Economics degree, Post-graduation in Prices Regime and PhD in Economics by ISCEF/ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management (University of Lisbon). Aggregate and Full Professor at the same School where he taught Macroeconomics, History of economic thought, Economic development, Portuguese and European economy, Globalization and emergent economies. He is currently scientific responsible for a post-graduation in Prospective, Strategy and Innovation (2005 -). He was head of ISEG’s Economics Department (for 10 years) and member elected for several years of its Scientific Council (1988-2017). He was Vice-Rector of UTL (Technical University of Lisbon) and member of UTL Senate. Coordinator of the Working Group set up to coordinate the merging of the two Universities: UTL (Technical University of Lisbon) and UL (University of Lisbon), (2012-2013). Member of the jury of the University of Lisbon Award (2011-). He was an expert at INII (1971-75); Vice-President of IAPMEI’s Consultative Council (1975-80); Executive Vice-President of TAP – Air Portugal (1996-98); CEO of RTP – Portuguese Public Television (1999-2001). Vice-President and General Manager of Portugal Global SGPS (2001-02). Commissioner of the exhibition “Engenho e Obra – Engenharia em Portugal no Séc. XX” (2000-2003). He is currently also Board Member of IDEFE/ISEG (since 2007-2017) He was elected member of the Lisbon University General Council (2013-2017). He is member of the High Council of the EUI – European University Institute of Firenze (2016 -) He is member and founder of CISEP (Research Center on Portuguese Economy/ISEG) and also member of IHC (Contemporary History Institute) of UNL (New University of Lisbon). He was a Member of the EDP General and Supervisory Board in representation of Cajastur Inversiones (Spain) (2008-2012) He was Board Member of Hidro Cantábrico, Grupo EDP (Spain) (2013-2017). Effective member of Sociedade de Geografia. Accredited Researcher of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. He has participated in more than a hundred of national and international workshops, colloquia, seminars and conferences. He has several books and papers published on applied economics and writes opinion articles on a regular basis.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
José Maria Freire Brandão de Brito

Nomes de citação

  • BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria
  • José Maria Brandão de Brito

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • brandaobritojm@gmail.com (Profissional)


Edição de livro
  1. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. Os Anos sessenta em Portugal. Duas Governações, Diferentes Políticas Públicas? (coordenação), Edições Afrontamento, Porto, 2020.. 2020.
  2. José Maria Brandão de Brito. Portugal e a Europa, 65 anos de Cooperação, 25 anos de Integração (3 vol.): Entrevistas (vol. I) Cronologia (vol. II); Dicionário (vol. III) (2007-2009). 2007.
  3. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. Revolução e Democracia (coordenação científica e prefácio, 2 volumes, 2001). 2001.
  1. José Maria Brandão de Brito. Olhe que Não, Olhe que Não, Debates Televisivos de 1976, entre Mário Soares e Álvaro Cunhal, Tinta da China, Lisboa, MMXX.. 2020.
  2. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. Portugal: a crise e os desafios do Futuro (2014). 2014.
  3. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. A UGT na História do Movimento Sindical Português. 1970-90, (2013). 2013.
  4. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. Portugal 2020 - Entre o Sucesso e a Irrelevância (autoria e codireção, 2012). 2012.
  5. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. Modelos socioeconómicos sob pressão: respostas europeias e americanas à globalização, (2006).. 2006.
  6. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. Study of the Impact of Community RTD Programs on the Portuguese S&TPotential, (em colaboração, 1993). 1993.
  7. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. Empresários e Gestores da Indústria em Portugal (em colaboração, 1990). 1990.
  8. BRANDÃO DE BRITO, José Maria. A Industrialização Portuguesa no Pós-Guerra (1989). 1989.