Nina Amelung completed her PhD in Sociology in 2018/01, Technische Universität Berlin, with a thesis entitled “Democracy Under
Construction: The Micro-politics of Ordering Transnational Citizen Engagement”, and a Master in Social Sciences (Diplom) in
2007/01, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
She worked in prestigious research projects under the lead of excellent scholars and in high potential teams such as the “Innovation
in Governance” research project funded by the German Ministry for Research and Education at the Institute of Sociology, Technical
University of Berlin and the ERC-funded research project EXCHANGE (first based at CES Coimbra, later at ICS/CECS/University
of Minho.
Currently, she is a junior research fellow, postdoctoral scholar, at ICS integrated in the research groups, DIVERSIDADES and
LIFE, as well as in the MIGRATION HUB. Her ongoing project entitled “Affected (non)publics: Social and political implications
of transnational biometric databases in migration and crime control (AFFECT)” (2020 - 2026) (FCT CEECIND/03611/ 2018/CP1541/CT0009)
explores the social and political implications of growing database infrastructures at the intersection of migration and crime
control – on understanding affected publics.
She spent visiting research stays at SCORE, University of Stockholm; NOVA School of Science and Technology, FCT NOVA and Cics.nova
(former CESNOVA), both at Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Institute of Sociology, University of Gothenburg; and at the European
New School of Digital Studies, Viadrina University of Frankfurt/Oder. In 2024, she will be visiting scholar at Käte Hamburger
Center "Cultures of Research", RWTH Aachen.
She published 5 single-authored articles and book chapters; in total she published 16 journal articles and 9 book chapters,
4 co-edited special issues as first editor, 1 co-authored monograph, 2 co-edited volumes.
She is co-founder and co-chair of the independent research network STS-MIGTEC. She co-initiated the successful funding of
the COST ACTION DATAMIG, in which she is now part of the Management Committee, Core Group, and working group leader of the
“Laboratory”, 1 out of 3 working groups. Since 2023 she co-coordinates the Knowledge, Science and Technology section of the
Portuguese Association of Sociology.