalyst for flavor synthesis". Trabalho apresentado em EUROPACAT2017
– 13th European Congress on Catalysis, Florence, Italy., 2017.
- Matos, Inês. "Removal of Cr(III) by using activated carbons produced from rice waste chars". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd
Symposium on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering – 2nd Doctoral Congress on Engineering (DCE17), Porto, Portugal.,
- Matos, Inês. "Flavour synthesis using activated carbons as sustainable acid catalyst". Trabalho apresentado em 1ª Reunião
do Grupo de Carbono, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
- Matos, Inês. "Carbon materials for enterosorption and hemoperfusion: the diclofenac case-study". Trabalho apresentado em 1ª
Reunião do Grupo de Carbono, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
- Matos, Inês. "Activated Carbon From Biodiesel Production Waste For Green Acid Catalysis In The Valorization Of Glycerol".
Trabalho apresentado em Carbon 2016, Pennstate University, USA, 2016.
- Matos, Inês. "Application Of Rapeseed Based Activated Carbons As Adsorbents Of Anti-Inflammatory And Antibiotic Drugs". Trabalho
apresentado em Carbon 2016, Pennstate University, USA, 2016.
- Matos, Inês. "Synthesized mesoporous carbon for adsorption/desorption of antioxidant compounds". Trabalho apresentado em 10º
Encontro Nacional de Catálise e Materiais Porosos,Lisboa, Portugal, 2016.
- Matos, Inês. "Potato peel waste based activated carbon for the adsorption of tetracycline and caffeine". Trabalho apresentado
em 10º Encontro Nacional de Catálise e Materiais Porosos,Lisboa Portugal, 2016.
- Matos, Inês. "Valorisation of black ashes from rice husk gasification as adsorbents of diclofenac in water". Trabalho apresentado
em 2nd EuCheMS Congress on Green and Sustainable Chemistry , Lisbon , Portuga, 2015.
- Matos, Inês. "Effects of pH and activated carbon surfasse chemistry on the adsorption of cafeine from aqueous solution”".
Trabalho apresentado em Encontro Brasileiro sobre Adsorção, Brasil, 2014.
- Matos, Inês. "Biomass based activated carbon as catalyst". Trabalho apresentado em 9 Encontro de Catálise e Materiais Porosos,
Porto, 2013.
- Matos, Inês. "Valorização de resíduos de biomassa: Carvão microporoso como catalisador em reações de conversão de glicerol".
Trabalho apresentado em XXIII Congreso Iberoamericano de catálisis, CICAT, Argentina, 2012.
- Matos, Inês. "Methoxylation of a-pinene over sulphonated mesoporous carbons". Trabalho apresentado em 4 International IUPAC
Conference on Green Chemistry, Foz de Iguaçu, Brasil, 2012.
- Matos, Inês. "Mechanism of MMA homo and copolymerization with E. Molecular Modeling Calculations". Trabalho apresentado em
ICOMC6, Lisboa, Portugal, 2012.
- Matos, Inês. "Methoxylation of a-pinene over mesoporous carbons and microporous carbons: a comparative study". Trabalho apresentado
em Symposium in honour of Ramôa Ribeiro Catalysis: From the Active Site to the Process, Lisboa, Portugal, 2012.
- Matos, Inês. "Opening of epoxides with amines promoted by activated mesoporous carbon". Trabalho apresentado em CHEMPOR,
Lisboa, Portugal, 2011.
- Matos, Inês. "Sba-15 with sulfonic acid groups an effecient catalyst for the acetoxylation of ¿-pinene". Trabalho apresentado
em International conference materials and technologies for green chemistry, Tallinn, Estonia, 2011.
- Matos, Inês. "Mesoporous Carbon as an efficient catalyst for alcoholysis and aminolysis of epoxides". Trabalho apresentado
em EUROPACAT, Glasgow, Escócia, 2011.
- Matos, Inês. "Sisal-based activated carbons as heterogeneous catalyst". Trabalho apresentado em CESEP, Vichi, France,
- Matos, Inês. "Remoção de analgésicos com carvões activados a partir do sisal". Trabalho apresentado em XXXV Reunião Ibérica
de Adsorção. Lisboa, 2010.
- Matos, Inês. "Activação Química com KOH de desperdicios de cordoaria. Aplicação como catalisadores numa reacção de esterificação".
Trabalho apresentado em XXXV Reunião Ibérica de Adsorção. Lisboa, 2010.
- Matos, Inês. "Polymerization and copolymerization of E/MMA. A comprehensive study of the effect of the structure in the performance
of catalyst systems.". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Blue Sky Conference on Catalytic Olefin Polymerization; Sorrento, Italy.,
- Matos, Inês. "Acetoxylation of ¿-pinene over SBA-15 with sulfonic acid groups". Trabalho apresentado em workshop challenges
in zeolite synthesis and catalysis, Prague, 2010.
- Matos, Inês. "Activated Carbons from biomass using different methologies". Trabalho apresentado em X Reunión del Grupo
Espanol del Carbón, Girona, Spain, 2010.
- Viva, Federico A.; Bruno, Mariano M.; Corti, Horacio R.. "Mesoporous Carbon as Support for PtRu Catalyst Electrochemical and
Fuel Cell Characterization". Trabalho apresentado em CESEP’09, Torremolinos, Spain, 2009.
- Matos, Inês. "Acetoxylation of a-pinene over activated carbons as catalysts". Trabalho apresentado em CESEP’09, Torremolinos,
Spain, 2009.
- Matos, Inês. "Adsorption of paracetamol and caffeine on agricultural residues based activated carbons". Trabalho apresentado
em CESEP’09, Torremolinos, Spain, 2009.
- Matos, Inês. "Efficient synthesis of N-alkyl pyrazoles catalyzed by basic modified molecular sieves". Trabalho apresentado
em EUROPACAT IX, Salamanca, Spain, 2009.
- Matos, Inês. "Novel Organozirconium Complexes Based on trans-(N,N’-Bn2Cyclam)". Trabalho apresentado em 10th FIGIPAS Meeting
in Inorganic Chemistry, Palermo, Italy, 2009.
- Matos, Inês. "N-alkylation of five membered nitrogen heterocycles catalyzed by basic mesoporous materials". Trabalho apresentado
em 6 th world congress on catalysis by acids and bases- ABC 6, Génova, Italy, 2009.
- Matos, Inês. "N-Alkylation of five membered nitrogen heterocycles catalised by basic mesoporous materials". Trabalho apresentado
em 40th Symposium on Catalysis, em Praga, República Checa,, 2008.
- Matos, Inês. "Using simultaneous TG/DSC analysis to analyse the degradation kinetics of polyethylene". Trabalho apresentado
em Polymer Processing Society 24th Annual Meeting, Salerno, Italy, 2008.
- Matos, Inês. "Modelling Molecular Weight Distributions in Ziegler-Natta Polymerization". Trabalho apresentado em EUROPACAT
VIII, Finland, 2007.
- Matos, Inês. "Kinetic modelling of ethylene polymerisation using two different alpha-diimine Ni catalysts". Trabalho apresentado
em 2nd Blue Sky Conference on Catalytic Olefin Polymerization, Sorrento Italy, 2005.
- Matos, Inês. "Copolymerisation of ethylene with polar monomers; a comparison between Zr and Ni catalysts". Trabalho apresentado
em 2nd Blue Sky Conference on Catalytic Olefin Polymerization, Sorrento, Italy, 2005.
- Matos, Inês. "Ethylene Polymerization using alpha- diimine Ni catalysts. Kinetic and Modelling studies.". Trabalho apresentado
em 7ª Encontro da Divisão de Catálise e Materiais Porosos, SPQ, Lisboa, 2005.
- Matos, Inês. "Kinetic modelling of ethylene polymerisation and ethylene/10-undecen-1-ol copolymerisation with Asymmetric
Ethylene-Bridged Zirconocene Catalyst". Trabalho apresentado em ISHC-14, Munich, Germany, 2004.
- Matos, Inês. "Insight into the catalytic properties of Ni-azine diphosphine for the polymerisation of ethylene". Trabalho
apresentado em ISHC-14, Munich, Germany, 2004.
- Matos, Inês. "Titanium tris(ketimide) complexes: a new class of ethylene polymerization catalysts". Trabalho apresentado em
ISHC-14, Munich, Germany, 2004.
- Matos, Inês. "Titanium and Zirconium ketimide complexes: Syntheses and catalytic behavior in ethylene polymerization". Trabalho
apresentado em ISHC-14, Munich, Germany, 2004.
- Matos, Inês. "Ethylene Polymerization over Transition Metals Supported Catalysts. Vanadium on Zeolite and Charcoal". Trabalho
apresentado em EUROPACAT VI, Innsbruck, Austria, 2003.
- Matos, Inês. "A new class of olefin polymerization catalysts: Group 4 bis(Ketimide) complexes". Trabalho apresentado em 7th
FIGIPS, Lisboa, Portugal, 2003.
- Matos, Inês. "Óxido de Vanádio suportado em Zeólito NaY e Carvão microporoso: caracterização e aplicação em polimerização
de etileno". Trabalho apresentado em 6ª Encontro da Divisão de Catálise e Materiais Porosos, SPQ, Évora, 2003.