Book |
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Simões, M. R.; Almeida, Leandro S.. Psicologia clínica e da saúde: instrumentos de avaliação.
PACTOR. 2017.
- Simões, M. R.; Almeida, Leandro S.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. Psicologia forense: instrumentos de avaliação. PACTOR. 2017.
- Achenbach, Thomas M.; Rescorla, Leslie A.; Dias, Pedro; Ramalho, Vera; Lima, Vânia Sousa; Machado, Bárbara César; Gonçalves,
Miguel. Manual do Sistema de Avaliação empiricamente Validado (ASEBA) para o Período Pré-Escolar e Escolar: Um Sistema
Integrado de Avaliação com Múltiplos Informadores. Psiquilíbrios Edições. 2014.
- Zittoun, T.; Valsiner, J.; Vedeler, D.; Salgado, J.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Ferring, D.. Human development in the life course:
Melodies of living. 2004.
Book chapter |
- Eugénia Ribeiro; Adriana Sampaio; Miguel M. Gonçalves; Maria Do Céu Taveira; Jácome Cunha; Ângela Maia; Marlene Matos; et
al. "Telephone-based psychological crisis intervention: the Portuguese experience with COVID-19". 2023.
- Eugénia Ribeiro; Ana Rita Pereira; Miguel M. Gonçalves; Adriana Sampaio. "Impacto psicológico da pandemia em estudantes universitários
e a Linha de Apoio Psicológico SOS COVID-19 (APsi-UMinho e EPsi)". 23-40. {UMinho, 2020.
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Batista, João; Montesano, Adrián. "The power of self-narratives in health". Information
Age Publishing (AIP), 2018.
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Ribeiro, António P.; Rosa, Catarina; Silva, Joana; Braga, Cátia; Magalhães, Carina; Oliveira, João Tiago.
"Innovation and ambivalence: a narrative-dialogical perspective on therapeutic change". Routledge, 2018.
- Alves, Daniela; Neimeyer R. A.; Batista, João; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Finding Meaning in Loss: A Narrative Constructivist
Contribution". Humana Press Inc., 2018.
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Ribeiro, António P.; Rosa, Catarina; Silva, Joana R.; Braga, Cátia; Magalhães, Carina; Oliveira, João
Tiago. "Innovation and ambivalence". In Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory and Psychotherapy, 120-134. Routledge, 2018.
- Baptista, João; Magalhães, Carina; Pinheiro, Patrícia; Ribeiro, António; Rosa, Catarina; Silva, Joana; Gonçalves, Miguel M.;
Batista, João; Rosa, Catarina. "Terapia narrativa de reautoria". Pactor, 2018.
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Simões, Mário R.; Almeida, Leandro S.. "Introdução: Avaliação Psicológica em Psicologia da Clínica e
da Saúde". PACTOR, 2017.
- Simões, Mário R.; Almeida, Leandro S.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Instrumentos de Avaliação em Psicologia Forense: Contributos
da investigação para a prática profissional". PACTOR, 2017.
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Ribeiro, António P.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Questionário de Ambivalência em Psicoterapia (QAP)". PACTOR,
- Cunha, Carla; Salgado, João; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "The Dialogical Self in Movement: Reflecting on Methodological Tools for
the Study of the Dynamics of Change and Stability in the Self". In Emerging Methods in Psychology, edited by E. Abbey;
S. Surgan, 65-100. Routledge, 2017.
Published • 10.4324/9781351297127-3
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Momentos de inovação em psicoterapia: o que podemos aprender com a Psicologia do desenvolvimento? Comentário
às contribuições de Garvey; Chaves, Lyra & Garvey; Melo & Lyra". Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), 2016.
- Simões, Mário; Almeida, Leandro da Silva ; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Youth Risk and Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) [Inventário
de Avaliação do Risco de Reincidência e de Gestão de Caso para Jovens (YLS/CMI)]". In Psicologia Forense - Instrumentos
de Avaliação. Portugal: Editora Pactor, 2015.
- Ribeiro, António; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Santos, Anita. "Innovative moments in psychotherapy: From the narrative outputs to
the semiotic-dialogical processes". In Making sense of infinite uniqueness: The emerging system of idiographic science,
149-176. Information Age Publishing, 2013.
- Cunha, C.; Salgado, João Manuel de Castro Faria; Gonçalves, M. M.. "The dialogical self in movement: Narrating a method to
capture the dynamics of change and stability in the self". In Developing methods in psychology, 65-100. New Brunswick,
NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2012.
- Cunha, Carla; Gonçalves, Miguel; Valsiner, Jaan; Mendes, Inês; Ribeiro, António P.. "Rehearsing renewal of identity: Re-conceptualization
on the move". In Dialogic formations: Investigations into the origins and development of the dialogical self, edited
by M. C. Bertau; M. M. Gonçalves; P. Raggat, 205-233. Information Age Publishing, 2012.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Cunha, C.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Mendes, I.; Santos, A.; Matos, M.; Salgado, J.. "Innovative moments in psychotherapy:
Dialogical processes in developing narratives". 2011.
