Geoscientist with extensive multi-disciplinary experience (remote sensing, geoinformatics, geo- and biophysical terrestrial and marine parameters and processes) at a cross-cultural level embedded in the networks of the applied and technical Remote Sensing, Permafrost and many more Communities. Flexibility, as demonstrated by the breadth of commercial and academic experience. Research Interests: • Land and water remote sensing, atmospheric correction of satellite data, bio-optical analyses, bio- and geophysical terrestrial surface parameters, multi- to hyperspectral, multi-angle, multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing. • Multi-scale working (laboratory analyses-field work-mesoscale raster data) on interdisciplinary level (geology, limnology, hydrology, geochemistry, geobotany). • Integration of remote sensing observations and products in geo- and bioscience research questions • Integration of remote sensing observations and products in regional climate model simulations. Technical: • Extensive technical experience in optical remote sensing (SENTINEL-2, SENTINEL-3, LANDSAT, ASTER, SPOT; CHRIS-PROBA, MERIS, MODIS, airborne hyperspectral remote sensing (Hymap, CASI, AISA) and optical spectrometry (GER & ASD terrestrial field spectrometers, RAMSES terrestrial and in-water field spectrometer, Moldaenke field fluoroprobe) and Sensor Simulations. • Building up experience in microwave remote sensing (METOP ASCAT, TerraSAR-X, SENTINEL-1). • Extensive experience in geological, limnological, marine, topographical and new: geobotanical surveys in a variety of terrains and environments (Arctic and Central Siberia, Germany, Argentina, Chile, Kyrgyzstan). • Building up experience in installation of BRDF calibration measurements for optical satellite data (AWI Patent DE10-2011117713.A1) and installation of multi-parameter measurement fields for calibration of satellite data: temperature, moisture, vegetation. • Experience in spectroradiometrical (LAMBDA and SPECORD spectroradiometers), geochemical and sedimentological laboratory methods. • Experience in ship-borne data collection (3 research cruises of several weeks on Russian vessels at Lake Baikal, Siberia; 3 research cruises on Russian vessels in the Lena River Delta and coastal Laptev Sea waters). • Evaluation of Geodata and technical GIS requirements. • Computing experience: use and modification of satellite image analyses and simulation software packages (SNAP, BEAM-VISAT, ENVI, ERDAS Imagine, SeaDAS, BEAM-VISAT, Model SENSAT), GIS software packages with associated GIS data bases and statistical tools (ArcMap, ArcView, ArcInfo, WebGIS) on various computer systems.

Personal identification

Full name
Birgit Heim
Date of birth

Citation names

  • Heim, Birgit

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • birgit.heim@awi.de (Professional)


  • (+49(331)) 288-2227 (Professional)


  • Alfred Wegener Institute, Telegrafenberg A43, 14473 , Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Natural sciences - Earth and Environmental Sciences


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
German (Mother tongue)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
French Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
Russian Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
Geosciences (Doktor (PhD))
University of Potsdam, Department of Geosciences, Germany, Germany
"Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Lake Baikal’s Surface-waters Using Ocean Colour Satellite Data" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Hydrogeology, remote sensing & GIS, tectonics (Master)
Free University of Berlin, Department of Geosciences, Germany, Germany
"Water Quality of Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany) Using In-situ and Airborne Scanner Data (CASI)" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2012 - Current Research Assistant (Research) Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany


Designation Funders
2009 - 2012 ESA Data User Element (DUE) Permafrost European Space Agency
2007/01 - 2010/12 Circum-Arctic study Kohlenstoffaustrag by river transport and coastal erosion using Ocean-Colour Satellite Data Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Designation Funders
2015 - 2018 EnMAP Hy-ARCVEG-II Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft Forschung und Wirtschaft
2010 - 2013 EnMAP Hy-ARCVEG-I Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft Forschung und Wirtschaft


Book chapter
  1. Heim, B.; Juhls, B.; Abramova, E.; Bracher, A.; Doerffer, R.; Gonçalves-Araujo, R.; Hellman, S.; et al. "Ocean colour remote sensing in the laptev sea". 123-138. 2018.
Conference paper
  1. Zwieback, S.; Bartsch, A.; Boike, J.; Grosse, G.; Gunther, F.; Heim, B.; Morgenstern, A.; Hajnsek, I.. "Monitoring permafrost and thermokarst processes with TanDEM-X DEM time series: Opportunities and limitations". 2016.
  2. Bartsch, A.; Kroisleitner, C.; Heim, B.. "An assessment of permafrost long-term monitoring sites with circumpolar satellite derived datasets". 2016.
  3. Mathias Bochow; Birgit Heim; Theres Kuster; Christian Rogass; Inka Bartsch; Karl Segl; Hermann Kaufmann. "Automatic detection and delineation of surface water bodies in airborne hyperspectral data". 2012.
  4. Mathias Bochow; Birgit Heim; Theres Kuster; Christian Rogass; Inka Bartsch; Karl Segl; Hermann Kaufmann. "Automatic detection and delineation of surface water bodies in airborne hyperspectral data". 2012.
  5. Heim, B.; Overduin, P.; Schirrmeister, L.; Doerffer, R.. "OCOC-from OCEAN Colour to Organic Carbon". 2008.
  6. Sandra Mannheim; Karl Segel; Birgit Heim; Hermann Kaufmann; Sylvia S. Shen; Paul E. Lewis. "Monitoring of trophic parameter Chl-a using hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA data". 2004.
