Identificação pessoal
- Nome completo
- Sofia Pereira
Nomes de citação
- Pereira, Sofia S.
Identificadores de autor
- Ciência ID
- 391E-AC6F-B0DA
- 0000-0001-6947-4560
- (Profissional)
- (Profissional)
- (Profissional)
Grau | Classificação | |
2018/01/08 - 2018/01/12
International Intensive Course on Cancer Biology (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/10 - 2017/06
PhD in Biomedical Sciences (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
"Adrenocortical tumors: Evaluation of immunohistochemistry markers for their differential diagnosis and of the ERK signaling
pathway as a potential target in anti-tumor therapy" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Approved with distintion |
2016/09 - 2017/01
Curricular unit of Systematic Anatomy II (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
20 |
2016/02 - 2016/06
Curricular Unit of Systematic Anatomy I (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
20 |
2014/02 - 2014/02
A hands-on approach to cell and tissue culture (Outros)
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e Saúde, Portugal
15 |
2013/06 - 2013/06
Course in Laboratory Animal Science - C category (Outros)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
17 |
2013/02 - 2013/06
Curricular Unit of Biostatistics (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
19 |
Master in Oncology - Specialization in Molecular Oncology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
"Tumores da supra-renal: Avaliação do papel dos marcadores imunocitoquímicos em tumores da supra-renal " (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
18 |
Biochemistry degree (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal
"Avaliação dos efeitos da leptina e da insulina no crescimento de células de carcinoma da próstata RM1 in vitro" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
14 |
Percurso profissional
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2019/03/18 - 2020/11/15 | Investigador Contratado (Investigação) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal |
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular, Portugal |
Docência no Ensino Superior
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2025/02/01 - Atual | Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2021/01/01 - 2025/01/31 | Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal | ||
2017/09/18 - 2020/12/31 | Professor Auxiliar Convidado (Docente Universitário) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
Cargos e Funções
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2024 - Atual | Mentoring committee member | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal | ||
2021/02/01 - Atual | Treasurer of the Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine (UMIB) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal | ||
2021/02 - Atual | Member of the Executive and Scientific Committees of the Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine (UMIB) | Universidade do Porto Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica, Portugal |
2018/01 - 2020 | Media Office Board Manager | Universidade do Porto Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica, Portugal |
Universidade do Porto Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica, Portugal |
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2017/07/01 - 2017/09/17 | Research Fellowship Holder | Universidade do Porto Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica, Portugal |
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal (...) |
2013/05/01 - 2017/04/30 | Doctoral fellowship Holder | Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal |
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular, Portugal |
Designação | Financiadores | |
2023/02 - 2024/02 | Non-invasive liquid biopsy in the accurate diagnosis of mild and overt Cushings Syndrome
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia Diabetes e Metabolismo HRA Pharma SA |
2022/04 - 2023/03 | Pre-operative and long-term signatures associated with Type 2 Diabetes Remission
GIFT- SPD grant
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia
Em curso
2022/02/07 - 2023/02/06 | Comprehensive molecular characterization of ACTH-producing cells within Primary Bilateral Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasias
originating Cushing's Syndrome
Co-principal investigator
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia Diabetes e Metabolismo HRA Pharma Em curso
2013/05/01 - 2017/03/31 | Adrenocortical tumors: evaluation of immunohistochemistry markers for their differential diagnosis and of the ERK signaling
pathway as a potential target in anti-tumor therapy (SFRH/BD/89308/2012)
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Designação | Financiadores | |
2021/07/21 - Atual | COST action: Harmonizing clinical care and research on adrenal tumours in European countries (CA20122)
Management Committee Member and Researcher
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Em curso
2021/01/01 - Atual | Unit for Multidisciplinary Research In Biomedicine - UMIB
Integrated PhD and Treasurer
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica, Portugal |
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2021/01/01 - Atual | Laboratory for integrative and translational research in population health - ITR
Em curso
2022/01/01 - 2024/12/31 | Unravelling the molecular signatures and mechanisms associated with obesity surgery failure
Investigador responsável
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica, Portugal Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e Vouga EPE, Portugal |
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2018/10/01 - 2022/03 | PANCREASMIMETIC - Establishment of a multifunctional stimuli-responsive PANCREAS MIMETIC (PTDC/MED-OUT/30466/2017)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/10/01 - 2022 | Exploring the role of epigenomic and adipocyte-associated signals in metabolic dysfunction (PTDC/MEC-MET/32151/2017)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2018/10/01 - 2022 | Early molecular bases for the diagnosis and treatment of adrenocortical tumors in the era of personalized medicine (PTDC/MEC-ONC/31384/2017)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 | Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde - I3S
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
Universidade do Porto, Portugal Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal Universidade do Porto Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular, Portugal |
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Artigo em revista |
Capítulo de livro |
Poster em conferência |
Tese / Dissertação |
Website |
Apresentação oral de trabalho
Título da apresentação | Nome do evento Anfitrião (Local do evento) |
2025/02/14 | The genetic basis of obesity: population differences and ancestral variants as common risk alleles | 13th ALGEDM (Luso-Galician Association of Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism) Congress
2025/02/01 | Exploring the role of authophagy in adrenocortical carcinoma | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology
SPEDM (Portugal)
2024/05 | Long-term weight regain after gastric bypass is associated with higher post-prandial GIP levels | 31st European Congress on Obesity
(Venice, Itália)
2024/04/19 | Is GIP the culprit for suboptimal weight loss response to gastric bypass surgery? | XII Congress on Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Diseases
2024/04 | The role of enteropancreatic hormones in bariatric and metabolic surgery secondary failure | 5 th European Incretin Study Group Meeting
(Reino Unido)
2024/03 | PhD mentoring, what to expect? | XLIV National Congress of Surgery
2024/02 | Glutaminolysis pathway has an active role in adrenocortical carcinoma pathophysiology | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology 2024 |
2024/02 | KI67 and IGF2 markers for adrenocortical carcinoma diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology 2024 |
2023/11 | GIP and weight regain after bariatric surgery: cause or consequence? (GIP e reganho ponderal apoos cirurgia bariatrica: causa ou consequencia?) | 27th Portuguese congress of obesity
2023/11 | Glycemic variability after bariatric surgery: Does the outpatient profile reflect post-prandial hormonal dynamics?(Variabilidade glicemica apos cirurgia bariatrica: O perfil ambulatorio reflete as dinamicas hormonais pos-prandiais?) | 27th Portuguese congress of obesity
2023/02/04 | Impact of aging on adipose tissue metabolism related gene expression | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology 2023
2023/01 | Prevelance of bilateral adrenocortical incidentalomas: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology 2023
2022/11 | Are plasma metabolites associated with post-gastric bypass weight regain? | 26th Portuguese Congresso of Obesity
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2022/11 | Long-term prediction models for Type 2 Diabetes remission after gastric bypass | XI Congress on Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases
(Porto, Portugal)
2022/11 | Ang-Tie pathway role in adrenocortical tumors angiogenesis | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology & 73rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
(Faro, Portugal)
2022/05 | Glycaemic variability signatures of gastric bypass variants | North European Young Diabetologists
(Bergen, Países Baixos)
2022/02 | Glycaemic variability after gastric bypass: preliminary insights on the path to glycaemic control. | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology & 73rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
(Faro, Portugal)
2021/04 | Appetite regulation in the obesity treatment (Regulação do apetite no tratamento da obesidade) | XXX Scientific Congress of Nutrition
(Porto, Portugal)
2021 | DiaRem, Ad-DiaRem and DiaBetter scores accuracy to predict T2D remission 10 years after gastric bypass (Avaliação da acuidade dos scores DiaRem, Ad-DiaRem e DiaBetter na previsão da remissão da diabetes 10 anos após bypass gástrico) | 11º Congresso ALGEDM
2020/01/26 | 11b-hydroxylase as a molecular marker for diferential diagnosis of functioning adrenocortical tumors (A enzima 11b-Hidroxilase como marcador para o diagnostico dos tumores adrenocorticais funcionantes) | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology
Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Coimbra, Portugal)
2019/05 | Differential GIP/GLP-1 intestinal cell distribution in diabetics' yields distinctive rearrangements depending on Roux-en-Y biliopancreatic limb length | 53ª Meeting of the Portuguese Anatomic Society
SAP-AAP (Almada, Portugal)
2019/02/13 | GAPDH maternal vaccination affects brain's myeloid cells of their offspring | Meeting of Young Researchers (IJUP)
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2018/11 | Post-bariatric hypoglycemia as a hormonal rollercoaster | 22º Portuguese Congress of Obesity
Portuguese Society for the Study of Obesity (SPEO) (Lisbon, Portugal)
2018/09 | Early postprandial glucagon release prevents reactive hypoglycemia after gastric bypass | 13th YES Meeting
(Porto, Portugal)
2018/06 | Diabetic and elder patients experience greater cardiovascular risk reduction after gastric bypass induced weight loss | NoTeS Congress
(porto, Portugal)
2018/04 | Molecular Biology contribution for the adrenocortical tumors diagnosis (Contributo da biologia molecular no diagnóstico dos tumores do córtex da supra-renal) | 5ª Meeting of Study group for adrenal gland of SPEDM
Portuguese society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Porto, Portugal)
2018/03 | Molecular Biology contribution for the adrenocortical tumors diagnosis (Contributo da biologia molecular no diagnóstico dos tumores do córtex da supra-renal) | 6º Cycle of public lectures on scientific dissemination of ICBAS/FF
ICBAS - University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2018/02 | Use of Flash Glucose Monitoring and Food Diary for Management of Post-Bariatric Hypoglycemia (Monitorização Flash da Glicose e Análise do Registo Alimentar na Abordagem da Hipoglicemia Pós-Bariátrica) | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology
Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Algarve, Portugal)
2018 | Flash glucose monitoring for diagnosis and management of post bariatric hypoglycaemia. | 13th Hammersmith Endocrine Multidisciplinary
(London, Reino Unido)
2017/09 | Use of Flash Glucose Monitoring for Screening, Diagnosis and Clinical Management of Post-Bariatric Hypoglycemia | European Young Endocrine Scientists
ESE Young Endocrinologists & Scientists (Porto, Portugal)
2017/08 | Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with long biliopancreatic limb with distinctive incretin cell distribution improves diabetes control | International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
(London, Reino Unido)
2017/08 | Gastric bypass biliopancreatic limb length influences meal-related hormone response and diabetes remission | International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
(London, Reino Unido)
2017/01 | Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with long biliopancreatic limb results in improved diabetes control that could be explained by the distinctive incretin cell distribution | 2nd EASD Incretin Study Group Meeting
(Pisa, Itália)
2016/04 | Chronic GLP-1 does not alter general pancreactic morphology but may reduce alpha-cell division rate | 50ª Meeting of the Portuguese Anatomic Society
SAP- AAP (Braga, Portugal)
2016/04 | Distinctive incretin secreting cell distribution at different intestinal limb lengths of gastric bypass surgery that could yield diverse outcomes in the endocrine profile | 50ª Meeting of the Portuguese Anatomic Society
SAP- AAP (Braga, Portugal)
2016/02 | Vagally mediated exposure to chronic GLP-1 may influence leptin production without changing pancreatic morphology | Meeting of Young Researchers (IJUP) 2016
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2015/09 | Adipocyte secreted factors of obese individuals increase the metabolic activity of the adrenocortical tumor cells | UMIB Summit
Unit for Multidisciplinary Investigation in Biomedicine (UMIB) (Porto, Portugal)
2015/09 | Adrenocortical tumors display decreased N-cadherin and preserved telomerase expression | UMIB Summit
Unit for Multidisciplinary Investigation in Biomedicine (UMIB) (Porto, Portugal)
2015/09 | Plasma leptin response after chronic GLP-1 exposure is modulated by the integrity of the vagus nerve | UMIB Summit
Unit for Multidisciplinary Investigation in Biomedicine (UMIB) (Porto, Portugal)
2015/01 | Characterization of the effects of two mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on the adrenal gland morphology (Caracterização dos efeitos de dois antagonistas dos receptores de mineralocorticóides na morfologia da supra-renal) | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology
Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Porto, Portugal)
2014/09 | The influence of intravenous lipid emulsion in peripheral nerve block quality and duration | 33rd Annual European Society of Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine Congress
(Seville, Espanha)
2014/01 | Acute Glp-1 Anorexigenic Response Is Decreased Despite Increasing Leptin In Vagotomized Rats | Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology
Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Vila Moura, Portugal)
2013/12 | The effects of truncal vagotomy in energy homeostasis and acute response to glp-1 | World Diabetes Congress
(Melbourne, Austrália)
2013/06 | Phenotypical characterization of vagotomized rat and their feeding response to acute glp-1 administration | European Joint Congress of Clinical Anatomy
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2013/06 | Evaluation lymphangiogenesis in prostate tumours induced in different obese mice models. | European Joint Congress of Clinical Anatomy
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2013/06 | Tissue microarray technology and immunohistochemistry for characterization of the relative distribution of neuroendocrine cells in the human small intestine. | European Joint Congress of Clinical Anatomy
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2013/06 | The use of a morphometric computerized analysis tool in the differential diagnosis of adrenocortical tumors | European Joint Congress of Clinical Anatomy
(Lisbon, Portugal)
Título / Tema Papel desempenhado |
Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização |
2024/10 - Atual | Exploring the molecular signatures associated with weight loss after bariatric surgery
PhD in Biomedical Sciences (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2024/09 - Atual | Adipose Tissue Bioenergetics Profile in Obesity-Related Dysglycemia
Master in Biochemistry (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2024/09 - Atual | Impact of basal metabolic rate on the results of bariatric surgery
Integrated Master in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2024/09 - Atual | Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Jumper´s Knee in Athletes: A Systematic Review
Integrated Master in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2023 - Atual | Sleeve gastrectomy to single or dual anastomosis duodenal switch for severe obesity – what’s in between?
PhD in Medical Sciences (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2023 - Atual | Anatomic patient-matched anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
PhD in Medical Sciences (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2022/07 - Atual | Tumor molecular profiling and non-invasive liquid biopsy to fine-tune adrenocortical carcinoma diagnosis
PhD in Biomedical Sciences (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2023 - 2024 | Novel insights about the role of autophagy in adrenocortical carcinoma.
Master in Biochemistry (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal
2023 - 2024 | Evaluation of the surgical accuracy in positioning the femoral tunnel in ACL reconstruction - retrospective study
Integrated Marter in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2023 - 2024 | Surgical precision in ACL reconstruction: a systematic review
Integrated Marter in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2023 - 2024 | Computer Assisted Navigation Systems in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a Scoping Review
Integrated Master in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2023 - 2024 | Assessment of POMC and ACTH expression in primary macronodular adrenal hyperplasias (Avaliação da expressão de POMC e ACTH
nas hiperplasias adrenais macronodulares primárias)
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal
2022/09 - 2023/07 | Impact of kidney function on bariatric surgery outcomes
Master degree in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2022/09 - 2023/07 | Beyond restrictive: Sleeve Gastrectomy and SADI-S as a spectrum of one sole surgical procedure
Master degree in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2022/09 - 2023/07 | Revisional Bariatric Surgery after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass - A retrospective study
Master degree in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2022/09 - 2023/07 | Effectiveness and safety of liraglutide for failure after weight loss interventions - a systematic review
Master degree in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2022/09 - 2023/07 | Proteínas envolvidas na glutaminólise como marcadores de prognóstico em carcinomas adrenocorticais "Proteins involved in glutaminolysis
as prognostic markers in adrenocortical carcinomas"
Degree in biochemistry (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal |
2022/09 - 2023/06 | Adipose tissue mitochondrial metabolism of patients with different glycaemic profiles
Biology degree (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal
2021/09 - 2022/11 | Adipose tissue metabolic fingerprints in obesity
Master in Biochemistry (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal
2021/09 - 2022/11 | Metabolomic fingerprints mediating weight outcomes after bariatric surgery
Master in Biochemistry (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal
2021/10 - 2022/07 | Prognostic molecular markers in adrenocortical carcinomas
Degree in Biochemistry (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal
2021/09 - 2022/07 | Can the metabolic gastric bypass counteract the negative impact of dysglycemia on weight loss?
Master degree in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2022/01 - 2022/06 | Steroidogenic enzymes as prognostic markers for adrenocortical carcinomas (Enzimas esteroidogénicas como marcadores de prognóstico
para os carcinomas adrenocorticais)
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal
2020/09 - 2021/11 | Angiogenesis in the adrenocortical tumors
Master degree in Biochemistry (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal
2020/09 - 2021/07 | Metabolomic signatures after bariatric surgery: a systematic review
Master degree in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2020/09 - 2021/07 | Neurotensin-expressing cell distribution along the human small intestine and according to diabetes status
Master degree in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2017 - 2018/06 | Evaluation of Steroidogenic Proteins Expression in Adrenocortical Tumors (Avaliação da Expressão das Proteínas Esteroidogénicas
nos Tumores Adrenocorticais)
Degree in Anatomical Pathology, Cytology and Thanatology, (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal
2017 - 2018 | Characterization of ACTH-producing cells in adrenocortical macronodular hyperplasia (Caracterização das células produtoras
de ACTH nas hiperplasias macronodulares adrenocorticais)
Biology degree (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/06 | Could a different distribution of incretins result in a distinct metabolic profile in the gastric bypass with a long biliopancreatic
limb? (Poderá uma diferente distribuição das incretinas resultar em novos perfis metabólicos no bypass gástrico de ansa longa?)
Master in Medicine (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2016 - 2017 | Evaluation of EGFR expression in lung adenocarcinoma (Avaliação da expressão do EGFR no Adenocarcinoma do pulmão)
Degree in Anatomical Pathology, Cytology and Thanatology, (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal
2015 - 2016 | Inflammatory and metabolic molecular markers in neuroendocrine tumors
Master in Oncology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2014 - 2015/06 | Obesity and adrenocortical tumors: Effects of adipose tissue secretomes on adrenocortical carcinomas aggressiveness (Obesidade
e tumores adrenocorticais: Efeitos de secretomas do tecido adiposo na agressividade de células de carcinoma adrenocortical)
Degree in Anatomical Pathology, Cytology and Thanatology (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2015/06 | Characterization of the effects mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on the adrenal gland morphology (Caraterização dos
efeitos dos antagonistas dos recetores dos mineralocorticoides na morfologia da glândula supra- renal)
Degree in Anatomical Pathology, Cytology and Thanatology (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal
Organização de evento
Nome do evento Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação) |
Instituição / Organização | |
2025 - 2025 | Organization Committee Member of the 13th ALGEDM (Luso-Galician Association of Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism) Congress (2025/02/14 - 2025/02/15)
Congresso (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
2023/11/29 - 2023/11/29 | Organization Committee Member of the UMIB Summit 2023 (2023/11/29 - 2023/11/29)
Congresso (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2023/11/03 - 2023/11/04 | Organization Committee Member of the 12th ALGEDM (Luso-Galician Association of Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism) Congress (2023/11/03 - 2023/11/04)
Congresso (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
2023/04/20 - 2023/04/23 | Scientific Committee of III Oporto Biomedical Summit (2023/04/20 - 2023/04/23) | |
2022/04/01 - 2022/04/03 | Scientific Committee of II Oporto Biomedical Summit (2022/04/01 - 2022/04/03)
Congresso (Membro da Comissão Científica)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2016/03 - 2016/09 | Member of the organising comittee (2016/09/22 - 2016/09/23)
Simpósio (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2015/03 - 2015/09 | Member of the Organizing comittee (2015/09/24 - 2015/09/25)
Congresso (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
Júri de grau académico
Tema Tipo de participação |
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau) Instituição / Organização |
2024/07/10 | Rejuvenation of aged osteoprogenitor mesenchymal stem cells through mechanical-induced purinome priming: in vitro expansion
and pre-clinical proof-ofconcept
Arguente principal
Ana Luísa Pereira Gonçalves (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2024/06/04 | Mitochondrial Function and Immunometabolism - Insights From Murine and Human Studies | Aryane Pinho (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
2023/07 | Sexual dimorphism in the human liver: a quantitative study
Arguente principal
José Pedro Oliveira Santos (Outro)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal |
2023/07 | Relationship between postmortem collection time and tissue pH as a measure of quality in a brain bank (Relação entre o tempo
de colheita pós-morte e o pH do tecido como medida de qualidade num banco de cérebros)
Arguente principal
Patrícia Ferreira (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2023/01/16 | Characterization of the metabolic changes that occur during an 8-week hypocaloric diet and their relationship to weight loss
efficiency (Caracterização das alterações metabólicas que ocorrem durante uma dieta hipocalórica de 8 semanas e a sua relação
com a eficiência da perda de peso)
Arguente principal
Bárbara Crespo Relva (Mestrado)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2022/11 | Hypogonadism and aquaglyceroporins in Sertoli cells
Arguente principal
Diana Filipa Cacheira Nunes (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2022/09 | Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins in Leydig Cells
Arguente principal
Daniela Maganinho Toreiro (Outro)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias, Portugal
2022/05 | Noise and diabetes: A morpho-functional and epidemiological study
Gonçalo Martins Pereira (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2021/03/31 | Angiogenic profile evaluation of adipose tissue in obesity (Avaliação do perfil angiogénico do tecido adiposo na obesidade)
Arguente principal
A.S.F. Pinho (Outro)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2021/03/31 | Evaluation of human adipose tissue fibrosis (Avaliação do grau de fibrose do tecido adiposo humanos)
Arguente principal
C.A.S. Vilela (Outro)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2021/03/02 | Frequency of Pheochromocytoma in von Hippel-Lindau Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Arguente principal
J. A. R. Castro Teles (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2019/10/24 | New Generation Antidiabetics: what are the implications on spermatogenesis nutritional support?
Arguente principal
J.P.C. Ribeiro (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Curso / Disciplina lecionado
Disciplina | Curso (Tipo) | Instituição / Organização | |
2021/01/01 - Atual | Anatomy I | Master Degree in Dental Medicine (Mestrado integrado) | Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, Portugal |
2021/01/01 - Atual | Anatomy II | Master Degree in Dental Medicine (Mestrado integrado) | Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, Portugal |
2019/09/16 - Atual | Introduction to Medicine I | Master Degree in Medicine (Mestrado integrado) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2017/09/18 - Atual | Systematic Anatomy II | Master Degree in Medicine (Mestrado integrado) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2017/09/18 - Atual | Systematic Anatomy I | Master degree in Medicine (Mestrado integrado) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2024/09/23 - 2024/09/23 | Biological Tissue Harvesting and Biobanks | Clinical Research Course (Outros) | Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia, Portugal |
2024/09/23 - 2024/09/23 | Structure of a research project proposal: work plan | Clinical Research Course (Outros) | Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia, Portugal |
2018/06 - 2018/06 | Rat/mouse acclimatization and anatomy | Course in Laboratory Animal Science (Outros) | Universidade do Porto, Portugal |
Entrevista (jornal / revista)
Descrição da atividade | Jornal / Forum | |
2015/09/13 | Interview about translational research | NewsFarma |
Membro de associação
Nome da associação | Tipo de participação | |
2017 - Atual | Portuguese Society of Anatomy | |
2014 - Atual | Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism |
Membro de comissão
Descrição da atividade Tipo de participação |
Instituição / Organização | |
2024/07 - Atual | Mentoring committee member in ICBAS
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2024 - Atual | Scientific Commitee member of BYS -Biomedical Youth School of ICBAS. |
Outro júri / avaliação
Descrição da atividade | Instituição / Organização | |
2025/02/14 - 2025/02/15 | Jury of the Dra Helena Ramos prize for the best poster communications in the 13th ALGEDM (Luso-Galician Association of Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism) Congress | |
2024/11 - 2025/01 | Vogal for the recruitment of a technician for the Anatomy department | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2024/11 - 2024/12 | Vogal for the recruitment of a junior researcher for the Multidisciplinary Biomedical Research Unit (UMIB) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2024/11 - 2024/11 | Jury member in a PhD probationary exam | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2024/03 - 2024/03 | Vogal for the recruitment of a junior researcher for the Multidisciplinary Biomedical Research Unit (UMIB) | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2023/05/10 - 2023/05/12 | Jury to nominate the best oral Biological Science communication in the IJUP-23 (16th Meeting of Young Researchers at the University of Porto) | |
2023/03 - 2023/03 | Jury of the fundamental oral communications in the 19th Portuguese Congress of Diabetes | Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia, Portugal |
2023/01 - 2023/01 | Vogal for the recruitment of a researcher for the project " X-epiFERTILITY : Finding the X-EPIgeneTic burden in FEmale infertility" | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2023 - 2023 | Jury of the Corália Vicente (Research) prize competition in the III Oporto Biomedical Summit | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2022/07 - 2022/07 | Vogal for the recruitment of two researchers for the Multidisciplinary Biomedical Research Unit (UMIB), in the scope of the contest "FCT- Summer with Science" | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2022/04 - 2022/04 | Jury of the research competition in the II Oporto Biomedical Summit | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2022/03 - 2022/03 | Jury of the fundamental oral communications in the 18th Portuguese Congress of Diabetes | Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia, Portugal |
2022/03 - 2022/03 | Vogal for the recruitment of a Junior PhD Researcher for the project " BarFail: Unravelling the molecular signatures and mechanisms associated with obesity surgery failure" | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2021/10/28 - 2021/10/28 | Jury member of a PhD probationary Year | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2020/11/11 - 2020/11/11 | Jury member of a PhD probationary Year | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal |
2018/06/22 - 2018/06/23 | Poster jury in I NoTeS Congress- Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases | Universidade do Porto Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica, Portugal Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal |
Tópico | Nome do aluno | |
2017 - 2018 | Macronodular adrenal hyperplasia | Carolina Brito Lobato |
2025 | Best basic research award for the study "Exploring the role of authophagy in adrenocortical carcinoma" presented in the Portuguese
Congress of Endocrinology
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2024 | Pedagogical Innovation Project "Learning What It Means to Be a Doctor - An Immersive Experience in the Real World"
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2023 | Best poster communication of Mechanisms of disease and predictive markers at UMIB Summit 2023 for the study “GLS2 plays a
role in adrenocortical carcinoma pathophysiology”
Universidade do Porto Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica, Portugal
2023 | Best oral communication on bariatric surgery field at the 27th Portuguese Congress of obesity for the study “Glycemic variability after bariatric surgery: Does the outpatient profile reflect post-prandial hormonal dynamics?" |
2022 | Best basic research award for the study "ANG-TIE pathway role in adrenocortical tumors angiogenesis" presented in the Portuguese
Congress of Endocrinology
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2022 | Honorable mention for the clinical study "Glycaemic variability after gastric bypass: preliminary insights on the path to
glycaemic control" presented in the Portuguese Congress of Endocrinology
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2022 | Best clinical research poster for the study "Development of an application for automatic analysis of glycemic variability
after bariatric surgery" in the Portuguese Congress of Diabetes
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia, Portugal
2022 | Best E-poster award in the category kidney disease for the study "Markers of renal lesions in obese patients on the tip of the iceberg" in the Nephro Update Europe |
2022 | Honorable mention for the study "Metabolic profile of visceral adipose tissue in patients with different classes of obesity" presented in the Portuguese Congress of Obesity |
2022 | Best Early Researcher Poster Award with the study" Disclosing metabolic signatures after different bariatric surgery procedures through glycemic profiling - a cross-sectional single-center cohort study" in the International Congress on Obesity |
2022 | Pedagogical Innovation Project RAAn: Augmented Reality for clinically relevant teaching of human anatomy
University of Porto, Portugal
2019 | Best painel Communication, for the work "Gut-hormone dynamics revealing a potential pivotal role for glucagon on hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia after gastric bypass" in X National Congress & VII Iberic Congress of Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Diseases |
2018 | Best Oral Communication for the work "Post-bariatric hypoglycemia as a hormonal rollercoaster"in 22º Portuguese Congress of Obesity |
2018 | Best Oral Communication of Obesity Surgery for the work "Early postprandial glucagon release prevents reactive hypoglycemia after gastric bypass"in 13th Young European Scientist Meeting |
2016 | Best Oral Communication for the work "Chronic GLP-1 does not alter general pancreactic morphology but may reduce alpha-cell division rate", in 50ª Meeting of the Portuguese Anatomic Society |
2013 | Manuel Pinheiro Hargreaves prize for the work "Immunohistochemistry markers in the differential diagnosis of adrenocortical tumors" in XIX Post Graduate Course of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism |
2012 | Best painel Communication for the work "Insulin prevents leptin inhibition of RM1 prostate cancer cell growth" in 2nd Congress of the Luso Galician Association of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism |
Outra distinção
2019 | 2nd place in the Research Contest of Morphological Sciences organized by the Portuguese Society of Anatomy |