Vera Lúcia Raposo is a legal scholar with an international and multidisciplinary academic and professional background. She earned her law degree from the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra, where she also completed her postgraduate studies in medical law and achieved both her master's and doctoral degrees in legal and political sciences. Currently, she serves as an Associate Professor of Law and Technology and holds the role of Vice-Dean at Nova School of Law, NOVA University Lisbon. Vera's academic journey has taken her across the globe. She has taught at the University of Macau (China), the University of Coimbra (Portugal), and Agostinho Neto University (Angola). Additionally, she has served as a postgraduate supervisor at the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law at the University of Hong Kong (China) and as a guest lecturer at the School of Law, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. As an active member of the European Association of Health Law and a Governor of the World Association for Medical Law, Vera plays a vital role in shaping the future of health law. She contributes her expertise as a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Health Law and as a peer reviewer for some of the most prestigious scientific journals in her field. In 2024, she was honoured as a fellow of the renowned Hastings Centre. Vera is a prolific author, with numerous studies published in indexed journals, particularly in the fields of digital law and biomedical law. Her work continues to influence the legal landscape at the intersection of technology and healthcare, in particular addressing topics such as artificial intelligence, medical liability and the metaverse.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Vera Lúcia Carapeto Raposo
Data de nascimento

Nomes de citação

  • Raposo, Vera Lúcia
  • Raposo, Vera
  • Raposo, Vera Lúcia Carapeto

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • vera.lucia.raposo@novalaw.unl.pt (Profissional)
  • weraluciag@gmail.com (Pessoal)


Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Sociais - Direito


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Português Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Espanhol; Castelhano Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Francês Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador elementar (A2) Utilizador independente (B2)
Alemão Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1)
Italiano Utilizador elementar (A2) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador independente (B2)
Grau Classificação
Agregação (Título de Agregado)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
2004 - 2012
Ciências Jurídico-Políticas / Legal-Political Sciences (Doutoramento)
Faculdade de Direito da universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2002 - 2003
Ciências Jurídico-Políticas / Legal-Political Sciences (Mestrado)
Faculdade de Direito da universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2002 - 2002
Pós Graduação em Direito da Medicina / Postgraduate in Medical Law (Pós-Graduação)
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Direito Biomédico, Portugal
1999 - 2002
Direito / Law (Licenciatura)
Faculdade de Direito da universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Percurso profissional

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2024/08 - Atual Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
2022/10/19 - Atual Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
2012 - 2022/10/18 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Faculdade de Direito da universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2018/08 - 2021/07 Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, China, China
2014 - 2018 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, China, China
2013 - 2014 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
2013 - 2014 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
2013 - 2014 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
2009 - 2010 Professor Visitante (Docente Universitário) Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Agostinho Neto, Luanda, Angola, Angola


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2011 - 2013 Lawyer Vieira de Almeida e Associados, Portugal
2002 - 2012 Lecturer Centre for Studies and Local Administration Education, Portugal
2009 - 2010 Lawyer JPAB & Associados, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2023/11/01 - Atual EuroLegaLLM: Empowering Multilingual Legal Language Models in Europe
Instituto Superior Técnico Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão, Portugal

Sorbonne Université, França

Université Paris-Saclay, França

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Investigacao e Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e Sociedade, Portugal
Em avaliação
2022/01 - 2022/10 A Legal Framework for AI
Grant Q
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Coimbra Instituto Jurídico, Portugal
2022/01 - 2022/10 Medical Liability and AI: A Legal Perspective
Grant Exploratory Project
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Coimbra Instituto Jurídico, Portugal
2021/04/01 - 2022/03/31 Legal and Regulatory Issues Associated with Synthetic Biotechnology (Biosafety)
Investigador responsável
Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, China
Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology
Em curso
2020/01/01 - 2021/07/30 ‘The impact of emerging genetic and reproductive technologies in human reproduction: the legal response to science’
Investigador responsável
University of Macau, Macau
2015/01/06 - 2018/08/31 Medical liability, medical acts and patient’s safety. How can the legal and judicial experiences worldwide help to provide a legal framework for Macau and China?
Bolseiro de Investigação
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, China, China

Faculdade de Direito da Roger Williams University , Estados Unidos
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, China
2015/05/16 - 2018/08/15 Reproductive issues: juridical contextualization of reproductive techniques, genetics and new medical technologies. Some lessons from other legal orders
Bolseiro de Investigação
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, China, China

Faculdade de Direito da Roger Williams University , Estados Unidos
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, China
2014/01/16 - 2015/07/31 Medical Law.
Bolseiro de Investigação
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, China, China
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, China
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designação Financiadores
2021/03/01 - Atual WhatNext.Law
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Investigacao e Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e Sociedade, Portugal
Em curso
2020/12/01 - 2021/03/31 Responsability for public health in the lusophone world: doing justice in and beyond the COVID emergency
WHO ERC number - (CERC.0079/ HEG 70);
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Em curso


Designação Financiadores
2019 - Atual Panelfit
Investigador Pós-doutorado
Universidade do País Basco, Espanha
European Commission
Em curso
2022 - 2026 EU Horizon Project on AI and Medicine (EU Horizon project, AICE)
no. 101057400
European Union, Bélgica

UK Research and Innovation, Reino Unido
CERC.0079/ HEG 70
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Organisation mondiale de la Santé
2017 - 2018 Project GESSUS "Surrogacy"
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness, State Programme for the Research, Development and Innovation orientated to social challenges, Espanha


Artigo em boletim informativo
  1. Raposo, Vera. "Quando o Paciente diz Não: Sobre o artigo 150.º do Código Penal de Macau (Intervenções e tratamentos médico-cirúrgicos arbitrários)’ / ‘When the Patient Says No: About Article 150 of Macao Criminal Code (Arbitrary Interventions and Treatments Medical- Cirurgical", Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, 2018
  2. Raposo, Vera. "Nanomedicina: Pode Tecnologia Nano Implicar Mega Perigos? / Nanotechnology: Can Nanotechnology Cause Mega Hazards’", Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, 2015
Artigo em conferência
  1. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Juiz IA: Futuro, Utopia Ou Distopia?". 2024.
  2. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Juiz IA". 2024.
Artigo em jornal
  1. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "A Bio-Civil Code for China: Articles 1006–1009 of the New Chinese Civil Code", BioLaw Journal /Rivista de Biodiritto, 2023, https://teseo.unitn.it/biolaw/article/view/2724.
  2. Raposo, Vera. "Doctor’s Criminal Liability and Medically Assisted Death – The Portuguese Case", European Journal of Health Law, 2019
  3. Raposo, Vera; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "CRISPR-Cas9 and the Promise of a Better Future", European Journal of Health Law, 2019, https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/e76498df-aaee-441c-91d7-cdb0b19d47e3.
  4. Raposo, Vera. "Book review of Ian Freckelton and Kerry Petersen (Eds.), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law", European Journal of Health Law, 2018
  5. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. Autor correspondente: Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Pensar Fora do Bloco: O Uso da Tecnologia Blockchain para Armazenar e Gerir Processos Clínicos Electrónicos à Luz do RGPD / Thinking Outside the Block: Using Blockchain Technology to Store and Manage Electronic Clinical Files in Light of the GDPR", Revista de Direito Médico e da Saúde, 2018
  6. Raposo, Vera; Wai, U Sio. "Surrogacy In Greater China: The Legal Framework in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, and Mainland China", UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal, 2017, http://escholarship.org/uc/item/41d104d5.
  7. Raposo, Vera; Zhe, Ma. "The Juridical Status of the Unborn: A Person, an Object or a Tertium Genus?", Peking University Law Journal, 2017
  8. Raposo, Vera. "Medical Acts and Medical Liability under Portuguese Criminal Law", ¿¿¿¿ /Journal of Law Application, 2017
  9. Raposo, Vera. "The 50s Are the New 30s: And You Can Still Have Kids due to Oocyte Cryopreservation", Athens Journal of Health, 2017
  10. Raposo, Vera. "Is money thicker than health? - Economic motivated off-label prescription in an austere Europe", International Journal of Health and Life Sciences, 2017, http://sciencecradle.kums.ac.ir/en/Articles/80512/IJHLS-2017-006020180109142213699PB.pdf.
  11. Raposo, Vera. "Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Life Actions (The Experience in Portugal as a Continental Civil Law Country)", Italian Law Journal, 2017, http://www.theitalianlawjournal.it/raposo/.
  12. Raposo, Vera. "Fundamental Rights: The New Generations in Iberian Constitutions", International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, , 2015
Artigo em revista
  1. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "‘Why dignity is a troubling concept for AI ethics’". Patterns 6 3 (2025): https://www.cell.com/patterns/fulltext/S2666-3899(25)00055-8.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  2. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Introduction". Oslo Law Review 11 1 (2024): 1-1. https://doi.org/10.18261/olr.11.1.1.
  3. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. Autor correspondente: Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "The Digital "To Kill a Mockingbird": Artificial Intelligence Biases in Courts’". California Western International Law Journal 54 2 (2024): https://scholarlycommons.law.cwsl.edu/cwilj/vol54/iss2/4.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  4. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "The Digital "To Kill a Mockingbird"". California Western International Law Journal 54 2 (2024): 459-488. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/eb556db6-5c3a-4a0f-973d-560b7b138bfd.
  5. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. Autor correspondente: Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "‘How is ¿Unexplainable’ and Non-Transparent AI Affecting Healthcare Delivery’,". Oslo Law 11 1 (2024): 1-12. https://www.idunn.no/eprint/AQFMENHT2JHNWMP7RAVK/full.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  6. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "‘How is ¿Unexplainable’ and Non-Transparent AI Affecting Healthcare Delivery’,". Oslo Law Review 11 1 (2024): 1-1. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/17386c90-91c9-4ee8-9315-ec98299c880d.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.18261/olr.11.1.6
  7. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Eu sei o que esse medicamento fez no verão passado: a farmacovigilância como um mecanismo de proteção ao consumidor". Revista de Direito Sanitário 23 (2023): e0016-e0016. https://www.revistas.usp.br/rdisan/article/view/192083.
  8. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Eu sei o que esse medicamento fez no verão passado: a farmacovigilância como um mecanismo de proteção ao consumidor". Revista de Direito Sanitário (2023): https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9044.rdisan.2023.192083.
  9. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "‘Look at the camera and say cheese’: the existing European legal framework for facial recognition technology in criminal investigations". Information & Communications Technology Law (2023): 1-20.
  10. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Homo chimaera after homo sapiens?: the legal status of human–non-human chimaeras with human brain cells". BioSocieties (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/s41292-023-00302-1.
  11. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "When facial recognition does not ‘recognise’: erroneous identifications and resulting liabilities". AI & SOCIETY (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00146-023-01634-z.
  12. Sofia Palmeri. "‘Femtech and the Law (or a Tale of how Eve Fights to Overturn Adam and Take Control over her Body)’". BioLaw Journal /Rivista de Biodiritto, 1 (2023): 361-371.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  13. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Liu Sijia. "A bio-civil code for China". BioLaw Journal 2 (2023): 451-470. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/8ef9566e-11f5-4881-ac14-1ad3ddba1ffd.
  14. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Sofia Palmieri. "Femtech and the law (or a tale of how Eve fights to overturn Adam and take control over her body)". BioLaw Journal 2023 Special Is (2023): 361-373. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/2e9bd02c-9406-4e22-bc23-66ad042eaa67.
  15. Margarida Lima Rego; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "As Profissões Jurídicas na Era Digital". Pod Informar (2023): https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/a320be13-c999-4a32-a724-d4ab9e1d0752.
  16. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Health, privacy and liberty: a call for digital governance during (and after) the pandemic". The International Journal of Human Rights (2022): 1-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2022.2132234.
  17. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "‘I’m right behind you’: Digital contact tracing under European law". Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (2022): 1023263X2211162. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1023263x221116227.
  18. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "The Use of Facial Recognition Technology by Law Enforcement in Europe: a Non-Orwellian Draft Proposal". European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s10610-022-09512-y.
  19. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "A Room with a View (and with a Gene Therapy Drug): Gene Therapy Medicinal Products and Genetic Tourism in Europe". European Journal of Health Law (2022): 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1163/15718093-bja10083.
  20. Raposo, Vera. "‘What to Do in the Next Pandemic Outbreak: Natural Herd Immunity Versus Lockdown (Lessons Learned from Covid-19)’". Journal of Law and Medicine 29 (2022): 260-269.
  21. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "(Do not) remember my face: uses of facial recognition technology in light of the general data protection regulation". Information & Communications Technology Law (2022): 1-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13600834.2022.2054076.
  22. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Ex machina: preliminary critical assessment of the European Draft Act on artificial intelligence". International Journal of Law and Information Technology (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ijlit/eaac007.
  23. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "What to Do in the Next Pandemic Outbreak". Journal of law and medicine 29 1 (2022): 260-269. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/181da988-db40-487e-a844-c62c01dc36f1.
  24. Carapeto Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "The Better I Can Be: In Defence of Human Enhancement for a New Genetic Equality". Canadian Journal of Bioethics 5 2 (2022): 189. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1089801ar.
  25. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Telemedicine in Asia: A tool to handle the COVID-19 pandemic and a prospective path for healthcare delivery". International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 1 1 (2022): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/ijhtm.2022.10049352.
  26. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "From Public Eugenics to Private Eugenics: What Does the Future Hold?". JBRA Assisted Reproduction 26 4 (2022): 666-674.
    Acesso aberto
  27. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Telemedicine in Asia". International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 19 2 (2022): 116-129. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/69dac09c-7067-41ee-9de7-3cbcc24e0434.
  28. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "From Public Eugenics to Private Eugenics". Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida 26 4 (2022): 666-674. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/3742b9fd-2603-4014-892a-c0fa999b2437.
  29. Li Du; Meng Wang; Vera Lúcia Raposo. "International Efforts and Next Steps to Advance COVID-19 Vaccines Research and Production in Low- and Middle-Income Countries". Vaccines (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10010042.
  30. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Meu Corpo, Minha Escolha. A Saúde De Todos: Batalhas Sobre Vacinação em Tempo de Pandemia’ / ‘My Body, My Choice. Everyone’s Health: Battles Over Vaccination in Times of Pandemic’". Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitário (2021): https://doi.org/10.17566/ciads.v10iSuplemento.843.
  31. Raposo, Vera Lúcia; Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "International Efforts and Next Steps to Advance COVID-19 Vaccines Research and Production in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.". Vaccines 24 1 (2021): 59-78. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/1/42/htm.
  32. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Wrongful disturbance of reproductive planning: Is there a case for liability?". Medical Law International (2021): 096853322110349-096853322110349. https://doi.org/10.1177/09685332211034995.
  33. André Dias Pereira; Maria Do Céu Patrão Neves; Ana Raquel Gonqalves Moniz; Ana Gaudencio; Inês Godinho; Luís Meneses Do Vale; Ana Elisabete Ferreiram; et al. "MITIGATING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC". Medicine and Law 40 3 (2021): 397-410. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/78367628-be3a-4103-a0e7-589360865ad2.
  34. Pereira, André Dias; Neves, Maria do Céu Patrão; Moniz, Ana Raquel Gonçalves; Gaudêncio, Ana Margarida Simões; Godinho, Inês Fernandes; Vale, Luís António Malheiro Meneses do; Ferreira, Ana Elisabete; et al. "Mitigating the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Portrait of the Experience from the Lusophone World". Medicine and Law 40 3 (2021): 397-410.
  35. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Quarantines: Between Precaution and Necessity. A Look at COVID-19". Public Health Ethics 14 1 (2021): 35-46. https://doi.org/10.1093/phe/phaa037.
  36. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Big Brother Knows that you are infected: wearable devices to track potential COVID-19 infections". Law, Innovation and Technology 13 2 (2021): 422-438. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17579961.2021.1977214.
  37. Li Du; Vera Lúcia Raposo; Meng Wang. "Authors’ Reply to: And Justice for All? There Is More to the Interoperability of Contact Tracing Apps Than Legal Barriers. Comment on “COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: A Technologic Tower of Babel and the Gap for International Pandemic Control”". JMIR mHealth and uHealth (2021): https://doi.org/10.2196/26630.
  38. Vera Lúcia Raposo; Teresa Violante. "Access to Health Care by Migrants with Precarious Status During a Health Crisis: Some Insights from Portugal". Human Rights Review (2021): https://doi.org/10.1007/s12142-021-00621-5.
  39. Vera Lúcia Raposo; Raposo, Vera Lúcia; Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Pigs Don’t Fly and You Cannot Expect Absolutely Safe COVID-19 Vaccines (But You Should Expect a Fair Compensation)". European Journal of Health Law 28 2 (2021): 165-183. https://doi.org/10.1163/15718093-BJA10042.
  40. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "’Proposta de Regulamento sobre Inteligência Artificial: The Devil is in the Details’". Privacy and Data Protection Magazine 3 (2021): 9-24. https://www.europeia.pt/investigacao/privacy-and-data-protection-centre/publicacoes.
  41. Iñigo de Miguel Beriain; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Futile treatment in the time of pandemics". BioLaw Journal 2021 3 (2021): 473-482. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/cacbd50d-e21d-4c05-b442-fe92927f25f5.
  42. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "The new Japanese regulation on human/non-human chimeras". Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida 25 1 (2021): 1-7. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/6241ff38-34d8-4a3c-ae3b-727c37772603.
  43. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Perfect is the enemy of good". Medicine and Law 40 4 (2021): 559-572. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/f47e7647-061e-4f70-aee2-b4c1a398b055.
  44. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "When parents look for a “better” child (reproductive choices and genetic planning)". BioLaw Journal 2021 SpecialIss (2021): 407-427. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/7389c3db-7249-4be7-8859-6a37d70f8602.
  45. Li Du; Vera Lúcia Raposo; Meng Wang. "Correction: COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: A Technologic Tower of Babel and the Gap for International Pandemic Control". JMIR mHealth and uHealth (2020): https://doi.org/10.2196/26239.
  46. Li Du; Vera Lúcia Raposo; Meng Wang. "COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: A Technologic Tower of Babel and the Gap for International Pandemic Control". JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 11 (2020): e23194-e23194. https://doi.org/10.2196/23194.
  47. Vera Lucia Raposo. "Macau, a Luta contra a Covid-19 no Olho do Furação / Macau, the Fight against Covid-19 in the Eye of the Hurricane". Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitário 9 2 (2020): 12-28. https://doi.org/10.17566/ciads.v9i2.666.
  48. Ian Freckelton; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "International Access to Public Health Data". Journal of law and medicine 27 4 (2020): 895-900. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/eebbc28c-b8a9-4007-a09a-5b6be8eba37d.
  49. Vera Lucia Raposo. "Can China’s ‘standard of care’ for COVID-19 be replicated in Europe?". Journal of Medical Ethics (2020): medethics--2020--106-medethics--2020--106. https://doi.org/10.1136/medethics-2020-106210.
  50. Roy G. Beran; Vera Lúcia Raposo; Yang Manman. "Loss of chance across different jurisdictions (the why and wherefore)". Peking University Law Journal 8 2 (2020): 143-157. https://doi.org/10.1080/20517483.2020.1857116.
  51. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "The CJEU’s ruling in the Novartis Farma case: Money, health and medicines". Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 27 2 (2020): 178-198. https://doi.org/10.1177/1023263X20904228.
  52. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "A European proposal to regulate off-label prescription in China". Asia Europe Journal (2020): https://doi.org/10.1007/s10308-020-00569-0.
  53. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Man Teng Iong. "The struggle against the CoViD-19 pandemic in Macao". BioLaw Journal 2020 SpecialIss (2020): 747-752. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/bde3ef3d-9246-493c-970e-8d27de34b318.
  54. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Portugal". BioLaw Journal 2020 SpecialIss (2020): 723-730. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/02855622-f8bf-45ab-b48b-a23432f90e2f.
  55. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Rise and fall of surrogacy arrangements in Portugal (in the aftermath of decision n. 465/2019 of the Portuguese Constitutional Court)". BioLaw Journal 2020 1 (2020): 339-354. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/6631f08a-b38a-4af0-a0f9-6345a9c7f94b.
  56. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Safe Drugs Versus Innovative Drugs (Can We Have Both?)". Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin (2019): https://doi.org/10.34172/apb.2020.041.
  57. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Wrongful genetic connection: neither blood of my blood, nor flesh of my flesh". Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (2019): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11019-019-09927-1.
  58. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Raposo, Vera. "Defensive Medicine and the Imposition of a More Demanding Standard of Care". Journal of legal medicine 39 4 (2019): 401-416. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/5d66f000-bfd9-4321-be0d-e9b4db7dc267.
  59. Vera Lúcia Raposo; Zhe Ma. "An ethical evaluation of the legal status of foetuses and embryos under Chinese law". Developing World Bioethics (2019): https://doi.org/10.1111/dewb.12241.
  60. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Gene Editing, the Mystic Threat to Human Dignity". Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 2 (2019): 249-257. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11673-019-09906-4.
  61. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Complementary and alternative medicine, medical liability and the proper standard of care". Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 35 (2019): 183-188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctcp.2019.02.009.
  62. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Lost in ‘Culturation’: medical informed consent in China (from a Western perspective)". Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 1 (2019): 17-30. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11019-018-9835-0.
  63. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "‘“Dá-Me Licença que Tenha Filhos?” Restrições Legais no Acesso às Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida’ / ‘“May I Have Kids?”: Legal Restrictions on Access to Assisted Reproductive Techniques’,". Revista Direito GV 15 2 (2019): https://doi.org/10.1590/2317-6172201915.
  64. Raposo, V.L.. "Some crucial questions to be answered about abandoned embryos". Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida 23 1 (2019): 81-81. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85060944627&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  65. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "One pill a day". Medicine and Law 38 1 (2019): 73-84. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/06118d00-5d92-46ef-a825-840aff332d2c.
  66. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Raposo, V.L.. "Do you wanna chat? At distance communication between doctors and patients". Medicine and Law 37 4 (2018): 617-629. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/6448c59d-b879-48ca-8e79-e919b19b2853.
  67. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Raposo, V.L.. "Don't ask, don't tell". Medicine and Law 37 1 (2018): 37-60. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/b1c78f68-6005-48ae-9687-c84bc7bce2e3.
  68. Raposo, V.L.. "Message from the guest editor". Medicine and Law 37 1 (2018): 1-2. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85046790846&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  69. Raposo, V.L.. "Are Wrongful Life Actions Threatening the Value of Human Life?". Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 3 (2017): 339-345. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85021144142&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  70. Raposo, V.L.. "The new Portuguese law on surrogacy - The story of how a promising law does not really regulate surrogacy arrangements". Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida 21 3 (2017): 230-239. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85029099601&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  71. Raposo, V.L.. "Single, successful lady is looking for… a baby". Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida 21 3 (2017): 161-162. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85029027940&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  72. Raposo, V.L.. "The unbearable lightness of culpability: The compensation for damages in the practice of medicine,A insustentável leveza da culpa: A compensação de danos no exercício da medicina". Saude e Sociedade 25 1 (2016): 57-69. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84961266501&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  73. Raposo, V.L.. "The convention of human rights and biomedicine revisited: Critical assessment". International Journal of Human Rights 20 8 (2016): 1277-1294. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84979521084&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  74. Raposo, V.L.. "Is three a crowd in reproduction? (The authorization of mitochondrial donation in the UK)". Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida 19 4 (2015): 252-258. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84954508958&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  75. Raposo, V.L.. "Fertility rhymes with liability: medical liability in ART". Revista de derecho y genoma humano = Law and the human genome review / Cátedra de Derecho y Genoma Humano/Fundación BBV-Diputación Foral de Bizkaia 42 (2015): 135-157. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84964695756&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  76. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Fundamental rights". International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 3 3 (2015): 228-241. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/9a601df8-4261-4ed3-b515-aac6c6e7e4e5.
  77. Raposo, V.L.. "To act or not to act, that is the question: Informed consent in a criminal perspective". European Journal of Health Law 19 4 (2012): 379-390. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84863652117&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  78. Raposo, V.L.. "Assisted reproduction two models of regulation: Portugal V. Spain,Reprodução assistida dois modelos de regulação: Portugal vs. Espanha". Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida 16 1 (2012): 35-43. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84862687151&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  79. Eduardo, D.; Raposo, V.L.. "Legal aspects of post-mortem reproduction: a comparative perspective of French, Brazilian and Portuguese legal systems.". Medicine and law 31 2 (2012): 181-198. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84866459225&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  80. Reis, Rafael Vale e; Raposo, Vera. "Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Portuguese Law - Commentary to the Judgment nr 101/2009, of March the 3rd of the Portuguese constitutional court". Revista de Derecho y Genoma Humano 31 (2010): 125-158.
  81. Raposo, V.L.; Vale e Reis, R.. "Assisted reproductive technologies in Portuguese law--commentary to the Judgment no. 101/2009, of March the 3rd of the Portuguese Constitutional Court.". Law and the human genome review = Revista de derecho y genoma humano / Chair in Law and the Human Genome, BBV Foundation-Provincial Government of Biscay, University of Deusto 31 (2009): 125-158. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77954705603&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  82. Machado, Jónatas E. M. ; Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "O Direito à não auto-incriminação e as pessoas colectivas empresariais". Revista Brasileira de Direitos Fundamentais e Justiça 3 8 (2009):
  83. Raposo, V.L.; Osuna, E.. "Embryo dignity: The status and juridical protection of the in vitro embryo". Medicine and Law 26 4 (2007): 737-746. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-38849093209&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  84. Pereira, André Dias; Raposo, Vera. ""Primeiras Notas Sobre A Lei Portuguesa De Procriação Medicamente Assistida (Lei n.º 32/2006, de 26 de julho)"". Lex Medicinae ¿ Revista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde 6 (2006): 89-104.
Artigo em revista (magazine)
  1. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Dura IA Sed IA (Sobre a Utilização da Inteligência Artificial na Advocacia) / ‘Dura IA Sed IA (On the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Law)", Pod Informar, 2023
  2. Rego, Margarida Lima; Raposo, Vera lucia. "As Profissões Jurídicas na Era Digital / The Legal Professions in the Digital Era", Pod Informar, 2023
  3. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Explorando a IA na Medicina: Responsabilidade e Ética / Exploring AI in Medicine: Responsibility and Ethics", Jornal Saúde Online / Journal Health Online, 2023, https://saudeonline.pt/explorando-a-ia-na-medicina-responsabilidade-e-etica/.
  4. Raposo, Vera. "Off-label prescription as a useful resource to fight COVID-19", CGTN, 2020, https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-03-02/Off-label-prescription-as-a-useful-resource-to-fight-COVID-19-OwBACzAQzC/index.html.
  5. Raposo, Vera. "‘Bons Pais, Bons Genes?: Deveres Reprodutivos no Domínio da Saúde e Procreative Beneficence’ / ‘Good Parents, Good Genes?: Reproductive Duties in the Field of Health and Procreative Beneficience’", Lex Medicinae, 2019
  6. Raposo, Vera. "One Pill a Day: How to Keep Litigation Away: Medical Liability in Drug Prescription", Medicine and Law, 2019
  7. Raposo, Vera. "The First Chinese Edited Babies: A Leap of Faith in Science", JBRA Assist. Reprod, 2019
  8. Raposo, Vera; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Surrogacy Contracts Are not just Another Contract", Medicine and Law, 2019, https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/7d8365e2-2eb4-4718-9c55-2200f2c36eb8.
  9. Raposo, Vera; Miguel Berian, Iñigo; Minssen, Timo; Chortara, Theodora; Duardo-Sànchez, Aliuska; Feeney, Oliver; Felzmann, Heike; et al. "An EU Comparative Analysis of the Regulation of Clinical Trials Supervisory Bodies in the Aftermath of Regulation 536/2014", European Public Law, 2019, https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/95b3c3f9-6ab4-4b49-bf90-2cb3b76a8bac.
  10. Raposo, Vera. "Health Care is Only Available for Good Boys and Girls", WAML Newsletter, 2018
  11. Raposo, Vera; Raposo, V.L.. "Macao Report: Informed Consent in a Multilingual and Multicultural Country, a Bioethical Challenge", The Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2018, http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85047962573&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  12. Raposo, Vera. "‘ “O que é que Você Sabe sobre o seu Comprimido?” (A Informação em Relação a Produtos Farmacêuticos)’ / ‘”What do you Know about your Pill?” (Information on Pharmaceutical Products)’,", Revista de Direito do Consumidor, 2018
  13. Raposo, Vera. "Até que a morte nos separe: Breves notas sobre a reprodução post-mortem no caso de gestante em morte cerebral / Until death throws us apart: Brief notes on post-mortem reproduction regarding pregnant women in brain death’", Lex Medicinae, 2018
  14. Raposo, Vera. "‘“Do You Wanna Chat?” At Distance Communication Between Doctors and Patients", Medicine and Law, 2018
  15. Raposo, Vera. "Is there an Alternative Medical Liability for Alternative Medicine?", Medicine and Law, 2018
  16. Raposo, Vera. "Macau, a “tale of two systems”", Vida Económica, 2018
  17. Raposo, Vera. "Tudo Aquilo que Sempre Pensou Saber Sobre Responsabilidade Médica” / “Everything you Always Believe to Know about Medical Liability", Revista do Ministério Público, 2017
  18. Raposo, Vera. "Is it possible to achieve a common standard of care for cybermedicine within the EU?", Medicine and Law, 2017
  19. Raposo, Vera. "Da Protecção dos Consumidores-Pacientes na Prescrição Off-Label’ / ‘About the Protection of Consumers-Patients within Off-Label Prescription", Revista de Direito do Consumidor, 2017
  20. Raposo, Vera. "What Is Off-Label Prescription And How Is It (Non)Regulated In China", Asia Pacific Journal of Health Law and Ethics, 2017
  21. Raposo, Vera. "Qual o Erro da Lei do Erro Médico? Sobre o Regime Jurídico do Erro Médico no Ordenamento da RAEM?’ / ‘What is the Error of the Medical Error Law? On the Legal Regulation of Medical Error in the Legal System of Macao SAR’", Legisiuris (Especial Erro Médico) / (Special Medical Error), 2017
  22. Raposo, Vera. "What’s going on with health law in Asia?", WAML Newsletter , 2017, http://wafml.memberlodge.org/resources/Documents/WAML_Newsletter_Issue_35.pdf.
  23. Raposo, Vera. "Sons of a Minor God: Use of Reproductive Techniques by Single People and Gay Couples", Juris Poiesis, 2017
  24. Raposo, Vera. "The usual suspects: Can parents be held accountable for their reproductive and genetic decisions?", Revista de Derecho y Genoma Humano. Genética, Biotecnología y Medicina Avanzada, 2017
  25. Raposo, Vera. "Health Law in Macao, Where the West Meet the East", WAML Newsletter, 2016, http://wafml.memberlodge.org/resources/Documents/WAML_Newsletter_Issue29.pdf.
  26. Raposo, Vera. "Telemedicine: The Legal Framework (or the Lack of It) in Europe", GMS Health Technol Assess, 2016
  27. Raposo, Vera; Iong, Man Teng. "Grandes Esperanças: Os Tribunais do Acidente Médico na República Popular da China / Great expectations: medical accident tribunals in the Popular Republic of China’", Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitário, 2016
  28. Raposo, Vera. "A Medicina Não Convencional no Contexto do Direito à Saúde e dos Direitos dos Pacientes’ / ‘Non-Conventional Medicine in the Context of Health Rights of Patients’", Revista Juris Poiesis, 2016
  29. Raposo, Vera. "A Perda de Chance no Mandato Judicial (Comentário ao Acórdão do STJ n.º 824/06.5TVLSB.L2.S1, de 01-07-2014) / The Loss of Chance in the Attorney-Client Contract – Comment to the Decision of the Portuguese Supreme Court n. 824/06.5TVLSB.L2.S1, from 01-07-2014", Revista do Ministério Público, 2015
  30. Raposo, Vera; Wei, Wang Morbey. "A Comparative Study on Product Liability Regime in China And Europe", China Legal Science (Chinese SSCI), 2015
  31. Raposo, Vera. "A Prova Genética em Processo Penal – Is CSI for Real? / A Prova Genética em Processo Penal: Is CSI for Real? / The Genetic Evidence in the Criminal Procedure: Is CSI for Real?", LegisIuris, CRED- DM, 2015
  32. Raposo, Vera. "Electronic Health Record: Electronic Health Records: Is it a Risk Worth Taking in Healthcare Delivery?", GMS Health Technology Assessment, 2015
  33. Raposo, Vera. "How Can Asian Countries Deal with Medical Liability and Patient Compensation", People: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
  34. Raposo, Vera. "Tudo aquilo que você sempre quis saber sobre contratos de gestação (mas o legislador teve medo de responder) / Everything you wanted to know about surrogacy contracts (But the legislator was afraid to answer", Legisiuris CRED-DM, 2014
  35. Raposo, Vera. "The right not to live (A new dimension of the right to live in end of life decisions)", Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 2014
  36. Raposo, Vera. "Prescrição Off-Label de Medicamentos e de Dispositivos Médicos / Off-Label Prescription of Drugs and Medical Devices’", Lex Medicinae, 2014
  37. Raposo, Vera. ""What’s Up Doc?” – How Doctors and Patients Communicate in the e-Health Era", WAML Newsletter, 2014, http://wafml.memberlodge.org/Resources/Documents/WAML_Newsletter_Volume4_Issue22.pdf.
  38. Raposo, Vera. "Directivas Antecipadas de Vontade: Em Busca da Lei Perdida’/ ‘Anticipated Directives: In Search of the Lost Law’", Revista do Ministério Público, 2014
  39. Raposo, Vera. "A Responsabilidade do Produtor por Danos Causados por Dispositivos Médicos’ / ‘Producer Liability for Damages Caused by Medical Devices’", Revista do Instituto de Direito Brasileiro, 2013
  40. Raposo, Vera. "O Acto Médico Perante o Olhar Judicial: Breve Apontamento à Decisão Proferida no Processo n.º 218/211 / The Medical Act in front of the Judicial Eye: Brief Note to the Decision of Process n.º 218/2011’", Legisiuris CRED-DM, 2013
  41. Raposo, Vera. "Do Regime das Intervenções Médico-Cirúrgicas Arbitrárias no Código Penal Português’/ About the Regulation of Arbitrary Medical Interventions in the Portuguese Criminal Code’", Revista Peruana de Ciencias Penales, 2013
  42. Raposo, Vera. "Responsabilidade Médica em Cabo Verde / Medical Responsibility in Cape Verde’", Revista Jurídica da Universidade de Santiago, 2013
  43. Raposo, Vera. "O Fim da “Letra de Médio”: Problemas Suscitados pelo Processo Clínico Eletrónico em Sede de Responsabilidade Médica/ The End of “the Doctor Writing”: Problems Raised by the Electronic Clinical File within Medical Liability", Lex Medicinae, 2013
  44. Raposo, Vera. "Você tem uma Nova Mensagem – A Prestação de Cuidados de Saúde na Era da Telemedicina’ / “Doutor, What’s Up?” – Health Care Delivery in the Era of Telemedicine", Lex Medicinae, 2013
  45. Raposo, Vera. "No Dia em que a Morte Chegar (Decifrando o Regime Jurídico das Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade) / The Day Death Reaches you (Deciphering the Legal Regime of Advance Directives Will)’", Revista Portuguesa do Dano Corporal, 2013
  46. Raposo, Vera. "Reprodução Assistida e HIV – A Visita da Cegonha / Assisted Reproduction and HIV – The Visit of the Stork’", Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados, 2012
  47. Raposo, Vera. "Juridical Status of Human Embryos and Foetus at the Oviedo Convention", Lex Medicinae, 2012
  48. Raposo, Vera. "Responsabilidade Médica em sede de Diagnóstico Pré-Natal (Wrongful Life e Wrongful Birth)", Revista do Ministério Público, 2012
  49. Raposo, Vera; Osuna, Eduardo; Machado, Francisco. "What’s wrong with Gamete Donation? (Legal and Ethical Status of Gametes in Assisted Reproduction Techniques)", Journal of Fertilization In Vitro, 2012
  50. Raposo, Vera. "Entre a Vida e a Morte: Responsabilidade Médica nas Decisões em Fim de Vida / Between Life and Death: Medical Liability in End of Life Decisions’", Lex Medicinae, 2012
  51. Raposo, Vera. "Embriões, Investigação Embrionária e Células Estaminais / Embryos, Embrionary Investigation and Stem Cells’", Lex Medicinae, 2012
  52. Raposo, Vera. "Aspects Juridiques de la Procréation Post-Mortem en Perspective Comparative Brésil-Portugal", Revue Général de Droit Médical, 2011
  53. Raposo, Vera. "Directivas Antecipadas de Vontade: Em Busca da Lei Perdida", Revista do Ministério Público, 2011
  54. Raposo, Vera. "O Corpo Humano, a “Nova Galinha dos Ovos de Ouro"", Lex Medicinae, 2011
  55. Raposo, Vera. "A Idade da Inocência: Podem os Contratos de Gestação Sobreviver sem Lei Reguladora?", Revista Jurídica UNISEB, 2011
  56. Raposo, Vera. "Segredo de Justiça: Caixinha de Segredos ou Segredos à Solta", Revista do Ministério Público, 2010
  57. Raposo, Vera. "As Wrong Actions no Início da Vida (Wrongful Conception, Wrongful Birth E Wrongful Life) e a Responsabilidade Médica", Revista Portuguesa do Dano Corporal, 2010
  58. Raposo, Vera. "Aspectos Jurídicos da Reprodução Post-Mortem, em Perspectiva Comparada Brasil-Portugal", Lex Medicinae, 2010
  59. Raposo, Vera; Prata, Catarina; Oliveira, Isabel Ortigão de. "Human Rights in Today’s Ethics: Human Rights of the Unborn (Embryos and Foetus)?", Cuadernos Constitucionales de la Cátedra Fadrique Furio Ceriol, 2010
  60. Raposo, Vera. "What does the future hold for gene editing in China?", Bioethics.Net, 2010, http://www.bioethics.net/2020/01/what-does-the-future-hold-for-gene-editing-in-china/.
  61. Raposo, Vera. "Reprodução Assistida e HIV – A Visita da Cegonha", Revista Direito e Cidadania, 2009
  62. Raposo, Vera. "Se Busca Embrión en Buenas Condiciones para la Aplicación del Diagnostico Preimplantacional y el Bebe-Medicamento", Revista de Bioética Latinoamericana, 2009
  63. Raposo, Vera. "O Direito à Não Incriminação e as Pessoas Colectivas Empresariais", Direitos Fundamentais e Justiça, 2009
  64. Raposo, Vera. "Crónica de um Casamento Anunciado", Revista do Ministério Público, 2009
  65. Raposo, Vera. "Vende-se Gâmeta em Bom Estado de Conservação (O Obscuro Mercado das Células Reprodutivas)", Lex Medicinae, 2009
  66. Raposo, Vera. "Quem Tem Medo dos Jornalistas? (Media, Segredo de Justiça e Perícias Médico-Legais", Revista Portuguesa do Dano Corporal, 2009
  67. Raposo, Vera. "O Dilema do Rei Salomão: Conflitos de Vontade quanto ao Destino dos Embriões Excedentários", Lex Medicinae, 2008
  68. Raposo, Vera. "CSI – Quando a Ficção se Torna Realidade", Lex Medicinae, 2008
  69. Raposo, Vera. "Comparación Jurídica de la Agresión Sexual según los Códigos Penales de Portugal, Angola y España", Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Médico y Medicina Legal, 2007
  70. Raposo, Vera. "Adão e Eva – O Milagre da Selecção de Sexo Embrião", Revista de Direito Médico e da Saúde, 2007
  71. Raposo, Vera. "Pode Trazer-me o Menu, Por Favor? Quero Escolher o Meu Embrião: Os Múltiplos Casos de Selecção de Embriões em Sede de Diagnóstico Genético Pré-Implantatório", Lex Medicinae, 2007
  72. Raposo, Vera. "A Responsabilidade Subsidiária dos TOC’s – Algumas Considerações Constitucionais a propósito do art. 24.º/3 da LGT", Fiscalidade, 2007
  73. Raposo, Vera. "O Direito à Vida na Jurisprudência de Estrasburgo", Jurisprudência Constitucional, 2007
  74. Raposo, Vera. "La Nueva Ley Portuguesa sobre Reproducción Asistida", Revista de Bioetica y Derecho, 2007
  75. Raposo, Vera. "Em Nome do Pai (…E da Mãe, e de Dois Pais, e de Duas Mães) – Análise do Art. 6.º da Lei 32/2006", Lex Medicinae, 2007
  76. Raposo, Vera. "A Mão que Embala o Berço: As Acções Positivas em Prol da Melhoria da Situação Fáctica da Mulher", Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Agostinho Neto, 2005
  77. Raposo, Vera. "Comentário ao Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 7 de Fevereiro de 2002", Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Criminal, 2004
  78. Raposo, Vera. "Questões Éticas nos Direitos Reprodutivos", Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Agostinho Neto, 2004
  79. Raposo, Vera. "Os Limites da Igualdade: Um Enigma por Desvendar – A Questão da Promoção da Igualdade Laboral entre Sexos", Revista Questões Laborais, 2004
  80. Raposo, Vera. "Maternidad de Substitución", Revista Latinomericana de Derecho Médico y Medicina Legal, 2003
Capítulo de livro
  1. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "‘Training your medical/nursing robot: from the General Data Protection Regulation to the European Health Data Space’". In Privacy, Data Protection and Data-driven Technologies, 169-192. Routledge, 2025.
  2. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "‘Training your medical/nursing robot: from the General Data Protection Regulation to the European Health Data Space’". 169-169. Routhledge, 2025.
  3. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Facial recognition AI technology in healthcare and the law". In Research Handbook on Health, AI and the Law, 41-56. Elgar, 2024.
  4. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "Facial recognition AI technology in healthcare and the law". 2024.
  5. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Training Your Medical/Nursing Robot". In From the General Data Protection Regulation to the European Health Data Space, 169-192. Taylor & Francis, 2024.
  6. Raposo, Vera Lúcia; Iong, Man Teng. "Advance Directives in Macao: Not Legally Recognised, but…". In Advance Directives Across Asia, 262-275. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
  7. VL Raposo. "A Room With a View (And With a Gene Therapy Drug): Gene Therapy Medicinal Products and Genetic Tourism in Europe’". In Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing.. Brill, 2023.
  8. Raposo, Vera. "Digital Governance na Proposta de Regulamento da Comissão Europeia relativa à Inteligência Artificial: Breve Périplo sobre Good Governance e Direitos Fundamentais / Digital Governance in the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence: Brief Tour on Good Governance and Fundamental Rights’". In Estudos em Homenagem ao Conselheiro Presidente Manuela da Costa Andrade / Studies in Honor of Presidential Counselor Manuel da Costa Andrade. Almedina, 2023.
  9. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "A Room with a View (and with a Gene Therapy Drug): Gene Therapy Medicinal Products and Genetic Tourism in Europe". 2023.
  10. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Sei o que Fizeste na Internet Passada (Breve Périplo sobre a Privacidade no Mundo Digital) / I Know What You Did on the Past Internet (Brief Guide to Privacy in the Digital World),". In Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Alves Correia / Studies in Homage to Professor Doctor Alves Correia, 941-968. Almedina, 2023.
  11. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "O Início da Vida na Era Científica: Os Filhos da Ciência / The Beginning of Life in the Scientific Age: The Children of Science". In Lex Mercatoria: Estudos Em Homenagem Ao Professor Augusto Teixeira Garcia / Lex Mercatoria: Studies in Homage to Professor Augusto Teixeira Garcia, 641-659. Almedina, 2023.
  12. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Sei o que Fizeste na Internet Passada". In Breve Périplo sobre a Privacidade no Mundo Digital, editado por Gon{\c c, 941-968. Almedina, 2023.
  13. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "‘Da IA como Pessoa Jurídica (Fundamentos e Consequências): O Verdadeiro Jogo Da Imitação / AI as a Legal Person (Foundations and Consequences): The True Imitation Game’". In Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor António Pinto Monteiro / Studies in Homage to Prof António Pinto Monteiro, 1027-1050. Instituto juridico, 2023.
  14. Raposo, Vera Lúcia; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. "Medical Liability in Macao". In Medical Liability in Asia and Australasia, 147-162. Springer, 2022.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-981-16-4855-7_9
  15. Raposo, Vera. "Comentário ao Artigo 13.º / Comment do Article 13". In Convenc¸a~o Para a Protec¸a~o dos Direitos do Homem e da Dignidade do Ser Humano Face às Aplicac¸o~es da Biologia e da Medicina - 20 Anos de Vigência em Portugal / Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Human Dignity Faced with the Applications of Biology and Medicine - 20 Years of Validity in Portugal, 307-338. Coimbra, Portugal, 2022.
  16. Raposo, Vera. "Comentário ao Artigo 17.º / Comment do Article 17". In Convenc¸a~o Para a Protec¸a~o dos Direitos do Homem e da Dignidade do Ser Humano Face às Aplicac¸o~es da Biologia e da Medicina - 20 Anos de Vigência em Portugal / Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Human Dignity Faced with the Applications of Biology and Medicine - 20 Years of Validity in Portugal, 377-404. Coimbra, 2022.
  17. Vera Lúcia Raposo. "The European Draft Regulation on Artificial Intelligence: Houston, We Have a Problem". 66-73. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
  18. Pereira, André Dias; Patrão Neves, Maria do Céu; Gaudêncio, Ana Margarida; Godinho, Inês Fernandes; Vale, Luís Meneses do; Barbosa, Carla; Ferreira, Ana Elisabete; et al. "Recommendations". Instituto Jurídico, 2021.
  19. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "O medo e a morte (ou o medo da morte) / Fear and death (or the fear of death)". In Direito e Morte / Law and Death. Letramento Editora, 2020.
  20. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. Autor correspondente: Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "CRISPR-Cas9: A Resposta do Direito Internacional ao Novo Modelo de Edição Genética em Seres Humanos". In Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Wladimir Brito. Almedina, 2020.
  21. Raposo, Vera Lúcia; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. Autor correspondente: Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Informed Consent in China and Macao". In Informed Consent and Health - A Global Analysis, 144-162. Edward Arnold Publishers, 2019.
    Publicado • 10.4337/9781788973427.00014
  22. Raposo, Vera. "‘ “A Parte Gestante Está Proibida de Pintar as Unhas” - Direito Contratual e Contratos de Gestação’ / ‘ “The Surrogate Cannot Have her Nails Done”: Contract Law and Surrogacy Contracts’". In Debatendo a Procriação Medicamente Assistida / Debating Assisted Reproductive Reproduction. 2018.
  23. Raposo, Vera. "Article 13". In Treaty Of Lisbon, Article-By-Article Commentary On The European Union Treaties. 2018.
  24. Raposo, Vera; Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "Em Defesa do Direito à Disposição do Corpo / In Defense of the Right over The Body". In Diálogos Sino-Luso-Brasileiros Sobre Jurisdição Constitucional e a Crítica Hermenêutica do Direito de Lenio Luiz Streck / Sino-Portuguese-Brazilian Dialogues on Constitutional Jurisdiction and the Hermeneutic Critique of the Right of Lenio Luiz Streck. Juspodivm, 2018.
  25. Raposo, Vera Lúcia; Raposo, Vera. Autor correspondente: Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "‘Filhos de um Deus Menor: As Relações entre Pais e Filhos no Contexto Médico e Genético’ / ‘Sons of a Lesser God: The Relations Between Parents and Children in the Framework of Medicine and Genetics". In Estudos de Direito da Familia e Menores / Studies of Family Law and Juvenile Law. Macau: Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária, 2018.
  26. Raposo, Vera. "Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine: Actually, Size does Matter". In Inégalités d'Accès aux Soins et aux Services Médicaux - Recherche Médicale, Innovation et Nouvelles Technologies. 2017.
  27. Raposo, Vera. "Sexo, Moralidade e Género: Uma Trilogia Diabólica?". In Boletim da Faculdade de Direito de Macau, Oitava Confererência Internacional “As Reformas Jurídicas de Macau no Contexto Global”. 2017.
  28. Raposo, Vera. "Crime e Castigo: Crimes de Comissão por Omissão e o Dever de Garante do Médico". In Estudos Comemorativos dos 20 Anos da FDUP. 2017.
  29. Raposo, Vera. "Crimes in Vitro (Do Embrião In Vitro, da Manipulação Genética e de Outros Admiráveis Mundos Novos)". In Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Manuel da Costa Andrade. 2017.
  30. Raposo, Vera. "No início era o verbo (Da tutela jurídica pré-natal no ordenamento da RAEM)". In Direitos da Criança e da Mulher. 2017.
  31. Raposo, Vera. "O Silêncio dos Inocentes: Sobre A Sobrevivência da Proibição da Auto-Incriminação na Moderna Investigação Criminal". In Estudos Comemorativos dos 20 anos do Código Penal e do Código de Processo Penal da RAEM. 2016.
  32. Raposo, Vera. "Os Intocáveis – Sobre a (Ir)Responsabilidade dos Pais por Violação de Deveres Reprodutivos no Código Civil de Macau / The Untouchable – About the Non-Liability of Parents for Violation of Reproductive Duties in Macao Civil Code". In Um Diálogo Consistente: Olhares Recentes sobre Temas do Direito Português e de Macau / A Consistent Dialog: Recent Looks over Topics of Portuguese and Macanese Law. 2016.
  33. Raposo, Vera. "Progresso, Paz e Felicidade: A Nova Trilogia dos Direitos Fundamentais". In Direito ao Desenvolvimento Económico e Social. 2016.
  34. Raposo, Vera. "Crónica de uma Morte Adiada: Quando a Medicina Desafia O Direito Penal / Story of an Postponed Death: When Medicine Challenges Criminal Law’". In Desafios ao Direito Penal na Sociedade do Século XXI / Challenges to Criminal Law in the 21st Century Society. 2016.
  35. Raposo, Vera. "Querido, Congelei os Ovócitos". In Estudos em Homenagem ao prof. Doutor Guilherme de Oliveira. 2016.
  36. Raposo, Vera. "Anatomia da Responsabilidade (A Responsabilidade do Médico, da Clínica e do Dador no Contexto da PMA) / Liability’s Anatomy (The Liability of the Doctor, the Clinic and the Donor in the Context of ART’". In Escritos Jurídicos para Jorge Leite / Juridical Writings to Jorge Leite. 2015.
  37. Raposo, Vera. "The True Colours of Reproductive Rights, Especially in the Context of Rainbow Families". In Aspects Légaux et Éthiques du Commencement de la Vie. 2015.
  38. Raposo, Vera. "Património Genético: Direito e Direitos/ Genetic Patrimony: Law and Rights". In A Interface dos Direitos Humanos com o Direito Internacional / The Interface of Human Rights with International Law. 2015.
  39. Raposo, Vera. "Processos Judiciais Indevidos? (Há Espaço para Indemnização nas Acções de Wrongful Birth e de Wrongful Life contra Profissionais de Saúde?)’/ Wrongful Law Suits? (Is there Space for Compensation in Wrongful Life and Wrongful Birth Actions against Health Care Professionals?)". In Responsabilidade na Prestação de Cuidados de Saúde /Liability in Health Care. 2014.
  40. Raposo, Vera. "The Doctor Just Poked you: Os Novos Desafios da e-health / The Doctor Just Poked you: The new Challenges of e-Health’". In Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor António José Avelãs Nunes, Tomo III / Homage to Prof. Doutor António José Avelãs Nunes. 2014.
  41. Raposo, Vera; Vieira, Duarte Nuno. "Professional Medical Responsibility in Portugal: The Juridical Perspective". In Malpractice and Medical Liability - European State of the Art and Guidelines. 2013.
  42. Raposo, Vera; Osuna, Eduardo; Raposo, V.L.; Osuna, E.. "European Convention of Human Rights and Biomedicine". In Legal and Forensic Medicine, 1405-1424. 2013.
  43. Raposo, Vera. "Aqueles que Nasceram (Breve Excurso Sobre o Enquadramento Penal das Lesões Pré-Natais) / The Ones who Were Born (Brief Tour by the Criminal Framework to Prenatal Injuries’". In Livro de Homenagem ao Professor Peter Hunerfeld / Homage Studies to Prof. Peter Hunderfeld. 2013.
  44. Raposo, Vera. "Anotação ao Art. 13.º TFU / Annotation to art. 13.º TFEU". In Tratado de Lisboa, Anotado e Comentado / Treaty of Lisbon, Noted and Commented. 2012.
  45. Raposo, Vera. "Biodireitos: The New Kids on the Juridical Playground / Biorights: The New Kids on the Juridical Playground’". In Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho / Homage Studies to Prof. Doutor José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho. 2012.
  46. Raposo, Vera; Oliveira, Guilherme de. "Portugal". In Gestation pour Autrui: Surrogate Motherhood. 2011.
  47. Raposo, Vera. "Direitos Reprodutivos: Homossexualidade, Celibato e Parentalidade". In Familia, Consciência, Secularismo e Religião. 2010.
  48. Raposo, Vera. "In the Borderline of Human Reproduction". In Droit de la Santé Publique dans un Contexte Transnational. 2010.
  49. Raposo, Vera. "A Vida Num Código de Barras". In Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Jorge de Figueiredo Dias. 2010.
  50. Raposo, Vera. "Poder Parental Sobre os Embriões Excedentários". In Representações Jurídicas das Tecnologias Reproductivas. 2009.
  51. Raposo, Vera. "Os Limites da Igualdade: um Enigma por Desvendar (A Utilização da Discriminação Positiva De Género no Direito do Trabalho)". In A Igualdade dos Gêneros nas Relações de Trabalho. 2006.
  52. Raposo, Vera. "Paridade: A Outra Igualdade". In Ciências Jurídicas. 2005.
  53. Raposo, Vera. "Quotas de Género: os Prós e os Contras de uma Solução Polémica". In Direitos Humanos das Mulheres. 2005.
  54. Raposo, Vera. "Da Moralidade à Liberdade: O Bem Jurídico tutelado na Criminalidade Sexual". In Liber Discipulorum para Jorge de Figueiredo Dias. 2003.
Documento de trabalho
  1. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. 2024. "SaulLM-7B: A pioneering Large Language Model for Law". https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/947feadd-2190-46a8-a479-7ffb3a080f67.
Edição de número de revista
  1. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. "‘Beyond and Profiles: Unveiling the Legal Identity of Avatars in the Metaverse’". Interactive Entertainment Law Review 7 2 (2024):
    Publicado • doi.org/10.4337/ielr.2024.02.04
  1. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. Autor correspondente: Raposo, Vera Lúcia. Medical Law - Portugal. Kluwer Law International BV. 2024.
  2. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Roy Beran; André Pereira; Carla Barbosa; Raposo, Vera Lúcia; Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias; Barbosa, Carla. Medical Liability in Asia and Australasia. Singapura: Springer Singapore. 2022.
    Publicado • https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-16-4855-7
  3. Pereira, André Dias; Moniz, Ana Raquel Gonçalves; Gaudêncio, Ana Margarida; Godinho, Inês Fernandes; Vale, Luís Meneses do; Barbosa, Carla; Borges, Fernando Vannier; et al. Recomendações. Instituto Jurídico. 2021.
  4. Neves, Maria do Céu Patrão; Moniz, Ana Raquel Gonçalves; Gaudêncio, Ana Margarida; Godinho, Inês Fernandes; Vale, Luís António Malheiro Meneses do; Barbosa, Carla; Ferreira, Ana Elisabete; et al. Responsabilidade em Saúde Pública no Mundo Lusófono: Fazendo Justiça Durante e Além da Emergência da COVID. Coimbra, Portugal: Instituto Jurídico. 2021.
    Publicado • 10.47907/livro2021_01pt
  5. Neves, Maria do Céu Patrão; Moniz, Ana Raquel Gonçalves; Gaudêncio, Ana Margarida; Godinho, Inês Fernandes; Vale, Luís António Malheiro Meneses do; Barbosa, Carla; Ferreira, Ana Elisabete; et al. Responsibility for Public Health in the Lusophone World: Doing Justice In and Beyond the COVID Emergency. Coimbra, Portugal: Instituto Jurídico. 2021.
    Publicado • 10.47907/livro2021_01en
  6. Raposo, Vera. Danos Causados por Medicamentos – Enquadramento Jurídico à Luz do Ordenamento Europeu / Damages Caused by Drugs – Legal Framework in Light of European Law. 2018.
  7. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. Danos Causados por Medicamentos. Almedina. 2018.
  8. Raposo, Vera. O Direito à Imortalidade (O Exercício de Direitos Reprodutivos Mediante Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida e o Estatuto Jurídico do Embrião In Vitro). 2014.
  9. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. O Direito à Imortalidade (O Exercício de Direitos Reprodutivos Mediante Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida e o Estatuto Jurídico do Embrião In Vitro)/ The Right to Immortality (The Exercise of Reproductive Rights Through Reproductive Techniques and the Juridical Status of In Vitro Embryos). Almedina. 2014.
  10. Raposo, Vera. Do Ato Médico ao Problema Jurídico (Breves Notas sobre o Acolhimento da Responsabilidade Médica Civil e Profissional na Jurisprudência Nacional). 2013.
  11. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. Do Ato Médico ao Problema Jurídico (Breves Notas sobre o Acolhimento da Responsabilidade Médica Civil e Profissional na Jurisprudência Nacional) / From the Medical Act to the Juridical Problem (Brief Notes about the Treatment of Civil and Criminal Medical Liability in the National Jurisprudence). Almedina. 2013.
  12. Raposo, Vera; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Jónatas Machado. Direito à Saúde e Qualidade dos Medicamentos. Almedina. 2010.
  13. Machado, Jónatas E. M. ; Raposo, Vera Lúcia. Direito à Saúde e à Qualidade dos Medicamentos. São Paulo, Brasil: Almedina. 2010.
  14. Raposo, Vera; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. A Questão da Constitucionalidade das Patentes Pipeline à Luz da Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988. Almedina. 2008.
  15. Machado, Jónatas E. M. ; J.J. Gomes Canotilho ; Raposo, Vera Lúcia. A Constitucionalidade das Patentes Pipeline à Luz da Constituição Brasileira de 1988. Almedina. 2008.
  16. Raposo, Vera. De Mãe para Mãe: Questões Éticas e Legais Suscitadas pela Maternidade de Substituição. 2005.
  17. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. De Mãe para Mãe. Coimbra Editora. 2005.
  18. Raposo, Vera. O Poder de Eva: O Princípio da Igualdade no Âmbito dos Direitos Políticos; Problemas suscitados pela Discriminação. 2004.
  19. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. O Poder de Eva. Almedina. 2004.
Recurso online
  1. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. SaulLM-7B: A pioneering Large Language Model for Law’. 2024. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.03883..
  2. Raposo, Vera Lúcia. Artificial Intelligence, Fundamental Rights and Technological Development: Is There a Crowd in a Regulation?. 2023. https://wafml.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/WAML_Newsletter_57_June_23.pdf.
  3. Tomás de Brito Paulo. Genetic Data – Main Principles’. 2023. https://www.eurogct.org/research-pathways/public-involvement-and-data/data-protection/main-principles.
  4. Tomás de Brito Paulo. Genetic Data – Data Classification’. 2023. https://www.eurogct.org/research-pathways/public-involvement-and-data/data-protection/data-classification.
  5. Tomás de Brito Paulo. Genetic Data – Data Protection Authorities’. 2023. https://www.eurogct.org/research-pathways/public-involvement-and-data/data-protection/data-protection-authorities.
  6. Raposo, Vera. ¿You Can Run, But You Can't Hide: Digital State Surveillance in Liberal Democracies¿ The. 2022. https://digi-con.org/you-can-run-but-you-cant-hide/.
  7. Raposo, Vera. May I have some artificial intelligence with my human rights? About the recent European Commission's Proposal on a Regulation for Artificial Intelligence”,. 2022. https://blogs.kcl.ac.uk/kslreuropeanlawblog/?p=1569.


Outra produção
  1. THE FIFTY SHADES OF BLACK: ABOUT BLACK BOX AI AND EXPLAINABILITY IN HEALTHCARE. 2025. Vera Lúcia Raposo. https://doi.org/10.1093/medlaw/fwaf005.
  2. Can personal data be recycled? The reuse and repurposing of data under the EHDS. 2024. Vera Lúcia Raposo. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijlit/eaae016.
  3. Facial recognition technology: is it ready to be used in public health surveillance?. 2023. Vera Lúcia Raposo; Li Du. https://doi.org/10.1093/idpl/ipad021.
  4. Artificial Intelligence, Fundamental Rights and Technological Development. Is There a Crowd in a Regulation?. 2023. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/7d3125b6-9e6b-45d0-8529-161dbf31567c.
  5. Genetic Data – Data Protection Authorities. 2023. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Tomás de Brito Paulo. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/a608a22e-6329-4651-8fcf-90c3d87bd239.
  6. Genetic Data – Data Classification. 2023. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Tomás de Brito Paulo. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/c3bc14a6-f270-4847-849c-45e78f1e5816.
  7. Data Protection Main Principles. 2023. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Tomás de Brito Paulo. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/237eb3a6-d601-4e58-9390-51652f3fe0c7.
  8. Dura IA Sed IA (Sobre a Utilização da Inteligência Artificial na Advocacia). 2023. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/a9c1518a-d05e-47b5-a0c6-409c3fdf4703.
  9. Preface. 2022. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO; Roy G. Beran. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/e8c0a0ec-f2ff-48ce-8775-a883c3f1ab81.
  10. Authors’ Reply to: And Justice for All? There Is More to the Interoperability of Contact Tracing Apps Than Legal Barriers. Comment on “COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: A Technologic Tower of Babel and the Gap for International Pandemic Control” (Preprint). 2020. Li Du; Vera Lúcia Raposo; Meng Wang. https://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.26630.
  11. Correction: COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: A Technologic Tower of Babel and the Gap for International Pandemic Control (Preprint). 2020. Li Du; Vera Lúcia Raposo; Meng Wang. https://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.26239.
  12. COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: A Technologic Tower of Babel and the Gap for International Pandemic Control (Preprint). 2020. Li Du; Vera Lúcia Raposo; Meng Wang. https://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.23194.
  13. The first chinese edited babies. A leap of faith in science. 2019. Vera Lúcia RAPOSO. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/e50748a3-8b89-4491-94e9-85af6f629b5d.
  14. [Gamete donation contracts: gift of life or sale of genetic material?].,Contratos de donación de gametos: ¿Regalo de vida o venta de material genético?. 2012. Raposo, V.L.. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84877069724&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  15. La Loi Portugaise de Procréation Medicalement Assistée (Loi Nº 32/2006, du 26 juillet). L¿article analyse la loi portugaise sur la procréation médicalement assistée de 2006, en tenant compte des lois de différents pays européens.. 2008. Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias; Raposo, Vera. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/2793.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2024/09/19 Black is the New White: Black Box Versus White Box Medicine in healthcare’. 9th Conference of the European Association of Health Law, University of Warsaw, Poland
European Association of Health Law (Warsaw, Polónia)
2024/09/06 ‘O Uso Da Inteligência Artificial Na Administração Da Justiça: O Futuro da IA no Sistema de Justiça’ / The use of Artificial Intelligence in Administration of Justice: The Future of AI in the Justice System’ III Seminário Internacional Seminário Estado, Regulação e Transformação Digital / International Seminar State, Regulation and Digital Transformation Seminar, in Faculdade de Direito de Vitória – FDV, Vitória do Espírito Santo, Brasil.
Faculdade de Direito de Vitória – FDV (Vitória do Espirito Santo, Brasil)
2024/06/05 Presentation: ‘Lessons Learned from the Drafting of the AI Act’ Conference ‘AI Regulation and Governance: A Cross-Jurisdictional Approach’,
Oslo University (Oslo, Noruega)
2024/05/13 Presentation: ‘The Metaverse Legal Matrix: Avatar Realities and Legalities’. International Congress: ‘Towards a Responsible Development of the Metaverse’
University of Alicante (Alicante, Espanha)
2024/03/26 ‘Uma visão crítica da Lei n.° 14/2023’ / ‘A critical view of Law No. 14/2023’ Seminário Sobre a Relevância da Lei N.º 14/2023 que Regula a Utilização das Técnicas de Procriação Medicamente Assistida
Faculty of Law, University of Macao (Macao, Macau)
2024 A IA na prestação de cuidados de saúde: O médico robot?’ / ‘‘AI in healthcare delivery: The robot doctor?’ Short Course on Law and Technology, organized by Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho
Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho
2023/12/06 Privacidade no Mundo Digital / Privacy in a Digital World Encontro Nacional de 2023 da Comissão da Infância, Juventude e Educação / 2023 National Meeting of the Commission on Children, Youth and Education
Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público do Brasil (Brasilia, Brasil)
2023/12/05 Direitos reprodutivos das mulheres e tecnologias reprodutivas / Women's reproductive rights and reproductive technologies Gender Colloquium of the National Council of the Public Ministry of Brazil / Colóquio de Gênero do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público do Brasil
Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público do Brasil (Brasilia, Brasil)
2023/10/17 ‘Facial Recognition in Healthcare'
University of Bristol Law School (Bristol, Reino Unido)
2023/10/16 ‘Medical Liability, Standards of Care and AI’
University of Bristol Law School (Bristol, Reino Unido)
2023/10/10 ‘Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Health Data and Personal Care Robots’
University of Bristol Law School (Bristol, Reino Unido)
2023/09/12 E tudo o RGPD levou… / Gone with the GDPR.. IV Seminário Internacional de Constitucionalismo Digital / IV International Seminar on Digital Constitutionalism
Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (Brasil)
2023/09/04 ‘Regulating Artificial Intelligence in Europe and Beyond’ 11th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR),
(coimbra, Portugal)
2023/08/03 ‘‘Algorithm, What Should I Do?’ – The Medical Standard of Care to Use AI in Healthcare Delivery’ 27th World Congress for Medical Law
world association for medical law (Vilnius, Lituânia)
2023/05/25 ‘Does the Future Belong to AI Doctors? – No, it Belongs to Human-AI Interaction’ AI in Healthcare
The Institute for Futures Studies (Stockholm, Suécia)
2023/03/24 ‘Personalised Drugs Can Lead You to a Personalised Death in the EU (And that’s All Because of a Legal Loophole)’, Precision Medicine Conference. Ethical and Legal Issues
Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (National School of Public Health), NOVA University, Lisbon. (Lisboa, Portugal)
2022/12/02 Nursing Robots, Healthcare Data… and the GDPR Between Them 26th National Technology Law Conference
School of Law, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (Taiwan)
2022/12/02 Healthcare delivery in light of the EU Draft Act on AI 1st Live Webinar of the Thematic Network on Navigating Health Inequalities in the EU through Artificial Intelligence
EU Health Policy Platform
2022/11/04 AI regulation Lisbon Digital Rights and Freedoms Workshops: Regulation Of Artificial Intelligence,
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)
2022/06/22 ‘Health Data and Personal Care Robots’ First Symposium on Geriatronics
Technische Universität München (Alemanha)
2022/04/22 ‘My Doctor, the Algorithm, Made a Mistake’. Conference of the European Association of Health Law,
Ghent university (Ghent, Bélgica)
2022/04/11 Facial Recognition in Healthcare: Doctor, Take a Look at Me. Webinar Facial Recognition in Healthcare: Legal Challenges
RAILS- Robotics & AI Law Society
2021/12/03 ‘The European GDPR: Is it too Much?' 2021 National Technology Law Conference
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, School of Law, Taiwan (Taiwan)
2019 Gene Editing and Human Dignity, A Complicated Relationship WAML Book of Proceedings for the WAML Conference 2019
2019 Never too old nor too single to have kids. Women’s reproductive rights and reproductive techniques International Conference Feminism In Law, Philosophy and Religion, Warsaw University, Poland.
2019 Case C-29/17: Off-Label Prescription, Right to Health and European Law Invited lecturer at Bergamo University (Università degli studi di Bergamo)
2019 Primum non nocere: medical liability in end of life scenarios 3rd International Conference on End of Life Law, Ethics, Policy, and Practice, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
2019 Gene editing: The Future of Medicine Genetic Engineering: The Future of Medicine in the Great Bay Area?”, Fundação Rui Cunha, Macau.
2019 How human dignity became the bogeyman in the gene editing discussion Law in Society 2019, Washington DC, US
2019 Patient’s Informed Consent: The Chinese and Macanese Experiences 16th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Annual Conference, Singapore
2019 Gene Editing and Human Dignity, a Complicated Relationship 25th Annual Congress of the World Association for Medical Law, Waseda University, Tokyo, japan.
2019 Communication challenges in multilingual and multicultural healthcare setting AMLPM Scientific Meeting 2019, Macau, China. “‘I beg your pardon?’
2019 Rise and Fall of Surrogacy Arrangements in Portugal Gessus Project, Final Conference – Surrogacy in Spain, Barcelona, Spain
2019 Fertility rhymes liability: How reproductive and prenatal technology has encouraged a new type of litigation Workshop “Health and New Technologies”, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau.
2018 The Children of Science About the Medically Assisted Reproduction Bill
2018 Civil Liability and Reproduction Saúde, Novas Tecnologias e Responsabilidade: Perspectivas Comteporâneas
2018 What's wrong with gene editing? Probably a lot of things, but... 32nd European conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care in Lisbon, Portugal.
2018 Is there an Alternative Medical Liability for Alternative Medicine? 24th Annual Congress of the World Association for Medical Law. Tel Aviv, Israel
2018 Russian Roulette or Procreative Beneficence: What works in Genetics? Workshop “Genetics and the Law”, University of Macau, Macau
2018 “Genetic Makeup Of Offspring: Genetic Lottery Or Genetic Planning?” III Coimbra International Conference On Human Rights: a Transdisciplinary approach, Coimbra University, Portugal
2018 Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Framework of the Right to Health LSA Conference: ‘Law in the Asian Century’, Bond University, Australia.
2018 Medical Liability in Traditional Chinese Medicine Workshop “Liability in Healthcare”, University of Macau, Faculty of Law
2018 Right to Health Workshop “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 70 Years On”
2017 The 50s Are the New 30s: And You Can Still Have Kids due to Oocyte Cryopreservation ATINER's Conference Paper Series HSC2017-2217
2017 How dangerous is your pill? Drugs, Innovation and Safety 6th LRPP 2017 Singapore Book of Proceedings
2017 Genetic Makeup of Offspring: Genetic Lottery or Genetic Planning? Anais do Congresso Internacional de Direitos Humanos de Coimbra: Uma Visão Transdisciplinar
2017 Surrogacy contracts Debating Medically Assisted Procreation
2017 Oocyte Cryopreservation for Fertility Preservation – The Legal Approach 5th Annual International Conference on Health & Medical Sciences, 1-4 May 2017, Athens, Greece.
2017 How dangerous is your pill? Drugs, Innovation and Safety
2017 Sons of a Minor God: Use of Reproductive Techniques by Single People and Gay Couples Conference Law and Society
2017 New and Better Drugs – Should we Change the Approval Procedure Model for Pharmaceutical Products? Consumer Policy in a Comparative Perspective: New Challenges in Chinese, European, and International Law
2017 • “Cybermedicine: The Standard of Care for the XXI Century” • “Are 50’s the 30’s in the 21st Century? Oocyte Cryopreservation for Fertility Maintenance” • “Lost in Culturation: Informed Consent in China from a Western Perspective” 23rd Annual World Congress on Medical Law, Baku, Azerbaijan.
2017 Wrongful birth and wrongful life: the rights and wrongs for doctors Compensation Schemes & Beyond in Case of Medical Malpractice, University of Warsaw, Poland
2017 The doctor wants to be your friend" - The standard of care for doctor-patient communication in health 6th French-Chinese Symposium E-Medicine and E-Pharmacy, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Toulouse, France
2017 Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (Adverse Events Reporting System as a Mechanism to Punish Doctors – The Chinese and Macanese Solutions) II Conference on Medical Law “Asian Perspectives on Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Medical Law”, University of Macau, Macau
2017 “Off-label prescription and the best standard of care: do they go together?” ACLM 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting – The Law and Ethics of Therapeutics, Australian College of Legal Medicine, Perth, Australia
2017 The challenges of patient’s informed consent in multilingual and multicultural countries 18th Asian Bioethics Conference, Asian Bioethics Association, Seoul, Korea
2017 Legal Framework of Surrogacy Contracts in the Portuguese Legal System International Health Law Webcongress
2017 No Unlicensed Drugs Please, We are European 60 Years after the Treaties of Rome: What is the Future for the European Union?, University of Macau
2017 The status of the embryo in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights Seminar of the Research Circle on International and Economic Law, FLL, UMAC.
2017 Patient’s informed consent – a proposal from Criminal law 2017 Asian Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Taiwan.
2016 Is Off-label Prescription on or Off the Law in China? Book of Proceedings of the Asian Perspectives on Legal Globalisation – 13th Asian Law Institute Conference
2016 Reproductive rights: Futile whims or fundamental rights? Book of Proceedings of the First Chinese-European Health Law Conference
2016 Patients’ rights and medical liability within off-label prescription The European Conference on Politics, Economics & Law, ecpel2016, Brighton, UK. Presentation
2016 Off-Label Drug Uses: Can European Law be a Model to China? EU Centres Asia Pacific Researcher Workshop – Asia and the European Union: Cooperation between Communities of Shared Values and Goals, Macao University, Macao
2016 Electronic Health Records: A Reckless Risk or a Wise Medical Helper? Conference on Medical Liability and Patient’s Rights, FLL, Macau University. Macao University, Macao.
2016 Is Off-label Prescription on or Off the Law in China? Asian Perspectives on Legal Globalisation – 13th Asian Law Institute Conference, Beijing, China.
2016 Reproductive rights: Futile whims or fundamental rights? Chinese-European Health Law Conference. Beijing, China
2016 Sobre o Bem Jurídico Protegido nos Crimes Sexuais Seminário sobre a Revisão do Código Penal – Crimes contra a Liberdade e Autodeterminação Sexual
2016 Patients’ rights and medical liability within off-label prescription The European Conference on Politics, Economics & Law, ecpel2016, Brighton, UK.
2016 • “Informed Consent in Multilingual and Multicultural Countries” • “Are Electronic Health Records Promoting Patient’s Safety?” • “Off-Label Promotion and Off-Label Prescription in Europe” 22nd Conference of the World Association of Medical Law, Los Angeles, US.
2016 Does Cybermedicine require a new and specific standard of care? Healthcare in Europe - a safe haven?", Innsbruck, Austria
2016 Money Makes the World Go Around: In Favour of Economically Motivated Off-Label Prescription (In Exceptional Cases) Drugs and Medical Devices”, Macao University, Macao
2016 No Início Era o Verbo (Da Tutela Jurídica Pré-Natal no Ordenamento da RAEM) Seminário sobre “Direitos da Criança e da Mulher"
2016 Reprodução: Com Sexo e sem Sexo Reprodução: Com Sexo e sem Sexo
2016 The Scope of Reproductive Responsibility and Reproductive Duties AABHL 2016 – Bioethics and Health Law at the Intersections”, Melbourne, Australia.
2016 Lost in Information: Patient’s Informed Consent in Multilingual and Multicultural Countries Second International Conference – Consumer Policy in China: New Trends and Challenges
2015 Is the no-fault system a healthy remedy for medical malpractice? Book of Proceedings of The Third Conference on “Cross-Strait Four Regions’ Health Law and Bioethics”
2015 How Can Asian Countries Deal With Medical Liability And Patient Compensation? 10th International Law Conference - ILCO
2015 Informed consent and respect for patient's rights Doctor-patient relationship in a juridical perspective, Macau Faculty of Law, Macao
2015 Is the no-fault system a healthy remedy for medical malpractice? The Third Conference on “Cross-Strait Four Regions’ Health Law and Bioethics”, Macau University, Macau
2015 Sexo, Moralidade e Género: Uma Trilogia Diabólica? (Os Crimes Sexuais no Código Penal de Macau e a Relação entre a Tutela Penal da Autodeterminação Sexual e a Suposta Tutela da Moralidade 8th International Conference on the Law and Sexuality, Macau University, Macau.
2015 Crónica de uma morte adiada: quando a medicina desafia o direito penal Seminar “Desafios ao Direito Penal na Sociedade do Séc. XXI
2014 The right to say yes and the right to say no Book of Proceedings of the Sino-French Symposium on Health Law and Bioethics
2014 When Life is not Life Book of Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy
2014 Everything what you always wanted to know about medical liability The Medical Error, Rui da Cunha Foundation, Macao
2014 Health care: the right to say yes and the right to say no Sino-French Symposium on Health Law and Bioethics, Guangzhou, China
2014 Medical Indemnity. Payment Compensation (What can go Wrong in Medical-Chirurgical Intervention?
2014 Retalhos da vida de um médico em Macau Symposium on Medical Errors (Portuguese Session), Macau
2014 When Life is not Life 3rd Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2014), Bangkok, Thailand
2014 • “Does Criminal And Civil Liability Of Hospitals And Doctors Jeopardize The Movement Of Patient Safety?” • “Medical Malpractice: In The Court Or Outside The Court? (Alternative Mechanism To Solve Medical Malpractice Disputes)” • “European Convention of Human Rights & Biomedicine” 20th Conference of the World Association of Medical Law, Bali.
2014 • “Cuestiones Éticas en la Reproducción Asistida / Ethical Questions in Assisted Reproduction”, “Derecho Médico y Derecho del Consumidor: Retos y Perspectivas / Medical Law and Consumer Law: Challenges and Perspectives”, • “El Acto Médico visto desde los Tribunales de Justicia / The Medical Act seen by Judicial Courts” • “El Final de la Letra del Médico: Problemas Suscitados con la Historia Clínica Electrónica / The End of Doctors Handwriting: Problems Raised by the Electronic Clinical File” IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Derecho Médico
2014 Progresso, Paz e Felicidade: A Nova Trilogia dos Direitos Fundamentais Seminar on Law in Economic and Social Development, Faculty of Law of Macau University
2014 A Prova em Processo Penal: Is CSI for Real? : A Prova em Processo Penal / The Evidence in the Criminal Procedure, Rui Cunha Foundation, Macao
2013 Responsabilidade médica nos cuidados intensivos 7th Journeys on the Critical Patient, Medical Centre of Lisbon North
2013 Lei 5/2008: Parâmetros constitucionais e soluções legais Course of Advanced Formation – Data Base on DNA Profiles in Portugal, Balances and Future Prospective, Lisbon
2013 The Right to Reproduce as a Fundamental Right École Européenne d’Été de Droit de la Santé et Ethique Biomédicale: Aspect Légaux et Éthiques su Commencement de la Vie
2013 Direitos humanos no contexto do direito da medicina Ius Gentium Summer Course, Coimbra, Portugal
2013 Organização e funcionamento do sistema de saúde: política de medicamentos 2nd National Seminar of Biolaw (The Right to Health in a Time of Crisis”, Faculty of Law, Oporto University, Oporto.
2013 Há algo de errado com as ações wrongful birth e wrongful life? IV European Conference on Health Law (European Health Law & Patient Safety)
2013 Medical Liability: The Particular Case of Wrong Actions Law Faculty of Ljubljana University
2013 "La mort semble moins terrible quand on est fatigué" 3rd Symposium of Ethics in Hospital da Luz, Lisboa, Portugal
2013 Responsabilidade médica no Diagnóstico Pré-natal Journeys of Reflection: Liability in Health Care, Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas, FDUL, Lisbon.
2012 Maternidade de substituição Panel on Legal-Political Options, Surrogacy Motherhood: Yes or No? Colloquium on Political and Juridical Options, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Lisbon
2012 Responsabilidade médica e Diagnóstico Pré-Natal X International Journey of Prenatal Diagnosis, Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
2012 Ações wrongful na gravidez 2nd Ethics Symposium, Luz Hospital
2011/03/25 Direitos dos pacientes e obrigações clínicas do corpo 2nd Journeys of the Gynaecology and Obstetrician Service of the Hospital Centre of the Middle Tejo; Torres Novas
2011 Self-Determination in the End of Life: A New Understanding of Human Dignity Third European Conference on Health Law - Book of Proceedings
2011 Legal and Ethical Questions in ART XIV National Meeting of APEO – Obstetric Nurses: Challenges and Opportunities
2011 O estatuto jurídico dos embriões e fetos humanos na Convenção de Oviedo Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine: Updated or outdated?
2011 Responsabilidad Criminal, Consentimiento Informado y Rechazo De Tratamiento International Congress of Medical law and Forensic Medicine, San Jose de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
2011 Reproducción Asistida - Dos Modelos de Reglamentación: Portugal v. España Symposium In Vitro Fertilisation. Scientific Evidences, International Guides and the Best World Practices, San Jose de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
2011 Agir ou não agir, essa é a questão: consentimento informado numa perspetiva criminal 19th World IAFS Meeting and 5th MAFS Meeting, Madeira, Portugal
2010/11/11 La Responsabilidad Criminal Medica - Leges Artis y Consentimiento Informado VII Latin American Congress of Medical Law, Santiago do Chile, Chile
2010/10/08 Aspectos Legais da Doação de Gâmetas - Gametes Make the World Go ‘Round 4th Portuguese Congress of Reproductive Medicine
2010/09/22 Reproductive Rights: Are They Rights at All? The Juridical Status of in Vitro Embryos Faculty of Law of Oradea University, Romania
2010 Liberdade de imprensa e Processo de Camera Communication and Liberties, FDUC, Coimbra
2010 Poder sobre el Cuerpo, Poder sobre la Vida VII Latin American Congress of Medical Law, Santiago do Chile
2009/07/07 Reproductive Rights: In the Border Line of Human Reproduction Summer University, Toulouse, France
2009/04/25 Intervention in the panel about Bioethic and Values Enlightment Taller Latino Latinoamericao de Bioética, Cancun, México
2009 Direitos reprodutivos: homossexualidade, celibato e parentalidade Seminar “Family, Consciousness, Secularism and Religion”
2009 Género e direitos humanos Education Project for University Students, Coimbra, Ius Gentium and Helsínquia Project.
2009 Right to Information and Institutes of Forensic Medicine Forensic Medicine Seminar: “Right to Access Information and Confidentiality in the Forensic Medicine Institutes”, Cáceres, Spain
2009 Genetic Engineering: Playing with Genes or Playing God? Conference organized by the European Association of Health Law: “Learning Lessons and Making Differences: Improving the Future of Health Law in Europe”, Edinburgh, Scotland.
2008 "The Decision about the Destiny of Surplus Embryos” and “Constitutional Legitimacy of DNA Exams – The Decision n.º 155/2007 of the Portuguese Constitutional Court" VI Latin-American Congress of Medical Law, Quito, Equator
2008 “Too Far Away From Anything Else” – Where Can you go in the Field of Assisted Reproduction?”
Centre of Human Rights, Galway, Ireland
2008 O contrato da doação de gâmetas Conference on Medicine and Human Rights
2007/10/27 Resolução de Conflitos aprentais sobre o destino de embriões excedentários Conference about Reproductive Technologies, Sociology Institute, Oporto
2007/10/06 "Too Far Away From Anything Else” – Where Can you go in the Field of Assisted Reproduction?” Faculty of Law, Firenze University
2007/06/21 "Art. 6.º da Lei 23/2006 e o Acesso ás técnicas de reprodução assistida" e "Diagnóstico Genético Pré-Implantação e o procedimento do Bebé-Remédio" V Congress Latin-American of Medical Law, Oporto
2007/03/27 The Destiny of Spare Embryos Kennedy Institute for Ethics, Georgetown, Washington D.C., EUA
2007 O princípio da igualdade e a sua aplicação nas relações de género
2006/08/08 Dignidade do embrião: o estatuto e a proteção jurídica do embrião in vitro 16th World Conference on Medical Law, Toulouse, France
2005/11/25 Filhas de um Deus menos: A violência escondida contra a mulher dentro da família Opening Colloquium of the 16 Days of Activism against the Gender Violence: For Women Health, for World Health, no more Violence, organized by MPLA and OMA, in Luanda,
2005/07/21 Questões éticas sobre direitos reprodutivos Colloquium on Ethical Questions, organized by the Faculty of Law of Lusíada University, Luanda, Angola
2005/05/05 A mão que move a crise: ação afirmativa para a melhoria do status das mulheres : I International Congress on Women, Gender and Labour Resources, Goiânia, Brasil
2004/10/12 Questões éticas sobre direitos reprodutivos Seminars of the Course of Ethics, Faculty of Law of Catholic University, Luanda, Angola.
2004/04/02 Direitos reprodutivos: algumas questões éticas Luso-Brazilian Congress of Bioethics, Ponta Delgada, Azores
2004/02/24 Violência doméstica: outra forma de subordinação Primeiras jornadas sobre violência doméstica
2003/10/24 Da Dignidade e Sensibilidade: lutas de cães e a aproximação entre o homem e o animal A proteção juridica dos animais
2003 Maternidade de substituição III Congress Latin American of Medical Law, Murcia University
2001/04 Ação afirmativa Direitos das mulheres parra o novo millenium

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2023/04/17 - 2033/04/18 Organization of the international conference ¿AI Robotics in Healthcare: A challenge for law and tech?¿, at NOVA School of Law, a joint event between NOVA School of Law, WhatNext.law and the University of Oslo (2023/04/17 - 2023/04/18) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
2024/09/11 - 2024/09/13 10 to 13 September 2024 – organization of the BioMed Ai Summer School, at Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, a joint event between NOVA School of Law, WhatNext.Law, the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, the Archimedes Center for Research in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Algorithms, BBMRI-ERIC and the European Public Law Organization. Institute for Sustainable Development. (2024/09/11 - 2024/09/13)
Conferência (Coorganizador)
2019/11/11 - 2019/11/11 Workshop “Health and New Technologies”, on behalf of the Research Circle on Law, Ethics and Technology, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau. (2019/11/11 - 2019/11/11)
2019/05/15 - 2019/05/15 Genetic Engineering: The Future of Medicine in the Great Bay Area?”, Fundação Rui Cunha, Macau. (2019/05/15 - 2019/05/15)
2018/12/03 - 2018/12/03 Workshop “Liability in Healthcare”, as convocator of the Research Circle on Health, Medicine, Technology and the Law. (2018/12/03 - 2018/12/03)
2018/10/15 - 2018/10/17 Symposium: 18 - Genetics And Law: A Brave New World For Human Rights Doctrine, with Prof. Rostam Neuwirth, at the III Coimbra International Conference On Human Rights: a transdisciplinary approach (2018/10/15 - 2018/10/17)
2017/10/16 - 2017/10/17 II Conference on Medical Law “Asian Perspectives on Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Medical Law” (2017/10/16 - 2017/10/16)
2016/10/17 - 2016/10/17 “Drugs and Medical Devices”, Macao University, Macao (2016/10/17 - 2016/10/17)
2016/04/20 - 2016/04/20 1st UM Conference on Medical Liability and Patient’s Rights, Macao University, Macao (2016/04/20 - 2016/04/20)

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2025/03/19 - Atual Talk at Jean Monnet Module of Prof. Paulo Canelas de Castro, Faculty of Law, University of Macau. Presentation: ‘Europe’s AI Act: A Roadmap for Responsible AI or a Regulatory Minefield?’ Jean Monnet Talk
University of Macau, Macau
2025/02/18 - Atual The TAU Responsible AI in Medicine Seminar, organized by The Samueli Initiative for Responsible AI in Medicine – Tel Aviv University. Presentation: ‘An EU Legal Perspective’ (online)
The TAU Responsible AI in Medicine Seminar
Tel Aviv University, Israel
2025/02/01 - Atual Participation in the event ‘50 anos do Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Público’ / ‘50 years of the Public Prosecutors' Magistrates' Union’, in the roundtable about justice and AI
50 anos do Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Público’ / ‘50 years of the Public Prosecutors' Magistrates' Union’
Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Público, Portugal
2024/12/10 - Atual 10th December: AI - Now Do It - 2nd Edition, organised by Promeneum Group. Participation in the Roundtable: ‘AI Thinking Law Panel’
Oficina (workshop)
AI - Now Do It
Promeneum Group, Portugal
2024/12/03 - Atual NOVA Science & Innovation Day 2024, participation in the roundtable: ‘How Is AI Transforming the Research and Innovation Landscape?’
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2024/11/05 - Atual 2024 Afternoon Tea Talk, organised by the Law and Technology Research Centre, University of Southampton Law School, with the presentation: ‘AI Black Boxes in Healthcare – Is Black the New White?’ (5 November)
Law and Technology Research Centre, University of Southampton Law School, Reino Unido
2024/09/12 - Atual From Code to Courtroom: The Legal Dilemmas of Medical AI’.
BioMed AI Summer School
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Direito, Portugal

WhatNext.Law, Portugal
2024/08/30 - Atual IEEE RO-MAN 2024 Workshop on ‘Ethics Challenges in Socially Assistive Robots and Agents: Legality, Value Orientation, and Future Design for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)’, Pasadena, US. Presentation: ‘The European AIA: Houston, do you still have a problem?
Oficina (workshop)
EEE RO-MAN 2024 Workshop on ‘Ethics Challenges in Socially Assistive Robots and Agents: Legality, Value Orientation, and Future Design for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)’,
IEEE, Estados Unidos
2024/07/23 - Atual 23 July – AIDA Seminar: Artificial Intelligence, Data and Algorithms, organised by AIDA - Social Sciences Research Network and the Doctoral Program in Sociology of the University of Minho. Title: ‘Dr. House 2.0: A Era da Inteligência Artificial na Medicina’ / ‘'Dr. House 2.0: The Era of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine'. (via zoom)
Dr. House 2.0: A Era da Inteligência Artificial na Medicina’ / ‘'Dr. House 2.0: The Era of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine'.
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2024/05/23 - Atual 23 Maio 2024 – Workshop ‘Just Qualities - A IA e a estandardização promovem uma justiça igual para todos? - Um diálogo entre o Sul e o Norte Global / Do AI and standardization promote equal justice for all? - A dialogue between the Global South and North’, Conselho Superior de Magistratura / Superior Council of Judiciary, Lisboa. Presentation: ‘A IA e os desafios de regulamentação em todo o mundo / AI and regulatory challenges around the world’
Conselho Superior de Magistratura / Superior Council of Judiciary, Portugal
2024/05/21 - Atual 21 May 2024 – 3.º Encontro Nacional de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica, ISCTE, Lisboa / 3rd National Meeting of Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation, organised by Agência de Inovação Clínica e Investigação Biomédica (AICIB) / Agency for Clinical Innovation and Biomedical Research, ISCTE, Lisbon. Presentation: ‘Espaço Europeu de dados de Saúde: Oportunidades e desafios para a Investigação Clínica’ / ‘‘European Health Data Space: Opportunities and challenges for Clinical Research’
Agência de Inovação Clínica e Investigação Biomédica (AICIB), Portugal
2024/05/16 - Atual Workshop ‘AI and crisis management in the field of health and beyond the pandemic experience’, FDUC, Coimbra Portugal. presentation: ‘Mission: Recognition - Unmasking Facial Tech in Healthcare and the Legal Conundrum’
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2024/05/13 - Atual participation in the Multistakeholder Workshop, AI4HF project
AI4HF project, Países Baixos
2024/03/22 - Atual 2024 Symposium at California Western School of Law ‘Accountable AI: Responsible Governance of New & Emerging Technologies’, organized by the California Western Law Review and California Western International Law Journal. Presentation: ‘AI biases in court: Predictive AI’ (online)
‘Accountable AI: Responsible Governance of New & Emerging Technologies’
California Western Law Review , Estados Unidos
2024/03/01 - Atual XIII Congresso do Sindicato Magistrados do Ministério Público / XIII Congress of the Public Prosecutor's Union, Ponta Delgada, Azores. Presentation: ‘A IA na Investigação Criminal: Os casos da Technologia de Reconhecimento Facial e da IA Preditiva / AI in Criminal Investigation: The cases of Facial Recognition Technology and predictive AI’
XIII Congress of the Public Prosecutor's Union
Sindicato Magistrados do Ministério Público, Portugal
2023/11/25 - Atual XXII Congresso Nacional Sociedade Portuguesa de Dermatologia e Venereologia / XXII NATIONAL CONGRESS Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology. Presentation: Leges artis no uso da inteligência artificial / Leges artis in the use of artificial intelligence. Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, Lisbon, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Dermatologia e Venereologia, Portugal
2023/11/24 - Atual Event: Futuro da Saúde – Aspectos Legais’ /Future of Health – Legal Aspects’ Talk: Saúde no Metaverso / Health in the Metaverse. Centre of Biomedical law, Coimbra Univeristy, Portugal (zoom).
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Direito Biomédico, Portugal
2023/11/21 - Atual Event: A Saúde em Transformação: Inovação e Responsabilidade Médica / Transforming Healthcare: Innovation and Medical Responsibility. Participation in the roundtable: Impacto da tecnologia na prática e na responsabilidade médica / Impact of technology on medical practice and responsibility’ Abreu Advogados, Lisbon
Abreu Advogados, Portugal
2023/11/06 - Atual AIMS Masterclasse sobre ‘Erro Médico’, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. Título: ‘Erro Médico’
Annual International (bio)Medical Students Meeting, Portugal
2023/09/25 - Atual Talk ‘ “I, Robot” (AI-based robots under the AIA)’, at the Workshop Regulating AI: The Impact of the EU AI ACT on Robotics for Agile Production’, organised by the project Robotics4EU (via zoom)
2023/09/22 - Atual Participation in the VIROS Symposium ‘AI and Health Robotics’, as commentator of the talk ‘Medical AI and Patients’ Right to Information in Medical Decision Making’
Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega
2023/06/27 - Atual Participation in the round table on bias and AI, at the Forum Jurídico de Lisboa, Faculdade of Law of Lisbon University.
Forum Jurídico de Lisboa
2023/06/27 - Atual Forum Jurídico de Lisboa, Faculdade of Law of Lisbon University. Presentation: A Proposta de Regulamento da EU sobre Inteligência Artificial /The EU Proposal for a regulation on Artificial Inteligence
‘A Proposta de Regulamento da EU sobre Inteligência Artificial’
2023/06/10 - Atual European Society of Human Genetics Conference (ESHG 2023), Glasgow. Presentation: ‘Therapeutic Gene Editing in Europe: What will it take to make it happen?’
European Society of Human Genetics, Áustria
2023/05/11 - Atual Ciclo de Colóquios do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça: Tribunais e Inteligência Artificial - Uma odisseia no Século XXI / Cycle of Colloquia of the Supreme Court of Justice: Courts and Artificial Intelligence - An odyssey in the 21st Century, at Portuguese Supreme Court
Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, Portugal
2023/04/17 - Atual ‘AI Robotics in Healthcare: A challenge for law and tech?’, at NOVA School of Law.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
2023/03/30 - Atual Training session organized by AIDA Portugal on Insurance, smart contracts, blockchain and artificial intelligence. Intervention: impact of the Proposed Regulation on AI on the activities of insurance companies
AIDA, Portugal
2023/01/31 - Atual 31 January 2023 – Event ‘Mind your own Data’, at Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, Porto. Presentation: ‘Depois do Dr. House… o Dr. Robot (breves notas sobre a introdução da IA na saúde)’ / ‘After Dr. House... Dr. Robot (short notes on the introduction of Ai in healthcare)
Mind your own Data
Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto EPE, Portugal
2023/01/30 - Atual ‘Desafios de privacidade para 2023’,
2022/10/20 - Atual COVID-19's Impact on Private Law: Any Lessons for the Future?, at University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. Presentation: ‘Digital Contact Tracing: Does Privacy Take it all?’
2022/10/15 - Atual Saturday Morning Conference Series on AI and Law, organizased by KU Leuven. Presentation: ‘AI and the Law’ (via zoom
2022/09/27 - Atual VIROS Symposium: Vulnerability in the Robot Society, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Olso. Presentation: ‘Robot design, the GDPR and the European Health Data Space’
2022/09/26 - Atual Participation in the Roundtable Discussion Session 2nd VIROS Symposium, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, Faculdade de Direito, University of Olso
2022/09/15 - Atual I Seminar of the Center for Pharmaceutical Health Law 2022. Presentation: Do you want a genetic treatment with your cocktail? Advanced therapy medicines and genetic tourism at the European level?(via zoom).
2022/09/02 - Atual International Seminar: Law, Innovation and Public Policies
Seminário Internacional: 'Lei, Inovação e Politicas Públicas'
2022/06/30 - Atual Presentation: I'm not Dr House, I'm an algorithm: Medical liability and standard of care in an AI world XV Encuentro Interautonómico sobre Protección Jurídica del Paciente: de la innovación en salud a la salud de la innovación
2022/05/30 - Atual Lecture on medical liability and artificial intelligence ('Doctor algorithm will see you now: Medical liability within AI') in the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Law, Taiwan (via zoom).
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Law, Taiwan
2022/05/26 - Atual Conference: Sociedade de Informação III: Brasil -Portugal / Information Society III: Brazil-Portugal. Presentation: Proposta de Regulamento da UE Sobre Inteligência Artificial /Draft Proposal of the EU on Artificial Intelligence (via zoom).
Faculdade de Direito da universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2022/03/18 - Atual Digital Medicine and E-health Seminar, organized by the Luz Saúde group. Presentation: ¿Artificial Intelligence in the Provision of Medical Care: The Good, the Bad and the Unknown
Oficina (workshop)
Medicina Digital e E-Health
Luz Saúde SA, Portugal
2022/02/17 - Atual Webinar organized by the Privacy and Data Protection Centre, from Universidade Europeia / European University.
Lex IA. Breves Notas sobre a Proposta de Regulamento da União Europeia sobre Inteligência Artificial’ / ‘Lex IA. Brief Notes on the Proposal for a European Union Regulation on Artificial Intelligence’
Universidade Europeia, Portugal
2021/12/06 - Atual Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation: Medical Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Vectors of Digital Transformation. Presentation: ‘Medical Health Devices: From Medical Care to Medical Control’
Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation: Medical Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Vectors of Digital Transformatio
2021/11/27 - Atual Webinar Academy on Medical Law
‘I will sue the stork (Litigation in the reproductive field)’
European Law Students' Association, Portugal
2021/11/25 - Atual Seminar: Telemedicine and Smart Medicine in the Post-Covid Age
‘Cybermedicine: How to be a cyberdoctor and avoid cyberliability (The EU scenario)’.
2021/11/25 - Atual 7 th all-Russian Congress on Medical Law with international participation, Russia, Moscow, 7-th all-Russian Congress on Medical Law with international participation, Russia, Moscow,
National Institute of Medical Law with the participation of the Medical Law Chair, Sechenov University, Rússia
2021/11/24 - Atual Lecture at the seminar on privacy in the digital age
‘Há vida para além do RGPD?’
European Law Students' Association, Portugal
2021/11/09 - Atual Seminar on the European AI Draft Act to the Institute of Technology Law, at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Law, in Taiwan
2021/10/27 - Atual Seminar on Artificial Intelligence to the Post Doc in democratization and Human Rights, organized by the Centre of Human Rights, Coimbra University
2024/11/15 - 2024/11/16 2024 (15 and 16 November) – ‘Governing the Real World Application of Medical AI', organised by CMEL- Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Presentation: ‘Shaping tomorrow’s healthcare: The European Union AI Act and its implications in medicine’. ‘Governing the Real World Application of Medical AI'
Hong Kong University, Hong Kong

Comissão de avaliação

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de assessoria
Instituição / Organização Entidade financiadora
2024/03 - Atual From March 2024 – Member of the Ethics Committee of CEDIS, the Research Centre on Law and Society of NOVA School of Law
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Investigacao e Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e Sociedade, Portugal

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2023/06/29 - Atual Lecture at the Summer Course on Bioethics and Medical Law, organized by the Center for Biomedical Law at the University of Coimbra. Title: Digital Health (zoom). Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Direito Biomédico, Portugal
2023/06/22 - Atual Participation in the course on gender equality organized by the Family Law Center of the University of Coimbra. Class: 'Reproductive Rights: Are We All Equal Before the Stork?' Centro de Direito da Família, Portugal
2022/06/20 - Atual Lecture at the Summer Course on Bioethics and Medical Law, organized by the Center for Biomedical Law at the University of Coimbra. Lecture. / Pregnancy contracts: where did we come from and where are we going? (zoom) Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Direito Biomédico, Portugal
2011 - Atual Responsabilidade criminal dos médicos - Mestrado Integrado do Curso de Medicina
2007 - Atual Curso Pós-Graduação em Jurisprudência Europeia em Direitos Humanos, Seminário "Art.2.º ECHR"
2007 - Atual Curso de Pós-Graduação em Direitos Humanos, Seminário "O Estatuto Jurídico do embrião"
2019 - 2019 Master's in Social Rights - Module dedicated to Medical Law. Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
2016 - 2016 Novos desafios na Responsabilidade Médica
2015 - 2015 Responsabilidade Médica: Quando o Direito se Encontra com a Medicina
2015 - 2015 Novas tendências na Responsabilidade médica na China e Macau
2015 - 2015 Consentimento informado e Responsabilidade médica
2015 - 2015 Prescrição Off-label na China: o que os consumidores chineses podem esperar da lei?
2015 - 2015 Como podem os países Asiáticos lidar com a responsabilidade médica e a compensação do paciente?
2014 - 2014 Wrongful Actions: os direitos e os erros das ações wrongful birth e wrongful life
2013 - 2013 10 Pré(conceitos) sobre Responsabildiade médica
2013 - 2013 Consentimento informado e o Registo na Ficha Clinica
2013 - 2013 Responsabilidade Médica e o Registo de Informação na Ficha Clinica do Paciente
2013 - 2013 Tudo o que queria saber sobre responsabilidade médica (mas tinha medo de perguntar)
2013 - 2013 A constitucionalização dos Direitos Fundamentais. Direitos fundamentais no campo da biomedicina. Direitos à vida e à integridade pessoal
2012 - 2012 Mestrado em Saúde e Bioética. "Responsabilidade médica nas Ações Wrongful Birth e Wrongful Life"
2012 - 2012 Contratos de Gestação de Substituição
2012 - 2012 Maternidade de Substituição. 2º Curso Breve de Pós Graduação em Direito e Medicina Reprodutiva
2011 - 2011 Seminário "Legislação que rege a Reprodução Assistida"
2011 - 2011 Biomedicina e Direitos Fundamentais - Pós-Graduação em Direitos Fundamentais
2011 - 2011 Evento Adverso: Perspetiva Jurídica - Curso "Organização e gestão dos Serviços de Saúde"
2011 - 2011 Medicina Clinica - O médico, a Pessoa e o Paciente
2010 - 2010 Gestão para Hospitais Executivos - Uma Questão de Modernidade. Seminário "Responsabilidade Civil e Criminal das Instituições de Saúde. O que precisamos mudar?"
2010 - 2010 Intervenção como moderadora no painel "Diretrizes Médicas Avançadas: Que tipo de lei?"
2009 - 2009 Participação no Painel de discussao do IX Congress of Red Latinoamericana de Reproducción Asistida, Cancun, México
2009 - 2009 Curso de Verão Ius Gentium, “Saúde e Direitos Humanos no século XXI". Seminários “Patentes Farmacêuticas, Saúde Pública e Licenças Compulsórias nos Países em Desenvolvimento" e "Estatuto Jurídico do Nascituro".
2009 - 2009 Universidade de Verão "Introdução ao Direito da Medicina e Bioética na Europa. Seminário "Direitos Reprodutivos"
2008 - 2008 Curso de Verão "Combater o terrorismo dentro da lei dos Direitos Humanos", Seminário "Terrorismo e o ECHR"
2006 - 2006 Direitos Humanos, Seminário "Direito a um Julgamento Justo e um Processo devido"

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2020 - Atual Member of the newspaper's editorial committee Cadernos Ibero-Americao de Direito Sanitário
2015 - Atual Membro do Painel de Pesquisa Ética (Sub-Painel de Ciências Sociais Humanas e Pesquisa Ética)

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2024 - Atual Member of the Coordination Commission of the NOVA Institute for Medical Systems Biology NIMSB, NOVA University
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2021 - Atual Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Health Law (Scopus and Web of Science, Q2), the official journal of the European Health Law Association
2020 - Atual Member of the Editorial Board of the Cadernos de Direito Sanitário


2024 Fellow of the Hastings Center
Hastings Center, Estados Unidos

Outra distinção

2023 Grant as Visiting Fellow under the 'Next Generation' Visiting Researcher Program.
The University of Law - Bristol Campus, Reino Unido
2023 Governor of the World Association for Medical Law (WAML)