Inês Queiroz Garcia completed her Master's degree in Clinical Psychology, with a specialization in Family and Systemic Therapies from Instituto Superior Miguel Torga (Coimbra) in 2016. Inês's research career has been marked by her role as a research assistant (an accomplished research scholarship) at William James Center for Research (WJCR), Ispa-Instituto Universitário. During her time at WJCR, Inês was involved in several notable projects, such as SOCIALDEVIANCE1820 (psychosocial adjustment, prosocial and antisocial behavior during early adulthood), EVISA-Life Experiences | Health in Adult Life (perceived health in middle and older aged men and women), ADJUST2PAIN (effects of beliefs and coping in adjustment to pain), and WELCOM (weight loss in the community), as other investigations regarding psychometric validation of relevant instruments for psychology research. Also, she was later granted a research scholarship (within a research assistant position) for the COPAHS project - "Coping with PAin through Hypnosis, mindfulness and Spirituality", supported by the BIAL Foundation (ref. 188/18). This project aimed to investigate the impact of hypnosis, mindfulness and spirituality as coping strategies for pain. Currently, Inês is a Doctoral student in Health Psychology at Ispa-Instituto Universitário (William James Center for Research). Her research endeavors are centered on the conceptualization of obesity in couples, along with the exploration of perceived barriers and facilitators to weight loss through the lens of a theoretical couple based-model. She is actively engaged in the development and assessment of the efficacy of a couple-focused online intervention (eHealth) designed to overcome barriers and enhance facilitators for weight loss. This project receives support from the Foundation for Science and Technology under reference 2020.05357.BD. She has already published 18 articles in peer-reviewed journals (8 in international and 10 in national journals) and has authored/co-authored 4 book chapters. She has organized 1 national scientific event. Co-supervised 12 master's dissertation (in Clinical and Health Psychology). In her professional activities, she has interacted with more than 85 collaborators in the co-authorship of scientific papers.

Personal identification

Full name
Inês Queiroz Garcia
Date of birth

Citation names

  • Queiroz-Garcia, I.
  • Garcia, I. Q.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • igarcia@ispa.pt (Professional)


  • William James Center for Research, Ispa-Instituto Universitário. Rua Jardim do Tabaco, n.34, 1149-041, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Social Sciences - Psychology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Upper intermediate (B2) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Degree Classification
2019/10/21 - 2025
Psychology (Doutoramento)
Major in Health Psychology
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
Implementation of Psychology Services in NHS Health Units - 13th edition [translation of the Portuguese title: Implementação de Serviços de Psicologia em Unidades de Saúde do SNS - 13.ª edição] (Curso médio)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
Health Literacy, The Role of the Psychologist - 10th edition [translation of the Portuguese title: Literacia em Saúde, O Papel do Psicólogo - 10.ª edição] (Curso médio)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
Interprofessional Communication and Information Sharing - 15th edition [translation of the Portuguese title: Comunicação Interprofissional e Partilha de Informação - 15.ª edição] (Curso médio)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
Financial Education and Psychology - 7th edition [translation of the Portuguese title: Educação Financeira e Psiscologia - 7.ª edição] (Curso médio)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
Psychological Intervention in Problems Related to Alcohol - 15th edition [translation of the Portuguese title: Intervenção Psicológica em Problemas Ligados ao Álcool - 15.º edição] (Curso médio)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
Personal and Professional Marketing - 13th edition [translation of the Portuguese title: Marketing Pessoal e Profissional - 13.º edição] (Curso médio)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
The Professional in the scope of Palliative Care - 7th edition [translation of the Portuguese title: O Profissional no âmbito dos Cuidados Paliativos - 7.ª edição] (Curso médio)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
Clinical Psychology (Mestrado)
Major in Family and Systemic Therapies
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
"Estudo preliminar das propriedades psicométricas e dos dados normativos da Forma Geral das Matrizes Progressivas de Raven numa amostra da comunidade" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Psychology (Licenciatura)
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal


Host institution
2020/10/23 - 2021/01/31 Research Assistant (Research) William James Center for Research, Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2018/04/23 - 2019/12/30 Research Assistant (Research) William James Center for Research, Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2022/02 - 2022/06 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2017/11/18 - 2017/11/25 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
2017/01/07 - 2017/01/28 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
2016/07/22 - 2016/07/30 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal


Host institution
2020/02/01 - Current PhD Fellow William James Center for Research, Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
William James Center for Research, Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Clinical Psychologist Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Gabinete de Apoio Psicológico do Departamento de Intervenção Psicoterapêutica, Portugal
2015 - 2018 Editorial Assistant - Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social [Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research] Instituto Superior Miguel Torga Departamento de Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021/02/01 - Current COuples' OBesity (COOB): Conceptualization, measurement, development, and efficacy testing of an online-based couples intervention
PhD Student Fellow
William James Center for Research, Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015 - 2018 Cognitive performance, emotional state, behavior patterns and their longitudinal changes in institutionalized elderly people [Trajetórias do envelhecimento: Desempenho cognitivo, estado emocional, padrões do comportamento e suas mudanças longitudinais em idosos institucionalizados de Coimbra]
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2022 - 2023 FLOC - Food Literacy in Obese Couples
William James Center for Research, Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/10/23 - 2021/01/31 COping with PAin through Hypnosis, mindfulness and Spirituality (COPAHS)
188/18 - BIAL
Research Fellow
Akademia Techniczno Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Bialej
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 WELCOM - Weight loss in the community - Psychological processes and behaviours associated with successful weight loss and obesity maintenance
Research Fellow
ISPA - Instituto Universitário, William James Center for Research, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/04/23 - 2019/12/31 EVISA - Life experiences | Health in adult life [translation of the Portuguese title: EVISA - Experiências de vida e saúde na idade adulta]
Research Fellow
ISPA - Instituto Universitário, William James Center for Research, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde
2018/04/23 - 2018/12/31 An international study of pro/antisocial behavior in young adults (SOCIALDEVIANCE1820)
Without grant
Research Fellow
ISPA - Instituto Universitário, William James Center for Research, Portugal
2018/04/23 - 2018/12/31 ADJUST2PAIN - Mediation and moderation effects of culture, religion, beliefs and coping in the adjustment to chronic pain
Research Fellow
ISPA - Instituto Universitário, William James Center for Research, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015 - 2018 Normative studies of neuropsychological instruments (ENIN) [translation of the Portuguese title: Estudos normativos de instrumentos neuropsicológicos]
Without grant


Book chapter
  1. Queiroz-Garcia, I.. "Systemic Transactional Model [translation of the Portuguese title: Modelo transacional-sistémico]". In Health Psychology Manual [translation of the Portuguese title: Manual de Psicologia da Saúde], edited by I. Leal; J. L. Pais-Ribeiro, 65-72. Lisbon, Portugal: Pactor, 2021.
  2. Pimenta, F.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Rosas, R.. "Eating behaviour [translation of the Portuguese title: Comportamento alimentar]". In Health Psychology Manual [translation of the Portuguese title: Manual de Psicologia da Saúde], edited by I. Leal; J. L. Pais-Ribeiro, 109-116. Lisbon, Portugal: PACTOR, 2021.
  3. Lemos, L.; Carreiras, D.; Rodrigues, S.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Daniel, F.; Espírito-Santo, H.. "Cognitive deficit and dementia [translation of the Portuguese title: Défice cognitivo e demência]". In Paths of aging: Theoretical and empirical perspetives [translation of the Portuguese title: Trajetos do envelhecimento: Perspetivas teóricas e empíricas], edited by H. Espírito-Santo; F. Daniel, 13-77. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2019.
    Published • 10.14195/978-989-26-1737-4_1
  4. Daniel, F.; Gordo, S.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Espírito-Santo, H.. "Functionality and aging [translation of the Portuguese title: Funcionalidade e envelhecimento]". In Paths of aging: Theoretical and empirical perspetives [translation of the Portuguese title: Trajetos do envelhecimento: Perspetivas teóricas e empíricas], edited by H. Espírito-Santo; F. Daniel, 79-118. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2019.
    Published • 10.14195/978-989-26-1737-4_2
Conference abstract
  1. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Lamelas, A. F.; Vergamota, A. P.; Antunes, M.; Gorin, A. A.; Marôco, J. P.. "Oxford Food and Activity Behaviors Taxonomy-based questionnaire applied to couples: COuples' OBesity Initiative". Paper presented in 15.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde. Published at Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 25 (Suppl.), 26, Caparica, Almada, 2024.
  2. Martinho, I.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Gorin, A. A.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "COuples' OBesity (COOB): Can dyadic adjustment predict couple self-efficacy? [translation of the Portuguese title: COuples' OBesity (COOB): Poderá o ajustamento diádico predizer a autoeficácia do casal?]". Paper presented in 2as Conferências Internacionais em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior. Published in Livro de Resumos, p. 20 [ISBN: 978-989-654-976-3], Covilhã, 2023.
  3. Ferreira, L.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Gorin, A. A.; Marôco, J. P.; Henriques, E.; Pimenta, F.. "COuples' OBesity (COOB): Dyadic adjustment and dyadic coping in couples [translation of the Portuguese title: COuples' OBesity (COOB): O ajustamento diádico e o coping diádico em casais]". Paper presented in 2as Conferências Internacionais em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior. Published in Livro de Resumos, p.21 [ISBN: 978-989-654-976-3], Covilhã, 2023.
  4. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Gorin, A. A.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "COuples' OBesity (COOB) Initiative: Suitability of the interdependence and communal coping approach among couples". Paper presented in 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 2023.
  5. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Gorin, A. A.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "COuples' OBesity (COOB) Initiative: Validation of the COuples' OBesity Life Impact Profile in Portuguese couples". Paper presented in 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 2023.
  6. Vaz, R.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Gorin, A. A.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "The implementation of strategies in the intention of weight management in the couple [translation of the Portuguese title: A implementação de estratégias na intenção de gestão de peso no casal]". Paper presented in 14.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde. Published at Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 23 (Suppl.), 205, 2022.
  7. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Gorin, A. A.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "Excessive weight and self-efficacy for weight management in midlife dyads [translation of the Portuguese title: Peso excessivo e auto-eficácia para gestão do peso em díades na meia-idade]". Paper presented in 14.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde. Published at Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 23 (Suppl.), 50-51, 2022.
  8. Porto, M. G.; Marôco, J. P.; Mascarenhas, T.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Leitão, M.; Pimenta, F.. "Does urinary incontinence predict sexual function, social isolation and productivity in middle-aged women?". Paper presented in European Congress on Menopause and Andropause 2021. Published at Maturitas, 152, 70, 2021.
  9. Leitão, M.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Porto, M. G.; Pérez-López, F. R.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "How Covid-19 is affecting eating behaviour on peri/postmenopausal women?". Paper presented in 35th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Published at Book of Abstracts (https://2021.ehps.net/booklet/), 2021.
  10. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Marôco, J. P.; Gorin, A. A.. "COuples' OBesity (COOB): Conceptualization, measurement and online intervention in couples [translation of the Portuguese title: COuples' OBesity (COOB): Conceptualização, mensuração e intervenção online em casais]". Paper presented in 13.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde [Revista Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 21(Suppl. 1), 97-98], Covilhã, 2020.
    Published • 10.13140/RG.2.2.23681.81764
  11. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Ramos, M. M.; Silva, C. C.; Marôco, J. P.; Leal, I.. "Representations of andropause: Adequacy of the Common Sense Model in Portuguese women [translation of the Portuguese title: Representações da andropausa: Adequação do Modelo do Senso Comum em mulheres portuguesas]". Paper presented in 13th Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde [Revista Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 21(Suppl. 1), 168-169], Covilhã, 2020.
    Published • 10.13140/RG.2.2.33778.12483
  12. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Costa, P. A.; Pimenta, F.; Marôco, J. P.; Leal, I.. "Gender roles, masculinity and the experience of sexual symptoms in andropause [translation of the Portuguese title: Papéis de género, masculinidade e a experiência de sintomas sexuais na andropausa]". Paper presented in 4.º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses [The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal, 1(1), S49], Braga, 2018.
    Published • 10.33525/pprj.v1i1.63
Conference poster
  1. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Lamelas, A. F.; Gorin, A. A.; Marôco, J. P.. "Validating risk perception, self-efficacy, and intentions in dyadic change: COuples' OBesity Initiative". Paper presented in 15.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde, 2024.
  2. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Dourado, L.; Gorin, A.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "Impact of obesity risk perception on couple communication [translation of the Portuguese title: Impacto da perceção de risco da obesidade na comunicação do casal]". Paper presented in 14.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde, Madeira, Portugal, September 8-10. Published at Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 23 (Suppl.), 209, 2022.
  3. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Proença, M.; Pimenta, F.; Marôco, J. P.; Gorin, A. A.. "Let's talk about our weight? - Obesity/overweight within the couples' communication". Paper presented in European Congress on Obesity (ZoomForward, ECO & IFSO-EC), May 4-7. Published at Obesity Facts, 15 (Suppl. 1), 255, 2022.
  4. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Leitão, Mafalda; Porto, M. G.; Mainprize, H.; Romão, F.; Patrão, Ivone; Pimenta, F.. "Understanding factors associated with wellbeing and performance in a sample of middle-aged women". Paper presented in 13th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause, 2021.
  5. Leitão, Mafalda; Rodrigues, J. S.; Porto, M. G.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pérez-Lopez, F.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "Is weight change (gain, decrease, or maintenance) associated with menopausal symptoms' perceived severity?". Paper presented in 13th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause, 2021.
  6. Jarego, Margarida; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Costa, Rui Miguel; Day, Melissa A; J.L.Pais-Ribeiro; Jensen, Mark P; Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra. "Is prayer an effective intervention for pain management? Preliminary results of a systematic review". Paper presented in IASP 2021 World Congress on Pain, 2021.
  7. Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Carmo, Catarina; Pimenta, Filipa; Costa, Rui Miguel; Jensen, Mark P. "Effects of hypnosis, meditation and prayer on experimentally induced pain". Paper presented in IASP 2021 World Congress on Pain, 2021.
  8. Porto, M. G.; Marôco, J. P.; Mascarenhas, Teresa; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Leitão, Mafalda; Pimenta, F.. "Coping strategies for menopausal women with urinary incontinence: Validation of the Coping Strategies Instrument". Paper presented in 16th Congress of Behavioural Medicine, 2021.
  9. Leitão, Mafalda; Porto, M. G.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Hartmann-Boyce, J.; Pérez-Lopez, F.; Marôco, J. P.; Pimenta, F.. "Weight management strategies in middle aged women: Validation of an OXFAB Taxonomy-based Questionnaire in a Portuguese sample". Paper presented in 16th Congress of Behavioural Medicine, 2021.
  10. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Leitão, Mafalda; Porto, M. G.; Leal, I.. "Does disordered eating behaviour differs in adults with a successful weight loss and with obesity?". Paper presented in 16th Congress of Behavioural Medicine, 2021.
  11. Pimenta, F.; Gomes, M.; Leitão, M.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Leal, I.. "What doesn't work? Exploring the perceived unsuccessful weight loss strategies in adults, through mixed-methods methodology". Paper presented in 16th International Congress of Behavioural Medicine, June 7-11. Published at International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28 (Suppl. 1), S199, 2021.
  12. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Marôco, J. P.; Gorin, A. A.. "COuples' OBesity (COOB) Project". Paper presented in European and International Congress on Obesity, 2020.
  13. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Cristina, S.; Galvão, D.; Marôco, J. P.; Leal, I.. "Validation of the Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire in a Portuguese sample [translation of the Portuguese title: Validação do Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire numa amostra portuguesa]". Paper presented in V Congresso Ibero-Americano e Luso-Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde / I Congresso Promoção da Saúde e do Bem-Estar no Ensino Superior, 2019.
  14. Sério, C. M.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Lemos, L.; Duarte, C.; Espírito-Santo, H.. "Self-criticism, external shame, and psychopathological symptoms: Is self-criticism a mediator between external shame and psychopathological symptoms in institutionalized women diagnosed with schizophrenia?". Paper presented in 27th European Congress of Psychiatry, 2019.
  15. Dias, A. C.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Simões, S.; Duarte, C.; Espírito-Santo, H.; Lemos, L.. "Intimate partner violence: Attachment and early maladaptive schemas among victims". Paper presented in 27th European Congress of Psychiatry, 2019.
Journal article
  1. Jarego, M.; Ferreira-Valente, Maria A.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Day, M. A.; Pais-Ribeiro, J. L.; Costa, R. M.; Pimenta, F.; Jensen, M. P.. "Are prayer-based interventions effective pain management options? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials". Journal of Religion and Health 62 (2022): 1780-1809. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-022-01709-z.
    Published • 10.1007/s10943-022-01709-z
  2. Pimenta, F.; Ramos, M. M.; Silva, C.; Costa, P. A.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Marôco, J. P.; Leal, I.. "Andropause representations: A mixed-methods study with portuguese women". Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 23 1 (2022): 32-46. https://doi.org/10.15309/22psd230104.
    Published • 10.15309/22psd230104
  3. Ferreira-Valente, Maria A.; Jarego, M.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Costa, R. M.; Day, M. A.; Pais-Ribeiro, J. L.; Jensen, M. P.. "Prayer as a pain intervention: Protocol of a systematic review of randomised controlled trials". BMJ Open 11 7 (2021): e047580. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047580.
    Open access • Published • 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047580
  4. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Espírito-Santo, H.; Pires, C. F.. "Psychometric properties of the Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices in a Portuguese sample". Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social 7 1 (2021): 84-101. https://doi.org/10.31211/rpics.2021.7.1.210.
    Published • 10.31211/rpics.2021.7.1.210
  5. Abreu-Afonso, J.; Ramos, M. M.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Leal, I.. "How couple's relationship lasts over time? A model for marital satisfaction". Psychological Reports (2021): 003329412110006. https://doi.org/10.1177/00332941211000651.
    Open access • Published • 10.1177/00332941211000651
  6. Costa, P. A.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Tasker, F.; Leal, I.. "Psychometric properties of the Parenting Daily Hassles in a sample of Portuguese Parents". Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 22 3 (2021): 844-856. https://doi.org/10.15309/21psd220306.
    Published • 10.15309/21psd220306
  7. Costa, P. A.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Tasker, F.; Leal, I.. "Adaptation of the complete and brief versions of the Coparenting Relationship Scale in a community sample of Portuguese fathers and mothers [translation of the Portuguese title: Adaptação das versões completa e breve da Escala de Relação Coparental (ERC) em uma amostra comunitária de pais e mães portugueses]". Revista PSICOLOGIA 34 1 (2020): 236-248. https://doi.org/10.17575/psicologia.v34i1.1598.
    Published • 10.17575/psicologia.v34i1.1598
  8. Ferreira-Valente, Maria A.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pais-Ribeiro, J. L.; Jensen, M. P.. "Pain diagnosis, pain coping, and function in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain". Journal of Pain Research 13 (2020): 783-794. https://doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S236157.
    Published • 10.2147/JPR.S236157
  9. Basto-Pereira, M.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Maciel, L.; Leal, I.; Gouveia-Pereira, M.. "An international study of pro/antisocial behavior in young adults". Cross-Cultural Research 54 1 (2019): 92-105. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069397119850741.
    Published • 10.1177/1069397119850741
  10. Costa, P. A.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pimenta, F.; Marôco, J. P.; Leal, I.. "Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH), masculinity and relationship and sexual satisfaction: Are sexual symptoms of LOH mediators of traditional masculinity on relationship and sexual satisfaction?". Sexual Health 16 4 (2019): 389-393. https://doi.org/10.1071/SH18165.
    Published • 10.1071/SH18165
  11. Ferreira-Valente, Maria A.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Rosa, A. M.; Pereira, A.; Pais-Ribeiro, J. L.; Jensen, M. P.. "The Portuguese 35-item Survey of Pain Attitudes applied to Portuguese women with Endometriosis". Scandinavian Journal of Pain 19 3 (2019): 553-563. https://doi.org/10.1515/sjpain-2019-0004.
    Published • 10.1515/sjpain-2019-0004
  12. Pimenta, F.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Cristina, S.; Galvão, D.; Marôco, J. P.; Leal, I.. "Validation of the Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire in a Portuguese sample". Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 20 3 (2019): 740-758. https://doi.org/10.15309/19psd200315.
    Published • 10.15309/19psd200315
  13. Neves, M.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Espírito-Santo, H.; Lemos, L.. "Validation of the Portuguese Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire in institutionalized older adults [translation of the Portuguese title: Validação da versão portuguesa de Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire em idosos institucionalizados]". Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social 4 1 (2018): 34-42. https://doi.org/10.31211/rpics.2018.4.1.70.
    Open access • Published • 10.31211/rpics.2018.4.1.70
  14. Espírito-Santo, H.; Sério, C. M.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.. "Human well-being from different perspectives [translation of the Portuguese title: O bem-estar humano sob diferentes perspetivas] (Editorial)". Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social 4 1 (2018): 1-2. https://doi.org/10.31211/rpics.2018.4.1.73.
    Open access • Published • 10.31211/rpics.2018.4.1.73
  15. Espírito-Santo, H.; Pires, C. F.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Daniel, F.; Silva, A. G.; Fazio, R. L.. "Preliminary validation of the Portuguese Edinburgh Handedness Inventory in an adult sample". Applied Neuropsychology: Adult 24 3 (2017): 275-287. https://doi.org/10.1080/23279095.2017.1290636.
    Published • 10.1080/23279095.2017.1290636
  16. Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pessoa, I. A.; Monteiro, B.; Daniel, F.; Lemos, L.; Espírito-Santo, H.. "Psychometric properties of the Torga version of the Stroop Test [translation of the Portuguese title: Propriedades psicométricas da versão Torga do Teste Stroop]". Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social 2 2 (2016): 55-64. https://doi.org/10.7342/ismt.rpics.2016.2.2.41.
    Open access • Published • 10.7342/ismt.rpics.2016.2.2.41
  17. Espírito-Santo, H.; Pena, I. T.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Pires, C. F.; Couto, M.; Daniel, F.. "Memory and aging: What is the real impact of age? [translation of the Portuguese title: Memória e envelhecimento: Qual o real impacto da idade?]". Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social 2 2 (2016): 41-54. https://doi.org/10.7342/ismt.rpics.2016.2.2.40.
    Open access • Published • 10.7342/ismt.rpics.2016.2.2.40
  18. Espírito-Santo, H.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.; Monteiro, B.; Carolino, N.; Daniel, F.. "Brief assessment of executive impairment in elderly with stroke: Validation of Frontal Assessment Battery [translation of the Portuguese title: Avaliação breve do défice executivo em pessoas idosas com Acidente Vascular Cerebral: Validação da Bateria de Avaliação Frontal]". Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social 2 2 (2016): 25-40. https://doi.org/10.7342/ismt.rpics.2016.2.2.39.
    Open access • Published • 10.7342/ismt.rpics.2016.2.2.39
Magazine article
  1. Dias, A. C.; Lemos, L.; Queiroz-Garcia, I.. "Attachment and early maladaptive schemes in women victims of violence in intimate relationships that resort to APAV [translation of the Portuguese title: Vinculação e esquemas mal adaptativos precoces em mulheres vítimas de violência nas relações de intimidade que recorrem à APAV]", Miscellanea APAV, 2018, https://apav.pt/apav_v3/images/pdf/Miscellanea_APAV_05.pdf.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Garcia, Inês Queiroz. "Preliminary study of psychometric properties and normative data of the General Form of Raven's Progressive Matrices in a community sample [translation of the Portuguese title: Estudo preliminar das propriedades psicométricas e dos dados normativos da Forma Geral das Matrizes Progressivas de Raven numa amostra da comunidade]". Master, Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, 2016.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/02/01 Oxford Food and Activity Behaviors Taxonomy-based questionnaire applied to couples: COuples' OBesity Initiative 15.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde [15th National Congress of Health Psychology]
Egas Moniz School of Health & Science (Caparica, Almada, Portugal)
2022/03 COping with PAin through Hypnosis, mindfulness, and Spirituality: State-of-the-art and results of a randomized experimental mixed-design study ISPA Psychology and Pain Management - Psychological Management of Pain: A State-of-the-Science Update
Ispa - Instituto Universitário (Portugal)
2021/08 How Covid-19 is affecting eating behaviour on peri/postmenopausal women? 35th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society
2021/08 Does urinary incontinence predict sexual function, social isolation and productivity in middle-aged women? 13th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause
2020/01/31 Representations of andropause: Adequacy of the Common Sense Model in Portuguese women [translation of the Portuguese title: Representações da andropausa: Adequação do Modelo do Senso Comum em mulheres portuguesas] 13.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde [13th National Congress of Health Psychology]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde (Covilhã, Portugal)
2020/01/30 COuples' OBesity (COOB): Conceptualization, measurement and online intervention in couples [translation of the Portuguese title: COuples' OBesity (COOB): Conceptualização, mensuração e intervenção online em casais] 13.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde [13th National Congress of Health Psychology]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde (Covilhã, Portugal)
2018/09 Gender roles, masculinity and the experience of sexual symptoms in andropause [translation of the Portuguese title: Papéis de género, masculinidade e a experiência de sintomas sexuais na andropausa] 4.º Congresso Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses [4th Congress of the Portuguese Psychologists Association]
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (Braga, Portugal)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2023/09 - 2024/12 Influence of communication patterns, in couples, on stress eating in overweight or obese adults [translation of the Portuguese title: Influência dos padrões de comunicação, em casais, no stress eating em adultos com excesso de peso ou obesidade]
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2021 - 2023 Are we better together? Dyadic study in couples with obesity [translation of the Portuguese title: Juntos somos melhores? Estudo diádico em casais com obesidade]
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2021 - 2022 And together? Can we do it? [translation of the Portuguese title: E juntos? Será que conseguimos?]
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2020 - 2021/12/15 Weight loss treatment intentions and preferences in the couple context: A dyadic approach [translation of the Portuguese title: Intenção e preferências de tratamento para a perda de peso no contexto do casal: Uma abordagem diádica]
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2020 - 2021/12/14 Risk perception in the context of couples suffering from obesity/overweight [translation of the Portuguese title: Perceção de risco no contexto de casais que sofrem de obesidade/excesso de peso]
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2020 - 2021/12/13 Dear, let's talk about our weight? Communication and obesity/overweight in the couple [translation of the Portuguese title: Querido/a vamos conversar sobre o nosso peso? Comunicação e a obesidade/excesso de peso no casal]
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2020 - 2021/11/29 The effectiveness of mindfulness in reducing the intensity of experimental acute pain in healthy people [translation of the Portuguese title: A eficácia do mindfulness na diminuição da intensidade da dor aguda experimental em pessoas saudáveis]
Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2016 - 2018/01/17 Attachment and early maladaptive schemes in victims of violence in intimate relations [translation of the Portuguese title: Vinculação e esquemas mal adaptativos precoces em vítimas de violência nas relações de intimidade]
Psicologia Clínica (Master)
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
2015 - 2017/10/25 Lie and its relationship with psychopathy, social desirability and with components of emotional regulation [translation of the Portuguese title: Mentira e a sua relação com a psicopatia, desejabilidade social e com componentes da regulação emocional]
Psicologia Clínica (Master)
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
2015 - 2017/10/05 Self-criticism, shame and psychopathological symptoms in institutionalized women with schizophrenia: Preliminary study [translation of the Portuguese title: Autocriticismo, vergonha e sintomas psicopatológicos em mulheres institucionalizadas com esquizofrenia: Estudo preliminar]
Psicologia Clínica (Master)
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
2015 - 2017/05/05 Attributes of primary and secondary psychopathy, self-criticism and shame [translation of the Portuguese title: Atributos de psicopatia primária e secundária, autocriticismo e vergonha]
Psicologia Clínica (Master)
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
2015 - 2017/02/15 Spiritual well-being, depressive and anxious symptoms in the institutionalized elderly [translation of the Portuguese title: Bem-estar espiritual, sintomas depressivos e ansiosos nos idosos institucionalizados]
Psicologia Clínica (Master)
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2016 - 2016 II Research Days in Clinical Psychology at Instituto Superior Miguel Torga [translation of the Portuguese title: II Jornadas de Investigação em Psicologia Clínica do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga] (2016/10/26 - 2016/10/27)
Congress (Member of the Organising Committee)
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2024/02/01 - Current Symposium Participation: Food addiction, weight management, and obesity: Theory-based qualitative and quantitative
2020/01/31 - 2020/01/31 Symposium Participation: Menopause and andropause: Assessment of representations and symptoms with qualitative/quantitative methods [translation of the Portuguese title: Menopausa e andropausa: Avaliação de representações e de sintomas com métodos qualitativos/quantitativos]
13.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde [13th National Congress of Health Psychology]

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2017/10/02 - Current Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses [Order of Portuguese Psychologists] Membro efetivo (n.º 21891)

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2015/04/15 - 2015/11/10 Member of the ISMT Board of Directors | Student representative [translation of the Portuguese title: Membro do Conselho Directivo do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga | Representante dos alunos]
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2022/02 - 2022/06 Introduction to Health Psychology [translation of the Portuguese title: Introdução à Psicologia da Saúde] (Mestrado integrado) Ispa - Instituto Universitário, Portugal
2017/11/18 - 2017/11/25 Brain Functioning in Aging [translation of the Portuguese title: Funcionamento Cerebral no Envelhecimento] Intervenção com Doentes de Alzheimer e outras Demências (Diploma de especialização) Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal
2017/01/07 - 2017/01/28 Brain Functioning in Aging [translation of the Portuguese title: Funcionamento Cerebral no Envelhecimento] Intervenção com Doentes de Alzheimer e outras Demências (Diploma de especialização) Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Portugal

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2023/03/18 Can't lose weight? It could be your husband or wife's fault [translation of the Portuguese title: Não consegue emagrecer? A culpa pode ser do seu marido ou da sua mulher] (Queiroz-Garcia, I., & Pimenta, F.) - CNN CNN Portugal (https://cnnportugal.iol.pt/perda-de-peso/obesidade/nao-consegue-emagrecer-a-culpa-pode-ser-do-seu-marido-ou-da-sua-mulher/20230318/6411f9430cf2dce741afc58f)
2023/03/02 Ispa promotes study on the impact of obesity on couples [translation of the Portuguese title: Ispa promove estudo sobre o impacto da obesidade no casal] (Queiroz-Garcia, I., & Pimenta, F.) - Ispa-Instituto Universitário Ispa-Instituto Universitário (https://www.ispa.pt/agenda/noticias/ispa-promove-estudo-sobre-o-impacto-da-obesidade-no-casal/)
2023/03/02 World Obesity Day - Ispa-University Institute promotes study on the impact of obesity on couples [translation of the Portuguese title: Dia Mundial da Obesidade - Ispa-Instituto Universitário promove estudo sobre o impacto da obesidade no casal] (Queiroz-Garcia, I., & Pimenta, F.) - Atlas da Saúde Atlas da Saúde (https://www.atlasdasaude.pt/noticias/ispa-instituto-universitario-promove-estudo-sobre-o-impacto-da-obesidade-no-casal)
2023/03/02 University Institute promotes study on the impact of obesity on couples [translation of the Portuguese title: Instituto Universitário promove estudo sobre o impacto da obesidade no casal] (Queiroz-Garcia, I., & Pimenta, F.) - IOL IOL (https://www.lux.iol.pt/saude/02-03-2023/instituto-universitario-promove-estudo-sobre-o-impacto-da-obesidade-no-casal)
2023/03/02 Ispa - University Institute promotes study on the impact of obesity on couples [translation of the Portuguese title: Ispa - Instituto Universitário promove estudo sobre o impacto da obesidade no casal] (Queiroz-Garcia, I., & Pimenta, F.) - MedJournal MedJournal (https://www.medjournal.pt/pt/noticias-saude-humana/https-www-medjournal-pt-pt-noticias-saude-humana-eventos/ispa-instituto-universitario-promove-estudo-sobre-o-impacto-da-obesidade-no-casal/)

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2017 - 2017/09 Assessment: Sage Journals (ISSN: 1073-1911; IF: 3.8) (1073-1911) SAGE Publications

Other distinction

2019 Doctoral Merit Scholarship in Psychology 2019/2020
ISPA - Instituto Universitário, Portugal