CIÊNCIAVITAE is a platform that allows you to create, manage and promote your curriculum quickly and simply.

Here are the main advantages of using CIÊNCIAVITAE as your curriculum management platform:

One cv: shared by different stakeholders of the national academic-scientific system. The administrative burden on the user and the effort in multi-agency validation/certification tasks is reduced;

Customise: the user chooses how, when and what he wants to share. The “Export Curriculum” feature allows you to create multiple versions of the curriculum that are suitable for different needs: customizable content and various document formats;

Integrate: CIÊNCIAVITAE is integrated with various national and international systems, such as ORCiD, RCAAP, etc. So you can reuse information you have already registered in these systems to build your curriculum;

Promote: promote your curriculum, making it public. This way, other users will be able to find it through the “Find CVs” feature.

More information here.

Which entity (ies) manages CIÊNCIAVITAE?

CIÊNCIAVITAE is developed and managed by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. More information can be found here.

Who can create a CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum?

CIÊNCIAVITAE is aimed at all those, portuguese or foreigner, operating in the academic and research context in Portugal.

What does it take to create a CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum?

To create a CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum you must have a CIÊNCIA ID. If you do not have it yet, you can register here .

What is the “Import Wizard”?

The “Import Wizard” is a guide that helps you accelerate the completion of your curriculum, reusing existing information in other national and/or international platforms. This feature is always available on the main page of your CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum .

Can I save/print my CIÊNCIAVITAE?

Yes. Whenever you wish to save and/or print your CIÊNCIAVITAE, you can do so through the “Export Curriculum” feature. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Click the “Options” menu available in the upper right corner (drop-down icon);
  2. Select the “Export Curriculum” option;
  3. Select the “Export Format” and the “Curriculum model” you want, and click “Export“.
Check out the video  tutorial.

How can I delete my CIÊNCIAVITAE?

First and foremost, be aware that deleting your CIÊNCIAVITAE does not imply deletion of your CIÊNCIAID. You can delete your CIÊNCIAVITAE in 4 steps:
  1. Click the “Options” menu available in the upper right corner (drop-down icon);
  2. Select the “Settings” option;
  3. Select the “Delete Curriculum” option;
  4. Check the confirmation and click on “Confirm“.
You will receive an email with a link that, after being confirmed, will make the deletion of your CIÊNCIAVITAE effective .

What is the “Curriculum management” feature?

The “Curriculum management” functionality allows you to give access to your curriculum to another CIÊNCIAVITAE user. The manager appointed  by you may, among other things, edit, create and delete records. It is mandatory that the appointed manager also have a CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum. The manager of your curriculum can also trigger the action “Delete Curriculum” but it only becomes effective when confirmed through the email sent to the preferential email address of the curriculum holder.

How can I appoint a person to manager my curriculum?

The CIÊNCIAVITAE platform offers you the functionality “Curriculum management”, which allows another user to manage your curriculum when appointed by you. To do so, simply follow these steps:
  1. Click the “Options” menu available in the upper right-hand corner (drop-down icon);
  2. Select the “Settings” option;
  3. Select the “Permissions for curriculum management” option;
  4. Click on “Add”;
  5. Search for the name of the user you would like to name as your curriculum manager;
  6. Click on “Confirm”.
It is mandatory that the appointed manager also have a CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum. The user appointed by you as manager will receive an informative email about this action.

I want a manager of my curriculum to stop doing so. How can I do it?

  1. Click the “Options” menu available in the upper right-hand corner (drop-down icon);
  2. Select the “Settings” option;
  3. Select the “Permissions for curriculum management” option;
  4. You will see a list of the current manager(s) of your curriculum. To revoke the management privileges , click on the delete symbol (trash can).
From this moment on, the user to whom the access has been revoked can no longer manage your curriculum. This user will receive an  informative email about this action.

Why only some of the filled-in fields in a record are visible on the public/exported curriculum?

For each record, the public/exported curriculum includes only a subset of the fields available in CIÊNCIAVITAE. This subset comprises the minimum set of data necessary to describe a given record in an academic/scientific curriculum. You may consult this subset of data using the tool “Export Curriculum”, available in the Settings menu. The parameter “Privacy Level” will determine which registries will be visible. However, regardless of the “Privacy Level“, the descriptions/details of the functional fields will not be visible in the exported curriculum. However, all the information that you consider relevant to your curriculum and that, if you do not find representativeness in the available functional areas, can register it in the “Resume” section, available in the “IDENTIFICATION” functional area.

Do I need to have the public curriculum to be accessed by an entity to which I have given consent?

No. If you have given consent, the third party system accesses the information (with “Public” and “Semi-public” privacy levels) of your CIÊNCIAVITAE, even if it is not published, through the APIs (a form of communication between computer systems) available.

Why doesn’t my resume appear in a search on Google and similars?

With regard to browser search (such as the Google search engine), we would like to point out that the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform is completely unrelated to Google’s indexing mechanisms. Additionally, we do not provide any SEO (Search Engine Optimization) service, which is why you still cannot find your resume when you search for it in the search engine. In any case, over the months/years, the number of consultations with a particular curriculum or sharing of that curriculum, contributes to the same curriculum appearing in browser searches. The fact that the curriculum is published or not, serves, mostly, to make it searchable on the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform itself, through the “Find CVs” tool.

Can foreign researchers have a CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum?

Yes. CIÊNCIAVITAE is intended for all those, Portuguese or foreigners, who work in the academic and research context in Portugal. To create a CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum, you must have a CIÊNCIA ID. If you don’t have it yet, you can register with an email here.

Why is my resume not up to date?

The “Resume” aims to provide a very brief summary of the user’s professional activity, in the most universal way possible. That is, to be brief and visually similar for all users. Its generation can occur in one of 2 ways: a) Automatic; b) Manual. The automatic generation of the abstract is based on an algorithm that selects the information to be exposed and must be updated whenever changes are made to the CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum (including changes to the PT->EN or EN->PT language). To do so, in the “IDENTIFICATION” functional area, under “Resume“, click on the options menu (3 dots) and choose “Generate resume” so that it updates according to the latest edits to the CV or when there is a change of language.

I have received the DOI identifier for a project which I am a member of. Where and how should I register this information?

DOI is a unique and persistent identifier that makes it easier and more efficient to distinguish and track (your) funding in the international S&T ecosystem.
In CIÊNCIAVITAE, the DOI associated with a given funding can be registered in the PROJECTS functional area, under “Project IDs”. To do this, in the “Grant number” field, enter the expression “DOI”: followed by the alphanumeric code. In the “URL” field, indicate the link to the funding page (https://doi.org/<DOI>), as shown in Image 1.
Once registered, the DOI is displayed in association with the project/funding, both in the published and in the exported curriculum (see Image 2).

Why doesn’t my project have an associated DOI yet?

The process of allocating DOIs to FCT funding began in September 2023 and will take place in a sustained and phased manner. When there is a DOI associated with your funding, a communication will be sent to the Principal Investigators (in the case of Projects) and to the beneficiaries (in the case of Grants and Stimulus to Scientific Employment/EEC).

Where to enter the DOI of a project or funding in CIÊNCIAVITAE?

The DOI must be entered in the project record > “project identifiers” field > in the “Projects” functional area or directly imported. In the “Outputs” functional area, all articles and outputs resulting from that funding will be entered. In the “Funders Projects” section, simply associate the project in question with the productions resulting from that funding.

Creation of a CV in CIÊNCIAVITAE

Why can I not change my name, date of birth and sex?

These personal data elements come from your CIÊNCIA ID record, and as such cannot be changed on the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform. To edit this data go to CIÊNCIA ID and do the following: select “Personal data” → “Personal data” tab → “Change personal data”.

Why can I not change my e-mail?

These personal data elements come from your CIÊNCIA ID record, and as such cannot be changed on the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform. To edit this data go to CIÊNCIA ID and do the following: select “Account Data” → “Email Addresses” → “Add E-mail Address”.

The name of my institution does not appear or is incorrect in the drop-down menu. What should I do?

If the name of your institution does not show up when you type its name in the “Institution/Organization” fields,  the option to create a new “Institution/Organization” will appear. In the case the name of your institution appears incorrect in the drop-down menu, please contact the CIÊNCIAVITAE Team through the email address info@cienciavitae.pt.

Do I always have to correct and complete the data imported from other sources?

It depends. If the data relates to required fields (marked with an asterisk), you must correct or complete them. This obligation seeks to, on one hand, safeguard the completeness of your curriculum vitae and, on the other hand, optimize the communication between the various ecosystem platforms.

I registered all authors of na output but only a few are visible. Why?

The authors list of an output in the published/exported CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum follows the recommendations of the 17th edition of the CHICAGO Standards Manual. Hence, for outputs with ten or more co-authors, only the first seven authors are listed followed by “et al”.

I cannot deposit an output. Why?

The deposit feature is only possible for the following output types: 1. Category “Publications”: – Conference paper – Journal article – Book chapter – Working document – Book – Report – Book review – Thesis/Dissertation. 2. Category “Intelecual Property”: – Patent. 3. Category “Other”: Dataset- Other output.

Why can I not move forward from Step 1 of 3?

This limitation may be due to the browser you are using. Currently, we can ensure the full operation of the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform through the Google Chrome browser. We suggest you download it here  and install it, in order to fully enjoy CIÊNCIAVITAE.

When I change the language from PT (Portuguese) to EN (English) the content is not translated, why?

At the moment, the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform only offers bilingual functionality (Portuguese-English) for navigation on the platform, that is, definition of the language in which the functional areas are presented. Therefore, the content will appear in the language in which it was registered.

What is the source of information for the options available in the drop-down menus and in the autocomplete fields?

In order to facilitate the completion of your CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum, the platform offers you two types of help: Closed tables: option available in drop-down lists, as in the “Type” fields, for example; Reference tables: options available in the autocomplete fields, as in the “Employer” fields, for example. To this end, CIÊNCIAVITAE platform uses the following sources of information: 1 – Base de Dados autoritativas (ex. Identify Database managed by Ringgold) 2 – Direção-Geral de Ensino Superior 3 – Registo Biográfico de Docentes do Ensino Superior 4 – Direção-Geral de Estatísticas da Educação e Ciência 5 – Secretaria de Estado da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior.

My degree is not listed in the “FORMATION” functional area. Why?

If you cannot find your education level, you can select the “Others” field under “Education Level”. The “Course” field is a free field, so you can enter the name of the course. The result will be the entry of that record with the desired details.

What does each type of funding in the PROJECTS functional area refer to?

The types of financing available refer to: a) Project: research projects assigned to a laboratory or, under a professional bond; b) Scholarship: individual scholarships, such as master’s and doctoral scholarships, etc.; c) Other: any other typology that does not fall into the previous ones.

What is the “Self/Part of Relationship Type”?

The “Relationship” field concerns the identifier’s relationship with the record and assumes the following: Part of: if it refers to a project participating in a larger project, for example, projects that derive from consortia and, in the case of productions, for example, book chapters or magazine articles; Self: if referring to the project itself, for example, individual projects/scholarships and, in the case of productions, for example, the book itself.

CIÊNCIAVITAE communication and training 

Are there online CIÊNCIAVITAE tutorials?

Yes. The tutorials can be found on the  “Tutorials” page in the “Support” section, available at the bottom of the platform’s page.

How can I clarify my doubts about CIÊNCIAVITAE?

If your doubt does not find an answer in the “FAQs” you can contact the helpdesk service by email info@cienciavitae.pt.



Yes. CIÊNCIA ID is an unique and permanent digital identifier for all citizens who develop scientific activity in the national scientific and technological ecosystem. The CIÊNCIA ID platform allows the user to manage their profile and authenticate themselves to access other systems, namely CIÊNCIAVITAE. Without registration and login on the CIÊNCIA ID platform, it is not possible to access the CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum management system . However, you may have CIÊNCIA ID and no curriculum on CIÊNCIAVITAE, making use of other systems with authentication via CIÊNCIA ID.

If I delete my CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum will I still have CIÊNCIA ID?

Yes. Because they are distinct systems, the elimination of your  CIÊNCIAVITAE does not imply elimination of your CIÊNCIA ID.

CIÊNCIAVITAE in the Research and Development ecosystem

May I use my CIÊNCIAVITAE in calls for international funding?

It depends. If the application platform does not have its own curriculum platform, you may use your CIÊNCIAVITAE. See how you can save/print your CIÊNCIAVITAE using the “Export curriculum” feature.  Otherwise, you should use the curriculum platform provided for this purpose.

How can I use CIÊNCIAVITAE in the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) public calls for tenders?

The integration of CIÊNCIAVITAE with the FCT is carried out at the level of the FCT public tender platforms. Thus, when applying for funding from FCT and, if it is necessary to associate a curriculum with your application, CIÊNCIAVITAE will appear as one of the available options. To be able to associate the CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum with your application, you must first access the myFCT platform with your CIÊNCIA ID. For such:
  1. Log in to the myFCT platform;
  2. Log in with your CIÊNCIA ID credentials;
  3. Start your application in one of the open competitions;
  4. Grant permission for FCT access;
  5. Associate your CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum.
The above steps represent the general process for most calls, however, some specific calls may require obtaining the CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum in other steps of the application. In each call, you should check the supporting documents available in myFCT and on the FCT website.

How does FCT access my CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum?

CIÊNCIAVITAE provides an API (Application Programming Interface) service that allows data transfer between this platform and other systems. In this way, FCT uses this service to access your curriculum with your consent.

How can I revoke the consent given to an entity to access my CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum?

In the upper right corner of your CV, click on the arrow next to your image and go to “Settings” – “Entity Access Permissions” – Click on the Trash icon and delete the entities you want. See the video tutorial.

How can I give consent to other entities/third parties (e.g. FCT) to access my curriculum?

The consent for FCT or other entities to access your CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum is given within the scope of the system of these entities. For example, in the case of applications for FCT funding on the MyFCT platform, consent is granted in the application form by clicking on “Give permission to FCT”.

Can I revoke the consent given to FCT or other entities to access my CV?

Yes. In the upper right corner, click the arrow next to your profile picture, go to “Settings”, then “Entity Access Permissions” and click the trash icon. See the video tutorial. However, be aware of when you can do this regarding FCT. More information about the moment from which you can revoke the access given to the FCT is available in the “CIÊNCIAVITAE Guide” within the scope of each application.

FCT and other entities has access to all records, regardless of privacy level?

No. The API access credentials of the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform attributed to FCT and others entities, allow this entity to access the information registered in its curriculum with the privacy levels “Public” and “Semi-public”. Please note that the “Private” privacy level is more restrictive in accessing your resume information. Therefore, ensure that all data required have a “Public” or “Semi-public” privacy level. Any and all information that you have is set to the “Private” privacy level will not be accessed by the entities.


What are importers?

Importers are tools that allow you to access platforms of the national academic and scientific system holding curricular information about the various users. Thus, the integration of these systems into the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform allows you to reuse information that has been made available to any of these systems at any given time. Remember that sometimes your curriculum information may have been made available by your teaching and/or research organization, as in the case of scientific production in repositories.

What are the available importers?

Currently, the platform provides 5 importers within the scope of the import wizard: a) ORCiD – allows the synchronization of productions and projects with the platform; b) SciPROJ – allows accessing and importing data from the national S&T funding register (SciPROJ); c) RCAAP – allows access to a list of scientific productions deposited in institutional repositories; d) PRIES – allows access to the Biographical Register of Higher Education Teachers managed by the Direcção Geral de Estatística da Educação e Ciência e) RENATES – allows accesshttps://translate.google.com/translate?hl=pt-PT&prev=_t&sl=pt-BR&tl=en&u=https://pries.dgeec.mec.pt/(S(x3p0inkfq3oyydr00x32btqs))/acesso.aspx to the National Register of Theses and Dissertations managed by the Direcção Geral de Estatística da Educação e Ciência. The data available in RENATES correspond to records of doctoral theses since 1970 and records of master’s dissertations since 2013.

Where can I find the importers?

Importers are available at any time:
  1. Through the Import Wizard tool, on the main page of your CIÊNCIAVITAE, under the title “Accelerate the preparation of your CV”;
  2. Via the “Options” menu available in the upper right corner (drop-down icon).

How can I import the data from my DeGOIS CV (FCT-SIG CV)?

Importing data from the DeGóis and FCT|SIGcv platforms was no longer possible in May 2021, when both platforms were discontinued. In accordance with the principle of simplifying administrative processes, the launch of the CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum management platform in September 2018 was accompanied by the discontinuation of the existing curriculum management systems, namely the DeGóis and FCT|SIGcv platforms, whose limitations were recognized by the community. . This discontinuation process was announced in 2018 and took place in a phased manner until May 2021, as disclosed on the homepages of these same platforms. Thus, since that date, it is only possible to access, in the case of the DeGóis platform, the version of the DeGóis curriculum preserved by Arquivo.pt (view only).

I no longer want other users to have access to (public) information on my CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum. What can I do?

In the upper right corner, click on the arrow next to your profile picture, go to “Settings”, then “Unpublish CV”, check the box “Yes, I want to remove access to the public data of my CV made available by CIÊNCIAVITAE ” and confirm the action. Once this is done, your CV will no longer be publicly available on the platform and, therefore, will not be able to be found by the general public.


How does the synchronization mechanism works?

Synchronization is the simultaneous transfer process that updates the information present on both platforms:  CIÊNCIAVITAE and ORCiD. Synchronization allows two actions:
  1. Update the  CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum with information on existing productions on ORCiD (Add to CIÊNCIAVITAE);
  2. Send to ORCiD information about new productions introduced on  CIÊNCIAVITAE (Add to ORCID).
More information on this and other synchronization processes can be found in PTCRISync .

What is ORCiD and why should I associate my ORCiD to my CIÊNCIAVITAE?

The ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an unique, free and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes individuals by addressing the problem of name ambiguity and similarity. The ORCiD is provided by a registration platform, similar to a CV, in which the user can associate this identifier with his/hers information. Several scientific information systems (Web of Science, Scopus, Crossref), editorial groups (eg Nature Publishing Group) and funding agencies (eg National Institutes of Health – NIH) have already adopted ORCiD. Thus, ORCiD acts as a link between the various systems, which allows to identify an user within multiple entities and to propagate his/hers information between systems.

By associating the ORCiD to your CIÊNCIAVITAE you can use the data synchronization tool provided. This tool allows you to synchronize information on the functional areas “Productions” and “Projects” of the CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum with ORCiD.

What are the benefits of using the synchronization mechanism?

The main advantage is to avoid much of the repetitive work that is needed to keep your profile up to date on the various platforms used in the context of the national and international scientific system. After enabling synchronization for your publications, any changes made to ORCiD, for example, will automatically be updated in CIÊNCIAVITAE, thus avoiding the repetitive work of inserting them into the various systems.

What does it mean “Stop synchronization”?

“Stop synchronization”  means that no new automatic updates will be made to the selected items.

Why is it that when I delete a publication on ORCiD, the same publication is not deleted from CIÊNCIAVITAE?

The synchronization mechanism currently implemented does not allow automatic deletion of publications in CIÊNCIAVITAE. This is to avoid situations, such as in the case where a publication is inadvertently removed by the user in ORCiD. This same publication may, however, have been updated in CIÊNCIAVITAE, correcting the problems in the metadata that motivated its removal from the ORCiD. In this case, its automatic removal would be unwanted. If you want to remove a publication you must do it directly in CIÊNCIAVITAE.

I deleted a publication on ORCiD that I had previously selected to sync but after a while it reappeared. Why is that?

The synchronization mechanism tries to keep all the publications that are selected for synchronization in CIÊNCIAVITAE updated on your ORCiD profile . If, for example, you delete a publication in ORCiD, but this publication remains selected for synchronization on CIÊNCIAVITAE, it will be exported again. If you wish to remove a synchronized publication from ORCiD just go to CIÊNCIAVITAE and stop the synchronization of this publication, as follows:

  1. In the Projects or Productions functional area, click “Synchronize“;
  2. Within the list of Projects or Productions available, click on “Synchronized“;
  3. Within the list of Synchronized Projects or Productions, check  “Stop Synchronization” and click “Update“.

The synchronization mechanism will then remove that publication from ORCiD. Note that the publication may not be fully removed from ORCiD if there are other versions of that publication exported to ORCiD by other external entities (for example, by CrossRef).

Why are there publications that can not be imported into CIÊNCIAVITAE?

To guarantee the quality of information on CIÊNCIAVITAE, the synchronization mechanism only considers for importation, publications whose metadata has a minimum quality. More specifically, publications that have title, year of publication and at least one unique identifier (DOI, Handle, etc.). Publications that do not meet these criteria are not imported but can be found on the Alerts tab in the Productions functional area .

Why do I have duplicated publications on my ORCiD profile after synchronization?

ORCiD only considers that two publications are identical when they have the same unique identifiers (DOIs, Handles, etc.) (it is not enough that they have the same title and year of publication). If you have a publication with no unique identifier on your ORCiD profile, or with identifiers other than those you entered on CIÊNCIAVITAE, then that publication will be aggregated with the identical publication that was exported in synchronization. To work around this problem, you can edit the publication you originally had on ORCiD and add one of the unique identifiers of the exported publication. From then on such publications will be aggregated by ORCiD and you will no longer see duplicates.

I have publications on ORCiD that are not present on my CIÊNCIAVITAE. Why is that when synchronizing they do not appear in CIÊNCIAVITAE?

There are two possible reasons for this. The first relates to the quality of information on CIÊNCIAVITAE . The second reason has to do with privacy. ORCID allows the user to define who has access to each publication, choosing three levels of privacy: everyone , trusted parties, and only me. The synchronization engine can only import publications in which the privacy level is set to: everyone or trusted parties. As such, make sure that all the publications you want to import have one of these privacy levels.

I have selected, on CIÊNCIAVITAE, a publication to synchronize, but this publication does not appear in ORCiD. Why is that?

ORCID allows the user to define who has access to each publication through three levels of privacy: everyone , trusted parties and only me. Besides this possibility, the user can define the level of privacy that, by default, each publication will have when added by an external entity. If you have opted in to the trusted parties or only me privacy level, you will not be able to view your synchronized publications unless you sign in to your ORCID profile. Alternatively, you can change this setting in ORCID: select the Visibility Preferences option in the Account Settings functional area.

How do I change the ORCiD account that is associated with my CIÊNCIAVITAE?

You can change the ORCID  account synchronized with your CIÊNCIAVITAE, as follows:
  1. Click the “Options” menu available in the upper right-hand corner (drop-down icon);
  2. Select the “Settings” option;
  3. Under “Synchronization with ORCID” select “No”;
  4. Go to the “Identification” functional area and delete your ORCiD identifier;
  5. Access the functional areas “Outputs” and “Projects” and delete all records imported from ORCID (you will have to do it one by one);
  6. Exit the platform;
You must restart the browser to allow new login to CIÊNCIAVITAE. If  your browser saves cookies, you will need to delete them.       7. Login, once more, to your CIÊNCIAVITAE;       8. Synchronize your CIÊNCIAVITAE with the new desired ORCID account.

Why, after synchronization, the list of co-authors of my output appears incomplete in my CIÊNCIAVITAE?

The list of co-authors of an output is obtained from i) data registered in ORCID by authorized third party systems (for example, Crossref); and ii) registered citation (only in RIS or Bibtex formats). If the list of co-authors of an output on the ORCID platform is incomplete, CIÊNCIAVITAE uses the registered citation, provided it is in the RIS or BibText format, to obtain that same list. However, if the list of co-authors of an output on the ORCID platform is incomplete and the corresponding citation is in a format other than RIS or Bibtext, the list of co-authors imported into CIÊNCIAVITAE will be incomplete. Thus, after synchronization, always check that the list of imported co-authors is correct.


How can I make my CIÊNCIAVITAE publicly available?

In order for your curriculum to be publicly available it is necessary to click on “Unpublished” at the top of the page. Only then your curriculum will be displayed on the portal. Check out the vídeo tutorial. 

Why is that after creating my curriculum I can not see it on the portal?

Curriculum visualization is not immediate and may take up to 24 hours after curriculum creation or update.

Whats is the difference among the platform’s 3 privacy levels and how can i change them?

By default, data in the “Contacts” section and some attributes of the “Personal information” section in the “Identification” functional area are private. All other data recorded on CIÊNCIAVITAE are public, by default, when you create your curriculum. That is, it will be available for consultation when the user publishes his/hers CIÊNCIAVITAE. However, the user may, at any time, change this option, as follows:

  1. Click the “Options” menu available in the upper right corner (drop-down icon );
  2. Select the “Settings” option;
  3. Select the “Privacy” option;
  4. Choose the level of privacy you want.

The following privacy levels are available:

  • Public : by default, all new items in the published curriculum will be made available to all users;
  • Semi-public : by default, all new items in the published curriculum will have restricted access;
  • Private : by default, all new items in the published curriculum will be visible only to the user.

The platform also allows you to define the privacy for each item introduced in your curriculum. At each entry in your curriculum you can find the lock icon that allows you to change the level of privacy.

If my CIÊNCIAVITAE is “Unpublished” can I still use it while applying to calls on funding platforms?

Yes. If you have given your consent, the funding application platforms access your CIÊNCIAVITAE through the available APIs (interface for communication between computer systems). Even if you have not published your CIÊNCIAVITAE, the information (with “Public” and “Semi-public” privacy levels) contained in it is available to be consulted by other systems.

How can I see the version of my resume that is seen by other users of the platform?

You can view your CV as other users see it in two ways: 1. In your user area, by clicking on the curriculum publication status “Public CIÊNCIAVITAE”; 2. Search your CV using the tool to find CVs.

I no longer want other users to have access to (public) information on my CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum. What can I do?

In the upper right corner, click on the arrow next to your profile picture, go to “Settings”, then “Unpublish CV”, check the box “Yes, I want to remove access to the public data of my CV made available by CIÊNCIAVITAE ” and confirm the action. Once this is done, your CV will no longer be publicly available on the platform and, therefore, will not be able to be found by the general public.


How can I associate my publication on CIÊNCIAVITAE to repositories?

You must enter the URL (eg handle) in the field intended for this purpose. In the “PRODUCTIONS” functional area you will find a list of all the productions available in your curriculum. An edit icon is available for each entry.

How can I deposit productions in RCAAP?

In the “PRODUCTIONS” functional area, choose the production you want to deposit and click on the three dots icon. Then click on “Deposit Production” and follow the next steps. To learn more, access this tutorial.

What productions can I deposit?

It is possible to deposit all records of the Publications, Artistic/Interpreting, Intellectual Property and Other categories of the “PRODUCTIONS” functional area.

How will the DSpace 7 update be carried out within the SARI – Institutional Repository Hosting Service – which includes the Common Repository?

Within the context of SARI – the Institutional Repository Hosting Service – which includes the Common Repository provided by RCAAP, the update will be carried out by the RCAAP Team. For the rest of the Community, institutions will need to perform the upgrade themselves, if they deem it necessary.

What are the new types of productions included for deposit in DSpace 7?

The new types of productions included for deposit in DSpace 7 are: Online resource, Conference abstract, Conference poster, Video recording, Visual artwork, Standard or policy, Technical standard, Data management plan, and Software.

Are there any limitations or technical requirements for using this feature?

There may be compatibility requirements between DSpace versions and the integration services with CIÊNCIAVITAE. In this context, some production types may not be available for deposit.

Why does my institution’s repository not appear in the list of repositories?

The repository may be using a software version prior to DSpace 7, limiting the deposit of specific production types that are only compatible with the current software version.


How does the “Suggestions” feature work for adding outputs/projects to your CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum?

The list of suggestions is based on public records from the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform, where other users link your citation name and/or CIÊNCIA ID to their publications, projects, or share the same identifiers. 

How are the suggestions for publications and projects generated?

The list of suggestions is based on the public records of CIÊNCIAVITAE resumes published, in which: a) it was referenced by other user(s) as a co-author of publications/projects through their CIÊNCIA ID; b) it was referenced by other user(s) with whom they share production/project identifiers, such as co-author, through the citation name.

Can I suggest the addition of publications/projects to another user’s curriculum?

Not directly. The list of suggestions is generated by an algorithm that can identify that a particular output or project may belong to a specific author but is not yet included in their curriculum. To ensure that your records can be recommended, it’s important to keep your curriculum always up to date, published, and with the privacy level of the records set to public.

What are the benefits of including outputs/projects listed by “Suggestions”?

Including outputs or projects recommended by the “Suggestions List” offers the advantage of keeping your curriculum up to date in a practical and efficient manner, saving you time and effort that manual updates would require. Furthermore, it helps ensure that your resume accurately reflects your most recent accomplishments and contributions, reflecting the information provided by co-authors and/or project team members.  

What criteria should I consider for adding or removing a suggestion?

Ensure that the data provided in the suggestion is correct and corresponds to your work. Avoid including incorrect, inaccurate, or duplicate information. If you find that the information is correct but incomplete, you can edit the record before adding it to your curriculum. If you have already added it, you can edit it at any time.

How long does it take for a suggestion to be processed?

For a suggestion to be processed, it takes the time of one algorithm execution cycle, which occurs once a day. Therefore, suggestions are processed daily, and the list will be updated in the next algorithm execution cycle.

Can I edit or remove a record after adding it to my curriculum through the “Suggestions” feature?

Yes, whenever necessary, you can edit or remove a record from your curriculum after adding it through the “Suggestions” feature.

I don’t want to receive suggestions for outputs/projects. What should I do?

To stop receiving suggestions for outputs or projects, you need to access your “Account Settings” -> “Suggestion of new records” and disable the “Activate suggestions of new outputs and projects” option. This action can be reversed when you consider it necessary.

When accepting a suggestion, I modified some data in the record and added it to my curriculum. Will the changes also be visible in the curriculum of other authors?

No. The user is the ultimate responsible for the information in their shared curriculum on the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform, as indicated in section 14.2 Normas comunitárias para utilização de informação pública. Therefore, any changes made will only be reflected in the user’s own curriculum.

Why don’t I have any suggestions on my list?

This can happen because your curriculum is already up to date with all your production and project records to date. Additionally, there are no public records in other profiles on the platform associated with your citation name or CIÊNCIA ID that have not yet been included in your profile. To receive suggestions, ensure that your CIÊNCIAVITAE profile is published.

What happens if I remove a suggestion? Is it possible to recover it?

After confirming the deletion of one or more records, the suggestions will be removed from the list and will not be displayed again. It is not possible to recover the removed suggestions, and you will need to use other insertion options, such as import, synchronization, or manual input.


What are the similarity criteria in duplicate management?

The similarity criteria are rules used to identify and manage duplicate records in the functional areas Outputs and Projects. These criteria are based on mandatory fields and help determine whether two records are similar or duplicates.

How is the similarity between records calculated?

Record similarity is calculated by the weighted sum of the percentages assigned to each comparison criterion. Each criterion has a specific weight that can vary within a defined range. For example, the criterion “journal name” may have a weight varying between 0% and 10%. It is important to note that the criterion “Type” is handled differently. Due to its categorical nature, it is not assessed as a similarity percentage. Instead, its contribution to the total similarity is binary: 0% if the types do not match and 5% if they do. This distinction is justified by the fact that “Type” represents a fundamental and qualitative characteristic of a record. Therefore, it is not directly comparable in quantitative terms with other criteria.

What are the specific criteria and their weights in Productions and Projects?

Title: 45% in Outputs and Projects,
Journal name (if applicable): 10% in Outputs,
Year of Output: 5% in Outputs,
Identifiers: 15% in Outputs and Projects,
Authors: 10% in Outputs,
Type: 15% in Outputs, 20% in Projects,
Start date: 20% in Projects.

How are the criteria applied in practice?

In practice, the criteria are used to compare two or more records. The weighted sum of the values assigned to each criterion determines the total similarity between the records. If the similarity exceeds a certain threshold, the records are considered duplicates and are managed accordingly on the “Duplicate Management” page.