I was born in Braga and began my academic journey at the University of Minho, studying Optometry and Visual Sciences. During my second year, I joined a research initiation group called "Starter" at the Colour Science Laboratory (CSL). I worked as an optometrist from 2017 to 2021, managing consultations and teams, and handling optical equipment and software. In September 2021, I started my Ph.D. in Optometry and Vision Sciences funded by FCT, focusing on Artificial Intelligence applied to Colour Perception.

Personal identification

Full name
José Alexandre Rodrigues Monteiro

Citation names

  • José A.R. Monteiro

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • id9887@uminho.pt (Professional)
  • alexmonteiro1995@gmail.com (Personal)


Knowledge fields

  • Exact Sciences - Physical Sciences - Optics
  • Engineering and Technology - Electrotechnical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics
  • Exact Sciences - Physical Sciences - Optics


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
French Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1)
Degree Classification
2022/02/01 - 2025/09/01
Doctoral Program in Optometry and Vision Sciences (Phd) (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2023 - 2023
Using MATLAB with Python (Outros)
Mathworks Inc, United States
Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning (Outros)
Major in Laurence Moroney
Coursera, United States
Computer Vision Basic (Coursera) (Outros)
Major in Radha Dasari; Junsong Yuan
University at Buffalo, United States
Become a Good Matlab Programmer (Outros)
Major in Hossein Tootoonchy
Udemy Inc, United States
2020/04/10 - 2020/05/01
Formação Prática em Deep Learning e TensorFlow com Python (Outros)
Udemy Inc, United States
2020/03/30 - 2020/04/02
Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks in Python (Outros)
Udemy Inc, United States
2020/03/01 - 2020/03/29
Machine Learning e Data Science com Python de A a Z (Outros)
Udemy Inc, United States
2017/09/15 - 2020/01/20
Advanced Optometry (Master) (Mestrado integrado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
"The Influence of the protective layer on the colour perception of artistic paintings. " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2019/05/04 - 2019/05/05
International Congress of Optometry and Vision Sciences CIOCV19 (Outros)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal
2018/04/28 - 2018/04/29
International Congress of Optometry and Vision Sciences CIOCV18 (Outros)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal
2014/09/15 - 2017/06/15
Optometry and Vision Sciences (Degree) (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/04/22 - 2017/04/23
International Congress of Optometry and Vision Sciences CIOCV17 (Outros)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal
2016/04/23 - 2016/04/24
International Congress of Optometry and Vision Sciences CIOCV16 (Outros)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal


Host institution
2021/09/03 - Current PhD student Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/12/12 - 2021/04/30 Optometrist Mais Optica, Portugal
2017/09/07 - 2017/12/07 Junior Optometrist Grandvision, Portugal


Designation Funders
2022/07/11 - 2023/12/30 Color Vision Test supported by neural networks.
FCT EXPL/FIS-OUT/0398/2021
PhD Student Fellow
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Universidade do Minho Centro de Física


Journal article
  1. Gomes, Andreia; Linhares, Joao; Alves, Paulo Jorge; Monteiro, José; Nascimento, Sérgio. "A colour Vision Test – Comparing results between computer screens". Acta Ophthalmologica 102 S279 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aos.16149.
  2. Monteiro, José; Alves, Paulo; Gomes, Andreia; Nascimento, Sérgio; Linhares, João. "A colour vision test assisted by neural networks". Acta Ophthalmologica 102 S279 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aos.16148.
  3. João M. M. Linhares; José A. R. Monteiro; Ana Bailão; Liliana Cardeira; Taisei Kondo; Shigeki Nakauchi; Marcello Picollo; et al. "How Good Are RGB Cameras Retrieving Colors of Natural Scenes and Paintings? A Study Based on Hyperspectral Imaging". Sensors 20 21 (2020): 6242-6242. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216242.
    Published • 10.3390/s20216242
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. "Changes in the colours of a painting detected by varnish". 2020. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/80543.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2020/09/26 Chromatic differences in easel paintings after the removal of the varnish layer: Impact of the illumination III Ibero-American Congress on Heritage Conservation (ICP)
Faculdade de Belas-Artes em parceria com o Museu da Farmácia e o Grupo Espanhol do IIC (Lisboa, Portugal)

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2024/07 - 2024/07 Poster at International Colour Vision Society Meeting ; Title: Neural network to predict colour naming by dichromats by learning from naming patterns of normal trichromats Authors: José A.R. Monteiro, Dora N. Marques, Joana B.S. Costa, Joana F. A. Sequeiros, João M. M. Linhares and Sérgio M.C. Nascimento
ICVS Meeting
International Colour Vision Society , United Kingdom
2023/09 - 2023/09 Poster at European Vision and Eye Research 2023; Title: A COLOR VISION TEST ASSISTED BY NEURAL NETWORK Authors: José A.R. Monteiro, Paulo Jorge Alves, Andreia Gomes, Sérgio M.C. Nascimento and João M.M Linhares
European Association for Vision and Eye Research, Belgium
2023/07/31 - 2023/08/04 International Colour Vision Society Summer Camp 2023
International Colour Vision Society Summer Camp 2023
International Colour Vision Society , United Kingdom
2023 - 2023 Poster at Biophotonics for EyE Research Summer School 2023; Title: A Color Vision Test Assessed by Neural Networks Authors: José A.R. Monteiro, Paulo Jorge Alves, Andreia Gomes, Sérgio M.C. Nascimento and João M.M Linhares
Biophotonics for EyE Research Summer School 2023
Sociedad Española de Óptica, Spain
2023 - 2023 Poster at Biophotonics for EyE Research Summer School 2023; Title: A Color Vision Test – comparing results between computer screens Authors: João M.M Linhares, Andreia Gomes, Paulo Jorge Alves, José A.R. Monteiro and Sérgio M.C. Nascimento
Biophotonics for EyE Research Summer School 2023
Sociedad Española de Óptica, Spain
2023 - 2023 Poster at Biophotonics for EyE Research Summer School 2023; Title: Impact of refractive error compensation methods on a webcam eye tracking system Authors: Sara F. Lima, Paulo J. Alves, José A.R. Monteiro, Andreia Gomes, Madalena Lira and João M.M Linhares
Biophotonics for EyE Research Summer School 2023
Sociedad Española de Óptica, Spain
2023 - 2023 Poster at European Colour Visual Perception 2023; Title: An online color vision test Authors: João M.M Linhares, José A.R. Monteiro, Paulo Jorge Alves, Andreia Gomes, and Sérgio M.C. Nascimento
European Colour Visual Perception 2023
2022/07/27 - 2022/07/29 Poster at 9th Iberian Conference on Perception (CIP 2022); Title: Color differences between consecutive hyperspectral acquisitions of paintings Authors: José A. R. Monteiro; Sérgio M. C. Nascimento; João M. M. Linhares
9th Iberian Conference on Perception (CIP 2022)
2022/05/21 - 2022/05/22 Poster at the International Congress of Optometry and Vision Sciences 2022; Title: The influence of the protective layer in the perception of the colour of artistic paintings; Authors: Alexandre Monteiro, Liliana Cardeira, Ana Bailão, Sérgio Nascimento, João Linhares;
International Congress of Optometry and Vision Sciences CIOCV22
Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal

Ad Hoc journal article review

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2024 - 2024 Journal of Optometry (1888-4296) Elsevier