- Cunha, C.A.C.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Valsiner, J.. "Transforming self-narratives in psychotherapy: Looking at different forms of
ambivalence in the change process". 2011.
- Gonçalves, M. M.; Ribeiro, A.; Matos, M.; Santos, A. & Mendes, I.; Mendes, I. & Santos, A.. "The Innovative Moments Coding
System: A coding procedure for tracking changes in psychotherapy". In YIS: Yearbook of Idiographic Science, na-na.
Roma, Italy: Charlotte: Information Age Publishing, 2011.
- Cunha, Carla; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Matos, Marlene; Salgado, João; Santos, Anita; Mendes, Inês; Ribeiro, A. P.; Gonçalves,
J.. "Innovations in psychotherapy: Tracking the narrative construction of change". In Studies in meaning 4: Constructivist
Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Social Justice, edited by J. D. Raskin; S. K. Bridges; R. Neimeyer. Pace University
Press, 2010.
- Santos, A.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Innovative moments and change processes in psychotherapy: An exercise in new methodology". 2009.
- Meira, L.; Gonçalves, M. M.; Salgado, João Manuel de Castro Faria; Cunha, C.. "Everyday life change: A contribution to the
understanding of daily human change". In Self-Regulation and social competence: Psychological studies in identity, achievement
and work-family dynamics, 145-153. Athens, Greece: ATINER, 2009.
- Cunha, Carla; Meira, Liliana; Gonçalves, Miguel; Salgado, João. "Everyday life change: Contribution to the understanding of
daily human change". In Self-Regulation and social competence: Psychological studies in identity, achievement and work-family
dynamics, edited by M. Todman. Atiner, 2009.
- Simões, M. R.; Almeida, L. S.; Machado, C.; Gonçalves, M. M.. "Instrumentos de avaliação psicológica: Dos novos desenvolvimentos
às políticas de investigação em Portugal [Psychological assessment instruments: From new developments to research policies
in Portugal]". In Avaliação psicológica: Instrumentos validados para a população portuguesa, vol. III [Psychological assessment:
Validated instruments for the Portuguese population], 9-23. Coimbra, Portugal: Quarteto Editora, 2007.
- Gonçalves, M. M.; Simões, M. R.; Almeida, L. S.; Machado, C.. "Contributos para a divulgação de instrumentos de avaliação
psicológica [Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children – Third Edition (WISC-III)]". In Avaliação psicológica: Instrumentos
validados para a população portuguesa [Psychological assessment: Validated instruments for the Portuguese population],
7-13. Coimbra, Portugal: Quarteto Editora, 2003.
- Gonçalves, M. M.; Simões, M. R.. "O Modelo Multiaxial de Achenbach (ASEBA) na Avaliação Clínica de Crianças e Adolescentes
[The Achenbach Multiaxial Model (ASEBA) in the Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents]". In Psicopatologia do
desenvolvimento: Trajectórias (in)adaptativas ao longo da vida [Developmental psychopathology: (mal)adaptive trajectories
throughout life], 39-81. Coimbra, Portugal: Quarteto Editora, 2000.
- Almeida, L. S.; Gonçalves, M. M.; Simões, M. R.. "Provas psicológicas em Portugal: Situação actual, limitações e desafios
[Psychological tests in Portugal: Current situation, limitations and challenges].". In Provas Psicológicas em Portugal
[Psychological Tests in Portugal], 1-9. Braga, Portugal: APPORT, 1995.
Conference abstract |
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. Corresponding author: Oliveira, João Tiago. "Using mixed-methods research to study
the interplay between ambivalence and resistance to change". Paper presented in 54th International Annual Meeting - Society
for Psychotherapy Research, Dublin, 2023.
- Magalhães, Carina; Neimeyer, Robert A.; Milhazes, Andreia; Braga, Rui; Oliveira, João Tiago; Braga, Cátia; Gonçalves, Miguel
M.. "Starting Psychotherapy addressing functional aspects of the client ´s life: Feedback Initiate Narrative Development Protocol".
Paper presented in IV International Congress CINEICC, Coimbra, 2023.
- Ferreira, Helena; Marinai, Janine C.; Faria, Maria João; Braga, Cátia; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Oliveira, João Tiago. Corresponding
author: Oliveira, João Tiago. "How therapists deal with resistance in psychotherapy - A scoping review". Paper presented
in IV International Congress CINEICC, Coimbra, 2023.
- Batista, João; Moreira, Cláudia; Marinai, Janine C.; Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. Corresponding author: Batista,
João. "Self-distancing, narrative elaboration and ambivalence in a writing intervention". Paper presented in 9th Chapter
Meeting of European Chapter of Society for Psychotherapy Research, Rome, 2022.
