Personal identification
- Full name
- Eurica Manuela Novo Lopes Henriques
- Date of birth
- 1974/06/29
- Gender
- Female
Author identifiers
- Ciência ID
- 0B14-86C3-A51C
Email addresses
- (Professional)
- Telephone
- 250350724 Ext.: 4724 (Professional)
- Departamento de Matemática - Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - Quinta dos Prados , 5000-801, Vila Real, Vila Real, Portugal (Professional)
- (Professional)
- (Scholar)
Knowledge fields
- Exact Sciences - Mathematics - Pure Mathematics
Degree | Classification | |
Doutoramento em Matemática Pura - PhD in Pure Mathematics (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
"Teoria da Regularidade para algumas EDPs não-lineares - Regularity Theory for certain nonlinear PDEs" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Aprovada com Distinção e Louvor por unanimidade - |
Mestrado em Matemática Pura - Master of Science in Pure Mathematics (Mestrado)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
"Problema de Cauchy: existência e unicidade de solução - Cauchy Problem: existence and uniqueness " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Muito Bom - Very Good |
Matemática - Mathematics (Licenciatura)
Major in Especialidade: Matemática Pura
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
"Teoria da Regularidade para Algumas Edps Não-lineares" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
15 valores |
Teaching in Higher Education
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2023/06 - Current | Associate Professor (University Teacher) | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2005/12/09 - 2024/05 | Assistant Professor (University Teacher) | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
1999/05/30 - 2005/12/09 | Assistant (University Teacher) | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal | ||
1996/10 - 1999/04 | Trainee Assistant (University Teacher) | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
1995/10 - 1996/09 | Tutor (University Teacher) | Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal |
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2022/07 - Current | Member of the Northern Regional Delegation of the Portuguese Mathematical Society. | Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, Portugal |
2017/09/01 - Current | Member of UTAD's Editorial Board | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2016 - Current | Integrated Member of Centre of Mathematics CMAT | Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2020/07 - 2022/07 | Coordinator of Polo CMAT-UTAD | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2016/07/01 - 2020/07/01 | Member of the Northern Regional Delegation of the Portuguese Mathematical Society. | Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, Portugal |
2018/06 - 2020/06 | Coordinator of Polo CMAT-UTAD | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2018/06 - 2020/06 | Vice-Director of the Centre of Mathematics CMAT | Centro de Matemática - Universiade do Minho, Portugal |
Universidade do Minho, Portugal | ||
2014/10/01 - 2019 | Member UTAD's Culture Group | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2014/01/01 - 2018/12 | Co-organizer Ciclo de Conversas sobre Arte, Ciências e Cultura | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2013/06/01 - 2016/12/01 | Member of the General Council of UTAD | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2010/06/01 - 2015/03/01 | Director of the Centre for Mathematics of UTAD - CM-UTAD | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2015 - 2015 | Integrated Member of Centre of Mathematics CMAT | Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2007 - 2015 | Integrated Member of Centre of Mathematics CM-UTAD | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal | ||
2011/01/01 - 2014/12/01 | Member Mathematical National Commission | Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, Portugal |
2010/04/01 - 2013/07/01 | Member Scientific Board of School of Science and Technology of UTAD | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
1997 - 2005 | Non-PhD Member of Centre of Mathematics CMUC | Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
Designation | Funders | |
2013/07/01 - 2015/09/30 | Advances in Nonlinear pdes: From Degenerate Equations to Stochastic Control and Mean-Field Games
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
2014 - 2014 | Projecto Estratégico - UI4080-2014
Principal investigator
2009/05/01 - 2013/08/31 | Analysis of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
2010/04/01 - 2013/07/31 | New trends in nonlinear PDEs: from variable exponents to the infinity Laplacian
2011 - 2013 | Projecto Estratégico - UI4080-2011-2012 - estendido a 2013
Principal investigator
2005/07/15 - 2008/07/14 | Nonlinear PDEs: Analysis and Applications in Biology
Designation | Funders | |
2001 - 2003 | Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Interface Problems
Book chapter |
Conference paper |
Journal article |
Preprint |
Thesis / Dissertation |
Oral presentation
Presentation title | Event name Host (Event location) |
2024/11/06 | Contributions to the study of PDEs | 3rd ANAP Meeting
2024/09/06 | Regularity results on nonlinear PDEs | Regularity results on nonlinear PDEs
Univ Cagliari
2024/07/26 | Some results on anisotropic pdes | Regularity theory and free boundary problems: from PDE to interfaces, conferˆencia sat ´elite ECM2024,
Univ Coimbra
2024/07/18 | Results on Anisotropic PDEs | Symposium - Towards the Regularity Theory, PDES Free Boundaries and Interfaces - ECM24,
Univ Sevilha
2024/07/12 | Results and open problems for anisotropic diffusion processes, | Sessa ~o Paralela ”Equações com derivadas parciais: teoria da regularidade”, Encontro Nacional da SPM, 2024, |
2024/07/11 | The importance of intrinsic geometry in regularity results for nonlinear evolution PDEs | Sessão Paralela ”A Matemática das matemáticas”, Encontro Nacional da SPM, 2024 |
2024/06/25 | Anisotropic PDEs: some results (and several open problems), | ”From Classical to Modern Analysis: In memory of Professor Jos ´e Carlos Petronilho- conferˆencia sat ´elite ECM2024, |
2024/06/21 | Regularity Results for Anisotropic PDEs | Symposium 14 - ICMASC24, |
2024/02/14 | An overview on Differential Equations | Seminário
Department of Mathematics and Informatics of University of Florence (Italy)
2023/10/26 | Recent results on Anisotropic Diffusion Equations | Portuguese-Polish Online Analysis Seminars |
2023/09/23 | Recent results on Anisotropic Diffusion Equations | Open Day of CMAT |
2023/09 | Equações diferenciais - ponte entre a Matemática e a a Física | XI Encontro "A Ciência por quem a faz e por quem a ensina"
(Maia, Portugal)
2023/07/26 | Anisotropic Diffusion Equations | Women in Mathematics Meeting (WM23)
Universidade de Coimbra
2023/05/17 | Anisotropic PDEs: some results (and several open problems) | Pini Seminar
University of Bologna
2023/05/02 | Some results for fluids exhibiting an anisotropic diffusion | Workshop in Complex Fluids and Solid Mechanics
Universidade do Minho
2023/03 | Matemática e a 7ª Arte | Tardes de Matemática
Sociedade portuguesa de Matemática (Portugal)
2023 | EDPs no feminino (short talk promoting gender equality) | CMAT UTAD Junior group activities |
2022/11 | Little things matter | Week of Science and Technology
universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (vila real, Portugal)
2022/11 | Quando perguntam: e serve para quê? - short talk about interaction between Maths and Environmental Sciences | Week of Science and Technology
universidade de trás-os Montes e Alto Douro
2022/10 | A brief overview on Differential Equations | Seminário -Programa Doutoral em Matemática e Aplicações: MAP-PDMA
(Braga, Portugal)
2022/07 | Doubly nonlinear parabolic equations: from DeGiorgi type Lemmas to local regularity | Encontro Nacional da SPM |
2022/03 | Teoria da regularidade para equações diferenciais não lineares | Seminário CMAT
(Vila Real, Portugal)
2022/03 | 3.14 incursões matemática - 3 mathematical stories told in 14 minutes (to university students) | CMAT Utad Fest 2022
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real, Portugal)
2022/03 | SerMAt: promoting CMAT's research to undergraduate students of Mathematics and Data Science | CMAT Utad Fest 2022
universidade de Trás-os-montes e alto douro
2021/12 | From Newton's cooling law to turbulent filtration of non-Newtonian fluids through a porous medium | Seminário -Programa Doutoral em Matemática e Aplicações: MAP-PDMA
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2021/11 | Modelos Matemáticos: o quotidiano em equações | Week of Science and Technology
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)
2021/10 | Results towards regularity to doubly nonlinear parabolic equations | Dia Aberto do CMAT |
2021/07 | Harnack inequalities for doubly nonlinear evolutionary equations | Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations, |
2021 | Euler project - presenting the Leonard Euler (his life and work) and a anual project for Maths students | Week of Science and Technology
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)
2020/12 | Harnack inequality for nonlinear pdes | Seminário -Programa Doutoral em Matemática e Aplicações: MAP-PDMA
(Braga, Portugal)
2020/12 | Harnack inequality for the parabolic logarithmic p-Laplacian equation | Seminário ANAP- CMAT
(Braga, Portugal)
2020/09 | Harnack inequality for nonlinear pdes | Seminário CIDMA - Uni Aveiro |
2019/12 | Continuity for parabolic PDEs that present a degradation of their parabolic structure | Seminário Univ Catânia
(Catania, Italy)
2019/11 | Nonlinear evolutionary equations | Seminário -Programa Doutoral em Matemática e Aplicações: MAP-PDMA
(braga, Portugal)
2019/07 | About some generalizations of the parabolic p-Laplacian and the Porous Medium Equation | 12th International ISAAC Congress - Partial Differential Equations with Nonstandard Growth |
2019/07 | Nonlinearities on PDEs | Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications: Variational, Topological and Set-Valued Methods for nonlinear boundary value problems |
2019/06 | Some contributions to the study of doubly nonlinear PDEs | Nonlinear PDEs in Braga |
2018/07 | Escoamento turbulento de fluidos não Newtonianos | Encontro Nacional da SPM |
2017/11 | Até ao infinito e mais além | Week of Science and Technology
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)
2017/06 | Turbulent filtration of fluids | Seminário CIDMA - Uni Aveiro
(aveiro, Portugal)
2017/06 | Holder continuity for non Newtonian fluids with turbulent filtration (through a porous medium) | INdAM Meeting "Harnack's Inequalities and Nonlinear Operators
(Cortona, Italy)
2017 | Pontes na Universidade | Luz sobre(a)mesa
universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
2016 | Ginástica Matemática | Week of UTAD Students Integration
universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
2015/11 | Passeio Aleatório | Week of Science and Technology
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)
2014/09 | The question of boundedness in a turbulent filtration of a non Newtonian fluid through a porous medium | Dia das Equações |
2014/07 | Regularidade local para uma EDP de evolução duplamente não linear | Encontro Nacional da SPM |
2013/10 | Boundedness for some doubly nonlinear parabolic PDEs | Seminário CMUC
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2013/09 | Some issues about bounded solutions of nonlinear PDE | Seminário CM-UTAD
(Vila Real, Portugal)
2013/01 | Boundedness for some doubly nonlinear parabolic equations in measure spaces | Seminário CM-UTAD
(Vila real, Portugal)
2013/01 | How to get good estimates in order to prove continuity to a certain doubly nonlinear parabolic PDE | Seminário CM-UTAD
(vila real, Portugal)
2012/11 | Holder regularity for doubly nonlinear parabolic equations | Seminário Univ Florença
(Florença, Italy)
2010/07 | Sobre a equação dos meios porosos | Encontro Nacional da SPM |
2009/11 | Local continuity for the anisotropic porous medium equation | I Jornadas de Análise |
2009/06 | Regularity theory for the anisotropic porous medium equation | IndAM Intensive Period: Geometric Properties of Nonlinear Local and Nonlocal Problems |
2009/05 | Enquadramento geométrico na teoria da regularidade para edps parabólicas - Parte II | Seminário CM-UTAD
(Vila Real, Portugal)
2009/03 | Regularity theory for parabolic PDEs | Seminário CIDMA - Uni Aveiro
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2009/03 | Enquadramento geométrico na teoria da regularidade para edps parabólicas | Seminário CM-UTAD
(Vila Real, Portugal)
2008/07 | The Intrinsic Geometry for the porous medium equation $$u_t- \nabla \cdot \left(u^{\gamma(x,t)} \: \nabla u \right)=0 \ ,$$ | World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts
(Orlando, United States)
2008/06 | EDPs parabólicas: dualidade Regularidade/Geometria | Encontro Nacional da SPM |
2008/04 | EDPs parabólicas/Geometria intrínseca | Seminário CMAT
2007/06 | Local continuity for the porous medium equation} $$\partial_t u - \nabla \cdot \left(u^{\gamma(x,t)} \nabla u \right)= 0 $$ | Workshop/Summer School in Saariselk\"{a},
2006/06 | Escalonamento intrínseco para EDPs apresentando uma não-linearidade exponencial | Encontro Nacional da SPM |
2006 | Regularity theory for some PDEs exhibiting a degradation of their parabolic structure | New Trends in viscosity solutions and nonlinear PDE, |
2005/07 | Regularidade para EDPs com uma não linearidade do tipo exponencial | Seminário CMUC
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2005/06 | Continuity of weak solutions of parabolic equations with a doubly singular character | Harnack Inequalities and Positivity for Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
(Cortona, Italy)
2005/06 | On the doubly singular equation $\gamma(u)_t= \Delta_p u$ | Free Boundary Problems - Theory and Applications
(Copimbra, Portugal)
2003/02 | Regularity theory for the singular p-Laplace equation | Seminário CMAT
(Braaa, Portugal)
2002/09 | Regularidade da solução para um problema duplamente singular | Seminário Univ Algarve
Thesis Title Role |
Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization |
2024/10 - Current | Application of fractional partial differential equations to beam problems
Mathematics (PhD)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2024/10 - 2024/12 | RSA Code - Discretisation of the Logarithm
Centro de Matemática - Universiade do Minho, Portugal
2023 - 2024/12 | Estudo de parâmetros hemodinâmicos na artéria aorta abdominal infrarrenal com e sem estenose
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2023 - 2024/12 | Efeitos reofluidificantes da hemodinâmica na bifurcação da artéria aorta abdominal
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2022/07 - 2022/09 | "LCA: Logaritmos, Congruências e Aplicações" (Logarithms, Congruences and Applications)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal
2014 - 2015 | Reforma Curricular de 1989: a relevância do cálculo mental no ensino da Matemática (The 1989 Curriculum Reform: the relevance
of mental calculation in maths teaching)
Mathematics (Master)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2012/03/01 - 2013/02/02 | PostDoc Scholarship
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2009/09 - 2010/09 | Equações Diferenciais: dos fundamentos teóricos à modelação (Differential Equations: from theory to modeling)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Event organisation
Event name Type of event (Role) |
Institution / Organization | |
2019 - Current | la^2p top - undergraduate presentions (2019 - 2019)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2024/07/22 - 2024/07/26 | The Satellite aims to gather international, top-level researchers working in partial differential equations. More precisely,
in regularity theory for (nonlinear) PDE, free boundary problems, and related topics. The scientific program consists of mini-courses,
plenary lectures and contributed talks, offering a panorama of the state of the art in the area and informing the profession
on the relevant directions of research. (2024/07/22 - 2024/07/26)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal |
2023/10 - 2023/10 | 2nd ANAP meeting - meeting evolving members of ANAP group (2023 - 2023)
Meeting (Co-organisor)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2018 - 2023 | Tardes de Matemática - Meetings between mathematicians and general audience (6 sessions) (2018 - 2023)
Meeting (Other)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, Portugal |
2022/11 - 2022/11 | ANAP meeting - first group meeting of ANAP members (2022 - 2022)
Meeting (Co-organisor)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2021 - 2021 | Adiando Pi: a conference to celebrate International Mathematics Day (2021 - 2021)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2019/03 - 2019/06 | University: from concept to realization, from yesterday to tomorrow“(financed project UTAD-Santander) - invited speakers from
the academic, business and cultural worlds discussed different ways of thinking about and being in academia (2 sessions) (2019 - 2019)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2019/01 - 2019/06 | GT 2019 - six sessions on various topics related to research, publication and knowledge from the perspective of scientific
rigour and ethics. This initiative was welcomed and participated in by several lecturers from different UTAD departments,
forming very interesting working groups; (2019 - 2019)
Meeting (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2019 - 2019 | Matemática e Cultura na UTAD: conference for Univ studnets presenting interactions between Maths and other sciences or fine
arts. (2019 - 2019)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2014 - 2019 | Luz sobre(a)mesa - tertulia held in UTAD for several years where colleagues from different areas could present and share their
interests and concerns. (2014 - 2019)
Round table (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2014 - 2015 | Cycle of meetings: Art, Science and Culture - several meetings where different people from diverse fields present their works,
interests and analysis to a general audience (discussions were welcomed) (2014 - 2015)
2014 - 2014 |
Qualidade de Vida com Matemática - meeting for teachers and uni students (2014 - 2014)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2014 - 2014 | Showing disruptive break throughs in Mathematics (2014 - 2014)
Conference (Co-organisor)
2013 - 2013 | A Matemática do Planeta Terra... na UTAD (2013 - 2013)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2008 - 2010 | Math summer schools ( 3 summer schools) (2008 - 2010)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Event participation
Activity description Type of event |
Event name Institution / Organization |
2019 - Current | Activity for 8th grade students
Sistemas e Batalha Naval |
2022/09 - 2022/09 | Moderator of the panel discussion in the ¿2nd oWmen in Mathematics Meeting¿, Braga, 2022 ¿ gender equality and equal opportunities
were the major subjects under discussion
2nd Women in Mathematics Meeting
Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal
2019 - 2021 | Presenting the Maths behind the codes (5 sessions) - high school students
Matemática um código para a realidade |
2018 - 2018 | participation, as a guest, in a round table about the difficulties arising when coming from high school to university
Round table
Matemática do ensino secundário ao ensino superior: pontes ou túneis? - |
2018 - 2018 | Showing the day life of a Mathematician
Skype a scientist |
2017 - 2017 | Exploring algebraic properties with 4th grade students
Magias Matemáticas |
2017 - 2017 | A brief introduction to square (and root) numbers to kindergarten "students"
Matemática para grandes e PEQUENOS |
2016 - 2017 | Activity for high school students evolving geometry properties (2 sessions)
A geometria voa? - UTAD Junior (summer school) |
2008 - 2008 | matARTE - workshop where participants had to use their art and maths skill
Maths summer school ev08 |
Jury of academic degree
Topic Role |
Candidate name (Type of degree) Institution / Organization |
2023/04 | Sharp regularity for degenerate fully nonlinear equations
(Thesis) Arguer
David João Brandligt de Jesus (PhD) |
2022/03 | Intrinsic Harnack estimates for local weak solutions to an anisotropic parabolic degener-
ate equation
(Thesis) Arguer
Simone Ciani (PhD) |
Course / Discipline taught
Academic session | Degree Subject (Type) | Institution / Organization | |
2023/09 - 2024/02 | Project in Mathematics and data Science | (Licenciatura) | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
Journal scientific committee
Journal title (ISSN) | Publisher | |
2019 - 2019 | Advances in Calculus of Variations | |
2015 - 2019 | Journal of Nonlinear Analysis | |
2010 - 2010 | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | |
2009 - 2010 | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | |
2009 - 2010 | Mathematical Modeling and Analysis |
Mentoring / Tutoring
Topic | Student name | |
2021/11 - 2024 | ARlab | several |
2021/11 - 2024 | Euler Project | several |
2013 - 2017 | Scientific Tutorial Guidance | x |
2006/02 - 2006/07 | Laplace Equation | Claudine de Abreu Gonçalves |
Other jury / evaluation
Activity description | Institution / Organization | |
2023/06 - 2023/09 | Juri for Initial Research Scholarships - Centre of Mathematics CMAT, University of Minho. June-Sept.2023 (9 candidates) | Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2023/06 - 2023/08 | Juri for Research Fellowships for PhD - Centre of Mathematics CMAT, University of Minho. June-August.2023 (7 candidates) | Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2022/03 - 2022/12 | Juri for a Initial Research Scholarship (research contract)- Centre of Math- ematics CMAT, University of Minho. March-Dec.2022 (5 candidates) | Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2022/04 - 2022/06 | Juri for Initial Research Grants- Centre of Mathematics CMAT, University of Minho. April-June.2022 (12 candidates) | Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
2022/04 - 2022/06 | Juri for Initial Research Grants- Centre of Mathematics CMAT, University of Minho. April-June.2022 (5 candidates) | Universidade do Minho Centro de Matemática, Portugal |
Other distinction
2013 | International Research Excellence Awards, Santander |