Luís Miguel Domingues Ferreira Silva holds a PhD in Human Movement and a master's degree in Statistics, Mathematics, and Computing. He received a COBRE pilot postdoctoral grant in the Biomechanics Department at the University of Nebraska, USA, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In Portugal, Silva secured a postdoctoral grant in Biomedical Engineering at NOVA-FCT Physics, contributing to the OPERATOR project focused on Industry 4.0, a flagship project of MIT. He is a researcher and Physics lecturer at NOVA-FCT, leading NOVA's AISYM4MED team, which is financed by the Horizon Program for generating synthetic clinical data. He was recently awarded the KEEPCARING. This project aims to identify and alleviate job stress by researching indicators and crafting novel solutions, focusing on using wearables to monitor clinicians' physiological and cognitive status. His research is characterized by the exploration of biosignals, nonlinear analysis, and the deployment of artificial intelligence techniques.

Personal identification

Full name
Luís Miguel Domingues Ferreira Silva

Citation names

  • Silva, Luís

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • lmd.silva@fct.unl.pt (Professional)


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Proficiency (C2) Advanced (C1)
Degree Classification
2021/05 - 2023/05
Biomedical Engineering (Pós-doutoramento)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2018/07 - 2019/07
Biomechanics (Pós-doutoramento)
Major in Biomechanics
University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics, United States
2010/01 - 2014/06
Human Motricity (Doutoramento)
Major in Comportamento Motor
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal
Muito Bom com Distinção
2012 - 2014
Statistics, Mathematics and Computing (Mestrado)
Major in Estatística
Universidade Aberta Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2008 - 2010
Physiotherapy Sciences (Curso de mestrado (conclusão do curso de especialização))
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal
2007 - 2010
Artistic Performance - Dance (Mestrado)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal
Aprovado com Unanimidade
2002 - 2007
Sports Fitness and Health (Licenciatura)
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal
2003 - 2004
Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (Pós-Graduação)
Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada Centro de Investigacao, Portugal
2002 - 2003
Exercise and Health - Individual Training (Pós-Graduação)
Major in Treino Personalizado
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal
2002 - 2003
Exercise and Health - Group Activities (Pós-Graduação)
Major in Atividades de Grupo
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal
2002 - 2002
Sports Training (Pós-Graduação)
Major in Futebol
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal
1992 - 1998
Management (Licenciatura)
Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências da Economia e da Empresa, Portugal


Host institution
2021/05 - Current Postdoc (Research) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2018 - 2019 Postdoc (Research) University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics, United States
2015 - 2018 Researcher (Research) Fundação Minerva, Portugal
Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa Centro de Investigação em Serviço Social e Intervenção Social, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal
2010 - 2014 Researcher (Research) Universidade de Lisboa Centro Interdisciplinar de Performance Humana, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro Interdisciplinar de Performance Humana, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2021 - Current Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2019 - 2021/05 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
Instituto Superior de Estudos Interculturais e Transdisciplinares de Almada, Portugal
2019 - 2020 Visiting Professor (University Teacher) University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics, United States
University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics, United States
2018 - 2019 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics, United States
University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics, United States
2016 - 2018 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Portugal
Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Portugal
2009 - 2016 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Fundação Minerva, Portugal
Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Portugal
2005 - 2009 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Instituto Piaget, Portugal
Instituto Superior de Estudos Interculturais e Transdisciplinares de Almada, Portugal
2005 - 2009 Invited Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Piaget, Portugal
Escola Superior de Educação Jean Piaget de Almada, Portugal


Designation Funders
2025/02 - Current PrevOccupAI + Prevention of Occupational Disorders in Public Administration based on Artificial Intelligence P
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
2024 - Current ASTROPOWER - Acoustic Biofeedback of Myotatic Tension for ASTROnauts POWERpenia Prevention
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
2009 - 2013 Neuromuscular activity in the golf swing with implications for the practice and in the prevention of overuse injuries
PhD Student Fellow
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021/05 - 2033/05 OPERATOR – Digital Transformation in Industry with a Focus on the Operator 4..0
04/SI/2019 – I&DT Empresarial
Post-doc Fellow
LIBPhys-UNL, Portugal
2024 - 2030 PATTERN - European Doctoral Network Enabling Artificial Intelligence for Electromagnetic Compatibility
2024/07/01 - 2029/06/30 KEEPCARING - Future Proofing Health- and Care Systems Safeguarding Health Care Workers in Hospital Settings
Principal investigator
2022/12 - 2028/11 AISym4Med - Synthetic and Scalable Data Platform for Medical Empowered AI
Post-doc Fellow
2018 - 2019 Pilot Cobre Grant from National Institutes of Health (NIH P20GM109090) – Novel Visual Stimulus for Gait Rehabilitation in Older Adults
NIH P20GM109090
Post-doc Fellow
University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics


Book chapter
  1. Silva, Luis M.; Stergiou, Nick. "The basics of gait analysis". In Biomechanics and Gait Analysis, 225-250. Elsevier, 2020.
  2. Silva, L.M.; Stergiou, N.. "The basics of gait analysis". 225-250. 2020.
  3. Silva, Luís. "Electromyography and the study of neuromuscular coordination: the golf swing as an example". In Research on Human Kinetics: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 87-100. Lisboa, Portugal: FMH, 2018.
  4. Marta, Sérgio; Vaz, João Rocha; Silva, Luís; Castro, Maria António; Correia, Pedro Pezarat. "Study and Interpretation of Neuromuscular Patterns in Golf". In Applications, Challenges, and Advancements in Electromyography Signal Processing, 181-201. IGI Global, 2014.
    Published • 10.4018/978-1-4666-6090-8.ch008
  5. Marta, S.; Vaz, J.R.; Silva, L.; Castro, M.A.; Correia, P.P.. "Study and interpretation of neuromuscular patterns in golf". 181-201. 2014.
Conference abstract
  1. Dias, Amândio; Mira, José; Silva, Luís; Soares, Denise. "Reliability of a smartphone app for measuring vertical jump in healthy young adults". Paper presented in 1st International Conference on Human Kinesiology, Viseu, 2021.
Conference paper
  1. Furk, Dania; Silva, Luís; Dias, Mariana; Probst, Phillip; Gamboa, Hugo. "Cardiorespiratory Adaptations to Work Volume on an Automobile Assembly Line". Paper presented in BIOSTEC 24, Lisbon, 2024.
    Published • 10.5220/0012587800003657
  2. Oliosi, E.; Probst, P.; Rodrigues, J.; Silva, L.; Zagalo, D.; Cepeda, C.; Gamboa, H.. "Week-long Multimodal Data Acquisition of Occupational Risk Factors in Public Administration Workers". 2023.
  3. Fábio Mendes; Phillip Probst; Eduarda Oliosi; Luís Silva; Cátia Cepeda; Hugo Gamboa. "Analysis of Postural Variability of Office Workers Using Inertial Sensors". 2023.
  4. Diogo Carvalho; Luis Silva; Miguel Carvalho; Mariana Dias; Nélson Costa; Duarte Folgado; Maria Lua Nunes; et al. "Cardiovascular Reactivity (CVR) During Repetitive Work in the Presence of Fatigue". 2023.
  5. Diogo Carvalho; Luis Silva; Miguel Carvalho; Mariana Dias; Nelson Costa; Duarte Folgado; Maria Lua; Hugo Gamboa; Elazer Edelman. "Heart rate variability during repetitive work in the presence of fatigue". 2023.
  6. Oliosi, Eduarda; CEPEDA, CÁTIA; Silva, Luís; Zagalo, Daniel; Probst, Phillip; Pinheiro, Ana Rita; Vilas-Boas, J. Paulo; Gamboa, Hugo. "Human movement variability analysis in office-workers: a review". Paper presented in 15th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings, ICT 2022, 19th International Conference on Web Based Communities and Social Media, WBC 2022 and 14th International Conference on e-Health, EH 2022 - Held at the 16th Multi Conference on Compu, 2022.
  7. Silva, Luís; Likens, Aaron; Rowen, Douglas; Vaz, João Rocha; Knarr, Brian; Stergiou, Nicholas. "Multifractal Analysis of Visually Cued Stride Intervals". Paper presented in Conference Proceedings Book of the ASB/ISB, Calgary, 2019.
  8. Silva, Luís; Likens, Aaron; Rowen, Douglas; Vaz, João Rocha; Knarr, Brian; Stergiou, Nicholas. "Synchronization between Stride Time Intervals and External Visual Cueing". Paper presented in Conference Proceedings Book of the ASB/ISB,, 2019.
  9. Likens, Aaron; Silva, Luís; Rowen, Douglas; Vaz, João Rocha; Stergiou, Nicholas. "Multifractal Correlation Reveals Variation in Complexity Matching across Metronome Types". Paper presented in Conference Proceedings Book of the ASB/ISB, 2019.
  10. Silva, Luís; Likens, Aaron; Rowen, Douglas; Vaz, J. Rocha; Knarr, Brian; Stergiou, Nicholas. "Multifractal Analysis of Visually Cued Stride Intervals". Paper presented in Human Movement Variability Conference, 2019.
  11. Silva, Luís; Likens, Aaron; Rowen, Douglas; Vaz, João Rocha; Knarr, Brian; Stergiou, Nicholas. "Synchronization between Stride Time Intervals and External Visual Cueing". Paper presented in Human Movement Variability Conference, Omaha, 2019.
  12. Likens, Aaron; Silva, Luís; Rowen, Douglas; Vaz, João Rocha; Stergiou, Nicholas. "Multifractal Correlation Reveals Variation in Complexity Matching across Metronome Types. In Conference Proceedings". Paper presented in Human Movement Variability Conference, 2019.
  13. Dias, Amândio; Redinha, Luís; Malaquias, F; Tavares, F.; Silva, Luís; Pezarat-Correia, P.. "The effect of a controlled mandible position mouthguard on strength and power in trained athletes". Paper presented in Annual Congress of the European Congress of Sport Science. Vienna, 2016.
  14. Silva, Luís; Marta, Sérgio; Vaz, João R.; Fernandes, Orlando; Castro, Maria António; Paula, A; Pezarat-Correia, P.. "Análise electromiográfica temporal dos músculos do tronco durante o swing com diferentes tacos de golfe". Paper presented in The 5th Portuguese Congress on Biomechanics, Espinho, 2013.
  15. Silva, Luís; Marta, Sérgio; Vaz, J.; Fernandes, O.; Castro, Maria António; Di Paula, A.; Pezarat-Correia, P.. "Análise eletromiográfica temporal dos músculos do tronco durante o swing com diferentes tacos de golfe". Paper presented in 5º Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica, Coimbra, 2013.
  16. Silva, Luís; Vaz, João R.; Marta, Sérgio; Paula, A.; Castro, Maria António; Fernandes, Orlando; Pezarat-Correia, P.. "Comparison between two threshold methods related-baselines for the EMG onset detection in trunk muscles during golf swing". Paper presented in The 17th Annual Congress of the European Congress of Sport Science, 2012.
  17. Silva, Luís; Marta, Sérgio; Vaz, João Rocha; Paula, A.; Bruno, P.; Correia, Pedro Pezarat. "Electromyographic analysis of trunk muscles during the different phases of the golf swing". Paper presented in of the 16th Annual Congress of the European Congress of Sport Science, Liverpool, 2011.
  18. Marta, Sérgio; Silva, Luís; Correia, N.; Vaz, João Rocha; Bruno, P.; Pezarat-Correia, P.. "Electromyographic analysis of trunk muscles during the golf swing performed with two different clubs". Paper presented in The 16th Annual Congress of the European Congress of Sport Science, 2011.
  19. Fernandes, Orlando; Vaz, João Rocha; Castro, Maria António; Constantino, A.; Correia, N.; Silva, Luís; Pezarat-Correia, P.. "The analysis of X-Factor on golf swing using two different irons on amateurs’ golfers". Paper presented in The 16th Annual Congress of the European Congress of Sport Science, Liverpool, 2011.
  20. Silva, Luís; Calixto, Filomena. "O Consumo de Antioxidantes e o Balanço Energético na Dieta de Seniores Activos e Jovens Atletas". Paper presented in International Anti-aging Medicine Symposium & Exposition, 2006.
Edited book
  1. Rodrigues, Paula; Rebolo, Amália; Vieira, Fernando; Dias, Amândio; Silva, Luís. Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança. Almada, Portugal: Piaget. 2018.
    Published • Editor
Journal article
  1. Eduarda Oliosi; Afonso Júlio; Phillip Probst; Luís Silva; João Paulo Vilas-Boas; Ana Rita Pinheiro; Hugo Gamboa. "Exploring the Real-Time Variability and Complexity of Sitting Patterns in Office Workers with Non-Specific Chronic Spinal Pain and Pain-Free Individuals". Sensors (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/s24144750.
  2. Oliosi, Eduarda; Júlio, Afonso; Probst, Phillip; Silva, Luís; Vilas-Boas, João Paulo; Pinheiro, Ana Rita; Gamboa, Hugo. "Exploring the Real-Time Variability and Complexity of Sitting Patterns in Office Workers with Non-Specific Chronic Spinal Pain and Pain-Free Individuals". Sensors 24 14 (2024): 4750. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s24144750.
  3. Dias, Mariana; Probst, Phillip; Silva, Luís; Gamboa, Hugo. "Cleaning ECG with Deep Learning: A Denoiser Tested in Industrial Settings". SN Computer Science 5 6 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s42979-024-03017-7.
  4. Dania Furk; Luís Silva; Mariana Dias; Carlos Fujão; Phillip Probst; Hui Liu; Hugo Gamboa. "Cardiorespiratory Response to Workload Volume and Ergonomic Risk: Automotive Assembly Line Operators’ Adaptations". Applied Sciences (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/app14093921.
  5. Furk, Dania; Silva, Luís; Dias, Mariana; Fujão, Carlos; Probst, Phillip; Liu, Hui; Gamboa, Hugo. "Cardiorespiratory Response to Workload Volume and Ergonomic Risk: Automotive Assembly Line Operators’ Adaptations". Applied Sciences 14 9 (2024): 3921. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app14093921.
  6. Serra, L.; Serpa, D.; Silva, L.. "The personality traits of family caregivers of individuals with dementia: The effects of social anxiety, social phobia, and caregiving hours". International Journal of Science Annals 6 2 (2023): 32-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.26697/ijsa.2023.2.3.
  7. Dias, Mariana; Silva, Luís; Folgado, Duarte; Nunes, Maria Lua; Cepeda, Cátia; Cheetham, Marcus; Gamboa, Hugo. "Cardiovascular load assessment in the workplace: A systematic review". International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 96 (2023): 103476. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ergon.2023.103476.
  8. Vaz, João R.; Silva, Luís M.; Stergiou, Nick. "Stride-to-Stride Fluctuations of Human Gait Are Affected By Chronobiology: An Exploratory Study". Advanced Biology 7 11 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adbi.202200235.
  9. Dias, Mariana; Silva, Luis; Folgado, Duarte; Nunes, Maria Lua; Cepeda, Catia; Cheetham, Marcus; Gamboa, Hugo. "Cardiovascular load assessment in the workplace: A systematic review". International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2023): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/61858774/.
  10. Mariana Dias; Phillip Probst; Luís Silva; Hugo Gamboa. "Cleaning ECG with Deep Learning: A Denoiser Based on Gated Recurrent Units". IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (2023): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/61858776/.
  11. Lídia Maria Ramos Serra; Daniela Filipa Palma Serpa; Luís Miguel Domingues Ferreira Silva. "The Impact of Social Anxiety and Social Phobia on Difficulties in Providing Care for Family Caregivers to People with Dementia". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS) (2023): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/65320711/.
  12. Serra, Lidia; Silva, Luis. "Cognitive functioning and life satisfaction as predictors of subjective health complaints in elderly people". Quality in Ageing and Older Adults (2023): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/62741834/.
  13. L. Serra; C. Guerreiro; L. Silva. "Prediction of arithmetic abilities of children who practice sports: The use of the gamma model". International Journal of Science Annals (2023): https://doi.org/10.26697/ijsa.2023.2.1.
  14. Nafiseh Mollaei; Carlos Fujao; Luis Silva; Joao Rodrigues; Catia Cepeda; Hugo Gamboa. "Human-Centered Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Automotive Occupational Health Protection Profiles in Prevention Musculoskeletal Symptoms". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159552.
  15. Luís Silva; Mariana Dias; Duarte Folgado; Maria Nunes; Praneeth Namburi; Brian Anthony; Diogo Carvalho; et al. "Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography to Assess Fatigability during Repetitive Work". Sensors (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/s22114247.
  16. Dias, Amândio; Redinha, Luís; Tavares, Francisco; Silva, Luís; Malaquias, Frederico; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "The effect of a controlled mandible position mouthguard on upper body strength and power in trained rugby athletes – A randomized within subject study". Injury 53 2 (2022): 457-462. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.injury.2021.11.002.
  17. Nunes, Maria Lua; Folgado, Duarte; Fujao, Carlos; Silva, Luis; Rodrigues, Joao; Matias, Pedro; Barandas, Marilia; et al. "Posture Risk Assessment in an Automotive Assembly Line Using Inertial Sensors". IEEE Access (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/51889118/.
  18. Lídia Serra; Verónica Parreira; Luís Silva. "The Risk of Suffering Violence by the Elderly People: The Power of Cognitive Functioning and Loneliness Through the Analysis of the Gamma Model". Medical Research Archives (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/65320842/.
  19. Serra, Lídia; Almeida, Cristina; Silva, Luís. "The effect of cognitive functioning and affects on the loneliness of elderly people". Housing, Care and Support 1460-8790 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/hcs-08-2021-0021.
  20. Serra, Lídia; Silva, Luís; Vilar, Duarte. "Emotional reactivity and difficulties in emotional regulation in drug users: a study in adolescents undergoing treatment in a therapeutic community". Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities ISSN: 0964 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/tc-08-2021-0018.
  21. Dinis, Ricardo; Vaz, João R.; Silva, Luís; Marta, Sérgio; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "Electromyographic and kinematic analysis of females with excessive medial knee displacement in the overhead squat". Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 57 (2021): 102530. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2021.102530.
  22. de Barros, Graca Monteiro; Melo, Filipe; Domingos, Josefa; Oliveira, Raul; Silva, Luis; Fernandes, Julio Belo; Godinho, Catarina. "The Effects of Different Types of Dual Tasking on Balance in Healthy Older Adults". Journal of Personalized Medicine (2021): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/49132430/.
  23. Rodrigues, Filipe; Pelletier, Luc G.; Rocchi, Meredith; Neiva, Henrique P.; Teixeira, Diogo S.; Cid, Luis; Silva, Luis; Monteiro, Diogo. "Trainer-exerciser relationship: The congruency effect on exerciser psychological needs using response surface analysis". Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 31 1 (2020): 226-241. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/sms.13825.
  24. Monteiro, Diogo; Cid, Luís; Teixeira, Diogo S.; Fonseca, Teresa; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro; Silva, Luís M.; Rodrigues, Filipe. "Understanding Needs Satisfaction and Frustration in Young Athletes: Factor Structure and Invariance Analysis". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 11 (2020): 4046. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17114046.
  25. Pezarat-Correia, Pedro R; Medeiros, Pedro R; Fernandes, Orlando J; Vaz, João R; Silva, Luis; Moraes, Antonio Carlos. "Comparison of shoulder and trunk muscle activation between different pullover exercises". Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte 13 3 (2020): 127-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.33155/j.ramd.2020.03.004.
  26. Dias, Amândio; Redinha, Luís; Rodrigues, Maria João; Silva, Luís; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "A kinematic analysis on the immediate effects of occlusal splints in gait and running body sway patterns". CRANIO® (2020): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08869634.2020.1721173.
    In press • 10.1080/08869634.2020.1721173
  27. Dias, Amândio; Redinha, Luís; Vaz, João R.; Cordeiro, Nuno; Silva, Luís; Pezarat–Correia, Pedro. "Effects of occlusal splints on shoulder strength and activation". Annals of Medicine 51 sup1 (2019): 15-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07853890.2019.1566766.
  28. Dias, Amândio; Redinha, Luís; Silva, Luís; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "The effects of occlusal splints on gait and running patterns. A kinematic analysis". Annals of Medicine 51 sup1 (2019): 120-120. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07853890.2018.1562726.
  29. Dias, Amândio A.; Redinha, Luís A.; Silva, Luís M.; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro C.. "Effects of Dental Occlusion on Body Sway, Upper Body Muscle Activity and Shooting Performance in Pistol Shooters". Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 2018 (2018): 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2018/9360103.
  30. Wang, Lingyan; Silva, Luís; Di Rosa, Michelino; Marques, Carlos; Barreiros, João; Cabri, Jan. "The “Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology” Journal Club Series: Highlights on Recent Papers in Movement Analysis". Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2 1 (2017): 7. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jfmk2010007.
  31. V. Mendonca, Goncalo; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro; R. Vaz, João; Silva, Luís; D. Almeida, Isabel; S. Heffernan, Kevin. "Impact of Exercise Training on Physiological Measures of Physical Fitness in the Elderly". Current Aging Science 9 4 (2016): 240-259. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874609809666160426120600.
  32. Mendonca, Goncalo V.; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro; Vaz, João R.; Silva, Luís; Heffernan, Kevin S.. "Impact of Aging on Endurance and Neuromuscular Physical Performance: The Role of Vascular Senescence". Sports Medicine 47 4 (2016): 583-598. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40279-016-0596-8.
  33. Marta, Sérgio; Silva, Luís; Vaz, João R.; Castro, Maria António; Reinaldo, Gustavo; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "Electromyographic Analysis of the Lower Limb Muscles in Low- and High-Handicap Golfers". Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 87 3 (2016): 318-324. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02701367.2016.1177634.
  34. Correia, José Pedro; Oliveira, Raul; Vaz, João Rocha; Silva, Luís; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "Trunk muscle activation, fatigue and low back pain in tennis players". Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 19 4 (2016): 311-316. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2015.04.002.
  35. Silva, Luís; Castro, Maria António; Marta, Sérgio; Almeida, José; Vaz, João R.; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro; Cabri, Jan. "Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Portuguese survey of musculoskeletal conditions, playing characteristics and warm-up patterns of golfers". Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 28 4 (2015): 769-782. http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/bmr-140582.
  36. Silva, Luís; Vaz, João Rocha; Castro, Maria António; Serranho, Pedro; Cabri, Jan; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "Recurrence quantification analysis and support vector machines for golf handicap and low back pain EMG classification". Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 4 (2015): 637-647. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2015.04.008.
  37. Marta, Sérgio; Silva, Luís; Vaz, João Rocha; Castro, Maria António; Reinaldo, Gustavo; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "Electromyographic analysis of lower limb muscles during the golf swing performed with three different clubs". Journal of Sports Sciences 34 8 (2015): 713-720. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2015.1069376.
  38. Marta, Sérgio; Silva, Luis; Vaz, João; Bruno, Paula; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "Electromyographic Analysis of Trunk Muscles during the Golf Swing Performed with Two Different Clubs". International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 8 4 (2013): 779-787. http://dx.doi.org/10.1260/1747-9541.8.4.779.
  39. Silva, Luís; Marta, Sérgio; Vaz, João; Fernandes, Orlando; Castro, Maria António; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro. "Trunk muscle activation during golf swing: Baseline and threshold". Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23 5 (2013): 1174-1182. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2013.05.007.
  40. Marta, Sérgio; Silva, Luís; Castro, Maria António; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro; Cabri, Jan. "Electromyography variables during the golf swing: A literature review". Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 22 6 (2012): 803-813. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2012.04.002.
  41. Pezarat-Correia, Pedro Luís Camecelha de; Silva, Luís; Vaz, J.; Marta, Sérgio; Castro, Maria António; Di Paula, A.; Fernandes, O.. "Threshold for EMG Onset Detection of Trunk Muscles In Golf Swing". Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 44 5S (2012): 575-575.
    Published • 10.1249/01.mss.0000417529.22755.ed
  42. Pezarat-Correia, Pedro; Silva, Luis M.; Vaz, Joao Rocha; Marta, Sergio; Castro, Maria Antonio; Di Paula, Andreia; Fernandes, Orlando. "Threshold for EMG Onset Detection of Trunk Muscles In Golf Swing". Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2012): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/11595162/.
  43. Silva, Luís; Calixto, Filomena. "O consumo de antioxidantes e o balanço energético na dieta de praticantes de hidroginástica em idade sénior". Motricidade 3 2 (2007): 7-8.
  44. Filomena Calixto. "O consumo de antioxidantes e o balanço energético na dieta de praticantes de hidroginástica em idade sénior". Motricidade (2007): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/65322242/.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024 AISym4Med: A Generative Artificial Intelligence Platform to Improve Healthcare Data System ArtInHCI2024


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2021 - Current RNNs for operator occupational risk analysis based on multimodal biosignals
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2021 - Current Classification of operator’s workload based on physiological response
Engenharia Biomédica (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2023 - 2024 Electrocorticography Signal Synthesis for Enhanced Intra-Operative Detection of Epileptiform Activity
2020 - 2022 O Efeito do Confinamento na Aptidão Física em Crianças de 10 e 11 anos
Mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2018 - 2021 Resiliência Variabilidade da Frequência da Marcha
Educação Física e Desporto (Degree)
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2018 - 2021 A amplitude do joelho no teste Counter Movement Jump
Educação Física e Desporto (Degree)
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2018 - 2021 A amplitude do joelho no teste Counter Movement Jump
Educação Física e Desporto (Degree)
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2016 - 2021 Resiliência: Variabilidade da Frequência da Marcha
Educação Física e Desporto (Degree)
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2016 - 2018 A percepção de Pais e de Professores sobre o Acompanhamento Parental em Estudantes de Música.
Mestrado em Ensino na Música (Master)
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Relação entre a fadiga na musculatura do tronco e prevalência de lombalgia em tenistas utilizando técnicas de aprendizagem supervisionada
Mestrado em Estatística, Matemática e Computação (Master)
Universidade Aberta, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Aplicação de Técnicas de Aprendizagem Supervisionada a Dados de comportamento Motor
Mestrado em Estatística, Matemática e Computação (Master)
Universidade Aberta, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2022/02/22 Effects of spatial resolution on arrhythmia drivers’ detection and localization
(Thesis) Main arguer
Maria Inês Francisco Gândara (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2017 Qual o efeito na funcionalidade, dor, flexibilidade e qualidade de vida de um programa de exercícios em meio aquático numa população adulta
(Thesis) Main arguer
Tânia Alexandra Gomes Miguel (Master)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra, Portugal
2017 Guitarra de 7/8 no Processo de Aprendizagem de Aluno de Estatura Físicas Pequena
President of the jury
Rui Vicente (Master)
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2013 Alterações da curvatura da coluna vertebral: Influência da Fisioterapia, a nível neuromuscular
(Thesis) Arguer
Sílvia Maria Reis Correia Monteiro (Master)
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Portugal

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2020 - 2021 Scientific Council
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2020 - 2021 Pedagogical council
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2025/02 - Current Biostec 25 Chair - Special Session on Synthetic biosignals generation for clinical applications - SyntBioGen 2025

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2019 - Current Metodologia de Investigação em Educação (Regente) Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2019 - Current Antomofisiologia I (Regente) Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2018 - 2019 Anatomy & Physiology I Athletic Training (Bachelor (1st cycle)) University of Nebraska Omaha, United States
2018 - 2018 Processo de Envelhecimento Pós-graduação em Envelhecimento para Farmacêuticos Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Fisiologia do Exercício (Regente) Licenciatura em Gestão do Lazer e Animação Turística Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Cinesiologia Licenciatura em Gestão do Lazer e Animação Turística Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Anatomia e Fisiologia (Regente) Licenciatura em Gestão do Lazer e Animação Turística (Licenciatura) Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Portugal
2017 - 2017 ENAW – European Nonlinear Analysis Workshop with Nicholas Stergiou as the main ENAW – European Nonlinear Analysis Workshop with Nicholas Stergiou as the main Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Introdução à Motricidade Humana (Regente) Anatomofisiologia (Regente) Estatística (Regente) Metodologia do Treino Desportivo (Regente) Licenciatura em Motricidade Humana/ Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto (Licenciatura) Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal
2009 - 2016 Anatomofisiologia Teoria e Prática do Treino Desportivo (Regente) Atividade Física e Saúde (Regente) Fisiologia do Exercício (Regente) Futebol Exercício e Saúde (Regente) Avaliação e Prescrição do Exercício (Regente) Licenciatura em Motricidade Humana Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Portugal
2005 - 2009 Psicofisiologia (Regente) Anatomia & Fisiologia (Regente) Pedagogia e Didática das Atividades Físicas e Desportivas I e II (Regente) Filo-ontogénese da Motricidade Humana (Regente) Metodologia das Atividades Físicas V – Fitness (Regente) Licenciatura em Motricidade Humana (Licenciatura) Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2020 - 2021 Mater's degree in Physical Education Teaching submission to the Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).
Instituto Piaget de Almada, Portugal

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2021 - Current Journal of Functional Morphology & Kinesiology MDPI
2020 - Current Brain Sciences (2076-3425) MDPI AG
2019 - Current Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences (1090-0578) Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
2019 - Current Physiology & Behavior (0031-9384) Elsevier
2017 - Current Journal of Applied Biomechanics (1543-2688) Human Kinetics
2016 - Current Human Movement Science (0167-9457) Elsevier
2015 - Current Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (2411-5142) MDPI AG
2015 - Current Journal of Sports Sciences (1466-447X) Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
2011 - Current Sports Biomechanics (1752-6116) Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2023 - 2024 Electrocorticography Signal Synthesis for Enhanced Intra-Operative Detection of Epileptiform Activity Leonor Almeida


2021 António Paula Brito prize
2006 Merit Scholarship for School Results
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal


2025 Adjunct Assistant Professor of University of Nebraska
2019 Adjunct Assistant Professor of University of Nebraska
University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics, United States

Other distinction

2018 Pilot Cobre Grant from National Institutes of Health (NIH P20GM109090) – Novel Visual Stimulus for Gait Rehabilitation in Older Adults
University of Nebraska Omaha Department of Biomechanics, United States
2015 Research Fellowship
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal
2009 Doctoral Fellowship
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal