Dr James Dennis is a Researcher at the Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT), Universidade Lusófona (Portugal), Co-Convenor of the Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group (UK), and Co-Editor of Political Studies Review (UK). James was previously a Senior Lecturer in Political Communication and Journalism at the University of Portsmouth for over eight years. His research interests lie in political communication and journalism, with a focus on social media, political participation and citizenship, and how young people experience news. James' work has been published in the Journal of Information Technology and Politics, Journalism Studies, and Political Studies. His first monograph, Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2018. This builds on his PhD research, for which he was awarded the American Political Science Association Information Technology and Politics Section Best Dissertation Award. He is currently working on his second book, examining how social inequality shaped the way young adults in England experienced political communication during the 2024 UK general election. James regularly works with industry partners, carrying out social media research with the BBC World Service and the British Council, and has provided expert commentary for local, national, and international media, including domestic outlets, such as BBC Radio and Television, the Big Issue, the Guardian, and the Financial Times, and international media, such as VEJA (Brazil), TBS (South Korea), El Periódico de Catalunya (Spain), Anadolu (Turkey), Forbes, the New York Times, and Newsweek (USA). He has completed a recognised teaching qualification in higher education and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK).

Personal identification

Full name
James Dennis

Citation names

  • Dennis, James

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID

Email addresses

  • james.dennis@ulusofona.pt (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Social Sciences - Media and Communications
  • Social Sciences - Political Sciences
  • Social Sciences - Media and Communications - Journalism and Social Media


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English (Mother tongue)
Degree Classification
2022 - 2022
Shades of Noir (Anti-racism training) (Outros)
University of the Arts London, United Kingdom
2022 - 2022
Ethics Training Programme (Outros)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Academic Professional Excellence Programme (APEX) (Postgraduate Certificate)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2018 - 2020
Themes Research and Innovation Fund, Strategic Fellowship Training (Outros)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2019 - 2019
AHRC and ESRC Bid Preparation Programme (Outros)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2016 - 2016
Media and presentation training with Martin Popplewell (Coconut Communications) (Outros)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2011 - 2016
PhD in Politics (Doctor of Philosophy)
Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
"“It’s Better to Light a Candle Than to Fantasize About a Sun”: Exploring Social Media, Political Participation and Slacktivism in Britain" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2011 - 2015
PhD Professional Development and Research Programme (Outros)
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
2013 - 2013
Advanced Seminars in Qualitative Research Methods (Outros)
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
2013 - 2013
Media Training for Early Career Researchers (Outros)
UK Research and Innovation Economic and Social Research Council, United Kingdom
2013 - 2013
NVivo Training Workshop (Outros)
University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Programme in Skills of Teaching to Inspire Learning (Postgraduate Certificate)
Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
2010 - 2011
MSc in New Political Communication (Master)
Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
2007 - 2010
Politics (Bachelor)
University of Warwick, United Kingdom


Host institution
2015 - 2016 Research Assistant (Research) Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
Royal Holloway University of London - New Political Communication Unit, United Kingdom
2012 - 2016 Researcher (Research) The Open University, United Kingdom
Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change, United Kingdom

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2016 - 2025 Associate Professor (University Teacher) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2012 - 2015 Visiting Professor (University Teacher) Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom


Host institution
2025 - Current Co-Editor of Political Studies Review (academic journal) Political Studies Association, United Kingdom
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2023 - Current Mentor for the Political Studies Association Diverse Voices Programme for Early Career Researchers Political Studies Association, United Kingdom
2022 - Current External Examiner for MA Political Communications Cardiff University, United Kingdom
2018 - Current Co-Convenor of the Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group Political Studies Association, United Kingdom
2023 - 2025 Co-Chair, Journalism, Creative Writing and Communication Research Group University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2022 - 2024 ESRC Digital Footprints Project Advisory Group member, Economic and Social Research Council UK Research and Innovation Economic and Social Research Council, United Kingdom
2020 - 2024 External Examiner for MA Social Media and Political Communication Loughborough University, United Kingdom
2018 - 2022 External Examiner for BA (Hons) Digital Media University of Leeds, United Kingdom


Designation Funders
2023 - 2025 Disconnected but not disengaged? How social inequality shapes young people's experiences of political communication during the 2024 UK general election
Principal investigator
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
University of Portsmouth Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries
2022 - 2022 New Media and Old Media? Research challenges, emerging findings and future directions
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group, United Kingdom
Political Studies Association
2018 - 2020 "They Don't Understand What it Means to be Poor": How Social Inequality Shapes Young People's Experience of News in England
Principal investigator
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
University of Portsmouth Research and Innovation Services
2016 - 2019 Transnational Civil Society: Societal Actors in European and Global Politics
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
University of Portsmouth Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
2016 - 2017 Citizenship, ‘Race’ and Belonging
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
University of Portsmouth Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
2015 - 2016 Authority, Agenda-Setting, and Power in British Political Communication: The Institute for Fiscal Studies During the 2015 British General Election
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
Leverhulme Trust
2011 - 2014 “It’s Better to Light a Candle Than to Fantasize About a Sun”: Social Media, Political Participation and Slacktivism in Britain
Principal investigator
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
UK Research and Innovation Economic and Social Research Council
2012 - 2012 Power Revisited: Crises and Opportunities
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
UK Research and Innovation Economic and Social Research Council


