Claudia Quaresma. Completed the PhD in Biomedical engineering in 2011 by Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia-NOVA FCT, Graduation in Higher Course in Rehabilitation in 1998 by Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas Sociais e da Vida and Bachelor in Higher Course in Occupational Therapy in 1993 by Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão. Claudia Q. Is an integrated Member - LISBPhys-UNL, and Assistant Professor in NOVA FCT (since 2014), integrates the Scientific Council of NOVA FCT, executive committee of the physics department and responsible for the dissemination of this department She also . 2011 and 2014 was Assistant Professor at IPBeja where she was coordinator of the Degree in Occupational Therapy. Until 2009 he was an occupational therapist at the Curry Cabral Hospital, where he has extensive experience in treating neurological patients. She is coordinator of 3D Printing Center for Health (https://3dprinting.pt), integrates the team of the REAL collaborative laboratory, she is part of the A3ES team of evaluators, integrates the team of evaluators of the R&D Project in Co-promotion in the Biomedical Engineering Area, and integrate the IPBeja Evaluation and Quality Board as an external personality. Guest Editor for the open access journal /International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health/, to establish a Special Issue on topic Frontiers in Patient Rehabilitation and Technology. She has been member of several Scientific Conference Committees. Published 66 articles. Has 5 section(s) of books and 3 book(s). Co-supervised 1 PhD thesis(es) (concluded), Supervised 6 PhD (ongoing). Supervised/ Co- Supervised 59 MSc dissertation(s). Has 2 number of patents (internacional). She has 13 awards related to the development of technology applied to rehabilitation (from research to entrepreneurship, for example VR4Neuropain and Com@rehab projects). She is part of the Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences's review board. Coordinator and member of more than 35 national research projects in partnership with hospitals and clinics (for exemple PlayersAll, GameIn, PrevOccupAI, RehabVisual, RehBrain). She has huge experience in closely working in I&D activities with both hospitals and academia in the development of eHealth-related systems and devices applied to rehabilitation. She has established a set of regular collaborations and partnerships at project level with the following reference institutions: Nova Medical School; National School of Public Health; Faculty of Human Motricity; Alcoitão Health School; Polytechnic Institute of Leiria; CEDOC; Centro Hospital Universitário Lisboa Central; Santa Marta Hospital; Alcoitão Medicine and Rehabilitation Center; Cascais Hospital; Portuguese; Santa Maria Hospital; Hospital Beatriz Ângelo; Fraunhnofer; PLUX. Additionally, she was invited to participate in the Portuguese Value-based Healthcare CoLAB promoted by Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partnership with Vodafone, José Mello Saúde and Fraunhnofer.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Claudia Quaresma

Nomes de citação

  • Quaresma, Claudia

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Inglês Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Francês Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Espanhol; Castelhano Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1)
Grau Classificação
Engenharia Biomédica (Doutoramento)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
"Biomechanical Changes of the Spinal Column during Pregnancy" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Curso Superior em Terapêutica Ocupacional (Licenciatura)
Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas Sociais e da Vida, Portugal
"Attitudes of nurses in the face of socio-professional integration of the individual paraplegic" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Curso Superior em Terapêutica Ocupacional (Bacharelato)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, Portugal
"School Integration of Children with Disabilities" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2011 - 2013 Investigador (Investigação) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Física e Investigação Tecnológica, Portugal
2007 - 2010 Investigador Auxiliar Convidado (carreira) (Investigação) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Física e Investigação Tecnológica, Portugal
2007 - 2007 Investigador Auxiliar Convidado (carreira) (Investigação) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Física e Investigação Tecnológica, Portugal

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2019/06/18 - Atual Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Nova School of Science anda Tecnology , Portugal
2014/09/01 - 2019/08/31 Professor Auxiliar Convidado (Docente Universitário) Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Nova School of Science anda Tecnology , Portugal
2011/03/16 - 2014/07/31 Assistente convidado (Docente Ensino Superior Politécnico) Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Portugal
2009/10/07 - 2011/06/30 Assistente Convidado (Docente Universitário) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2015/11/02 - Atual Integrated Member -LIBPhys Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Laboratório de Instrumentação Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação, Portugal
2011/09/19 - 2014/12/31 Integrated Member - CEFITEC Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2007/07/01 - 2011/03/14 Unpaid leave to undertake a PhD Hospital Curry Cabral, Portugal
1996/10/01 - 2007/07/01 Occupational Therapist Hospital Curry Cabral, Portugal
1998/09/14 - 2006/07/31 External Professor Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2023/01 - 2026/01 Laboratório de Inclusão em Jogos: Processos de Criação de Média para Acessibilidade
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021/01 - 2025/12 Translação e Inovação para a Saúde Global
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2024/02 - 2024/12/31 Games Inclusion Lab: Participatory Media Creation Processes for Accessibility
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2022/01 - 2024/01 PlayersAll: agência nos média e empoderamento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01 - 2019/12 Laboratório de Instrumentação, Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009 - 2011 Alterações Biomecânicas da coluna vertebral durante a gravidez
SFRH / BD / 44042 / 2008
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2022/01/03 - 2024/01/02 PlayersAll: media agency and empowerment
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal

Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada Cultura e Novas Tecnologias, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Laboratório de Instrumentação Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2020/01/01 - 2022/12/31 Inteligência artificial aplicada à prevenção das doenças ligadas ao trabalho na Administração Pública
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa ¿Laboratório de Instrumentação Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2015 - 2017 Happy: adaptation of Toys for Children with Multiple Disabilities
Universidade Nova de Lisboa ¿Laboratório de Instrumentação Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2020/01/01 - Atual RehbBrain: a platform with serious games for perceptual and cognitive rehabilitation
Em curso
2011 - 2018 Vertebral Metrics:- Automation of the Instrument,
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2013 - 2015 SYPEC: System for Posture Evaluation and Correction
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2010 - 2014 SPASTIMED: Development of an equipament to detect and quantify muscular spasticity,
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
1999 - 2000 A intervenção directa da família no processo de reabilitação do doente com sequelas de Acidente Vascular Cerebral – Uma perspectiva holística.
Hospital Curry Cabral, Portugal


Artigo em conferência
  1. Patrícia Santos; Quaresma, Claudia; Inês Garcia; Carla Quintão. "Neuromotor Evaluation of the Upper Limb During Activities of Daily Living". 2022.
  2. Manuel Humberto Herrera Argiró; Quaresma, Claudia; Hugo Plácido Silva. "Novel Graphene Electrode for Electromyography Using Wearables Based on Smart Textiles". 2022.
  3. João Rodrigues; Phillip Probst; Cátia Cepeda; Guede, F.; Sara Silva; Patricia Gamboa; Carlos Fujao; Quaresma, Claudia; Hugo Gamboa. "MicroErgo: A Concept for an Ergonomic Self-Assessment Tool". 2021.
  4. Patricia Gamboa; Quaresma, Claudia; Rui Varandas; Helena Canhão; Sousa, RD; Ana Maria Rodrigues; Sofia Jacinto; et al. "Design of an Attention Tool Using HCI and Work-Related Variables". 2021.
  5. Rui Varandas; Hugo Gamboa; Inês Silveira; Patrícia Gamboa; Quaresma, Claudia. "Automatic Cognitive Workload Classification Using Biosignals for Distance Learning Applications". 2021.
  6. Pedro Correia; Pedro Morais; Carla Quintão; Quaresma, Claudia; Ricardo Vigário. "Assessing the Emotional Reaction to Negative Pictures Through Electrodermal Activity Data". 2021.
  7. Ana Isabel Ferreira; Carla Quintão; Quaresma, Claudia. "Assessment of Visuomotor and Visual Perception Skills in Children: A New Proposal Based on a Systematic Review". 2021.
  8. Patricia Gamboa; Quaresma, Claudia; Rui Varandas; Hugo Gamboa. "Benefits, Implications and Ethical Concerns of Machine Learning Tools Serving Mental Health Purposes". 2021.
  9. Pedro Dias; Ana Ferreira; Quaresma, Claudia; Carla Quintão; Ricardo Vigário. "Assessing Visual Engagement for Visuomotor Skills Rehabilitation Training in Infants". 2020.
  10. Miranda Oliveira; Carla Quintão; Ricardo Vigário; B. Mendes; C. Caldeira; F. Rodrigues; Quaresma, Claudia. "Analysis of the relationship between electrodermal activity and heart rate with pain in individuals with a shoulder pathology". 2020.
  11. Pedro Dias; Ana Ferreira; Ricardo Vigário; Quaresma, Claudia; Carla Quintão. "RehabVisual: Implementation of a low cost eye tracker without pre-calibration". 2020.
  12. Ana Ferreira; Patrícia Santos; Pedro Dias; Amélia Alves; Beatriz Carmo; Filipe Vilhena; Sofia Costa; Quaresma, Claudia; Carla Quintão. "RehabVisual: Application on Subjects with Stroke". 2020.
  13. Daniel Noronha Osório; Emanuela Teixeira; Fernando Pimentel-Santos; Hugo Silva; Hugo Gamboa; Quaresma, Claudia. "Development and Validation of an Experimental Protocol to Evaluate Posture Control". 2020.
  14. Quaresma, C.; Gomes, M.; Cardoso, H.; Ferreira, N.; Vigário, R.; Quintão, C.; Fonseca, M.. "Gneuropathy: Validation process at clinical environment". 2019.
  15. Fonseca, M.; Cardoso, H.; Ferreira, N.; Loureiro, T.; Gomes, I.; Quaresma, C.. "VR4Neuropain: Interactive rehabilitation system". 2019.
  16. Santos, C.; Ferreira, A.; Quaresma, C.; Quintão, C.. "RehabVisual: Validation of an application to stimulate visuomotor skills in preterm babies with developmental alterations". 2019.
  17. Ferreira, A.I.; Quaresma, C.; Quintão, C.. "VMsreport: An application for visual performance and motor skills evaluation". 2019.
  18. Dias, I.; Fonseca, P.; Furtado, D.; Figueira, I.; Franco, P.; Cláudio, V.; Antunes, H.; et al. "Development of a parameter calculator in cardiovascular perfusion BioMEP as a tool for the register of physiological parameters". 2018.
  19. Machado, R.; Ferreira, A.; Quintão, C.; Quaresma, C.. "Rehabvisual: Development of an application to stimulate visuomotor skills". 2018.
  20. Martins, L.; Marques, I.; Almeida, R.; Costa, J.; Quaresma, C.; Vieira, P.. "The influence of wearing a wallet in your sitting posture - A quantitative study using an intelligent chair". 2017.
  21. Martins, L.; Ribeiro, B.; Almeida, R.; Pereira, H.; Jesus, A.; Quaresma, C.; Vieira, P.. "Optimization of sitting posture classification based on anthropometric data". 2016.
  22. Gabriel, A.T.; Quaresma, C.; Secca, M.F.; Vieira, P.. "Vertebral metrics application of a non-invasive system to analyse vertebrae position using two seating platforms". 2016.
  23. Pereira, H.; Martins, L.; Almeida, R.; Ribeiro, B.; Quaresma, C.; Ferreira, A.; Vieira, P.. "System for posture evaluation and correction: Development of a second prototype for an intelligent chair". 2015.
  24. Ribeiro, B.; Martins, L.; Pereira, H.; Almeida, R.; Quaresma, C.; Ferreira, A.; Vieira, P.. "Sitting posture detection using fuzzy logic development of a neuro-fuzzy algorithm to classify postural transitions in a sitting posture". 2015.
  25. Gabriel, A.; Quaresma, C.; Vieira, P.. "Vertebral metrics: Automation of a non-invasive instrument to analyse the spine". 2015.
  26. Ribeiro, B.; Pereira, H.; Almeida, R.; Ferreira, A.; Martins, L.; Quaresma, C.; Vieira, P.. "Optimization of sitting posture classification based on user identification". 2015.
  27. Quaresma, C.; Gabriel, A.; Secca, M.F.; Vieira, P.. "Development of vertebral metrics - an instrument to analyse the spinal column". 2014.
  28. Martins, L.; Lucena, R.; Belo, J.; Almeida, R.; Quaresma, C.; Jesus, A.P.; Vieira, P.. "Intelligent chair sensor - classification and correction of sitting posture". 2014.
  29. Fernandes, V.; Clemente, I.; Quaresma, C.; Vieira, P.. "Development of an equipment to detect and quantify muscular spasticity: Spastimed - a new solution". 2014.
  30. Quaresma, Claudia. "Vertebral Metrics: Scapula Evaluations Conference on Electronics, Telecommunication and Computers 2013 Proceedings". 2014.
  31. Lucena, R.; Quaresma, C.; Jesus, A.; Vieira, P.. "Intelligent chair sensor-actuator: A novel sensor type for seated posture detection and correction". 2012.
  32. Quaresma, C.; Fonseca, M.; Secca, M.F.; O'Neill, J.G.; Branco, J.. "Vertebral metrics: Application of a instrument to evaluate the spinal column in pregnant women". 2012.
  33. Jordão, A.; Duque, P.; Quaresma, C.; Vieira, P.. "Development of vertebral metrics: An instrument to study the vertebral column". 2011.
  34. Quaresma, C.; Dias, I.; Secca, M.F.; O'Neill, J.G.; Branco, J.. "Biomechanical measurements in the spinal column of pregnant women using vertebral metrics". 2011.
  35. Quaresma, C.; Secca, M.F.; O'Neill, J.G.; Branco, J.. "Vertebral metrics: Application of a mechanical instrument to evaluate the spinal column in pregnant women". 2010.
  36. Quaresma, C.; Secca, M.F.; O'Neill, J.; Branco, J.. "Development of a mechanical instrument evalute biomechanically the spinal coloumn in pregnant women". 2009.
  37. Quaresma, C.; João, F.; Fonseca, M.; Secca, M.F.; Veloso, A.; O'Neil, J.G.; Branco, J.. "Validation of vertebral metrics: A mechanical instrument to evaluate posture of the spinal column". 2009.
  38. Secca, M.F.; Quaresma, C.; Santos, F.. "A mechanical instrument to evaluate posture of the spinal column in pregnant women". 2008.
  39. Quaresma, C.; Forjaz Secca, M.. "Correlation of the morphology of pregnant women with factors related to pregnancy and childbirth: A pilot study". 2007.
Artigo em revista
  1. Catarina Santos; Ana Teresa Gabriel; Quaresma, Claudia; Isabel L. Nunes. "Exploring the use of wearable sensors for assessing risk factors during orthopedic surgeries". MethodsX 13 (2024): https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/a19f1320-2781-4b1f-94be-8c93bca2ee43.
  2. Ana Teresa Gabriel; Cláudia Quaresma; Pedro Vieira. "An Innovative Mathematical Model of the Spine: Predicting Cobb and Intervertebral Angles Using the 3D Position of the Spinous Processes Measured by Vertebral Metrics". Algorithms (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/a17040134.
  3. João Silva; Matilde Silva; Bruno Soares; Carla Quintão; Ana Rita Londral; Cláudia Quaresma. "Multi-activity 3D printed assistive technology in children: a case study". Assistive Technology (2024): https://doi.org/10.1080/10400435.2024.2328091.
  4. Inês Sabino; Maria do Carmo Fernandes; Cátia Cepeda; Cláudia Quaresma; Hugo Gamboa; Isabel L. Nunes; Ana Teresa Gabriel. "Application of wearable technology for the ergonomic risk assessment of healthcare professionals: A systematic literature review". International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ergon.2024.103570.
  5. Pedro Correia; Quaresma, Claudia; Pedro Morais; Miguel Fonseca; Ricardo Vigário; Carla Quintão. "Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction meditation on the emotional reaction to affective pictures assessed by electrodermal activity". Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023): https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/4558e884-705c-4ade-b670-ad5a3361c879.
  6. Eduarda Dinis; Raquel Gonçalves; Inês Rodrigues; Bruno Mendes; Carla Quintão; Ricardo Vigário; Cláudia Quaresma. "Ortho-Monitorizer: A Portable Device to Monitor Pressure and Temperature During the Use of Upper Limb Orthoses". SN Computer Science (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01432-2.
  7. Patricia Gamboa; Rui Varandas; João Rodrigues; Cátia Cepeda; Quaresma, Claudia; Hugo Gamboa. "Attention Classification Based on Biosignals during Standard Cognitive Tasks for Occupational Domains". Computers (2022): https://www.mdpi.com/2073-431X/11/4/49.
  8. Pedro Morais; Claúdia Quaresma; Ricardo Vigário; Carla Quintão. "Electrophysiological effects of mindfulness meditation in a concentration test". Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2021): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-021-02332-y.
  9. Quaresma, Claudia; Bárbara Lopes; Jorge Jacinto; Tiago Robalo; Mariana Matos; Carla Quintão. "OrthoRehab: Development of a New Methodology for the Comparison Study Between Different Types of Ankle–Foot Orthoses in Foot Dysfunction". Frontiers in Digital Health 2 (2021): https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/44033828-06d3-4f83-acab-1dada71340d3.
  10. Noronha Osório, D.; Viana-Soares, R.; Marto, J.P.; Mendonça, M.D.; Silva, H.P.; Quaresma, C.; Viana-Baptista, M.; Gamboa, H.; Vieira, H.L.A.. "Autonomic nervous system response to remote ischemic conditioning: Heart rate variability assessment". BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 19 1 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85071976280&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  11. Filipa Correia; Catarina Santos; Cláudia Quaresma; Maria Fonseca. "Utilização da realidade virtual na reabilitação de indivíduos com lesão da espinal medula: revisão sistemática". Revista Lusófona de Educação 40 (2018): 231-240. https://doi.org/10.24140/issn.1645-7250.rle40.15.
  12. Proença, J.P.; Quaresma, C.; Vieira, P.. "Serious games for upper limb rehabilitation: a systematic review". Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 13 1 (2018): 95-100. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85035747274&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  13. Caixeirinho, J.R.M.; Almeida, C.P.; Quaresma, C.R.P.. "Occupational participation and institutionalized elderly people". Journal of Occupational Science 25 3 (2018): 383-392. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85046130390&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  14. Gabriel, A.T.; Quaresma, C.; Secca, M.F.; Vieira, P.. "Development and clinical application of Vertebral Metrics: using a stereo vision system to assess the spine". Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 56 8 (2018): 1435-1446. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85040685968&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  15. Correia, F.; Santos, C.; Quaresma, C.; Fonseca, M.. "The use of virtual reality in the rehabilitation in individuals with spinal cord injury: Systematic review,Utilisation de la réalité virtuelle dans la réadaptation des patients atteints de lésions médullaires: Revue systématique,Utilização da realidade virtual na reabilitação de indivíduos com lesão da espinal medula: Revisão sistemática,Uso de realidad virtual en rehabilitación de pacientes con l". Revista Lusofona de Educacao 40 40 (2018): 91-100. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85064650792&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  16. Quaresma, C.; Silva, C.; Secca, M.F.; O'Neill J.G.; Branco, J.; Marques, A.. "Translation, adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the instrument Activity Record (ACTRE)". Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa 2017 2 (2017): 168-175. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85022346499&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  17. Quaresma, C.; Silva, C.; Secca, M. F.; O'Neill, J. G.; Branco, J.; Marques, A.. "Translation, adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the instrument Activity Record (ACTRE)". Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa 42 2 (2017): 168-175. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000405771400008&KeyUID=WOS:000405771400008.
  18. Gabriel, A.; Quaresma, C.; Vieira, P.. "Vertebral Metrics Automation of a Non-invasive Instrument to Analyse the Spine". BIODEVICES: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (2015): 150-155. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000380546700023&KeyUID=WOS:000380546700023.
  19. Pereira, Hugo; Martins, Leonardo; Almeida, Rui; Ribeiro, Bruno; Quaresma, Claudia; Ferreira, Adelaide; Vieira, Pedro. "System for Posture Evaluation and Correction Development of a Second Prototype for an Intelligent Chair". BIODEVICES: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (2015): 204-209. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000380546700032&KeyUID=WOS:000380546700032.
  20. Quaresma, Claudia. "Vertebral Metrics - Automation of a Non-invasive Instrument to Analyse the Spine.". Procedia Technology (2015):
  21. Quaresma, Claudia. "New Application: Adaptation of Toys for Children with Multiple Disabilities". Procedia Technology (2014):
  22. Quaresma, Claudia; Dias, Ines; Forjaz Secca, Mario; Goyri-O'Neill, Joao; Branco, Jorge. "Vertebral Metrics: Application of a New Mechanical Instrument to Evaluate the Spinal". Acta Medica Portuguesa 26 3 (2013): 226-230. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000323640900009&KeyUID=WOS:000323640900009.
  23. Quaresma, C.; Dias, I.; Forjaz Secca, M.; Goyri-O'neill, J.; Branco, J.. "Vertebral metrics: Application of a new mechanical instrument to evaluate the spinal,Métrica vertebral: A aplicação de uma nova tecnologia na análise da coluna vertebral". Acta Medica Portuguesa 26 3 (2013): 226-230. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84879533102&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  24. Lucena, Rui; Quaresma, Claudia; Jesus, Adelaide; Vieira, Pedro. "INTELLIGENT CHAIR SENSOR-ACTUATOR A Novel Sensor Type for Seated Posture Detection and Correction". Biodevices: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (2012): 333-336. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000320663300056&KeyUID=WOS:000320663300056.
  25. Jordao, Antonio; Duque, Pedro; Quaresma, Claudia; Vieira, Pedro. "DEVELOPMENT OF VERTEBRAL METRICS An Instrument to Study the Vertebral Column". Biodevices 2011 (2011): 224-+. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000308513400040&KeyUID=WOS:000308513400040.
  26. Quaresma, C.; Silva, C.; Secca, M. Forjaz; O'Neill, J. Goyri; Branco, J.. "BACK PAIN DURING PREGNANCY: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY". Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa 35 3 (2010): 346-351. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000283695400008&KeyUID=WOS:000283695400008.
  27. Quaresma, Claudia; Secca, Mario Forjaz; O'Neill, Joao Goyri; Branco, Jorge. "VERTEBRAL METRICS Application of a Mechanical Instrument to Evaluate the Spinal Column in Pregnant Women". Biodevices 2010: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (2010): 143-146. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000392907400025&KeyUID=WOS:000392907400025.
  28. Quaresma, C.; João, F.; Fonseca, M.; Secca, M.F.; Veloso, A.; O'Neill, J.G.; Branco, J.. "Comparative evaluation of the tridimensional spine position measured with a new instrument (Vertebral Metrics) and an optoelectronic system of stereophotogrammetry". Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 48 11 (2010): 1161-1164. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-78649329136&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  29. Quaresma, C.; Silva, C.; Secca, M.F.; O'Neill, J.G.; Branco, J.. "Back pain during pregnancy: A longitudinal study". Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa 35 3 (2010): 346-351. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-78650472293&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  30. Quaresma, Claudia; Secca, Mario Forjaz; O'Neill, Joao; Branco, Jorge. "DEVELOPMENT OF A MECHANICAL INSTRUMENT TO EVALUATE BIOMECHANICALLY THE SPINAL COLUMN IN PREGNANT WOMEN". Biodevices 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (2009): 310-+. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000266587000055&KeyUID=WOS:000266587000055.
  31. Secca, Mario Forjaz; Quaresma, Claudia; Santos, Filipe. "A Mechanical Instrument to Evaluate Posture of the Spinal Column in Pregnant Women". 4th European Conference of the International Federation For Medical and Biological Engineering 22 1-3 (2009): 1781-1784. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000299998500425&KeyUID=WOS:000299998500425.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Inês Sabino; Maria do Carmo Fernandes; Bruno Mendes; Carlos Caldeira; Nidia Grazina; Cátia Cepeda; Cláudia Quaresma; et al. "Ergo4workers: Usability Testing of the Second Prototype of an App for the Ergonomic Assessment of Healthcare Professionals". 2024.
  2. Catarina Santos; Ana Teresa Gabriel; Quaresma, Claudia; Isabel L. Nunes. "Risk Factors for Lower Limb Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders". editado por Arezes, {Pedro M., 187-203. Springer, 2024.
  3. Ana Ferreira; Alena Hanchar; Vitória Menezes; Bruno Giesteira; Claudia Quaresma; Susana Pestana; Andreia Pinto de Sousa; Pedro Neves; Micaela Fonseca. "VR for Rehabilitation: The Therapist Interaction and Experience". 2022.
  4. Lourenco, Joao; Martins, Leonardo; Almeida, Rui; Quaresma, Claudia; Vieira, Pedro. "Low Cost Inertial Measurement Unit for Motion Capture in Biomedical Applications". 151-158. 2016.
  5. Gabriel, A.; Quaresma, C.; Secca, M. F.; Vieira, P.. "Vertebral Metrics - development of a third and improved prototype". 1286-1289. 2015.
  6. Martins, Leonardo; Ribeiro, Bruno; Pereira, Hugo; Almeida, Rui; Costa, Jessica; Quaresma, Claudia; Jesus, Adelaide; Vieira, Pedro. "Real-Time Fuzzy Monitoring of Sitting Posture: Development of a New Prototype and a New Posture Classification Algorithm to Detect Postural Transitions". 424-439. 2015.
  7. Martins, Leonardo; Lucena, Rui; Belo, Joao; Santos, Marcelo; Quaresma, Claudia; Jesus, Adelaide P.; Vieira, Pedro. "Intelligent Chair Sensor Classification of Sitting Posture". 182-191. 2013.
  8. Quaresma, Claudia; Dias, Ines; Secca, Mario Forjaz; Goyri O'Neill, J.; Branco, J.. "Biomechanical Measurements in the Spinal Column of Pregnant Women Using Vertebral Metrics". 842-+. 2012.
  1. Santos, C.; Ferreia, A.; Quaresma, C.; Quintão, C.. Rehabvisual: An application to stimulate visuomotor skills in preterm babies with developmental alterations. 2020.
  2. Quaresma, C.; Gomes, M.; Cardoso, H.; Ferreira, N.; Vigário, R.; Quintão, C.; Fonseca, M.. An integrated system combining virtual reality with a glove with biosensors for neuropathic pain: A concept validation. 2019.
  3. Martins, L.; Lucena, R.; Belo, J.; Santos, M.; Quaresma, C.; Jesus, A.P.; Vieira, P.. Intelligent Chair Sensor: Classification of sitting posture. 2013.
Poster em conferência
  1. Raquel Silva; Sara Carvalho; Rute Costa; M. Fonseca; Quaresma, Claudia; Ana Londral. "Linguística e literacia em saúde". 2022.
  1. Carolina Silva; Cláudia Quaresma; Raquel Silva; Sara Carvalho; Rute Costa; Miguel Fernández; Andreia Pinto de Sousa; Ana Londral; Micaela Fonseca. "Com@Rehab: An Interactive and Personalised Rehabilitation Activity Based on Virtual Reality". 2023. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202306.0333.v1.


Conjunto de dados
  1. Quaresma, Claudia. Development of Vertebral Metrics: an instrument to analyse the spinal column.
Outra produção
  1. Tools for the Screening of Sarcopenia: A Head-to-Head Comparison by the NOVA SarcoAging Group. 2018. Guilherme Ferreira-Dos-Santos; Lúcia Domingues; Alexandre Sepriano; Ana Filipa Mourão; amalia botelho; Carla Sandra Pereira; Carlos Lodeiro; et al. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/b52a5d5a-54d2-4563-bf45-248fe71d441a.
  2. THE SOCIAL PATTERN OF SARCOPENIA IN PORTUGAL. 2018. Pedro Barros; F. M. Pimentel-Santos; D. Neto; C. L. Crespo; Alexandre Sepriano; Ana Filipa Mourão; C. S. Pereira; et al. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/c5520705-bfca-4136-af65-acafd40de9b8.
  3. The Temporal Pattern Of Sarcopenia In 22 European Countries. 2018. Pedro Barros; F. M. Pimentel-Santos; D. Neto; C. L. Crespo; Alexandre Sepriano; Ana Filipa Mourão; C. S. Pereira; et al. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/2bcdbced-9a40-40b5-99fb-344c06050c0d.


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2016 - 2018/12 Desenvolvimento e validação do instrumento Métrica Vertebral: avaliação da biomecânica da face posterior do tronco
Engenharia Biomédica (Doutoramento)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/11 Métrica Vertebral: Alterações biomecânicas da coluna vertebral em indivíduos com espodilite Anquilosante
Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Development of a normative base in pathologies of the rheumatologic forum based on posturography and electromyography
Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência
2020 - 2020 Elected President of the Scientific Committee of the 10th National Congress of Occupational Therapy
2020 - 2020 Elected President of the Scientific Committee of the 10th National Congress of Occupational Therapy
2018 - 2018 Elected President of the Scientific Committee of the 9th National Congress of Occupational Therapy that will take place from 3 and 5 May 2018
2015 - 2015 Member of the Scientific Committee of the I International Aquatic Therapy Congress: Health and Exercise (CITA 2015)
2013 - 2013 12th Biennial European conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe

Comissão de avaliação

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de assessoria
Instituição / Organização Entidade financiadora
2016 - Atual Invited to join the evaluation team of the Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (A3ES).
Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (A3ES)., Portugal A3ES
2018 - 2019 Invited to join the team of evaluators of the R&D Project in Co-promotion in the Biomedical Engineering Area
Portugal 2020, Portugal Portugal 2020

Consultoria / Parecer

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2018 - Atual Invited to join the Evaluation and Quality Council of IPBeja as an external personality.

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2018 - Atual Invited to join NOVA AGING GROUP within the scope of NOVASaúde
2013 - 2013 Member of the Graduate Scientific Committee under the theme New Technologies: Mobility, Accessibility and Participation organized by the Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão


2022 Best Paper Award
Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, Doceis 2022, Portugal
2022 Best Paper Award
Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing, Portugal
2022 Social responsability - The Best of Technological Portugal
Exame Informática, Portugal
2020 Best Paper Award
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2020 Santander Award
Banco Santander Portugal, Portugal
2019 Hintt 2019

Outra distinção

2018 Acredita Portugal 2018 - New Technologies category.
2016 Santa Casa Challenge
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Portugal
2014 Santana Carlos Award
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Portugal
2013 Best Poster
2010 Presentation of the Vertebral Metrics in I2PCompetition (COTEC Portugal) as presentative of Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal