Diana S Nascimento (DSN) is an Assistant Researcher at Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS, Universidade
do Porto, Porto) and at Instituto de Investigação e Invovação em Saúde (i3S, Universidade do Porto, Porto) where she leads
a team of researchers (1 postdoc, 3 PhD students, 3 MSc students) with the common ambition of reducing the global burden of
cardiovascular diseases. Our mission is to develop efficient therapies for cardiovascular disorders, with special emphasis
on driving cardiac regeneration and/or inhibiting the formation of fibrosis in patients with heart failure. In the past hears,
DSN´s main findings were published in prestigious international journals, namely Biomaterials, Nature Communications, Nature
Aging, PLOS Biology, Stem Cell Reports, Circulation Research and Cardiovascular Research. In parallel to these scientific
activities, DSN has also been engaged in pedagogic activities and, from 2013, she is an assistant professor at the Integrated
Master of Bioengineering, ICBAS and, since 2015, collaborates in several post-graduate programs throughout the country. Overall,
DSN has made significant contributions in the cardiovascular field, with 48 publications (45 papers; 3 book chapters; accumulated
IF=278, h-index=24, 2536 citations, Google Scholar), 3 book chapters, 3 patents, and 1 software. She has also demonstrated
remarkable skills in project management (>5M€), industry collaboration (3 industrial partnerships), supervision (5 post-docs,
7 PhDs, 22 MSc and 15 Bachelor students), science communication/dissemination (95 poster and 52 oral communications), and
was recognized with 7 national/international awards (co-authored >23 prizes). In addition, DSN is involved in international
collaborative networks (e.g., PI of an EU funded project; COST actions, working groups of the ESC), experience as invited
speaker in >29 conferences (15 in international conferences), and activities as reviewer for relevant journals (e.g., Circulation)
and funding agencies (e.g. ERC, Marie Curie). DS Nascimento has been appointed member staff of the Bioimaging Centre for Biomaterials
and Regenerative Therapies of i3S and is a member of the i3S Animal Welfare Body since 2022. She is also a member of the governing
board of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cellular Therapy (SPCE-TC, 2015-2019 and 2024 to present).