Personal identification
- Full name
- Filipe Alexandre Silva Romão
Citation names
- Romão, F.
Author identifiers
- Ciência ID
- 131E-607A-2F7C
- 0000-0003-3811-775X
- Researcher Id
- U-7532-2019
- Scopus Author Id
- 53983221200
Email addresses
- (Professional)
- (Professional)
- (Professional)
- (Professional)
- (Professional)
- (Professional)
Knowledge fields
- Engineering and Technology - Environmental Engineering
- Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Freshwater Biology
- Agrarian Sciences - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Language | Speaking | Reading | Writing | Listening | Peer-review |
Portuguese (Mother tongue) | |||||
French (Mother tongue) | |||||
English | Proficiency (C2) | Proficiency (C2) | Proficiency (C2) | Proficiency (C2) | Proficiency (C2) |
Degree | Classification | |
2014/03/01 - 2018/10/08
River Restoration and Management (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
"Assessement and Development of Vertical Slot Fishways for Iberian Cyprinids" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Pass with Distinction |
River Habitat Survey (Outros)
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal
Approved |
2007/03/01 - 2009/11/01
Natural Resources Management and Conservation (Mestrado integrado)
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
"Critical swimming speed of two Iberian cyprinids (Pseudochondrostoma polylepis Steindachner, 1865) and (Squalius carolitertii
16 |
Biology (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
13 |
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2023/04/18 - Current | Researcher (Research) | Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal |
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Engenharia Civil para a Sustentabilidade, Portugal | ||
2020/01/01 - 2021/01/15 | Contracted Researcher (Research) | FCiênciasID Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, Portugal |
FCiênciasID Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, Portugal | ||
2019/03/01 - 2019/11/30 | Postdoc (Research) | Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal |
2012/06/01 - 2014/02/28 | Researcher (Research) | Universidade de Évora, Portugal |
2010/01/01 - 2012/12/31 | Contracted Researcher (Research) | Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal |
2009/05/01 - 2009/10/31 | Researcher (Research) | Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal |
Other Careers
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2021/05/25 - 2023/03/31 | Técnico Superior (Técnico Superior) | AQUALOGUS - Engenharia e Ambiente, Lda, Portugal |
AQUALOGUS - Engenharia e Ambiente, Lda, Portugal |
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2014/04/01 - 2018/04/30 | PhD Fellow | Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal |
2014/11/03 - 2016/11/30 | Visiting Scholar (PhD candidate) | University of Manitoba Department of Civil Engineering, Canada |
University of Manitoba Department of Civil Engineering, Canada |
Designation | Funders | |
2019/02/15 - 2019/11/30 | FIThydro – Fish friendly Innovative Technologies for hydropower
Post-doc Fellow
Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal
European Commission
2014/04/01 - 2018/04/30 | PhD Fellow - Doctoral Programme FLUVIO - River Restoration and Management
PhD Student Fellow
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2013/12/01 - 2014/02/28 | Habitat Restoration for Diadromous Fish in the River Mondego
Research Fellow
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
PROMAR - Fisheries Operational Program 2007-2013
2013/03/01 - 2013/11/30 | ECOFLOW - Ecological Impact of the Flow Regime on the Fish Community of Portuguese Rivers
ECOFLOW-Biodiversity Fund EDP
Research Fellow
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Biodiversity Fund EDP - Energy of Portugal
2012/06/01 - 2013/02/28 | PROTECT- Studies for the marine protection areas of the Portuguese South West Coast
Research Fellow
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
PROMAR - Fisheries Operational Program 2007-2013
2009/05/01 - 2009/10/31 | Conservation plan of the European brook and river lamprey
Biodiversity fund EDP - Energy of Portugal
Research Fellow
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Biodiversity Fund EDP, Energy of Portugal
Designation | Funders | |
2023/04/18 - 2029/04/17 | ECO-FISHPASS - Development of cost-effective and eco-efficient multi-species fish passage solutions
Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/01/01 - 2021/01/15 | Revision of the Red Data Book and Development of the National Information System for Freshwater Fish and Migratory Fish (diadromous)
of Portugal
FCiênciasID Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, Portugal
European Commission
2010/01/01 - 2012/01/01 | Water Framework Directive Intercalibration: Mediterranean Lake Phytoplankton ecological assessment methods
Research Technician Fellow
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente Universidade de Évora Concluded
Designation | Funders | |
2018/07/01 - Current | Panta Rhei - Everything flows: Restoring basin-wide connectivity for fish using a multiple criteria decision method
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Florestais, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Florestais
2012/09/01 - 2013/12/15 | Monitoring Program of a Vertical Slot Fish Pass in Coimbra Açude-Ponte Weir
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente
2012/01/01 - 2012/03/30 | Development of a Practical Guide for Ecological Flows in Portugal
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal |
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Concluded
Conference abstract |
Conference paper |
Conference poster |
Journal article |
Journal issue |
Online resource |
Report |
Thesis / Dissertation |
Other output |
Oral presentation
Presentation title | Event name Host (Event location) |
2024/09/06 | Preventing invader’s expansion: Development and assessment of a selective vertical slot fishway to preclude a non-native invasive cyprinid passage | 13th edition of the NEOBIOTA International Conference on Biological Invasions
MARE - University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)
2024/06/25 | Exploring turbulence thresholds for vertical slot fish passes: new insights from cyprinid passage experiments | 10th International Symposium of Environmental Hydraulics (IAHR)
IAHR - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (Aberdeen, United Kingdom)
2024/06/06 | Fish passes in Portugal: current status, main findings and future directions | 8th IAHR Europe Congress
IAHR - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (Lisbon, Portugal)
2024/06/06 | Turbulence Thresholds for Cyprinids in Vertical Slot Fishways: A Laboratory Experiment-Based Analysis | 8th IAHR Europe Congress
IAHR - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (Lisbon, Portugal)
2024/05/05 | Cyprinid Passage Performance Thresholds: Exploring Literature Recommendations | 5th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics and Fish Passage
IAHR - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (Quebec, Canada)
2020/06/19 | Estudio de los Límites de Passajes del Barbo Ibérico en Passajes para Peces de Hendiduras Verticales | VIII Iberian Congress of Ichthyology ¿ SIBIC 2020
(Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
2020/06/19 | Negotiation of small instream obstacles by potamodromous fish: main findings from experimental research | VIII Iberian Congress of Ichthyology - SIBIC 2020
(Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
2020/05/23 | Passage of small instream obstacles by potamodromous fish: main findings and implications from experimental research | 13th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
(Lyon, France)
2020/05/23 | The Relevance of Fluid-Body Interactions for Habitat Selection of Two Iberian Cyprinids During Hydropeaking | 13th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
(Lyon, France)
2019/09/16 | Desempenho de passagem de ciprinídeos Ibéricos com diferentes traços ecológicos numa passagem para peixes experimental de fendas verticais com configurações distintas. | 14.º Silusba - Simpósio de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Lingua Portuguesa
(Praia, Cape Verde)
2019/09/08 | Improving fish transit times: An experimental approach to develop an holistic fish passage. | 6th biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science
(Vienna, Austria)
2019/09/08 | Effectiveness of Vertical Slot Fishways under experimental non-uniform flows. | 6th biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science
(Vienna, Austria)
2019/09/08 | Ecohydraulics of non-uniform flows in Vertical Slot Fishways. | 6th biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science
(Vienna, Austria)
2018/12/12 | Assessing multi slot versus single slot pool-type fishways suitability for potamodromous cyprinids: An experimental approach using numerical modelling and fish | Fish Passage 2018 – International conference on river connectivity
(Albury, New South Wales, Australia)
2018/12/12 | The effect of weir crest width and discharge on passage performance of a potamodromous cyprinid | Fish Passage 2018 – International conference on river connectivity
(Albury, New South Wales, Australia)
2018/12/10 | How different cyprinids perform in an experimental multi slot fishway? Testing its effectiveness in distinct seasons | Fish Passage 2018 – International conference on river connectivity
(Albury, New South Wales , Australia)
2018/08/21 | Single-or Multi-slot fishways in Mediterranean Rivers? An experimental approach with a potamodromous cyprinid fish | XII International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
(Tokyo, Japan)
2018/08/20 | CFD a valuable tool to analyse and design fishways | XII International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
(Tokyo, Japan)
2018/06/23 | Upstream movements of a potamodromous cyprinid past an experimental broad-crested small weir | XIX Congresso da Associação Ibérica de Limnologia
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2017/12/14 | Ecohydraulics of Vertical Slot Fishways: Management implications for River Restoration | V Jornadas de Restauro Fluvial
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2017/09/13 | Potamodromous fish responses to multiple stressors. Connectivity loss and oxygen depletion | 13º Simpósio de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (13Silusba)
(Porto, Portugal)
2017/07 | The role of motivation on fish migration: How does cyprinid performance change in a vertical slot fishway in distinct seasons | 10 Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences
(Olomouc, Czech Republic)
2017/06/21 | Passage Performance of two cyprinids with different ecological traits in a fishway with distinct vertical slot configurations | International Conference of Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage 2017
(Corvallis, Oregon, United States)
2017/06/21 | Can vertical slot fishways (VSF) operate with less water without compromising effectiveness? | International Conference of Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage 2017
(Corvallis, Oregon, United States)
2017/06 | Does season matter? Addressing swimming motivation of a potamodromous fish species in an experimental full-scale vertical slot fishway in distinct seasons | International Conference of Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage 2017
(Corvallis, Oregon, United States)
2016/02/09 | Potamodromous fish responses to multiple stressors | XI International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
(Melbourn, Australia)
2014/09/24 | Characterization of catches and fishing activities: Commercial Fishing | Public presentation of the results of the project Protect
(Sines, Portugal)
Thesis Title Role |
Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization |
2019/01/01 - 2023/01/01 | Ecohydraulic limits of pool-type fishways for multi-species: An experimental and modelling approach
Co-supervisor of Joana Simão
PhD in River Restoration and Management (PhD)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Event organisation
Event name Type of event (Role) |
Institution / Organization | |
2018/12/15 - 2020/07/03 | 2020 International Conference on River Connectivity (Fish Passage 2020), incorporating the AMBER & FITHYDRO EVENT - SMART
WAYS TO IMPROVE CONNECTIVITY (2020/06/28 - 2020/07/03)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal |
2018/05/21 - 2018/05/21 | World Fish Migration Day 2018 Lisbon Event at the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering. (2018/05/21 - 2018/05/21)
Meeting (Co-organisor)
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal |
2016/05/21 - 2016/05/21 | World Fish Migration Day 2016 Lisbon Event at the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering. (2016/05/21 - 2016/05/21)
Meeting (Co-organisor)
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal |
2011/04/26 - 2011/04/29 | Second course of River Habitat Survey in Portugal. (2011/04/26 - 2011/04/29)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal |
2011/01/03 - 2011/03/02 | The Third National Laboratory Assay of Fitoplancton Species Identification. (2011/03/02 - 2011/03/02)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal |
2010/04/03 - 2010/06/28 | The Second National Laboratory Assay of Fitoplancton Species Identification. (2010/04/03 - 2010/06/28)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal |
Event participation
Activity description Type of event |
Event name Institution / Organization |
2021/02/02 - 2021/02/03 | 4th Workshop on River Restoration and Management
4th Workshop on River Restoration and Management
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal
2020/11/23 - 2020/11/24 | 13th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
13th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
Université de Lyon, France
2020/06/15 - 2020/06/19 | VIII Iberian Congress of Ichthyology - SIBIC 2020
VIII Iberian Congress of Ichthyology – SIBIC 2020
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2020/04/13 - 2020/04/15 | Publication of Biodiversity Data through Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Publication of Biodiversity Data through Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal
2019/01/23 - 2019/01/25 | FIThydro Workshop - 5th Steering committee and Case study management board
FIThydro Workshop - 5th Steering committee and Case study management board
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2017/12/14 - 2017/12/14 | V Jornadas de Restauro Fluvial
V Jornadas de Restauro Fluvial
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal
2017/06/19 - 2017/06/21 | International Conference of Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage 2017
International Conference of Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage 2017
Oregon State University, United States
2015/11/27 - 2015/11/27 | IV Jornadas de Restauro Fluvial
IV Jornadas de Restauro Fluvial
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal
2010/10/20 - 2010/10/21 | Lake - Mediterranean Geographical Intercalibration Group (GIG)
Lake - Mediterranean Geographical Intercalibration Group (GIG) - 10th meeting, Madrid
CEDEX, Spain
2010/03/15 - 2010/03/17 | Rivers - Mediterranean Geographical Intercalibration Group (GIG)
Rivers - Mediterranean Geographical Intercalibration Group (GIG) General meeting
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal
Conference scientific committee
Conference name | Conference host | |
2019/06/01 - 2020/07/03 | 2020 International Conference on River Connectivity (Fish Passage 2020), incorporating the AMBER & FITHYDRO EVENT - SMART WAYS TO IMPROVE CONNECTIVITY | National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) |
Course / Discipline taught
Academic session | Degree Subject (Type) | Institution / Organization | |
2013/05/20 - 2013/05/20 | Introduction to electrofishing sampling procedures | (Licenciatura) | Universidade de Évora, Portugal |
2013/05/05 - 2013/05/05 | Introdution to River Habitat Survey | (Licenciatura) | Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal |
Journal scientific committee
Journal title (ISSN) | Publisher | |
2020 - Current | Water Resources Research (1944-7973) | American Geophysical Union (Wiley) |
2020 - Current | Journal of Ecohydraulics (2470-5357) | Taylor & Francis |
2019 - Current | Ecological Engineering (0925-8574) | Elsevier |
Other jury / evaluation
Activity description | Institution / Organization | |
2021/02/02 - 2021/02/03 | 4rd Workshop on River Restoration and Management. | Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal |