Susana Barreto completed PhD course at Central Saint Martins (CSM) in 2008, after which she continued her research on the ethical implications of Global Design in a joint programme PostDoc between Faculty of Fine Arts in Porto and CSM. In 2021 Susana completed 2 FCT funded research projects, Wisdom Transfer as a Leader and Anti-Amnesia as a co-Leader. Susana's work at the Graphic Communication course in Macau paved the way to put forward a research project "the Fading Legacy of the Macanese" funded by the Grants/Asia-Europe Comparative Studies Research of which Susana was both author and project leader. Susana has supervised several MA, Phd and Postdoc studies and organized international and national conferences in Porto. For the last 3 years that Susana has been acting as the Co-Coordinator of the Design, Architecture and Urbanism panel for the FCTs PhD scholarships call. Susana's interests converge around the role of ethics in visual communication, design and crime, design culture, visual methodologies, life stories of Portuguese Design figures, Visual/history collections.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Susana Barreto

Nomes de citação

  • Barreto, Susana

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • (Profissional)


Domínios de atuação

  • Humanidades - Artes - Arquitetura e Design


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Português (Idioma materno)
Espanhol; Castelhano Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador elementar (A2)
Grau Classificação
2023/01/31 - 2023/01/31
Introduction to Augmented Reality Adobe Aero © (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Especialização em --
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2023/01/18 - 2023/01/20
Academic integrity and plagiarism detection using technology (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Especialização em Pedagogical training
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2008/03/01 - 2010/03/01
Post Doctoral Design Course in Design (Pós-doutoramento)
Especialização em Design Studies:
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal

Central Saint Martins, Reino Unido
2002/10/01 - 2007/11/23
Doctor in Philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy)
Especialização em Design Studies
Central Saint Martins, Reino Unido
1994/09/02 - 1996/07/02
MA Information Design (Master)
Especialização em Information Design
De Montfort University, Reino Unido
"Designing Health Advertisements: 3 case studies in Leicester" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Pass with Commendation
1989/09/01 - 1994/07/04
Communication Design (Licenciatura)
Especialização em Graphic Design
Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Portugal

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2010/09/01 - Atual Professor Auxiliar Convidado (Docente Universitário) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2009 - 2012 Professor Adjunto Convidado (Docente Ensino Superior Politécnico) Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Portugal
2010 - 2011 Professor Adjunto Convidado (Docente Ensino Superior Politécnico) Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
2007 - 2010 Professor Auxiliar Convidado (Docente Universitário) Central Saint Martins, Reino Unido
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design School of Art, Reino Unido
1996/09 - 2000 Professor Adjunto (Docente Ensino Superior Politécnico) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1997 - 1997 Professor Adjunto (Docente Ensino Superior Politécnico) Instituto de Estudos Europeus de Macau, Macau

Outras Carreiras

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2000 - 2009 Técnico Superior (Técnico Superior) Freelance Designer, Reino Unido
Freelance Designer, Reino Unido
2000 - 2001 Técnico Superior (Técnico Superior) Bull Media Arte and Design, Cambridge, Reino Unido
Bull Media Arte and Design, Cambridge, Reino Unido


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2010 - Atual Integrated Member - Research Associate Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
Hogeschool Inholland, Países Baixos
European Commission inside the structure of the Erasmus Program
Em curso
2013 - 2023/10 Doctoral Program in Design PD/00048/2012
Bolseiro de Investigação
Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2022/02/01 - 2023/07/07 Echoing the Communal Self: designing the dissemination and replication of self-initiated practices in underprivileged urban communities in a post-pandemic world.
Bolseiro de Integração na Investigação
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2022 - 2023 Controversial Heritage for the Ecosocial Formation of the Citizenship. one investigation of heritage education in regulated education-EPITEC2¿ (PID2020-116662GB-I00)
Bolseiro de Cientista Convidado
Universidade do Porto Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura Espaço e Memória, Portugal
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Espanha.
Em curso
2021/09/01 - 2021/12/22 Stories from both sides: towards a collective narrative and vision for the Neiva River mouth
Bolseiro de Cientista Convidado
Rio Neiva – Environmental NGO, Portugal, Portugal
Cross-KIC New European Bauhaus


Designação Financiadores
2018 - 2020 Wisdom Transfer: towards the scientific inscription of individual legacies in contexts of retirement from art and design higher education and research
Investigador responsável
Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2018 - 2020 Anti­Amnesia: Design research as an agent for narrative and material regeneration and reinvention of vanishing Portuguese manufacturing cultures and techniques.
Bolseiro de Integração na Investigação
Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2015 - 2016 Fading Legacy of the Macanese: Towards a Visual Collective Identity
IEEM AR Grants
Investigador responsável
Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal

Ladeh- Laboratório de Design de histórias Programa de Pós-graduação em Design da PUC-Rio, Brasil


Designação Financiadores
2017 - 2022 Motirô, celebration as testemonies.
Mascarados ABA
Ladeh- Laboratório de Design de histórias Programa de Pós-graduação em Design da PUC-Rio, Brasil
Órgãos de fomento brasileiro (CAPES e CNPQ)


Artigo em boletim informativo
  1. Barreto, Susana; Alvelos, Heitor. "From Thoughts to Thesis: tips and testimonies on the challenges of writing a PhD", PhD in Design - FBAUP, 2017,
  2. Barreto, Susana; Heitor Alvelos. "A Tiger is a Tiger: blog and associated publication prelude an editorial front stemming from the PhD Program in Design", PhD in Design - FBAUP, 2015,
Artigo em conferência
  1. Martins, Nuno; Dominique Ferreira, Sergio; Perdiz, Rita; Barreto, Susana; Lima, Cláudia; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana. "The importance of design and digital media for the promotion and sustainability of cultural and religious tourism". Trabalho apresentado em AHFE 2022 International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, New York, 2022.
  2. Martins, Nuno; Brandão, Daniel; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Alvelos, Heitor; Lima, Cláudia; Barreto, Susana; Clara Roberti, Ana. "Self-initiated practices in the urban community of Balteiro: Design challenges in a post-pandemic setting". Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2022.
  3. Lima, Cláudia; Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Rodrigo Carvalho. "Interpreting Francis Bacon's work through contemporary digital media: pedagogical practices in university". Trabalho apresentado em AHFE 2022 International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, New York, 2022.
    Aceite para publicação
  4. Carvalho, Rodrigo; Lima, Cla´udia; Barreto, Susana; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana. "Digital Media and Sustainable Development Goals Breathe New Life Into the Artworks From the Soares Dos Reis National Museum". Trabalho apresentado em The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022) - IAFOR, Porto, 2022.
  5. Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Brandão Pereira, Jorge; Veiga, Pedro Alves; Abhisheck Chaterjee. "Mediations between scientific knowledge and cognitive bias: employing semantic assets and semiotic tools of communication design in media content circulation". Trabalho apresentado em IV CONFERÊNCIA INTERNACIONAL COMUNICAR CIÊNCIA¿, Covilhã, 2022.
  6. Barreto, Susana; Alvelos, Heitor; Santiago, Eliana Isabel Saraiva Pereira dos Penedos; Pedro Amado. "Generative Models from the Past: Portuguese Women Designers". Trabalho apresentado em CNaPPES, Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, Aveiro, 2021.
    No prelo
  7. Casteião, André; Susana Barreto (8B13-EA50-0F87). "15 Inventive Principles with Applications in Design Teaching, an Active Teaching-Learning Methodology". Trabalho apresentado em Cnappes 7th edition of the National Congress of Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education, Aveiro, 2021.
  8. Martins, Nuno; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Lima, Cláudia; Barreto, Susana; Calado, Inês. "Infographics of Wisdom". Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Education and E-Learning (ICEEL 2020),, Tsuru, 2020.
  9. Martins, Nuno; Silva, Sara; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Chatterjee, Abhishek; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Lima, Claudia. "Design of a digital platform for the preservation and dissemination of Portuguese handicraft products". Trabalho apresentado em 020 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Sevilla, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.23919/cisti49556.2020.9140842
  10. Adriano Pinho; Barreto, Susana; Rui Novais. "Eco-cement, new possibilities in design product.". Trabalho apresentado em Encontro de Investigação em Música, Artes e Design, Castelo Branco, 2020.
  11. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Susana Barreto (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14. "Learning ecologies: from past generations to current Higher Education". Trabalho apresentado em 5th IAFOR International Conference on Education, Hawaii, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.14705/rpnet.2013.000157
  12. Martins, Nuno; PENEDOS-SANTIAGO, ELIANA; Lima, Cláudia; Barreto, Susana; Calado, Inês. "Bridging Art and Design teaching generations: Building an online infographic platform with individual legacies of retired academics.". Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Digital Technology in Education (ICDTE 2020), Busan, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1145/3429630.3429644
  13. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). "A Pedagogical Revolution Before the Revolution: the legacy of Architect Carlos Ramos". Trabalho apresentado em The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture, Barcelona, 2020.
  14. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima; Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14. "Pedagogical practices for the appropriation and activation of transgenerational knowledge in art and design.". Trabalho apresentado em ACAH2020 11th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities. IAFOR The International Academic Forum, Tokyo, 2020.
  15. Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Pereira, Jorge Brandão (461F-C91B-ECE2); Abhishek Chatterjee (0617-1C33-1288); Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87). "From traditional industries and empirical knowledge to a model of mediation by design – first conclusions of the Anti-Amnesia project for this contextual recovery". Trabalho apresentado em V Conference on Regional and Urban Planning: Communities and Networks for Territorial Innovation / Closing Conference of the CeNTER Program., 2020.
  16. Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "Interfaces of knowledge: digital media as mediator of the contemporary reactivation of legacies". Trabalho apresentado em ACAH2020 11th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities. IAFOR The International Academic Forum., Tokyo., 2020.
  17. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Susana Barreto 8B13-EA50-0F87; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14. "Typographic essays as a contribution to trans-generational wisdom transfer in art and design". Trabalho apresentado em Trabalho apresentado em The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (BAMC), Barcelona., Barcelona, 2020.
  18. Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14. "Wisdom Transfer: Towards the Scientific Inscription of Individual Legacies in Contexts of Retirement From Art and DesignThe Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture, Barcelona.". Trabalho apresentado em The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture, Barcelona., 2020.
  19. Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos; Abhishek Chatterjee (0617-1C33-1288); Pereira, Jorge Brandão (461F-C91B-ECE2); Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87). "Articulating design and media towards letterpress printing’s heritage preservation and value creation". Trabalho apresentado em Post Digital Letterpress Printing Conference (PDLP20), Porto., Porto, 2020.
  20. Barreto, Susana; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Penedos-Santiago, Eliana (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "Connecting Graphic Design with its purpose: a private legacy of Armando Alves". Trabalho apresentado em DIGICOM 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Barcelos, 2019.
    No prelo
  21. Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14; Barreto, Susana; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "Wisdom Transfer: The infographic study on the individual legacies from retired academics in art and design higher education and research". Trabalho apresentado em 10th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference Senses & Sensibility – Lost inGlocalization, lisbon, 2019.
    No prelo
  22. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Barreto, Susana; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). "Contributions of Past Generations in the current context of art education". Trabalho apresentado em ECAH - The European Conference on Arts and Humanities, Brighton, 2019.
  23. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Barreto, Susana; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). "Contributions of knowledge from past generations in current contexts of arts education". Trabalho apresentado em European Conference on Arts and Humanities. Brighton: IAFOR, Brighton, 2019.
  24. Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Barreto, Susana; António João Gomes; Abhishek Chatterjee (0617-1C33-1288); Pedro Carvalho de Almeida. "Anti-Amnesia: the viability of millenary weaving in a World of acceleration". Trabalho apresentado em The 7th European Conference on Arts & Humanities RECLAIMING THE FUTURE, Brighton, 2019.
  25. Santiago, Eliana Isabel Saraiva Pereira dos Penedos; Barreto, Susana; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "Reading through Pictures. An interpretative study of art and design academics between 1960s and late 1970s in Porto". 2019.
  26. Barreto, Susana; Alvelos, Heitor; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "The Wisdom of Art and Design academics for visual research". Trabalho apresentado em ECREA TWG - Visual Cultures & Communication: Images and Practices on the Move, Ljubljana., 2019.
  27. Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Lima, Cláudia Raquel; Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14; Calado, Inês; Barreto, Susana; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima. "Wisdom Transfer: The infographic study on the individual legacies from retired academics in art and design higher education and research". Trabalho apresentado em 10th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference Senses & Sensibility – Lost in (G)localization, LISBON, 2019.
  28. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima; Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). "From graphic design to the design object: a particular legacy of Armando Alves". Trabalho apresentado em DIGICOM 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Barcelos, 2019.
  29. Susana Barreto 8B13-EA50-0F87; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago. "The Wisdom of Art and Design academics for visual research". Trabalho apresentado em ECREA TWG - Visual Cultures & Communication: Images and Practices on the Move, Ljubljana., 2019.
  30. Pereira, Jorge Brandão; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos; Susana Barreto 8B13-EA50-0F87; Abhishek Chatterjee; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). "The University comes to its senses: the “Knowledge Transfer” project as a model for translating scientific knowledge into Art and Design from its retired professors and researchers". Trabalho apresentado em V International Congress on Cultures, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal., Covilhã, 2019.
  31. Brandão Pereira, Jorge; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Abhishek Chatterjee (0617-1C33-1288). "Letterpress printing’s heritage and empirical knowledge towards graphic design for a restorative action of the media". Trabalho apresentado em 10.º Encontro de Tipografia - Limites/Borders, Matosinhos, 2019.
  32. Barreto, Susana; Nestor, Marta; Rio Fernandes, José Alberto. "Retailscapes - The contemporary metamorphosis on the historical retailing tissue". Trabalho apresentado em TANGIBLE, INTANGIBLE HERITAGE(S), DESIGN, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CRITIQUES ON THE PAST, PRESENT AND THE FUTURE, London, 2018.
  33. Barreto, Susana; Alvelos, Heitor; São Simão, Fátima. "The reciprocal value of Doctoral Design Research when housed within a Creative Business Center: a case study in Porto, Portugal.". Trabalho apresentado em HEAd’17, 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances., Valencia, 2017.
  34. Barreto, Susana. "Fading Legacy of the Macanese: Towards a Collective Visual Identity". Trabalho apresentado em Diálogos interculturais Portugal- China, Aveiro, 2017.
  35. Barreto, Susana; Nestor, Marta. "Revitalizing the Traditional Trade of Porto through Design". Trabalho apresentado em Design in Design Times of Turmoil - Yasar University, Izmir, 2016.
  36. Barreto, Susana; Chaterjee, Abhishek. "Designrascar, desperate Times, desperate measures". Trabalho apresentado em Design Times of Turmoil: Yasar University, Izmir, 2015.
  37. Barreto, Susana; TSCHIMMEL, Katja; Silva Santos, Monica. "Improving medical information of blood tests results through the application of co-design". Trabalho apresentado em 5th STS Italia Conference A Matter of Design: Making Society through Science and Technology, Milan, 2014.
  38. Barreto, Susana. "ETHICS FOR THE REAL WORLD: The Impact of Globalisation on Communication Design". Trabalho apresentado em Crafting the future - European Academy of Design, 2013.
  39. Barreto, Susana; Maria Luisa, Vasconcellos. "Tourist Maps: A facilitative Technique to Improve Reading Speed". Trabalho apresentado em Information Design Conference, Greenwich, 2012.
  40. Barreto, Susana; Silva Santos, Monica. "The Role of Information Design in Improving Health Literacy in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em In Information Design Conference, Greenwich, 2012.
  41. Barreto, Susana; Silva Santos, Monica. "See and Understand - A visual study of communication media with a view to promoting understanding of medical information". Trabalho apresentado em Designa 2012 Un/sustainibility, Covilhã, 2012.
  42. Barreto, Susana; Maria Luisa, Vasconcellos. "Analysis of four main facilitating techniques in two hundred and twenty-eight tourist maps at a global level practical application in the construction of the tourist map of the City of Porto". Trabalho apresentado em CIDAG, Tomar, 2012.
  43. Barreto, Susana. "Communication design: visual analysis proficiency and good design practice". Trabalho apresentado em Second International Visual Methods conference, Milton Keynes, 2011.
  44. Barreto, Susana. "Cultural Shock? Universal Themes in Global Design". Trabalho apresentado em The 9th European Academy of Design Conference - The Endless End, Porto, 2011.
  45. Barreto, Susana. "Towards a Global Design Taxonomy". Trabalho apresentado em GLIDE: Global Interaction in Design, 2009.
Artigo em jornal
  1. Barreto, Susana. "Five Design Decades at FBAUP In Touch the image", FBAUP Publications, 2012
  2. Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87). "Global Design: is one design good for all?", NESHAN – Iranian Graphic Design Magazine, 2007,
Artigo em revista
  1. Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana. "Contributions towards a plurality in design narratives: Addressing dynamics between global and local discourses". The Design Journal (2022): 1-21.
    Publicado • 10.1080/14606925.2022.2125731
  2. Lima, Cláudia; Barreto, Susana; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana. "Visual archives towards the recovery and reactivation of artistic and pedagogical heritage at the School of Fine Arts in Porto". Fotocinema. Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía 25 (2022): 127-153.
    Publicado • 10.24310/fotocinema.2022.vi25.14211
  3. Lima, Cláudia; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Santos, Rui; Martins, Nuno. "Case Studies of a Trans-Generational Pedagogy of Art and Design". The International Journal of Design in Society 16 1 (2022): 113-129.
  4. Pereira, Jorge Brandão; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos; Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Abhishek Chatterjee (0617-1C33-1288). "The University comes to its senses: the Knowledge Transfer project as a model for translating scientific knowledge into Art and Design from its retired professors and researchers". EIKON — Journal on Semiotics and Culture (2022):
    Aceite para publicação
  5. Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87). "Addressing the Emergence of Plurality: towards a global web of local Design narratives’¿". Invitation Special Issue The Design Journal 25.6 – Safe harbours for Design Research 26 6 (2021):
    Aceite para publicação
  6. Barreto, Susana; Joaquim Mendes; Isobel Taylor; Ivone Silva; Taylor, Isobel; Silva, Ivone; Barreto, Susana; Soares, César; Mendes, Joaquim. "Raynaud's Phenomenon Impact on Quotidian Quality of Life". International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) 16 09 (2020): 88.
    Aceite para publicação • 10.3991/ijoe.v16i09.13993
  7. Barreto, Susana; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14. "Traveling as a source of inspiration for artistic practice.". Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones Artísticas. 8 (2020): 25-33.
  8. Isobel Taylor; Pedro Lopes Granja (DB1F-B9B7-E4FD); Joaquim Gabriel Magalhães Mendes (301B-ED0C-A4FE); Ivone Fernandes Santos Silva (7511-AE18-CD82); Barreto, Susana. "Exploring effectiveness in relieving Raynaud’s phenomenon episodes using heated finger wearables". (2020):
  9. Barreto, Susana; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "Cross paths of Armando Alves". GAMA - CIEBA / FBAUL 7 13 (2019): 108-117.
    Publicado • 10.1590/0102-311xes05s116
  10. Barreto, Susana; Santiago, Eliana Isabel Saraiva Pereira dos Penedos; Heitor Alvelos; Cláudia R Lima. "Frames of mind: Art, Design and storytelling. Blending Generational Knowledge in Art and Design practice". Industry and Higher Education Journal - Sage publications 3 (2019):
    Aceite para publicação
  11. Barreto, Susana; Heitor Alvelos; Santiago, Eliana Isabel Saraiva Pereira dos Penedos; Cláudia R Lima. "DIGITAL WISDOM. Towards the inscription of art and design legacies". Book 2.0 Journal - Special Issue 9.2 The Book and Digital Technology (2019):
  12. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). "The creative moment: the pedagogical added value of biographical testimonies of Portuguese artists". Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones Artísticas 7 7 (2018):
  13. Arnoni, Rafael; Barreto, Susana. "Estudo comparativo entre as siglas poveiras de Póvoa de Varzim/Portugal e as marcas de gado do sertão nordestino/Brasil: aproximações e distinções na construção dos padrões gráficos e transmissão hereditária". Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação 15 34 (2017): 137-147.
  14. Barreto, Susana; Arnoni, Rafael. "Comparative study between the acronyms of Póvoa de Varzim / Portugal and the cattle brands of the northeastern hinterland / Brazil: approximations and distinctions in the construction of graphic patterns and hereditary transmission". Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação 15 34 (2017):
  15. isobel.massey; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Pedro L. Granja; Barreto, Susana; Barreto, Susana; Taylor, Isobel; Granja, Pedro; Alvelos, Heitor. "Wearable Technology in the Study of Raynaud’s Phenomena - Ascertainment of the Potential Impact of Wearable Technology on Raynaud’s Phenomena Utilizing Data". Doctoral Consortium (DCBIOSTEC 2017) (2017): 26-31.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
Artigo em revista (magazine)
  1. Pereira, Jorge Brandão (461F-C91B-ECE2); Barreto, Susana; Santiago, Eliana Isabel Saraiva Pereira dos Penedos. "Reassembling an art school identity based on artistic dialogues and collaboration with its actors Porto and ESBAP in the 1960s and 1970s.", Revista de História da Arte Série W. Lisbon:, 2021,
  2. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Carvalho, Rodrigo. "From the materiality of the work to the immateriality of the digital representation: a reinterpretation of Francis Bacon's works in a pedagogical context", Rotura - Revista de Comunicação, Cultura e Artes 2 , 2021,
  3. Barreto, Susana; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "The sculptor designer João Machado", Revista GAMA, Estudos Artísticos, 2020,
  4. Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago; Barreto, Susana; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "In Serra de Arga with João Nunes: design, politics and beans", Revista de Arte, Ciência e comunicação., 2020,
  5. Santiago, Eliana Isabel Saraiva Pereira dos Penedos; Barreto, Susana; Alvelos, Heitor; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962). "Digital is from Yesterday: Interview with Elvira Leite.", Interact - Revista Online De Arte, Cultura E Tecnologia, 2019,
  6. Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago; Barreto, Susana; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima. "Reading through Pictures. An interpretative study of art and design academics between 1960s and late 1970s in Porto", Mátria Digital - Centro de Investigação Prof. Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão, 2019,
  7. "Wisdom Transfer", Revista Mulheres Artistas Docentes: 1970–2019, 2019,
  8. Barreto, Susana. "Global Design: is one design good for all?", NESHAN - Iranian Graphic Design Magazine, 2017
  9. Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87). "Fading Legacy of the Macanese: Towards a Collective Visual Identity", Macao Magazine - MacauLink-ISSUU, 2017,
  10. Barreto, Susana. "WYSIWYDG (what you see is what you don’t get)", Pangrama: Gume Editora, 2012
  11. Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87). "Five Design Decades at FBAUP", In Touch the image, 2012
Capítulo de livro
  1. Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Barreto, Susana; Lima, Cláudia; Santos, Rui Vitorino; Martins, Nuno; Amado, Pedro. "Sci-Stories in Design: Guidelines for Curricular Inscription and Dissemination Through Visual Narratives". In Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication III, editado por SPRINGER, 167-180. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
  2. Martins, Nuno; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Chatterjeed, Abhishek; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Quintela, Mariana; Lima, Cláudia. "Anti-Amnesia: Developing a Collaborative e-learning and Digital Archive Platform Towards Contributing to the Preservation and Revitalization of Handicrafts Industries". In Developments in Design Research and Practice, 393-402. Chams, Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
  3. Sara Aragão Antunes (A515-0F4C-599E); Barreto, Susana. "Perspectives on Design: Research, Education and Practice II". In Springer Series in Design and Innovation, editado por Daniel Raposo, João Neves e José Silva. Chams, Suiça: Springer, 2021.
  4. Lima, Cláudia; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Martins, Nuno. "The Birth of Graphic Design in a School of Fine Arts: How the Specificity of a Learning Environment Determined a Course’s Vocation". In Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 47-59. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
  5. Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Barreto, Susana; Lima, Cláudia; Martins, Nuno; Santiago, Pedro. "The School of Carlos Ramos: A Lasting Legacy of a Revolution". In Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication II, 371-384. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
  6. Lima, Cláudia; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Martins, Nuno. "The Designer Trail: José Brandão, A Life in Design Education". In Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication II, 409-423. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
  7. Antunes, Sara; Barreto, Susana. "Design Education: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic". In Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 147-160. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
  8. Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Barreto, Susana; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Martins, Nuno; Alvelos, Heitor; et al. "The Viability of Heritage Craft in a Global Marketplace". In Four Case Studies in Portugal, 2019. 2020.". In Handbook of Research on Driving Industrial Competitiveness With Innovative Design Principles, editado por L. Farinha & D. Raposo (Eds.),, 249-264. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.4018/978-1-7998-3628-5.ch017
  9. Martins, Nuno; Barreto, Susana; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Lima, Cláudia; Calado, Inês. "The Infographic Process of Synthesizing Complex Information About the Individual Legacies of Retired Teachers and Researchers in Art and Design". In Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences, 36-42. San Diego, Estados Unidos: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-50896-8_6
  10. Martins, Nuno; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Chatterjee, Abhishek; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Lima, Cláudia; Quintela, Mariana. "E-learning as a Strategic Solution for the Preservation and Revitalization of Disappearing Industrial Cultures in Portugal". In Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences, 330-335. San Diego, Estados Unidos: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-50896-8_47
  11. Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Martins, Nuno; Barreto, Susana; Alvelos, Heitor; Lima, Cláudia. "The Rise of Communication Design in Portugal: An Overview of the Higher Education Teaching Methodologies". In Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences, 86-91. san diego, Estados Unidos: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  12. Lima, Cláudia; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Martins, Nuno. "The Rise of the First Design Course at the School of Fine Arts of Porto". In Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 149-158. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  13. Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Abhishek Chatterjee. "On the brink of dissipation: The reactivation of narrative heritage and material craftsmanship through design research". In Research & Education in Design: People & Processes & Products & Philosophy. Taylor and Francis, 2020.
  14. Lima, Cláudia; Alvelos, Heitor; Barreto, Susana; Penedos-Santiago, Eliana; Martins, Nuno. "From Painting to Graphic Arts: The Unique Legacy of Armando Alves". In Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication, 1-15. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  15. Barreto, Susana. "Cultural Shock? Universal themes in Global Design". In Lume: Unexpected Media Lab, editado por Heitor Alvelos, 23-39. Aveiro: ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture, 2018.
  16. Barreto, Susana; Heitor Alvelos. "The Reciprocal Value of Doctoral Design Research When Housed within a creative business Center: A case study in Porto, Portugal". In LUME: Unexpected Media LAb, 206-219. Aveiro, Portugal: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015.
Edição de livro
  1. Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Barreto, Susana; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14; Pedro José Antunes Santiago (731C-4F05-6860). The school of Carlos Ramos: A lasting legacy of a revolution. Cham, Suiça: Springer. 2021.
  2. Barreto, Susana; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). The rise of Communication Design in Portugal: an overview of the higher education teaching methodologies.. San Diego, Estados Unidos: AHFE 2020 Springer books. 2020.
    No prelo
  3. Barreto, Susana. Women Artists and Lecturers. Porto, Portugal: Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Belas Artes. 2019.
Edição de número de revista
  1. Barreto, Susana; Alvelos, Heitor. "The Endless End". Journal da European Academy of Design, edição 2011. (2011):
    Publicado • Co-editor
  1. Barreto, Susana; Alvelos, Heitor; Santiago, Eliana Isabel Saraiva Pereira dos Penedos; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). THREADS OF A LEGACY Towards a pedagogical heritage in art and design: the Porto School of Fine Arts, 1956-1984. Porto, Portugal: Foundation for Science and Technology. 2021.
  2. Barreto, Susana; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). Stories from both sides: The construction of a collective vision and narrative about the mouth of the River Neiva. Esposende, Portugal: New European Bauhaus - Climate-KIC, European Institute of Innovation,. 2021.
    Publicado • Editor
  3. Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Barreto, Susana; Abhishek Chatterjee (0617-1C33-1288); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). Research & Education in Design: People & Processes & Products & Philosophy. London, Reino Unido: CRC Press. 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1201/9781003046103
  4. The Fading Legacy of the Macanese: Towards a Collective Visual Identity. Macau: Macau SAR: Macau Institute of European Studies.. 2017.
Poster em conferência
  1. isobel.massey; Pedro Lopes Granja (DB1F-B9B7-E4FD); Ivone Fernandes Santos Silva (7511-AE18-CD82); Joaquim Gabriel Magalhães Mendes (301B-ED0C-A4FE); Barreto, Susana; Isobel Taylor. "Raynaud’s phenomenon: Research from a Design perspective". Trabalho apresentado em BAUP Design Week: we are media, 2019.
Recurso online
  1. Barreto, Susana. ID+ Institute of Design, Media and Culture - Susana Barreto e Heitor Alvelos on research. 2021.
  2. Barreto, Susana; Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). Web presence of 50 video Interviews in the context of the FCT financed project Wisdom Transfer: towards the scientific inscription of individual legacies in contexts of retirement from art and design higher education and research.. 2021. http://
  1. Barreto, Susana; Santiago, Eliana Isabel Saraiva Pereira dos Penedos; Lima, Cláudia Raquel. 2020. Best practices and recommendations for design curricula inscription.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Rosa, Marcela; Franqueira, Teresa; Barreto, Susana. "Design Research as an Instrument of Empathy and Resilience: A Case Study in Porto on Reclusion in a Collective House". Trabalho apresentado em The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022) - IAFOR, Porto, 2022.
  2. Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago; Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14. "Bringing Traditions and celebrations into the classroom: a Pedagogical Exercise". Trabalho apresentado em International Congress Festivals, Cultures and Communities: Heritage and Sustainability, Braga, 2022.
  3. Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0). "Creative Ageing: Research Methods With Older Artists at the School of Fine Arts in Porto". Trabalho apresentado em The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities (PCAH2022), PAris, 2022.
    Aceite para publicação
  4. Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14. "Celebrations as testimonies: a pedagogical exercise conducted in the context of the international research Project Motirô". Trabalho apresentado em INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FESTIVITIES, CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES: HERITAGE AND SUSTAINABILITY, Braga, 2022.
    Aceite para publicação
  5. Cláudia Raquel Marques Martins de Lima (0C13-00E4-AEF0); Barreto, Susana; Heitor Manuel Pereira Pinto da Cunha e Alvelos (8E12-B8BD-D962); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4); Nuno Martins nº C718-14EA-9B14. "Pedagogical practices for the appropriation and activation of transgenerational knowledge in art and design". Trabalho apresentado em ACAH2020 11th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities., Tokyo, 2020.
    Aceite para publicação
  6. Barreto, Susana; Arnoni, Rafael. "Notes on the creation and use of graphic signs of popular origin: the case of the cattle brands of the Platinum Region,". Trabalho apresentado em UD16 - 5o Encontro de Doutoramentos em Design, Aveiro, 2016.
  7. Barreto, Susana; Chaterjee, Abhishek. "The Designrascar Strategy Reprioritizing the Design manifesto". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Encontro Ibe´rico de Doutoramentos em Design UD14, Aveiro, 2014.
  1. Barreto, Susana (8B13-EA50-0F87); Eliana Pereira dos Penedos Santiago (701B-A3AD-3FD4). Exhibition of pedagogical exercises of Multimedia interpretations of Portuguese cultural ceremonies.. 2022.
  2. Barreto, Susana. Anti-Amnesia: A Project by Unexpected Media LAb and ID+ Research Group. 2021.
  3. Barreto, Susana. Research Project Wisdom Transfer - FCT Funded. 2020.
  4. Barreto, Susana. Wisdom Transfer Website. 2020.
  5. Barreto, Susana. Research Project Website - Anti-Amnesia. 2020.
  6. Barreto, Susana. SEMINAR MODES OF EDIT 4Th Edition. 2020.
  7. Barreto, Susana. You Look Familiar - Exhibition - Wisdom Transfer Research Project. 2019.
  8. Barreto, Susana. Archeology of the Discarded - Anti-Amnesia. 2019.
  9. Barreto, Susana. Design Beyond Design - DBD. 2015.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2023/01/25 Photographic memory: visual archives in the recovery of artistic and cultural heritage. Cine, Memoria y Mayores
Universidade Malaga (Malaga, Espanha)
2022/10/07 Masterclass: Instruction on Socio-Spatial and Visual analysis Blended Intensive Programme "Urban Transformation and Public Safety"
InHolland University (Roterdão, Países Baixos)
2022/10/03 Masterclass: A Portuguese perspective on Space & Crime Blended Intensive Programme "Urban Transformation and Public Safety"
InHolland University (Rotterdam, Países Baixos)
2022/09/23 Image files on recovery and reactivation of artistic and pedagogical practices from the Porto School of Fine Arts. Photocinema Spaces. International Seminar Photographic visual memories
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Espanha)
2022/09/20 How can Design can prevent Crime and fear of crime Blended Intensive Programme "Urban Transformation and Public Safety"
inHolland University of Applied Sciences (Rotterdam, Países Baixos)
2022/07/08 Design Research as an Instrument of Empathy and Resilience: A Case Study in Porto on Reclusion in a Collective House The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022) - IAFOR
IAFOR (Porto, Portugal)
2022/07/08 Digital Media and Sustainable Development Goals Breathe New Life Into the Artworks From the Soares Dos Reis National Museum The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022) - IAFOR
IAFOR (Porto, Portugal)
2022/07/07 Featured Panel Discussion: Research Integrity, Replicability and Reproducibility in Art & Design Research Anne Boddington, Heitor Alvelos and Susana Barreto The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022) - IAFOR
IAFOR (Porto, Portugal)
2022/06/18 Creative Ageing: Research Methods With Older Artists at the School of Fine Arts in Porto The Paris Conference on Education PCE2022
IAFOR (Paris, França)
2022/05/05 Bringing Traditions and celebrations into the classroom: a Pedagogical Exercise International Congress Festivals, Cultures and Communities: Heritage and Sustainability
Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho (Braga, Portugal)
2022/04/05 Anthropology in design research, practice and education. Anthropology in Communication design
Faculdade Belas Artes Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2022/02/11 Lying with Images: the Ethics of Digital manipulation Best of Grafika Week
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (Budapest, Hungria)
2022/02/02 Social Safer Design: Design Against Crime Awards ceremony "Best of Grafika"
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (Budapest, Hungria)
2022/01/31 Anti Amnesia: Research in Design as an agent for the regeneration and reinvention, narratives and materials, of disappearing Portuguese cultures and manufacturing techniques. Projeto Erasmus + Arts & Crafts Aujourd'hui
Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2021/05/21 The Design that will be based on the Design that it was Plug & Play - The annual Design Conference that aims to showcase the professional work developed by national and international designers and to foster connections between the academic and professional context.
Escola Superior Artística do Porto - ESAP (Porto, Portugal)
2021/04/16 The affective sustainability of Design. Circular Economy: Eco-design Seminar
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2020/09/30 Eco-Design and Sustainibility in the Context of Covid-19 Doctoral Plan in Product Design 2020, MIT-Portugal, FEUP
MIT-Portugal, FEUP (Porto, Portugal)
2020/09/17 Typographic essays as a contribution to transgenerational wisdom transfer in art and design. Symposium Session, In The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (BAMC); Barcelona, Spain;
IAFOR The International Academic Forum. (Barcelona, Espanha)
2020/09/17 A Pedagogical Revolution Before the Revolution: the legacy of Architect Carlos Ramos Symposium Session, The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (BAMC);
IAFOR The International Academic Forum. (Barcelona, Espanha)
2020/09/17 Wisdom Transfer: Towards the Scientific Inscription of Individual Legacies in Contexts of Retirement From Art and Design. Symposium Session, The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (BAMC);
IAFOR The International Academic Forum. (Barcelona, Espanha)
2020/07/20 E-learning as a strategic solution for the preservation and revitalization of disappearing industrial cultures in Portugal 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2020),
IAFOR (San Diego, Estados Unidos)
2020/07/20 The rise of Communication Design in Portugal: an overview of the higher education teaching methodologies 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2020),
IAFOR (San Diego, Estados Unidos)
2020/07/16 The infographic process of synthesizing complex information about the individual legacies of retired teachers and researchers in art and design 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2020)
IAFOR (San Diego, Estados Unidos)
2020/05 Pedagogical practices for the appropriation and activation of transgenerational knowledge in art and design ACAH2020 11th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities
IAFOR The International Academic Forum (Tokyo, Japão)
2020/05 Interfaces of knowledge: digital media as mediator of the contemporary reactivation of legacies ACAH2020 11th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities
IAFOR The International Academic Forum (Tokyo, Japão)
2020/05 Design of a digital platform for the preservation and dissemination of Portuguese handicraft products. CISTI'2020 - 15ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Virtual Conference
CISTI'2020 (Portugal)
2020/04 Designer and Sculptor João Machado XI Congresso Internacional CSO’2020, “Criadores Sobre outras Obras”
Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa (lisboa, Portugal)
2020/01/10 Learning Ecologies: From Past Generations to Current Higher Education 5th IAFOR International Conference on Education
IAFOR (Hawaii, Estados Unidos)
2020/01 Anti-Amnesia: Articulating design and media towards letterpress printing’s heritage preservation and value creation Post Digital Letterpress Printing (PDLP20)
FBAUP (Porto, Portugal)
2020 From Painting to Graphic Arts: the creation of the first Design course at the Escola Superior de Belas Artes in Porto. 7EIMAD – Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design
Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Castelo Branco, Portugal)
2020 The Grocery Store Windows: the experience of the performance of Design in spaces of transition in the city of Porto 26th APDR Congress Evidence-based Territorial policymaking: Formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy
University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2020 The heritage of traditional industries and empirical knowledge for the construction of a design mediation strategy III Encontro Rede Indústria História Património
Rede Indústria História Património (São João da Madeira, Portugal)
2020 From traditional industries and empirical knowledge to a model of mediation by design - first conclusions of the Anti-Amnesia project for this contextual recovery. V Regional and Urban Planning Conference, Virtual Conference
Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2020 Eco-Design and Sustainability in the Context of Covid-19 Doctoral Plan in Product Design 2020, MIT-Portugal,
MIT portugal & Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2019/11/27 Wisdom Transfer: The infographic study on the individual legacies from retired academics in art and design higher education and research. 10th Biennal International Conference in Design: Senses & Sensibility – Lost in (G)localization
UNIDCOM/IADE (lisboa, Portugal)
2019/11/15 The University comes back to you: the Knowledge Transfer project ”as a model for translating scientific knowledge into Art and Design from its retired professors and researchers V Congresso Internacional sobre Culturas: Que Cultura(s) para o Século XXI?
Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal)
2019/11/12 Design research as a tool to legitimize knowledge and empirical knowledge of industry and crafts - contributions from the Anti-Amnesia project Memória para Todos
Centro República e o Instituto de História contemporânea da NOVA FCSH
2019/11/07 Design culture as mediation for creative culture contributions from the Anti-Amnesia project V Congresso Internacional sobre Culturas
University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal)
2019/10/18 Wisdom Transfer - Pecha Kucha UD19 - Conferência Doutoral em Design
PhD in Design, Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2019/10 The Studio Glances Back: documenting the workspaces of 13 retired art professors Artech 2019, 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts
ARTECH 2019 – Digital Media Art Ecosystems (Braga, Portugal)
2019/09/05 The Wisdom of Art and Design academics for visual research. ECREA TWG Visual Cultures Conference
Tampere University and the University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Eslovénia)
2019/07/23 Art and Design Archives: methods, pedagogy and life stories. Creative Methods in Ageing Studies Research Symposium
WAM - Centre for Women, Ageing, and Media (Gloucestershire, Reino Unido)
2019/07/12 Anti-Amnesia: the viability of millenary weaving in a World of acceleration ECAH - The European Conference on Arts and Humanities
IAFOR Global Partners (Brighton, Reino Unido)
2019/07/12 Contributions of past generations in the current context of arts education IAFOR - The European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH)
IAFOR (Brighton, Reino Unido)
2019/07/12 Contributions of past generations in the current context of arts education. The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2019. Brighton UK. In IAFOR - The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2019: Official Conference Proceedings.
IAFOR (Brighton, Reino Unido)
2019/07/11 Wisdom and Amnesia: media as a key concept for the sustainability of traditional knowledge in design education. Encontro Ciência 2019
Organização Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Centro de congressos de Lisboa, Portugal. (Lisbon, Portugal)
2019/05/20 Reading through Pictures. An interpretative study of Art and design Academics in 60s and 70s Porto¿ GFIC 2019 - Global Forum of Intellectual Capital
ISCTE-IUL Lisbon (Lisboa, Portugal)
2019/04/16 Crossed Paths by Armando Alves CSO - Congresso internacional Criadores Sobre outras Obras
CIEBA / FBAUL (Lisboa, Portugal)
2019/03/10 Wisdom Transfer on visual research - Design Research Annual Forum participation Design Research Annual Forum
PhD in Design - Faculty of Fine Arts (Porto, Portugal)
2019 The Wisdom of Art and Design academics for visual research ECREA TWG Visual Cultures Conference
Tampere University (Ljubljana, Eslovénia)
2019 The creative moment: the pedagogical added value of biographical testimonies by Portuguese artists. Congreso Internacional IDEA’ 19 Investigación, Diseño, Educación y Artes
Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Cuenca / Ecuador (Cuenca, Equador)
2019 From graphic design to design object: a private legacy by Armando Alves DIGICOM, International Conference on Design and Digital Comunication
IPCA (Barcelos, Portugal)
2019 Reassembling an art school identity based on artistic dialogues and collaboration with its actors – Porto and ESBAP in the 1960s and 1970s. Fields of Collaboration in Contemporary Art Practices
FCSH Universidade Nova (lisboa, Portugal)
2019 On the Brink of Dissipation: the reactivation of narrative heritage and material craftsmanship through design research REDES2019, Research and Education in Design Conference. Lisboa
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa (lisboa, Portugal)
2019 Design without borders by João Machado 1.º Encontro Memória para Todos: História, Património e Comunidade(s)
Memória para Todos (lisboa, Portugal)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã (Covilhã, Portugal)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã (Covilhã, Portugal)
2019 Letterpress printing’s heritage and empirical knowledge towards graphic design for a restorative action of the media. 10º Encontro de Tipografia,
(Matosinhos, Portugal)
2019 Anti-Amnesia: Developing a collaborative e- learning and digital archive platform towards contributing to the preservation and revitalization of Handicrafts Industries. 10th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference – Senses & Sensibility 2019
UNIDCOM/IADE (Lisbon, Portugal)
2018/11/05 Fundamentals of Eco-Design and Sustainability Programa Doutoral em Líderes para Indústrias Tecnológicas
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2018/11/02 Presentation of the Unexpected Media Group and the Wisdom Transfer Project Encontro do Programa Doutoral da Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2018/07/15 Closing Lecture of the UD18 Conference - International Design Research Meeting UD18 - Encontro Internacional de Investigação em Design
Universidade Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2018 The validation of empirical knowledge in art and design higher education and research: engaging with individual legacies. Ciência 2018
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Agência Nacional de Cultura Científica e Tecnológica Ciência Viva e Comissão Parlamentar de Educação e Ciência (Lisboa, Portugal)
2017/11/18 Fundamentals of Eco-Design and Sustainability Programa Doutoral em Líderes para Indústrias Tecnológicas em parceria com Programa MIT Portugal
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2017/10/25 DESIGNING FOR A LOCAL WORLD: The Ethics and Implications of going Global Design Research Coloquium at BAO
BAU International Berlin - University of Applied Sciences - Faculty of Design (Berlin, Portugal)
2017/05/09 Cultural and Semantic Components of the Ageing discourse: contributions from design research PORTO4AGEING OPENDAY
Salão Nobre do Complexo FFUP/ICBAS, Porto - University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2017 Wisdom Transfer: towards the scientific inscription of individual legacies in contexts of retirement from art and design higher education and research Ciência 2017
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Agência Nacional de Cultura Científica e Tecnológica Ciência Viva e Comissão Parlamentar de Educação e Ciência (Lisboa, Portugal)
2017 Anti-Amnesia: Design research as an agent for narrative and material regeneration and reinvention of vanishing Portuguese manufacturing cultures and techniques Ciência 17
FCT/MCTES (Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/12 Fading Legacy of the Macanese Macanese International Meeting - Cultural session at the University of Macau at Heng Qing – Instituto de Estudos Europeus IEEM
Institute of European Studies (Macau, Macau)
2016/04/05 Designing for a local world 6ª Palestra do Ciclo de Palestras de Design de Produto
Instituto de Design, Universidade do Minho, Pólo Guimarães (Guimarães, Portugal)
2016 Unexpected media. Communication the synthesis of the Research Group ID + Ciência 2016
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa e a Comissão Parlamentar de Educação e Ciência. (Lisboa, Portugal)
2016 Fading Legacy of the Macanese International Cultural Conference at the University of Macau at Heng Qing
Macau Institute of European Studies IEEM (Macau, Macau)
2015/10/19 Legacy of the Macanese: An Investigation into the Symbols, Myths and Traditions 4th PhD in Design Research Forum
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2013/04/26 Can we design local identities for a global context? Master Class with Susana Barreto
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon (Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
2012 Lying ground: A visual analysis of the impact of global fashion magazines on local cultures A Tale of Three Cities
London College of Fashion, University of the Arts (Londres, Reino Unido)
2011/03/16 The Lie in the Image Dia D: Conversas sobre Design
IPCA (BArcelos, Portugal)
2010/10/22 Worlds of difference: local culture, global change Future Places
University of Porto and UTAustin-Portugal Program for Digital Media. (Porto, Portugal)
2009/05/12 Cross- Cultural Design: ethnographic study in London based design consultancies MA Design Futures
Goldsmiths College, Londres (Londres, Reino Unido)
2008 Global Design and its Ethical Implications Explorations
Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts (Londres, Reino Unido)


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2021 - Atual Economia Circular e os 7 R’s
Mestrado Design Industrial e Produto (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2019/07/25 - Atual Collaborative Design: teaching design in multidisciplinary environments
PhD in Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal
2018 - Atual When the mask falls: a study on gender representations in mask rituals in Portugal and the process of folklorization / commercialization of these manifestations.
Pós-Doutoramento em Design (Outra)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018 - Atual Deviant works, ways of life and subjectivities: dialogues between contemporary women artists from Brazil and Portugal
Doutoramento Design
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2010 - Atual CONTRIBUTE OF DESIGN IN THE INCREASE OF LITERACY IN HEALTH: Co-creation project in design with the collaboration of the Instituto Nacional Dr. Ricardo Jorge
Doutoramento em Arte e Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2019/05/09 - 2022/12/21 ASPEN method, a tool for solving pedagogical problems: A case study based on higher education in Design in Portugal, and the respective calculation of replicability
Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2021/03/23 Wearable technology in the treatment of Raynauds Phenomena
Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2020 - 2021 A Escola de Carlos Ramos Uma década de histórias invisíveis na ESBAP: 1957 a 67
Communication Design - PostDoc (Outra)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2020 - 2021 Primeiras práticas pedagógicas em Design na Escola Superior de Belas Artes do Porto
Communication Design - PostDoc (Outra)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2021 THE CITY-SHOWER - A Response to the Disappearance and Mischaracterization of Porto City's Fifty-Year-Old Shops
Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018 - 2020 Women in the History of Design in Portugal (1950-1974) Construction of an estate to preserve collective memory.
Master in Image Design (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018 - 2020 FROM BESTIAL TO BESTA: Comparative study of Dilma Rousseff's imagery representation in the weekly Brazilian magazines Veja and Isto É, from the moment of her first election until her replacement
Master in Image Design (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018 - 2020 Eco-Cement: New possibilities in Product Design
Master in Product and Industrial Design (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018 - 2020 Revivalism: possible exchanges between design and crafts in product development
Master in Product and Industrial Design (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2012 - 2019/07/17 LEF - VISUAL AND TECHNICAL-TEACHING METHODOLOGY AS AN INITIAL TOOL FOR LEARNING IN DISCIPLINES OF REPRESENTATION BY DESIGN: Perspectives of development based on the aggregated experience in Architecture and Design courses at UNAMA.
Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Effúgio of Communication
Design da Imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Political utopia. The patriarchal paradigm in the media construction of the feminine in Portuguese politics: women from the XXI Constitutional Government of Portugal.
Design da Imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Tasca Lovers - Raizes da identidade de um povo
Design da Imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Other Postcards From The West Coast of Europe.
Design de imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2014 - 2017 Design Rascar: identifying vectors of creativity in restrictive circumstances.
Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2014 - 2016 Second Stories: Narrativas visuais sobre quatro lojas de segunda mao do Porto e a aplicacao
Design da Imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2011 - 2016 The Graphic Design process in Porto: Portraits of generations in the first person.
Doutoramento em Arte e Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2013 - 2015 Street Animals Kids: Education and awareness strategies for the animal cause in Portugal
Mestrado Projectos Editoriais (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2012 - 2014 All at the Table: Gastronomic portraits in a family context in the Northern region of Portugal.
Mestrado em Design da imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2012 - 2014 Social Design and Advertising Campaigns: a project on the communication of cancer and the female breast.
Mestrado em Design/ Especializacao em Comunicacao e Multimedia (Mestrado)
Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Portugal
2010 - 2014 SO - Orientation system: a system that increases the speed of reading on tourist maps: a study applied to the context of the city of Porto.
doutoramento em Arte e Design (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2011 - 2013 Eco-conscious message in a bottle. Post-consumer PET plastic bottles upcycing Into jewelry design in a Porto context.
Design da Imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2009 - 2011 Body of my Body.
Design da Imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2009 - 2011 Sophia's Visual Geography: Interpretative analysis of the imagery and visuality present in Sophia de Mello Breyner's work and life.
Design da imagem (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2021/05/13 - Atual Threads of a Legacy - Exhibition of the graphic novels produced by the Faculty of Arts' students portraying the Wisdom Transfer project interviewees. The exhibition will also launch the book of the project and display a series of multimedia projections. (2021/05 - 2021/06)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2021 - Atual Francis Bacon - Audiovisual Micro Narratives Pedagogical exercise of audiovisual micro-narratives for Francis Bacon's Exhibition “Graphics works Francis Bacon” at WOW - Museum in Vila Nova de Gaia. I was both the author and organiser of the project, which involved two other lecturers from other Design universities. (2021/03 - 2021/03)
Exposição (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal

Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal

WOW Museum, Portugal
2022/10/03 - 2022/10/07 Workshop on the following topics in the context of the BIP+ BLENDED INTENSIVE PROGRAMME URBAN TRANSFORMATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY: 1. Overview of Visual Analytics for urban and insecurity analysis 2. Revisiting CPTED main principles and checklists 3. Social-area analysis: what to look for 4. Visual Analysis of Crime in Context Fieldwork: Analyse a given area, fill the checklist, take lots of photos, and later present this area to class, discussing possible solutions. (2022/10/03 - 2022/10/07)
Oficina (workshop) (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Hogeschool Inholland, Países Baixos
2022/07/07 - 2022/07/10 Organising Committee | European Conference on Arts, Design and Education, Porto The Organising Committee is composed of academics who are responsible for nominating Keynote and Featured Speakers; developing the conference programme, including workshops, panels, targeted sessions, event outreach and promotion; recommending and attracting future Organising Committee members; working with IAFOR to select PhD students and early career academics for IAFOR grants and scholarships; and overseeing the reviewing of abstracts submitted to the conference. (2022/07/07 - 2022/07/10)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
IAFOR The International Academic Forum entitled, Espanha
2022/06/23 - 2022/06/23 Participant observation and, group and one-to-one interviews with seamstresses in a workshop school in Vila Nova de Gaia in the context of the research project ECHO : Echoing the Communal Self: designing the dissemination and replication of self-initiated practices in underprivileged urban communities in a post-pandemic world. EXPL/ART-DAQ/0037/2021 23 informants 2h30 (2022/06/23 - 2022/06/23)
Outro (Coorganizador)
2022/05/12 - 2022/05/19 "Back to Work" Exhibition of the design (posters) of the artist Armando Alves in the context of the Design week at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. (2022/05/12 - 2022/05/19)
Exposição (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2021/12/11 - 2022/01/11 Curatorship and organisation of outdoor exhibition. The exhibition included the display of visual material collected during the interviews conducted under the research project funded by the New European Bauhaus "Both Side of the Stories" and pedagogical exercise with students from two local secondary schools. (2021/12/11 - 2022/01/11)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Environmental Defense Association - Rio Neiva, Portugal
2021/07/04 - 2022 Organising Committee: The Organising Committee is responsible for nominating and vetting Keynote and Featured Speakers; developing the conference programme, including special workshops, panels, targeted sessions, and so forth; event outreach and promotion; recommending and attracting future Organising Committee members; working with IAFOR to select PhD students and early career academics for IAFOR-funded grants and scholarships; and overseeing the reviewing of abstracts submitted to the conference. (2022/07/07 - 2022/07/10)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
IAFOR The International Academic Forum entitled, Espanha
2021/09/23 - 2021/12/10 Planned and conducted nineteen ethnographic interviews in the context of the New European Bauhaus funded project "Both Side of the Stories: towards a collective narrative and vision for the Neiva River mouth - As a response to the “Cross-KIC New European Bauhaus - Call for Cities: Capitalising on existing citizen engagement activities in re-designing the public realm”, this project intended to push forward new ways to foster climate action through the engagement of the local community. (2021/09/23 - 2021/12/10)
Encontro (Coorganizador)
Environmental Defense Association - Rio Neiva, Portugal
2021/05/13 - 2021/05/27 Exhibition entitled "Threads of a Legacy: Towards a pedagogical heritage in Art and design - the Porto School of Fine Arts, 1956/842 The Research Project "Transfer of Wisdom: Contributions to the scientific inscription of individual legacies in contexts of university and scientific reform. An exhibition that integrates the portraits of the interviewed artists and the results of the initiatives carried out with Design students on based on biographical interviews. (2021/05/13 - 2021/05/27)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2021/04 - 2021/05 A Tribute to Armando Alves exhibitions This exhbition contains a selection of works of the painter and designer Armando Alves that spans more than 5 decades. His work will be exhibited in the faculty mural along with texts explaining and contextualising it. (2021/04 - 2021/05)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018/12/11 - 2021/01/03 Conducted 50 Ethnographic Interviews to retired art and Design Academics in the context of the FCT financed project Wisdom Transfer: towards the scientific inscription of individual legacies in contexts of retirement from art and design higher education and research. (2018 - 2021)
Encontro (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2020/09/17 - 2020/09/20 Symposium session entitled “Wisdom Transfer: Towards the Scientific Inscription of Individual Legacies in Contexts of Retirement From Art and Design.” The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (BAMC) (2020/09/17 - 2020/09/20)
Simpósio (Coorganizador)
IAFOR The International Academic Forum entitled, Espanha
2020/06/17 - 2020/06/19 PhD Doctoral Forum the Doctoral Plan in Design will hold the annual Forum of Design Research via the Zoom online platform. There will be six sessions (morning / afternoon) to present the projects currently underway. (2020/06/17 - 2020/06/19)
Seminário (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2020/03/02 - 2020/03/06 4º Seminar modes of Editing: Inheritance and renovation: The genealogy of a garden with Wisdom Transfer (ID +), where we went to find other ways of thinking about the legacy of FBAUP and in particular the importance of pedagogical experiences , scientific and artistic activities of retired teachers and researchers. (2020/03/02 - 2020/03/06)
Seminário (Membro da Comissão Científica)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2020 - 2020 Co-organiser of the Education and Arts Symposium as part of the International Conference on Arts, Media and Culture – IAFOR International Academic Forum in Barcelona (17/09/2020). (2020)
Simpósio (Coorganizador)
IAFOR The International Academic Forum entitled, Espanha
2018 - 2020 Set of 4 workshops: (1) Graphic Narratives and Illustration opportunities with Transgenerational Dialogue; (2) Graphic Novels development of graphic novels shaped like a printed editorial artifacts; (3) Procedural pattern interpretation of the work of António Quadros Ferreira; (4) Typographical Essays as a contribution to the transfer of transgenerational knowledge (2018 - 2020)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal

Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada Cultura e Novas Tecnologias, Portugal
2015 - 2020 DR- Design Research Forum annual 2015-2020. Presentation of all PhD projects underway in PhDDesign. Presence, participation and additional presentations of professors and students of the University of Porto, IPCA, University of Minho, University of Aveiro, University of Lisbon, University of Coimbra and ESAD. The forum is held every year in April. (2015 - 2019)
Encontro (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2019/11 - 2019/12 More than Soma - five seminars edition, following individual interviews with the artists, organized between November and December 2019. My role: co-organizer, co-chair and communication supervisor. (2019/11 - 2019/12)
Mesa-redonda (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2019/10/25 - 2019/10/31 YOU LOOK FAMILIAR - Exhibition under the Wisdom Transfer project, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029038. Former ESBAP students portrayed by current FBAUP students in the Communication Design Degree, Specialization Course in Illustration and Master in Graphic Design and (2019/10/25 - 2019/10/31)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal

Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal
2019 - 2019 Wisdom Transfer: Towards the Scientific Inscription of Individual Legacies in contexts of retirement from Art and Design Higher education and research¿ (2019)
Seminário (Coorganizador)
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave Escola Superior de Design, Portugal
2013 - 2019 Co-organiser of four annual PhD International Research Conferences: "UD - PhD in Design Research Forum": UD13 ""2nd National Meeting of PhD in Design"; UD15 "PERIPHERY AND PROMISE", UD17 "NoiseWise" e UD19 "Design Does a Selfie". (2013 - 2019)
Conferência (Coorganizador)
Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Seminar with Mauricio Vico, Department of Drawing of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile about Political posters in Chile: the government of Salvador Allende (1970-1973) and student activism (2006-2013). (2017 - 2017)
Seminário (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
2016/12 - 2016/12 Urban Ethnography - 2 Sessions within the scope of the Curricular Unit Research Methodologies of the Masters in Image Design: 2 sessions of urban ethnography were carried out with the PhD student Miguel Januário and Marta Nestor. (2016 - 2016)
Oficina (workshop)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016/04 - 2016/04 NARA project: Moving, Connecting, Making. Encouraging reflection, ownership and collaboration by mapping the companies of UPTEC PINC through their habits and self-representation. Coordinated by students Anselmo Canha, Ana Lima, Ricardo Melo, Nelma Ferreira. (2016/04 - 2016/04)
Outro (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016 - 2016 PhD in Design @ Rádio Manobras. Ongoing radio broadcasts, communication of PHD in Design research projects and entrepreneurship in informal interview mode. (2016 - 2016)
Outro (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016 - 2016 Videographic exhibition representing the visual identity of the Macanese ethnicity within the scope of the “Fading Legacy of the Macanese” Project at the Meeting of Macanese Communities, organized by the Council of Macanese Communities and Institute of European Studies of Macau – Location: Auditorium of the University Forum from Macau to Ilha da Montanha. (2016 - 2016)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Council of Macanese Communities and Institute of European Studies of Macau, Macau
2016 - 2016 Photography Exhibition within the scope of Tânia Gomes' Masters in Image Design research with the theme: “All at the Table: Gastronomic Portraits in a Family Context in Northern Portugal” (2016 - 2016)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Meeting with Max Haiven. Topic: The Arts of Commoning and the Design of the Commons” at UPTEC (PINC), University of Porto (Porto), December 2015. Max Haiven is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Art History and Critical Studies at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Canada. (2015 - 2015)
Encontro (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2015 UD15: PERIPHERY AND PROMISE 4TH PHD IN DESIGN RESEARCH FORUM UD is an annual, peer-reviewed conference series organised by the PhD in Design Programs of University of Porto and University of Aveiro. In 2015 UD stands for Under Development: doctoral research in Design currently in progress or recently completed. UD15 invited PhD students, candidates and prospective scholars in Design to share the accomplishments, uncertainties, puzzlements and challenges they face during their research process and to unravel them with other participants. (2015 - 2015)
Conferência (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2015 - 2015 “The Visual Identity of the Macanese” at Casa de Macau in Portugal – Lecture, workshop and focus group centered on the project “Fading Legacy of the Macanese” in which I am the responsible researcher. (2015 - 2015)
Seminário (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Casa de MAcau em Lisboa, Portugal
2014 - 2015 Re-Design of graphic material and spaces for the Portuguese Center of Photography of Porto. Within the scope of the Curricular Unit "Design of the Image" of the BA of Communication Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, a partnership was held with the Portuguese Center of Photography of Porto. In the context of this partnership the students of the above mentioned course produced graphic material and animation of spaces through the briefing of the Director, Dr Bernardino Castro. (2014 - 2015)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Phd in Design/ Frugal Food Exercise @ UPTEC/PINC Informal invitations to UPTEC companies for informal lunch-time networking - meals prepared by by PhD students following self-established nutritional grids. (2014 - 2014)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Four Workshops of Exploratory Drawing with Professor José Maria Lopes in the context of PhD in Design. (2014 - 2014)
Oficina (workshop)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Endless End – The 9th International Conference European Academy of Design. CONFERENCE THEMES 1 – locality: the role of design in specific social and cultural environments (case studies), localisation of design and production 2 – liquidity: design´s redefined and expanding territories 3 – nomadism: design actively searching for new areas and tools of expertise 4 – involvement: design as a catalyst for change and progress 5 – vertigo: envisioning what´s ahead, calibrating past inheritances 6 – education: multiplicipity, prosumers and open creativity. (2011 - 2011)
Conferência (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2011 - 2011 The University of Porto, Portugal, was proud to host the 9th International Conference of the European Academy of Design from May 4-7, 2011: The Endless End. (2011 - 2011)
Conferência (Coorganizador)
European Academy of Design, Reino Unido
2010/07 - 2010/07 ISDT10 – International School on Digital Transformation. A residential program, in English and bringing together emerging and established scholars and professionals from a variety of countries. During the week, innovators in digital communications will serve as teachers and mentors, presenting current projects and engaging in discussion. (2010/07 - 2010/07)
Encontro (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Visual Methods in Design with Gillian Rose This was a one day event focused around visual methods applied to design research. Gillian Rose, author of the book Visual Methodologies, was the main guest to this simposium. (2010/03/08 - 2010/03/08)
Simpósio (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design School of Art, Reino Unido
2010 - 2010 Visual methods surgery with Gillian Rose: one day event focused around visual methods applied to design research. Gillian Rose, author of the book Visual Methodologies, was the main guest to this workshop. The day-workshop started with a talk by Gillian Rose about the role of Visual methods in todays' research, particularly in the design field. The talk was followed by a research student presentation with details of their work. (2010/03 - 2010/03)
Seminário (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Central Saint Martins, Reino Unido
2009 - 2009 Exhibition PROTOPORTO within the Future Places Festival, Medialab for Citizenship. at Galeria Cozinha, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, a collective project that brings together the vision of several students of the Master in Image Design on what a specific location in the city could look like in the future. (2009)
Festival (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Future Places Festival -, Portugal
2008 - 2008 "Explorations": Advancing Research at Central Saint Martins, The Innovation Centre, University of the Arts London. An exhibition and event programme showcasing PhD research outputs. (2008 - 2008)
Seminário (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Central Saint Martins, Reino Unido
1999 - 1999 Designing the Handover - Exhibition on the transfer of sovereignty from Macau to China. Teachers and students of the Graphic Communication Course at Escola das Artes, Instituto Politécnico de Macau at Galeria do Nape, Macau. (1999 - 1999)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1999 - 1999 Exhibition of Finalists of the Graphic Communication Course of the School of Arts of the Polytechnic Institute of Macau, Macau Tourism Gallery – Leal Senado (1999 - 1999)
Exposição (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2021 - Atual Generative Portraits pedagogical exercise, 2021 Developed with students from the UC Sound and Image Laboratory, within the scope of the Communication Design course at FBAUP with Professor Pedro Amado. The exercise focused on portraits of Portuguese women designers between 1980 and 2000. The aim of the workshop was to produce a portrait generated by an algorithm. This pedagogical exercise was carried out within the scope of the Wisdom Project of which I am a project Leader.
Oficina (workshop)
Generative Portrait
Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2022/03/05 - 2022/09/04 Three ethnographic Interviews (life story) conducted in the context of the International Research Project Motirô, celebration as testimonies. The videos can be assessed in the following link: (
Fireflies, 100 years Pier Paolo Pasolini
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Biblioteca Central, Brasil

Museu da Pessoa, Brasil
2022/06/18 - 2022/06/18 Chairing of parallel session in The Paris Conference on Education, IAFOR PCE2022 Parallel session: Arts - Teaching and Learning the Arts
The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities (PCAH2022)
IAFOR The International Academic Forum entitled, Espanha
2022/02/08 - 2022/02/08 Workshop on the theoretical implications and practical skills of creating Global Design Images. MA and BA Graphic Design students at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.
Oficina (workshop)
Designing for the Local World
Moholy-Nagy Muveszeti Egyetem, Hungria
2021/04/04 - 2021/10/01 "Graphics works Francis Bacon": 31 digital animations/interpretations on the work of Painter Francis Bacon to be exhibited at the World Wine Museum alongside an exhibition of the Artista. My role was to coordinate the making of the above mentioned digital animations and put together a loop video containing the students (BA Design) work. The output will be displayed in 4 screens during the exhibition. For this purpose I drafted a document explaining the initiative (to inform visitors).
Graphics works Francis Bacon
World of Wine Museum - WOW, Portugal

Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal

Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal
2021/09/16 - 2021/09/16 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) in Portugal. A round table with Ana Verónica Neves, Miguel Saraiva, Monica Diniz e Susana Barreto.
The 2021 ICA International Conference
International CPTED Association (ICA), Estados Unidos
2021 - 2021 Chairing a session at DIGICOM, International Conference on Design and Digital Comunication.
DIGICOM, International Conference on Design and Digital Comunication
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
2020/07/20 - 2020/07/20 AHFE 2020 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences 16-20, July, 2020, Virtual Conference, United States of AmericaTeaching/Learning Interaction Session Chair/Co-chairs: Co-Chairs: Qing Xue and Susana Barreto, China/Portugal
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics - Learning Interaction
AHFE 2020 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Estados Unidos
2020/07 - 2020/07 Co-Chair session(s) at AHFE 2020. 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the affiliated conferences
11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the afilliated conferences
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Estados Unidos
2017 - 2017 Poster presentation at Ciencia 2017, Lisbon. 
Ciência 2017
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2009 - 2017 Future places festival - Citizens MediaLab, Porto For 8 years I participated in this festival and in the media labs of citizenship promoted by the festival.
Media and Citizenship: an ongoing challenge.
Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
Arguente principal
Adam Lopes (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo Escola Superior de Educaçao, Portugal
2023/01/25 MULHERES ARTISTAS NO RECIFE: entre obras, modos de vida e subjetividades desviantes.
Marina Didier Nunes Gallo MULHERES (Doutoramento)
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil
2022/12/14 Ecogrés ovenware design complemented with burel
Maria Miguel Antunes Cordeiro (Mestrado)
Instituto de Etnomusicologia Centro de Estudos em Musica e Danca - polo Universidade de Aveiro DeCA, Portugal
2022/10/18 The Media Art ecosystem: Between nomenclatures, exhibition and archive – The case of gnration 2014-2021
Arguente principal
Rui Miguel Pereira Ferreira (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2022/04/11 THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK AND THE MANIFESTATIONS OF POPULAR CULTURE: a study on communicational sustainability and ethnomaterialization - O LIVRO ILUSTRADO E AS MANIFESTAC¸O~ES DA CULTURA POPULAR: um estudo sobre a sustentabilidade comunicacional e a etnomaterializac¸a~o
Miguel Santos de Carvalho (Doutoramento)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Centro de Ciências Sociais, Brasil
2021/12/15 ALBA: um ensaio cibermuseal
Arguente principal
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Comunicação e Arte, Portugal
2021/12/13 Design Research Forum - 1st Online Edition This forum aims to establish a primary contact between students of the Master in Design for Health and Well-being and the research community and teachers in the area of Design, thus obtaining a first informal validation of their project.
Arguente principal
Lea Camacho (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
2021/12/13 Design Research Forum - 1st Online Edition This forum aims to establish a primary contact between students of the Master in Design for Health and Well-being and the research community and teachers in the area of Design, thus obtaining a first informal validation of their project.
Arguente principal
Constança Rocha (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
2021/12/13 Design Research Forum - 1st Online Edition This forum aims to establish a primary contact between students of the Master in Design for Health and Well-being and the research community and teachers in the area of Design, thus obtaining a first informal validation of their project.
Arguente principal
Eurico Fernandes (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
2021/07/02 Portuguese Design ADN
Fábio Emanuel da Silva Pereira (Outro)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Comunicação e Arte, Portugal
2021/07/02 Design contributions to sustainable practices with craft techniques in the fashion industry
Mariana Santana de Oliveira (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Comunicação e Arte, Portugal
2021/06/29 An Image of Our Own: A card game about the social construction of gender.
Inês Lacerda (Mestrado)
Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Portugal
2020/12 Slow Design: Artifacts as behavioral mediators of the meal
Arguente principal
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2020/09/02 Author's Rights and Rights' Authors: On the relationship Between Copyright and Artistic Work
Fátima São Simão (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2020/07/09 “Co-creating transformation: synchronizing operations and organizational change through design”.
Arguente principal
Pedro Alegria Duarte (Outro)
Instituto de Arte Design e Empresa - Universitário, Portugal
2019/12/11 Process and deconstruction: recursive structures between kitchen and design
Arguente principal
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2019/11/12 ICT4Silver: Design Guiding Principles in the development of Digital Interfaces aimed at the senior user.
Arguente principal
Sónia Catarina Ralha Magalhães (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
2019/07/07 VISUAL ARTIFACTS AS A TOOL FOR LEARNING IN DISCIPLINES OF REPRESENTATION BY DESIGN: perspectives of development from the experience aggregated in the courses of Architecture and Design at the University of Amazonia.
Pedro Augusto Moura Palha Bellesi (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018/12 "Mestre Zé: A Branding project for the mobile sale of gastronomic products associated with cod.
Arguente principal
Ana Sofia Rocha Magueta (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2018/07 Traditional Portuguese vegetarian cuisine
Arguente principal
Lena Clasing (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2018/02 De/Re-Construction of Gender Performativity through Self-Representation
Ece Canli (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018/01 A Geometry of Regeneration
Anselmo Neto Ferreira Canha (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2018 Codesigning communication in dementia
Rita Maldonado Branco (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2017 Sense(s) of Portugal: reinterpreting role of heritage in the contemporary creative city (case study of Porto)
Jelena Savic (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2017 Design, Tradition and Craft: the case of Almalaguês
António João Fernandes Lourenço Gomes (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016 Designing Information for more complete learning
Arguente principal
Sónia Patrícia Nogueira Marques (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2015 Baroque ink - identity and communication for a brand promoting hotel events
Arguente principal
Marta Sofia Ribeiro Freitas (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2015 design for Health Literacy - Communication from pediatric dentistry to creation for more complete learning
Arguente principal
Alexandra Filipa Macedo Guedes (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2015 RTP Brand - A Coordinate Visual Image and Synthesis of Identity.
Marina Alexandra Couto Carvalho Peres (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
Yoad David Luxembourg (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 Brazilian women first: a brief study of the image of Brazilian women in Portuguese general magazines.
Simone Carvalho de Formiga Xavier (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2014 Design in search of solutions to difficulties associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Arguente principal
Juliana Soares Moreira (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2014 Design for the promotion of Health Literacy: designing information for the empowerment of individuals with chronic pain.
Arguente principal
Liliana Delfina de Oliveira Fernandes (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2014 Design and Wellness: A strategy to promote an active lifestyle and fight obesity among young people.
Silvia Daniela Passos Soares (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2014 Museum of Ransom: Towards a system for the aggregation and interpretation of contemporary participatory video as contextual cultural heritage Daniel Cruz Brandão (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2012 Olh'á Aveiro: Contribution of design to the enhancement of a local product.
Arguente principal
Marcos André Faria Alves (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2012 Eating by hand: Portuguese food design project for a better life.
Arguente principal
Lígia Afreixo Ferreira Madureira (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2010 Southern Geometries - Book about the image of the typical Algarve house.
Arguente principal
Maria do Rosa´rio Rodrigues Tome´ (Mestrado)
Instituto de Arte Design e Empresa - Universitário, Portugal
2010 Identitarian Speeches - Visual analysis of the symbolism and color of the Algarve fishing boat.
Arguente principal
Ana Alexandra Boavida Marques Vieira (Mestrado)
Instituto de Arte Design e Empresa - Universitário, Portugal
2010 New applications of Castelo Branco embroidery.
Arguente principal
Jose´ Manuel Almeida Pereira (Mestrado)
Instituto de Arte Design e Empresa - Universitário, Portugal
2010 Graspable World
Arguente principal
Marina Luisa da Silva Gorlier (Mestrado)
Instituto de Arte Design e Empresa - Universitário, Portugal
2010 React - Integrated Communication Project for patients with chronic renal failure.
Arguente principal
António Alexandre de Oliveira Duarte (Mestrado)
Instituto de Arte Design e Empresa - Universitário, Portugal
2010 Novas aplicações do Bordado de Castelo Branco
Arguente principal
José Manuel Almeida Pereira (Mestrado)
IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Portugal
2010 Southern Geometries - Book about the image of the typical Algarve house
Arguente principal
Maria do Rosário Rodrigues Tomé (Mestrado)
IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Portugal
2009 Documentary Image in the Construction of a Future Cultural Memory.
Arguente principal
Adriano Rangel (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência
2022 - 2022 The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022) - IAFOR IAFOR International Academic Forum
2021 - 2021 DIGICOM, International Conference on Design and Digital Comunication Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave
2020/07 - 2020/07 Digicom - 4th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication Design School of the Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave.
2020/05/14 - 2020/05/16 EIMAD - Research Meeting in Music, Arts and Design Castelo Branco
2020 - 2020 International Conference on Arts, Media and Culture – IAFOR International Academic Forum in Barcelona IAFOR
2019/11/15 - 2019/11/16 DIGICOM - international conference on Design and Digital Communication BARCELOS
2018 - 2018 DIGICOM: International Conference on Design and Digital Communication Barcelos
2017 - 2017 Intercultural Dialogues Portugal-China - International Conference Aveiro
2017 - 2017 UD17: NoiseWise | Design Research in face of Current Challenges to Knowledge Porto
2017 - 2017 5ª CIDAG - International Conference on Design and Graphic Arts Tomar
2016 - 2016 4ª CIDAG: International Conference on Design and Graphic Arts Tomar
2016 - 2016 UD16: Survival | 5th Meeting of PhDs in Design Aveiro
2014 - 2014 IDCHS - Tradition, Transition, Trajectories: major or minor influences? Aveiro
2014 - 2014 UD14: 3º National Meeting of PhDs in Design Aveiro
2013 - 2013 UD13: 2º National Meeting of PhDs in Design Porto
2013 - 2013 Crafting the Future: 10th European Academy of Design Conference, Gothenburg Gothenburg
2012 - 2012 Glide'12: a biennial, virtual conference Webminar
2012 - 2012 UD12: 1st National Meeting of PhDs in Design Aveiro
2011 - 2011 THE ENDLESS END:The 9th European Academy of Design Conference Porto

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2021/05/29 - 2021/06/01 CG Journal Publishing Team Common Ground Research Networks
2021 - 2021 The Design Principles and Practices Journal Collection (2473-5736) Common Ground Research Networks
2020/07 - 2020/07 Springer Proceedings - Digicom Springer

Comissão de avaliação

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de assessoria
Instituição / Organização Entidade financiadora
2020/07/01 - 2020/10/02 Co-coordinator of the Evaluation panel the Call for the Award of Scholarships PhD Research - 2020 in Design, Architecture and Urbanism.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/05 - 2019/10 Co-Coordinator of the evaluation panel for individual grants for Urbanism / Design / Architecture of the Foundation for Science and Technology.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/05 - 2019/06 Member of the evaluation committee for applications to the PhD in Design with Prof. Joana Quental, Prof Júlio Dolbeth and Prof Helena Barbosa. The selected candidates will be admitted for doctorates and have received research grants under the Foundation for Science and Technology scholarship program.
Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2018/07 - 2018/10 I served as Co-Coordinator of the panel for the Call of Individual scholarships in the area of Design, Architecture and Urbanism. The role implied assessing 201 applications for grants and co-ordinating the session with the Coordinator.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012 - 2012 I served as Evaluator of the panel for the Call of Individual scholarships in the area of Design, Architecture and Urbanism. The role implied assessing 185 applications for grants.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Consultoria / Parecer

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2019/04/02 - 2019/04/03 In Situ Research - Exposição The Young Picasso - Blue and Rose Periods, Foundation Beyeler, no contexto da exposição de Picasso Suite Vollard em Junho 2019 no Porto, no qual integro equipa de investigação. Museu da Misericordia do Porto, Portugal

Taylor´s, Portugal
2018 - 2019 Consultant in the working group, along with Curator Charlotte Crapts, for the exhibition of the Suite Vollard by Pablo Picasso of Mapfre Foundation. 2015 / exposicion-suite-vollard.jsp A total of 100 drawings will be exhibited at the Palace of the Arts in Oporto in July 2019 with the support of the Museum of Mesericórdia and funded by Taylor, Fladgate and Yeatman. Mapfre Foundation, Espanha
2017 - 2019 Consultant for the working group organising the Alberto Giacometti (AG) exhibition to be held in Porto in 2020 Museum of Misericórdia. In Porto the show will focus on the theme of the artist's family. My role in this exhibition will be to take stock of existing information about the artist's family and produce written content that accompanies catalogs and room info. Fondation Giacometti, França
2018/06/20 - 2018/06/23 Acted as Vogal for the Jury of PhD Equivalence. Title: A Study on Public Design Policy for the Culture Industry of the 21st Century: Focusing on the National Design Promotion Strategy and its support system by Bong Keum Jeong for the Thesis for the Doctorate Depts of Advertising and Public Relations, Graduate School of Hongik University, 2005. Directed by Prof. Myung Kwang Kwon and Jong-Deok Kim. Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2015 'Live archives: Regina and Imperial'. Synchronous and diachronic readings of the Regina and Imperial brands from the company archives. Create an inventory and organize the existing estate, exploring possibilities of development and practical applications; - investigate and interpret brand DNA, including mapping of the visual identity of the Imperial and Regina brands; analyse existing visual and textual records and collect testimonies and interviews to map the affective trajectory and cultural development of the Regina brand. Imperial - Produtos Alimentares, S.A., Portugal
2007 - 2010 In the context of the Post-Doctorate I was doing at the institution, I developed several works: Organization of research events, evaluation of PhD applications, classes in the "induction program". Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design School of Art, Reino Unido
2000 - 2009 Freelance Designer residing in Oxford, England, for clients in Macau (Institute of European Studies), Lisbon (Institute of Social Sciences) and Oxford (University of Oxford). Freelance Designer, Reino Unido
2000 - 2001 During the 1 year period I worked at Bull Media in Cambridge. The work he developed focused on the production of printed and website graphic material, as well as meetings with clients and visits abroad. Bull Media Arte and Design, Cambridge, Reino Unido
1996 - 2000 In house Graphic Designer of the Institute. Instituto de Estudos Europeus de Macau, Macau
1996 - 1997 Fundamentals of Design Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2023/01/04 - 2023/01/30 Visual analysis seminar: subject of LITC0044: Fashion Cultures UCL SELCS: SCHOOL OF EUROPEAN LANGUAGES,CULTURE AND SOCIETY MA in Comparative Literature with a Genetic Criticism seminar (Master) University College London Centre for Intercultural Studies, Reino Unido
2021 - 2022 Contemporary Design Themes Mestrado em Design Industrial e Produto (Mestrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2021/10/18 - 2021/10/18 Design for the environment, Eco-Design Circular Economy (Master) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal

Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Portugal Program, Portugal
2013 - 2019 Project and Research Methodologies (II) Mestrado em Design da Imagem (Mestrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2013 - 2019 Design Research Seminars I Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2011 - 2019 Research Methods Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2010 - 2019 Eco-Design and Sustainability MA Design Industrial e Produto (Mestrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2010 - 2019 Eco Design and Sustainability MA Design Industrial e Produto (Mestrado) Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Design and Multidisciplinarity Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2018 Design Research Seminars II Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Scientific Writing Workshop Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2016 PhD Module II Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2015 - 2016 Preparation of the Thesis Project Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2013 - 2016 Global Narratives in a Local Context Cultural Sustainable Development (Diploma de especialização) Instituto de Estudos Europeus de Macau, Macau
2013 - 2015 Global Design Narratives in a Local Context Cultural and Sustainable Development (Diploma de especialização) Instituto de Estudos Europeus de Macau, Macau
2010 - 2015 Image Design Design de Comunicação (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2013 - 2014 Global Design Narratives in a Local Context Cultural and Sustainable Development (Outros) Instituto de Estudos Europeus de Macau, Macau
2012 - 2013 PhD Module 1 Doutoramento em Design (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2011 - 2013 Visual Culture II Design de Comunicação (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2011 - 2012 Design Culture MA Design Produto e Industrial (Mestrado) Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2011 - 2012 Visual Narratives Design de Comunicação (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2010 - 2012 Case Study Design MA Communication Design (Mestrado) Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Portugal
2010 - 2012 Visual Culture I Design de Comunicação (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2010 - 2011 Research Methods Mestrado em Design da Imagem e Mestrado em Projectos Editoriais (Mestrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2010 - 2011 Art Science and Artistic Dissemination Mestrado em Gestão Artística e Cultural (Mestrado) Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
2010 - 2011 Design and Cultural Identity Mestrado em Educação Artística (Mestrado) Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
2009 - 2010 Contemporary Design Themes Mestrado Design de Interiores (Mestrado) Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Portugal
2009 - 2010 Contemporary Design Themes MA Design de Interioress (Mestrado) Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Portugal
2009 - 2010 History and Theory of Image Mestrado em Design da Imagem (Mestrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
1998 - 2000 Design Seminars Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1998 - 2000 Corporate Identity II Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1997 - 2000 Advertising II Design de Comunicação (Licence) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1996 - 2000 History and Theory of Design Design de comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1996 - 1999 Advertising I Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1997 - 1998 Graduation Project - 3 year Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1996 - 1998 Graduation Project Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1997 - 1997 Design Basics MA Arts Management (Postgraduate Certificate) Instituto de Estudos Europeus de Macau, Macau
1996 - 1997 Graduation Project Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1996 - 1997 Advertising I Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1996 - 1997 Corporate Identity I Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1996 - 1997 History and Theory of Design Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1996 - 1997 Advertising I Design de Comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau
1996 - 1997 Corporate Identity I Design de comunicação (Bachelor) Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2021/05/19 "Exhibition shows the faces of the recent history of Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. Interview conducted in the context of the Threads of Legacy exhibition at the University of Porto Rectory that marks the conclusion of the Wisdom Transfer research project: towards the scientific inscription of individual legacies in contexts of retirement from art and design higher education and research. News - University of Porto
2016/12/30 Interview to Jornal Tribuna de Macau in the context of the academic project "Fading Legacy of the Macanese", funded by the Macau institute of European Studies. Jornal Tribuna de Macau

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2021/05/05 - 2021/05/05 National News - TVI PLAYER The exhibition of graphic Works by Francis Bacon at the WoW Gallery Interview about the pedagogic multimedia exercise made by University Students on Bacon's work.
2021/03/16 - 2021/03/16 Vaccines of the Mind A series of 66 interviews in which each interviewee is asked To describe what have been their life vaccines of the mind. Susana Barreto vaccines of the mind

Expedição científica

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2022/04/27 - 2022/05/04 Two Ethnographic Interviews (Social Worker Ana Semblano and Community worker Sr José Moreira) in the context of the exploratory research project ECHO Echoing the Communal Self: designing the dissemination and replication of self-initiated practices in underprivileged urban communities in a post-pandemic world EXPL/ART-DAQ/0037/2021 Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2016 - 2016 Hosting of the Criminology and Design Assignment conducted Prof Adriano Rangel in the context of the PhD in Design of which I am the Associate Director. The Assignment was done in Partnership with local Police and Criminology Department of the University of Porto. PhD hosting of Criminology and Design Assignement
2013 - 2015 Member of the Scientific Commission Faculdade de Belas Artes - UP
1999 - 1999 Designing the Macau Handover: creation of graphic elements to mark the passage of sovereignty from Macau to China, group of professors in the Communication Design course and students. Co-organizadora

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2016 - 2019 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Master in Industrial and Product Design
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2012 - 2019 Member of the Scientific Commission - MA Product and Industrial Design
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2018 - 2018 Guide of doctoral orientation procedures Scientific, pedagogical and procedural information destined to students and advisers of doctoral research in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. Working Committee: Catarina Martins, Fernando José Pereira, Gabriela Vaz Pinheiro, Heitor Alvelos, Paulo Almeida and Susana Barreto.
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Member of the Scientific Committee - Design
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Member of the Course Committee - Communication Design
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2012 - 2018 Associate Director PhD in Design
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2012 - 2018 Member of the Scientific Commission of the PhD in Design.
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
2016/06/20 - 2016/06/23 Prospect of partnerships with the following universities: (i) Central Saint Martins School of Arts and Design, (ii) University of Brighton and (iii) Royal College of Arts. The visits to the Institutions took place in June 2016 and they counted in addition to my presence, with Prof. Dr. Heitor Alvelos (FBAUP), Dr. Fátima São Simão (PIN / UPTEC).
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2013 - 2014 Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
1999 - 1999 Exhibition of Finalists of the Communication Design Course at the Tourism exhibition gallery at the Leal Senado de Macau.
Instituto Politécnico de Macau - Escola Superior das Artes, Macau

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2021 - Atual Examiner of the intermediate PhD assessment by Fábio Emanuel da Silva Pereira “Portuguese Design ADN” University of Aveiro Department of Communication and Art. Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2022/07/01 - 2022/07/01 External PhD assessment for the Subject Lab II of the PhD thesis "Making the strange familiar and the familiar strange.The use of the anachronistic object as a regenerating tool in the superior school in design." by Gastón Lisak Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal
2021 - 2021 Examiner of the candidate Mariana Gonçalves Almeida at the subject of Design Research Seminars II included in the Doctoral Program in Design at the University of Aveiro / DeCA, “Memory in Archive graphic design speeches from the posters of Cooperativa Árvore. Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2021 - 2021 Examiner of the candidate Paula Vivana de Rezende e Valadares at the subject of Design Research Seminars II included in the Doctoral Program in Design at the University of Aveiro / DeCA, “The dialectic of the Armorial Movement: a case study of the visual representation of a cultural identity in the Brazilian Northeast”. Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2021 - 2021 Examiner for the intermediate doctoral assessment by Mariana Santana de Oliveira “Contributions to sustainable practices with craft techniques in the fashion industry” University of Aveiro Department of Communication and Art. Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2020/07/09 - 2020/07/09 Examiner of PhD qualification test of Pedro Alegria's research study. "Co-creating transformation: synchronizing operations and organisational change through design" Supervisor's Pedro Camacho and Sabine Juginger. Instituto de Arte Design e Empresa - Universitário, Portugal

Revisão ad hoc de artigos em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2021 - 2021 The Design Principles and Practices Journal Collection CommonGround Publishing
2021 - 2021 CG Journal Publishing Team. Link Common Ground Research Networks - The Design Principles and Practices Journal Collection, Topic Visual Analysis. Research Network,


2022 BIP – Blended Intensive Programme ‘Urban Transformation and Public Safety’
Hogeschool Inholland - Rotterdam, Países Baixos
2020 Santander IE Best Practices in Digital Education for Teachers
2019 Best Paper Award - at the 2nd Global Forum of Intellectual Capital
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal

Outra distinção

2022 ERASMUS + STAFF MOBILITY FOR TEACHING /Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2013 PhD scholarship program
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2008 Postdoctoral Scholarship
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2002 PhD Scholarship
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal