Artigo em revista |
- Serrano, Angel; Silva, Ricardo M.; Taeño, María; Luengo, Cristina; Zimmermann Crocomo, Paola; Silva, Rui F.; Palomo del Barrio,
Elena. "Carbon as in-situ coating promoter against molten salts in Lithium/Sodium sulfates intended for high-temperature thermal
storage". Journal of Energy Storage 113 (2025): 115765.
Publicado • 10.1016/j.est.2025.115765
- Inês E. Oliveira; Ricardo M. Silva; Cláudia G. Silva; Rui F. Silva. "Modelling VA-CNT surface morphology for pollutant adsorption
from aqueous media". Nanoscale Advances (2025):
- Forte, Marta A.; Silva, Ricardo M.; Gonçalves, M. Sameiro T.; e Silva, Rui F.; Tavares, Carlos J.. "Photocatalytic activity
of ZnO- and TiO2- coated poly (methyl methacrylate) microcapsules by atomic layer deposition for water purification". Thin
Solid Films (2024): 140552.
- Neves, Cristina; Sousa, Isabel; Maria Adriana Freitas; Luciana Moreira; Costa, Carla; João Paulo Teixeira; Fraga, Sónia; et
al. "Anti-corrosion and cytotoxicity properties of inorganic surface treatments on Mg1Ca biodegradable alloy". Surface
& Coatings Technology (2024):
- Carvalheiras, João; Oliveira, Inês E.; Silva, Ricardo M.; Silva, Rui F.; Novais, Rui M.; Labrincha, João A.. "Catalyst-free
CNTs growth on red mud-based alkali activated adsorbents: Innovative route to boost heavy metals adsorption from wastewaters".
Materials Letters 353 (2023): 135246.
- Nascimento, Luís; Fernandes, Cristiana; Silva, Ricardo. M.; Semitela, Ângela; de Sousa, Bárbara M.; Marques, Paula A. A. P.;
Vieira, Sandra I.; et al. "Customizing 3D Structures of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes to Direct Neural Stem Cell Differentiation".
Advanced Healthcare Materials (2023):
Publicado • 10.1002/adhm.202300828
- R. M. Silva; J. Rocha; R. F. Silva. "ALD/MLD coating of patterned vertically aligned carbon nanotube micropillars with Fe-NH2TP
hybrids". Nanoscale (2023):
- Oliveira, Marco P.; Silva, Ricardo M.; Yasakau, Kiryl A.; Bastos, Alexandre; Kallip, Silvar; Zheludkevich, Mikhail L.; Silva,
Rui F.; Ferreira, Mário G.S.. "Atomic layer deposition of nanometric alumina for corrosion protection of heterogeneous metallic
surfaces – the case of aeronautical grade aluminium alloy 2024-T3". Corrosion Science 209 (2022): 110773.
Aceite para publicação • 10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110773
- Inês E. Oliveira; Ricardo M. Silva; Joana Rodrigues; Maria R. Correia; Teresa Monteiro; Joaquim L. Faria; Rui F. Silva; Cláudia
G. Silva. "Impact of atomic layer deposited TiO2 on the photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2/w-VA-CNT nanocomposite materials".
RSC Advances (2022):
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel. "Modification of Steel Surfaces with Nanometer Films of Al2O3 and TiO2 Decreases Interfacial Adhesion
to Polymers: Implications for Demolding Shape-Engineered Polymer Products". ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 10 (2021):
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel. "Experimental Studies of Electron Affinity and Work Function from Aluminium on Oxidized Diamond (100)
and (111) Surfaces". physica status solidi (b) 258 7 (2021): 2100027-2100027.
- Marta Adriana Forte; Ricardo Manuel Silva; Carlos José Tavares; Rui Ferreira e Silva. "Is Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)
a Suitable Substrate for ALD?: A Review". Polymers (2021):
- Inês E. Oliveira; Ricardo M. Silva; Ana V. Girão; Joaquim L. Faria; Cláudia G. Silva; Rui F. Silva. "Facile Preparation of
ZnO/CNTs Nanocomposites via ALD for Photocatalysis Applications". European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2020):
- Jaggernauth, A.; Silva, R.M.; Neto, M.A.; Oliveira, F.J.; Bdikin, I.K.; Alegre, M.P.; Gutiérrez, M.; et al. "Interfacial integrity
enhancement of atomic layer deposited alumina on boron doped diamond by surface plasma functionalization". Surface and
Coatings Technology 397 (2020):
- Silva, R.M.; Carlos, L.D.; Rocha, J.; Silva, R.F.. "Luminescent thin films of Eu-bearing UiO-66 metal organic framework prepared
by ALD/MLD". Applied Surface Science 527 (2020):
- "Graphene Based Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring – Preliminary Development Evaluation". Journal of Coating Science and
Technology 6 1 (2019): 10-21.
- Jaggernauth, A.; Silva, R.M.; Neto, M.A.; Hortigüela, M.J.; Gonçalves, G.; Singh, M.K.; Oliveira, F.J.; Silva, R.F.; Vila,
M.. "Nanographene Oxide Functionalization with Organic and Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Polymers by Molecular Layer Deposition".
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 42 (2016): 24176-24186.
- Silva, R.M.; Ferro, M.C.; Araujo, J.R.; Achete, C.A.; Clavel, G.; Silva, R.F.; Pinna, N.. "Nucleation, Growth Mechanism, and
Controlled Coating of ZnO ALD onto Vertically Aligned N-Doped CNTs". Langmuir 32 28 (2016): 7038-7044.
- Silva, R.M.; Clavel, G.; Fan, Y.; Amsalem, P.; Koch, N.; Silva, R.F.; Pinna, N.. "Coating of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
by a Novel Manganese Oxide Atomic Layer Deposition Process for Binder-Free Hybrid Capacitors". Advanced Materials Interfaces
3 21 (2016):
- Silva, R.M.; Fernandes, A.J.S.; Ferro, M.C.; Pinna, N.; Silva, R.F.. "Vertically aligned N-doped CNTs growth using Taguchi
experimental design". Applied Surface Science 344 (2015): 57-64.
- Silva, R.M.; Bastos, A.C.; Oliveira, F.J.; Conte, D.E.; Fan, Y.; Pinna, N.; Silva, R.F.. "Catalyst-free growth of carbon nanotube
arrays directly on Inconel® substrates for electrochemical carbon-based electrodes". Journal of Materials Chemistry A
3 34 (2015): 17804-17810.
- Lourenço, M.A.O.; Silva, R.M.; Silva, R.F.; Pinna, N.; Pronier, S.; Pires, J.; Gomes, J.R.B.; Pinto, M.L.; Ferreira, P.. "Turning
periodic mesoporous organosilicas selective to CO2/CH4 separation: Deposition of aluminium oxide by
atomic layer deposition". Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 45 (2015): 22860-22867.
- Silva, R.M.; Pucci, A.; Marichy, C.; Mata, D.; Ferro, M.C.; Silva, R.F.; Pinna, N.. "Ultra simple catalyst layer preparation
for the growth of vertically aligned CNTs and CNT-based nanostructures". CrystEngComm 14 1 (2012): 48-52.
- Mata, D.; Silva, R.M.; Fernandes, A.J.S.; Oliveira, F.J.; Costa, P.M.F.J.; Silva, R.F.. "Upscaling potential of the CVD stacking
growth method to produce dimensionally-controlled and catalyst-free multi-walled carbon nanotubes". Carbon 50 10 (2012):
Poster em conferência |
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel; Gonçalves, Gil; Semitela, Ângela; Barroca, Nathalie; Silva, R.F.. "Live or Dead? The cellular answer
of carbon nanotubes". Trabalho apresentado em CICECO Jornadas 2022, 2022.
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel; F. Oliveira; R.F. Silva. "Al2O3 and TiO2 Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on Die Casting Mold Steel for
Surface Engineering". Trabalho apresentado em SurfCoat Graphene Korea 2021 Joint Virtual Conference, 2021.
- I.E. Oliveira; Silva, Ricardo Manuel; C.G. Silva; R.F. Silva. "Are ZnO- and TiO2-carbon nanocomposites exciting for photocatalytic
activiy". Trabalho apresentado em 14º Encontro Nacional de Química Física, 2021.
- M. Oliveira; T. Silva; Silva, Ricardo Manuel; K. Yasakau; A. Bastos; S. Kallip; A. Lopes; et al. "ALD films on metallic substrates
for corrosion protection". Trabalho apresentado em Eurocorr, Seville, Spain,, 2019.
- I.E. Oliveira; A.V. Girão; Silva, Ricardo Manuel; J.L. Faria; C.G. Silva; R.F. Silva. "Photocatalytic activity of CNTs/ZnO
nanostructures prepared via atomic layer deposition". Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Conference from Nanaoparticles
& Nanomaterials to Nanodevices & Nanosystems, Corfu, Greece,, 2019.
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel; N. Pinna; R.F. Silva. "Carbon-nanotube based heterostructures prepared by atomic layer deposition".
Trabalho apresentado em Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2018.
- C. Marichy; Silva, Ricardo Manuel; N. Pinna; M-G. Willinger; N. Donato; G. Neri. "Non-Aqueous Atomic Layer Deposition of SnO2
for Gas Sensing Application". Trabalho apresentado em Americas International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State
Science, Cancun, Mexico, 2018.
- I.E. Oliveira; A.V. Girão; Silva, Ricardo Manuel; J.L. Faria; C.G. Silva; R.F. Silva. "Photocatalytic oxidation of phenol
using ZnO-decorated vertically aligned carbon nanotubes". Trabalho apresentado em Carbon 2018 Madrid, Spain, 2018.
- R.M. Silva; A.V. Girão; N. Pinna; R.F. Silva. "A facile and binder-free synthesis of VA-N-doped CNTs@Mn3O4 core-shell hybrid
arrays as electrode materials for supercapacitors". Trabalho apresentado em Interfaces in Energy Materials, AIP Materials,
Cambridge, UK, 2018.
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel; N. Pinna; R.F. Silva. "Elaboration of carbon nanotubes based nanocomposites as binder-free electrodes
for electrochemical capacitors". Trabalho apresentado em Carbon 2016, Pennsylvania, USA, 2016.
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel; C. Marichy; N. Pinna; R.F. Silva. "Atomic Layer Deposition of Tin Oxide from Tin(IV) Tetra-Butoxide
and Acetic Acid Reactants". Trabalho apresentado em 13th European Vaccum Conference, 9th Iberian Vaccum Meeting, 7th European
Topical Conference on Hard Coatings, 2014.
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel; P.A. Russo; R.F. Silva; N. Pinna. "ALD alumina overcoating of iron oxide catalyst nanoparticles for
growing VACNTs on metallic substrates". Trabalho apresentado em E-MRS Spring Meeting Strasbourg, 2013.
- Silva, Ricardo Manuel; A. Pucci; M. Marichy; D. Mata; M.C. Ferro; R.F. Silva; N. Pinna. "Ultra simple catalyst layer preparation
for the growth of vertically aligned CNTs and CNT-based nanostructures". Trabalho apresentado em MRS Fall Meeting Boston
USA, 2011.