Personal identification

Full name
Helena Maria Baptista Alves

Citation names

  • Alves, Helena

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
French Beginner (A1) Intermediate (B1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1)
English Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
Spanish; Castilian Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Degree Classification
Management (Título de Agregado)
Major in Marketing
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Approved unanimously
Gestão (Management) (Doutoramento)
Major in Marketing
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
"A Marketing Approach to student satisfaction in Portuguese public universities: index, antecedents and consequences" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Gestão (Management) (Mestrado)
Major in Não Aplicável
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
"O marketing das instituições de ensino superior: o caso da Universidade da Beira interior (The marketing of Higher Education Institutions: The case of University of Beira Interior)" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Gestão (Management) (Licenciatura)
Major in Não Aplicável
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2022/05/10 - Current Full Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2016 - 2022/05 Associate Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2003 - 2016 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
1994/10/10 - 2003 Assistant (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2021/08/06 - Current Vice-Rector Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2017/12 - 2021/11 President of the Scientific Council Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Faculdade das Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal
2017/12 - 2021/11 President of the Pedagogic Council Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Faculdade das Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal
2017 - 2021 Diretor ou presidente da unidade orgânica Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2013/11 - 2017/11 Organic Unit Vice-President Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021 - 2024 START-CIRCULAR - Integrated entrepreneurship management model for circular economy
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2021/01/01 - 2023/12/31 ENTER_EdTech: Entering the EdTech Entrepreneurship World
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, Portugal
Erasmus Plus
2021 - 2023 RE-START – Reinforcing the circular economy model for START-ups
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2021 - 2023 Central Region Training Project for genomic-based Personalized/Precision Medicine,
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2020/10/01 - 2022/12/31 ENTRANCE - Enhancing the ENTRepreneurial mindset of non-business Academics in Europe
022 KA203-63074741
Universidade da Beira Interior Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, Portugal
Erasmus Plus
2018/10/01 - 2022/07/30 U- Value - The impact of Higher Education Institutions on the regions Quality of Life
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07/01 - 2022/06/30 TWINE – Co-creating sustainable Tourism & WINe Experiences in rural areas
Universidade da Beira Interior Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, Portugal
2019/01/01 - 2021/12/31 SPRING - Succession Planning and Regeneration In Family Businesses for New Growth through an innovative training programme
Universidade da Beira Interior Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, Portugal
Erasmus Plus
2019/01/01 - 2021/12/31 BIO-ALL – BIOHEALTH Gear Box Alliance
Universidade da Beira Interior Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, Portugal
Erasmus Plus
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais (NECE)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016/09/01 - 2018/08/31 ARTISAN - AspiRing enTrepreneurIaI families to perpetuate cultural buSiness Across geNerations
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, Portugal
Erasmus Plus


  1. João Leitão; Helena Alves; Norris Krueger; Jacob Park. Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Sustainable Ecosystems. Springer International Publishing. 2018.
  2. João Leitão; Helena Alves. Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Public Institutions. Springer International Publishing. 2016.
  3. Alves, Helena. Best Practices in Marketing and their Impact on Quality of Life. Springer-Verlag. 2013.
Book chapter
  1. Alves, Helena; Jesus, Cátia. "How Customers¿ Resources Influence Their Co-creation Experience". In The Palgrave Handbook of Service Management, 677-728. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
  2. Cunha, Diana; Grilo, Catarina; Kastenholz, Elisabeth; Alves, Helena. "Capítulo 10. Social media analysis: Exploração das experiências enoturísticas na Região Centro de Portugal (Chapter 10. Social media analysis: Exploration of wine tourism experiences in the Central Region of Portugal)". In Experiências de enoturismo no centro de Portugal: oportunidades de cocriação, inovação e desenvolvimento sustentável nas rotas da Bairrada, do Dão e da Beira Interior (Wine tourism experiences in central Portugal: opportunities for co-creation, innovation and sustainable development on the Bairrada, Dão and Beira Interior routes), 137-151. Portugal: UA Editora, 2022.
  3. Cunha, Diana; Grilo, Catarina; Alves, Helena; Kastenholz, Elisabeth. "Experiências turísticas vividas num território vinhateiro - o caso da Beira Interior (Tourist experiences lived in a wine-producing territory - the case of Beira Interior)". In TWINE Conference - Co-creating sustainable rural tourism experiences with food & wine, local culture, landscapes, and people (book of abstracts). UA Editora, 2022.
  4. Carneiro, Maria João; Kastenholz, Elisabeth; Cunha, Diana; Pato, Maria Lúcia; Duarte, Paulo; Simões, Orlando; Barroco, Cristina; et al. "As rotas da Bairrada, do Dão e da Beira Interior enquanto estruturas dinamizadoras do turismo no território (The Bairrada, Dão and Beira Interior routes as structures that boost tourism in the territory)". In Experiências de Enoturismo no Centro de Portugal: Oportunidades de Cocriação, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável nas Rotas da Bairrada, do Dão e da Beira Interior (Wine tourism experiences in Central Portugal: Opportunities for Co-creation, Innovation and Sustainable Development on the Bairrada, Dão and Beira Interior Routes), 37-72. Aveiro, Portugal: UA Editora ¿ Universidade de Aveiro, Serviços de Biblioteca, Informação Documental e Museologia, 2022.
  5. Cunha, Diana; Grilo, Catarina; Kastenholz, Elisabeth; Alves, Helena; Carvalho, Mariana; Eletxigerra, Ainhize; Leal, Jucilda; et al. "Social media analysis: Exploração das experiências enoturísticas na Região Centro de Portugal". In Experiências de enoturismo no centro de Portugal: oportunidades de cocriação, inovação e desenvolvimento sustentável nas rotas da Bairrada, do Dão e da Beira Interior, 137-151. Portugal: UA Editora, 2022.
  6. Carla Pereira; Helena Alves; João J. Ferreira. "Impact of Tacit Knowledge on Tourist Loyalty". In Some Evidence From Rural Tourism, 303-328. {IGI, 2021.
  7. Marques, Luís Miguel; Alves, Helena; Machado-Taylor, M. L.. "Disaggregated Higher Education Impacts On Economic Growth: The European Case". In Education in Europe, 19-39. Nova Science Publishers, 2021.
  8. Jesus, Cátia; Alves, Helena. "Resource Integration and Co-Creation: A Customer Journey Approach". In The Routledge Handbook of Service Research Insights and Ideas, 344-372. 2020.
  9. Estevão, Cristina; Sousa, Bruno; Fernandes, Cristina; Alves, Helena. "Livraria Lello (Lello Library)". edited by Abreu, João, 177-193. Edioteque, 2017.
  10. Ramos, A.; Alves, H.; Leitaõ, J.. "Corporate social responsibility and cause-related marketing in school sports events: Assessing consumption decisions of external stakeholders". 2016.
  11. Vital, F.; Alves, H.. "The relationship between internal marketing, motivation and satisfaction at work". 2014.
  12. Pedro, E.; Alves, H.; Leitão, J.. "Evaluating students' quality of academic life using data in a structural model approach". 2014.
  13. Campón, A.M.; Alves, H.; Hernández, J.M.; Alves, Helena. "Loyalty measurement in tourism: A theoretical reflection". 2013.
  14. Mainardes, E.; Raposo, M.; Alves, H.. "The present and the future of higher education: A view from Portugal". 2011.
Conference abstract
  1. Marques, Luís Miguel; Machado-Taylor, Maria de Lourdes; Alves, Helena. "AN APPROACH ON REGIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT RELATIONSHIPS". Paper presented in EDULEARN21 International Education Conference - IATED, 2021.
    Published • 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1942
  2. Marques, Luís Miguel; Alves, Helena; Machado-Taylor, Maria de Lourdes. "IS HIGHER EDUCATION A DRIVER OF THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX AND GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT?". Paper presented in 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2020), 2020.
    Published • 10.21125/iceri.2020.0994
  3. Pedro, Eugénia de Matos; Leitão, João; Alves, Helena. "Intellectual Capital of Higher Education Institutions and Quality of Life of Internal Stakeholders". Paper presented in GFIC 2019 2nd Global Forum of Intellectual Capital, Lisbon, 2019.
Conference paper
  1. Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor; João Capucho; Helena Alves; Luís Marques; Marta Alves; Eugénia Pedro. "SATISFACTION WITH HEIS: A CASE STUDY FOR PORTUGUESE CITIZENS". 2022.
  2. Suchek, Nathalia; Fontes, Carla; Rodrigues, Ricardo Gouveia; Duarte, Paulo Alexandre de Oliveira; Paço, Arminda; Alves, Helena. "Adoção de Energia Renovável a Nível Residencial: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (Adoption of Renewable Energy at the Residential Level: A Systematic Literature Review)". Paper presented in XXXI Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica (XXXI Spanish-Portuguese Scientific Management Conference), Toledo, 2022.
  3. Rodrigues, Ana Luísa; Cerdeira, Luísa; Machado-Taylor, Maria; Alves, Helena. "The importance of developing students' technological skills in higher education for their future quality of life". 2021.
  4. Eugénia Pedro; Helena Alves; João Leitão; Marta Alves; Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor; Luísa Cerdeira; Belmiro Cabrito; et al. "LINKING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS TO REGIONAL QUALITY OF LIFE". 2020.
  5. Pedro, Eugénia de Matos; Leitao, Joao; Alves, Helena. "Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Transformação Regional: As Instituições de Ensino Superior como Agentes de Mudança (Sustainable Development and Regional Transformation: Higher Education Institutions as Agents of Change)". Paper presented in 27th APDR Congress Sustainable Management of the See for Sustainable Regional Development, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, 2020.
  6. Estevão, Cristina; Alves, Helena; Serrasqueiro, Zélia; Pires Manso, António; Nave, Ana. "Turismo e Produtos Endógenos ¿ Factores Determinantes da Região das BSE". Paper presented in XXIV Jornadas Hispano Lusas Gestión Cientifica, Osuna, 2019.
  7. Pedro, Eugénia de Matos; Alves, Helena; Leitao, Correia Carlos Joao. "As Instituições de Ensino Superior e a Qualidade de Vida Regional: Uma Proposta de Indicadores de Impacto (Higher Education Institutions and Regional Quality of Life: A Proposal for Impact Indicators)". Paper presented in 26th APDR Congress Evidence-based territorial policymaking: Formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy, 2019.
  8. Jesus, Cátia; Alves, Helena. "The customer experience in Óbidos Vila Natal event.". Paper presented in 16th IAPNM Congress - International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Badajoz, 2017.
  9. Pedro, Eugénia de Matos; Leitão, João; Alves, Helena. "Quality of Academic Life and Regional Growth". Paper presented in 24th APDR Congress Intellectual Capital and Regional Development: New landscapes and challenges for space planning., Covilhã, 2017.
  10. Jesus, Cátia; Alves, Helena. "A experiência em eventos: motivações, dimensões de consumo, emoções, satisfação e lealdade (The event experience: motivations, consumption dimensions, emotions, satisfaction and loyalty)". Paper presented in ICIEMC 2015 ¿ International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Aveiro, 2015.
  11. Lopes, Lusa; Alves, Helena; Brito, Carlos. "Lost customers: determinants and process of relationship dissolution". 2011.
  12. Raposo, Mário Lino Barata; Alves, Helena Maria Baptista; Duarte, Paulo Alexandre Oliveira. "A study of higher education choice factors: The case of University of Beira Interior". 2007.
  13. Raposo, Mário Lino Barata. "O marketing das universidades: uma análise ao processo de escolha de uma universidade pelos alunos (University marketing: an analysis of the process of students choosing a university)". 2001.
Journal article
  1. Alves, Marta; Alves, Helena; Pedro, Eugénia; Capucho, João. "Perceptions of higher education institutions impact on different dimensions of quality of life and residents overall life satisfaction". International Journal for Quality Research 19 1 (2024):
    In press
  2. Eugénia Pedro; Helena Alves; João Leitão. "Sustainable development practices in public higher education: A new conceptual framework for nurturing student satisfaction and reinforcing attractiveness to international students". Sustainable Development (2023):
  3. Eugénia de Matos Pedro; João Leitão; Helena Alves. "Can Higher Education Institutions’ Stakeholders Drive Regional Sustainable Development? Yes, They Can?!". IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2023):
  4. Cunha, Diana; Grilo, Catarina; Alves, Helena; Kastenholz, Elisabeth. "Tourist experiences in a wine region _ the case of the Portuguese Beira Interior". Journal of Tourism and Development 43 (2023): 13-26.
  5. Raysa Geaquinto Rocha; Arminda do Paço; Helena Alves; Pedro Dinis Gaspar. "The Portuguese Circular Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Experts Advice on How to Overcome the Challenges". Sustainability (2023):
  6. Mainardes, Emerson Wagner; Coutinho, Ananda Raquel Silva; Alves, Helena Maria Batista. "The influence of the ethics of E-retailers on online customer experience and customer satisfaction". Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 70 (2023): 103171.
  7. Negin Zarandi; Ana Maria Soares; Helena Alves. "Student roles and behaviors in higher education co-creation – a systematic literature review". International Journal of Educational Management (2022):
  8. Nuno Baptista; Helena Alves; Nelson Matos. "Scoping Challenges and Opportunities Presented by COVID-19 for the Development of Sustainable Short Food Supply Chains". Sustainability (2022):
  9. Maria de Fátima Cruz; Helena Alves; Ricardo Gouveia Rodrigues. "A service-dominant logic of co-creation in higher education: emerging topics and conceptualizations". Journal of Marketing for Higher Education (2022):
  10. Carvalho, Pedro; Alves, Helena. "Customer value co-creation in the hospitality and tourism industry: a systematic literature review". International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35 1 (2022): 250-273.
  11. Pedro, Eugénia de Matos; Leitão, João; Alves, Helena. "Do socially responsible higher education institutions contribute to sustainable regional growth and innovation?". International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 23 8 (2022): 232-254.
  12. Nave, Edgar; Ferreira, João J.; Fernandes, Cristina I.; Paço, Arminda do; Alves, Helena; Raposo, Mário; Edgar Nave; et al. "A review of succession strategies in family business: content analysis and future research directions". Journal of Management & Organization (2022): 1-25.
  13. Purificación Alcaide-Pulido; Belén Gutiérrez-Villar; Mariano Carbonero-Ruz; Helena Alves. "Four key variables for determining the image of higher education institutions: a cross-national analysis based on undergraduate students". Journal of Marketing for Higher Education (2022): 1-19.
  14. Helena Alves; Marta P. Alves; Arminda Paço. "Antecedents of the Sharing Economy in a Pandemic Scenario: Prosocial Attitudes, Past Behaviour and Transformation Expectations". Cuadernos de Gestión (2022):
  15. Alba Carvalho; Helena Alves; João Leitão. "What research tells us about leadership styles, digital transformation and performance in state higher education?". International Journal of Educational Management ahead-of-p ahead-of-p (2022):
  16. Nave, Edgar; Duarte, Paulo; Rodrigues, Ricardo Gouveia; Paco, Arminda; Alves, Helena; Oliveira, Tiago. "Craft beer - a systematic literature review and research agenda". International Journal of Wine Business Research (2022):
  17. Miraj Ahmed Bhuiyan; Tiziana Crovella; Annarita Paiano; Helena Alves. "A Review of Research on Tourism Industry, Economic Crisis and Mitigation Process of the Loss: Analysis on Pre, During and Post Pandemic Situation". Sustainability 13 18 (2021): 10314-10314.
  18. Clement Nangpiire; Joaquim Silva; Helena Alves. "Customer engagement and value co-creation/destruction: the internal fostering and hindering factors and actors in the tourist/hotel experience". Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (2021):
  19. Ana Luísa Rodrigues; Luísa Cerdeira; Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor; Helena Alves. "Technological Skills in Higher Education—Different Needs and Different Uses". Education Sciences (2021):
  20. Baptista, N.; Alves, Helena; Pinho, José. "The case for social support in social marketing". RAUSP Management Journal 56 3 (2021): 295-313.
    Published • 10.1108/rausp-08-2020-0193
  21. Helena Maria Baptista Alves; José Ramos Pires Manso; Zélia Maria da Silva Serrasqueiro Teixeira; Cristina Maria Santos Estevão; Ana Cláudia Pinto Nave. "Tourism-based regional development: boosting and inhibiting factors". Anatolia (2021):
  22. N. Baptista; José Carlos Pinho; Helena Alves. "Examining social capital and online social support links: a study in online health communities facing treatment uncertainty". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (2021):
  23. José Manuel Hernández-Mogollón; Helena Alves; Ana María Campón-Cerro; Elide Di-Clemente. "Integrating transactional and relationship marketing: a new approach to understanding destination loyalty". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 18 1 (2021): 3-26.
  24. Eugénia de Matos Pedro; João Leitão; Helena Alves. "HEI Efficiency and Quality of Life: Seeding the Pro-Sustainability Efficiency". Sustainability 13 2 (2021): 514-514.
  25. Alves, Helena; Manso, José Pires; Serrasqueiro, Zélia; Estevão, Cristina; Nave, Ana. "Fatores Impulsionadores e Inibidores do Desenvolvimento Turístico Regional da NUTS III BSE: Uma Visão dos Atores Privados (Driving and Inhibiting Factors of NUTS III BSE Regional Tourism Development: A View from Private Actors)". (2021):
  26. Eugénia de Matos Pedro; Helena Alves; João Leitão. "In search of intangible connections: intellectual capital, performance and quality of life in higher education institutions". Higher Education (2020):
  27. Nuno Baptista; Helena Alves; José Carlos Pinho. "Uncovering the Use of the Social Support Concept in Social Marketing Interventions for Health". Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing (2020):
  28. Eugenia de Matos Pedro; Helena Alves; João Leitão. "Assessing the Citations of Articles on Intellectual Capital". International Journal of Knowledge Management 16 2 (2020): 30-51.
  29. Shiel, Chris; Paço, Arminda do; Alves, Helena. "Generativity, sustainable development and green consumer behaviour". Journal of Cleaner Production 245 (2020): 118865.
  30. Pedro, EdM; Leitão, J; Alves, H; Pedro, Eugénia de Matos; Leitão, João; Alves, Helena. "Stakeholders¿ perceptions of sustainable development of higher education institutions: an intellectual capital approach". International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (2020):
  31. E. Pedro; J. Leitão; H. Alves. "Unveiling the relationship between quality of academic life and regional development". European Journal of Higher Education (2019): 1-24.
  32. Pedro, Eugénia de Matos; Leitão, João; Alves, Helena. "The Intellectual Capital of Higher Education Institutions: Operationalizing measurement through a strategic prospective lens". Journal of Intellectual Capital (2019):
    Published • 10.1108/JIC-07-2018-0117
  33. Paço, A.D.; Shiel, C.; Alves, H.. "A new model for testing green consumer behaviour". Journal of Cleaner Production 207 (2019): 998-1006.
  34. Pereira, C.A.B.; Alves, H.M.B.; Ferreira, J.J.M.. "Measurement of Customer’s Tacit Knowledge in Small Rural Lodgings". Journal of the Knowledge Economy 9 4 (2018): 1104-1122.
  35. Pedro, E.; Leitão, J.; Alves, H.. "Back to the future of intellectual capital research: a systematic literature review". Management Decision 56 11 (2018): 2502-2583.
  36. Sardo, F.; Serrasqueiro, Z.; Alves, H.. "On the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance: A panel data analysis on SME hotels". International Journal of Hospitality Management 75 (2018): 67-74.
  37. Rosa, S.; Rebelo, P.; Silva, C.M.; Alves, H.; Carvalho, P.G.. "Optimal control of the customer dynamics based on marketing policy". Applied Mathematics and Computation 330 (2018): 42-55.
  38. Pedro, E.; Leitão, J.; Alves, H.. "Intellectual capital and performance: Taxonomy of components and multi-dimensional analysis axes". Journal of Intellectual Capital 19 2 (2018): 407-452.
  39. Pedro, E.M.; Alves, H.; Leitão, J.. "Does the quality of academic life mediate the satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation of HEI students?". International Journal of Educational Management 32 5 (2018): 881-900.
  40. Park, Jacob; Krueger, Norris; Alves, Helena; Leitao, Joao. "Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Sustainable Ecosystems Best Practices and Implications for Quality of Life Preface". Innovations in Social Marketing and Public Health Communication: Improving the Quality of Life for Individuals and Communities (2018):
  41. Cardoso, Lucília; Estevão, Cristina; Fernandes, Cristina; Alves, Helena. "Film induced tourism: a systematic literature review". Tourism & Management Studies 13 3 (2017): 23-30.
    Published • 10.18089/tms.2017.13303
  42. Campón-Cerro, A.M.; Hernández-Mogollón, J.M.; Alves, H.. "Sustainable improvement of competitiveness in rural tourism destinations: The quest for tourist loyalty in Spain". Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 6 3 (2017): 252-266.
  43. Ferreira, J.J.; Fernandes, C.I.; Peres-Ortiz, M.; Alves, H.. "Conceptualizing social entrepreneurship: perspectives from the literature". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 14 1 (2017): 73-93.
  44. Alcaide-Pulido, Purificación; Alves, Helena; Gutiérrez-Villar, Belén. "Development of a model to analyze HEI image: a case based on a private and a public university". Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 27 2 (2017): 162-187.
  45. Rita Silvestre Godinho, J.; Maria Batista Alves, H.. "Behavioural factors in young people's fruit consumption". International Journal of Consumer Studies 41 1 (2017): 104-119.
  46. Alves, H.; Wagner Mainardes, E.. "Self-efficacy, trust, and perceived benefits in the co-creation of value by consumers". International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management 45 11 (2017): 1159-1180.
  47. Emerson Wagner Mainardes; Helena Alves; Mario Raposo. "Portuguese state university performance according to students: an efficiency analysis". Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação - Periódico científico editado pela ANPAE 32 2 (2016): 421-421.
  48. Alves, H.; Fernandes, C.; Raposo, M.. "Social Media Marketing: A Literature Review and Implications". Psychology and Marketing 33 12 (2016): 1029-1038.
  49. Alves, H.; Fernandes, C.; Raposo, M.. "Value co-creation: Concept and contexts of application and study". Journal of Business Research 69 5 (2016): 1626-1633.
  50. Álvarez Vaz, R.; Freira, D.; Vernazza, E.; Alves, H.. "Can students’ satisfaction indexes be applied the same way in different countries?". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 13 2 (2016): 101-118.
  51. Silva, C.M.; Rosa, S.; Alves, H.; Carvalho, P.G.. "A mathematical model for the customer dynamics based on marketing policy". Applied Mathematics and Computation 273 (2016): 42-53.
  52. Pedro, E.; Leitão, J.; Alves, H.. "Does the Quality of Academic Life Matter for Students’ Performance, Loyalty and University Recommendation?". Applied Research in Quality of Life 11 1 (2016): 293-316.
  53. Pereira, C.A.B.; Alves, H.M.B.; Ferreira, J.J.M.. "Impact of tacit knowledge on customer loyalty". Service Industries Journal 36 15-16 (2016): 827-845.
  54. Alves, Helena; Ferreira, Joao Jose; Fernandes, Cristina Isabel. "Customer's operant resources effects on co-creation activities". Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (2016):
  55. Alves, Helena; Leitao, Joao. "Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Public Institutions A Quality of Life Approach Foreword". Innovations in Social Marketing and Public Health Communication: Improving the Quality of Life for Individuals and Communities (2016):
  56. Mainardes, Emerson Wagner; Alves, Helena; Raposo, Mario. "THE EXPECTATIONS AND SATISFACTION LEVELS OF ACADEMIC JOURNALS EDITORS IN THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH UNIVERSITIES". Contextus - Revista Contemporânea de Economia e Gestão 13 1 (2015):
  57. Ferreira, J.J.M.; Fernandes, C.I.; Alves, H.; Raposo, M.L.. "Drivers of innovation strategies: Testing the Tidd and Bessant (2009) model". Journal of Business Research 68 7 (2015): 1395-1403.
  58. Alves, H.; Do Paço, A.; Roberto, C.. "Influence of internal marketing on organizational commitment - Evidence from care institutions for the elderly". Trziste 27 2 (2015): 237-250.
  59. Jesus, Cátia; Alves, Helena. "Experiência em eventos turísticos: uma abordagem global à experiência de consumo (Experience in tourist events: a global approach to the consumer experience)". Revista Portuguesa de Marketing 18 35 (2015): 7-28.
  60. Mainardes, E.; Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "Using expectations and satisfaction to measure the frontiers of efficiency in public universities". Tertiary Education and Management 20 4 (2014): 339-353.
  61. do Paço, A.; Alves, H.; Shiel, C.; Filho, W.L.. "An analysis of the measurement of the construct "buying behaviour" in green marketing". Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 11 1 (2014): 55-69.
  62. Mainardes, E.W.; Raposo, M.; Alves, H.. "Universities Need a Market Orientation to Attract Non-Traditional Stakeholders as New Financing Sources". Public Organization Review 14 2 (2014): 159-171.
  63. Lobo, A.; Duarte, P.; Carvalho, A.; Rodrigues, V.; Monteiro, M.J.; Alves, H.. "The Association of Equity, Accessibility, and Price With Primary Healthcare User's Satisfaction". Western Journal of Nursing Research 36 2 (2014): 191-208.
  64. Azêdo, D.; Alves, H.. "Internal Marketing Practices in Health Care and Their Influence on Nurse Motivation: Public Versus Nonpublic Management Models". Home Health Care Management and Practice 26 2 (2014): 92-100.
  65. Azêdo, D.F.; Alves, M.H.. "Erratum: Internal marketing practices in organizations health and its influence on employee motivation (Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica (2013) 31:2 (181-92)),Erratum: Práticas de marketing interno nas organizações de saúde e a sua influência na motivação dos colaboradores (Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica (2013) 31:2 (181-92))". Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica 32 1 (2014): 118-118.
  66. Alves, Helena. "Práticas de marketing interno nas organizações de saúde e a sua influência na motivação dos colaboradores (Internal marketing practices in healthcare organizations and their influence on employee motivation)". (2013):
  67. Hernández-Mogollón, J.-M.; Campón-Cerro, A.-M.; Alves, H.. "Authenticity in environmental high-quality destinations: A relevant factor for green tourism demand". Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 12 10 (2013): 1961-1970.
  68. Mainardes, E.; Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "Identifying stakeholders in a Portuguese university: A case study,La identificación de los stakeholders en una universidad Portuguesa". Revista de Educacion 362 (2013): 429-457.
  69. Mainardes, E.; Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "Portuguese Public University Student Satisfaction: A stakeholder theory-based approach". Tertiary Education and Management 19 4 (2013): 353-372.
