David Nora is a Ph.D. researcher candidate at the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University, he is developing his research on the variability of the lithic technology from the Middle Paleolithic of Armenia in order to understand the population dynamics of hunter-gathers in the Southern Caucasus, under the supervision of Dr. Ariel Malinsky-Buller (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Prof. Erella Hovers (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Apart from his main research topic, David Nora is a young researcher who is involved in different projects on Paleolithic archaeology in Portugal and Angola. He is also interested in computer and quantitative applications in archaeological practices, particularly the application and development of new digital methods and tools for data collection and analysis in the field and lab.

Personal identification

Full name
David André Cabrita Nora

Citation names

  • Nora, David

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


Mobile phone
  • 913890823 (Personal)


Knowledge fields

  • Humanities - History and Archaeology - Archaeology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2)
Spanish; Castilian Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Proficiency (C2) Intermediate (B1) Proficiency (C2)
French Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Degree Classification
2021/11/11 - 2026/10/01
Archaeology & Ancient Near East (Docteur)
Major in Arqueologia
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
"Edge Reduction Sequences and Raw Material Variability: Investigating MIS 3 Lithic Technology on the Armenian Highlands." (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2019/10/01 - 2021/05/11
Major in Arqueologia
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
"The role of lithic raw materials on tool performance and use: The efficiency and durability on stone tools edge. A importância das matérias-primas líticas no seu desempenho e uso: Eficiência e Durabilidade no gume das ferramentas em pedra lascada." (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2014/09/01 - 2018/07/31
Património Cultural e Arqueologia (Licenciatura)
Major in História
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
"Cobrinhos o sítio Mustierense em Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal A Tecnologia Lítica." (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Designation Funders
2021/10/01 - 2026/10/01 Investigating Pleistocene population dynamics in the Southern Caucasus
PhD Student Fellow
Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Institute of Archaeology, Israel
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 nMoz, Quaternary Environmental Changes in Inhambane, Southeastern Mozambique, and Their Role in Human Evolution
Research Fellow
Universidade do Algarve Centro Interdisciplinar de Arqueologia e Evolução do Comportamento Humano, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Book chapter
  1. Nora, David; Monteiro, Patrícia; Paixão, Eduardo; Assis, Sandra; Évora, Marina; Duarte, Carlos; Marreiros, João; et al. "Abrigo da buraca da moira, leiria". Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, 2017.
  2. Paixão, Eduardo; Caninas, João; Carvalho, Emanuel; Figueiredo, Olívia; Henriques, Francisco; Maio, Daniela; Mendes, Cátia; et al. "A jazida mustierense de Cobrinhos, Vila Velha de Ródão (Portugal)". RVJ Editores, 2016.
  3. Paixão, Eduardo; Caninas, João; Carvalho, Emanuel; Figueiredo, Olívia; Henriques, Francisco; Maio, Daniela; Mendes, Cátia; et al. "A jazida mustierense de Cobrinhos, Vila Velha de Ródão (Portugal) ; The Mousterian site of Cobrinhos, Vila Velha de Ródão (Portugal)". 2016.
Conference abstract
  1. Gomes, Ana; Fernandes Martins, Maria Joao; Skosey-LaLonde, Elena; Nora, David; Connor, Simon; Raja, Mussa; Gadd, Patricia; et al. Corresponding author: Gomes, Ana. "Holocene hydrological changes in southeastern Mozambique". Paper presented in INQUA, Rome, 2023.
  2. Gomes, Ana; Fernandes Martins, Maria Joao; Nora, David; Skosey-LaLonde, Elena; Connor, Simon; Raja, Mussa; Oliveira, Sónia; et al. Corresponding author: Gomes, Ana. "The history of the last 4300 cal. BP of environmental changes in a southeastern Mozambique coastal lake". Paper presented in 16th Congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association for Prehistory and the Related Studies (PANAF), Zanzibar, 2022.
  3. Ana Gomes; Fernandes Martins, Maria Joao; Connor, Simon; Skosey-LaLonde, Elena; Nora, David; Raja, Mussa; Sónia Oliveira; Haws, Jonathan; Bicho, Nuno. Corresponding author: Ana Gomes. "Deciphering the last 7200 cal BP of hydrological changes in Nyalonzelwe Lake, Southeastern Mozambique". Paper presented in Eastern Africa Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology (EAAPP), Arusha, 2022.
  4. Fernandes Martins, Maria Joao; Ana Gomes; Nora, David; Connor, Simon; Skosey-LaLonde, Elena; Brandon Zinsious; Raja, Mussa; et al. "Holocene paleolimnological changes in southeastern Mozambique: an ostracod-based study". Paper presented in 3rd Palaeontological Virtual Congres, 2021.
  5. Martins, Maria Joao Fernandes; Gomes, Ana; Nora, David; Connor, Simon; Skosey-LaLonde, Elena; Zinsious, Brandon; Raja, Mussa; et al. "Insight into Southeastern Mozambique Late Holocene climate change: Ostracod, geochemical and grain-size preliminary results". Paper presented in GSA Online, 2020.
Conference paper
  1. Pereira, Telmo; Patricia Monteiro; Haws, Jonathan; Benedetti, Michael; Carvalho, Milena; Lukas Friedl; Paixão, Eduardo; Nora, David; Alexandre Paya. "Canyons as refuge areas during the Last Glacial Maximum in Western Eurasia". Paper presented in European Association of Archaeologists, Belfast, 2023.
  2. Pereira, Telmo; Paixão, Eduardo; Évora, Marina; Marreiros, Joao; Nora, David; Monteiro, Patrícia; Assis, Sandra; Vânia Carvalho; Holliday, Trenton. Corresponding author: Pereira, Telmo. "Raw material procurement at Abrigo do Poço Rockshelter (Central Portugal)". Paper presented in In: Lengyel, G.; Wilczynski, J.; de la Torre, M.; Mangado, X.; Fullola, J.M. (eds.). Studies on the Palaeolithic of Western Eurasia [Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 14, Session XVII-4 & Session XVII-6], Paris, 2021.
  3. Nora, David; Pereira, Telmo; Monteiro, Patrícia; Paixão, Eduardo; Assis, Sandra; Évora, Marina; Duarte, Carlos; et al. "Abrigo da Buraca da Moira, Leiria: Resultados preliminares do projecto EcoPLis". Paper presented in II Congresso da Associação dos Arqueológos Portugueses, 2017.
  4. Pereira, Telmo; Figueiredo, Olivia; Paixão, Eduardo; Henriques, Fernando; Caninas, João; Évora, Marina; Maio, Daniela; et al. "Dois novos sítios Paleolíticos em Vila Velha de Ródão: Cobrinhos e Monte da Revelada". Paper presented in III jornadas de Arqueologia do Vale do Tejo, Vila Velha de Ródão, 2016.
Conference poster
  1. Pereira, Telmo; Monteiro, Patricia; Paixão, Eduardo; Nora, David; Assis, Sandra; Simões, Carlos; Detry, Cleia; et al. "Hidden, Submerged And Obliterated Contexts From The Lis Basin". Paper presented in 30th EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy, 2024.
  2. Nora, David; Pereira, Joana; Holliday, Trenton; Paixão, Eduardo; Assis, Sandra; Évora, Marina; Duarte, Carlos; et al. "Abrigo da Buraca da Moira, Leiria: resultados preliminares do projeto EcoPlis". Paper presented in II Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, Lisboa, Portugal. (22 a 26 de Novembro), 2017.
  3. Pereira, Telmo; Carvalho, Vânia; Holliday, Trenton; Paixão, Eduardo; Évora, Marina; Assis, Sandra; Nora, David; et al. "EcoPlis: Human occupations in the Pleistocene ecotones of River Lis (Portugal): the 2015-2016 results". Paper presented in Annual Meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society. Vancouver, Canada. (28 a 29 de Março), 2017.
  4. Pereira, Telmo; Vânia Carvalho; Holliday, Trenton; Paixão, Eduardo; Monteiro, Patrícia; Marreiros, Joao; Assis, Sandra; et al. "Human Occupations in the Pleistocene Ecotones of River Lis (Portugal). The 2015-2016 results.". Paper presented in Paleoanthropology Society 2017 Annual Meeting, 2017.
  5. Pereira, Telmo; Carvalho, Vânia; Holliday, Trenton; Paixão, Eduardo; Monteiro, Patrícia; Marreiros, João; Assis, Sandra; et al. "EcoPlis: Human Occupations in the Pleistocene Ecotones of River Lis (Portugal)". Paper presented in Paleoanthropology society meeting, 2017.
  6. Assis, Sandra; Holliday, Trenton; Carvalho, Vânia; Monteiro, Patricia; Paixao, Eduardo; Nora, David; Barbara, Sofia; et al. "Limitações e desafios na análise paleopatológica de vestígios ósseos humanos desarticulados: o caso do Abrigo da Buraca da Moira, Leiria, Portugal.". Paper presented in VI Jornadas Portuguesas de Paleopatologia, Coimbra, Portugal., 2017.
  7. Carvalho, Vânia; Dias, Rita; Évora, Marina; Holiday, Trenton; Marreiros, João; Matias, Roxane; Assis, Sandra; et al. "EcoPlis: characterizing the prehistoric human occupations in the Lis River Basin (Portugal).". Paper presented in 22nd Annual Meeting of the EAA (European Archaeological Association)., 2016.
  8. Assis, Sandra; Branco, Rute; Carvalho, Vânia; Dias, Rita; Évora, Marina; Farias, Anne; Holiday, Trenton; et al. "Uma possível fractura de avulsão num fragmento de ulna recuperado no complexo cársico com ocupação pré-histórica, do sítio da Buraca da Moira (Boa Vista, Leiria).". Paper presented in V Jornadas Portuguesas de Paleopatologia, 2016.
  9. Pereira, Telmo; Caninas, João; Carvalho, Emanuel; Figueiredo, Olivia; Henriques, Francisco; Maio, Daniela; Mendes, Cátia; et al. "Cobrinhos, a new Mousterian site in Vila Velha de Ródão (Portugal)". Paper presented in Paleoanthropology Society Meeting. São Francisco. USA, 2015.
Journal article
  1. Jennifer E. Sherriff, Artur Petrosyan, Dominik Rogall, David Nora, Ellery Frahm, Tobias Lauer, Theodoros Karambaglidis,. "Palaeoenvironmental and chronological context of hominin occupations of the Armenian Highlands during MIS 3: Evidence from Ararat-1 cave". Quaternary Science Advances 13 (2024): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666033423000540?via%3Dihub.
    Open access • Published
  2. Veiga-Pires, Cristina; Oliveira, Sónia; Coelho, Aurora; Gonçalves, Luis; Porto, Luis; Nora, David; Connor, Simon; et al. "A aventura para o conhecimento. Um jogo que ensina como se investigaram as alterações ambientais que ocorreram em Moçambique durante o Holocénico.". Revista de Ciência Elementar 11 1 (2023): 1-5. https://rce.casadasciencias.org/rceapp/art/2023/006/.
  3. de Matos, Daniela; Nora, David; Francisco, Rui; Fernandes, José; Neto, Manuel Sahando; Robakiewicz, Elena. Corresponding author: de Matos, Daniela. "Survey and Explorations of the Prehistoric Sites at the Highlands of Southwest Angola". Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology (2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s41982-023-00152-0.
  4. Telmo Pereira; Patrícia Monteiro; Eduardo Paixão; David Nora; Marina Évora; Carlos Simões; Cleia Detry; et al. "Evidence of specialized resource exploitation by Modern Humans in Western Iberia associated to Pleistocene and Holocene extreme environmental conditions". Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports (2022): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103696.
  5. Malinsky-Buller, Ariel; Glauberman, Philip; Ollivier, Vincent; Lauer, Tobias; Timms, Rhys; Frahm, Ellery; Brittingham, Alexander; et al. "Short-term occupations at high elevation during the Middle Paleolithic at Kalavan 2 (Republic of Armenia)". PLOS ONE 16 2 (2021): e0245700. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245700.
  6. Pereira, Telmo; Cunha, Pedro; Martins, António; Nora, David; Paixão, Eduardo; Figueiredo, Olívias; Raposo, Luis; et al. "Geoarchaeology of the Cobrinhos site (Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal) - a record of the earliest Mousterian in western Iberia". (2019): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352409X18305005?via%3Dihub.
  7. Matias, Roxane; Assis, Sandra; Branco, Rute; Carvalho, Vânia; Dias, Rita; Duarte, Carlos; Marina, Évora; et al. "An unusual coronoid fracture in a fragment of ulna recovered from the Prehistoric site of Buraca da Moira Rock Shelter (Boa Vista, Leiria)". Antropologia Portuguesa 35 4 (2018): 69-82. URI:http://hdl.handle.net/10316.2/44790.
  8. Monteiro, Mário; Henriques, Francisco; Clélia, Sandra; Évora, Marina; Nora, David; Alves, Catarina; Mendes, Cátia; et al. "Monte da Revelada 2: Resultados preliminares.". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10451/36642.
  9. Pereira, Telmo; Carvalho, Vânia; Holliday, Trenton; Paixão, Eduardo; Monteiro, Patrícia; Évora, Marina; Marreiros, João; et al. "Apresentação do projeto EcoPLis - Ocupação Humana Plistocénica nos Ecótonos do Rio Lis". Cadernos Leirienses 11 (2016): 7-24.
  10. Assis, Sandra; Pereira, T.; Carvalho, Vânia; Holiday, Trenton; Paixão, Eduardo; Monteiro, Patrícia; Évora, Marina; et al. "O projeto de investigação arqueológica EcoPLis - Ocupação Humana plistocénica nos Ecótonos do Rio Lis: enquadramento, objetivos e primeiros resultados". Cadernos de Estudos Leirienses 11 (2016): 9-24.
  1. Pereira, Telmo; Monteiro, Patrícia; Carvalho, Vânia; Holliday, Trenton; Nora, David; Abrunhosa, Ana. Fieldwork Manual - EcoPLis: Human Ocupations in Pleistocene Ecotones of River Lis. 2023.
  1. Ana Gomes; Fernandes Martins, Maria Joao; Nora, David; Skosey-LaLonde, Elena; Connor, Simon; Brandon Zinsious; Raja, Mussa; Bicho, Nuno. Corresponding author: Ana Gomes. 2021. Report of the faunal remains found on the cores collected in Mozambique: InMoz - Quaternary environmental changes in Inhambane, Southeastern Mozambique, and their role in human evolution (PTDC/HAR-ARQ/28148/2017).
  2. Gomes, Ana; Connor, Simon; Gadd, Patricia; Haberle, Simon; Nora, David; Skosey-LaLonde, Elena; Fernandes Martins, Maria Joao; et al. 2020. Report of the geochemical and sedimentological analysis of the cores collected in Mozambique.


  1. Gomes, Ana; Moura, Delminda; Costas, Susana; Connor, Simon; Oliveira, Sonia; Elena Skosey-LaLonde; Matias, Roxane; et al. KML files of the identified dune units with their interpreative classifications, and types of lakes basins. 2021.
Other output
  1. EcoPLis a pré-história no Rio Lis, da serra ao Atlântico. Our research focuses on the use of valleys that link the inland to the coast during Prehistory. Traditionally, research has studied rivers, coast and inland as separate landscapes, but the major characteristic of hunter-gatherers was mobility. In order to understand and reconstruct the evolution of human behaviour, our main goal is to answer the questions: ¿How, why and when did people circulate b. 2019. Pereira, Telmo; Carvalho, Vânia; Holliday, Trenton; Paixão, Eduardo; Monteiro, Patrícia; Évora, Marina; Marreiros, Joao; et al. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/14061.
  2. The earlier Mousterian in westernmost Iberia: geoarchaeology of Cobrinhos site in the Tejo River terrace staircase of Vila Velha de Ródão (Portugal. Cobrinhos is a Middle Paleolithic site found during the construction of a paper factory, in the winter of 2014, in Vila Velha do Ródão, Central inland Portugal. In this region, the staircase terraces has six steps (T1 to T6), but Paleolithic is only found in the T4, T5 and T6. The T4 is dated of ca. 340 ka to 155 ka, with Acheulean at the basal levels (ca. 340 to 325 ka), later Acheulean at the mi. 2018. Pereira, Telmo; Cunha, Pedro; Martins, António; Nora, David; Paixão, Eduardo; Figueiredo, Olívias; Caninas, João; Raposo, Luis. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/24684.

Other distinction

2025 HUJI International PhD talent scholarship
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2024 HUJI International PhD talent scholarship
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2023 HUJI International PhD talent scholarship
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2022 HUJI International PhD talent scholarship
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2018 MicroGAP Field work grant
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany