Manuel Souto Salom (Valencia, 1988) is an Oportunius Research Professor and Principal Investigator at CIQUS (University of Santiago de Compostela). He is also Guest Professor at the University of Aveiro-CICECO. He did his PhD at ICMAB-CSIC (2012-2016, FPU fellow) followed by a postdoc (2017-2019) at ICMol-University of Valencia as a Juan de la Cierva fellow. In 2021, he was awarded an ERC-Starting Grant with the project ELECTROCOFS. In 2019, he started his independent research career as an Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro and CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials. In 2022 he was promoted to Principal Researcher (tenure, Permanent Researcher/Assoc. Prof.) at the same institution. He received, among other distinctions, the European Award on Molecular Magnetism Doctoral Thesis, the PhD Extraordinary Award and the NanoMatMol PhD Award and he is Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe. For over 12 years of research, he has been specializing in the fields of molecular electronics and electroactive crystalline porous materials making important contributions in both fields. During his PhD (triple award-winning thesis) he designed, synthesized and characterized a new family of organic radical donor-acceptor dyads explored as molecular switches, conductors and rectifiers. His main current research interest is the design and synthesis of electroactive porous materials (MOFs and COFs) based on redox-active organic building blocks for different applications in electronics and energy storage (M. Souto et al. Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 10912). In this direction, he has recently been awarded an ERC Starting Grant (ERC-StG) that aims at exploring a new generation of porous organic polymers (COFs), to be used as electrodes in metal-ion batteries. One of the advantages of these materials is their great versatility, because their physical properties can be modulated à la carte by chemical design. One of the major project challenges is to increase the COFs electrical conductivity (J. Mater. Chem. C 2021, 9, 10668) and to study the influence of the electrolyte and binder on the electrochemical performance (J. Mater. Chem. A 2023, 11, 21553). In parallel he has also developed a research line on electroactive MOFs with tuneable luminescence and electrical properties (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2025, 147, 63-68). He is first author and/or corresponding author on 26 of 42 scientific articles (+1 under review) in high-impact multidisciplinary journals (h-index = 20, citations > 1100, Google Scholar) and he has contributed to +40 national and international conferences (+18 invited lectures). He has experience supervising 5 postdoctoral researchers (including 2 MSCA-IF and 1 JdC fellows), 7 PhD students (1 completed, 1 undergoing), 2 young researchers (BI), 5 Master theses in Chemistry (one marked with honours), and 8 final year projects in Chemistry. His current team is composed of 4 postdoctoral researchers, 6 PhD students, 1 MSc student and 1 lab manager. He has been evaluator of Research Proposals for DFG (Germany), NCN (Poland), AEI (Spain), FNRS (Belgium), and reviewer in multidisciplinary journals (Nat. Commun. J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Sci., Chem. Comm., etc.). Group website: https://electromolmat.com/

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Manuel Souto Salom

Nomes de citação

  • Manuel Souto

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Scopus Author Id

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • manuel.souto@uv.es (Profissional)


  • 916 552 01 (Profissional)


Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Exatas - Química - Ciência de Polímeros
  • Ciências da Engenharia e Tecnologias - Nanotecnologia - Nanomateriais
  • Ciências Exatas - Química - Química Orgânica
  • Ciências da Engenharia e Tecnologias - Engenharia dos Materiais - Engenharia dos Materiais


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Português Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Espanhol; Castelhano (Idioma materno)
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Francês Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2)
Catalão Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2)
Grau Classificação
2012/01/01 - 2016/07/22
PhD in Materials Science, Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) and Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (Spain). Summa Cum Laude and Extraordinary Award. (Doctor)
Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Espanha

Institut Avedis Donabedian Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Espanha
2010/09/01 - 2011/09/01
Master in Supramolecular and Molecular Organic Chemistry, University of Strasbourg - ECPM (France). (Postgraduate Certificate)
Université de Strasbourg, França
2009/09/01 - 2011/09/01
Chemical Engineering (Diplôme d Ingénieur) (Diplôme d´études supérieures)
Ecole Européenne de Chimie Polymères et Matériaux de Strasbourg, França
2006/09/01 - 2011/09/01
Licenciatura de Química (Bachelor)
Universitat de València Facultat de Química, Espanha
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2023/09/01 - Atual Investigador Auxiliar Convidado (carreira) (Investigação) Universidade de Aveiro CICECO, Portugal
2022/11/01 - 2023/08/31 Investigador principal (carreira) (Investigação) Universidade de Aveiro CICECO, Portugal
2017/01/01 - 2019/08/31 Pós-doutorado (Investigação) Universitat de València Institut de Ciència Molecular, Espanha
2012/01/01 - 2016/07/01 Investigador (Investigação) Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Espanha

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2019/09/01 - 2022/10/31 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2018/01/01 - 2019/08/31 Juan de la Cierva and APOSTD Fellowships - Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Beca postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva
Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento
2012/09/01 - 2016/09/01 Beca predoctoral de Formación de Profesor Universitario (FPU) and JAE-CSIC PhD fellowships - Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Spanish Research Council (CSIC).
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Espanha
Gobierno de España Ministerio de Economía y Empresa


Designação Financiadores
2022/07/01 - Atual ERC-STG-2021 Molecular Design of Electrically Conductive Covalent Organic Frameworks (ELECTROCOFS)
Investigador responsável
2023/01/01 - 2025/12/31 Organic cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
Em curso
2022/01/01 - 2024/12/31 Redox-active Metal-Organic Frameworks as Electrode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries (RedoxMOFs)
Investigador responsável
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Em curso
2022/01/01 - 2024/12/31 Redox-active Metal-Organic Frameworks as Electrode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro CICECO, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2018/01/01 - 2019/09/30 MOFs y Moléculas Magnéticas para Electrónica y Tecnología Cuántica” (CTQ-2017-89528-P).
2017/01/01 - 2019/08/31 “Smart Coordination Polymers with Compartmentalized Pockets for Adaptive Guest Entrance” - ERC-2016-CoG 724681-CAGE
ERC-2016-CoG 724681-CAGE
Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento
Universitat de València Institut de Ciència Molecular, Espanha
European Research Council
Em curso
2014/01/01 - 2016/12/31 Materiales moleculares bio- y electro-activos para la mejora de la salud y el bienestar social
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Espanha
2014/01/01 - 2016/01/01 Towards molecular-based devices control and understanding of transport through molecules
i-LINK program (CSIC)
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Espanha

National University of Singapore, Singapura


Artigo em revista
  1. Catarina Ribeiro; Bowen Tan; Flavio Figueira; Ricardo F. Mendes; Joaquín Calbo; Gonçalo Valente; Paula Escamilla; et al. "Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conductivity in a Tetrathiafulvalene-Phosphonate Metal–Organic Framework". Journal of the American Chemical Society (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.4c13792.
  2. Mariangela Oggianu; Valentina Mameli; Miguel A. Hernández-Rodríguez; Noemi Monni; Manuel Souto; CDS Brites; Carla Cannas; et al. "Insights into NdIII to YbIII Energy Transfer and Its Implications in Luminescence Thermometry". Chemistry of Materials (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c00362.
  3. Gonçalo Valente; Pedro Ferreira; M.A. Hernández-Rodríguez; CDS Brites; João S. Amaral; Pavel Zelenovskii; Filipe A. Almeida Paz; et al. "Exploring the Luminescence, Redox, and Magnetic Properties in a Multivariate Metal–Organic Radical Framework". Chemistry of Materials (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c02460.
  4. Raquel Dantas; Ribeiro, Catarina; Manuel Souto. "Organic electrodes based on redox-active covalent organic frameworks for lithium batteries". Chemical Communications (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d3cc04322c.
  5. Gonçalo Valente; Raquel Dantas; Pedro Ferreira; Rebecca Grieco; Nagaraj Patil; Ana Guillem Navajas; David Rodríguez-San-Miguel; et al. "Tetrathiafulvalene-based covalent organic frameworks as high-voltage organic cathodes for lithium batteries". Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d4ta04576a.
  6. Catarina Ribeiro; Gonçalo Valente; Miguel Espinosa; Rafaela A. L. Silva; Dulce Belo; Sara Gil-Guerrero; Nicolás Arisnabarreta; et al. "Direct C-H Arylation of Dithiophene-Tetrathiafulvalene: Tuneable Electronic Properties and 2D Self-Assembled Molecular Networks at the Solid/Liquid Interface**". Chemistry – A European Journal (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chem.202300572.
  7. Gonçalo Valente; María Esteve-Rochina; Sergio P. C. Alves; José M. G. Martinho; Enrique Orti; Joaquín Calbo; Filipe A. Almeida Paz; Joao Rocha; Manuel Souto. "Perylene-Based Coordination Polymers: Synthesis, Fluorescent J-Aggregates, and Electrochemical Properties". Inorganic Chemistry (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c00540.
  8. Olivera Lužanin; Raquel Dantas; Robert Dominko; Jan Bitenc; Manuel Souto. "Tuning the electrochemical performance of covalent organic framework cathodes for Li- and Mg-based batteries: the influence of electrolyte and binder". Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d3ta05190k.
  9. Ribeiro, C.; Valente, G.; Espinosa, M.; Silva, R. A. L.; Belo, D.; Gil-Guerrero, S.; Arisnabarreta, N.; et al. "Direct C-H Arylation of Dithiophene-Tetrathiafulvalene: Tuneable Electronic Properties and 2D Self-Assembled Molecular Networks at the Solid/Liquid Interface". Chemistry - A European Journal (2023): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/65107546/.
  10. Manuela C. Baptista; H. Khalifa; Adão Araújo; Beatriz Arouca Maia; Manuel Souto; M. H. Braga. "Giant Polarization in Quasi-Adiabatic Ferroelectric Na + Electrolyte for Solid-State Energy Harvesting and Storage". Advanced Functional Materials (2022): 2212344-2212344. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202212344.
  11. Manuel Souto. "Through-space hopping transport in an iodine-doped perylene-based metal–organic framework". Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 7 9 (2022): 1065-1072. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d2me00108j.
  12. Dietrich, Nicolas; Jimenez, Mélanie; Souto, Manuel; Harrison, Aaron W.; Coudret, Christophe; Olmos, Eric. "Using Pop-Culture to Engage Students in the Classroom". Journal of Chemical Education (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00233.
  13. Palacios-Corella, Mario; Ramos-Soriano, Javier; Souto, Manuel; Ananias, Duarte; Calbo, Joaquín; Ortí, Enrique; Illescas, Beatriz M.; et al. "Hexakis-adducts of [60]fullerene as molecular scaffolds of polynuclear spin-crossover molecules". Chemical Science 12 2 (2021): 757-766. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d0sc05875k.
  14. "Electrically conductive covalent organic frameworks: bridging the fields of organic metals and 2D materials". Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d1tc00750e.
  15. Manuel Souto; Karol Strutynski; Manuel Melle-Franco; João Rocha. "Frontispiece: Electroactive Organic Building Blocks for the Chemical Design of Functional Porous Frameworks (MOFs and COFs) in Electronics". Chemistry – A European Journal 26 48 (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202084861.
  16. Souto, Manuel; Strutynski, Karol; Melle-Franco, Manuel; Rocha, João. "Electroactive Organic Building Blocks for the Chemical Design of Functional Porous Frameworks (MOFs and COFs) in Electronics". Chemistry – A European Journal 26 48 (2020): 10912-10935. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chem.202001211.
  17. Garci´a-Valdivia, Antonio A.; Pérez-Mendoza, Manuel; Choquesillo-Lazarte, Duane; Cepeda, Javier; Fernández, Belén; Souto, Manuel; González-Tejero, Marcos; et al. "Interpenetrated Luminescent Metal–Organic Frameworks based on 1H-Indazole-5-carboxylic Acid". Crystal Growth & Design 20 7 (2020): 4550-4560. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.0c00345.
  18. Souto, Manuel; Calbo, Joaquín; Mañas-Valero, Samuel; Walsh, Aron; Mínguez Espallargas, Guillermo. "Charge-transfer interactions between fullerenes and a mesoporous tetrathiafulvalene-based metal–organic framework". Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10 (2019): 1883-1893. http://dx.doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.10.183.
  19. Castells-Gil, Javier; Mañas-Valero, Samuel; Vitórica-Yrezábal, Iñigo J.; Ananias, Duarte; Rocha, João; Santiago, Raul; Bromley, Stefan T.; et al. "Electronic, Structural and Functional Versatility in Tetrathiafulvalene-Lanthanide Metal–Organic Frameworks". Chemistry – A European Journal 25 54 (2019): 12636-12643. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chem.201902855.
  20. Guasch, Judith; Crivillers, Núria; Souto, Manuel; Ratera, Imma; Rovira, Concepció; Samorì, Paolo; Veciana, Jaume. "Two-dimensional self-assembly and electrical properties of the donor-acceptor tetrathiafulvalene-polychlorotriphenylmethyl radical on graphite substrates". Journal of Applied Physics 125 14 (2019): 142909. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5065448.
  21. Diez-Cabanes, Valentin; Gómez, Andrés; Souto, Manuel; González-Pato, Nerea; Cornil, Jérôme; Veciana, Jaume; Ratera, Imma. "Reversible switching of the Au(111) work function by near infrared irradiation with a bistable SAM based on a radical donor–acceptor dyad". Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 24 (2019): 7418-7426. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c9tc00906j.
  22. Vicent-Morales, María; Vitórica-Yrezábal, Iñigo J.; Souto, Manuel; Mínguez Espallargas, Guillermo. "Influence of interpenetration on the flexibility of MUV-2". CrystEngComm 21 19 (2019): 3031-3035. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c9ce00233b.
  23. Cabrero-Antonino, María; Remiro-Buenamañana, Sonia; Souto, Manuel; García-Valdivia, Antonio A.; Choquesillo-Lazarte, Duane; Navalón, Sergio; Rodríguez-Diéguez, Antonio; Mínguez Espallargas, Guillermo; García, Hermenegildo. "Design of cost-efficient and photocatalytically active Zn-based MOFs decorated with Cu2O nanoparticles for CO2methanation". Chemical Communications 55 73 (2019): 10932-10935. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c9cc04446a.
  24. Diez-Cabanes, Valentin; Morales, Dayana C.; Souto, Manuel; Paradinas, Markos; Delchiaro, Francesca; Painelli, Anna; Ocal, Carmen; et al. "Effect of the Molecular Polarizability of SAMs on the Work Function Modification of Gold: Closed- versus Open-Shell Donor–Acceptor SAMs". Advanced Materials Technologies 4 5 (2018): 1800152. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/admt.201800152.
  25. Souto, M.; Gullo, M.C.; Cui, H.; Casati, N.; Montisci, F.; Jeschke, H.O.; Valentí, R.; et al. "Role of the Open-Shell Character on the Pressure-Induced Conductivity of an Organic Donor–Acceptor Radical Dyad". Chemistry - A European Journal 24 21 (2018): 5500-5505. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85044289503&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  26. Souto, M.; Romero, J.; Calbo, J.; Vitórica-Yrezábal, I.J.; Zafra, J.L.; Casado, J.; Ortí, E.; Walsh, A.; Mínguez Espallargas, G.. "Breathing-Dependent Redox Activity in a Tetrathiafulvalene-Based Metal-Organic Framework". Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 33 (2018): 10562-10569. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85050774159&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  27. Souto, Manuel; Díez-Cabanes, Valentin; Yuan, Li; Kyvik, Adriana R.; Ratera, Imma; Nijhuis, Christian A.; Cornil, Jerome; Veciana, Jaume. "Influence of the donor unit on the rectification ratio in tunnel junctions based on donor–acceptor SAMs using PTM units as acceptors". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 40 (2018): 25638-25647. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c8cp05488f.
  28. Souto, M.; Santiago-Portillo, A.; Palomino, M.; Vitórica-Yrezábal, I.J.; Vieira, B.J.C.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Valencia, S.; et al. "A highly stable and hierarchical tetrathiafulvalene-based metal-organic framework with improved performance as a solid catalyst". Chemical Science 9 9 (2018): 2413-2418. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85042703761&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  29. Souto, M.; Yuan, L.; Morales, D.C.; Jiang, L.; Ratera, I.; Nijhuis, C.A.; Veciana, J.. "Tuning the Rectification Ratio by Changing the Electronic Nature (Open-Shell and Closed-Shell) in Donor-Acceptor Self-Assembled Monolayers". Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 12 (2017): 4262-4265. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85016234022&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  30. Souto, M.; Rovira, C.; Ratera, I.; Veciana, J.. "TTF-PTM dyads: from switched molecular self assembly in solution to radical conductors in solid state". CrystEngComm 19 2 (2017): 197-206. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85009135977&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  31. D'Avino, G.; Souto, M.; Masino, M.; Fischer, J.K.H.; Ratera, I.; Giovannetti, G.; Verstraete, M.J.; et al. "Conflicting evidence for ferroelectricity". Nature 547 7662 (2017): E9-E10. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85024376558&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  32. Souto, M.; Calbo, J.; Ratera, I.; Ortí, E.; Veciana, J.. "Tetrathiafulvalene–Polychlorotriphenylmethyl Dyads: Influence of Bridge and Open-Shell Characteristics on Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties". Chemistry - A European Journal 23 46 (2017): 11067-11075. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85026440068&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  33. Souto, Manuel; Bendixen, Dan; Jensen, Morten; Díez-Cabanes, Valentín; Cornil, Jérôme; Jeppesen, Jan; Ratera, Imma; Rovira, Concepció; Veciana, Jaume. "Synthesis and Characterization of Ethylenedithio-MPTTF-PTM Radical Dyad as a Potential Neutral Radical Conductor". Magnetochemistry 2 4 (2016): 46. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry2040046.
  34. Souto, M.; Cui, H.; Peña-Álvarez, M.; Baonza, V.G.; Jeschke, H.O.; Tomic, M.; Valentí, R.; et al. "Pressure-Induced Conductivity in a Neutral Nonplanar Spin-Localized Radical". Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 36 (2016): 11517-11525. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84987817203&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  35. Souto, M.; Lloveras, V.; Vela, S.; Fumanal, M.; Ratera, I.; Veciana, J.. "Three Redox States of a Diradical Acceptor-Donor-Acceptor Triad: Gating the Magnetic Coupling and the Electron Delocalization". Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 12 (2016): 2234-2239. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84975318364&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  36. Vela, Sergi; Souto, Manuel; Ratera, Imma; Rovira, Concepcio; Veciana, Jaume. "Understanding the Influence of the Electronic Structure on the Crystal Structure of a TTF-PTM Radical Dyad". Journal of Physical Chemistry a 120 51 (2016): 10297-10303. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000391160200025&KeyUID=WOS:000391160200025.
  37. Souto, M.; Solano, M.V.; Jensen, M.; Bendixen, D.; Delchiaro, F.; Girlando, A.; Painelli, A.; et al. "Self-assembled architectures with segregated donor and acceptor units of a dyad based on a monopyrrolo-annulated TTF-PTM radical". Chemistry - A European Journal 21 24 (2015): 8816-8825. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84930207204&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  38. Alves, L.G.; Souto, M.; Madeira, F.; Adão, P.; Munhá, R.F.; Martins, A.M.. "Syntheses and solid state structures of cyclam-based copper and zinc compounds Dedicated to Professor Maria José Calhorda on the occasion of her 65th birthday.". Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 760 (2014): 130-137. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84899445303&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  39. Souto, M.; Morales, D.C.; Guasch, J.; Ratera, I.; Rovira, C.; Painelli, A.; Veciana, J.. "Intramolecular electron transfer and charge delocalization in bistable donor-acceptor systems based on perchlorotriphenylmethyl radicals linked to ferrocene and tetrathiafulvalene units". Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 27 6 (2014): 465-469. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84900503965&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  40. Guasch, J.; Grisanti, L.; Souto, M.; Lloveras, V.; Vidal-Gancedo, J.; Ratera, I.; Painelli, A.; Rovira, C.; Veciana, J.. "Intra- and intermolecular charge transfer in aggregates of tetrathiafulvalene-triphenylmethyl radical derivatives in solution". Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 18 (2013): 6958-6967. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84877313702&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  41. Guasch, J.; Grisanti, L.; Jung, S.; Morales, D.; D'Avino, G.; Souto, M.; Fontrodona, X.; et al. "Bistability of Fc-PTM-Based dyads: The role of the donor strength". Chemistry of Materials 25 5 (2013): 808-814. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84874998919&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  42. Souto, M.; Guasch, J.; Lloveras, V.; Mayorga, P.; López Navarrete, J.T.; Casado, J.; Ratera, I.; et al. "Thermomagnetic molecular system based on TTF-PTM radical: Switching the spin and charge delocalization". Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 16 (2013): 2721-2726. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84882399687&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  43. Guasch, J.; Grisanti, L.; Lloveras, V.; Vidal-Gancedo, J.; Souto, M.; Morales, D.C.; Vilaseca, M.; et al. "Induced self-assembly of a tetrathiafulvalene-based open-shell dyad through intramolecular electron transfer". Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 51 44 (2012): 11024-11028. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84867818123&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Ribeiro, C.; Valente, Gonçalo; Rafaela A. L. Silva; Dulce Belo; Manuel Souto. "Direct C-H arylation of dithiophene-tetrathiafulvalene: tunable electronic structure and 2D self-assembled molecular networks on surface". Trabalho apresentado em XXVI Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química, Santiago de Compostela, 2022.


Outra produção
  1. Synthesis and Characterization of Ethylenedithio-MPTTF-PTM Radical Dyad as a Potential Neutral Radical Conductor. 2016. Manuel Souto; Dan Bendixen; Morten Jensen; Jan O. Jeppesen; Imma Ratera; Concepció Rovira; Jaume Veciana.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2023/11/25 Exploiting the versatility of electroactive organic building blocks for the design of functional framework materials EuroMOF
2023/03/06 Invited lecture. Manuel Souto. Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS23). 6-10 March 2023, Valencia (Spain). Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS23)
2022/05/22 Invited Lecture. Manuel Souto. 15th European School on Molecular Nanoscience. 22-27 May 2022, Tordesillas (Spain).
2022/03/29 Invited Lecture. Manuel Souto. 13th Inorganic & Bioinorganic Chemistry Conference (IBCC-SPQ). 29-30 March 2022, Aveiro (Portugal).
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2021/07/14 Electroactive Metal-Organic Frameworks for Electronic Applications XXVII edição do Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
SPQ (Braga)
2021/05/01 Elecroactive Porous Frameworks based on Redox-Active Organic Building Blocks European School on Molecular Nanoscience (EsMolNa) 2021
(Benidorm, Espanha)
2020/02/21 Electroactive Metal-Organic Frameworks for Electronic Applications Future Materials 2020
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2019/09/25 Tetrathiafulvalene-based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Electronics 1. International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Magnets (ISCOM)
(Tomar, Portugal)
2019/03/15 Electronic, structural and functional versatility of Tetrathiafulvalene-based Metal-Organic Frameworks 6th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials
(Sitges, Espanha)
2019/02/27 Tetrathiafulvalene-based Metal-Organic Frameworks” Invited oral presentation by Prof. Nazario Martín (Catedrático Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Director del Grupo de Materiales Moleculares Orgánicos,)
Prof. Nazario Martín (Catedrático Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Director del Grupo de Materiales Moleculares Orgánicos) (Madrid, Espanha)
2018/07/18 Breathing-dependent Redox Activity of a Tetrathiafulvalene-based Metal-Organic Framework 4th International Symposium on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials (ACIN)
University of Namur (Namur, Bélgica)
2018/04/30 A Highly Stable and Hierarchical Tetrathiafulvalene-based Metal-Organic Framework with Improved Performance as Solid Catalyst Symposium on Porous Coordination Polymers and Metal-Organic Frameworks (docMOF 2018)
DEFNET-ESRs within the research and training programme of EU-MSCA-ETN-DEFNET pro-ject (Raitenhaslach, Alemanha)
2018/02/14 Invited oral presentation on the occasion of NanoMatMol PhD award ceremony - Multifunctional Molecular Materials based on TTF-PTM dyads XVII National School on Molecular Materials
(Torremolinos, Espanha)
2016/09/15 Pressure-induced conductivity in a Neutral Non-planar radical dyad 6th EuCheMS European Chemistry Congress
EuCheMS (Sevilla, Espanha)
2016/09/05 Rising Stars - Pre-International Conference on Molecule-Based Magnets (ICMM) - Pressure-induced conductivity in an organic radical Rising Stars-International Conference on Molecule-Based Magnets (ICMM)
(Sendai, Japão)
2015/11/04 Self-assembled architectures with segregated donor and acceptor units of a dyad based on a monopyrrolo-annulated TTF-PTM radical XII Simposio de Investigadores Jóvenes
Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) (Barcelona, Espanha)
2015/09/10 Self-assembled architectures of TTF-PTM radical dyads Challenges in Supramolecular Chemistry
Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, França)
2013/10/08 Thermomagnetic Molecular System Based on a TTF-PTM Radical 4th European Conference on Molecular Magnetism (ECMM)
KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Karlsruhe, Alemanha)
2012/10/29 Induced Self-assembly of a Tetrathiafulvalene-based Open-Shell Dyad through an Intramolecular Electron Transfer European School on Molecular Nanoscience
(Cuenca, Espanha)

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2015/03/01 - Atual Co-organization of Workshop: ElecSpin 2015 International Workshop on Organic and Graphene electronics (2015/03/01)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2019/08/04 - Atual Chemical Communications (London) (0009-241X) The Royal Society of Chemistry
2019/06/04 - Atual Journal of the American Chemical Society (1520-5126) American Chemical Society


Tópico Nome do aluno
2020/02/01 - Atual Projeto fim licenciatura - Bioquímica Ricardo Silva
2019/11/01 - Atual Electroactive Metal-Organic Frameworks towars new luminescent devices Gonçalo Valente
2019/03/01 - Atual Master thesis Thibaut Le Huec
2018/09/01 - Atual Final Year Project + Master thesis in Chemistry María Vicent
2017/01/01 - Atual Final year project - Chemistry Pau Boned
2016/01/01 - Atual Master thesis (marked with honours): Design and synthesis of new radical dyad towards a radical conductor Maria Chiara Gullo


2020 European Award for Doctoral Thesis in Molecular Magnetism, 2020
The European Institute of Molecular Magnetism, Reino Unido
2016 PhD Extraordinary Award
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Espanha
2016 First runner-up NanoMatMol PhD award
Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica, Espanha

Outra distinção

2016 Selected as Rising Star and Invited Lecture at Pre-Conference International Conference on Molecule-Based Magnets (ICMM) September 2016. Sendai, Japan.
2009 Scholarship to obtain a double degree in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (only two awarded per year).