Designation Funders
2024 - Current Editorship of the Political Studies Review journal
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Political Studies Association
2018 - 2018 Understanding and Examining the Digital Advocacy Pioneers
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Political Studies Association
2016 - 2017 Shakespeare Lives
The Open University, United Kingdom
British Council Northern Ireland


  1. Dennis, James. Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media. Palgrave Macmillan. 2019.
Book chapter
  1. Dennis, James. "“An election about us but not for us”: The lack of communication for young people during GE2024". In UK Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign, 18-19. 2024.
  2. Dennis, James; Susana Sampaio-Dias. ""Go back to your student politics"? Momentum, the digital campaign, and what comes next". In UK Election Analysis 2019: Media, Voters and the Campaign, 85-85. 2019.
  3. Dennis, James; Sampaio-Dias, Susana. "Not just swearing and loathing on the internet: Analysing BuzzFeed and VICE during# GE2017". In UK Election Analysis 2017: Media, Voters and the Campaign, 66-67. 2017.
  4. Dennis, James. "United by what divides us: 38 Degrees and the EU Referendum". In EU Referendum Analysis 2016: Media, Voters and the Campaign, 100. 2016.
  5. Chadwick, A.; Dennis, James; Smith, A.P.. "Politics in the Age of Hybrid Media: Power, Systems, and Media Logics". In Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics. London: Routledge, 2016.
  6. Dennis, James. "38 Degrees". In Civic Media Project. MIT Press, 2015.
  7. Dennis, James. "Zombies on the high street: 38 Degrees and the ‘Save Our NHS’ campaign". In UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign, 65. 2015.
Book review
  1. Shelley Boulianne; Rosa Borge; Dennis, James; Cristian Vaccari; Augusto Valeriani. "Not all Participation is Created Equal: Outside the Bubble and the Impact of Social Media on Marginalised Citizens". Review of Outside the Bubble: Social Media and Political Participation in Western Democracies 53, 2 (2022): 273-291. https://doi.org/10.1017/ipo.2022.30.
  2. Dennis, James. "Review of the book Social Media, Parties, and Political Inequalities, by K. Jacobs and N. Spierings". 25, 1 (2019): 91-92. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068818804675.
  3. Dennis, James. "Review of the book Media and Participation: A Site of Ideological-Democratic Struggle, by N. Carpentier". 11, 2 (2013): 267-267. https://doi.org/10.1111/1478-9302.12016_64.
  4. Dennis, James. "Review of the book A Private Sphere: Democracy in a Digital Age, by Z. Papacharissi". 11, 2 (2013): 279-280. https://doi.org/10.1111/1478-9302.12016_86.
Journal article
  1. Dennis, James. "How News Found the Avoiders: The Changing News Routines of Infodemically Vulnerable Young People in England During Covid-19". Journalism Studies 25 12 (2024): 1516-1534. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670x.2024.2309911.
    Open access • 10.1080/1461670x.2024.2309911
  2. Leddy-Owen, Charles; Dennis, James; Siklodi, Nora. "“Slaughterhouse cattle are treated better than this”: exploring the salience of everyday nationhood at British airports". Ethnic and Racial Studies 45 16 (2022): 544-567. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2022.2109940.
    Open access • 10.1080/01419870.2022.2109940
  3. Dennis, James; Sampaio-Dias, Susana. "“Tell the Story as You’d Tell It to Your Friends in a Pub”: Emotional Storytelling in Election Reporting by BuzzFeed News and Vice News". Journalism Studies 22 12 (2021): 1608-1626. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670x.2021.1910541.
    Open access • 10.1080/1461670x.2021.1910541
  4. Dennis, James; Hall, Nina. "Innovation and adaptation in advocacy organizations throughout the digital eras". Journal of Information Technology & Politics 17 2 (2020): 79-86. https://doi.org/10.1080/19331681.2020.1716913.
  5. Dennis, James. "A party within a party posing as a movement? Momentum as a movement faction". Journal of Information Technology & Politics 17 2 (2019): 97-113. https://doi.org/10.1080/19331681.2019.1702608.
  6. O’Loughlin, Ben; Vaccari, Cristian; Aslan Ozgul, Billur; Dennis, James. "Twitter and Global Political Crises: Cycles of Insecurity in #PrayforParis and #PrayforSyria". Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 10 2-3 (2017): 175-203. https://doi.org/10.1163/18739865-01002006.
  7. Chadwick, Andrew; Dennis, James. "Social Media, Professional Media and Mobilisation in Contemporary Britain: Explaining the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Citizens’ Movement 38 Degrees". Political Studies 65 1 (2016): 42-60. https://doi.org/10.1177/0032321716631350.
  8. Dennis, James; Gillespie, Marie; O'Loughlin, Ben. "Tweeting the Olympics: Towards a Methodological Framework for Big Data Analysis of Audience Engagement During Global Media Events". Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies 12 1 (2015): 438-469. http://www.participations.org/Volume%2012/Issue%201/28.pdf.
  9. Billur Aslan; Dennis, James; Ben O'Loughlin. "Balding goes trolling? Cross-media amplification of controversy at the 2012 Olympics". Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies 12 1 (2015): 577-607. http://www.participations.org/Volume%2012/Issue%201/33.pdf.
Journal issue
  1. Dennis, James; Hall, Nina. "Innovation and Adaptation in Advocacy Organizations Throughout the Digital Eras". Journal of Information Technology & Politics 20 2 (2020): https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/witp20/17/2.
Newsletter article
  1. Dennis, James. "The Political Implications of Facebook’s Shift to Private Messaging.", Palgrave: Politics in Practice, 2019, https://www.palgrave.com/gp/blogs/perspectives-in-politics-international-studies/james-dennis-blog.
  2. Dennis, James. "After the party: What can political parties learn from 38 Degrees", Open Democracy, 2014, http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/james-dennis/after-party-what-can-political-parties-learn-from-38-degrees.
  3. Dennis, James. "Click here to save the world? Rethinking slacktivism and digital participation", Political Studies Association: Insight Plus, 2014, http://www.psa.ac.uk/insight-plus/blog/click-here-save-world-rethinking-slacktivism-and-digital-participation.
  4. Dennis, James. "The myth of the keyboard warrior: Public participation and 38 Degrees", Open Democracy, 2014, http://www.opendemocracy.net/participation-now/james-dennis/myth-of-keyboard-warrior-public-participation-and-38-degrees.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2025/05/12 "They Don't Understand What it Means to be Poor": How Social Inequality Shapes How Young Adults in England Experience News Journalism Studies: Past and Present
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon, Portugal)
2025/04/16 Disconnected but not disengaged? How social inequality shapes young people's experiences of political communication during the 2024 UK general election Political Studies Association Annual Conference
University of Birmingham and Aston University (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
2025/04/01 Examining the Dirt Under Your Fingernails: Exploring the Role of Ethnographic Research in Political Communication (Invited presentation) Research Process Seminar Series
Bournemouth University (Bournemouth, United Kingdom)
2025/02/25 Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media (Invited presentation) Participatory Democracy, Activism and Citizenship Learning
