DANIEL FILIPE BORGES is Professor in the Department of Neurophysiology and researcher in the Health Research Network (RISE-Health)
| Centre for Translational Health and Medical Biotechnology Research (TBIO), in the Pre-Clinical and Translational Neuroscience
Group @ Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) and the Polytechnic University of Porto (E2S|P.PORTO). He is
currently a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, with the title 'Neurophysiology
in the wild: new non-invasive methods to study neuronal networks'. His academic background is in neurophysiology and clinical
neuropsychology with a specialisation in neurophysiology/electroencephalography (EEG). His main clinical and research interests
are in the areas of multimodal EEG, wearables, epilepsy, cortical functional connectivity and sleep medicine. He has been
a university lecturer since 2006 (ESS|P.Porto, CESPU-ESSVA and IPC-ESTeSC) and was until recently Head of the Clinical Physiology
Programme, Director of the Postgraduate Course in Electroencephalography, member of the Technical-Scientific Council and Co-Coordinator
of the Master's Degree in Clinical Physiology at Coimbra Health School. He has been lecturer in > 120 teaching units/courses
(half of them as main/responsable lecturer), supervised > 25 students and has been member of the graduation jury for the Clinical
Physiology programme in >50 cases and member of the jury for the Neurophysiology specialisation 11 times. He has authored
or co-authored more than 50 presentations/posters at various national and international conferences and has been honoured
with 3 awards. He has actively participated in scientific conferences (> 100) and has been a member of scientific or organising
committees and moderator of meetings (> 25 times). He has a solid 15-year experience as a clinical neurophysiology technologist
in the Portuguese National Health Service (SNS) in different departments (neurology, neurosurgery, paediatrics) in the areas
of multimodal electroencephalography, epilepsy surgery and sleep medicine in the neonatal, paediatric and adult age groups.
He is a member of the Neurotechnology Section of the International League Against Epilepsy, the Portuguese Society of Neurology,
the Portuguese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and Sleep Medicine and the Portuguese League Against Epilepsy.
He is an invited reviewer for prestigious journals such as Physiology & Behaviour (Q2), Clinical Neurophysiology Practice
(Q2), Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Q1), Epileptic Disorders (Q2), Military Medical Research (Q1) and Journal of
Medical Internet Research (Q1).