Amélia M DELGADO holds a PhD in Microbiology & Biochemistry (2007) from Nova University of Lisbon with a background in Biotechnology & Food Engineering from University of Lisbon; Researcher at MED (Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development ¿ University of Algarve), since 2017, with the Food Science and Technology group. She completed specific training courses in science communication, and sustainability (industrial green transition and sustainability indicators) from UN Institute for Training and Research and with FAO (food loss & waste). Besides academic experience in student supervision and lecturing, she also has hands-on experience in assessing the feasibility of innovations (food & biotech) and in project monitoring at the national (RRP of PT and CY) and at European levels (Horizon Europe, and EASME-EIC). She was involved in several international projects both purely academic as well as transdisciplinary and involving multiple stakeholders (e.g., MD.net, time for future & BioGov.net), contributing to the SDGs 2, 3, 12, 13, and 15. She is interested in sustainable foods, food cultures and their linkage with landscapes and biodiversity. At a molecular level, she is interested in knowing more about phenolics and other bioactive compounds in foods and their impact on nutrition, food safety and more. She has editorial roles with MDPI, Frontiers and Springer, and regularly co-edits and co-author books (4) and book chapters (58), as well as research papers in Q1 and Q2 journals (23), all cited (including those published this year). In addition, she also published articles in technical magazines, blogs, and sites to reach a wider audience. She co-organised international scientific events, in the scientific committee of 3 international congresses, designed and/or implemented workshops with multiple stakeholders, has been a committee member of 3 working/discussion groups, and has been invited to round tables & panels (7), as well as dissemination activities, and stakeholder’s engagement with respect to leveraging knowledge, tradition and innovation for climate adaptation. In her curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific output are: food quality; food safety; sustainable foods; food waste; food processing; circular bioeconomy; Sustainable foods; agrobiodiversity; environmental impact; bioactive molecules in food; fermented foods; food analysis; rapid testing; quality control;

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo

Nomes de citação

  • DELGADO, Amélia

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id


Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Agrárias - Biotecnologia Agrária e Alimentar
  • Ciências da Engenharia e Tecnologias - Outras Ciências da Engenharia e Tecnologias - Engenharia e Tecnologia Alimentar
  • Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Microbiologia


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Português Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Francês Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Espanhol; Castelhano Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Grau Classificação
2022/09/12 - 2022/09/28
Comunicar Ciência Clara (Outros)
Especialização em science
Instituto Mediterrâneo para a Agricultura Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2020/11 - 2020/11
Indicators for an inclusive green economy: Introductory course (Postgraduate Certificate)
Especialização em Economia Verde (indicadores de sustentabilidade)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Suiça
2020/10 - 2020/10
Green Industrial Policy - promoting competitiveness and structural transformation (Postgraduate Certificate)
Especialização em Green Economy
United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Suiça
2019/01 - 2019/05
MOOC - Vers la performance environnementale des produits alimentaires (Licence)
Especialização em sustainable food processing; food packaging; LCA; sustainable foods;
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie, França
PhD in Biology (Microbiology & Biochemistry) (Doutoramento)
Especialização em Food Microbiology
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal
"Bacteriocins from Lactic Acid Bacteria of Portuguese Table-Olives" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
approved (by unanimity and with distinction)
1992/09 - 1996
Biotechnology - pré-Bologna (Mestrado)
Especialização em Biochemical Engineering; Environmental Biotechnology
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
" Heavy metal Biosorption by fungal biomass" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2017/07 - Atual Investigador (Investigação) MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development, Portugal
MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development, Portugal

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2009 - 2011/07 Professor Adjunto Convidado (Docente Ensino Superior Politécnico) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2014 - Atual Consultant & trainer - self-employed Self employed- freelance consultant to various international and national organizations, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2023/06/16 - 2025/05/31 BioGovNet
European Commission
Em curso
2022/04 - 2023 time for future - Erasmus + entre Portugal e Alemanha: programa de residência para aprendizagens e troca de experiências de boas práticas em regeneração da natureza e modos de vida sustentáveis
Bolseiro de Cientista Convidado
European Commission
Em curso
2018 - 2021 Med.net: Mediterranean Diet when brand meets people
Bolseiro de Integração na Investigação
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
European Regional Development Fund
2010 - 2014 PROBIOLIVES- 243471-FP7-SME-2008
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal
European Commission


Designação Financiadores
2006 - 2009 Search for new bioterapeutic agents active against Helicobacter pylori
Prémio da SPG (procurar o contrato)
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia
2006 - 2008 Valorização de efluentes da produção de ácido láctico - produção de rações para suínos
7100 (IBET)
Bolseiro de Investigação
Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Portugal
Enersis SA to IBET


Designação Financiadores
2021/11 - 2022/12 DURATRANSFO - Transformation des aliments et durabilité des systèmes alimentaires - Metaprogram Syalsa- INRAE
Bolseiro de Cientista Convidado
Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture l'Alimentation et l'Environnement Département ALIM-H, França
Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture l'Alimentation et l'Environnement Département ALIM-H


Artigo em conferência
  1. DELGADO, Amélia; Issaoui, Manel; Flamini, Guido. "TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN BAKERY PRODUCTS – TESTING FORMULATIONS WITH SUNDRIED CAROB PULP AND SEED FLOUR (CERATONIA SILIQUA L.)". Trabalho apresentado em Third International Conference CONSOLFOOD2020, Advances in Solar Thermal Food Processing, Faro, 2020.
  2. Cordeiro, J.; Da Silva, T.B.; Delgado, A.; Pereira, S.; Brito, D.; Peres, C.. "Antimicrobial activity of lactobacillus plantarum strains isolated from tradicional lactic acid fermentation of portuguese table olives". Trabalho apresentado em FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OLIVE GROWING, 2002.
    Publicado • 10.17660/ACTAHORTIC.2002.586.134
Artigo em revista
  1. Issaoui, Manel; Oueslati, Samia; Flamini, Guido; DELGADO, Amélia; Romano, Anabela. Autor correspondente: DELGADO, Amélia. "Fortification of wheat white bread: assessing the suitability of Beta vulgaris trough technological, nutritional, and sensory evaluation". International Journal of Food Science & Technology 59 8 (2024): 1-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.17396.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1111/ijfs.17396
  2. Laureati, Monica; De Boni, Annalisa; Saba, Anna; Lamy, Elsa; Minervini, Fabio; DELGADO, Amélia; Sinesio, Fiorella. "Determinants of Consumers’ Acceptance and Adoption of Novel Food in View of More Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems in the EU: A Systematic Literature Review". Foods 13 10 (2024): 1534. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods13101534.
    Acesso aberto • 10.3390/foods13101534
  3. Anthony Fardet; Stefan Gold; Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado ; Nikolaos Kopsahelis; Vasiliki Kachrimanidou; Lovedeep Kaur; Francesca Galli; Edmond Rock. Autor correspondente: Anthony Fardet. "How may food processing achieve food and nutrition security for enhanced sustainability?". Sustainable Development (2024): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sd.2899.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1002/sd.2899
  4. Benítez-Cabello, Antonio; DELGADO, Amélia; Quintas, Célia. "Main Challenges Expected from the Impact of Climate Change on Microbial Biodiversity of Table Olives: Current Status and Trends". Foods 12 19 (2023): 3712. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods12193712.
    Publicado • 10.3390/foods12193712
  5. Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado ; Rosmel Rodriguez; Anna Staszewska. Autor correspondente: Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado. "Tackling Food Waste in the Tourism Sector: Towards a Responsible Consumption Trend". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su151713226.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/su151713226
  6. Delgado, Amélia; Gonçalves, Sandra; Romano, Anabela. "Mediterranean Diet: The Role of Phenolic Compounds from Aromatic Plant Foods". Foods 12 4 (2023): 840. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods12040840.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/foods12040840
  7. Vitor C. Barros; Amélia Delgado. "Mediterranean Diet, a Sustainable Cultural Asset". Encyclopedia (2022): https://www.mdpi.com/2673-8392/2/2/53.
  8. Amélia Delgado; Manel Issaoui; Margarida C. Vieira; Isabel Saraiva de Carvalho; Anthony Fardet. "Food Composition Databases: Does It Matter to Human Health?". Nutrients (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13082816.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3390/nu13082816
  9. Manel Issaoui; Guido Flamini; Amélia Delgado. "Sustainability Opportunities for Mediterranean Food Products through New Formulations Based on Carob Flour (Ceratonia siliqua L.)". Sustainability 13 14 (2021): 8026-8026. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13148026.
  10. Durazzo, Alessandra; Nazhand, Amirhossein; Lucarini, Massimo; Delgado, Amélia M.; De Wit, Maryna; Nyam, Kar Lin; Santini, Antonello; Fawzy Ramadan, Mohamed. "Occurrence of Tocols in Foods: An Updated Shot of Current Databases". Journal of Food Quality 2021 (2021): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2021/8857571.
    Publicado • 10.1155/2021/8857571
  11. Amélia Delgado; Said Al-Hamimi; Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan; Maryna De Wit; Alessandra Durazzo; Kar Lin Nyam; Manel Issaoui; Antoni Szumny. "Contribution of Tocols to Food Sensorial Properties, Stability, and Overall Quality". Journal of Food Quality (2020): https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8885865.
    Publicado • 10.1155/2020/8885865
  12. Issaoui, Manel; Nesrine, Mahfoudhi; Flamini, Guido; Delgado, Amélia. "Enrichment of white flour with spices positively impact safety and consumer acceptance of bread". International Journal of Food Science & Technology (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.14834.
    Publicado • 10.1111/ijfs.14834
  13. Manel Issaoui; Amélia Martins Delgado; Giorgia Caruso; Maria Micali; Marcella Barbera; Hager Atrous; Amira Ouslati; Nadia Chammem. "Phenols, Flavors, and the Mediterranean Diet". Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 103 4 (2020): 915-924. https://doi.org/10.1093/jaocint/qsz018.
    Publicado • 10.1093/jaocint/qsz018
  14. Pasqualina Laganà; Maria Anna Coniglio; Marco Fiorino; Amélia Martins Delgado; Nadia Chammen; Manel Issaoui; Maria E Gambuzza; et al. "Phenolic Substances in Foods and Anticarcinogenic Properties: A Public Health Perspective". Journal of AOAC International 103 4 (2020): 935-939. https://publons.com/publon/33211332/.
    Publicado • 10.1093/JAOCINT/QSZ028
  15. Bhagat, Arpan R.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Issaoui, Manel; Chammem, Nadia; Fiorino, Marco; Pellerito, Alessandra; Natalello, Sofia; et al. "Review of the Role of Fluid Dairy in Delivery of Polyphenolic Compounds in the Diet: Chocolate Milk, Coffee Beverages, Matcha Green Tea, and Beyond". Journal of AOAC International 102 5 (2019): 1365-1372. https://publons.com/publon/21567063/.
  16. Delgado, Amelia Martins; Issaoui, Manel; Chammem, Nadia; DELGADO, Amélia. "Analysis of Main and Healthy Phenolic Compounds in Foods". Journal of AOAC International (2019): https://publons.com/publon/21034169/.
  17. Issaoui, Manel; Delgado, Amelia M.. "Olive Oil Properties from Technological Aspects to Dietary and Health Claims". Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality (2019): https://publons.com/publon/20576711/.
  18. DELGADO, Amélia. "Food Crises and Food Safety Incidents in the European Union, the United States of America and the Maghreb Area. Current Risk Communication Strategies and New Approaches". Journal AOAC International (2018): https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/aoac/jaoac/2018/00000101/00000004/art00006;jsessionid=5gs13ln3w97po.x-ic-live-01.
  19. DELGADO, Amélia; DELGADO, Amélia. "Traceability in the Cheesemaking Field. The Regulatory Ambit and Practical Solutions". Food Quality Magazine (2016):
  20. Brito, D.; Serrano, C.; Peres, C.; Delgado, A.; Pereira, A.; Oleastro, M.; Monteiro, L.. "LACTOBACILLI FROM FERMENTED PORTUGUESE TABLE-OLIVES ARE ABLE TO INHIBIT THE HUMAN PATHOGEN HELICOBACTER PYLORI". Acta Horticulturae 949 (2012): 463-468. http://dx.doi.org/10.17660/actahortic.2012.949.68.
    Publicado • 10.17660/actahortic.2012.949.68 • Editor
  21. Brito, M.D.; Catulo, L.; Peres, C.; Delgado, A.; Quintans, F.. "The role of bacteriocin producers in table-olive fermentation". Acta Horticulturae 791 PART 2 (2008): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-55049089629&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  22. Peres, C.; Serrano, C.; Brito, D.; Dâmaso, A.; Delgado, A.. "Bacteriocin diversity among LAB from table-olives". Acta Horticulturae 791 PART 2 (2008): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-55049138320&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  23. Brito, M. D.; Catulo, L.; Peres, C.; Delgado, A.; Quintans, F.. "The role of bacteriocin producers in table-olive fermentation". Acta Horticulturae (2008): https://publons.com/publon/17152920/.
    Publicado • 10.17660/ACTAHORTIC.2008.791.96
  24. Peres, C.; Serrano, C.; Brito, D.; Damaso, A.; Delgado, A.. "Bacteriocin diversity among lab from table-olives". Acta Horticulturae (2008): https://publons.com/publon/9467160/.
  25. Delgado, A.; Arroyo López, F.N.; Brito, D.; Peres, C.; Fevereiro, P.; Garrido-Fernández, A.. "Optimum bacteriocin production by Lactobacillus plantarum 17.2b requires absence of NaCl and apparently follows a mixed metabolite kinetics". Journal of Biotechnology 130 2 (2007): 193-201. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34249294472&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2007.01.041
  26. Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado ; Brito, Dulce; Fevereiro, Manuel Pedro Salema ; Tenreiro, Rogério; Peres, Cidália. "Bioactivity quantification of crude bacteriocin solutions". Journal of Microbiological Methods 62 1 (2005): 121-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mimet.2005.01.006.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.mimet.2005.01.006
  27. Delgado, A.; Brito, D.; Peres, C.; Noé-Arroyo, F.; Garrido-Fernández, A.. "Bacteriocin production by Lactobacillus pentosus B96 can be expressed as a function of temperature and NaCl concentration". Food Microbiology 22 6 (2005): 521-528. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-18144402399&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.fm.2004.11.015
  28. Delgado, A.; Brito, D.; Fevereiro, P.; Peres, C.; Marques, J.F.; Delgado, A; Brito, D; et al. "Antimicrobial activity of L. plantarum, isolated from a traditional lactic acid fermentation of table olives". Lait 81 1-2 (2001): 203-215. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0035586078&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  29. DELGADO, Amélia; Delgado, A; Anselmo, AM; Novais, JM. "Heavy metal biosorption by the mycelium of Fusarium flocciferum". International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (1996): http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleListURL&_method=list&_ArticleListID=-1007880504&_sort=r&_st=13&view=c&md5=6b505263db4d9b08b40a8ea3708ce318&searchtype=a.
Artigo em revista (magazine)
  1. Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado . Autor correspondente: Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado. "Sustentabilidade na avicultura: desafios e oportunidades da transição para a economia circular", Aves e Ovos, 2021, https://www.calameo.com/read/007160014874b73ae941e.
  2. DELGADO, Amélia; DELGADO, Amélia. "Que perspectivas para a azeitona de mesa em Portugal?", Revista da APH (Associação Portuguesa de Horticultura) , 2008, http://www.aphorticultura.pt/uploads/4/8/0/3/48033811/__________revista_95_capa.pdf.
Capítulo de livro
  1. DELGADO, Amélia; Chammem, Nadia; Issaoui, Manel; Ammar, Emna. Autor correspondente: DELGADO, Amélia. "Bioactive Phytochemicals from Olive (Olea europaea) Processing By-products". In Bioactive Phytochemicals from Vegetable Oil and Oilseed Processing By-products, Reference Series in Phytochemistry., editado por Ramadan Hassanien, M.F., 1-37. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-63961-7_10-1
  2. DELGADO, Amélia. "Grading, Labeling and Standardization of Edible Oils". In Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality. Suiça, 2019.
  3. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "The ExTra Tool—A Practical Example of Extended Food Traceability for Cheese Productions". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 29-66. 2018.
  4. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "The ExTra Tool—Practical Simulations in the Cheesemaking Industry When Using Cheeses, Butter and Rennet Caseins". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 67-93. 2018.
  5. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "The ExTra Tool—Practical Simulations of Traceability for Cheese Packaging Materials". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 147-160. 2018.
  6. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "The Legislative Status of Food Additives in the Cheesemaking Field: The European Perspective". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 97-108. 2018.
  7. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "Food Packaging and the Mandatory Traceability in Europe". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 129-139. 2018.
  8. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "Food Packaging Materials in the Cheesemaking Field". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 141-145. 2018.
  9. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "Food Traceability System in Europe: Basic and Regulatory Requirements". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 3-14. 2018.
  10. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "Raw Materials in the Cheesemaking Field and Related Input Data in the Traceability". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 15-28. 2018.
  11. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "Food Additives for Analogue Cheeses and Traceability: The ExTra Tool". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 119-126. 2018.
  12. Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore. "Food Additives in Cheese Substitutes". editado por Mania, Ignazio; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Barone, Caterina; Parisi, Salvatore, 109-117. 2018.
  13. Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel; Parisi, Salvatore; Delgado, Amélia Martins. "The Mediterranean Diet: What Is It?". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet, 3-7. Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319-29370-7_1
  14. Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel; Parisi, Salvatore; DELGADO, Amélia. "Food and Nutrient Features of the Mediterranean Diet". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet, 9-17. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319- 29370-7_2
  15. Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel; Parisi, Salvatore; DELGADO, Amélia. "Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean diet, 19-29. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319-29370- 7_3
  16. DELGADO, Amélia; Parisi, Salvatore; Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel. "Olive Oil and Table Olives". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet, 33-57. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319-29370-7_4
  17. Delgado, Amélia Martins; Parisi, Salvatore; Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel. "Greens and Other Vegetable Foods". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet, 59-137. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319- 29370-7_5
  18. DELGADO, Amélia; Parisi, Salvatore; Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel. "Milk and Dairy Products". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet, 139-176. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319-29370-7_6
  19. DELGADO, Amélia; Parisi, Salvatore; Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel. "Fish, Meat and Other Animal Protein Sources". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean diet, 177-207. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319- 29370-7_7
  20. DELGADO, Amélia; Parisi, Salvatore; Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel. "Infusions and Wines". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet, 209-239. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319-29370-7_8
  21. Vaz Almeida, Maria Daniel; Parisi, Salvatore; DELGADO, Amélia. "Concluding Remarks". In Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet, 243-248. Suiça: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    Publicado • 0.1007/978-3-319-29370-7_9
Edição de número de revista
  1. Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado ; Pasqualina Laganà. "Special Issue "Climate Change, a Threat for Food Safety and Nutritional Quality"". Sustainability (2023): https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/climate_change_threat_food_safety_nutritional_quality.
    Publicado • Editor convidado
  2. DELGADO, Amélia. "Sustainable Food Systems and Circular Bioeconomy". Sustainability (2021):
    Editor convidado
  3. DELGADO, Amélia; Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan; Maryna De Wit; Alessandra Durazzo; Kar Lin Nyam. "Tocols and Food Quality". Journal of food quality (2021):
  1. DELGADO, Amélia; Ana Lúcia Cruz; Coelho, Natacha; Romano, Anabela. The Mediterranean Diet: Fostering a Common Vision Through a Multidisciplinary Approach. Faro, Portugal: Universidade do Algarve. 2022.
  2. Issaoui, Manel; Delgado, Amélia Martins; Iommi, Candela; Chammem, Nadia. Polyphenols and the Mediterranean Diet. Springer International Publishing. 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-41134-3
  3. Mania, I.; Delgado, A.M.; Barone, C.; Parisi, S.. Traceability in the dairy industry in Europe: Theory and practice. 2018.
  4. DELGADO, Amélia; Delgado, A.M.; Vaz Almeida, M.D.; Parisi, S.. Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet. Suiça. 2017.
Poster em conferência
  1. Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado ; Barros, Vitor Coelho. Autor correspondente: Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado. "Avaliação da sustentabilidade de hábitos alimentares, considerações acerca da utilização de indicadores e disponibilidade de dados". Trabalho apresentado em 2º Congresso da Rede de Instituições de Ensino Superior para a Dieta Mediterrânica/2ª Conferência Internacional em Dieta e Gastronomia Mediterrânicas - A MULTIDISCIPLINARIDADE À MESA, 2023.
  2. Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado ; Gonçalves, Sandra Marisa B. de Alpuim; Romano, Anabela. "Mediterranean Diet: the role of phenolic compounds from Mediterranean plant foods". Trabalho apresentado em EFFoST 2022: Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future, 2022.
  3. Issaoui, Manel; Oueslati, Oueslati; Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado ; Romano, Anabela; Flamini, Guido. "Assessing the use of Beta vulgaris in reinforcing nutritional features of bakers’ wheat flour". Trabalho apresentado em EFFoST 2022: Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future, 2022.
  4. DELGADO, Amélia; Oleastro, Mónica; Brito, Maria Dulce; Peres, Cidália; Serrano, Maria Cristina. "Lactobacilli from table-olives are able to inhibit Helicobacter pylori, poster 14". Trabalho apresentado em II Jornadas Internacionales de la Aceituna de Mesa, Dos Hermanas, Sevilla, Espanha, 2008.
  5. DELGADO, Amélia; Catulo, L.; Cidália Peres; Malcata, F. Xavier. "Propriedades nutricionales y beneficiosas para la salud relacionadas con las aceitunas de mesa: una vision general". Trabalho apresentado em II Jornadas Internacionales de la Aceituna de Mesa, 2008.
  6. DELGADO, Amélia; Serrano, Maria Cristina; Brito, Maria Dulce; Alves, PI; Fevereiro, Manuel Pedro Salema ; Maria Teresa Barreto Crespo; Peres, Cidália. "Bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria of vegetable origin – have they special features?". Trabalho apresentado em XXXIII Congresso Nacional MicroBiotech, 2007.
  7. DELGADO, Amélia; Oleastro, Mónica; Brito, Maria Dulce; Serrano, Maria Cristina; Monteiro, M Lurdes; Peres, Cidália; Brito, Dulce. "Evaluation of the inhibitory activity of Lactobacillus sp. from table olive against Helicobacter pylori". Trabalho apresentado em XXth International Workshop on helicobacter and related bacteria in Chronic Digestive Inflammation, Istambul, Turquia, 2007.
  8. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Peres, Cidália; Garrido-Fernández, A.. "Bacteriocin production responds to environmental factors and optimum conditions are different for bacterial strains from the same habitat". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Seminary on Biotechnology and quality of olive tree products around Mediterranean Basin, 2006.
  9. DELGADO, Amélia; Peres, Cidália; Serrano, Maria Cristina; Brito, Maria Dulce. "Inibição de fungos por bacteriocinas produzidas por bactérias lácticas de azeitona de mesa". Trabalho apresentado em IV Simpósio Nacional de Olivicultura, Elvas, 2006.
  10. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Peres, Cidália; Garrido-Fernández, A.. "Os factores ambientais condicionam a produção de bacteriocinas mas as condições óptimas divergem para estirpes do mesmo habitat". Trabalho apresentado em IV Simpósio Nacional de Olivicultura, Elvas, 2006.
  11. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Cidália Peres; Maria Teresa Barreto Crespo; Paula I Alves. "Triagem de bacteriocinas produzidas por bactérias lácticas de azeitona de mesa e seu contributo para a caracterização das especificidades regionais do produto final". Trabalho apresentado em IV Simpósio Nacional de Olivicultura, Elvas, 2006.
  12. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Cidália Peres; Fevereiro, Manuel Pedro Salema ; Rogério Tenreiro. "Bioactivity quantification of crude bacteriocin solutions". Trabalho apresentado em 8th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. Egmond aan Zee. Holanda, 2005.
  13. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Peres, Cidália; Quintans, F.. "The role of bacteriocin producers in table-olive fermentation". Trabalho apresentado em V International Symposium on Olive Growing, Izmir, Turquia, 2004.
  14. DELGADO, Amélia; Serrano, Maria Cristina; Damaso, A.; Brito, Maria Dulce; Peres, Cidália. "Bacteriocin diversity among LAB from table-olives". Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Olive Growing, Izmir, Turquia, 2004.
  15. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Peres, Cidália; Caeiro, Marta. "Alguns aspectos da acção e aplicação de bacteriocinas produzidas por estirpes de Lactobacillus isoladas durante a fermentação da azeitona". Trabalho apresentado em III Simpósio Nacional de Olivicultura., 2003.
  16. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Cidália Peres; Leitão, C.; Garrido-Fernández, A.. "Effect of brine components and microbial metabolites on the growth and bacteriocin production of two Lactobacillus isolated from fermenting table-olives". Trabalho apresentado em Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia MICRO’ 2003. Tomar., 2003.
  17. DELGADO, Amélia; Peres, Cidália; Brito, Maria Dulce; Chammem, Nadia; Tenreiro, Rogério. "Bacteriocins from Lactobacilli of fermented olives: a comparative study with nisin". Trabalho apresentado em XIII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Lisboa., 2002.
  18. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Peres, Cidália; Caeiro, Marta. "Some aspects on the action and application of bacteriocins produced by Lactobacillus strains isolated from fermenting table-olives". Trabalho apresentado em 1th FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists & 7th Symposium of Lactic Acid Bacteria, genetics, metabolism and applications, 2002.
  19. DELGADO, Amélia; Peres, Cidália; Brito, Maria Dulce; Fevereiro, Manuel Pedro Salema. "Influence of nutritional factors on bacteriocin production by L. plantarum LB17.2b". Trabalho apresentado em 7nd Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. Holanda, 2002.
  20. DELGADO, Amélia. "Produção de bacteriocinas por lactobacilos – influência dos factores que condicionam a fermentação da azeitona de mesa na biodisponibilidade das bacteriocinas". Trabalho apresentado em Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia – MICRO’ 2001, 2001.
  21. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Fevereiro, Manuel Pedro Salema. "Factors affecting bacteriocin production in L. plantarum LB17.2b”. 11éme Réunion du Club des Bactéries Lactiques". Trabalho apresentado em 11éme Réunion du Club des Bactéries Lactiques. Bordeus – França., 2001.
  22. DELGADO, Amélia; Brito, Maria Dulce; Cidália Peres; Silva, Teresa Baptista. "The use of specific lactic starters and the quality of portuguese table olives. Poster: PP 2/04/C-3 pp 383.". Trabalho apresentado em XXV International Horticultural Congress (IHC). Bruxelas. Bélgica. 2-7 Ago., 1998.
  23. DELGADO, Amélia; Cristina de Mello-Sampayo; Cidália Peres; Brito, Maria Dulce; Fevereiro, Manuel Pedro Salema. "Purificação de bacteriocina de Lactobacillus plantarum e sua deteção em substratos naturais". Trabalho apresentado em IV Iberian Congress on Biotechnology & I Ibero-American Meeting on Biotechnology, Biotech 98, 1998.
  24. DELGADO, Amélia; Anselmo, Ana Maria; Julio Maggiolly Novais. "Heavy Metal Biosorption by the Mycelium of Fusarium flocciferum (Poster P1-2)". Trabalho apresentado em Congresso: Biosorption and Bioremediation. Praga - República Checa 1-4 Out., 1995.
Recurso online
  1. Quintas, Célia; Delgado, A.; Delgado, Amelia Martins; Delgado, A.M.; Amélia Delgado. Benefícios da azeitona de mesa na nossa dieta. 2023. https://www.med.uevora.pt/pt/beneficios-da-azeitona-de-mesa-na-nossa-dieta/.
  2. unknown. Eating sustainably – easier than you think?. 2022. https://climate-pact.europa.eu/news/eating-sustainably-easier-you-think-2022-07-28_en.
  3. DELGADO, Amélia. Does Food Composition Databases Matter to Human Health?. 2021. https://encyclopedia.pub/item/revision/9bd77eedc7d73e0134b08a18d9198ab0.
Resumo em conferência
  1. DELGADO, Amélia. "As Leguminosas na Dieta Mediterrânica". 2016.
Tese / Dissertação
  1. DELGADO, Amélia. "Bacteriocins from Lactic Acid Bacteria of Portuguese Table-Olives". Doutoramento, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, 2007.
  2. DELGADO, Amélia. "Remoção de metais pesados por bioadsorventes". Mestrado, Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, 1995.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2024/09/27 Actionable Sustainable practices and initiatives in Tourism – Food & Culture & SDGs How EMAS can support improving the sustainability of the tourism sector - webinar
European Commission (Brussels, Bélgica)
2024/04/23 Balancing Tradition & Innovation: Gastronomy's Impact on Sustainable Tourism, Local Heritage, and Biodiversity I International Tourism Seminar „Opportunities and threats for tourism in the contemporary world"
Katowice Business University (Katowice, Polónia)
2023/09/29 Azeitona de mesa: Um alimento esquecido da Dieta Mediterrânica 2º Congresso da Rede de Instituições de Ensino Superior para a Dieta Mediterrânica/2ª Conferência Internacional em Dieta e Gastronomia Mediterrânicas - A MULTIDISCIPLINARIDADE À MESA
University of Évora (Évora, Portugal)
2023/09/21 Tackling the so-called Ultra-processed Foods through Carbohydrate Strategies, oral presentation and further discussion in the roundtable titled "Reimagining Food Systems towards Sustainability: Contribution of Carbohydrates to New Strategies" by ISEKI Food Association, integratiing the program of EPNOE conference 8th International Polysacharide Conference
Graz University of Technology (Graz, Áustria)
2023/06/02 Table olives: from production to consumption, a crossroad of issues (Parallel Session TL2 - Ensure Sustainable Food and Biomass System) Science CHANGing Policy
CHANGE, University of Évora (Évora, Portugal)
2022/12/14 Moving from a linear to a circular model - what impact on food systems? After Development Lectures - Sustainability of Food Systems
European Centre d'excellence Jean Monnet, ERASME centre (Paris, França)
2021/12/11 One health approach to food systems Information and knowledge in tackling climate change Intelligence Artificielle & Biologie de L' Environnement
Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et Technologie de Mahdia (Sousse, Tunísia)
2021/12/02 About food businesses, food systems’ sustainability and agrobiodiversity 2021 WSD – Teach in Day
HAW Hamburg (Hamburg, Alemanha)
2021/10/29 Can bakery products be tasty healthy and sustainable? Clues for SMEs International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science (5th ICAFS 2021)
Asia-Pacific Association of Science Engineering and Technology (Istanbul /online, Turquia)
2016/09 As leguminosas no contexto da dieta mediterrânica: uma visão Conferência organizada no âmbito do Ano Internacional das Leguminosas e integrado no programa da Feira da Dieta Mediterrânica
CM Tavira & DRAPAlgarve (Tavira, Portugal)
2016/05/05 Leguminosas na dieta mediterrânica – nutrição, segurança, sustentabilidade; CISA – VIII conferência de inovação e segurança alimentar
Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (Peniche, Portugal)

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2024/05/10 - 2024/05/10 Co-organization and facilitation of the workshop "Climate Fresk" with Transitar ONG, about climate change causes & consequences, gamification tool based on IPCC 2023 report (2024/05/10)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal
2019/11/27 - 2019/11/29 MD.net Mediterranean Diet International course - training the trainers, event organised in the framework of the project Interreg Med MD.net (https://mdnet.interreg-med.eu/no-cache/news-events/news/detail/actualites/mdnet-partners-and-stakeholders-have-been-inspired-during-international-course-in-faro/); support from planning to implementation; various roles during the event: e.g. time-keeper during presentations, assistance at registration desk, etc. (2019/11 - 2019/11)
Outro (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2019/11/28 - 2019/11/28 Design, implementation and facilitation of the Workshop «Valuing and promoting Mediterranean Diet: turning challenges into solutions», integrated MD.net Mediterranean Diet International course - training the trainers organised at University of Algarve in the framework of the Interreg Mediterranean MD.net project; responsible for all general support duties during organisation and deployment as well as by the supporting documentation and training materials. (2019/11/27 - 2019/11/29)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2021/03/30 - Atual Presentation of the Final Report of the Independent Review on the Economics of Biodiversity led by Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta; The Dasgupta Report was summarised by the author and discussed with invitees highlighting important topics;
ESWG Seminar - Dasgupta Report: Recommendations for revised economic accounting
The Green Forum - Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP), Suiça
2024/01/24 - 2034/01/24 Event launch of the Systems Transformation Hub - a unique collaboration between Climate-KIC, Club of Rome, Metabolic, Systemiq, and the World Resource Institute.
the Systems Transformation Hub
Climate-KIC Holding BV, Bélgica

World Resources Institute, Estados Unidos
2023/09/28 - 2033/09/09 2º Congresso da Rede de Instituições de Ensino Superior para a Salvaguarda da Dieta Mediterrânica 2ª Conferência Internacional sobre Dieta e Gastronomia Mediterrânicas A Multidisciplinaridade à Mesa, com mesas temáticas e oradores internacionais, alimentando um diálogo aberto entre práticas seculares e inovação.
2ª Conferência Internacional sobre Dieta e Gastronomia Mediterrânicas
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2024/11/20 - 2024/11/20 Conference and discussion panels on barriers, oportunities and possible pathways for CAP and the future of food & agriculture in the EU; organised by "Globe, the Network for European Legislators", at the European Parliament Brussels, Room ASP 06D128 and online
Seeds of Change: Pioneering Innovation and Collaboration for Europe's Sustainable Food Systems
European Union, Bélgica
2024/11/13 - 2024/11/13 Ar Event - the state of water - integrated in a series of events conecting arts with science for awareness-raising and open discussions; initial talk about water from its various perspectives - as cosmic, chemical, environmental, biological, human rights; documentary titled "the state of water" filmed at Alentejo (Odemira region); discussion about the persistent trend for drought at that region (considering disruptions in the water cycle caused by climate change and the alternation with floods); drinking water and water for agricultural uses;
Ar event - the state of water
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
2024/10/24 - 2024/10/24 Alterações Climáticas: Que desafios se nos colocam nas próximas décadas? (discussão por painel de especialistas) que teve lugar na Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa; evento organizado pelo Centro Nacional de Competências para as Alterações Climáticas do Setor Agroflorestal (CNCACSA).
Alterações Climáticas: Que desafios se nos colocam nas próximas décadas?
Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Portugal
2024/10/17 - 2024/10/18 16ª reunião anual PortFIR, sistemas alimentares, solo, composição de alimentos e saúde
sistemas alimentares, solo, composição de alimentos e saúde
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal
2024/06/17 - 2024/06/18 participation in the event organised by SDSN Portugal, where a book and a report on the SDG progress were launched; participation in the workshop about the need to change learning ways, integrating education along life - based on case-studies' presentation
Paving the Way to the pact of the future
Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Estados Unidos
2023/12/13 - 2023/12/13 Alterações Climáticas - Como nos adaptamos a esta nova realidade? Conferência, com vários paineis de discussão, sobre adaptação a Alterações Climáticas, em Portugal presencial e online
Alterações Climáticas - Como nos adaptamos a esta nova realidade?
Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Portugal
2023/11/22 - 2023/11/23 Tertúlia entre embaixadores do pacto climático (PCA) e público geral. Temas: alimentação, mobilidade, energia, marketing e comunicação; organização e moderação pela Zero, no âmbito da coordenação nacional do programa PCA
GreenFest (https://greenfest.pt/carcavelos23/) / Tertúlia com embaixadores do pacto climático
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa NOVA School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2023/06/19 - 2023/06/21 ECCA 2023 is hosted by University College Cork & Marei (in person in Dublin & online) and it is supported by the EC; The conference brings together specialists from various areas and targets adaptation experts - researchers' and practitioners, policy-makers, local authorities, the private sector with a focus on businesses already engaged and taking action on climate risk, investors, NGOs, citizens organisations, youth and education organisations, community groups engaged in adaptatio; involves showcasing solutions, exchanging knowledge and more.
6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2023
University College Cork, Irlanda

European Commission, Bélgica
2023/06/02 - 2023/06/02 The Event Science CHANGing Policy was a platform for meaningful discussions and the catalyst for subsequent joint cooperation between CHANGE's Researchers. Issues and questions of the thematic lines were addressed at a world cafe type discussions
Science CHANGing Policy
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2022/11/09 - 2022/11/17 Registered participant in COP27 side events on themes related to the agri-food sector, biodiversity and health. These events are part of the EU Pavilion programme in the framework of COP27. Including interactive discussion panels and networking
COP 27 - side events
2021/12 - 2021/12 COP 26 side events including the European Climate Pact’s Citizens Voices’ side event at COP26 & other side events
COP 26 side events
2021/11/29 - 2021/11/29 the Independent Dialogue Public Forum @ UN Food Systems Summit, moderated by Ruth Richardson- discussion on the dialogues and food systems transformation. with Agnes Kalibata, Michael Quinn Patton, David Nabarro, and panel of Convenors including, Gopal D. Patel, Co-Founder & Director, Bhumi Global Ludovica Donati, Coordinator, Transfoodmation Luisa Volpe, Head of Policy Development, World Farmers Organisation Carla Caballeros, Executive Director, Cámara del Agro Guatemala Susan Mercado, , Director of Resilience and Food Systems, Hawai‘i
UN - Food Systems Summit 2021
2021/07/26 - 2021/07/28 COP 26 Parallel Session - Driving food system transformation through accounting for the True Value of Food - from World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) which outputs were the launch of 8 coalitions for action, encompassing food loss and waste, and a voluntary declaration to be signed by companies in the food sector: Business Declaration on Food Systems Transformation
Driving food system transformation through accounting for the True Value of Food in the pre summit of the UN Food systems summit
World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Suiça
2021/07/26 - 2021/07/28 UN Food Systems pre Summit and parallel events - online attendance and active participation in working experts' groups (early consultations contributing to the summit program) and after-summit (in taking action and contributing to prepare COP26)
Driving food system transformation through accounting for the True Value of Food in the pre summit of the UN Food systems summit
United Nations Secretariat, Estados Unidos

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Itália
2021/03/11 - 2021/03/11 Pre- Food Systems Summit activity - Open consultation on research covering Human well-being and capabilities, Sustainable and just economies, and Food systems and nutrition patterns. The outputs of the consultation to be revised in the light of the meeting conversations, and prepared for distribution and discussion by policy decision makers at the High-Level Political Forum in New York 2021
Oficina (workshop)
From Science to Practice: The Role of Research in Tackling COVID-19 and Achieving the SDGs.
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Suiça
2020/10/08 - 2020/10/08 Info session on “Climate change as a driver of emerging risks for food and feed safety, plant, animal health and nutritional quality” - virtual meeting
Information Session on the implementation of the Transparency Regulation CLEFSA (Climate change as a driver of emerging risks for food and feed safety, plant, animal health and nutritional quality)
European Food Safety Authority, Itália
2020/09/22 - 2020/09/24 European Research & Innovation Days - workshops, conferences, exhibitions and networking (virtual event)
European Research and Innovation Days
European Commission, Bélgica
2020/05/14 - 2020/05/14 EIC experts days 2020 - as in previous editions, this all-day event will bring together EIC experts and provide a unique opportunity for you to network with other experts, meet the EASME Evaluation team members and share best evaluation practices. It will also be a good opportunity to learn about the changes in the updated Work Programme in general and more specifically the challenge of the Green Deal topic.
EIC Experts Day 2020
European Commission, Bélgica
2019/10/07 - 2019/10/07 EIC expert days; training and networking event for expert evaluators working with the European Innovation Council;
EIC Experts Day 2019
European Commission, Bélgica
2017/10/25 - 2017/10/26 EFSA Scientific Colloquium 23 was an work session that involved stakeholders along the food chain, aiming at collecting contributions for evidence integration in risk analysis. Different kinds of evidences were analysed in distinct sessions, later integrated in the resulting publication: https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.2903/sp.efsa.2018.EN-1396, (participants are listed in appendix A)
Oficina (workshop)
Evidence integration in risk assessment: the science of combining apples and oranges
European Food Safety Authority, Itália
2014/04/29 - 2014/04/29 Conferência que pretendeu analisar a parceria EU-África - incluindo os resultados da IV cimeira realizada a 2-3 Abril, em Bruxelas - e debater as oportunidades e desafios das relações entre os 2 continentes, num contexto de dinâmicas continentais e globais em rápida mutação, para apurar o que deverá a parceria tentar atingir no futuro e em que espetos se devem centrar as 2 partes, incluindo sobre assuntos globais.
O Jogo global mudou. Qual o papel das relações Europa-África?
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência
2021/05/28 - 2021/07/02 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (CMR) - Agrarian and Food Sciences Polytechnic Institute of Viseu
2019/02 - 2019/07 CIBIA 2019 - XXII Iberoamerican congress of food engineering Institute of Engineering, University of Algarve

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2022/08 - Atual Frontiers in Nutrition, Food Chemistry (2296-861X) Frontiers
2021/01 - Atual International journal of food studies (2182-1054) ISEKI - Food Association
2018 - Atual Journal of Food Science and Technology (0022-1155) Springer
2020/06 - 2023/08/31 Sustainability (2071-1050) MDPI
2020/06 - 2021/04 Journal of Food Quality (1745-4557) Hindawi Limited
2019 - 2020 World Mycotoxin Journal (1875-0710) Wageningen Academic Publishers

Comissão de avaliação

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de assessoria
Instituição / Organização Entidade financiadora
2018 - 2020 External evaluator expert with EC; evaluation of R&D proposals Horizon2020, notably for EIC pilot (European Innovation Council) and the first green deal call for close to market innovations; I assessed practical, economic and technological feasibility of breakthrough innovations mainly proposed by SME thus helping deciding on their financing. Activity terminated by the end of H2020 program;
Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Bélgica Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Consultoria / Parecer

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2022/11 - 2023 expert evaluator assessing innovation projects for RRP - INVESTIMENTO RE-C05-i03 – AGENDA DE INVESTIGAÇÃO E INOVAÇÃO PARA A SUSTENTABILIDADE DA AGRICULTURA, ALIMENTAÇÃO E AGROINDUSTRIA Direccao-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural, Portugal
2021 - 2022/11 Project monitoring - innovation project approved in call H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 - concern medical device to count viable bacteria and asses corresponding antimicrobial susceptibility/resistance Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Bélgica
2019 - 2019 searching for and assessing innovations from SME, entrepreneurs, R&D and other institutions interested in, and relevant to Maritime Surveillance (including environmental monitoring, fisheries control and other topics in relation to blue economy, in the framework of the project Interreg Med Proteus (https://proteus.interreg-med.eu) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2014/03/31 - 2014/04/01 Enquanto consultora da APRODEP, advogou os interesses desta ONGD Guineense no 5th EU-Africa Business Forum, onde participou ativamente em atividades como sessões de trabalho, mesas redondas e "networking" entre stakeholders, incluindo (cocktail vip) a convite do presidente do Conselho Europeu, em 2014, Mr Herman van Rompuy. Da participação na cimeira resultou uma declaração conjunta com https://africa-eu-partnership.org/sites/default/files/userfiles/declaration_5th_eabf_march_2014.pdf, abordando segurança alimentar, inovação, políticas verdes etc. European Commission, Bélgica

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2024/05 - 2024/05 invited lecture for the UC "Food, Health & Society" within the plan of studies of health sciences (Bacharelato) Universidade de Évora Escola de Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano, Portugal

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2022/12/15 - Atual Round Table - Food processing and sustainability: which levers and scientific solutions? integrated in the event "after development lectures"
Centre d'excellence Jean Monnet sur le développement durable, França
2021/03 - Atual group manager and co-moderator of the expert group "the role of SMEs in transforming food systems, hosted in https://thegreenforum.org/groups (a platform supported by giga.org, OECD, UNEP, UNIDO & the world bank) that aims at bringing together scientists, SME holders, decision-makers, entrepreneurs and other professionals of the food value chain interested in migration from the linear to the circular economic model, in a feasible and inclusive manner
The Green Forum - Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP), Suiça
2018/06 - Atual member of national discussion group on Horizon Europe - Grupo Nacional de Apoio à Discussão (GNAD). do Horizonte Europa (2021-2027), coordenado pelo GPPQ - FCT, pilar II - Global Challenges and industrial competitiveness - cluster Food and natural resources and pilar III on open innovation
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2021 - 2022 United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021. The Food Systems Dialogues Reference Group is an informal group convened by 4SD and hosted by David Nabarro. It connects quarterly as a platform to stay abreast of the evolution of the dialogues and to share relevant updates with each other.
United Nations Office at Geneva Library, Suiça
2021/03/31 - 2021/03/31 participant to the group discussion and the revisions of the document about Food systems and nutrition patterns, resulting from previous open consultation on research covering sustainable development topics. The final outputs were presented to policy makers at the UN Food Summit, a High-Level Political Forum held in New York 2021, ahead of COP 27.
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Suiça
2021 - 2021 Global partnership for sustainable development data - Working to improve timeliness and granularity of SDG data: Progress made in the Data for Now initiative - data4SDGs@org discussion on metrics, adjustments and less common data sources - combining & curating different information
Global Partnerships, Estados Unidos

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2024/11/02 - Atual Jury member of EIC- Accelerator programme helping selecting the very best european deep tech startups to be funded up to 12.5M€ (TRL 6-8) - challenge: precision fermentation & algae European Union, Bélgica
2022 - Atual External expert evaluator for Project proposal evaluation; remote evaluation of proposals for innovations in agri-food sector - Calls: Pre-seed and concept Research and Innovation Foundation of the Republic of Cyprus, Chipre
2017 - Atual Project proposal evaluation - assessment of phase I and phase II project proposals of innovations in the fields of food & biotech and biotech & pharma and related fields; Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Bélgica
2022/03/04 - 2022/06/04 Project proposal evaluation - for the call HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01 work consisting of individual remote evaluation, participating in the expert briefing, participating in the evaluation meeting (consensus) and delivering corresponding assessment report(s) Research Executive Agency, Bélgica


Tópico Nome do aluno
2010/04 - 2010/11 Apoio na submissão de resumo e preparação de apresentação oral, a partir de trabalho realizado em aulas práticas da UC Microbiologia Alimentar, da lic em Engenharia Alimentar, ESTM-IPLeiria Mateus Márcia, Ferreira Patrícia, Reis Susana, alunas do curso de Engenharia


2021 European Climate Pact Ambassador
European Commission, Bélgica

Outra distinção

2024 editor's choice
MDPI AG, Suiça