  70. Lanero, A.; Luis Vázquez, J.; Purificación García, M.; Alves, H.M.. "The perception of sustainability in the university: Implications for undergraduates' attitudes towards responsible consumption". International Journal of Sustainability Education 8 1 (2013): 131-141.
  71. Do Paço, A.; Alves, H.; Shiel, C.; Filho, W.L.. "Development of a green consumer behaviour model". International Journal of Consumer Studies 37 4 (2013): 414-421.
  72. Alves, H.. "Co-creation and innovation in public services". Service Industries Journal 33 7-8 (2013): 671-682.
  73. Wymer, W.; Alves, H.M.B.. "Scale development research in nonprofit management & marketing: A content analysis and recommendation for best practices". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 10 1 (2013): 65-86.
  74. do Paço, A.; Alves, H.; Shiel, C.; Filho, W.L.. "A multi-country level analysis of the environmental attitudes and behaviours among young consumers". Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 56 10 (2013): 1532-1548.
  75. Wymer, W.; Alves, H.M.B.; Wymer, Walter; Alves, Helena Maria Baptista. "A review of scale development practices in nonprofit management and marketing". Economics and Sociology 5 2 (2012): 143-151.
  76. Azêdo, D.; Alves, H.; Wymer, W.. "Internal marketing in portuguese health care". Public Policy and Administration 11 4 (2012): 641-658.
  77. Alves, Helena. "O desempenho das universidades públicas portuguesas segundo seus alunos: análise de eficiência por meio do Data Envelopment Analysis". (2012):
  78. Mainardes, E.W.; Alves, H.; Raposo, M.; de Domingues, M.J.C.S.. "Marketing in higher education: A comparative analysis of the Brazil and Portuguese cases". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 9 1 (2012): 43-63.
  79. Mainardes, E.W.; Raposo, M.; Alves, H.. "Journal Editor Perceptions of Universities: Some empirical evidence". Tertiary Education and Management 18 1 (2012): 79-92.
  80. Duarte, P.O.; Raposo, M.B.; Alves, H.B.. "Using a Satisfaction Index to Compare Students' Satisfaction During and After Higher Education Service Consumption". Tertiary Education and Management 18 1 (2012): 17-40.
  81. Pereira, C.A.B.; Ferreira, J.J.M.; Alves, H.M.B.. "Tacit Knowledge as Competitive Advantage in Relationship Marketing: A Literature Review and Theoretical Implications". Journal of Relationship Marketing 11 3 (2012): 172-197.
  82. Mainardes, E.W.; Raposo, M.; Alves, H.. "Public university students' expectations: An empirical study based on the Stakeholders Theory". Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 35 (2012): 173-196.
  83. Vázquez, J.L.; Lanero, A.; Alves, H.M.; Gutiérrez, P.; Purificación García, M.. "An analysis of the reasons attributed by Spanish undergraduates to CSR in organizations and its implications for consumer behavior". Ekonomska Istrazivanja SPEC. ISS. (2012): 69-82.
  84. Mainardes, E.W.; Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "A model for stakeholder classification and stakeholder relationships". Management Decision 50 10 (2012): 1861-1879.
  85. do Paço, A.; Alves, H.; Nunes, C.; Alves, Helena. "Ecotourism from both hotels and tourists' perspective". Economics and Sociology 5 2 (2012): 132-142.
  87. Alves, H.. "The measurement of perceived value in higher education: A unidimensional approach". Service Industries Journal 31 12 (2011): 1943-1960.
  88. Mainardes, E.W.; Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "Stakeholder theory: Issues to resolve". Management Decision 49 2 (2011): 226-252.
  89. Mainardes, E.W.; Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "The process of change in university management: From the "Ivory tower" to entrepreneurialism". Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 33 (2011): 124-149.
  90. Alves, H.. "The who, where, and when of social marketing". Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing 22 4 (2010): 288-311.
  91. Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "The influence of university image on student behaviour". International Journal of Educational Management 24 1 (2010): 73-85.
  92. Emerson Wagner Mainardes; Mário Raposo; Helena Alves. "A Systematization of the Literature on Organizations with Dispersed Powers: The Need for New Management Models". Journal of Management Research 3 1 (2010):
  93. Alves, Helena; Mainardes, Emerson Wagner; Raposo, Mário; Alves, H.; Mainardes, E.W.; Raposo, M.. "A relationship approach to higher education institution stakeholder management". Tertiary Education and Management 16 3 (2010): 159-181.
  94. Alves, Helena; Mainardes, Emerson Wagner. "A Phenomenographic Analysis of the Social Marketing Concept". Real effectiveness of anti-drug campaigns. An exploratory analysis in the young (2010): 87-87.
  95. Vital, Fernanda; Alves, Helena. "The importance of welcoming new health care employees and its impact on work motivation and satisfaction". Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management 1 1 (2010): 15-28.
  96. Mainardes, Emerson Wagner; Alves, Helena; Raposo, Mario. "An Exploratory Research on the Stakeholders of a University". Journal of Management and Strategy 1 1 (2010):
  97. Alves, Helena. "Impacts of small tourism events on rural places". (2010):
  98. Duarte, P.O.; Alves, H.B.; Raposo, M.B.. "Understanding university image: A structural equation model approach". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 7 1 (2010): 21-36.
  99. Rodrigues, Ricardo Gouveia; Antunes, Vera; Alves, Helena. "O Estado Actual da Orientação Empreendedora e do Marketing no sector Termal ¿ o Caso Português (The Current State of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Marketing in the Thermal Sector - the Portuguese Case)". Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento 1314 1 (2010): 175-184.
  100. Raposo, M.L.; Alves, H.M.; Duarte, P.A.. "Dimensions of service quality and satisfaction in healthcare: A patient's satisfaction index". Service Business 3 1 (2009): 85-100.
  101. Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "The measurement of the construct satisfaction in higher education". Service Industries Journal 29 2 (2009): 203-218.
  102. Alves, Helena Maria. "Public services marketing: casebook". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 6 1 (2009): 93-94.
  103. Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "Student satisfaction index in Portuguese public higher education". Service Industries Journal 27 6 (2007): 795-808.
  104. Alves, H.; Raposo, M.. "Conceptual model of student satisfaction in higher education". Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 18 5 (2007): 571-588.
  105. Raposo, Mário; Alves, Helena. "A model of university choice: an exploratory approach". (2007):
  106. Raposo, Mario; Alves, Helena. "Marketing higher education: students’ service expectations". Hew (2005):
  107. Alves, Helena; Alves, Helena; Raposo, Mário. "La medición de la satisfacción en la enseóanza universitaria: El ejemplo de la universidade da beira interior (The measurement of satisfaction in the HEl: The example of the university of Beira interior)". International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 1 1 (2004): 73-88.
  108. Raposo, Mário; Alves, Helena; Silva, Maria José; Rodrigues, Ricardo Gouveia. "Políticas de Marketing na Indústria Têxtil e de Vestuário (Marketing Policies in the Textile and Clothing Industry)". Revista Portuguesa de Gestão 16 2 (2001): 78-86.
  109. Alves, Helena. "As Dimensoes Qualidades No Servico Educacão: A Percepcão Dos Alunos da Univerdadade da Beira Interior (The Dimensions of Qualities in the Education Service: The Perception of Students at the University of Beira Interior)". Revista Portuguesa de Gestão 15 4 (2000): 78-89.
  110. ALVES, Helena MB; RAPOSO, Mário. "O marketing nas universidades: um estudo exploratório sobre a satisfacão dos alunos como clientes no ensino superior (Marketing in universities: an exploratory study on student satisfaction as customers in higher education)". Revista Portuguesa de Marketing, ano 3 (1999): 67-80.
Working paper
  1. Rocha, Raysa; Paço, Arminda; Alves, Helena. 2022. "Mapping entrepreneurship education for non-business students".


Other output
  1. Envolvimento do Cidadão em Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (Citizen Involvement in Non-Profit Organizations: A Systematic Review of the Literature). Compreender o que gera o envolvimento do cidadão é um desafio para as organizações sem fins lucrativos. Estas organizações, além de receberem recursos do governo, também dependem dos cidadãos, que doam o seu tempo, dinheiro e dentre outros. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre o envolvimento do cidadão em organizações sem fins lucrativos. Para tal, foi. 2018. Laurett, Rozelia; Paço, Arminda; Alves, Helena; Duarte, Paulo; Rodrigues, Ricardo.
  2. Uma abordagem de marketing à satisfacão do aluno no ensino universitário público: ndice, antecedentes e consequencias (A marketing approach to student satisfaction in public university education: index, antecedents and consequences)). Master Dissertation. 2003. Alves, Helena Maria Baptista.
  3. O marketing das instituicões de ensino superior: o caso da Universidade da Beira Interior. 1999. 202f. 1999. Alves, Helena MB.


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2022 - 2022 Satisfação dos Utentes com o acompanhamento COVID-19 numa Unidade de Saúde Familiar
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2021 - 2021 As práticas desenvolvidas pelos Gabinetes de Comunicação e Marketing de Unidades de Saúde
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2021 - 2021 Violência Ocupacional, Satisfação Profissional e Competências de Liderança
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2021 - 2021 A gamificação como meio de cocriação de valor no turismo: Guidelines para desenvolvimento de uma app
Marketing (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2021 - 2021 A co-criação de valor entre turistas através de comunidades online
Marketing (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2020 - 2020 Value Cocreation Activities Role In Patients’ Well-being in Online Healthcare Communities
Economia (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020 - 2020 Modelos de Negócio em Farmácia Comunitária
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2020 - 2020 A rede de relacionamentos entre os stakeholders ligados a projetos de turismo no concelho do Fundão
Marketing (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2020 - 2020 A lógica dominante de serviço na cocriação no ensino superior: Impactos da orientação dominante de serviço no ensino e aprendizagem
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2020 - 2020 Desempenho das mídias sociais na comunicação e promoção de destinos turísticos em períodos de crises
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2019 - 2019 Modelos de co-criação e inovação em contexto de serviços públicos
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2018 - 2018 The impact of social capital dimensions on resource exchange and value co-creation: The case of online communities
Marketing e Estratégia (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018 - 2018 Public sector Innovation: Acase Study of the Nigerian National Petroleum Cooperation (NNPC)
Marketing e Estratégia (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018 - 2018 Social marketing in contexts of uncertainty: an analysis of social capital and health social support in online health communities facing treatment uncertainty
Marketing e Estratégia (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Service experience co-creation: the individual and collective resource integration experience in the hospital industry-Ghana
Marketing e Estratégia (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016 - 2016 Becoming by doing: how do consumers engage into co-creation behaviors by shaping their identities as tribe members?
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2016 - 2016 A INFLUÊNCIA DO MARKETING INTERNO NA SATISFAÇÃO E COMPROMETIMENTO ORGANIZACIONAL O caso da Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda, E.P.E. – Hospital Sousa Martins
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Experiência turística de cocriação: a integração de recursos pelos consumidores em eventos turísticos
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Marketing e Obesidade Infantil: A influência da cor das frutas e vegetais no regime alimentar das crianças em idade pré-escolar
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Turismo Médico Conceção de Modelo de Negócio pela Tela de Canvas
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Marketing de serviços nas bibliotecas públicas portuguesas O serviço de Web site da biblioteca 2.0
Marketing (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Eficiência do modelo de excelência nas instituições de ensino superior
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Cocriação de Valor em Comunidades Internas Online: benefícios percebidos para colaboradores e efeitos para o retalho alimentar
Marketing e Estratégia (PhD)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Hábitos de Automedicação e Compra dos Medicamentos Não Sujeitos a Receita Médica em Portugal Experiência Profissionalizante na vertente de Farmácia Comunitária, e Investigação
Ciências Farmacêuticas (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Ensaios sobre capital intelectual das instituições do Ensino Superior: taxinomia, mensuração e impactos
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e Marketing de Causas: Uma aplicação a iniciativas de Desporto Escolar em Portugal
Marketing (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2014 - 2014 A experiência em eventos: motivações, dimensões de consumo, emoções, satisfação e lealdade turística
Gestão (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Fatores comportamentais determinantes no consumo de fruta nos adolescentes e Características das campanhas publicitárias para um possível aumento de consumo
Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Cocriação de valor num serviço de saúde: integração de recursos, resultados e efeitos moderadores
Marketing e Estratégia (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2009 - 2009 A Gestão dos Reacionamentos com os Stakeholders Como Estratégia em Instituições de Ensino Superior
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2005 - 2005 Desenvolvimento de um Modelo de Marketing Relacional para Empresas de Turismo Rural da Beira Interior
Gestão (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2023 - Current Lecture invited by the University of Seville entitled “GOOD PRACTICES FOR SUCCESS IN PUBLICATION” at the research and scientific methodology conferences, at the University of Seville, on November 14th, within the scope of the Metropol Parasol Chair.
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
2023 - Current Lecture invited by the Institute of International Economics of the University of Valencia, with the theme “Social Media and Tourism”, Valencia, March 30, 2023.
Universitat de València - Campus dels Tarongers, Spain
2022 - Current Member of the Round Table entitled Employability: The future of Work for today’s graduates: digital talents with real-world skills, at EDUTECH Europe, October 6, 2022, Amsterdam.
Round table
2022 - Current Member of the Round Table entitled “Opportunities for research in the fourth sector: quo vadis social, public and nonprofit marketing?, at the XXI International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing - IAPNM 2022, 7-8 July, Braga, Portugal.
Round table
XXI International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing - IAPNM 2022
2021 - Current Co-Guest editor do special issue da Sustainability com o tema “Corporate Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Environmental Management”.
2021 - Current Lecture at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences entitled "Higher Education: what impacts?" within the scope of the Conference Cycle “Role of science for development and peace”, 15 November 2021.
Role of science for development and peace
2021 - Current Inaugural lecture of the Master in Management of Cultural Heritage at the University of Zaragoza, with the title “Synergies between Cultural Heritage and Tourism”, October 1, 2021.
Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
2021 - Current Invitation to participate in the Meet the Editors session at the 16th SGMC K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, 5th of May 2021
16th SGMC K J
KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, India
2020 - Current Plenary lecture, by invitation, within the scope of the faculty development program under the motto “Sustainable Development: Implications for Management Research and Practice” of the Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi, December, 1-5, 2020, entitled “Principles for publishing a good paper”.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Center for Biomedical Engineering, India
2018 - Current Lecture, by invitation, at the University of Seville, under the theme “Co-creation of Value”, December 3, 2018.
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
2015/06/30 - Current Participação nas Jornadas Empreendedorismo – Turismo Visitar o Futuro, Organizado pelo Jornal de Noticias, Diário de Noticias e Rádio noticias TSF, com o tema “O contributo da Universidade da Beira Interior para o desenvolvimento do turismo de saúde e bem-estar”, 30 de Junho 2015.
Jornadas Empreendedorismo – Turismo Visitar o Futuro,
2015 - Current Plenary lecture, by invitation, at the research seminar at Turku School of Economics, entitled “Value Co-Creation: current state and future lines of research”, on 26 March, Pori, Finland
Turun Kauppakorkeakoulu Porin yksikkö, Finland
2014/09/27 - Current Collaboration with the Encosta da Fonte Santa Development Association, Almeida, at the VII Alma por Almeida Meeting, with a lecture on the theme “the importance of marketing in the development of Ecotourism”, 27th September, Almeida.
VII Encontro Alma por Almeida
2014 - Current Plenary lecture, by invitation, at the Brazillian Business Review conference “New challenges of scientific production”, with the theme “Value Co-Creation: current state and future lines of research”, 10-12 December
Brazillian Business Review conference “Novos desafios da produção científica
Fucape Business School, Brazil
2013 - Current Lecture, by invitation, at the University of Lethbridge, Canada, entitled “The Usefulness of Students' Satisfaction Indexes in Universities Management”, September 2013.
University of Lethbridge, Canada

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2023 Value perception and post-purchase behaviors of recurring customers. Evidence in hedonic services with contractual and non-contractual linkage
(Thesis) Arguer
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
2023 Virtual reality in the pre-purchase phase of cruise tourism: an experimental study based on variable presence
(Thesis) Arguer
Universitat de València - Campus dels Tarongers, Spain
2023 knowledge networks and partnerships for capacity development in tourism
(Thesis) Arguer
Rogelio Jr Policarpio Flores (PhD)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2023 Humble leadership and leaders’ readiness for change: empirically exploring direct and indirect effects
(Thesis) Arguer
Inês Vieira Godinho Medeiro Patrão (PhD)
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
2023 Member of the Habilitation Exam of Cristiana Raquel Costa Lages, as an examiner of the curricular unit, held on the 9th and 10th of February 2023 at the University of Minho.
(Thesis) Arguer
Cristiana Raquel Costa Lage (Aggregation)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2023 Member of the Elisabete Sá habilitation exam, held on the 19th and 20th of July 2023 at the University of Beira Interior.
(Thesis) Arguer
Elisabete Sá (Aggregation)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2023 Member of the Luis Farinha habilitation exam, as an examiner of the curricular unit, held on the 13th and 14th of July 2023 at the University of Beira Interior.
(Thesis) Arguer
Luis Farinha (Aggregation)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2023 Member of the Vasco Ribeiro dos Santos habilitation tests, held on September 13th and 14th, 2023 at the European University
(Thesis) Arguer
Vasco Ribeiro dos Santo (Aggregation)
Universidade Europeia, Portugal
2023 Member of the Celeste Eusébio habilitation exam, held on September 28th and 29th, 2023 at the University of Aveiro.
(Thesis) Arguer
Celeste Eusébio (Aggregation)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2022 Sensory stimuli to influence customer engagement in digital contexts
(Thesis) Arguer
Evelyn Sophia Valenzuela Gálvez (PhD)
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
(Thesis) Arguer
Lara Mendes Christ Bonella Sepulcri (PhD)
2022 Member of the AhbilitationExam of Nuno Miguel Castanheira Almeida, as an examiner of the curricular unit, held on the 28th and 29th of November 2022 at the University of Aveiro.
(Thesis) Arguer
Nuno Miguel Castanheira Almeida (Aggregation)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2021 Social value as a consequence of the capacity for social innovation within the scope of cities: a network model
(Thesis) Arguer
Estibaliz Rodriguez Núnez (PhD)
Universidad del País Vasco Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales de Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain
2021 The Impact of Digital Games on the Attractiveness of Tourist Destinations
(Thesis) Arguer
Fábia Marina da Cunha Pires Esteves (PhD)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2021 Key Account Management In The Banking Sector. Customer-Key Account Manager Relationship Quality, Its Drivers And Outcomes
(Thesis) Arguer
David José Fernandes de Sousa (PhD)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2019 Exploring Brand Orientation in Not for Profit Organizations
(Thesis) Arguer
Deep Shree (PhD)
2019 A study of risk perception, comminication and awareness of RF-EMF exposure from mobile phones and base stations in indian context
(Thesis) Arguer
Rojalin Pradhan (PhD)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
2019 Exploring consumption communities: a study of purchase intention and choice behavior
(Thesis) Arguer
Shiksha Kushwah (PhD)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
2019 A holistic understanding of cruise visitors’ sense of place: antecedents and experience outcomes
(Thesis) Arguer
Daniela Buzova (PhD)
Universitat de València - Campus dels Tarongers, Spain
2019 Social marketing and digital platforms: Donation-based crowdfunding campaigns
(Thesis) Arguer
Noelia Salido-Andres (PhD)
Universidade da Coruña, Spain
2019 Exploring the role of consultancies as innovation intermediaries in services
(Thesis) Arguer
Manuela Cristina da Cosia Ferreira Dias de Rezende Pinto (PhD)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2018 Risk Management in Social Economy Organizations: Strategic approaches and their effects on achieving the social objectives pursued
(Thesis) Arguer
doutoranda Márcia Rafaela Cadete dos Santos, Instituto Universitário de (PhD)
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
2018 Social Management Applied to the Third Sector: The importance of Management Strategies for Fundraising
(Thesis) Arguer
Marie cristine Fortes Rocha (PhD)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2017 Social media marketing study in the hotel sector
(Thesis) Arguer
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Jiménez (PhD)
Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
2017 Drivers of Customer Brand Engagement: An application to virtual Brand Communities on Facebook
(Thesis) Arguer
Maria Amélia Machado Carvalho (PhD)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2017 Multidimensional Analysis of Airport Performance
(Thesis) Arguer
George Christian Linhares Bezerra (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2016 Strategic antecedents of corporate innovation capacity and its effects on results
(Thesis) Arguer
Pilar Fidel Criado (PhD)
Universitat de València - Campus dels Tarongers, Spain
2016 Environmental Concern as a Background to Socially Responsible Consumption
(Thesis) Arguer
José Javier Pérez Barea (PhD)
Universidad de Córdoba, Spain
2016 GRI indicators as a model for Social Responsibility Analysis of Brazilian Universities
(Thesis) Arguer
Caroline Ferreira Mainardi (PhD)
Universidad de León, Spain
2015 Quality and satisfaction of European higher education students. Construction of a scale to measure the quality of face-to-face and electronic service
(Thesis) Arguer
José Ortega Mohedano (PhD)
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
2015 Alcohol sponsered events: the impact on attitudes and intentions, and the mitigating impact of persuasion knowledge
(Thesis) Arguer
Faranak Abbaspuli Mamaghani (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015 Emotional intelligence and creativity: an empirical study
(Thesis) Arguer
Maria do Céu Colaço Santos (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2014 Antecedents and consequences of organizational creativity
(Thesis) Arguer
Diogo Zapparoli Manenti (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2012 Drivers of donation practices: altruism and religiosity revisited
(Thesis) Arguer
Madalena Eça Guimarães de Abreu (PhD)
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Connecting customers with the company the role of interactiveness and its effect on performance
(Thesis) Arguer
Albena Pergelova (PhD)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
2010 Marketing Capability and Financial performance
(Thesis) Arguer
Luis Fernando Angulo (PhD)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2002 - Current International Assocaition on Public and Nonprofit Marketing

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2019 - 2024 President of the scientific committee of the Luso-Spanish Scientific Management Conference
President / Vice-president
2012 - 2020 Vice-president of the Portuguese scientific committee of the Luso-Spanish/Hispano-Portuguese scientific management conference
President / Vice-president

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2020 - Current 9th International Scientific Symposium REGION ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT, RED 2020 Osijek
2018 - Current Global Conference on Business and Economics-(GLOBE). University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus, Florida, USA
2016 - Current XXVI Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal
2015 - Current Portuguese Marketing Conference IPAM marketing School, Lisbon
2015 - Current XVII Seminário Luso-Espanhol de Economia Empresarial, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015 - Current Global Innovation and Knowledge Administration (GIKA) Valencia
2014 - Current Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) conference Taiwan
2010 - Current IABE (International Academy of Business and Economics) confere
2009 - Current 6th International Meeting of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management.
2011 - 2023 XXVII Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica
2005 - 2023 International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing
2007 - 2011 EMAC conference


Activity description Institution / Organization
2020 - Current Member of the scientific committee of the Interuniversity Institute of International Economics at the University of Valencia. Universitat de València, Spain
2011 - 2011 Service marketing consultant at the company Saniguarda within the scope of Training for entrepreneurs in Advanced Level Management taught by the University of Beira Interior. Diagnosis, implementation of actions, validation and report preparation.

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2023 - Current Re-UNITA's International Talent Challenge jury for the area of Cultural Heritage
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2010 - Current II International Congress of Teaching Cases in Public and Non-Profit Marketing
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2018/08/06 - Current Participação no programa da RTP1, intitulado “Há Volta com Conhecimento” para divulgação dos resultados do projeto ARTISAN, no dia 6 de Agosto de 2018.
2017/10/18 - Current Participação no programa de rádio da Antena 1, intitulado “90 segundos de ciência” para falar sobre o projeto ARTISAN, episódio 18 de Outubro. 90 segundos de ciência

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2020 - Current Cuadernos de Gestion/Management Letters
2019 - Current Spanish Journal of Marketing- ESIC
2015 - Current Brazillian Business Review
2014 - Current Contemporary Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues
2012 - Current Management Decision
2009 - Current Service Industries Journal
2008 - Current Several journals:

Other jury / evaluation

Activity description Institution / Organization
2021 - Current Guest editor of the Special issue da Sustainability with the topic “Sustainability in Social Marketing and Management"
2018 - Current Guest editor do Service Industries Journal, Special Issue on Non-profit Services: Challenges and Opportunities, in co-edition with Bo Edvadsson. Volume 38, issue 5-6
2018 - Current Guest editor (in Co-edition with João Leitão and Bo Edvardsson) of the Special Issue entitled “The future of shared services” of the Eletcronic Markets journal.
2018 - Current Evaluator of a grant application proposal for the Polish National Science Center.
2017 - Current Evaluator of proposals submitted for the Fulbright Senior Award 2017/18 and Junior Advanced Research Award 2017/18
2015 - Current Evaluator of research projects at the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation.
2014 - Current Editor of Springer book series : Applying Quality of Life Research: Best practices.
2013 - Current Editor of the book Best Practices in Marketing and their Impact on Quality of Life, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-94-007-5877-3 (Print) 978-94-007-5878-0 (Online) with Vázquez, J. L.
2010 - 2024/01/31 Editor-in-chief da International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
2020 - 2022 Project Peer Review of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.
2004 - 2009 Managing Editor of the International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing


2019 Highly Commended paper in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards

Other distinction

2023 Top 2% World Scientists by Stanford Study
2021 Editorial Excellence as Springer journal Editor
2017 Highly commented paper award pelo artigo entitulado "Is Dissolution the Solution? A Customer Relationship Reactivation Model"
2015 Best paper award
2014 Best paper award
2010 Best paper award
Academy of Marketing, United Kingdom
2009 Best paper award
Academy of Marketing, United Kingdom