Artigo em conferência |
- Brito, Irene; Almeida, J. J.; Machado, Gaspar J.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Smirnov, Georgi; Araújo, Isabel; Carvalho, Nuno. "Sistema
Passarola – geração automática de exercícios". 2019.
- Costa, Ricardo Daniel Pereira; Clain, Stéphane; Machado, Gaspar J.. "6th-order finite volume approximations for the stokes
equations with a curved boundary". 2015.
- Machado, Gaspar J.; Clain, Stéphane; Loubère, R.; Diot, S.. "6th-order finite volume approximation for the steady-state burger
and euler equations: the mood approach". 2015.
- Clain, S.; Machado, G.J.; Pereira, R.M.S.; Smirnov, G.. "Soft tissue modelling for analysis of errors in breast reduction
surgery". 2014.
- Lopes, S.O.; Fontes, F.A.C.C.; Costa, M.F.P.; Pereira, R.M.S.; Gonçalves, A.M.; Machado, G.J.. "Irrigation planning: Replanning
and numerical solution". 2013.
- Sofia O. Lopes; Fernando A. C. C. Fontes; Rui M. S. Pereira; A. Manuela Gonc¸alves; Gaspar J. Machado. "Irrigation planning:
An optimal control approach". 2013.
- Almeida, J.J.; Araujo, I.; Brito, I.; Carvalho, N.; Machado, G.J.; Pereira, R.M.S.; Smirnov, G.. "PASSAROLA: High-order exercise
generation system". 2013.
- Clain, Stéphane; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Very high-order time scheme for the finite volume method". 2013.
- Almeida, J. J.; Araújo, Isabel; Brito, Irene; Carvalho, Nuno; Machado, Gaspar J.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Smirnov, Georgi. "PASSAROLA
: high-order exercise generation system". 2013.
- Costa, Ricardo; Clain, Stéphane; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Bending of a beam with finite volume schemes". 2013.
- Lopes, Sofia Oliveira; Fontes, Fernando A. C. C.; Pinho, Maria do Rosário de; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Gonçalves, A. Manuela; Machado,
Gaspar J.. "An optimal control approach to the irrigation planning problem". 2013.
- Araújo, Nuno Miguel Faria; Machado, Gaspar J.; Martins, Júlio Barreiros. "Segurança de maciços terrosos com cargas quaisquer.
Alguns novos desenvolvimentos para a sua avaliação". 2012.
- Clain, Stéphane; Machado, Gaspar J.; Pereira, Rui M. S.. "A new very high-order finite volume method for the 2D convection
diffusion problem on unstructured meshes". 2012.
- Machado, Gaspar J.; Clain, Stéphane; Pereira, Rui M. S.. "Very high-order finite volume scheme for 1D convection diffusion
problem: the implicit case". 2012.
- Clain, Stéphane; Machado, Gaspar J.; Pereira, Rui M. S.. "A finite volume scheme for the convection-diffusion system using
the polynomial reconstruction operator". 2012.
- Machado, G.J.; Costa, D.F.; Silva, J.M.; Ribeiro, H.J.C.; Martins, J.B.. "Computation of the safety factors of geotechnical
structures". 2011.
- Machado, Gaspar J.; Costa, Diana; Silva, João; Ribeiro, Hélder; Martins, Júlio Barreiros. "Computation of the safety factors
of geotechnical structures". 2011.
- Pereira, Rui M. S.; Haie, Naim; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Modelling Water Resources using Vensim PLE". 2011.
- Lopes, Sofia Oliveira; Fontes, Fernando A. C. C.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Irrigation planning in the context
of climate change". 2011.
- Stéphane, Clain; Diot, S.; Loubère, R.; Machado, Gaspar J.; Ralha, Rui; Pereira, Rui M. S.. "Very high-order finite volume
method for one-dimensional convection diffusion problems". 2011.
- Nogueira, Ricardo; Machado, Gaspar J.; Haie, Naim; Pereira, Rui M. S.. "Avaliação das incertezas no domínio dos recursos hídricos
na Bacia Hidrográfica do Douro usando a Lógica Difusa". 2011.
- Araújo, Manuel A. F.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Machado, Gaspar J.; Haie, Naim. "Transboundary Douro River Basin needs adaptive
management to face future uncertainties of water scarcity and drought". 2011.
- Machado, Gaspar J.; Costa, Diana; Silva, João; Ribeiro, Hélder; Martins, Júlio Barreiros. "Numerical methods for the calculation
of the factor of safety for loaded non homogeneous earth masses 2D and 3D". 2011.
- Martins, J.B.; MacHado, G.A.; Ribeiro, H.J.C.. "Limit equilibrium of 2D and 3D nonhomogeneous loaded ground masses". 2010.
- Flores, P.; MacHado, G.J.B.Q.A.; Pereira, R.M.S.; Claro, J.C.P.. "Kinematics of the roller motion and cam size optimization
of disc cam-follower mechanisms with translating roller followers". 2009.
- Brito, Irene; Figueiredo, Jorge Manuel; Flores, Maria Assunção; Jesus, Ana; Machado, Gaspar J.; Malheiro, Teresa; Pereira,
P. A.; et al. "Using e-learning to self regulate the learning process of mathematics for engineering students". 2009.
- Vaz, Estelita; Malheiro, Teresa; Machado, Gaspar J.; Pereira, Rui M. S.. "Web technologies : an allied of mathematics". 2008.
- Haie, Naim; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Irrigation water use and its effective efficiency in Portugal". 2008.
- Pereira, Rui M. S.; Flores, Paulo; Machado, Gaspar J.; Claro, José Carlos Pimenta. "Computational modelling of dynamically
loaded journal bearings". 2007.
- Haie, N.; Machado, G.J.; Fortunas, F.C.; Teixeira, J.C.; Martins, J.B.; Haie, N; Machado, GJ; et al. "Evaluation and comparison
of BEM, FEM and FDM for the solution of some engineering problems". 1996.
Artigo em revista |
- Santos, M.; Araújo, A.; Barbeiro, S.; Clain, S.; Costa, R.; Machado, G.J.. "Very High-Order Accurate Discontinuous Galerkin
Method for Curved Boundaries with Polygonal Meshes". Journal of Scientific Computing 100 3 (2024):
- Ricardo Costa; Stéphane Clain; Gaspar J. Machado; João M. Nóbrega; Hugo Beirão da Veiga; Francesca Crispo. "Imposing slip
conditions on curved boundaries for 3D incompressible flows with a very high-order accurate finite volume scheme on polygonal
meshes". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2023):
- Stéphane Clain; Gaspar J. Machado; M.T. Malheiro. "Compact schemes in time with applications to partial differential equations".
Computers & Mathematics with Applications (2023):
- Brito, Irene; Almeida, José João; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Automatic Exercise Generation for Exploring Connections between Mathematics
and Music". Open Education Studies 5 1 (2023):
- Ricardo Costa; Stéphane Clain; Gaspar J. Machado; João M. Nóbrega. "Very high-order accurate finite volume scheme for the
steady-state incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with polygonal meshes on arbitrary curved boundaries". Computer Methods
in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2022):
- Gaspar J. Machado; Rui M.S. Pereira; Stéphane Clain; Nuno Araújo; Sofia O. Lopes. "A new stabilised scheme for the Richards’
equation with evapotranspiration". Groundwater for Sustainable Development 17 (2022): 100736-100736.
- Ricardo Costa; João M. Nóbrega; Stéphane Clain; Gaspar J. Machado. "High-order accurate conjugate heat transfer solutions
with a finite volume method in anisotropic meshes with application in polymer processing". International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering (2022):
- M.T. Malheiro; Gaspar J. Machado; Stéphane Clain. "An a posteriori strategy for adaptive schemes in time for one-dimensional
advection-diffusion transport equations". Computers & Mathematics with Applications 103 (2021): 65-81.
- Machado, Gaspar J.; Clain, Stéphane; Loubère, Raphaël. "A Posteriori Stabilized Sixth-Order Finite Volume Scheme with Adaptive
Stencil Construction: Basics for the 1D Steady-State Hyperbolic Equations". Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation
5 2 (2021): 751-775.
- Costa, R.; Nóbrega, J.M.; Clain, S.; Machado, G.J.. "Efficient very high-order accurate polyhedral mesh finite volume scheme
for 3D conjugate heat transfer problems in curved domains". Journal of Computational Physics 445 (2021):
- Ricardo Costa; João M. Nóbrega; Stéphane Clain; Gaspar J. Machado. "Very high-order accurate polygonal mesh finite volume
scheme for conjugate heat transfer problems with curved interfaces and imperfect contacts". Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering 357 (2019): 112560-112560.
- Brito, Irene; Almeida, José João; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Mvgen: Multi Version Question Generation for Math Courses". Open
Education Studies 1 1 (2019): 146-150.
- Haie, Naim; Pereira, Rui M.S.; Machado, Gaspar J.; Shahidian, Shakib. "An introduction to the hyperspace of Penman-Monteith
reference evapotranspiration". International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 9 1 (2019): 48.
- Costa, Ricardo; Nóbrega, João M.; Clain, Stéphane; Machado, Gaspar J.; Loubère, Raphaël. "Very high-order accurate finite
volume scheme for the convection-diffusion equation with general boundary conditions on arbitrary curved boundaries". International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 117 2 (2018): 188-220.
- Costa, R.; Clain, S.; Loubère, R.; Machado, G.J.. "Very high-order accurate finite volume scheme on curved boundaries for
the two-dimensional steady-state convection–diffusion equation with Dirichlet condition". Applied Mathematical Modelling
54 (2018): 752-767.
- Clain, Stéphane; Loubère, Raphaël; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Erratum to: a posteriori stabilized sixth-order finite volume scheme
for one-dimensional steady-state hyperbolic equations". Advances in Computational Mathematics 44 2 (2017): 609-609.
- Clain, Stéphane; Loubère, Raphaël; Machado, Gaspar J.. "a posteriori stabilized sixth-order finite volume scheme for one-dimensional
steady-state hyperbolic equations". Advances in Computational Mathematics 44 2 (2017): 571-607.
- Costa, R.; Clain, S.; Machado, G.J.. "A sixth-order finite volume scheme for the steady-state incompressible Stokes equations
on staggered unstructured meshes". Journal of Computational Physics 349 (2017): 501-527.
- Costa, R.; Clain, S.; Machado, G.J.; Loubère, R.. "A Very High-Order Accurate Staggered Finite Volume Scheme for the Stationary
Incompressible Navier–Stokes and Euler Equations on Unstructured Meshes". Journal of Scientific Computing 71 3 (2017):
- Marques, F.; Clain, S.; Machado, G.J.; Martins, B.; Carneiro, O.S.; Nóbrega, J.M.. "A new energy conservation scheme for the
numeric study of the heat transfer in profile extrusion calibration". Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung
(2017): 1-13.
- Diogo Lopes; Stéphane Clain; Rui M. S. Pereira; Gaspar J. Machado; Georgi Smirnov; Igor Vasilevskiy. "Numerical simulation
of breast reduction with a new knitting condition". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
33 2 (2016): e02796-e02796.
- Marques, F.; Clain, S.; MacHado, G.J.; Martins, B.; Carneiro, O.S.; Nóbrega, J.M.. "A novel heat transfer coefficient identification
methodology for the profile extrusion calibration stage". Applied Thermal Engineering 103 (2016): 102-111.
- Costa, R.; MacHado, G.J.; Clain, S.. "A Sixth-Order Finite Volumemethod for the 1D Biharmonic Operator: Application to Intramedullary
Nail Simulation". International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 25 3 (2015): 529-537.
- Ricardo Costa; Stéphane Clain; Gaspar J. Machado. "New cell–vertex reconstruction for finite volume scheme: Application to
the convection–diffusion–reaction equation". Computers & Mathematics with Applications 68 10 (2014): 1229-1249.
- S. Clain; G.J. Machado. "A very high-order finite volume method for the time-dependent convection–diffusion problem with Butcher
Tableau extension". Computers & Mathematics with Applications 68 10 (2014): 1292-1311.
- Araújo, N.; Machado, G.J.; Martins, J.B.; Silva, H.M.R.D.. "Finite element model with imposed slip surfaces for earth mass
safety evaluation". Journal of Central South University 21 9 (2014): 3627-3638.
- Clain, S.; Machado, G.J.; Nóbrega, J.M.; Pereira, R.M.S.. "A sixth-order finite volume method for multidomain convection-diffusion
problem with discontinuous coefficients". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 267 (2013): 43-64.
- Pereira, R.M.S.; Haie, N.; Machado, G.J.. "Vensim ple to create models for water management". International Journal of
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 4 (2012): 405-412.
- Haie, N.; Pereira, R.M.; Machado, G.J.; Keller, A.A.. "Analysis of Effective Efficiency in decision making for irrigation
interventions". Water Resources 39 6 (2012): 700-707.
- Haie, N.; Machado, G.J.B.Q.A.; Pereira, R.M.; Keller, A.A.. "Effective efficiency in water resources management using efficiency
elasticity index". Water and Environment Journal 25 4 (2011): 532-539.
- Flores, Paulo; Machado, Gaspar J. B. Q. A.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Pimenta Claro, J. C.; ASME. "KINEMATICS OF THE ROLLER MOTION
Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Vol 7, Pts a and B (2010):
- Pereira, Rui M. S.; Brito, Irene; Machado, Gaspar J.; Malheiro, Teresa; Vaz, Estelita; Flores, Maria Assunção; Figueiredo,
Jorge Manuel; Pereira, P. A.; Jesus, Ana. "New e-learning objects for the mathematics courses from engineering degrees : design
and implementation of question banks in Maple T.A. using LaTeX". (2010):
- Machado, G; Trabucho, L. "Analytical and numerical solutions for a class of optimization problems in elasticity". Discrete
and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 4 4 (2004): 1013-1032.
- Machado, G.; Trabucho, L.. "Some results in topology optimization applied to biomechanics". Computers and Structures
82 17-19 (2004): 1389-1397.
Capítulo de livro |
- Irene Brito; Gaspar J. Machado. "K-Means Clustering Approach for Stock Risk Assessment and Portfolio Construction: A Case
Study Based on the EU-EV Risk Model". 2024.
- Irene Brito; Gaspar J. Machado. "Performance Evaluation of Portfolio Stocks Selected with the EU–EV Risk Model". 2023.
- Araújo, Isabel; Brito, Irene; Machado, Gaspar J.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; João Almeida, José; Smirnov, Georgi. "New Algorithms
for Smart Assessment of Math Exercises". In New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies, 1221-1230. Springer
International Publishing, 2015.
- Costa, Ricardo; Clain, Stéphane; Machado, Gaspar José. "Finite Volume Scheme Based on Cell-Vertex Reconstructions for Anisotropic
Diffusion Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients". In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014, 87-102.
Springer International Publishing, 2014.
- Lopes, Sofia O.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Fontes, Fernando A. C. C.; de Pinho, M. D. R.; Machado, Gaspar J.. "Optimal Control of
the Irrigation Problem: Characterization of the Solution". 699-704. 2014.
- Almeida, Jose Joao; Araujo, Isabel; Brito, Irene; Carvalho, Nuno; Machado, Gaspar J.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Smirnov, Georgi;
et al. "Math exercise generation and smart assessment". 322-326. IEEE, 2013.
- Almeida, Jose Joao; Araujo, Isabel; Brito, Irene; Carvalho, Nuno; Machado, Gaspar J.; Pereira, Rui M. S.; Smirnov, Georgi.
"PASSAROLA: High-Order Exercise Generation System". 2013.