  7. Mannheim, S.; Segl, K.; Heim, B.; Kaufmann, H.. "Monitoring of lake water quality using hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA data". 2004.
Journal article
  1. Caroline Coch; Bennet Juhls; Scott F. Lamoureux; Melissa J. Lafrenière; Michael Fritz; Birgit Heim; Hugues Lantuit. "Comparisons of dissolved organic matter and its optical characteristics in small low and high Arctic catchments". Biogeosciences (2019): https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-16-4535-2019.
  2. Konstantin P. Klein; Hugues Lantuit; Birgit Heim; Frank Fell; David Doxaran; Anna M. Irrgang. "Long-Term High-Resolution Sediment and Sea Surface Temperature Spatial Patterns in Arctic Nearshore Waters Retrieved Using 30-Year Landsat Archive Imagery". Remote Sensing 11 23 (2019): 2791-2791. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11232791.
  3. Yury A. Dvornikov; Marina O. Leibman; Artem V. Khomutov; Alexander I. Kizyakov; Petr Semenov; Ingeborg Bussmann; Evgeny M. Babkin; et al. "Gas-emission craters of the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas: A proposed mechanism for lake genesis and development of permafrost landscapes". Permafrost and Periglacial Processes (2019): https://doi.org/10.1002/ppp.2014.
  4. Bennet Juhls; Pier Paul Overduin; Jens Hölemann; Martin Hieronymi; Atsushi Matsuoka; Birgit Heim; Jürgen Fischer. "Dissolved organic matter at the fluvial–marine transition in the Laptev Sea using in situ data and ocean colour remote sensing". Biogeosciences 16 13 (2019): 2693-2713. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-16-2693-2019.
  5. Zwieback, S.; Liu, X.; Antonova, S.; Heim, B.; Bartsch, A.; Boike, J.; Hajnsek, I.. "Correction to: A Statistical Test of Phase Closure to Detect Influences on DInSAR Deformation Estimates Besides Displacements and Decorrelation Noise: Two Case Studies in High-Latitude Regions (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2016) 54:9 (5588-5601) DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2016.2569435)". IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 1 (2019): 623-623. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85058099154&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  6. Soppa, M.A.; Pefanis, V.; Hellmann, S.; Losa, S.N.; Hölemann, J.; Janout, M.A.; Martynov, F.; et al. "Assessing the influence of water constituents on the radiative heating of Laptev Sea shelf waters". Frontiers in Marine Science 6 APR (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85064591232&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  7. Elin Högström; Birgit Heim; Annett Bartsch; Helena Bergstedt; Georg Pointner. "Evaluation of a MetOp ASCAT-Derived Surface Soil Moisture Product in Tundra Environments". Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (2018): https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JF004658.
  8. Sophia Walther; Luis Guanter; Birgit Heim; Martin Jung; Gregory Duveiller; Aleksandra Wolanin; Torsten Sachs. "Assessing the dynamics of vegetation productivity in circumpolar regions with different satellite indicators of greenness and photosynthesis". Biogeosciences 15 20 (2018): 6221-6256. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-15-6221-2018.
  9. Heim, Birgit. "TerraSAR-X Time Series Fill a Gap in Spaceborne Snowmelt Monitoring of Small Arctic Catchments—A Case Study on Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island), Canada". Remote Sensing (2018): http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/10/7/1155.
  10. Heim, Birgit. "Thaw Subsidence of a Yedoma Landscape in Northern Siberia, Measured In Situ and Estimated from TerraSAR-X Interferometry". Remote Sensing (2018): http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/10/4/494.
  11. Heim, Birgit. "Terrestrial CDOM in Lakes of Yamal Peninsula: Connection to Lake and Lake Catchment Properties". Remote Sensing (2018): http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/10/2/167.
  12. Beamish, A.L.; Coops, N.C.; Hermosilla, T.; Chabrillat, S.; Heim, B.. "Monitoring pigment-driven vegetation changes in a low-Arctic tundra ecosystem using digital cameras:". Ecosphere 9 2 (2018): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85043706996&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  13. Stettner, S.; Beamish, A.L.; Bartsch, A.; Heim, B.; Grosse, G.; Roth, A.; Lantuit, H.. "Monitoring inter- and intra-seasonal dynamics of rapidly degrading ice-rich permafrost riverbanks in the Lena Delta with TerraSAR-X time series". Remote Sensing 10 1 (2018): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85040691925&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  14. Walker, D.A.; Daniëls, F.J.A.; Matveyeva, N.V.; Šibík, J.; Walker, M.D.; Breen, A.L.; Druckenmiller, L.A.; et al. "Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Classification". Phytocoenologia 48 2 (2018): 181-201. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85046829258&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  15. Ehret, G.; Bousquet, P.; Pierangelo, C.; Alpers, M.; Millet, B.; Abshire, J.B.; Bovensmann, H.; et al. "MERLIN: A French-German space lidar mission dedicated to atmospheric methane". Remote Sensing 9 10 (2017): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85032860774&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  16. Obu, J.; Lantuit, H.; Myers-Smith, I.; Heim, B.; Wolter, J.; Fritz, M.. "Effect of Terrain Characteristics on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Stocks in Soils of Herschel Island, Western Canadian Arctic". Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 28 1 (2017): 92-107. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84952845706&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  17. Coelho, C.; Heim, B.; Foerster, S.; Brosinsky, A.; de Araújo, J.C.. "In situ and satellite observation of CDOM and chlorophyll-a dynamics in small water surface reservoirs in the brazilian semiarid region". Water (Switzerland) 9 12 (2017): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85036477280&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  18. Skorospekhova, T.; Heim, B.; Chetverova, A.; Fedorova, I.; Alekseeva, N.; Bobrova, O.; Dvornikov, Y.; et al. "Coloured dissolved organic matter variability in tundra lakes of the central Lena River delta (N-Siberia)". Polarforschung 87 2 (2017): 125-134. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85064858828&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  19. Dvornikov, Yu.A.; Leibman, M.O.; Heim, B.; Khomutov, A.V.; Roessler, S.; Gubarkov, A.A.. "Thermodenudation on Yamal peninsula as a source of the dissolved organic matter increase in Thaw Lakes". Earth's Cryosphere 21 2 (2017): 33-42. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85021840689&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  20. Heine, I.; Brauer, A.; Heim, B.; Itzerott, S.; Kasprzak, P.; Kienel, U.; Kleinschmit, B.. "Monitoring of calcite precipitation in hardwater lakes with multi-spectral remote sensing archives". Water (Switzerland) 9 1 (2017): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85011309023&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  21. Sofia Antonova; Claude Duguay; Andreas Kääb; Birgit Heim; Moritz Langer; Sebastian Westermann; Julia Boike. "Monitoring Bedfast Ice and Ice Phenology in Lakes of the Lena River Delta Using TerraSAR-X Backscatter and Coherence Time Series". Remote Sensing 8 11 (2016): 903-903. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs8110903.
  22. Simon Zwieback; Xingyu Liu; Sofia Antonova; Birgit Heim; Annett Bartsch; Julia Boike; Irena Hajnsek. "A Statistical Test of Phase Closure to Detect Influences on DInSAR Deformation Estimates Besides Displacements and Decorrelation Noise: Two Case Studies in High-Latitude Regions". IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 9 (2016): 5588-5601. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/tgrs.2016.2569435.
  23. Sofia Antonova; Andreas Kääb; Birgit Heim; Moritz Langer; Julia Boike. "Spatio-temporal variability of X-band radar backscatter and coherence over the Lena River Delta, Siberia". Remote Sensing of Environment 182 (2016): 169-191. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.05.003.
  24. Julia Boike; Thomas Grau; Birgit Heim; Frank Günther; Moritz Langer; Sina Muster; Isabelle Gouttevin; Stephan Lange. "Satellite-derived changes in the permafrost landscape of central Yakutia, 2000–2011: Wetting, drying, and fires". Global and Planetary Change 139 (2016): 116-127. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.01.001.
  25. Matthias Benjamin Siewert; Gustaf Hugelius; Birgit Heim; Samuel Faucherre. "Landscape controls and vertical variability of soil organic carbon storage in permafrost-affected soils of the Lena River Delta". CATENA 147 (2016): 725-741. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2016.07.048.
  26. Simon Zwieback; Xingyu Liu; Sofia Antonova; Birgit Heim; Annett Bartsch; Julia Boike; Irena Hajnsek. "A Statistical Test of Phase Closure to Detect Influences on DInSAR Deformation Estimates Besides Displacements and Decorrelation Noise: Two Case Studies in High-Latitude Regions". IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 9 (2016): 5588-5601. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000382689300045&KeyUID=WOS:000382689300045.
  27. Haas, A.; Heim, B.; Zubrzycki, S.; Elger, K.; Schäfer-Neth, C.; Morgenstern, A.; Fedorova, I.. "Assembly of the CarboPerm WebGIS for the Laptev Sea Region, Arctic Siberia - Data visualisation as a WebGIS service". Polarforschung 85 2 (2016): 135-141. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84976406179&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  28. Dvornikov, Y.; Leibman, M.; Heim, B.; Bartsch, A.; Haas, A.; Khomutov, A.; Gubarkov, A.; et al. "Geodatabase and WebGIS project for long-term permafrost monitoring at the Vaskiny Dachi Research Station, Yamal, Russia". Polarforschung 85 2 (2016): 107-115. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84976370848&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  29. Volker Klemann; Birgit Heim; Henning A. Bauch; Sebastian Wetterich; Thomas Opel. "Sea-level evolution of the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea since the last glacial maximum". Arktos 1 1 (2015): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s41063-015-0004-x.
  30. Barbara Widhalm; Annett Bartsch; Birgit Heim. "A novel approach for the characterization of tundra wetland regions with C-band SAR satellite data". International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 22 (2015): 5537-5556. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2015.1101505.
  31. Fedorova, I.; Chetverova, A.; Bolshiyanov, D.; Makarov, A.; Boike, J.; Heim, B.; Morgenstern, A.; et al. "Lena Delta hydrology and geochemistry: long-term hydrological data and recent field observations". Biogeosciences 12 2 (2015): 345-363. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000348982200005&KeyUID=WOS:000348982200005.
  32. Rafael Gonçalves-Araujo; Colin A. Stedmon; Birgit Heim; Ivan Dubinenkov; Alexandra Kraberg; Denis Moiseev; Astrid Bracher. "From Fresh to Marine Waters: Characterization and Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Lena River Delta Region, Siberia". Front. Mar. Sci. 2 (2015): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2015.00108.
  33. Jorien E. Vonk; Igor P. Semiletov; Oleg V. Dudarev; Timothy I. Eglinton; August Andersson; Natalia Shakhova; Alexander Charkin; Birgit Heim; Örjan Gustafsson. "Preferential burial of permafrost-derived organic carbon in Siberian-Arctic shelf waters". Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 12 (2014): 8410-8421. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2014jc010261.
  34. Zhou, X.; Matthes, H.; Rinke, A.; Klehmet, K.; Heim, B.; Dorn, W.; Klaus, D.; Dethloff, K.; Rockel, B.. "Evaluation of Arctic Land Snow Cover Characteristics, Surface Albedo, and Temperature during the Transition Seasons from Regional Climate Model Simulations and Satellite Data". Advances in Meteorology (2014): http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000344318000001&KeyUID=WOS:000344318000001.
  35. Heim, B.; Abramova, E.; Doerffer, R.; Guenther, F.; Hoelemann, J.; Kraberg, A.; Lantuit, H.; et al. "Ocean colour remote sensing in the southern Laptev Sea: evaluation and applications". Biogeosciences 11 15 (2014): 4191-4210. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000341104400010&KeyUID=WOS:000341104400010.
  36. Jorien E. Vonk; Igor P. Semiletov; Oleg V. Dudarev; Timothy I. Eglinton; August Andersson; Natalia Shakhova; Alexander Charkin; Birgit Heim; Örjan Gustafsson. "Preferential burial of permafrost-derived organic carbon in Siberian-Arctic shelf waters". Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 12 (2014): 8410-8421. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000348452800012&KeyUID=WOS:000348452800012.
  37. I. Fedorova; A. Chetverova; D. Bolshiyanov; A. Makarov; J. Boike; B. Heim; A. Morgenstern; et al. "Lena Delta hydrology and geochemistry". Biogeosciences Discussions 10 12 (2013): 20179-20237. https://doi.org/10.5194/bgd-10-20179-2013.
  38. Marcel Buchhorn; Reinhold Petereit; Birgit Heim. "A Manual Transportable Instrument Platform for Ground-Based Spectro-Directional Observations (ManTIS) and the Resultant Hyperspectral Field Goniometer System". Sensors 13 12 (2013): 16105-16128. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s131216105.
  39. Juliane Klemm; Ulrike Herzschuh; Michael F.J. Pisaric; Richard J. Telford; Birgit Heim; Luidmila A. Pestryakova. "A pollen-climate transfer function from the tundra and taiga vegetation in Arctic Siberia and its applicability to a Holocene record". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 386 (2013): 702-713. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.06.033.
  40. Marcel Buchhorn; Donald Walker; Birgit Heim; Martha Raynolds; Howard Epstein; Marcel Schwieder. "Ground-Based Hyperspectral Characterization of Alaska Tundra Vegetation along Environmental Gradients". Remote Sensing 5 8 (2013): 3971-4005. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs5083971.
  41. Sina Muster; Birgit Heim; Anna Abnizova; Julia Boike. "Water Body Distributions Across Scales: A Remote Sensing Based Comparison of Three Arctic TundraWetlands". Remote Sensing 5 4 (2013): 1498-1523. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs5041498.
  42. B. Heim; E. Abramova; R. Doerffer; F. Günther; J. Hölemann; A. Kraberg; H. Lantuit; et al. "Ocean Colour remote sensing in the Southern Laptev Sea: evaluation and applications". Biogeosciences Discussions 10 2 (2013): 3849-3889. https://doi.org/10.5194/bgd-10-3849-2013.
  43. A. C. Kraberg; E. Druzhkova; B. Heim; M. J. G. Loeder; K. H. Wiltshire. "Phytoplankton community structure in the Lena Delta (Siberia, Russia) in relation to hydrography". Biogeosciences Discussions 10 2 (2013): 2305-2344. https://doi.org/10.5194/bgd-10-2305-2013.
  44. Buchhorn, Marcel; Petereit, Reinhold; Heim, Birgit. "A Manual Transportable Instrument Platform for Ground-Based Spectro-Directional Observations (ManTIS) and the Resultant Hyperspectral Field Goniometer System". Sensors 13 12 (2013): 16105-16128. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000330220600015&KeyUID=WOS:000330220600015.
  45. Wegner, C.; Bauch, D.; Hoelemann, J. A.; Janout, M. A.; Heim, B.; Novikhin, A.; Kassens, H.; Timokhov, L.. "Interannual variability of surface and bottom sediment transport on the Laptev Sea shelf during summer". Biogeosciences 10 2 (2013): 1117-1129. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000315093000030&KeyUID=WOS:000315093000030.
  46. Kraberg, A. C.; Druzhkova, E.; Heim, B.; Loeder, M. J. G.; Wiltshire, K. H.. "Phytoplankton community structure in the Lena Delta (Siberia, Russia) in relation to hydrography". Biogeosciences 10 11 (2013): 7263-7277. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000327814700033&KeyUID=WOS:000327814700033.
  47. Muster, S.; Langer, M.; Heim, B.; Westermann, S.; Boike, J.. "Subpixel heterogeneity of ice-wedge polygonal tundra: a multi-scale analysis of land cover and evapotranspiration in the Lena River Delta, Siberia". Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 64 (2012): http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000303683000001&KeyUID=WOS:000303683000001.
  48. Birgit Heim; Jens Klump; Hedi Oberhänsli; Nathalie Fagel. "Assembly and concept of a web-based GIS within the paleolimnological project CONTINENT (Lake Baikal, Russia)". Journal of Paleolimnology 39 4 (2007): 567-584. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-007-9131-0.
  49. Fagel, N.; Thamo-Bozso, E.; Heim, B.. "Mineralogical signatures of Lake Baikal sediments: Sources of sediment supplies through Late Quaternary". Sedimentary Geology 194 1-2 (2007): 37-59. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000244168300003&KeyUID=WOS:000244168300003.
  50. Birgit Heim; Hedi Oberhaensli; Susanne Fietz; Hermann Kaufmann. "Variation in Lake Baikal's phytoplankton distribution and fluvial input assessed by SeaWiFS satellite data". Global and Planetary Change 46 1-4 (2005): 9-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.11.011.


  1. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in terrestrial waters on Herschel Island (Low Arctic) and Melville Island (High Arctic) in 2016 and 2017, supplement to: Coch, Caroline; Juhls, Bennet; Lamoureux, Scott F; Lafrenière, Melissa J; Fritz, Michael; Heim, Birgit; Lantuit, Hugues (2019): Comparisons of dissolved organic matter and its optical characteristics in small low an.
  2. Heim, Birgit. Circumpolar surface soil moisture and freeze/thaw surface status remote sensing products (version 4) with links to geotiff images and NetCDF files (2007-01 to 2013-12).
  3. Heim, Birgit. Circumpolar surface soil moisture and freeze/thaw surface status remote sensing products (version 3) with links to geotiff images and NetCDF files (2007-01 to 2013-02).
  4. Heim, Birgit. The ManTIS Field Spectro-Goniometer Movie - Presentation of the Instrument and Measurement Scheme, supplement to: Buchhorn, Marcel; Petereit, Reinhold; Heim, Birgit (2013): A Manual Transportable Instrument Platform for Ground-Based Spectro-Directional Observations (ManTIS) and the Resultant Hyperspectral Field Goniometer System. Sensors, 13(12), 16105-16128.
  5. Heim, Birgit. Permafrost longterm monitoring sites (Arctic and Antarctic), supplement to: Bartsch, Annett; Allard, Michel; Biskaborn, Boris Kolumban; Burba, George; Christiansen, Hanne H; Duguay, Claude R; Grosse, Guido; Günther, Frank; Heim, Birgit; Högström, Elin; Kääb, Andreas; Keuper, Frida; Lanckman, Jean-Pierre; Lantuit, Hugues; Lauknes, Tom Rune; Leibman, Marina O; Liu, Lin; Morgenstern, Anne; Necsoiu, M.
  6. Heim, Birgit. Multi-angle and hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA satellite data of the Western Lena River Delta (Siberia, Russia) from date 2005-06-29 (derived work).
  7. Heim, Birgit. Multi-angle and hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA satellite data of the Island of Samoylov in the central Lena River Delta (Siberia, Russia) from date 2005-07-04 (derived work).
  8. Heim, Birgit. Multi-angle and hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA satellite data of the Island of Samoylov in the central Lena River Delta (Siberia, Russia) from date 2007-08-27 (derived work).
  9. Heim, Birgit. Three-year time series of TerraSAR-X backscatter intensity and interferometric coherence for lakes in the Lena River Delta, Siberia, links to GeoTIFF images.
  10. Heim, Birgit. Surface water Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the Lena River (2015).
  11. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in terrestrial waters on Herschel Island (Low Arctic) in 2016.
  12. Heim, Birgit. Multi-angle and hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA satellite data of the Island of Samoylov in the central Lena River Delta (Siberia, Russia) from date 2005-07-04 (derived work, coverage test).
  13. Heim, Birgit. Multi-angle and hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA satellite data of the Western Lena River Delta (Siberia, Russia) from date 2005-07-15 (derived work).
  14. Heim, Birgit. Multi-angle and hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA satellite data of the Western Lena River Delta (Siberia, Russia) from date 2006-07-10 (derived work).
  15. Heim, Birgit. Permafrost disturbance in Central Yamal along the Bovanenkovo railway line and thermokarst lakes, link to files in different formats, supplement to: Noerling, Caroline (2017): Short-term changes of permafrost degradation triggered by anthropogenic impacts and climatic events in Western Siberia 2010-2013. Master Thesis, University of Potsdam, 74 pp.
  16. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in terrestrial waters on Melville Island (High Arctic) in 2017.
  17. Heim, Birgit. hyDRaCAT Spectral Reflectance Library: Hyperspectral Field Spectroscopy and Field Spectro-Goniometry of Siberian and Alaskan Tundra.
  18. Heim, Birgit. Phytoplankton abundance measured on water samples from rivers of the Lena Delta in 2010, supplement to: Kraberg, Alexandra C; Druzhkova, Elena I; Heim, Birgit; Löder, Martin G J; Wiltshire, Karen Helen (2013): Phytoplankton community structure in the Lena Delta (Siberia, Russia) in relation to hydrography. Biogeosciences, 10(11), 7263-7277.
  19. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements during Yamal-Arctic Expedition in 2013.
  20. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements during Yamal-Arctic Expedition in 2012.
  21. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements during Yamal-Arctic Expedition in 2014.
  22. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements during Yamal-Arctic Expedition in 2016.
  23. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements on Larsemann Hills Oasis (East Antarctica) - Progress station, Russia, in 2016.
  24. Heim, Birgit. Landcover derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data (2015-2018) for subarctic and arctic environments.
  25. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements on Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, West Antarctica) - Bellingshausen Station, Russia, in 2013.
  26. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements on Larsemann Hills Oasis (East Antarctica) - Progress station, Russia, in 2015.
  27. Heim, Birgit. Surface water Dissolved Organic Matter (DOC, CDOM) in the Lena River (2010).
  28. Heim, Birgit. Retreat of top cliff of Kurungnakh Island, Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia, 2010-2014, with links to shapefiles.
  29. Heim, Birgit. Lake maps 2001/2002 and 2009, Central Yakutia, Siberia.
  30. Heim, Birgit. Snow cover trend analysis 2000-2011, Central Yakutia, Siberia.
  31. Heim, Birgit. Landsat mosaics 2001/2002 and 2009, Central Yakutia, with links to GeoTIFFs.
  32. Heim, Birgit. Ecological classification of Herschel Island based on supervised classification of multispectral satellite imagery, supplement to: Obu, Jaroslav; Lantuit, Hugues; Myers-Smith, IH; Heim, Birgit; Wolter, Juliane; Fritz, Michael (2015): Effect of Terrain Characteristics on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Stocks in Soils of Herschel Island, Western Canadian Arctic. Permafrost and Periglacial Pr.
  33. Heim, Birgit. Natural complexes and terrain types in Yakutia - subset of Federov et al. 1989.
  34. Heim, Birgit. Leaf Area Index (LAI) trends from 2000 to 2011, Central Yakutia, Siberia.
  35. Heim, Birgit. Fire maps 2000-2011, Central Yakutia, Siberia.
  36. Heim, Birgit. Animation with all MODIS fire product maps from 2000 to 2011, Yakutia, Siberia.
  37. Heim, Birgit. Geocryological map of Yakutia, Russia - subsets of Yershov et al. 1991.
  38. Heim, Birgit. Trends of MODIS land surface temperature trend from 2000 to 2011, Yakutia, Siberia.
  39. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in the Vaskiny Dachi region in 2011.
  40. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in the Vaskiny Dachi region in 2012.
  41. Heim, Birgit. Permafrost cores and active layer pits on Herschel Island: core attributes, supplement to: Obu, Jaroslav; Lantuit, Hugues; Myers-Smith, IH; Heim, Birgit; Wolter, Juliane; Fritz, Michael (2015): Effect of Terrain Characteristics on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Stocks in Soils of Herschel Island, Western Canadian Arctic. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes.
  42. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of lakes in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, in 2016.
  43. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of lakes in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, in 2014.
  44. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of the Lena River in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, 2013-2016.
  45. Heim, Birgit. Near surface volumetric soil moisture and temperature measurements at station K2, Kurungnakh Island, Lena Delta, for 2013/2014.
  46. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of the Lena River in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, in 2016.
  47. Heim, Birgit. In situ measurements of freeze/thaw ground displacement in the Lena River Delta, 2013-2017, using fiberglass rods.
  48. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of lakes in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, in 2013.
  49. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of the Lena River in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, in 2015.
  50. Heim, Birgit. Freeze/thaw ground displacement in the Lena River Delta, 2013-2017: TerraSAR-X DInSAR displacement map and in-situ measurements, supplement to: Antonova, Sofia; Sudhaus, Henriette; Strozzi, Tazio; Zwieback, Simon; Kääb, Andreas; Heim, Birgit; Langer, Moritz; Bornemann, Niko; Boike, Julia (2018): Thaw subsidence of a yedoma landscape in Northern Siberia, measured in situ and estimated from TerraSAR.
  51. Heim, Birgit. Dissolved organic matter in the Lena River Delta Region, Siberia, Russia, supplement to: Gonçalves-Araujo, Rafael; Stedmon, Colin A; Heim, Birgit; Dubinenkov, Ivan; Kraberg, Alexandra C; Moiseev, Denis; Bracher, Astrid (2015): From fresh to marine waters: characterization and fate of dissolved organic matter in the Lena River delta region, Siberia. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2(108), 13 pp.
  52. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of the Lena River in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, in 2014.
  53. Heim, Birgit. Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in the Lena River Delta.
  54. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of lakes in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, 2013-2016.
  55. Heim, Birgit. Principal Component Analysis of one-year (2012-2013) TerraSAR-X backscatter and coherence stacks in the Lena River Delta, links to GeoTIFFs, supplement to: Antonova, Sofia; Kääb, Andreas; Heim, Birgit; Langer, Moritz; Boike, Julia (2016): Spatio-temporal variability of X-band radar backscatter and coherence over the Lena River Delta, Siberia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 182, 169-191.
  56. Heim, Birgit. Land surface hydrology from remotely sensed data at PAGE21 sites with links to geotiff images.
  57. Heim, Birgit. In situ measurements of freeze/thaw ground displacement in the Lena River Delta, 2013-2017, using steel pipes.
  58. Heim, Birgit. (Table 2) In situ measured ice thickness, snow depth and water depth in April 2015 at 14 locations on 10 lakes in the Lena River Delta, Siberia.
  59. Heim, Birgit. Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in the Lena River Delta, link to shapefile.
  60. Heim, Birgit. TerraSAR-X backscatter and 11-day interferometric coherence time series of one year (2012-2013) for different landscape types in the Lena River Delta, Siberia, link to shape file.
  61. Heim, Birgit. Near surface volumetric soil moisture and temperature measurements at station K3, Kurungnakh Island, Lena Delta, for 2013/2014.
  62. Heim, Birgit. Near surface volumetric soil moisture and temperature measurements at station S1, Samoylov Island, Lena Delta, for 2013/2014.
  63. Heim, Birgit. Near surface volumetric soil moisture and temperature measurements in the Lena Delta for 2013/2014, supplement to: Högström, Elin; Heim, Birgit; Bartsch, Annett; Bergstedt, Helena; Pointner, Georg (2018): Evaluation of a MetOp ASCAT-derived surface soil moisture product in tundra environments. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 123.
  64. Heim, Birgit. TerraSAR-X DInSAR displacement map of Kurungnakh Island (Lena River Delta, Siberia) in summer 2013, link to GeoTIFF file.
  65. Heim, Birgit. Near surface volumetric soil moisture and temperature measurements at station K1, Kurungnakh Island, Lena Delta, for 2013/2014.
  66. Heim, Birgit. Land cover classification of polygonal tundra from small-format aerial photography, Samoylov Island (Lena Delta, Siberia), summer 2008, with link to ESRI grid files.
  67. Heim, Birgit. Landsat subpixel water cover of Lena River Delta, Siberia, with link to ESRI grid files.
  68. Heim, Birgit. Circumpolar Landscape Units, links to GeoTIFFs, supplement to: Bartsch, Annett; Kroisleitner, Christine; Heim, Birgit (2016): An Assessment of Permafrost Long-term monitoring sites with circumpolar satellite derived datasets. Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016. ESA SP-740, Prague, Czech Republic, 6 pp.
  69. Heim, Birgit. Circumarctic wetland dataset based on ENVISAT ASAR Global Monitoring Mode with links to geotiff image and NetCDF files (2005-01 to 2011-12), supplement to: Widhalm, Barbara; Bartsch, Annett; Heim, Birgit (2015): A novel approach for the characterization of tundra wetland regions with C-band SAR satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(22), 5537-5556.
  70. Heim, Birgit. Surface water Dissolved Organic Matter (DOC, CDOM) in the Laptev Sea and Lena River.
  71. Heim, Birgit. Permafrost cores and active layer pits on Herschel Island: link to shape files, supplement to: Obu, Jaroslav; Lantuit, Hugues; Myers-Smith, IH; Heim, Birgit; Wolter, Juliane; Fritz, Michael (2015): Effect of Terrain Characteristics on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Stocks in Soils of Herschel Island, Western Canadian Arctic. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes.
  72. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of lakes in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, in 2015.
  73. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in the Vaskiny Dachi region in 2015.
  74. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption measurements of the Lena River in the Lena River Delta, Eastern Siberia, in 2013.
  75. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in the Vaskiny Dachi region in 2013.
  76. Heim, Birgit. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in the Vaskiny Dachi region in 2014.
  77. Heim, Birgit. Circumpolar surface soil moisture and freeze/thaw surface status remote sensing products (version 2) with links to geotiff images and NetCDF files (2007-01 to 2010-09).
Other output
  1. The potential of satellite derived surface state to empirically estimate pan-arctic ground temperature at specific depths and the essential role of in-situ data. 2020. Christine Kroisleitner; Annett Bartsch; Birgitt Heim; Mareike Wiezorek. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-15162.
  2. Challenges in creating and exemplary applications of two cross-repository data compilations on sedimentary pollen and permafrost soil temperature. 2020. Mareike Wieczorek; Birgit Heim; Thomas Böhmer; Nadine Gebhardt; Annett Bartsch; Ulrike Herzschuh. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-14019.
  3. Recent vegetation composition and above ground biomass change in north-eastern Siberia. 2020. Iuliia Shevtsova; Stefan Kruse; Birgit Heim; Ulrike Herzschuh. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-11085.
  4. Seasonality in Lena River biogeochemistry and dissolved organic matter. 2020. Bennet Juhls; Pier Paul Overduin; Colin Andrew Stedmon; Anne Morgenstern; Hanno Meyer; Birgit Heim; Jens Hölemann; Vasily Povazhnyi. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-5253.
  5. editor comment "Replacing Missing Values in the Standard MISR Radiometric Camera-by Camera Cloud Mask (RCCM) Data Product". 2020. Birgit Heim. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-77-EC1.
  6. China's normalized tree biomass equation dataset. 2019. Birgit Heim. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-1-EC1.
  7. Dissolved Organic Matter at the Fluvial-Marine Transition in the Laptev Sea Using in situ Data and Ocean Color Remote Sensing. 2019. Bennet Juhls; Pier Paul Overduin; Jens Hölemann; Martin Hieronymi; Atsushi Matsuoka; Birgit Heim; Jürgen Fischer. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2019-70.
  8. Supplementary material to "Characterizing organic matter composition in small Low and High Arctic catchments using terrestrial colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM)". 2019. Caroline Coch; Bennet Juhls; Scott F. Lamoureux; Melissa Lafrenière; Michael Fritz; Birgit Heim; Hugues Lantuit. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2019-9-supplement.
  9. Characterizing organic matter composition in small Low and High Arctic catchments using terrestrial colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM). 2019. Caroline Coch; Bennet Juhls; Scott F. Lamoureux; Melissa Lafrenière; Michael Fritz; Birgit Heim; Hugues Lantuit. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2019-9.
  10. TerraSAR-X time series fill a gap in spaceborne snowmelt monitoring of small Arctic catchments. 2019. Samuel Stettner; Hugues Lantuit; Birgit Heim; Jayson Eppler; Achim Roth; Annett Bartsch; Bernhard Rabus.
  11. Assessing the dynamics of vegetation productivity in circumpolar regions with different satellite indicators of greenness and photosynthesis. 2018. Sophia Walther; Luis Guanter; Birgit Heim; Martin Jung; Gregory Duveiller; Aleksandra Wolanin; Torsten Sachs. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2018-196.
  12. In Situ and Satellite Observation of CDOM and Chlorophyll-a Dynamics in Small Water Surface Reservoirs in the Brazilian Semiarid Region. 2017. Christine Coelho; Birgit Heim; Saskia Förster; Arlena Brosinsky; José Carlos De Araújo. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints201711.0075.v1.
  13. One-year (2012-2013) TerraSAR-X backscatter and coherence stacks for different landscape types in the Lena River Delta, Siberia, supplement to: Antonova, Sofia; Kääb, Andreas; Heim, Birgit; Langer, Moritz; Boike, Julia (2016): Spatio-temporal variability of X-band radar backscatter and coherence over the Lena River Delta, Siberia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 182, 169-191. 2017. Sofia Antonova; Andreas Kääb; Birgit Heim; Moritz Langer; Julia Boike.
  14. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in terrestrial water objects of Yamal, Yavai and Gydan Peninsula. 2016. Tatiana Skorospekhova; Irina Fedorova; Alexander Evdokimov; Alexandra Shadrina; Natalia Alekseeva; Antonina Chetverova; Birgit Heim.
  15. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in Antarctic lakes. 2016. Tatiana Skorospekhova; Irina Fedorova; Alexander Evdokimov; Natalia Alekseeva; Mikhail Naumov; Birgit Heim.
  16. Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in the Vaskiny Dachi region, Central Yamal, Russia. 2016. Yury Dvornikov; Birgit Heim; Sebastian Roessler; Marina O Leibman; Artem Khomutov; Annett Bartsch.
  17. Soil organic carbon storage and soil properties for 50 soil profiles in the Lena River Delta including land form description and map, supplement to: Siewert, Matthias Benjamin; Hugelius, Gustaf; Heim, Birgit; Faucherre, Samuel (2016): Landscape controls and vertical variability of soil organic carbon storage in permafrost-affected soils of the Lena River Delta. CATENA, 147, 725-741. 2016. Matthias Siewert; Gustaf Hugelius; Birgit Heim; Samuel Faucherre.
  18. Monitoring bedfast ice and ice phenology in lakes of the Lena River Delta using TerraSAR-X backscatter and coherence time series, supplement to: Antonova, Sofia; Duguay, Claude R; Kääb, Andreas; Heim, Birgit; Langer, Moritz; Westermann, Sebastian; Boike, Julia (2016): Monitoring bedfast ice and ice phenology in lakes of the Lena River Delta using TerraSAR-X backscatter and coherence time series. R. 2016. Sofia Antonova; Claude R Duguay; Andreas Kääb; Birgit Heim; Moritz Langer; Sebastian Westermann; Julia Boike.
  19. Satellite-derived changes in the permafrost landscape of central Yakutia, 2000-2011: wetting, drying, and fires, with links to maps and movie, supplement to: Boike, Julia; Grau, Thomas; Heim, Birgit; Günther, Frank; Langer, Moritz; Muster, Sina; Gouttevin, Isabelle; Lange, Stephan (2016): Satellite-derived changes in the permafrost landscape of central Yakutia, 2000-2011: Wetting, drying, and fire. 2015. Julia Boike; Thomas Grau; Birgit Heim; Frank Günther; Moritz Langer; Sina Muster; Isabelle Gouttevin; Stephan Lange.
  20. On the Use of Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Data for the Automatic Detection and Delineation of Surface Water Bodies. 2012. Mathias Bochow; Birgit Heim; Theres Kster; Christian Roga; Inka Bartsch; Karl Segl; Sandra Reigber; Hermann Kaufm. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/34073.
  21. Land cover classification of Samoylov Island and Landsat subpixel water cover of Lena River Delta, Siberia, with links to ESRI grid files, supplement to: Muster, Sina; Langer, Moritz; Heim, Birgit; Westermann, Sebastian; Boike, Julia (2012): Subpixel heterogeneity of ice-wedge polygonal tundra: a multi-scale analysis of land cover and evapotranspiration in the Lena River Delta, Siberia. Tellus Ser. 2012. Sina Muster; Moritz Langer; Birgit Heim; Sebastian Westermann; Julia Boike.