Artigo em revista |
- Hadjittofi, Fotini; Hagith Sivan. "Sex and Sanctity in the Apocryphal Acts of Andrew: A Christian Bedtrick and its Biblical
Bedrock". Journal of Early Christian Studies 32 (2024): 45-74.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Short-Circuiting Heroism: Suicidal Achilles(es) in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica". Phoenix 77
3-4 (2023): 335-349.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Preface: Epic Heroism in Late Antiquity". Phoenix 77 3-4 (2023): 197-205.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. ""All The Famous Deeds of Achilles Are Yours": Homeric Exemplarity in Late Antique Panegyric". Arethusa
54 3 (2021): 291-320.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini; Hagith Sivan. "Staging Rachel: Rabbinic Midrash, Theatrical Mime, and Christian Martyrdom in Late Antiquity".
Harvard Theological Review 113 3 (2020): 299-333.
Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1017/s0017816020000127
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "The Poet and the Evangelist in Nonnus’ Paraphrase of the Gospel according to John". Cambridge Classical
Journal 66 (2020): 70-95.
Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1017/S1750270520000056
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Sleeping Europa from Plato Comicus to Moschus and Horace". The Classical Quarterly 69 1 (2019):
Publicado • 10.1017/s0009838819000545
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "poikilonôtos anêr: Clothing Metaphors and Nonnus’ Ambiguous Christology in the Paraphrase of the Gospel
according to John". Vigiliae Christianae 72 2 (2018): 165-183.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Midas, the Golden Age Trope, and Hellenistic Kingship in Ovid's Metamorphoses". American Journal of
Philology 139 2 (2018): 277-309.
- Hadjittofi, F.. "The Death of Love in Nonnus' Dionysiaca: The Rapes of Nicaea and Aura". Ramus 37 1-2 (2008): 114-135.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Callimachus’ Sexy Athena: The Hymn to Athena and the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite". Materiali e discussioni
per l’analisi dei testi classici 2008 60 (2008): 9-37.
Publicado • 10.2139/ssrn.1607287
Artigo em revista (magazine) |
- Fernandes, Vanessa; Hadjittofi, Fotini. "A figura do herói guerreiro na declamação grega da antiguidade tardia", Forma Breve,
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "A Coluna de Justiniano em Constantinopla", Forma de Vida , 2021,
Capítulo de livro |
- Hadjittofi, Fotini; Fernandes, Vanessa. "Teaching". In A Cultural History of Higher Learning. Reino Unido: Bloomsbury,
Aceite para publicação
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Nonnus of Panopolis: Paraphrase of the Gospel According to John". In Collected Imperial Greek Epics.
Estados Unidos: University of California Press, 2024.
Aceite para publicação
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "The Greek Jeweled Style". In A Late Antique Poetics? The Jeweled Style Revisited, 25-43. London,
Reino Unido: Bloomsbury, 2023.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Nonnus' Indians Between Conversion and Acculturation". In Nonnus of Panopolis in Context IV: Poetry
at the Crossroads, 227-242. Leuven, Bélgica: Peeters, 2022.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Nonnus' Europa and Cadmus: Re-configuring Masculinity in the Dionysiaca". In Nonnus of Panopolis in
Context III, 263-281. Países Baixos: BRILL, 2021.
- Lefteratou, Anna; Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Generic Debates and Late Antique Christian Poetry". In The Genres of Late Antique
Christian Poetry: Between Modulations and Transpositions, 3-36. De Gruyter, 2020.
Publicado • 10.1515/9783110696219-001
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Nonnus' Paraphrase of the Gospel According to John as Didactic Epic". In The Genres of Late Antique
Christian Poetry: Between Modulations and Transpositions, 249-264. De Gruyter, 2020.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Town and gown in the orations of Choricius of Gaza". In Learning Cities in Late Antiquity, 145-163.
Routledge, 2019.
Publicado • 10.4324/9781315097848-7
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Homer is a Dancer: The Poet in Choricius". In L’École de Gaza: espace littéraire et identité culturelle
dans l’Antiquité tardive, 151-162. Bélgica: Peeters, 2017.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Major Themes and Motifs in the Dionysiaca". In Brill’s Companion to Nonnus of Panopolis . BRILL,
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Cross-dressing in the Declamations of Choricius of Gaza". In Fabrique de la déclamation antique,
353-371. França: MOM Éditions, 2016.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Centring Constantinople in Himerios’ Oratio 41". In New Perspectives on Late Antiquity in the Eastern
Roman Empire, 230-244. Reino Unido: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Erotic Fiction and Christian Sexual Ethics in Nonnus’ Episode of Morrheus and Chalcomede". In The
Ancient Novel and the Frontiers of Genre, 187-204. Países Baixos: Barkhuis, 2014.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Zeus nos Fenómenos de Arato: um deus democrata?". In Vir bonus peritissimus aeque. Estudos de homenagem
a Arnaldo do Espirito Santo, 157-164. Portugal, 2013.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Nonnus’ Unclassical Epic: Imaginary Geography in the Dionysiaca". In Unclassical Traditions - Volume
II. Perspectives from East and West in Late Antiquity, 29-42. Reino Unido: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Res Romanae: Cultural Politics in Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica and Nonnus' Dionysiaca". In Quintus
Smyrnaeus: Transforming Homer in Second Sophistic Epic, 357-378. Alemanha: DE GRUYTER, 2007.
Edição de livro |
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. Epic Heroism in Late Antiquity (Special Issue of the journal Phoenix). Toronto, Canadá: University
of Toronto Press. 2023.
Publicado • Editor
- Hadjittofi, Fotini; Lefteratou, Anna. The Genres of Late Antique Christian Poetry : Between Modulations and Transpositions.
De Gruyter. 2020.
Publicado •
Entrada de enciclopédia |
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "Quintus of Smyrna: The Posthomerica". In The Literary Encyclopedia, 2010.
Publicado • Hadjittofi, F. 'Quintus of Smyrna: The Posthomerica', in: The Literary Encyclopedia, 2010.
Revisão de livro |
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "INTERACTIONS BETWEEN GREEK AND LATIN EPIC - (K.) Carvounis, (S.) Papaioannou, (G.) Scafoglio (edd.) Later
Greek Epic and the Latin Literary Tradition. Further Explorations. (Trends in Classics Supplementary Volume 136.) Pp. viii
+ 216. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2023.". (2023):
Publicado •
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "ASPECTS OF NONNUS OF PANOPOLIS - (H.) Bannert, (N.) Kröll (edd.) Nonnus of Panopolis in Context II: Poetry,
Religion, and Society. Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonnus of Panopolis, 26th – 29th September 2013, University
of Vienna, Austria. (Mnemosyne Supplements 408.) Pp. xx + 436, colour ills. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018. Cased, €121, US$140.
ISBN: 978-90-04-34119-7.". 69, 1 (2018): 90-92.
Publicado • 10.1017/s0009840x18002834
- Hadjittofi, Fotini. "JOSEPH GEIGER, Hellenism in the East. Studies on Greek Intellectuals in Palestine". 44, (2016): 364-365.