University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
2025/02/19 Beyond Slacktivism: Social Justice Movements in the Age of Social Media (Invited presentation) Social Media and Social Justice
Columbia University (Columbia, United States)
2024/09/19 The Better of Two Evils: Early Reflections on How Social Inequality Shaped Young People's Experiences of the 2024 UK General Election (Invited presentation) The 2024 UK General Election conference
Loughborough University (London, United Kingdom)
2024/07/11 Should Researchers Maintain Their Distance? Reflections on Ethnography, Positionality, and "KKV" CCI Research and Innovation Conference
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2024/05/11 From Game Boys to Girl Gamers: Exploring Video Game Culture Since Nintendo’s First Handheld Console (Invited presentation) Comic Con 2024
Portsmouth Comic Con (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2024/05/08 After the APIcalypse: Examining the future of research methods in online political communication Department of Film, Media and Communication Research Talks
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2024/03/18 From Likes to Action: The Influence of Social Media on Elite Decision-Making (Invited keynote presentation) Transatlantic Let’s Act Now 2024 Conference
Young Europe Association (Online, Poland)
2024/02/14 Beyond Slacktivism: Social Justice Movements in the Age of Social Media (Invited presentation) Social Media and Social Justice
Columbia University (Columbia, United States)
2023/07/04 “They Don't Understand What it Means to be Poor": How Social Inequality Shapes Young People's Experience of News and What it Means for the Future of Political Journalism CCI Research and Innovation Conference
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2023/04/03 “They Don't Understand What it Means to be Poor": How Social Inequality Shapes Young People's Experience of News and What it Means for the Future of Political Journalism Political Studies Association Annual Conference
University of Liverpool (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
2023/04/02 Post-PhD Life – What Next!? (Invited presentation) PSA23 Pre-Conference Early Career Day
Political Studies Association Early Career Network (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
2023/02/22 “They Don't Understand What it Means to be Poor": How Social Inequality Shapes Young People's Experience of News and What it Means for the Future of Political Journalism Department of Film, Media and Communication Research Talks
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2022/11/10 ‘Slaughterhouse Cattle are Treated Better than this’: Exploring the Salience of Everyday Nationhood at British Airports Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group annual conference
University of Liverpool (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
2022/04/13 "They Don't Understand What it Means to be Poor": How Social Inequality Shapes Young People's Experience of Politics Online Political Studies Association Annual Conference
University of York (York, United Kingdom)
2022/04/11 “I was Completely Engulfed in it. There was No Escape”: The Changing News Routines of Young People from Areas of Social Inequality During Covid-19 Political Studies Association Annual Conference
University of York (York, United Kingdom)
2022/03/16 "They Don't Understand What it Means to be Poor": How Social Inequality Shapes Young People's Experience of Politics Online (Invited presentation) Research Centre for Media and Journalism Studies Seminar series
University of Groningen (Groningen, Netherlands)
2021/12/16 “I was Completely Engulfed in it. There was No Escape”: The Changing News Routines of Young People from Areas of Social Inequality During Covid-19 Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group annual conference
Canterbury Christ Church University (Online, United Kingdom)
2021/09/24 How Social Inequality Shapes Young People's Experience of Politics Online Future of Journalism conference
Cardiff University (Online, United Kingdom)
2021/05/25 Examining the Dirt Under Our Fingernails: Exploring the Role of Ethnographic Mixed-Methods Research in Digital Political Communication (Invited presentation with Smith, A. P. and Soo, N.) Research Process Seminar Series
Bournemouth University (Bournemouth, United Kingdom)
2021/05/20 "Too Many Twits Might Make a Tw*t"? Disseminating Your Research on Social Media Knowledge Exchange, Public Engagement and the University: Insights from the School of Film, Media and Communication Conference
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2021/03/30 The Left Behind? Exploring Young People, Digital Politics and Social Inequality Political Studies Association Annual Conference
Queen's University Belfast (Belfast, United Kingdom)
2021/03/29 Examining the Dirt Under Our Fingernails: Exploring the Role of Ethnography in Digital Political Communication (with Smith, A. P. and Soo, N.) Political Studies Association Annual Conference
Queen's University Belfast (Belfast, United Kingdom)
2020/07/23 'Tell the Story as You’d Tell it to Your Friends in a Pub’: The Emotional Labour in Election Reporting by BuzzFeed News and Vice News (with Sampaio-Dias, S.) Department of Film, Media and Communication Research Talks
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2019/10/03 News Consumption and Political Participation on Social Media (Invited presentation) Data Team Research seminar
The Financial Times (London, United Kingdom)
2019/05/05 The Power of Pikachu: Pokémon as Global Gaming Phenomenon (Invited presentation) Comic Con 2019
Portsmouth Comic Con (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2019/04/15 A Party Within a Party Posing as a Movement? Social Media and Organisational Hybridity in Momentum Political Studies Association Annual Conference
University of Nottingham (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
2019/04/11 Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media (Invited presentation) Digital Culture Research Network seminar series
University of Nottingham (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
2019/01/25 Ethnographic Research and Online Political Campaigning: 38 Degrees and Momentum in Focus Online Political Campaigning Workshop
University of Sheffield (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
2018/09/07 A New Politics? Digital Media and Political Participation in Momentum Understanding and Examining the Digital Advocacy Pioneers
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2018/05/24 Not Just Swearing and Loathing on the Internet: Analysing BuzzFeed and VICE during #GE2017 (with Sampaio-Dias, S. and Kreuschitz-Markovic, M.) Making Sense of Election Reporting
International Communication Association (Prague, Czech Republic)
2018/04/19 The Digital Renewal of Civil Society? 38 Degrees and the Organisational Management of Digital-Micro Activism Civil Society Under Attack
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2018/04/16 Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media (Invited presentation) Technology Club Seminar Series
John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (Bolongna, Italy)
2018/02/01 Slacktivists or Critical Citizens? An Experimental Study of Political Engagement on Facebook (Invited presentation) Digital Technology and Youth Political Participation
National Youth Council of Ireland (Dublin, Ireland)
2017/11/17 Not Just Swearing and Loathing on the Internet: Analysing BuzzFeed and VICE during #GE2017 (with Sampaio-Dias, S.) Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group annual conference
University of Hull (Hull, United Kingdom)
2017/11/07 Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media (Invited presentation) Centre for European and International Studies Research Seminar Series
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2017/10/05 Reflections on #GE2017: Digital News and Youth Engagement School of Social, Historical and Literary Studies Reflections on #GE2017
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2017/07/17 It’s Not All Fake News and Filter Bubbles: Personalised News Consumption and Collective Exposure on Social Media IAMCR Annual Conference
International Association for Media and Communication Research (Cartagena, Colombia)
2017/05/10 The Power of Slacktivism? Social Media and Political Participation in Britain (Invited presentation) Journalism Research Group Seminar Series
Bournemouth University (Bournemouth, United Kingdom)
2017/04/28 Public Contention in the Hybrid Media System: 38 Degrees and the Organisational Management of Digital Micro-Activism ECPR Joint Sessions Workshop
University of Nottingham (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
2017/04/12 Slacktivists or Critical Citizens? An Experimental Study of Political Engagement on Facebook Political Studies Association Annual Conference
University of Glasgow (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
2016/07/18 A Typology of Citizen Roles in Social Media Environments: Exploring Slacktivism and Youth Participation in Britain Centre for Political Youth Culture and Communication Conference
University of York (York, United Kingdom)
2016/06/27 The Organisational Management of Digital Micro-Activism: 38 Degrees and Political Citizenship on Facebook and Twitter BSA and ECPR Political Citizenship and Social Movements Conference
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
2016/06/23 The Organisational Management of Digital-Micro Activism (Invited presentation) 38 Degrees Research Seminar
38 Degrees (London, United Kingdom)
2016/05/08 Moral Panics and the Cycle of Antagonism in #PrayforParis and #PrayforSyria (with Aslan, B. O’Loughlin, B. and Vaccari, C.) Conference of International Broadcasters' Audience Research Services
CIBAR (Zeuthen, Germany)
2016/05/07 Media, Migration and Violence: #PrayforParis, #PrayforSyria and the Dynamics of Antagonism (with Aslan, B. O’Loughlin, B. and Vaccari, C.) Communication and Conflict: Iraq and Syria Conference
SOAS, University of London (London, United Kingdom)
2016/01/12 “It’s Better to Light a Candle Than to Fantasize About a Sun”: Social Media, Political Participation and Slacktivism in Britain (Invited presentation) Department of Politics and International Relations Seminar Series
Royal Holloway, University of London (Egham, United Kingdom)
2015/11/06 Experiential Learning, Standby Citizens and the Redundancy of Slacktivism: Exploring the Day-to-Day Use of Social Media for Political Participation Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group annual conference
University of Chester (Chester, United Kingdom)
2015/11/05 38 Degrees and the Organisational Management of Digital Micro-Activism (Invited presentation) Clicktivism: New Politics, Old Voices?
University of Manchester (Manchester, United Kingdom)
2015/10/13 Can the People Become the Barons? 38 Degrees and “People-Powered” Politics (Invited presentation) Political Studies Association Sixth Form Conference
Political Studies Association (London, United Kingdom)
2015/06/09 38 Degrees Exploring Grassroots Activism and Local Activism
Liverpool Hope University (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
2014/08/30 “People. Power. Change.”: 38 Degrees and Democratic Engagement in the Hybrid Media System (with Chadwick, A.) American Political Science Association Annual Meeting
American Political Science Association (Washington, DC, United States)
2014/07/20 “People. Power. Change.”: 38 Degrees and Democratic Engagement in the Hybrid Media System (with Chadwick, A.) International Political Science Association World Congress
International Political Science Association (Montréal, Canada)
2014/07/08 Challenging the Status Quo: What Can Political Parties Learn from 38 Degrees South East Doctoral Training Centre annual conference
South East Doctoral Training Centre (London, United Kingdom)
2014/04/24 Welcome to the Afterparty: A Case Study of 38 Degrees (Invited presentation) After the Party
Birkbeck, University of London (London, United Kingdom)
2014/04/15 All Hail the Keyboard Radical? A New Research Agenda for Political Participation and Social Media Political Studies Association Annual Conference
University of Manchester (Manchester, United Kingdom)
2013/12/12 The Power of Connectedness: Slacktivism, Social Media and Networked Participation Connectivity and Power workshop
Royal Holloway, University of London (London, United Kingdom)
2013/04/03 Diffusion of Information on Social-Networking Sites Within a Participatory Continuum: A Critique of the Utopian / Dystopian Divide 2.0 and Slacktivism International Studies Association Annual Convention
International Studies Association (San Francisco, CA, United States)
2013/03/26 Welcome to the Afterparty: 38 Degrees, Social Media and the Rise of New Repertoires of Political Engagement Political Studies Association Annual Conference
Cardiff University (Cardiff, United Kingdom)
2013/03/22 Tweeting the Olympics: An OU-BBC Partnership (with Aslan, B. Aslanyan, A. Gillespie, M. O'Loughlin, B. Shreim, N. and Voss, A.) BBC Audience Research Seminar
BBC (London, United Kingdom)
2012/11/11 The Olympic Games 2012, the BBC World Service & Twitter (with Gillespie, M. Procter, R. Aslan, B. Schreim, N. and Targhi, M.) Conference of International Broadcasters' Audience Research Services
CIBAR (Salford, United Kingdom)
2012/07/05 A New Global Participatory Culture? Evaluating Slacktivism and Evolving Conceptions of Citizenship ECPR Graduate Conference
European Consortium for Political Research (Bremen, Germany)
2012/05/24 “It’s Better to Light a Candle Than to Fantasise About a Sun”: Exploring Slacktivism and the Utopian / Dystopian Divide 2.0 Institute of Communication Studies 6th Annual PhD Conference
University of Leeds (Leeds, United Kingdom)
2012/03/22 Beyond #Revolution or Lolcats? Exploring Slacktivism and the Utopian / Dystopian Divide 2.0 South East Doctoral Training Centre annual conference
University of Reading (Reading, United Kingdom)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2024 - 2025 Forces at the Gate: Evolving Journalistic Use of Social Media As News Consumers’ Habits Shift
PhD in Journalism (PhD)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2021 - 2025 BREAKING NEWS! Student voices matter! A historical thematic analysis of student political activism in digitised newspapers from 1969 - 2019
PhD in History (PhD)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2018 - 2025 Can local news publishers sustain reporting in the public interest in an era of crisis?
PhD in Journalism (PhD)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2021 - 2023 An Examination of Political Communication on Twitter During the Northern Ireland Assembly Election 2022 Pre-Election Period
MRes in Politics (Master)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2021 - 2022 The Internet and Presidential Elections: An Investigation into Each of the “Web Standards” Influence on Political Participation Throughout Presidential Election Cycles
MRes in Politics (Master)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2020 - 2022 The Current Status of UK Member of Parliament (MP) Websites in Supporting Dialogic Communications with their Constituents: Towards a Normative Framework
PGCert in Journalism (Other)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2018 - 2021 Media Regulation in Democratic Africa: The Case of Botswana
PhD in Journalism (PhD)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017 - 2021 The Role of the Internet in Enabling the Emergence of NGOs as Public Spheres
PhD in Politics (PhD)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017 - 2018 How Partisanship Differs the Political Information Consumed Online: Towards a Nuanced Selective Exposure Methodology.
MRes in Politics (Master)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2025/04/14 - 2025/04/16 Section Co-Convenor, Media and Politics Group, Political Studies Association 75th Annual International Conference. (2025/04/14 - 2025/04/16)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Political Studies Association, United Kingdom
2024/06/19 - 2024/06/19 Workshop Co-Convenor, Researching Social Media After the API. This one-day workshop, held at the University of Liverpool, explored how scholars can continue researching social media and political communication in light of social platforms withdrawing or restricting access to data for academic research. Contributions from leading international scholars in the field, as well as policy specialists. (2024/06/19)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
2021/06/09 - 2024/04/16 Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group Seminar Series. Past seminars can be watched on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@psampg. (2021/06/09 - 2024/04/16)
Seminar (Member of the Organising Committee)
Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group, United Kingdom
2023/10/26 - 2023/10/27 Conference Convenor, Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group Conference. I was the sole Convenor for the annual conference of the PSA Media and Politics Group at the University of Portsmouth. With over 50 delegates from across the world, the event explored the theme "Re-imagining Media and Politics". The event featured two keynote speakers: Professor Dan Jackson (Bournemouth University) and Dr Anita Varma (University of Texas at Austin). (2023/10/26 - 2023/10/27)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2023/04/03 - 2023/04/05 Section Convenor, Media and Politics Group, Political Studies Association 73rd Annual International Conference. (2023/04/03 - 2023/04/05)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Political Studies Association, United Kingdom
2023/01/19 - 2023/01/19 Workshop Co-Convenor, Regulating New Media and Old Media: Research Challenges, Emerging Findings and Future Directions. Alongside the Co-Conveners for the PSA MPG and the PSA Technology, Internet and Policy Group, we organised a day-long workshop to share research and foster networking opportunities with policy makers working in digital media. This was funded by the PSA Research and Innovation Fund (£1,755) and included contributions from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Ofcom, and Reach PLC. (2023/01/19)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
2022/12/14 - 2022/12/14 Seminar Convenor, Careers after the PhD with Dr Declan McDowell-Naylor (Principal Policy Adviser at the Information Commissioner’s Office) and Dr Nikki Soo (TikTok). (2022/12/14)
Seminar (Co-organisor)
Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group, United Kingdom
2022/04/11 - 2022/04/13 Section Co-Convenor, Media and Politics Group, Political Studies Association 72nd Annual International Conference. (2022/04/11 - 2022/04/13)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Political Studies Association, United Kingdom
2021/03/29 - 2021/03/31 Section Convenor, Media and Politics Group, Political Studies Association 71st Annual International Conference. (2021/03/29 - 2021/03/31)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
Political Studies Association, United Kingdom
2018/09/06 - 2018/09/07 Workshop Convenor (w/ Dr Nina Hall), Understanding and Examining the Digital Advocacy Pioneers, September 6-7. This two-day workshop focused on netroots advocacy organisations and how they are shaping contemporary political participation. This event featured contributions from Prof Hahrie Han, Prof David Karpf, and Prof Ariadne Vromen. A special issue, comprising of pieces presented at this workshop, was published in the Journal of Information Technology and Politics in 2020. (2018/09/06 - 2018/09/07)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017/11/08 - 2017/11/08 Seminar Convenor, Spin and Political Public Relations in the UK, University of Portsmouth. I organised an event with James Roscoe, Director for Communications and Stakeholders at the Department for Exiting the European Union. James offered a practitioner perspective of political communication, drawing on his experience as Director of Communications in the Cabinet Office, Communications Secretary to The Queen, and Press Officer to PMs Blair and Brown. (2017/11/08 - 2017/11/08)
Seminar (President of the Organising Committee)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017/05/04 - 2017/05/04 Seminar Convenor, Data, Digital Technologies and Citizenship, University of Portsmouth. This seminar featured contributions from academics and practitioners on how data is used within political campaigning, including the MP for Portsmouth South, Stephen Morgan, and a representative from Greenpeace. (2017/05/04 - 2017/05/04)
Seminar (President of the Organising Committee)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017/02/16 - 2017/02/16 Workshop Convenor, Features of Effective Social Storytelling, University of Portsmouth. This one-day practical workshop demonstrated the features of effective storytelling online, with contributions from Aaron Bastani (Novara Media) and Andrew Butler (The Sun). (2017/02/16 - 2017/02/16)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2013/03/20 - 2013/03/20 Conference Convenor (w/ Dr Alistair Brisbourne), Power Revisited: Crisis and Opportunities, Royal Holloway, University of London. The one-day conference had four keynote speakers and over 20 papers from across the South East Doctoral Training Centre. (2013/03/20 - 2013/03/20)
Conference (Co-organisor)
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2024/12 External Examiner — Political Engagement in Post-Truth Communication Environments Private (PhD)
Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
2020/09 External Examiner — SNSs and Deliberative Governance in a Polarised Society: The Role of WhatsApp groups in Kenyan Counties Private (PhD)
Salford College of Technology, United Kingdom
2019/12 Internal Examiner — Carnivalesque Politics and Popular Resistance: A Bakhtinian Reading of Contemporary Jordanian Political Humour and Satire Private (PhD)
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2019/01 External Examiner — Negative News on YouTube: An Analysis of News Channels on YouTube and the Impacts Negative Language has on User Engagement Private (PhD)
Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Ad Hoc journal article review

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2025 - Current Media & Jornalismo
2025 - Current Palgrave Macmillan
2023 - Current Edward Elgar Publishing
2022 - Current British Politics
2022 - Current Cogent Arts & Humanities
2022 - Current The Sociological Review
2021 - Current Journal of Youth Studies
2021 - Current Journalism Studies
2021 - Current Media and Communication
2020 - Current European Political Science Review
2020 - Current Information, Communication & Society
2020 - Current Cambridge University Press
2020 - Current University of Michigan Press
2019 - Current Interest Groups and Democracy
2019 - Current The International Journal of Press/Politics
2018 - Current International Affairs
2018 - Current Journal of Information Technology and Politics
2017 - Current Political Studies Review
2017 - Current Politics
2016 - Current Political Studies
2016 - Current Social Media & Society
2014 - Current Media, War & Conflict

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2022 - 2025 Member, Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries Research Ethics Committee.
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017 - 2025 Member, School of Film, Media and Communication Research and Innovation Committee.
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2023 - 2023 Member, Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries External Bidding Task and Finish Group.
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2018 - 2023 Liaison for Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF2021) Unit of Assessment 25 (Area Studies), Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries REF Operations Group.
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2018 - 2018 Chair of the awards committee for the Best Dissertation Award for the Information Technology and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association.
American Political Science Association, United States


Activity description Institution / Organization
2016 - 2016 Project Manager on The Cultural Value of Shakespeare Lives Project. This study explores the impact of “Shakespeare Lives,” a British Council programme celebrating the work of William Shakespeare. We used qualitative methods to measure audience engagement on social networking sites in five languages. I was the lead author on the project proposal, receiving funding of £65,000 for the year-long study. I managed a team of six researchers, designed the methodology for the research, and delivered the pitch to the British Council to secure the funding. British Council Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
2012 - 2015 Research Assistant to the BBC World Service and the Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change. Part of a multilingual research team exploring how audiences responded to the BBC’s coverage of the 2012 London Olympics. My role entailed the collection of large datasets from Twitter, discourse analysis, and contributions to a report to be disseminated within the BBC. BBC World Service Group, United Kingdom

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2024/09/01 - 2025/01/31 Academic Skills and Career Planning (UG-1) Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2022/09/01 - 2025/01/31 Dissertation (PGT) Journalism (Master) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2022/09/01 - 2025/01/31 Research Methods for Practitioners (PGT) [Created module] Journalism (Master) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2022/09/01 - 2025/01/31 Writing and Producing News for a Digital Audience (PGT) Journalism University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2020/09/01 - 2025/01/31 PGR Guest Workshop (The Graduate School) (PhD) PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2019/09/01 - 2025/01/31 Social Media and Journalism (UG-2) [Created module] Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017/09/01 - 2025/01/31 Digital Media and Democracy (UG-3) [Created module] Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017/09/01 - 2025/01/31 MRes in Journalism and MRes in Politics (PGR) MRes (Master) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017/09/01 - 2025/01/31 Media Research (Research Methods) (UG-2) Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2016/09/01 - 2025/01/31 Dissertation (UG-3) Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2016/09/01 - 2023/08/31 Journalism in Context (UG-1) Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2016/09/01 - 2019/08/31 Mobile and Social Journalism (UG-2) Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2016/09/01 - 2018/08/31 Academic and Professional Skills (UG-1) Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2016/09/01 - 2017/08/31 Current Affairs (UG-1) Journalism (Bachelor) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2015/09/01 - 2016/08/31 Professional Development and Research Seminar (PhD) Politics (Doctor of Philosophy) Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
2014/09/01 - 2015/08/31 Introduction to Political Communication (UG-2) Politics (Bachelor) Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
2013/09/01 - 2015/08/31 Introduction to Politics and Government (UG-1) Politics (Bachelor) Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
2012/09/01 - 2014/08/31 Democracy in Britain (UG-2) Politics (Bachelor) Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2019 - Current Peer reviewer for the Economic and Social Research Council
UK Research and Innovation Economic and Social Research Council

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2025/03/07 Provided an interview to Liam Murphy at the Independent on the use of generative artificial intelligence in political campaigning in the UK. The Independent
2025/01/11 Provided an interview to Lucas Font at El Periódico de Catalunya on Elon Musk's attempts to influence British politics through his comments posted on X. El Periódico de Catalunya
2025/01/10 Provided an interview to Amanda Péchy at VEJA magazine on Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement on changes to Meta’s content moderation and fact-checking policies. VEJA
2024/12/04 Provided an interview as part of the research for a feature on how social media is changing politics in the UK (Kate Wills). London Evening Standard
2024/11/16 Provided an interview to Isabella Kwai at the New York Times on why vlogging on social media platforms about the war in Gaza connects with younger audiences. The New York Times
2024/07/25 Provided an interview to Caolán Magee at the I on the use of meme culture (relating to brat by Charli XCX) by the Kamala Harris campaign for the 2024 US Presidential Election. The i
2024/07/18 Provided an interview to Greg Barradale on the low turnout of young people who experience inequality in the 2024 UK general election. The Big Issue
2024/06/30 Provided an interview to Megan Warren-Lister on the influence of TikTok on young people during the 2024 UK general election campaign. Naked Politics
2024/04/11 Provided an interview to David Vetter (Forbes.com Senior Contributor, Sustainability & Climate Change) on the policy change by Meta to limit political content on its platforms Forbes
2024/01/22 Provided an interview as part of the research for a feature on the risks of political expression on personal social media accounts (Amy Fleming). The Guardian
2023/07/05 Provided an interview as part of the research for a feature on how rate-limiting on Twitter could impact political organising. Sky News
2021/07/13 “TikTok’s Next Big Gen Z Trend Might Be Viral Protests.” Newsweek
2021/04/30 “Sadiq Khan bucks national trend as Labour set to dominate in London.” The Financial Times
2021/03/22 “Donald Trump's Social Media Platform Can't Replace What He Lost With Twitter, Facebook.” Newsweek
2020/07/14 “Trump's Attack on TikTok May Motivate Young Activists Using it Against Him.” Newsweek
2020/06/26 “Could TikTok teens actually make a difference in elections?” The Focus
2020/06/22 “Trump Campaign, Under Siege From Activists, Is Losing the Social Media War.” Newsweek, June 22.
2020/05/28 Article on government social media usage during the coronavirus crisis. Raconteur
2019/11/13 Provided an interview as part of the research for a feature on inequality in England. The Financial Times

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2020/05/29 - Current BBC Radio Wiltshire (UK, Breakfast) Discussion on how the Dominic Cummings scandal has played out on social media.
2025/01/15 - 2025/01/15 Anadolu (Turkey) Elon Musk's attempts to influence British politics.
2024/02/16 - 2024/02/16 BBC Radio 5 Live (UK, 5 Live Breakfast) The impact of social media on the forthcoming UK general election.
2022/05/06 - 2022/05/06 BBC Radio Solent (UK, Alun Newman Breakfast show) The results of the local elections in England.
2022/05/01 - 2022/05/01 BBC (UK, Politics South) The 2022 local elections in England and the impact of “Partygate”.
2022/04/28 - 2022/04/28 BBC Radio Solent (UK, Alun Newman Breakfast show) The 2022 local elections in England and the impact of social media.
2020/08/04 - 2020/08/04 Life Solved: How Cutting Edge Research is Changing our World (UK, podcast) “How Politics Became Social.”
2020/06/15 - 2020/06/15 Selfie Reflective (UK, podcast), June 15 “A Case for Slacktivism - with James Dennis.”
2017/06/12 - 2017/06/12 Interviewed on BBC Radio Solent (UK, The Julian Clegg Breakfast Show) Discussion on the Conservative party campaign in the 2017 General Election.
2017/06/09 - 2017/06/09 That’s Solent (UK) Discussion on youth engagement in Portsmouth South during the 2017 General Election.
2017/06/07 - 2017/06/07 Wave 105.2 FM (UK) Discussion on youth turnout in the 2017 General Election.
2016/11/30 - 2016/11/30 TBS eFM (South Korea, Primetime) Discussion on the distribution of misinformation on social media.
2015/04/19 - 2015/04/19 Inter TV (Ukraine) Discussion on how politicians in Britain use social media.
2015/03/06 - 2015/03/06 BBC Radio Scotland (UK, Good Morning Scotland) Discussion on online political advertising during elections.

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2023 - Current Political Studies Association Diverse Voices Programme for Early Career Researchers Private
2021 - 2025 School of Film, Media and Communication Mentorship Scheme at the University of Portsmouth [2 x mentees] Private
2021 - 2022 External Examining at the University of Leeds Private


2017 Nomination for the University of Portsmouth Students’ Union Awards for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
2017 American Political Science Association (APSA) Information Technology and Politics Section Best Dissertation Award
American Political Science Association, United States
2013 Students’ Union Teaching Award, Royal Holloway, University London
Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
2013 Teaching Commendation Award, Royal Holloway, University of London
Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom