Conference poster |
- Rossetto, Verónica; Santos, Tamára; Pereira, Hugo; Maia, Inês B.; Engelen, Aschwin H.; Navalho, João; Varela, Joao. "Co-cultivation
with growth-enhancing bacteria improves up to 3-fold the pigment contents of Chlorella vulgaris grown in flat panels". Paper
presented in Algaeurope 2023, 2023.
- Vitorino, Rafael; Carvalho, Bernardo; Maia, Inês B.; Costa, Monya M; Varela, Joao; Pereira, Hugo. "Valorization of Scenedesmus
obliquus and Chlorella vulgaris biomass to replace unsustainable aquaculture supplements". Paper presented in Algaeurope
2023, 2023.
- Viana, Catarina; Coelho, Luísa; Gama, Florinda; Pereira, Hugo; Varela, João; Reis, Mário . Corresponding author: Viana, Catarina.
"Biocontrol potential of microalgae in the suppression of Erysiphe pisi in Pisum sativum L.". Paper presented in 12º Encontro
Nacional de Proteção Integrada, 2023.
- Maia, Inês B.; Schulze, Peter; Rodrigues, Alexandre M. C.; Navalho, João; Viswanath, Kiron; Pereira, Hugo; Varela, Joao. "Bioremediation
of drainwater from a hydroponic production using a microalgae-based circular economy approach for sustainable aquaculture
and agriculture products". Paper presented in Young Algaeneers Symposium 2023, 2023.
- Konucu, Merve; Maia, Inês B.; Pinto, Bruno; Rodrigues, Alexandre M. C.; Schulze, Peter; Pereira, Hugo; Navalho, João; Fernandes
de Souza, M; Meers, Eric. "Harvesting of Microalgae with Tannin Based Coagulants: Impact of Growth Media and Up scaling".
Paper presented in Young Algaeneers Symposium 2023, 2023.
- Vitorino, Rafael; Maia, Inês B.; Carvalho, Bernardo; Varela, Joao; Pereira, Hugo. "Valorization of Raphidonema monicae biomass
through a sequential biorefinery pipeline". Paper presented in Young Algaeneers Symposium 2023, 2023.
- Viana, Catarina; Coelho, Luísa; Gama, Florinda; Méanne Genevace; Pereira, Hugo; Varela, João; Reis, Mário . Corresponding
author: Viana, Catarina. "Effect of microalgae on the control of Sclerotium rolfsii". Paper presented in Young Algaeneers
Symposium- YAS, 2023.
- Carvalho, Bernardo; Figueiredo, Daniel; Coelho, Luísa; Viana, Catarina; Gouveia, Luisa; Domingos, R. ; Varela, João; Pereira,
Hugo. Corresponding author: Carvalho, Bernardo. "Improving cell disruption in two freshwater microalgae to increase their
biopesticidal potential". Paper presented in Algae Nexus Conference, 2023.
- Vieira, João; Viana, Catarina; Coelho, Luísa; Gama, Florinda; Varela, João; Pereira, Hugo; Pestana, Maribela; Correia, Pedro.
"Efeito da aplicação da microalga Chlorella vulgaris como bioestimulante de cravo-túnico (Tagete patula L.)". Paper presented
in VIII Jornadas Ibéricas de Horticultura Ornamental, 2023.
- Duarte, Beatriz; Viana, Catarina; Gama, Florinda; Capitão, Cristina; Sommer, Rosário; Pereira, Hugo; Varela, João; Reis, Mário
- Viana, Catarina; Duarte, Beatriz; Coelho, Luísa; Capitão, Cristina; Sommer, Rosário; Pereira, Hugo; Varela, João; Reis, Mário
presented in AlgaEurope, 2023.
- Gomes, Ana S.; Santos, Tamára F.; Maia, Inês B.; Pinheiro, Filipa; Bombo, Gabriel; Barreira, Luísa; Pereira, Hugo; Varela,
João C.S.. "Assessment of six microalgae species growth and nutrient composition with potential for marine larviculture".
Paper presented in AlgaEurope 2022, 2022.
- Bombo, Gabriel; Cristofoli, Nathana Lazzarotto; Santos, Tamára F.; Schüler, Lisa M.; Maia, Inês B.; Pereira, Hugo; Barreira,
Luísa; Varela, João. Corresponding author: Bombo, Gabriel. "Dunaliella: Bioprospecting for novel strains and their phylogenetic
and biochemical analysis". Paper presented in AlgaEurope 2022, 2022.
- Pinheiro, Filipa; Santos, Tamára F.; Maia, Inês B.; Martins, Gil; Pereira, Hugo; Diogo, Patricia; Varela, João; Gavaia, Paulo
J. Corresponding author: Pinheiro, Filipa. "The effect of nitrogen depletion on microalgae for Danio rerio larvae nutrition".
Paper presented in AlgaEurope 2022, 2022.
- Navalho, João; Maia, Inês B.; Pereira, Hugo; Schulze, Peter; Carneiro, Mariana; Rodrigues, Alexandre. Corresponding author:
Navalho, João. "Development of a cloud-based automatization system for bioremediation of drainwater using microalgae". Paper
presented in AlgaEurope 2022, 2022.
- Rodrigues, Alexandre; Schmid, Benjamin; Domingues, N.; del Valle-Inclán, Yago; Navalho, Sofia; Schulze, Peter; Van de Walle,
S.; et al. Corresponding author: Rodrigues, Alexandre. "Sustainable solutions for the industrial production of microalgae
biomass". Paper presented in AlgaEurope 2022, 2022.
- Maia, Inês B.; Schulze, Peter; Rodrigues, Alexandre; Konucu, Merve; Kato, Hidehiko; Navalho, João; Pereira, Hugo; Varela,
João. Corresponding author: Maia, Inês B.. "Scenedesmus sp. and Koliella antarctica and their potential in fish feed replacement
upon HPH-induced cell disruption". Paper presented in AlgaEurope 2022, 2022.
- Pinto, Bruno; Carneiro, Mariana; Maia, Inês B.; Pereira, Hugo; Rodrigues, Alexandre; Varela, João; Navalho, João. "Improving
microalgae production and circularity in raceway ponds". Paper presented in AlgaEurope 2022, 2022.
- Correia, Nádia; Pereira, Hugo; Costa, Monya M; Guerra, Inês; Trovão, Mafalda; Ana Barros; Maria Soares; et al. "High-value
biomass composition from heterotrophic and autotrophic cultivation of novel Chlorococcum amblystomatis". Paper presented in
Algae Biomass Summit, 2022.
- Guerra, Inês; Correia, Nádia; Gonçalo Espírito Santo; Cunha, Pedro; Pereira, Hugo; Cardoso, MH; Varela, João; Silva, Joana.
"Optimization of an organic medium for industrial production of a protein-rich Arthrospira platensis". Paper presented in
Algae Biomass Summit, 2022.
- Pinheiro, Filipa; Santos, Tamára; Martins, Gil; T. Castro, Daniela; Pes, Katia; Pereira, Hugo; Diogo, Patricia; Varela, João;
Gavaia, P. "Nutritional effects of T. Verrucosa fed rotifers in the growth development of zebrafish". Paper presented in Aquaculture
Europe 2022, 2022.
- Gonçalves, Ana Teresa; Jacinto, Rita; Ribeiro, Tiago; Pereira, Hugo; Navalho, João; Dias, Jorge. "Boosting gut homeostasis
with optimized microalgae for precision functional nutrition". Paper presented in 20th International Symposium of fish
Nutrition and Feeding 2022, 2022.
- Correia, Nádia; Pereira, Hugo; Guerra, Inês; Cunha, Pedro; Trovão, Mafalda; Adriana Machado; Ana Barros; et al. "Novel microalga
Chlorococcum amblystomatis as an alternative resource of nutrients". Paper presented in Encontro Ciência 2022, 2022.
- Trovão, Mafalda; Schueler, Lisa; Ana Barros; Adriana Machado; Correia, Nádia; Humberto Pedroso; Gonçalo Espírito Santo; et
al. "Isolation of novel Chlorella vulgaris mutants with improved organoleptic features for food applications: a non-GMO approach".
Paper presented in Encontro Ciência 2022, 2022.
- Pinheiro, Filipa; Martins, Gil; Santos, Tamára; Pereira, Hugo; Diogo, Patricia; Rodrigues, Alexandre; Navalho, João; Varela,
João; Gavaia, P. "Nutritional effects of rotifers fed with microalgae blend on the growth and development of zebrafish". Paper
presented in AlgaEurope 2021, 2021.
- Maia, Inês B.; Schulze, Peter; Rodrigues, Alexandre; Barreira, Luísa; Navalho, João; Viswanath, Kiron; Pereira, Hugo; Varela,
João. "Algacycle: Valorisation of greenhouse effluents with microalgae - sustainable aquafeeds and biostimulants from drain
water". Paper presented in Algaeurope 2021, 2021.
- Santos, Tamára F.; Pereira, Hugo; Maia, Inês B.; Pinheiro, Filipa; Jacinto, Rita; Engelen, Aschwin H.; Silva, Joana; Varela,
João. "Effect of bacteria-microalga symbiosis on Chlorella vulgaris biomass". Paper presented in Algaeurope 2021, 2021.
- T. Castro, Daniela; Martins, Gil; Diogo, Patricia; Santos, Tamára F.; Maia, Inês B.; Rodrigues, Alexandre; del Pino, Victória;
et al. "Rotifers enriched with microalgae as a new strategy to improve zebrafish reproductive performance". Paper presented
in Aquaculture Europe 2021, 2021.
- Pinto, Bruno; Maia, Inês B.; Pereira, Hugo; Navalho, João; Varela, João; Rodrigues, Alexandre. "Bioremediation of Swine Wastewater
using Locally Isolated Microalgae". Paper presented in Algae Biomass Summit 2021, 2021.
- Navalho, João; Pires, João; Maia, Inês B.; Diogo, Patricia; Rodrigues, Alexandre; del Pino, Victória; Pereira, Hugo; Schulze,
Peter. "Feeding fish through circular bioeconomy: microalgae as aquafeed ingredient cultured in hydroponic effluents". Paper
presented in Aquaculture Europe 2021, 2021.
- del Pino, Victória; Diogo, Patricia; Rodrigues, Alexandre; Carneiro, Mariana; Pereira, Hugo; Navalho, João. "Microalgae as
a source of anti-inflammatory compounds". Paper presented in Aquaculture Europe 2021, 2021.
- Diogo, Patricia; Tennevet, Clémence; Bastos, Gonçalo; Coelho, Ana; Rodrigues, Alexandre; Carneiro, Mariana; Gao, Fengzheng;
et al. "Fucoxanthin analysis in industrial culture of tisochrysis lutea through spectrophotometry to improve biomass quality
for aquafeeds". Paper presented in Aquaculture Europe 2021, 2021.
- Navalho, João; Diogo, Patricia; Schmid, Benjamin; Coelho, Ana; Pereira, Hugo; Rodrigues, Alexandre; del Pino, Victória. "Sustainable
microalgae protein for aquafeeds of the future". Paper presented in Aquaculture Europe 2021, 2021.
- T. Castro, Daniela; Martins, Gil; Diogo, Patricia; Rodrigues, Alexandre; del Pino, Vitória; Rosa, Joana Teixeira; Navalho,
João; Pereira, Hugo; Gavaia, P. "Functional environmental enrichment improves zebrafish (Danio rerio) reproduction and egg
quality". Paper presented in Animal Health Symposium – Unlocking Aquaculture Potential, 2021.
- Gonçalo Espírito Santo; Ana Barros; Bernardo Carvalho; Maria Soares; Correia, Nádia; Schueler, Lisa; Pereira, Hugo; et al.
"Scenedesmus rubescens production strategies for added value biomass". Paper presented in Algaeurope, 2021.
- Correia, Nádia; Pereira, Hugo; Guerra, Inês; Cunha, Pedro; Joana Fonseca; Trovão, Mafalda; Adriana Machado; et al. "Microalgae:
sustainable sources of nutrients". Paper presented in Microbiotec, 2021.
- Trovão, Mafalda; Ana Barros; Adriana Machado; Joana Ribeiro; Bernardo Carvalho; Correia, Nádia; Humberto Pedroso; et al. "Isolation
of novel Chlorella vulgaris mutants with higher biomass productivities for food and feed applications: a non-GMO strain improvement
approach". 2021.
- Correia, Nádia; Pereira, Hugo; Guerra, Inês; Cunha, Pedro; Joana Fonseca; Trovão, Mafalda; Adriana Machado; et al. "Large
scale production and biomass characterization of a novel Chlorococcum amblystomatis (Chlorophyta) strain". Paper presented
in Algae Biomass Summit, 2021.
- Santos, Tamára; Pereira, Hugo; Maia, Inês B.; Pinheiro, Filipa; Navalho, João; Engelen, Aschwin H.; Silva, Joana Laranjeira;
Varela, João. "Bacterial community associated with cultures of Tisochrysis lutea grown in industrial scale photobioreactors".
Paper presented in AlgaEurope 2020, 2020.
- T. Castro, Daniela; Martins, Gil; Santos, Tamára; Diogo, Patricia; Maia, Inês B.; Rodrigues, Alexandre; del Pino, Vitória;
et al. "Rotifers encapsulated with microalgae as a new strategy to improve male Zebrafish reproductive performance". Paper
presented in 5th Aquaculture Research Workshop, 2020.
- Martins, Gil; Castaldi, Matthew ; Pereira, Hugo; Santos, Tamára; Diogo, Patricia; Rodrigues, Alexandre; del Pino, Vitória;
et al. "Targeting promising microalgae species for rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) enrichment to improve zebrafish growth
and osteological development". Paper presented in 11th European Zebrafish Meeting, 2020.
- T. Castro, Daniela; Martins, Gil; Santos, Tamára; Diogo, Patricia; Tarasco, Marco; Rodrigues, Alexandre; del Pino, Vitória;
et al. "Male broodstock fed rotifers encapsulated with different microalgae: gamete quality and transgenerational osteological
alterations". Paper presented in 11th European Zebrafish Meeting, 2020.
- Maia, Inês B.; Carneiro, Mariana; Magina, Tânia; Navalho, João; Pereira, Hugo; Varela, João. "Let There Be Light: fluorescence
response of three diatoms grown in pilot-scale flat panels". Paper presented in AlgaEurope 2019, 2019.
- Moreira, Ana S. P.; Susana, Aveiro; Figueiredo, Ana; Melo, Tânia; Pereira, Hugo; Silva, Joana; Domingues, M. Rosário M.; Nunes,
Cláudia. "Polar lipidome of microalgae Emiliania huxleyi and its biotechnological potential". Paper presented in Microbiotec¿19
Congress, 2019.
- Carneiro, Mariana; Maia, Inês B.; Pereira, Hugo; Santos, Tamára; Magina, Tânia; Schulze, Peter; Navalho, João; Malcata, F.
Xavier; Varela, João. "Light it up: effects of LED lighting on Nannochloropsis oceanica grown in pilot raceways". Paper presented
in AlgaEurope 2019, 2019.
- Moreira, Ana S. P.; Aveiro, Susana; Figueiredo, Ana; Pereira, Hugo; Silva, Joana; Domingues, M. Rosário M.; Nunes, Cláudia.
"Polar lipidome profiling of Emiliania huxleyi and its relevance for algae valorization". Paper presented in Conferência
da Associação Portuguesa de Algologia Aplicada (APAA), 2019.
- Pereira, Hugo. "Biomass and target metabolites productivities of Tisochrysis lutea produced in industrial photobioreactors".
Paper presented in Algae Europe 2019, Paris, France, 2019.
- Maia, Inês B.; Pereira, Hugo; Santos, Tamára; Tarasco, Marco; Laizé, Vincent; Gavaia, Paulo; Cancela, Leonor; et al. "Lab
scale optimization of abiotic growth parameters and in vivo osteogenic activity of Emiliania huxleyi". Paper presented in
AlgaEurope 2018, 2018.
- Santos, Tamára; Pereira, Hugo; Maia, Inês B.; Barbosa, José; Ismael, Kovan; Tesema, Sisay; Barreira, Luísa; Varela, João.
"Isolation of microalgae from Algarve coastal waters for bioactivity discovery within the ALGARED+ project network". Paper
presented in AlgaEurope 2018, 2018.
- Pereira, Hugo. "Biotechnological applications of a promising marine chlorophyte (Tetraselmis sp. CTP4)". Paper presented in
Algae Europe 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
- Pereira, Hugo. "Microplate-based high throughput screening procedure for the isolation of lipid-rich marine microalgae". Paper
presented in 3rd International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Toronto, Canada, 2013.
- Pereira, Hugo. "Biochemical engineering approaches for inducing lipid production in marine microalgae". Paper presented in
Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Porto, Portugal, 2010.
- Pereira, Hugo. "Inducing lipid production by biochemical engineering and fluorescence activated cell sorting". Paper presented
in International Meeting on Marine Resources, Peniche, Portugal., 2010.
- Pereira, Hugo. "Novel microalgal strains from the Algarve coast for biofuel production". Paper presented in 8th European
Workshop Biotechnology of Microalgae, Nuthetal, German, 2010.
Journal article |
- João Vieira; Moisés Saque; Catarina Viana; Maria Helena Rodrigues; Luísa Coelho; Florinda Gama; João Varela; et al. "Enhancing
growth, nutrient uptake and flowering of Tagetes patula plants through the application of suspensions of Chlorella vulgaris".
Journal of Applied Phycology (2025):
- Trovão, M.; Barros, A.; Machado, A.; Reis, A.; Pedroso, H.; Espírito Santo, G.; Correia, N.; et al. "Heterotrophic cultivation
of Chlorella vulgaris yellow mutant on sidestreams: Medium formulation and process scale-up". Journal of Environmental
Chemical Engineering 13 2 (2025):
- Conde, T.; Lopes, D.; Pinho, M.; Melo, T.; Coelho, N.; Rodrigues, A.M.C.; Pereira, H.; Domingues, P.; Domingues, R.. "Unraveling
the lipidome of Pavlova gyrans, a natural reservoir of bioactive lipids for biotechnological applications". Journal of
Applied Phycology (2025):
- Marques, F.; Pereira, F.; Machado, L.; Martins, J.T.; Pereira, R.N.; Costa, M.M.; Genisheva, Z.; et al. "Comparison of Different
Pretreatment Processes Envisaging the Potential Use of Food Waste as Microalgae Substrate". Foods 13 7 (2024):
- Trovão, M.; Schüler, L.; Pedroso, H.; Reis, A.; Santo, G.E.; Barros, A.; Correia, N.; et al. "Isolation and Selection of Protein-Rich
Mutants of Chlorella vulgaris by Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting with Enhanced Biostimulant Activity to Germinate Garden
Cress Seeds". Plants 13 17 (2024):
- Viana, C.; Genevace, M.; Gama, F.; Coelho, L.; Pereira, H.; Varela, J.; Reis, M.. "Chlorella vulgaris and Tetradesmus obliquus
Protect Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) against Fusarium oxysporum". Plants 13 12 (2024):
- Pires, R.; Costa, M.; Pereira, H.; Cardoso, H.; Ferreira, L.; Lapa, N.; Silva, J.; Ventura, M.. "Microalgae as a selenium
vehicle for nutrition: a review". Discover Food 4 1 (2024):
- Santos, T.F.; Pereira, H.; Schüler, L.; Maia, I.B.; Jacinto, R.; Bombo, G.; Pinheiro, F.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.. "Enhancement
of heat tolerance by salt stress in Tetraselmis striata CTP4: impacts on HSP gene expression, pigments, and proximal composition".
Journal of Applied Phycology (2024):
- Pais, R.; Conde, T.; Neves, B.B.; Pinho, M.; Coelho, M.; Pereira, H.; Rodrigues, A.M.C.; et al. "Bioactive Lipids in Dunaliella
salina: Implications for Functional Foods and Health". Foods 13 20 (2024):
- Mendonça, I.; Silva, D.; Conde, T.; Maurício, T.; Cardoso, H.; Pereira, H.; Bartolomeu, M.; et al. "Insight into the efficiency
of microalgae’ lipidic extracts as photosensitizers for Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy against Staphylococcus aureus".
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 259 (2024):
- Trovão, M.; Cardoso, L.; Schüler, L.; Machado, A.; Santo, G.E.; Pedroso, H.; Reis, A.; et al. "Oxyfluorfen: a novel metabolic
inhibitor to select microalgal chlorophyll-deficient mutant strains for nutritional applications". Algal Research 81
- Cruz, José Diogo; Delattre, Cédric; Felpeto, Aldo Barreiro; Pereira, Hugo; Pierre, Guillaume; Morais, João; Petit, Emmanuel;
et al. "Bioprospecting for industrially relevant exopolysaccharide-producing cyanobacteria under Portuguese simulated climate".
Scientific Reports 13 1 (2023):
- Matinha-Cardoso, J.; Santos, T.; Pereira, H.; Varela, J.; Tamagnini, P.; Mota, R.. "Pilot scale production of Crocosphaera
chwakensis CCY0110 and evaluation of its biomass nutritional potential". Algal Research 69 (2023):
- Bombo, G.; Cristofoli, N.L.; Santos, T.F.; Schüler, L.; Maia, I.B.; Pereira, H.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.. "Dunaliella viridis
TAV01: A Halotolerant, Protein-Rich Microalga from the Algarve Coast". Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 13 4 (2023):
- Moreira, A.S.P.; Gonçalves, J.; Sousa, F.; Maia, I.; Pereira, H.; Silva, J.; Coimbra, M.A.; Ferreira, P.; Nunes, C.. "Potential
of Coccolithophore Microalgae as Fillers in Starch-Based Films for Active and Sustainable Food Packaging". Foods 12
3 (2023):
- Correia, N.; Pereira, H.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Costa, M.M.; Santo, G.E.; Guerra, I.; Trovão, M.; et al. "Heterotrophic and Photoautotrophic
Media Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology for the Novel Microalga Chlorococcum amblystomatis". Applied Sciences
(Switzerland) 13 4 (2023):
- Leal, J.F.; Bombo, G.; Amado, P.S.M.; Pereira, H.; Cristiano, M.L.S.. "Cation-Exchange Resin Applied to Paralytic Shellfish
Toxins Depuration from Bivalves Exposed to Gymnodinium catenatum". Foods 12 4 (2023):
- Carletti, A.; Rosa, J.T.; Pes, K.; Borges, I.; Santos, T.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.; et al. "The osteogenic and mineralogenic
potential of the microalgae Skeletonema costatum and Tetraselmis striata CTP4 in fish models". Cellular and Molecular Life
Sciences 80 10 (2023):
- Conde, T.; Aveiro, S.; Melo, T.; Santos, T.; Neves, B.; Domingues, P.; Varela, J.; Pereira, H.; Domingues, M.R.. "Cross-stress
lipid response of Tetraselmis striata CTP4 to temperature and salinity variation". Algal Research 74 (2023):
- Monteiro, I.; Schüler, L.M.; Santos, E.; Pereira, H.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Florindo, C.; Varela, J.; Barreira, L.. "Two-stage
lipid induction in the microalga Tetraselmis striata CTP4 upon exposure to different abiotic stresses". Renewable Energy
208 (2023): 693-701.
- Santo, G.E.; Barros, A.; Costa, M.; Pereira, H.; Trovão, M.; Cardoso, H.; Carvalho, B.; et al. "Scenedesmus rubescens Heterotrophic
Production Strategies for Added Value Biomass". Marine Drugs 21 7 (2023):
- Maciel, F.; Couto, D.; Geada, P.; Pereira, H.; Teixeira, J.; Domingues, M.R.; Silva, J.; Vicente, A.. "Optimization of Pavlova
gyrans biomass production and the fatty acid profile using a two-step approach". Sustainable Food Technology 1 6 (2023):
- Maia, I.B.; Carneiro, M.; Magina, T.; Malcata, F.X.; Otero, A.; Navalho, J.; Varela, J.; Pereira, H.. "Diel biochemical and
photosynthetic monitorization of Skeletonema costatum and Phaeodactylum tricornutum grown in outdoor pilot-scale flat panel
photobioreactors". Journal of Biotechnology 343 (2022): 110-119.
- Leal, J.F.; Bombo, G.; Pereira, H.; Vicente, B.; Amorim, A.; Cristiano, M.L.S.. "Toxin Profile of Two Gymnodinium catenatum
Strains from Iberian Coastal Waters". Toxins 14 11 (2022):
- Al-Hamar, B.; Inbamani, A.R.; Komona, S.A.; Fouzi, M.; Ben-Hamadou, R.; Pereira, H.; Bumajdad, A.. "Bioprospecting autochthonous
marine microalgae strain from the Arabian Gulf Seawater, Kuwait for biofuel feedstocks". Kuwait Journal of Science
49 2 (2022):
- Schmid, B.; Coelho, L.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Pereira, H.; Santos, T.; Maia, I.B.; Reis, M.; Varela, J.. "Antifungal properties
of aqueous microalgal extracts". Bioresource Technology Reports 18 (2022):
- Couto, D.; Conde, T.A.; Melo, T.; Neves, B.; Costa, M.; Cunha, P.; Guerra, I.; et al. "Effects of outdoor and indoor cultivation
on the polar lipid composition and antioxidant activity of Nannochloropsis oceanica and Nannochloropsis limnetica: A lipidomics
perspective". Algal Research 64 (2022):
- Bastos, C.R.V.; Maia, I.B.; Pereira, H.; Navalho, J.; Varela, J.C.S.. "Optimisation of Biomass Production and Nutritional
Value of Two Marine Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), Skeletonema costatum and Chaetoceros calcitrans". Biology 11 4 (2022):
- Moreira, A.S.P.; Gonçalves, J.; Conde, T.A.; Couto, D.; Melo, T.; Maia, I.B.; Pereira, H.; et al. "Chrysotila pseudoroscoffensis
as a source of high-value polar lipids with antioxidant activity: A lipidomic approach". Algal Research 66 (2022):
- Mendes, M.C.; Navalho, S.; Ferreira, A.; Paulino, C.; Figueiredo, D.; Silva, D.; Gao, F.; et al. "Algae as Food in Europe:
An Overview of Species Diversity and Their Application†". Foods 11 13 (2022):
- Schmid, B.; Navalho, S.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Van De Walle, S.; Van Royen, G.; Schüler, L.M.; Maia, I.B.; et al. "Drying Microalgae
Using an Industrial Solar Dryer: A Biomass Quality Assessment". Foods 11 13 (2022):
- Vázquez-Romero, B.; Perales, J.A.; Pereira, H.; Barbosa, M.; Ruiz, J.. "Techno-economic assessment of microalgae production,
harvesting and drying for food, feed, cosmetics, and agriculture". Science of the Total Environment 837 (2022):
- Trovão, M.; Schüler, L.M.; Machado, A.; Bombo, G.; Navalho, S.; Barros, A.; Pereira, H.; et al. "Random Mutagenesis as a Promising
Tool for Microalgal Strain Improvement towards Industrial Production". Marine Drugs 20 7 (2022):
- Carneiro, M.; Maia, I.B.; Cunha, P.; Guerra, I.; Magina, T.; Santos, T.; Schulze, P.S.C.; et al. "Effects of LED lighting
on Nannochloropsis oceanica grown in outdoor raceway ponds". Algal Research 64 (2022):
- Mariana Carneiro; Graziella Chini Zittelli; Bernardo Cicchi; Eleftherios Touloupakis; Cecilia Faraloni; Inês B. Maia; Hugo
Pereira; et al. "In situ monitoring of chlorophyll a fluorescence in Nannochloropsis oceanica cultures to assess photochemical
changes and the onset of lipid accumulation during nitrogen deprivation". Biotechnology and Bioengineering 118 11 (2021):
- Lima, S.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Schüler, L.M.; Rautenberger, R.; Morales-Sánchez, D.; Santos, T.F.; Pereira, H.; et al. "Flashing
light emitting diodes (LEDs) induce proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and pigments in three microalgae". Journal of
Biotechnology 325 (2021): 15-24.
- Guerra, I.; Pereira, H.; Costa, M.; Silva, J.T.; Santos, T.; Varela, J.; Mateus, M.; Silva, J.. "Operation regimes: A comparison
based on nannochloropsis oceanica biomass and lipid productivity". Energies 14 6 (2021):
- Schüler, L.M.; Bombo, G.; Duarte, P.; Santos, T.F.; Maia, I.B.; Pinheiro, F.; Marques, J.; et al. "Carotenoid biosynthetic
gene expression, pigment and n-3 fatty acid contents in carotenoid-rich Tetraselmis striata CTP4 strains under heat stress
combined with high light". Bioresource Technology 337 (2021):
- Guarda, I.; Fonseca, I.; Pereira, H.; Martins, L.L.; Gomes, R.; Matos, J.; Gomes-Bispo, A.; et al. "Key Constituents and Antioxidant
Activity of Novel Functional Foods Developed with Skeletonema Sp. Biomass". Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
30 9 (2021): 1189-1203.
- Pereira, H.; Sá, M.; Maia, I.; Rodrigues, A.; Teles, I.; Wijffels, R.H.; Navalho, J.; Barbosa, M.. "Fucoxanthin production
from Tisochrysis lutea and Phaeodactylum tricornutum at industrial scale". Algal Research 56 (2021):
- Nádia Correia; Hugo Pereira; Joana T. Silva; Tamára Santos; Maria Soares; Carolina B. Sousa; Lisa M. Schüler; et al. "Isolation,
Identification and Biotechnological Applications of a Novel, Robust, Free-living Chlorococcum (Oophila) amblystomatis Strain
Isolated from a Local Pond". Applied Sciences 10 9 (2020): 3040-3040.
- Mafalda Trovão; Hugo Pereira; Margarida Costa; Adriana Machado; Ana Barros; Maria Soares; Bernardo Carvalho; Joana Silva;
João Varela. "Lab-Scale Optimization of Aurantiochytrium sp. Culture Medium for Improved Growth and DHA Production". Applied
Sciences 10 7 (2020): 2500-2500.
- Schulze, P.S.C.; Brindley, C.; Fernández, J.M.; Rautenberger, R.; Pereira, H.; Wijffels, R.H.; Kiron, V.. "Flashing light
does not improve photosynthetic performance and growth of green microalgae". Bioresource Technology Reports 9 (2020):
- Schüler, L.M.; Santos, T.; Pereira, H.; Duarte, P.; Katkam, N.G.; Florindo, C.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.C.S..
"Improved production of lutein and ß-carotene by thermal and light intensity upshifts in the marine microalga Tetraselmis
sp. CTP4". Algal Research 45 (2020):
- Machado, A.; Pereira, H.; Costa, M.; Santos, T.; Carvalho, B.; Soares, M.; Quelhas, P.; et al. "Development of an organic
culture medium for autotrophic production of chlorella vulgaris biomass". Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 6 (2020):
- Domínguez-Godino, J.A.; Santos, T.F.; Pereira, H.; Custódio, L.; González-Wangüemert, M.. "Seagrass debris as potential food
source to enhance Holothuria arguinensis' growth in aquaculture". Aquaculture Research 51 4 (2020): 1487-1499.
- Cunha, P.; Pereira, H.; Costa, M.; Pereira, J.; Silva, J.T.; Fernandes, N.; Varela, J.; Silva, J.; Simões, M.. "Nannochloropsis
oceanica cultivation in pilot-scale raceway ponds-from design to cultivation". Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 5
- Pereira, H.; Sardinha, M.; Santos, T.; Gouveia, L.; Barreira, L.; Dias, J.; Varela, J.. "Incorporation of defatted microalgal
biomass (Tetraselmis sp. CTP4) at the expense of soybean meal as a feed ingredient for juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus
aurata)". Algal Research 47 (2020):
- Cardoso, C.; Pereira, H.; Franca, J.; Matos, J.; Monteiro, I.; Pousão-Ferreira, P.; Gomes, A.; et al. "Lipid composition and
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International 28 2 (2020): 711-727.
- Schüler, L.; Greque de Morais, E.; Trovão, M.; Machado, A.; Carvalho, B.; Carneiro, M.; Maia, I.; et al. "Isolation and Characterization
of Novel Chlorella Vulgaris Mutants With Low Chlorophyll and Improved Protein Contents for Food Applications". Frontiers
in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8 (2020):
- Gangadhar, K.N.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Pereira, H.; Gaspar, H.; Malcata, F.X.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.. "Anti-Hepatocellular Carcinoma
(HepG2) Activities of Monoterpene Hydroxy Lactones Isolated from the Marine Microalga Tisochrysis Lutea". Marine drugs
18 11 (2020):
- Aveiro, S.S.; Melo, T.; Figueiredo, A.; Domingues, P.; Pereira, H.; Maia, I.B.; Silva, J.; et al. "The polar lipidome of cultured
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- Carneiro, M.; Cicchi, B.; Maia, I.B.; Pereira, H.; Zittelli, G.C.; Varela, J.; Malcata, F.X.; Torzillo, G.. "Effect of temperature
on growth, photosynthesis and biochemical composition of Nannochloropsis oceanica, grown outdoors in tubular photobioreactors".
Algal Research 49 (2020):
- A. Barros; H. Pereira; J. Campos; A. Marques; J. Varela; J. Silva. "Heterotrophy as a tool to overcome the long and costly
autotrophic scale-up process for large scale production of microalgae". Scientific Reports (2019):
- Hugo Pereira; Joana Silva; Tamára Santos; Katkam N. Gangadhar; Ana Raposo; Cláudia Nunes; Manuel A. Coimbra; et al. "Nutritional
Potential and Toxicological Evaluation of Tetraselmis sp. CTP4 Microalgal Biomass Produced in Industrial Photobioreactors".
Molecules 24 17 (2019): 3192-3192.
- Mafalda Trovão; Hugo Pereira; Joana Silva; Jaime Páramo; Pedro Quelhas; Tamára Santos; Joana T. Silva; et al. "Growth performance,
biochemical composition and sedimentation velocity of Tetraselmis sp. CTP4 under different salinities using low-cost lab-
and pilot-scale systems". Heliyon 5 5 (2019): e01553-e01553.
- de Sousa, C.B.; Cox, C.J.; Brito, L.; Pavão, M.M.; Pereira, H.; Ferreira, A.; Ginja, C.; et al. "Improved phylogeny of brown
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- Quelhas, P.M.; Trovão, M.; Silva, J.T.; Machado, A.; Santos, T.; Pereira, H.; Varela, J.; Simões, M.; Silva, J.L.. "Industrial
production of Phaeodactylum tricornutum for CO2 mitigation: biomass productivity and photosynthetic efficiency
using photobioreactors of different volumes". Journal of Applied Phycology 31 4 (2019): 2187-2196.
- Hugo Pereira; Jaime Páramo; Joana Silva; Ana Marques; Ana Barros; Dinis Maurício; Tamára Santos; et al. "Scale-up and large-scale
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Scientific Reports 8 1 (2018):
- Pereira, H.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Schüler, L.M.; Santos, T.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.. "Fluorescence activated cell-sorting principles
and applications in microalgal biotechnology". Algal Research 30 (2018): 113-120.
- Roggatz, C.C.; González-Wangüemert, M.; Pereira, H.; Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Barreira, L.; da Silva, M.M.; Varela,
J.; Custódio, L.. "A first glance into the nutritional properties of the sea cucumber Parastichopus regalis from the Mediterranean
Sea (SE Spain)". Natural Product Research 32 1 (2018): 116-120.
- Belattmania, Z.; Engelen, A.H.; Pereira, H.; Serrão, E.A.; Custódio, L.; Varela, J.C.; Zrid, R.; Reani, A.; Sabour, B.. "Fatty
acid composition and nutraceutical perspectives of brown seaweeds from the Atlantic coast of Morocco". International Food
Research Journal 25 4 (2018): 1520-1527.
- Schulze, P.S.C.; Guerra, R.; Pereira, H.; Schüler, L.M.; Varela, J.C.S.. "Flashing LEDs for Microalgal Production". Trends
in Biotechnology (2017):
- Bruno de Sousa, C.; Gangadhar, K.N.; Morais, T.R.; Conserva, G.A.A.; Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Pereira, H.; Laurenti, M.D.; et al.
"Antileishmanial activity of meroditerpenoids from the macroalgae Cystoseira baccata". Experimental Parasitology 174
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- Rocha, M.I.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Pereira, C.; Pereira, H.; da Silva, M.M.; da Neng, N.R.; Nogueira, J.M.F.; et al. "Biochemical
profile and in vitro neuroprotective properties of Carpobrotus edulis L., a medicinal and edible halophyte native to the coast
of South Africa". South African Journal of Botany 111 (2017): 222-231.
- Braga, T.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Pereira, H.; Varela, J.; Barreira, L.; González-Wangüemert, M.; Custódio, L.. "Bursatella leachii
from Mar Menor as a Source of Bioactive Molecules: Preliminary Evaluation of the Nutritional Profile, In Vitro Biological
Activities, and Fatty Acids Contents". Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 26 10 (2017): 1337-1350.
- Schüler, L.M.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Pereira, H.; Barreira, L.; León, R.; Varela, J.. "Trends and strategies to enhance triacylglycerols
and high-value compounds in microalgae". Algal Research 25 (2017): 263-273.
- Barreira, L.; Resek, E.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Rocha, M.I.; Pereira, H.; Bandarra, N.; da Silva, M.M.; Varela, J.; Custódio, L..
"Halophytes: Gourmet food with nutritional health benefits?". Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 59 (2017): 35-42.
- Schulze, P.S.C.; Carvalho, C.F.M.; Pereira, H.; Gangadhar, K.N.; Schüler, L.M.; Santos, T.F.; Varela, J.C.S.; Barreira, L..
"Urban wastewater treatment by Tetraselmis sp. CTP4 (Chlorophyta)". Bioresource Technology 223 (2017): 175-183.
- Custódio, L.; Silvestre, L.; Rocha, M.I.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Pereira, H.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.. "Methanol
extracts from Cystoseira tamariscifolia and Cystoseira nodicaulis are able to inhibit cholinesterases and protect a human
dopaminergic cell line from hydrogen peroxide-induced cytotoxicity". Pharmaceutical Biology 54 9 (2016): 1687-1696.
- Gangadhar, K.N.; Pereira, H.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Custódio, L.; Barreira, L.; Malcata, F.X.; Varela, J.. "Microalgae-based unsaponifiable
matter as source of natural antioxidants and metal chelators to enhance the value of wet Tetraselmis chuii biomass". Open
Chemistry 14 1 (2016): 299-307.
- Belattmania, Z.; Engelen, A.H.; Pereira, H.; Serrão, E.A.; Barakate, M.; Elatouani, S.; Zrid, R.; et al. "Potential uses of
the brown seaweed Cystoseira humilis biomass: 2- Fatty acid composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities". Journal
of Materials and Environmental Science 7 6 (2016): 2074-2081.
- Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Custódio, L.; Acosta, G.; Lago, J.H.G.; Morais, T.R.; De Sousa, C.B.; Gangadhar, K.N.; et al. "Can macroalgae
provide promising anti-tumoral compounds? A closer look at Cystoseira tamariscifolia as a source for antioxidant and anti-hepatocarcinoma
compounds". PeerJ 2016 2 (2016):
- Schulze, P.S.C.; Pereira, H.G.C.; Santos, T.F.C.; Schueler, L.; Guerra, R.; Barreira, L.A.; Perales, J.A.; Varela, J.C.S..
"Effect of light quality supplied by light emitting diodes (LEDs) on growth and biochemical profiles of Nannochloropsis oculata
and Tetraselmis chuii". Algal Research 16 (2016): 387-398.
- Pereira, H.; Gangadhar, K.N.; Schulze, P.S.C.; Santos, T.; De Sousa, C.B.; Schueler, L.M.; Custódio, L.; et al. "Isolation
of a euryhaline microalgal strain, Tetraselmis sp. CTP4, as a robust feedstock for biodiesel production". Scientific Reports
6 (2016):
- Roggatz, C.C.; González-Wangüemert, M.; Pereira, H.; Rodrigues, M.J.; da Silva, M.M.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.; Custódio,
L.. "First report of the nutritional profile and antioxidant potential of Holothuria arguinensis, a new resource for aquaculture
in Europe". Natural Product Research 30 18 (2016): 2034-2040.
- Gangadhar, K.N.; Pereira, H.; Diogo, H.P.; Borges dos Santos, R.M.; Prabhavathi Devi, B.L.A.; Prasad, R.B.N.; Custódio, L.;
et al. "Assessment and comparison of the properties of biodiesel synthesized from three different types of wet microalgal
biomass". Journal of Applied Phycology 28 3 (2016): 1571-1578.
- Custódio, L.; Laukaityte, S.; Engelen, A.H.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Pereira, H.; Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Barreira, L.; et al. "A comparative
evaluation of biological activities and bioactive compounds of the seagrasses Zostera marina and Zostera noltei from southern
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- Varela, J.C.; Pereira, H.; Vila, M.; León, R.. "Erratum: Production of carotenoids by microalgae: Achievements and challenges
(Photosynthesis Research DOI: 10.1007/s11120-015-0149-2)". Photosynthesis Research 127 2 (2016): 285-286.
- Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Pereira, H.; De Sousa, C.B.; Rauter, A.P.; Albericio, F.; Custódio, L.; Barreira, L.; Varela, J.. "Fatty
acid profile of different species of algae of the Cystoseira genus: A nutraceutical perspective". Natural Product Research
29 13 (2015): 1264-1270.
- Varela, J.C.; Pereira, H.; Vila, M.; León, R.. "Production of carotenoids by microalgae: Achievements and challenges". Photosynthesis
Research 125 3 (2015): 423-436.
- Pereira, H.; Custódio, L.; Rodrigues, M.J.; De Sousa, C.B.; Oliveira, M.; Barreira, L.; Neng, N.D.R.; et al. "Biological activities
and chemical composition of methanolic extracts of selected autochthonous microalgae strains from the Red Sea". Marine
Drugs 13 6 (2015): 3531-3549.
- Custódio, L.; Soares, F.; Pereira, H.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Barreira, L.; Rauter, A.P.; Alberício, F.; Varela, J.. "Botryococcus
braunii and Nannochloropsis oculata extracts inhibit cholinesterases and protect human dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells from H2O2-induced
cytotoxicity". Journal of Applied Phycology 27 2 (2015): 839-848.
- Custódio, L.; Soares, F.; Pereira, H.; Barreira, L.; Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Rauter, A.P.; Alberício, F.; Varela,
J.. "Fatty acid composition and biological activities of Isochrysis galbana T-ISO, Tetraselmis sp. and Scenedesmus sp.: Possible
application in the pharmaceutical and functional food industries". Journal of Applied Phycology 26 1 (2014): 151-161.
- Schulze, P.S.C.; Barreira, L.A.; Pereira, H.G.C.; Perales, J.A.; Varela, J.C.S.. "Light emitting diodes (LEDs) applied to
microalgal production". Trends in Biotechnology 32 8 (2014): 422-430.
- Martins, D.A.; Custódio, L.; Barreira, L.; Pereira, H.; Ben-Hamadou, R.; Varela, J.; Abu-Salah, K.M.. "Alternative sources
of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in marine microalgae". Marine Drugs 11 7 (2013): 2259-2281.
- Pereira, H.; Barreira, L.; Custódio, L.; Alrokayan, S.; Mouffouk, F.; Varela, J.; Abu-Salah, K.M.; Ben-Hamadou, R.. "Isolation
and fatty acid profile of selected microalgae strains from the red sea for biofuel production". Energies 6 6 (2013):
- Custódio, L.; Ferreira, A.C.; Pereira, H.; Silvestre, L.; Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Barreira, L.; Rauter, A.P.; Alberício, F.; Varela,
J.. "The marine halophytes Carpobrotus edulis L. and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum L. are potential sources of nutritionally
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Marina 55 3 (2012): 281-288.
- Custódio, L.; Justo, T.; Silvestre, L.; Barradas, A.; Duarte, C.V.; Pereira, H.; Barreira, L.; et al. "Microalgae of different
phyla display antioxidant, metal chelating and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities". Food Chemistry 131 1 (2012):
- Pereira, H.; Barreira, L.; Figueiredo, F.; Custódio, L.; Vizetto-Duarte, C.; Polo, C.; Rešek, E.; Aschwin, E.; Varela, J..
"Polyunsaturated fatty acids of marine macroalgae: Potential for nutritional and pharmaceutical applications". Marine Drugs
10 9 (2012): 1920-1935.
- Pereira, H.; Barreira, L.; Mozes, A.; Florindo, C.; Polo, C.; Duarte, C.V.; Custádio, L.; Varela, J.. "Microplate-based high
throughput screening procedure for the isolation of lipid-rich marine microalgae". Biotechnology for Biofuels 4 (2011):