Carla Cadete (CC) holds a PhD in Design at Aveiro University (2009), a doctoral fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and a BA in Communication Design (1991) at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. Current course leader (since 2015) and Associate Professor of Communication Design undergraduate degree at Lusófona University of Porto (ULP). Invited by the Organising Committee (IAFOR) for Abstract reviewer. The main research areas are Graphic Design, Editorial, Illustration and Social Design. Responsible for the digital magazine DL, a biannual publication from the Communication Design course. Researcher at the Hei-Lab Centre of Research. Since 2019, it has been working in a cooperative process with Pedro Hispano Hospital, within the educational project Learning with a Disease by the Pediatrics Service of Pedro Hispano Hospital (Project awarded). Principal Investigator (PI) of "Design as a medium of preventing childhood obesity" (approved on May 12, 2019, by the Ethics and Health Committee and by Pedro Hispano Administration Hospital). Coordinated several design exhibitions with international conferences at Guerra Junqueiro Museum and Porto subway, supported by Porto City Council. Graphic designer and illustrator since 1992 - Worked with several design studios and publishing companies. ¿Book Cover¿ Publisher: Logo author and cover designer (co-author) of ¿Literature Essentials¿ collections for Portuguese newspapers DN and JN and national bookstores. (https://bookcover.pt/). Book cover designer and illustrator of ¿'Era uma Vez o Porto¿', from Verso da História Publisher (recommended by the National Reading Plan, 2017). Author of the illustrations for lower school activity book collection ¿Perlim-pim-pim, Fio a Pavio (https://www.fnac.pt/ia668041/Carla-Cadete) Author of 'João e Maria' kindergarten logo and other graphic materials. In the last five years has developed several pedagogical practices carried out in an academic context at Lusófona University of Porto (ULP), with the focus area on Social Design. In the Communication Design bachelor, at ULP we encourage students to participate in international competitions, 'Skopje Poster Competition' and International 'Poster for Tomorrow' focus on social and environmental themes. The quality of work developed by students has been frequently recognized at an international level. Multi-disciplinary projects to help tackle today's global challenges ¿ A pencil for a school (NGO The big Hand); Associação Ajudar Moçambique (NGO) from Belmiro de Azevedo Foundation and Now_you_see_me_moria, a co-creation activity with the aim of raising awareness about humanitarian crises in Europe. The project has collected 449 posters from graphic designers and students all over the world, including Design Lusófona students through a book, a website and an Instagram profile (https://nowyouseememoria.eu/gallery/). CC has a strong professional relationship with Pedro Hispano Hospital, having developed projects through co-design work with undergraduate students in Communication Design. Also, she was recently invited to design the mascot for the Pediatrics Service (work in progress). She has shown leadership and management skills through the course she directs and through the projects she has coordinated, such as Yes!, the comics magazine, which involves two undergraduate courses and the HPH (https://www.flipsnack.com/kimada2020/yes_revista_bd_first-edition.html). In schools [2019/2020], she had developed a participatory design work with children [4-5 years old] by drawing with them with the aim of applying in games or other mediums of communication for the practice of healthy eating. Also coordinated a survey of 181 children [8-12 years] in two Porto Schools to assess visual language/illustration preference in this age group. These design practices have resulted in international peer-reviewed scientific articles with communications at national and international conferences.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Carla Cadete

Nomes de citação

  • Cadete, Carla

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Domínios de atuação

  • Humanidades - Artes - Arquitetura e Design


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Português (Idioma materno)
Grau Classificação
2004/07/07 - 2009/07/07
Design (Doutoramento)
Especialização em Design
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
"O design dos jornais diários e generalistas portugueses." (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Aprovado por unanimidade
1985/10/05 - 1991/07/15
Communication Design Bachelor (Licenciatura)
Especialização em Artes gráficas
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal
Percurso profissional

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2011/09/01 - 2022/02/06 Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal
2012/09/01 - 2013/02/01 Professor Auxiliar Convidado (Docente Universitário) Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga Gabinete de Projetos e Inovação, Portugal
2009/02/01 - 2011/02/01 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade Europeia, Portugal

Cargos e Funções

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2015/07/01 - Atual Current course leader and Associate Professor of Communication Design undergraduate degree Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal
Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2020/03 - 2023/09 Design as a medium of preventing childhood obesity
Investigador responsável
Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal
Em curso


Artigo em conferência
  1. Cadete, Carla; Alves de Sousa, João; Inês Sofia Marques Aleixo; Andreia Sofia Pinto de Sousa. "Designing for Social Impact: Preventing Childhood Obesity with Higher Education Students". Trabalho apresentado em DIGICOM 2024, Barcelos, 2024.
    No prelo
  2. Cadete, Carla. "Echoes of Creativity: Bridging Pedagogy and Innovation Through a Real-world Design Project". Trabalho apresentado em The 12th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2024), London, 2024.
    Publicado • https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-1111.2024.8
  3. Cadete, Carla. "Designing for Change: A Pedagogical Practice Involving Undergraduate Students". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design, EIMAD 2024, Castelo Branco, 2024.
    Publicado • https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-74975-9_26
  4. Cadete, Carla. "Designing for Tomorrow: Inspiring Students to Shape a Better World". Trabalho apresentado em DESIGN COMMIT 2024 (DESIGN COMMIT 2024_ 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESIGN AND INDUSTRY), Braga, 2024.
  5. Cadete, Carla. "Designing for Tomorrow: Inspiring Students to Shape a Better World". Trabalho apresentado em DESIGN COMMIT 2024 (DESIGN COMMIT 2024_ 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESIGN AND INDUSTRY), Braga, 2024.
    Em revisão
  6. Cadete, Carla. "Designing for a Sustainable Future: Empowering Undergraduate Communication Design Students through Pedagogical Practice". Trabalho apresentado em Eighteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices: Cultures of Transformative Design, Valencia, 2024.
  7. Cadete, Carla. "Embracing a Collaborative Practice with a Stakeholder: A Challenge Extended from the Academy to the Labour Market". Trabalho apresentado em DIGICOM 2019 – 4rd International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Barcelos, 2023.
    Publicado • ttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47281-7_69
  8. Cadete, Carla. "A multidisciplinary and collaborative approach: From the academy to the community". Trabalho apresentado em The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2023: Official Conference Proceedings, Kyoto, 2023.
  9. Cadete, Carla. "A Design project aimed to promote social change: From the classroom to the community.". Trabalho apresentado em IAFOR ¿CE2023 The 2nd Paris Conference on Education, Paris, 2023.
  10. Cadete, Carla. "A Design Project Aimed to Promote Social Change: From the Classroom to the Community". Trabalho apresentado em The Paris Conference on Education 2023 Official Conference Proceedings (PCE2023), Paris, 2023.
  11. Cadete, Carla. "Make the World a Better Place: Design Skills in an Academic Context". Trabalho apresentado em The Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2023). Tokyo, Japan from Mar 27 - Mar 30, 2023., Tokyo, 2023.
    Publicado • 10.22492/issn.2189-101x.2023.3
  12. Cadete, Carla; Andreia Sofia Pinto de Sousa; Alves de Sousa, João. "Changing Behaviours Through Design: An Educational Comic Brochure to Help Prevent Childhood Obesity". Trabalho apresentado em 13th Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2022), Kyoto, Japan, October 17-20, Kyoto, 2022.
    Publicado • 10.22492
  13. Cadete, Carla. "The Role of Design: A Humanitarian Approach and an Opportunity to Prepare Students for the Real Working World". Trabalho apresentado em The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE 2022) — IAFOR, Porto, 2022.
    Publicado • 10.22492/issn.2758-0989.2022.4
  14. Cadete, Carla. "Design Activism: A humanitarian approach in an academic context". Trabalho apresentado em International Research & Education in Design Conference 2022 — REDES2022, Lisbon, 2022.
    Aceite para publicação
  15. Cadete, Carla. "Design Educators: Collective Agents of Change.". Trabalho apresentado em International Research & Education in Design Conference 2022 — REDES2022, Lisbon, 2022.
    Aceite para publicação
  16. Cadete, Carla. "Social Design in a curricular context: A collaborative practice with a humanitarian purpose". Trabalho apresentado em 4rd Interdisciplinary and Virtual Conference on Arts in Education (CIVAE 2022), 2022.
  17. Cadete, Carla. "O design como meio de prevenção da obesidade infantil –processo criativo.". Trabalho apresentado em DIGICOM, 2021.
    Em revisão
  18. Cadete, Carla. "O design como agente social de mudança". Trabalho apresentado em 7th EIMAD — Meeting of Reseach in Music, Art and Design, Castelo Branco, 2020.
    Aceite para publicação
  19. Cadete, Carla. "Design Participativo – desenhar com crianças para a prática de uma alimentação saudável.". Trabalho apresentado em Digicom 2020, Barcelos, 2020.
  20. Cadete, Carla. "Design as a Transforming Agent and a Mediating Subject". Trabalho apresentado em DIGICOM 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Barcelos, 2019.
    Publicado • Design & Digital Communication
  21. Cadete, Carla. "O design como agente transformador e disciplina mediadora. Design & Digital Communication.". Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference (DIGICOM 2019), Barcelos, 2019.
Artigo em revista
  1. Cadete, Carla. "Empowering Design Students Towards Societal Impact: Collective Learning and Action". The International Journal of Design in Society (2024):
  2. Cadete, Carla. "Bauhaus 100 Anos, 100 Objetos: Um Projeto Colaborativo entre a Academia, o Museu e a Indústria.". Revista Educação Gráfica 27 01 (2023):
  3. Cadete, Carla. "DESIGN PARTICIPATIVO - DESENHAR COM CRIANÇAS PARA A PRÁTICA DE UMA ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL". REVISTA FOCO 15 1 (2022): 1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.54751/revistafoco.v15n1-026.
    Publicado • 10.54751/revistafoco.v15n1-026
  4. "A Ilustração para a Infância em Portugal nas duas primeiras décadas do séc.XX". Projectica - Revista científica de Design 1 10 (2019): 105-111. http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/projetica/article/view/34230km.
  5. Cadete, Carla. "O papel do designer como agente transformador". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10437/6709.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Cadete, Carla. "Design Educators Collective Agents of Change. PART I – Design Proximity(ies) in Design Education". In Which Proximity in Design Education? A Contemporary Curriculum, 24-34. London, Reino Unido: Rita Assoreira Almendra, 2025.
  2. Cadete, Carla. "Design Activism A Humanitarian Approach in an Academic Context. PART II – Design Approaches in Academic Context". In Which Proximity in Design Education? A Contemporary Curriculum (1st ed.), Chapter 9, 95-102. London, Reino Unido: Rita Assoreira Almendra, 2025.
  3. Cadete, Carla. "Embracing a Collaborative Practice with a Stakeholder: A Challenge Extended from the Academy to the Labour Market". In Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV, 856-872. Barcelos, Portugal: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-031-47281-7_69
  4. Cadete, Carla. "DESIGN PARTICIPATIVO – DESENHAR COM CRIANÇAS PARA A PRÁTICA DE UMA ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL". In Avanços dos temas emergentes ligados à saúde, 1-14. Curitiba, Brasil: Editora Reflexão Acadêmica, 2023.
    Publicado • 10.51497/reflex.0000561
  1. Um Conto de Natal / Charles Dickens (design cover). Porto, Portugal: Book Cover. 2021.
  2. Cadete, Carla. As Aventuras de Tom Sawyer/Mark Twain (design cover). "Literature Essentials collections" (20 titles) for Portuguese newspapers, Diário de Notícias and Jornal de Notícias and national bookstores.. Porto, Portugal: Book Cover. 2021.
  3. Cadete, Carla. David Crockett/Enid Meadowcroft (design cover). "Literature Essentials collections" (+100 titles) for Portuguese newspapers, Diário de Notícias and Jornal de Notícias and national bookstores.. Porto: Book Cover. 2021.
  4. Cadete, Carla. Alice no País das Maravilhas/Lewis Carroll (design cover). "Literature Essentials" collections (+100 titles) for Portuguese newspapers, Diário de Notícias and Jornal de Notícias and national bookstores.. Porto, Portugal: Book Cover. 2021.
  5. Cadete, Carla. A Pequena Fadette/George Sand (design cover). "Literature Essentials collections" (+100 titles) for Portuguese newspapers, Diário de Notícias and Jornal de Notícias and national bookstores.. Porto: Book Cover. 2021.
  6. Cadete, Carla. Sherlock Holmes/Um Estudo em Vermelho/Arthur Conan Doyle (design cover). "Literature Essentials collections" (20 titles) for Portuguese newspapers, Diário de Notícias and Jornal de Notícias and national bookstores.. Porto, Portugal: Book Cover. 2021.
  7. Cadete, Carla. A Ilustração para a Infância em Portugal – 1910-2010. Porto, Portugal: Book Cover. 2020.
  8. Perlimpimpim: Números e Operações (Perlimpimpim: Numbers and Operations for Preschool ). Porto, Portugal: Verso da História/Clube do Professor. 2017.
  9. Perlimpimpim: Cores e Formas (Perlimpimpim: Colours and Shapes for Preschool). Verso da História/Clube do Professor. 2017.
  10. Perlimpimpim: Letras e Palavras (Perlimpimpim: Letters and Words for Preschool). Porto, Portugal: Verso da História / Clube do Professor. 2017.
  11. Fio a Pavio – 1º Ano Fichas de Matemática (Fio a Pavio – form 1, Math workbook). Porto, Portugal: Verso da História / Clube do Professor. 2017.
  12. Fio a Pavio – 2º Ano Fichas de Matemática (Fio a Pavio – form 2, Math workbook). Porto, Portugal: Verso da História / Clube do Professor. 2017.
  13. Fio a Pavio - 3º Ano Fichas de Matemática (Fio a Pavio – form 3, Math workbook). Porto: Verso da História / Clube do Professor. 2017.
  14. Tabuada - 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (Timetable, from form 2 to form 4). Porto, Portugal: Verso da História / Clube do Professor. 2017.
  15. Era uma Vez o Porto (Once upon a Time in Porto). Porto, Portugal: Verso da História. 2017.
Poster em conferência
  1. Cadete, Carla; Bohn, Lucimere; Carrapatoso, Susana Maria Gonçalves. "Multicomponent Online Exercise Training Improved Lower Body Strength of Older Adults Who used to exercise in in-person exercise programs prior the Outbreak". Trabalho apresentado em 4th Annual Meeting Strength and Conditioning for Human Performance, 2021.
  2. Cadete, Carla. "Multicomponent Online Exercise Training Improved Lower Body Strength of Older Adults Who used to exercise in in-person exercise programs prior the Outbreak.". Trabalho apresentado em 4th Annual Meeting Strength and Conditioning for Human Performance, 2021.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Cadete, Carla. "O lúdico como meio de prevenção da obesidade infantil". Trabalho apresentado em ehSemi2022, 2nd students’ seminar in ehealth and wellbeing, Aveiro, 2022.
    Aceite para publicação
Tese / Dissertação
  1. "Análise do design de interface das principais aplicações bancárias brasileiras". Mestrado, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, 2024.
  2. "Análise do design de interface das principais aplicações bancárias brasileiras". Mestrado, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, 2024.
  3. Pereira, Ornella. "Projecto editorial coleção infanto-juvenil". Mestrado, Universidade Europeia, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/10469.
  4. Pereira, Ornella. "Projecto editorial coleção infanto-juvenil". Mestrado, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/10469.
  5. "FIFA World Cup Portugal 2016". Mestrado, Universidade Europeia, 2012.
  6. "XClusivo Design – Identidade Visual de uma Marca". Mestrado, Universidade Europeia, 2012.
  7. "Criação da Imagem Corporativa da empresa Lotus". Mestrado, Universidade Europeia, 2012.
  8. Melo, Carla Maria Cadete Vieira Ramos. "O design dos jornais diários e generalistas portugueses". Doutoramento, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/1266.
  9. Melo, Carla Maria Cadete Vieira Ramos. "O design dos jornais diários e generalistas portugueses". Doutoramento, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/1266.


Outra produção
  1. Mascot for the Pediatrics Service of Pedro Hispano Hospital. Guest designer to the mascot for the Pediatrics Service of Pedro Hispano Hospital, Porto, Portugal. Approved by the Board of Directors and the Pediatrics Service of the Hospital on 26 April 2022. 2022. Cadete, Carla.
  2. Protocol. Establishes a protocol between Lusófona University of Porto (degree in Communication Design) and the NGO The Big Hand. These partnerships aim to carry out pedagogical practices in a curricular context and often result in peer-reviewed scientific articles, or national and international Communications.. 2022. Cadete, Carla.
  3. Designer of the book “CA2RE+ Collective Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training. Designer of the book “CA2RE+ Collective Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training”, Co-funding by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.. 2022. Cadete, Carla.
  4. Protocol. Establishes a protocol between Lusófona University of Porto (degree in Communication Design) and Associação Ajudar Moçambique (Belmiro de Azevedo Foundation). These partnerships aim to carry out pedagogical practices in a curricular context and often result in peer-reviewed scientific articles, or national and international Communications.. 2021. Cadete, Carla.
  5. Protocol. Establishes a protocol between Lusófona University of Porto (degree in Communication Design) and the Portuguese Red Cross. These partnerships aim to carry out pedagogical practices in a curricular context and often result in peer-reviewed scientific articles, or national and international Communications.. 2020.
  6. Protocol. These partnerships allow for pedagogical practices in the curricular context and resulted in the design logo, Facebook cover, T-Shirts and caps.. 2019.


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2021/05 - 2021/06 Advertising campaign to raise funds for Associação Ajudar Moçambique. A pedagogical practice developed with the Bachelor Design students for social action among the people of Mozambique, support for the social and community integration of the most disadvantaged sections of society, the promotion of culture and an increase in the quality of life in general, the provision of health care and the fight against the situations of lack or scarcity of means of subsistence and social and humanitarian degradation in which they find themselves.
Orientador de Mafalda Marinho Almeida
Design (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2011/02/01 - 2013/07/21 Master's Project Supervisor “FIFA World Cup Portugal” - by student Gonçalo Serrão (MA in Visual Culture at IADE, Institute of Art and Design)
Master in Visual Culture (Mestrado)
Universidade Europeia, Portugal
2011/02/01 - 2013/07/21 Master's Project Supervisor “Children book Illustration” - By student: Ornella Pereira. (MA in Visual Culture at IADE, Institute of Art and Design). July, 21, 2011
Master in Visual Culture (Mestrado)
Universidade Europeia, Portugal
2011/02/01 - 2013/07/21 Master's Project Supervisor “XClusivo Design – Corporate Identity” - by student André Albuquerque. (MA in Visual Culture at IADE, Institute of Art and Design). July, 21, 2011
Master in Visual Culture (Mestrado)
Universidade Europeia, Portugal
2011/02/01 - 2011/07/21 Master's Project Supervisor “Lotus Corporate Identity” - by student Ricardo Passos. (MA in Visual Culture at IADE, Institute of Art and Design). July, 21, 2011
Master in visual Culture
Universidade Europeia, Portugal

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2016/05/13 - Atual Responsible for the first Accreditation of the Bachelor in Communication Design, at Lusófona University of Porto, with a proposal to change the Study Plan, accepted and implemented. (Accredited for 6 years). Changes: two new curricular units were included, Typography and Illustration (2016) Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2017/05/18 - 2017/06/21 Organizer of the international scientific event “International Skopje Poster Competition”, at Porto subway station. Poster exhibition of 2017 competition, which included 3 posters of the Portuguese students from underdegree in Communication Design, from Porto Lusofona University, selected for the short List of the 50th best posters, in a total of 3000 submissions. Support from Porto City Council and Porto Subway. (2017/05/18 - 2017/07/21)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal
2014/06/05 - 2014/06/05 Organizer of the event "Strip-Tease Design. Despe o Design Veste o 500". A design student competition in order to paint a Fiat 500 car. The best project was on the campus of Porto Lusofona University. This project was supported by Fiat, and the Italian furniture brand Meritalia. (2014/06/05 - 2014/06/05)
Exposição (Coorganizador)
Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2021/12 - Atual "A Pencil for a School" is a solidarity campaign with the purpose of helping to build a school in the province of Manica, Mozambique. This is a project carried out by The Big Hand, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes the well-being of children living under unfavourable environmental conditions, ensuring their access to education, healthcare and nutrition. a pedagogical practice developed in the Academic curriculum at Lusófona University of Porto (ULP), in 2022 with students from the 2nd year of Communication Design bachelor.
A Pencil for a School
2021/02/14 - Atual Now_You _See _Me _Moria is a poster movement intending to educate people about the crisis at Moria Camp, on the Greek island of Lesbos. A co-creation and a pedagogical practice carried out in an academic context In 2020. The project has collected 449 posters from graphic designers and students all over the world, including Design Lusófona students, through a book, a website and an Instagram profile that can be downloaded, printed and shared globally to shed light on this issue. https://nowyhttps://www.itsnicethat.com/media/poster
Now_You _See _Me _Moria
2024/07/23 - 2024/07/27 Erasmus+ Mobility – Strzeminsky Academy of Fine Arts in Lódz, Poland. Exhibition - "BLIND PEOPLE HEAR ART." The analysis of cultural phenomena over the centuries reveals a tendency to combine various fields of art to create new quality. The project aims to demonstrate the existence of a multifaceted relationship that can occur between visual and musical works. The combination of arts, their mutual permeation, and synergy enhances the perception of the works and intensifies the audience's emotions—resulting from the perception of the artwork.
Strzeminski Academy of Fine Arts Lódz, Polónia
2023/11/02 - 2023/11/02 Moderator at the Seminar “Understanding the participation of women in the sphere of local development”, from the Vozes em Rede Project.
Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário do Porto, Portugal
2022/02 - 2022/03 Invited to coordinate the design of a coin for the Portuguese Association of Forensic Sciences: "Challenge Coin", a pedagogical practice carried out in an academic context with students from the 2nd year of Communication Design bachelor at Lusófona University of Porto (ULP).
Associação Portuguesa de Ciências Forenses, Portugal
2022/01/02 - 2022/01/29 Invited to coordinate the development of a set of posters for a campaign to be held at Pedro Hispano Hospital, "Citizenship in Health", a pedagogical practice carried out in an academic context at Lusófona University of Porto (ULP). Thirty posters were selected by HPH and will be displayed throughout the Hospital. Themes such as empathy, resilience, hope, autonomy, solidarity, diversity, democracy, creativity and behaviour change, were developed by coordinating design tools such as typography, illustration and colour.
Citizenship in Health
Hospital Pedro Hispano, Portugal
2019/10/11 - 2020/01/03 Curator of the exhibition "Bauhaus - 100 years, 100 objects", held by Casa-Museu Guerra Junqueiro, from 10/01/2019 to 01/03/2020. Supported by the Porto City Council and the German brand Thonet.
Bauhaus – 100 years, 100 objects
Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal
2016/11/06 - 2016/11/12 Organizer of the national scientific event: “Homage to the Portuguese Chair”, an exhibition at Guerra Junqueiro Museum. Porto (October 6 to November 12, 2016). 45 national authors, Communication Design undergraduate professors and students, from Porto Lusofona University. Artists, designers and architects, such Siza Vieira architect participated. Support from the Portuguese brand Adico and the German glass brand Ritzenhoff.
Exposição de Homenagem à cadeira Portuguesa
Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal
2007/05/12 - 2007/05/14 SND – Society for News Design. European Conference. Newspaper Design, Eye-Track'07 study – print and online. Sweeden, Stocolm.
Eye-Track'07 – print and online studie.
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Estados Unidos
2005/10/11 - 2005/10/11 SND-E. Society for News Design, Spain. Conference. The Best of Portuguese and Spain Newspaper Design. Lisbon
The Best of Portuguese and Spain Newspaper Design
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Estados Unidos
2004/09/30 - 2004/10/02 Infographic Workshop, with Jeff Goertzon Diretor of San Petersburg Times Journal. San Jose, Califórnia. Oct, 01, 2004
Oficina (workshop)
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Estados Unidos
2004/09/30 - 2004/10/02 SND – Society for News Design. Newspaper Design. International Conference. San Jose, Califórnia.
The Best of Newspaper Design 2003
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Estados Unidos

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
2024/04/16 Análise do design de interface das principais aplicações bancárias brasileiras
Arguente principal
Adrielly Rubinato Cavalheiro (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
2024/04/16 Design de uma aplicação móvel: Uma proposta agregadora para a comunidade desportiva do Airsoft
Arguente principal
Paulo Diego Noleto (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência
2024/11/06 - 2024/11/08 FL_Fashion Sustainability - 2nd International Conference #24
2024/10/08 - 2024/10/11 What's Around Design? ISMAT - Portimão
2024/05/29 - 2024/05/29 D4Si - Design for Social Impact Laze Tripkov
2022/11/03 - 2022/11/05 FL_Fashion Sustainability - 1st International Conference. Lisbon & Cascais
2019/10/11 - 2019/10/11 Colour in the Perspective of Joseph Albers: A tool for Contemporary Design

Comissão de avaliação

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de assessoria
Instituição / Organização Entidade financiadora
2022/02/01 - Atual Invited by the ECADE2022 Organising Committee IAFOR – The International Academic Forum, for peer-review.
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2018/07/23 - Atual Jury for the Evaluation of Pedagogical and Technical-Scientific Competence required by Steven Sarson. Porto Polytechnic Institute - ESMAD, on July 23, 2018.
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, Portugal
2025/02/01 - 2025/02/28 Member of the Performance Assessment Committee for Teachers and Researchers at FCAATI, at Porto Lusófona University (February 2025).
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal
2020 - 2023 Erasmus+ supports teaching periods at higher education institutions (HEIs) abroad.
Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2022/11/03 - 2022/11/05 Part of the Scientific Committee of the FL Conference – Fashion & Sustainability, held on 3, 4 and 5 November 2022, at Lusófona University, Lisbon/Cascais – Portugal
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/10 - 2020/02/05 Jury to recruit an adjunct professor for the Communication Design unit– School of Education and Social Sciences of Leiria Polytechnic. Evaluation committee .
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal

Consultoria / Parecer

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2017/05 - 2021/05 Invited to coordinated the graphic image of the 'Multiplex', an event organized by the finalist students of the Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication bachelor, with the presence of prestigious national and international guests, holding masterclasses, showing films and short films: Agnés Varda, José Luis Guerín, Bette Gorden, Renato Berta. A partnership with Teatro Municipal do Porto – Rivoli. An interdisciplinary project in which students from the 2nd year of the degree in Communication Design always develop the graphic image. Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2013/05 - 2015/05 Design Consultant at Católica Student Corporate and designer of the Journal INDEX at the Católica University of Porto. Universidade Católica Portuguesa Centro Regional do Porto, Portugal

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2024/01/28 - 2024/02/01 Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility, Universitá Van Amsterdam (UVA), 28 jan. a 01 fev. 2024 Design (Bachelor) Universiteit van Amsterdam Afdeling Communicatiewetenschap, Países Baixos
2013/02 - 2023/06 Laboratório de Design (Lab Design module) provide students with the opportunity to engage in projects with real-world experiences and to have the opportunity to develop a rich and diversified curriculum. Students are invited to invest in a deeper understanding of Design in times of transition; work to develop, articulate and communicate knowledge in Design; rethink Design culture and forms of intervention in society, especially in emerging contexts; (e) act as a catalyst in the form students for social creation and transformation. Bachelor (Licenciatura) Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2023/02/13 - 2023/02/16 Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility (Blend) Tomas Bata University – Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Zlín Erasmus Code: CZ ZLIN01 Design Bachelor (Bachelor) Univerzita Tomá¿e Bati ve Zlíne, República Checa
2010/10 - 2022/10 Colour, contrast and dimension. Joseph Albers and Johannes Itten theories. Design Thinking – Creative processes in design. Introduction Design (Licenciatura) Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2012/02 - 2022/06 Editorial Design – Newspaper design and magazines. Grid system, legibility, colour, typography and hierarchy. Graphics Architecture (format, grid, microtypography, macrotypography) vs. Narrative/Visual Poetry; Image: photography, illustration, infographic. Communication Design IV (Licenciatura) Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2019 - 2022 As the responsible Professor of the curricular unit of Introduction to Photography, in the 1st year of the Degree in Communication Design, she gives the first two classes with the following themes: Class 1 “The Influence of Russian Constructivism on Graphic Design – The use of photography and photomontage in the poster. Gustav Klutsis, Aleksandr Rodchenko and El Lissiztky”. Class 2 "The importance of Photography in Graphic Design. Practical examples and case studies." (Licenciatura) Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2011 - 2022 Responsible for the masterclasses at the Bachelor in Communication Design with the most relevant from national and international designers and design studios: Xesta Studio, Júlio Dolbeth, Mácia Novais, Gere Posterov President of the Macedonian Graphics Association and responsible for founding the international competition “Skopje Poster Competition”, Francisco Mesquita da This is Pacifica, Azulejos do Porto, Hugo D'Alte, Rui vitorino Santos, Pedro Falcão, Oupas Design, Ricardo Melo. Design Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2009/02/01 - 2011/02/01 1. This curricular unit intends to promote skills in the area of communication in the components of information, image, navigation systems and intelligible arrangement of elements - Grid system (diagrams): proportion, golden section, symmetry, asymmetry, margins and format. Narrative: rhythm, sequence and time in editorial support. Information hierarchies, position, alignment and dimension of the text and image as visual consistency across the pages. - The relationship between text and image in different communication supports. 2. Packaging Communication Design (Licenciatura) Universidade Europeia, Portugal
2009/02 - 2011/02 Coordinate proposals made in the academic context from the 1st year of the Master in Design and Visual Culture, from IADE – Instituto de Arte e Design, for the cover of the Lisbon Cultural Agenda, a monthly edition of the Lisbon City Council . Arte e Cultura Visual (Mestrado) Universidade Europeia, Portugal

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2019/10/09 Guided Tour of the Exhibition “Bauhaus – 100 years, 100 objects”, included in the Porto City Council programme, “What's new in Municipal Museums?”: The Museum at Sunset. Talking with Carla Cadete at Guerra Junqueiro Museum, on Oct 25, at 6:00 pm. Bauhaus – 100 years, 100 objects. Time Out, n. 116, p.63

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2021/05 - Atual Responsible for the self-assessment of the second Accreditation of the undergraduate degree in Communication Design, from the Lusófona University of Porto (awaiting a visit from the A3ES Assessment Committee).
2011/10/13 - Atual Member of the Pedagogical Council
Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2015 - 2022 Lusófona University of Porto Summer Courses. Designer responsible for all promotional posters, T-shirts and other graphic supports. Also responsible for all the activities developed to promote the courses of the Faculty of Communication, Architecture, Arts and Communication Sciences (FCAATI).
Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2011/10 - 2022 Member of the Scientific Council since 2011.
Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Comunicação Arquitetura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal


2022 Science and Innovation Support Program: FAZER + 2022 Award, Good Research Practices in Teaching to the application. Project: 'Design as a means of preventing childhood obesity'.
Grupo Lusófona, Portugal

Outra distinção

2017 National Reading Plan, LER +