Artigo em revista |
- Paula M. Carreira; Alexandre M. Almeida; Marina Paiva; Alexandra Carvalho; Jorge Espinha Marques; José M. Marques; José Teixeira;
Helder I. Chaminé; Catarina Mansilha. "Assessment of groundwater dynamics and its relationship to alpine ponds (Serra da Estrela,
N Portugal): coupling isotopic and hydrogeochemical signatures". Environmental Earth Sciences (2024):
- Paula M. Carreira; José M. Marques. "The Use of Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology". Water (2024):
- Paula M. Carreira; Dina Nunes; José M. Marques; Maria do Rosário Carvalho; Manuel Antunes da Silva; Augusto Costa. "Environmental
isotopes (d2H, d13C, d18O, 3H, and 14C) as a diagnostic tool in the appraisal of mineral water management and protection:
two case studies—Portugal". Sustainable Water Resources Management (2023):
- Farah Nefzaoui; Mohamed Ben Hamouda; Paula Carreira; José Marques; Hans Eggenkamp. "Evidence for Groundwater Salinity Origin
Based on Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic (2H, 18O, 37Cl, 3H, 13C, 14C) Approaches: Sousse, Eastern Tunisia". Water (2023):
- Rayco Marrero-Díaz; Maria Carvalho; Paula Carreira. "Environmental Stable and Radioactive Isotopes in the Assessment of Thermomineral
Waters in Lisbon Region (Portugal): Contributions for a Conceptual Model". Water (2023):
- Bahir, Mohammed; El Mountassir, Otman; Dhiba, Driss; Chehbouni, Abdelghani; Carreira, Paula M.; elbiar, Hakam. "Combining
stable isotope and WQI methods to study the groundwater quality: a case study in Essaouira city, Morocco". SN Applied Sciences
4 11 (2022):
Acesso aberto • 10.1007/s42452-022-05165-y
- Paula M. Carreira; António Lobo de Pina; Alberto da Mota Gomes; José M. Marques; Fernando Monteiro Santos. "Radiocarbon Dating
and Stable Isotopes Content in the Assessment of Groundwater Recharge at Santiago Island, Republic of Cape Verde". Water
- José M. Marques; Paula M. Carreira. "The use of environmental isotopes in groundwater studies with hydrogeoethics: essential
or dispensable?". Sustainable Water Resources Management (2022):
- Bahir, Mohammed; EL Mountassir, Otman; Chehbouni, Abdelghani; dhiba, Driss; El Jiar, Hicham; Carreira, Paula M.. "Hydrogeochemical
and isotopic assessment for characterizing groundwater quality and recharge processes in the Essaouira Basin, Northwestern
Morocco". Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 7 (2022):
Acesso aberto • 10.1007/s12517-022-09817-6
- Solange Almeida; Luís Gomes; Alcino Oliveira; Paula Carreira. "Contributions for the Understanding of the São Pedro do Sul
(North of Portugal) Geohydraulic and Thermomineral System: Hydrochemistry and Stable Isotopes Studies". Geosciences
12 2 (2022): 84-84.
- El Mountassir, Otman; Bahir, Mohammed; Ouazar, Driss; Chehbouni, Abdelghani; Carreira, Paula M.. "Evaluation of nitrate source
and its distribution in the groundwater of Essaouira basin". Sustainable Water Resources Management 8 1 (2022): 28.
Acesso aberto • 10.1007/s40899-022-00609-0
- El Mountassir, Otman; Bahir, Mohammed; Ouazar, Driss; Chehbouni, Abdelghani; Carreira, Paula M.. "Temporal and spatial assessment
of groundwater contamination with nitrate using nitrate pollution index (NPI), groundwater pollution index (GPI), and GIS
(case study: Essaouira basin, Morocco)". Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021):
Publicado • 10.1007/s11356-021-16922-8
- Espinha Marques, Jorge; Antunes, Sara C.; Honrado, João; Carvalho-Santos, Cláudia; Carreira, Paula M.; Marques, José M.; Mansilha,
Catarina. "Geoethical implications of water pollution by road de-icing: lessons and way forward in a mountain protected area
(Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal)". Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 3 3 (2021): 349-360.
Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1007/s42990-021-00065-6
- Bahir, Mohammed; EL Mountassir, Otman; Ouazar, Driss; Chehbouni, Abdelghani; Carreira, Paula M.. "Stable isotope and quality
of groundwater around Ksob sub-basin, Essaouira, Morocco". Sustainable Water Resources Management 7 5 (2021):
Acesso aberto • 10.1007/s40899-021-00553-5
- EL Mountassir, Otman; Bahir, Mohammed; Ouazar, Driss; Chehbouni, Abdelghani; Carreira, Paula M.. "Geochemical and isotopic
evidence of groundwater salinization processes in the Essaouira region, north-west coast, Morocco". SN Applied Sciences
3 7 (2021):
Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1007/s42452-021-04623-3
- Paula M. Carreira; José Manuel Marques; Ana Guerra; Dina Nunes; Jorge Espinha Marques; José Teixeira; Helder I. Chaminé. "Caldelas
and Gerês hydrothermal systems (NW Portugal): a comparative study based on geochemical and isotopic signatures". Environmental
Earth Sciences (2021):
- El Mountassir, Otman; Ouazar, Driss; Bahir, Mohammed; Chehbouni, Abdelghani; Carreira, Paula M.. "GIS-based assessment of
aquifer vulnerability using DRASTIC model and stable isotope: a case study on Essaouira basin". Arabian Journal of Geosciences
14 4 (2021):
Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1007/s12517-021-06540-6
- José M. Marques; Hans G.M. Eggenkamp; Paula M. Carreira; Manuel Antunes da Silva. "Origin and evolution of Cl in CO2-rich
thermal and mineral waters from northern Portugal". Applied Geochemistry 116 (2020): 104569-104569.
- Ouhamdouch, Salah; Bahir, Mohammed; Ouazar, Driss; Carreira, Paula Maria; Zouari, Kamel. "Evaluation of climate change impact
on groundwater from semi-arid environment (Essaouira Basin, Morocco) using integrated approaches". Environmental Earth
Sciences 78 15 (2019):
- Paula M. Carreira; Augusto Costa; António Monge Soares; Dina Nunes; Margarida João; Ângela Valadas. "Carbon-14 content as
a support for Moura mineral water aquifer conceptual model". Sustainable Water Resources Management (2019):
- Sabri, K.; Marrero-Diaz, R.; Ntarmouchant, A.; Bento dos Santos, T.; Ribeiro, M.L.; Solá, A.R.; Smaili, H.; et al. "Geology
and hydrogeochemistry of the thermo-mineral waters of the South Rif Thrust (Northern Morocco)". Geothermics 78 (2019):
Publicado • 10.1016/j.geothermics.2018.11.005
- Marques, J. M.; Carreira, P. M.; Aires-Barros, L. A.; Monteiro Santos, F. A.; Antunes da Silva, M.; Represas, P.; J. M. Marques;
et al. "Assessment of Chaves Low-Temperature CO2-Rich Geothermal System (N-Portugal) Using an Interdisciplinary Geosciences
Approach". Geofluids 2019 (2019): 1-24.
Publicado • 10.1155/2019/1379093
- Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Neves, O.; Marques, J.E.; Teixeira, J.. "Revision of the hydrogeological conceptual models
of two Portuguese thermomineral water systems: similarities and differences". Sustainable Water Resources Management
5 1 (2019): 117-133.
- Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.. "Geosciences in the assessment of thermal and mineral groundwater systems in N-Portugal: a
review". Sustainable Water Resources Management 5 4 (2019): 1511-1523.
- Espinha Marques, J.; Marques, J.M.; Carvalho, A.; Carreira, P.M.; Moura, R.; Mansilha, C.. "Groundwater resources in a Mediterranean
mountainous region: environmental impact of road de-icing". Sustainable Water Resources Management 5 1 (2019): 305-317.
- Marques, J.M.; Matos, C.; Carreira, P.M.; Neves, M.O.. "Isotopes and geochemistry to assess shallow/thermal groundwater interaction
in a karst/fissured-porous environment (Portugal): a review and reinterpretation". Sustainable Water Resources Management
5 4 (2019): 1525-1536.
- Marques, J.M.; Etiope, G.; Neves, M.O.; Carreira, P.M.; Rocha, C.; Vance, S.D.; Christensen, L.; Miller, A.Z.; Suzuki, S..
"Linking serpentinization, hyperalkaline mineral waters and abiotic methane production in continental peridotites: an integrated
hydrogeological-bio-geochemical model from the Cabeço de Vide CH4-rich aquifer (Portugal)". Applied Geochemistry 96
(2018): 287-301.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.07.011
- Bahir, Mohammed; Ouhamdouch, Salah; Carreira, Paula Maria. "Geochemical and isotopic approach to decrypt the groundwater salinization
origin of coastal aquifers from semi-arid areas (Essaouira basin, Western Morocco)". Environmental Earth Sciences 77
13 (2018):
- Carreira, Paula M.; Bahir, Mohamed; Salah, Ouhamdouch; Galego Fernandes, Paula; Nunes, Dina. "Tracing salinization processes
in coastal aquifers using an isotopic and geochemical approach: comparative studies in western Morocco and southwest Portugal".
Hydrogeology Journal 26 8 (2018): 2595-2615.
Publicado • 10.1007/s10040-018-1815-1
- Ouhamdouch, Salah; Bahir, Mohammed; Carreira, Paulà Maria. "Impact du changement climatique sur la ressource en eau en milieu
semi-aride : exemple du bassin d'Essaouira (Maroc)". Revue des sciences de l’eau 31 1 (2018): 13-27.
Publicado • 10.7202/1047050ar
- Bahir, Mohammed; Ouhamdouch, Salah; Carreira, Paulà M.. "Isotopic and geochemical methods for studying water–rock interaction
and recharge mode: application to the Cenomanian–Turonian and Plio-Quaternary aquifers of Essaouira Basin, Morocco". Marine
and Freshwater Research 69 8 (2018): 1290.
- Paquete, Paula. "Geochemistry and environmental isotopes as natural tracers of groundwater flow in shallow aquifer systems
within Lisbon Volcanic Complex (Portugal)". Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2017):
- Carreira, Paula. "Geochemical and isotopic tools to deciphering the origin of mineralization of the coastal aquifer of Essaouira
basin, Morocco". Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2017):
Publicado • 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.038
- Paquete, Paula. "Water-rock interaction ascribed to hyperalkaline mineral waters in the Cabeço de Vide serpentinized ultramafic
intrusive massif (Central Portugal)". Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2017):
- Paquete, Paula. "Recharge conceptual model and mineralization of groundwater in a semi-arid region; Essaouira basin (Morocco)".
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2017):
- Paquete, Paula. "Impact of road de-icing on the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater from a mountain area (Serra da Estrela, Central
Portugal)". Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2017):
- Paquete, Paula. "Preliminary geochemical and isotopic results in thermal and cold waters of Graciosa volcanic Island (Azores)".
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2017):
- Paquete, Paula. "Questions and answers ascribed to Chaves CO2-rich thermal waters conceptual model (N Portugal): a review".
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2017):
- Bahir, Mohammed; Ouhamdouch, Salah; Carreira, Paulà M.; Chkir, Najiba; Zouari, Kamel; Bahir, M.; Ouhamdouch, S; et al. "Geochemical
and isotopic investigation of the aquifer system under semi-arid climate: case of Essaouira basin (Southwestern Morocco)".
Carbonates and Evaporites 33 1 (2016): 65-77.
Publicado • 10.1007/s13146-016-0323-4
- Paquete, Paula. "Climate Change Impact on Aquifer System of Essaouira Basin during the Past 4 Decades (Morocco)". Open
Journal of Modern Hydrology (2016):
- Paquete, Paula. "Abiotic methane seepage in the Ronda peridotite massif, southern Spain". Applied Geochemistry (2016):
- Bahir, M.; Ouhamdouch, S.; Carreira, P.M.. "Water resource in morocco face the climatic changes; study case of the plio-quaternary
phreatic aquifer at the synclinal basin of essaouira,La ressource en eau au maroc face aux changements climatiques; cas de
la nappe plio-quaternaire du bassin synclinale d’essaouira,Recursos hídricos em marrocos face às alterações climáticas; caso
de estudo do aquífero freático plio-quaternario da bacia sinclina". Comunicacoes Geologicas 103 1 (2016): 35-44.
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Nunes, D.. "Source of groundwater salinity in coastline aquifers based on environmental isotopes
(Portugal): Natural vs. human interference. A review and reinterpretation". Applied Geochemistry 41 (2014): 163-175.
- Marques, J.M.; Matos, C.; Carreira, P.M.; Espinha Marques, J.; Teixeira, J.; Chaminé, H.I.. "Assessment of mixing between
shallow and thermal waters using geochemical and environmental isotope tracers (N Portugal): a review and reinterpretation".
Environmental Earth Sciences (2014): 1-11.
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Carvalho, M.R.; Nunes, D.; da Silva, M.A.. "Carbon isotopes and geochemical processes in CO2-rich
cold mineral water, N-Portugal". Environmental Earth Sciences 71 6 (2014): 2941-2953.
- Bahir, M.; Moukhayar, R.E.; Chamchati, H.; Youbi, N.; Carreira, P.; Chkir, N.. "Recharge and hydrogeochemical evolution groundwater
in semi-arid zone (Essaouira Basin, Morocco),Recarga e evolução hidrogeoquímica numa zona semiárida (Bacia Essaouira, Marrocos)".
Comunicacoes Geologicas 101 (2014): 651-653.
- Paquete, Paula. "Geochemical and isotopic investigations to study the origin of mineralization of the coastal aquifer of Sousse,
Tunisia". Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2013):
- Marques, J.M.; Graça, H.; Eggenkamp, H.G.M.; Neves, O.; Carreira, P.M.; Matias, M.J.; Mayer, B.; Nunes, D.; Trancoso, V.N..
"Isotopic and hydrochemical data as indicators of recharge areas, flow paths and water-rock interaction in the Caldas da Rainha-Quinta
das Janelas thermomineral carbonate rock aquifer (Central Portugal)". Journal of Hydrology 476 (2013): 302-313.
- Marques, J.E.; Marques, J.M.; Chaminé, H.I.; Carreira, P.M.; Fonseca, P.E.; Monteiro Santos, F.A.; Moura, R.; et al. "Conceptualizing
a mountain hydrogeologic system by using an integrated groundwater assessment (Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal): A review".
Geosciences Journal 17 3 (2013): 371-386.
- Paquete, Paula. "Isotopic and geochemical tracers in the evaluation of groundwater residence time and salinization problems
at Santiago Island, Cape Verde". Procedia Earth and Planetary Science (2013):
- Paquete, Paula. "Groundwater chemical evolution in the Essaouira Aquifer Basin, NW Morocco". Open Journal of Modern Hydrology
- Carvalho, A.; Espinha Marques, J.; Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Moura, R.; Guerner Dias, A.; Chaminé, H.I.; et al. "Groundwater
contamination by road deicing chemicals: The case of Serra da Estrela (Central Portugal) | Contaminação de água subterrânea
por substâncias de limpeza da neve em estradas: O caso do sector de Nave de Santo António - Covão do Curral (Serra da Estrela,
Centro de Portugal)". Comunicacoes Geologicas 99 1 (2012): 19-25.
- Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Goff, F.; Eggenkamp, H.G.M.; Antunes da Silva, M.. "Input of 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios and Sr geochemical
signatures to update knowledge on thermal and mineral waters flow paths in fractured rocks (N-Portugal)". Applied Geochemistry
27 8 (2012): 1471-1481.
- Marques, J.M.; Graça, H.; Eggenkamp, H.G.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Mayer, B.; Nunes, D.. "Contribution of geochemical and isotopic
tracers to the assessment of Caldas da Rainha thermal waters,Contribuição de traçadores geoquímicos e isotópicos para a avaliação
das águas termais das Caldas da Rainha". Comunicacoes Geologicas 99 2 (2012): 43-51.
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Marques, J.E.; Chaminé, H.I.; Fonseca, P.E.; Santos, F.M.; Moura, R.M.; Carvalho, J.M.. "Defining
the dynamics of groundwater in Serra da Estrela Mountain area, central Portugal: An isotopic and hydrogeochemical approach".
Hydrogeology Journal 19 1 (2011): 117-131.
- Marques Espinha, J.; Carvalho, A.; Marques, J.M.; Chaminé, H.I.; Guerner, A.; Moura, R.; Carreira, P.; et al. "A methodology
for assessing the impact of the use of road salt on groundwater resources in a mountain environment (Serra da Estrela, central
Portugal)". Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe 36 (2011): 79-98.
- Marques, J.M.; Matias, M.J.; Basto, M.J.; Carreira, P.M.; Aires-Barros, L.A.; Goff, F.E.. "Hydrothermal alteration of Hercynian
granites, its significance to the evolution of geothermal systems in granitic rocks". Geothermics 39 2 (2010): 152-160.
- Marques, J.M.; Eggenkamp, H.G.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Espinha Marques, J.; Chaminé, H.I.; Teixeira, J.; Marques, J.E.. "Assessment
of two low-temperature geothermal resources in North Portugal". Water-Rock Interaction - Proceedings of the 13th International
Conference on Water-Rock Interaction, WRI-13 (2010): 165-168.
- Afonso, M.J.; Chaminé, H.I.; Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Guimarães, L.; Guilhermino, L.; Gomes, A.; et al. "Environmental
issues in urban groundwater systems: A multidisciplinary study of the Paranhos and Salgueiros spring waters, Porto (NW Portugal)".
Environmental Earth Sciences 61 2 (2010): 379-392.
- Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.E.; Chaminé, H.I.; Fonseca, P.E.; Monteiro Santos, F.A.; Eggenkamp, H.G.M.; Teixeira,
J.. "The role of geosciences in the assessment of low-temperature geothermal resources (N-Portugal): A review". Geosciences
Journal 14 4 (2010): 423-442.
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Pina, A.; Gomes, A.M.; Fernandes, P.A.G.; Santos, F.M.. "Groundwater assessment at Santiago
Island (Cabo Verde): A multidisciplinary approach to a recurring source of water supply". Water Resources Management
24 6 (2010): 1139-1159.
- Marques, J.M.; Eggenkamp, H.G.M.; Graça, H.; Carreira, P.M.; Matias, M.J.; Mayer, B.; Nunes, D.. "Assessment of recharge and
flowpaths in a limestone thermomineral aquifer system using environmental isotope tracers (Central Portugal)". Isotopes
in Environmental and Health Studies 46 2 (2010): 156-165.
- Grassa, F.; Capasso, G.; Oliveri, Y.; Sollami, A.; Carreira, P.; Rosário Carvalho, M.; Marques, J.M.; Nunes, J.C.. "Nitrogen
isotopes determination in natural gas: Analytical method and first results on magmatic, hydrothermal and soil gas samples".
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 46 2 (2010): 141-155.
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Carvalho, M.R.; Capasso, G.; Grassa, F.. "Mantle-derived carbon in Hercynian granites. Stable
isotopes signatures and C/He associations in the thermomineral waters, N-Portugal". Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal
Research 189 1-2 (2010): 49-56.
- Carreira, P.M.; Nunes, D.; Valério, P.; Araújo, M.F.. "A 15-year record of seasonal variation in the isotopic composition
of precipitation water over continental Portugal". Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 281 1 (2009): 153-156.
- Matias, M.J.; Marques, J.M.; Figueiredo, P.; Basto, M.J.; Abreu, M.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Ribeiro, C.; et al. "Assessment of
pollution risk ascribed to Santa Margarida Military Camp activities (Portugal)". Environmental Geology 56 6 (2009):
- Fernandes, P.G.; Carreira, P.M.; Nunes, D.. "Environmental isotopes (15N and 18O) in the assessment of groundwater degradation:
Aveiro Quaternary aquifer (NW Portugal)". Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 281 1 (2009): 157-160.
- Fernandes, P.G.; Carreira, P.M.; Bahir, M.. "Mass balance simulation and principal components analysis applied to groundwater
resources: Essaouira basin (morocco)". Environmental Earth Sciences 59 7 (2009): 1475-1484.
- Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.E.; Chaminé, H.I.; Fonseca, P.E.; Santos, F.A.M.; Almeida, E.; et al. "Role of high
mountain areas in catchment hydromineral resources - Northern/Central Portugal: Environmental issues". WIT Transactions
on Ecology and the Environment 111 (2008): 95-104.
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Graça, R.C.; Aires-Barros, L.. "Radiocarbon application in dating "complex" hot and cold CO2-rich
mineral water systems: A review of case studies ascribed to the northern Portugal". Applied Geochemistry 23 10 (2008):
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Pina, A.; Mota Gomes, A.; Nunes, D.; Monteiro Santos, F.. "Characterization of groundwater
resources degradation at Santiago Island (Cabo Verde) ascribed to isotopic and geochemical signatures". WIT Transactions
on Ecology and the Environment 111 (2008): 139-148.
- Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Carvalho, M.R.; Matias, M.J.; Goff, F.E.; Basto, M.J.; Graça, R.C.; Aires-Barros, L.; Rocha,
L.. "Origins of high pH mineral waters from ultramafic rocks, Central Portugal". Applied Geochemistry 23 12 (2008):
- Galego Fernandes, P.; Carreira, P.; da Silva, M.O.. "Anthropogenic sources of contamination recognition - Sines coastal aquifer
(SW Portugal)". Journal of Geochemical Exploration 98 1-2 (2008): 1-14.
- Bahir, M.; Carreira, P.; Da Silva, M.O.; Fernandes, P.. "Hydrodynamical, hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of the
Kourimat aquifer system (Essaouira basin, Morocco) | Caractérisation hydrodynamique, hydrochimique et isotopique du système
aquifère de Kourimat (Bassin d'Essaouira, Maroc)". Estudios Geologicos 64 1 (2008): 61-73.
- Galego Fernandes, P.; Carreira, P.M.. "Isotopic evidence of aquifer recharge during the last ice age in Portugal". Journal
of Hydrology 361 3-4 (2008): 291-308.
- Marques, J.E.; Marques, J.M.; Chaminé, H.I.; Carreira, P.M.; Fonseca, P.E.; Samper, J.; Vieira, G.T.; et al. "Hydrogeochemical
model of a low temperature geothermal system in a mountainous terrain, Serra da Estrela, central Portugal". Transactions
- Geothermal Resources Council 30 II (2006): 913-918.
- Marques, J.M.; Andrade, M.; Carreira, P.M.; Eggenkamp, H.G.M.; Graça, R.C.; Aires-Barros, L.; Da Silva, M.A.. "Chemical and
isotopic signatures of Na/HCO3/CO2-rich geofluids, North Portugal". Geofluids 6 4 (2006): 273-287.
- Fernandes, P.G.; Carreira, P.; Silva, M.O.. "Identification of anthropogenic features through application of principal component
analysis to hydrochemical data from the sines coastal aquifer, SW portugal". Mathematical Geology 38 6 (2006): 765-780.
- Galego Fernandes, P.; Carreira, P.; Silva, M.O.. "New approach in the characterization of Sines coastal aquifer (S Portugal)
using environmental isotope techniques | Nova abordagem na caracterização do aquífero costeiro de Sines (S Portugal) recorrendo
a técnicas isotópicas ambientais". Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe 30 (2005): 125-144.
- Marques, J.M.; Monteiro Santos, F.A.; Andrade, M.; Carreira, P.M.; Afonso, A.A.; Dupis, A.; Graça, R.C.; Aires-Barros, L.A.;
Mendes-Victor, L.A.. "Conceptual modeling of the nature of complex thermomineral systems / CO2-rich waters (N-Portugal): A
review on the geochemical and geophysical approaches". Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council 29 (2005): 277-281.
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Santos, F.A.M.; Andrade, M.; Matias, H.; Luzio, R.; Nunes, D.. "Role of geophysics, geochemistry
and environmental isotopes in the assessment of Caldas de Monção low-temperature geothermal system (Portugal)". Transactions
- Geothermal Resources Council 29 (2005): 209-213.
- Fernandes, P.G.; Bahir, M.; Mendonça, J.; Carreira, P.; Fakir, Y.; Silva, M.O.. "Anthropogenic features in the sines (Portugal)
and essaouira (Morocco) coastal aquifers: A comparative study of their hydrochemical evolution by a principal component analysis".
Estudios Geologicos 61 3-6 (2005): 207-219.
- Espinha Marques, J.; Marques, J.M.; Chaminé, H.I.; Afonso, M.J.; Carreira, P.M.; Fonseca, P.E.; Cabral, J.; et al. "Hydrogeological
study of a High Mountain Area (Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal): A multidisciplinary approach". Cadernos do Laboratorio
Xeoloxico de Laxe 30 (2005): 145-166.
- Dilsiz, C.; Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.M.. "The impact of hydrological changes on travertine deposits related to thermal
springs in the Pamukkale area (SW Turkey)". Environmental Geology 45 6 (2004): 808-817.
- Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Andrade, M.; Matias, H.; Luzio, R.; Monteiro Santos, F.; Nunes, D.. "Isotopic, geochemical
and geophysical studies to improve Caldas de Monção thermomineral waters conceptual circulation model (NW Portugal) | Contribuição
de estudos isotópicos, geoquí micos e geofísicos para o melhor conhecimento do modelo conceptual de circulação do sistema
termomineral de Caldas de Monção (NW de Portugal)". Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe 29 (2004): 147-170.
- Marques, J.M.; Espinha Marques, J.; Carreira, P.M.; Aires-Barros, L.; Carvalho, J.M.; Borges, F.S.. "New approach on the hydrogeochemical
signatures of Caldas do Moledo thermomineral system (N Portugal): Implications for the hydrogeologic conceptual model elaboration
| Nova abordagem sobre as assinatutas hidrogeoquímicas do sistema termomineral de Caldas do Moledo (N Portugal): Implicações
para a elaboração do mòdelo hidrogeológico conceptual". Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe 29 (2004): 119-146.
- Espinha Marques, J.; Marques, J.M.; Chamine, H.I.; Gomes, A.A.; Fonseca, P.E.; Carvalho, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; et al. "Po¸co
Quente thermal spring (Granj~ao - Caldas do Moledo, Northern Portugal): Morphostructure, geochemistry and hydrogeology | Nascente
termal do Po¸co Quente (Granj~ao - Caldas do Moledo, Norte de Portugal): Morfoestrutura, geoqúimica e hidrogeologia". Cadernos
do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe 28 (2003): 147-172.
- Marques, J.M.; Marques, J.E.; Carreira, P.M.; Graça, R.C.; Aires-Barros, L.; Carvalho, J.M.; Chaminé, H.I.; Borges, F.S..
"Geothermal fluids circulation at Caldas do Moledo area, Northern Portugal: Geochemical and isotopic signatures". Geofluids
3 3 (2003): 189-201.
- Fernandes, PAG; Carreira, PM; Nunes, D; Silva, MO; Seiler, KP; Wohnlich, S. "Use of hydrochemistry and isotopes as tracers
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Capítulo de livro |
- Gonçalves, Diogo; Neto, Rui Costa; Marques, José Manuel; Figueiredo, Paula; Carreira, Paula; Neves, Maria Orquídia. "A Case
Study on the Use of Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) in Heating and Climatization of the Military Academy—Amadora Quartering
(Portugal)". In Advances in Geoengineering, Geotechnologies, and Geoenvironment for Earth Systems and Sustainable Georesources
Management, 275-279. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
- Bahir, Mohammed; El Mountassir, Otman; Ouazar, Driss; Carreira, Paula M.. "Use of WQI and Isotopes to Assess Groundwater Quality
of Coastal Aquifers (Essaouira, Morocco)". In Advances in Geoethics and Groundwater Management : Theory and Practice for
a Sustainable Development, editado por A. Abrunhosa; A. Chambel; S. Peppoloni; Chaminé, H.I., 251-255. Springer International
Publishing, 2021.
- El Mountassir, Otman; Bahir, Mohammed; Ouazar, Driss; Carreira, Paula M.. "For a Better Understanding of Recharge and Salinization
Mechanism of a Cenomanian–Turonian Aquifer". In Advances in Geoethics and Groundwater Management : Theory and Practice
for a Sustainable Development, editado por A. Abrunhosa; A. Chambel; S. Peppoloni; Chaminé, H.I., 201-206. Springer International
Publishing, 2021.
- Marques, José Manuel; Carreira, Paula M.. "Environmental Isotopes as Tools in Sustainable Groundwater Management: Essential
or Dispensable?". In Advances in Geoethics and Groundwater Management : Theory and Practice for a Sustainable Development,
editado por A. Abrunhosa; A. Chambel; S. Peppoloni; Chaminé, H.I., 335-338. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-59320-9_69
- Bahir, Mohammed; El Mountassir, Otman; Ouazar, Driss; Carreira, Paula M.. "Hydrochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Groundwater
Quality in Ouazi Basin (Essaouira, Morocco)". In Advances in Geoethics and Groundwater Management : Theory and Practice
for a Sustainable Development, editado por A. Abrunhosa; A. Chambel; S. Peppoloni; H.I. Chaminé, 247-250. Springer International
Publishing, 2021.
- Almeida, Alexandre M.; Carreira, Paula M.; Marques, José Manuel; Espinha Marques, Jorge; Paiva, Marina; Carvalho, Alexandra;
Mansilha, Catarina. "Groundwater Contribution to Alpine Ponds Recharge in Serra Da Estrela Natural Park, Portugal". In Advances
in Geoethics and Groundwater Management : Theory and Practice for a Sustainable Development, editado por A. Abrunhosa;
A. Chambel; S. Peppoloni; H.I. Chaminé, 157-161. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
- El Mountassir, Otman; Bahir, Mohammed; Ouazar, Driss; Carreira, Paula M.. "Nitrate Pollution in Groundwater of the Ouazi Basin:
Case of Essaouira (Southwestern Morocco)". In Advances in Geoethics and Groundwater Management : Theory and Practice for
a Sustainable Development, editado por A.Abrunhosa; A.Chambel; S. Peppoloni; H.I. Chaminé, 239-245. Springer International
Publishing, 2021.
- Carreira, Paula M.; Nunes, Dina; Marques, José Manuel; Carvalho, Maria do Rosário; da Silva, Manuel Antunes; Costa, Augusto;
Soares, António Monge. "Tritium and Carbon-14 Content as a Diagnostic Approach in Groundwater Resources Management and Protection".
In Advances in Geoethics and Groundwater Management : Theory and Practice for a Sustainable Development, editado por
A.Abrunhosa; A.Chambel; S.Peppoloni; H.I.Chaminé, 257-261. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
- Ouhamdouch, S.; Bahir, M.; Carreira, P. M.; Zouari, K.. "Groundwater Responses to Climate Change in a Coastal Semi-arid Area
from Morocco; Case of Essaouira Basin". In Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Area, 253-260.
Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319-69356-9_29
- Marques, José Manuel; Eggenkamp, Hans; Carreira, Paula M.; Antunes da Silva, Manuel. "Chlorine Geochemical and Isotopic (37Cl/35Cl)
Signatures of CO2-Rich Mineral Waters (N-Portugal): Revisited". In Advances in Sustainable and Environmental Hydrology,
Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry and Water Resources, 211-213. Springer International Publishing, 2019.
- Bahir, Mohammed; Ouhamdouch, Salah; Carreira, Paula M.; Zouari, Kamel. "Relationship Between Hydrochemical Variation and the
Seawater Intrusion Within Coastal Alluvial Aquifer of Essaouira Basin (Morocco) Using HFE-Diagram". In Advances in Sustainable
and Environmental Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry and Water Resources, 195-197. Springer International Publishing,
Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-01572-5_47
- Ben Hamouda, Mohamed Fethi; Carreira, Paula M.; Marques, José Manuel; Eggenkamp, Hans. "Multi-isotope Approach to Study the
Problem of Salinity in the Coastal Aquifer of Oued Laya, Tunisia". In Advances in Sustainable and Environmental Hydrology,
Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry and Water Resources, 203-206. Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-01572-5_49
- Ouhamdouch, Salah; Bahir, Mohammed; Carreira, Paula M.; Zouari, Kamel. "Climate Change Impact on Future Flows in Semi-arid
Environment, Case of Essaouira Basin (Morocco)". In Advances in Sustainable and Environmental Hydrology, Hydrogeology,
Hydrochemistry and Water Resources, 305-308. Springer International Publishing, 2019.
- Carreira, Paula M.; Lobo de Pina, António; Gomes, Alberto Mota; Marques, José Manuel; Santos, Fernando Monteiro. "Geochemical
and Isotopic Marks for Tracing Groundwater Salinization: Santiago Island, Republic of Cape Verde, Case Study". In Advances
in Sustainable and Environmental Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry and Water Resources, 161-164. Springer International
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- Carreira, P. M.; Marques, J. M.. "Groundwater Salinity and Environmental Change Over the Last 20,000 Years: Isotopic Evidences
in the Lower Sado Aquifer Recharge, Portugal". In Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Area,
63-73. Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319-69356-9_8
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Publicado • 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.189.01.09