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Gómez-Penedo, Juan Martín; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "The Interplay Between Ambivalence Towards Change and
Emotion Regulation". Paper presented in 53th Society for Psychotherapy Research International Meeting, Denver,
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Gómez-Penedo, Juan M.; Stiles, William; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Disentangling within- and between-patient
effects on ambivalence toward change on psychological distress". Paper presented in 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society
for Psychotherapy Research, Heidelberg, 2021.
- Braga, Rui; Lopes, Pedro; Ribeiro, Maria João; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Gómez-Penedo, Juan M.; grosse Holtforth, M.; Oliveira,
João Tiago. "Patient-Therapist interpersonal complementarity in dropout and sudden gain cases". Paper presented in 52nd
Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Heldelberg, 2021.
- Urmanche, Adelya A.; Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Eubanks, Catherine F.; Muran, J. Christopher. "Ambivalence
and Alliance Ruptures in Treatment for Addictive Disorders: Comparing Mindfulness and Motivational Interviewing". Paper presented
in 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (Cancelled Conference), Amherst, 2020.
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Braga, Rui; Gómez-Penedo, Juan M.; Pereira, Kevin; Faustino, Divo; grosse-Holtforth, M.; Gonçalves,
Miguel M.. Corresponding author: Oliveira, João Tiago. "Deal with it! Ambivalence toward Change and Patient-Therapist Interpersonal
Complementarity". Paper presented in 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (Conferência Cancelada),
Amherst, 2020.
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Oliveira, João Tiago; Fernández-Navarro, Pablo; Braga, Cátia; Magalhães, Carina; Batista, João; Ribeiro,
António P.. "Predicting symptomatology changes in process research: A comparison between two narrative-based markers and a
self-reported questionnaire". Paper presented in 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Buenos
Aires, 2019.
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Sousa, Inês; Ribeiro, António P.; Ribeiro, Eugénia; Gonçalves, Sónia; Machado,
Paulo P.P.. "To change or not to change? The impact of ambivalence on therapeutic outcomes". Paper presented in XXXV Annual
Meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Lisboa, 2019.
- Urmanche, Adelya A.; Oliveira, João Tiago; Cassel, S.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Eubanks, Catherine F.; Muran, J. Christopher.
"Ambivalence and alliance ruptures in the treatment for substance use disorders: A case study". Paper presented in XXXV
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Lisboa, 2019.
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Sousa, Inês; António P. Ribeiro; Ribeiro, Eugénia; Machado, Paulo P.. "Ambivalence
in psychotherapy: The development of a new feedback tool". Paper presented in 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy
Research, Amsterdam, 2018.
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Ribeiro, António P.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Ambivalence in Psychotherapy: Conceptualization and Measuring".
Paper presented in 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem, 2016.
Published • 10.13140/RG.2.1.2977.4323
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Ribeiro, António P.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "The Ambivalence in Psychotherapy Questionnaire: Development
and validation studies". Paper presented in VIII Congreso Internacional y XIII Nacional de Psicología Clínica, Granada,
- Ribeiro, António P.; Braga, Cátia; Oliveira, João Tiago; Ribeiro, Eugénia; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Stiles, W. B.. "Ambivalence
and Therapeutic Collaboration". Paper presented in 8th European Conference on Psychotherapy Research, Klagenfurt,
Conference paper |
- Ferreira, Helena; Marinai, Janine C.; Faria, Maria João; Braga, Cátia; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Oliveira, João Tiago. Corresponding
author: Oliveira, João Tiago. "How therapists deal with resistance - A scoping review". Paper presented in 54th Society
for Psychotherapy Research International Meeting, Dublin, 2023.
- Oliveira, E.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Caridade, R.; Rodrigues, N.. "Rumination room: A serious game to deal with disturbing thoughts".
- Meira, L.; Gonçalves, M. M.; Salgado, João Manuel de Castro Faria. "Narrative change: Study on personal innovation processes
in solving life problems. [Mudança narrativa: Estudo sobre processos de inovação pessoal na resolução de problemas de vida]".
- Machado, C.; Gonçalves, M. M.; Matos, M.. "Práticas educativas parentais e violência: Um estudo de prevalência na região Norte
| Parental educational practices and violence: A prevalence study in the Northern region". Paper presented in V Congresso
Português de Sociologia, 2004.
Conference poster |
- Rosa, Catarina; Bem-Haja, P.; Ferreira, M.; Mitkiewicz, F.; Silva, C. F.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Rumination Room: The role
of executive control in attenuating emotional interference with auditory stimuli.". Paper presented in XXXV Annual Meeting
da Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), 2019.
- Urmanche, A. A.; Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Eubanks, C. F.; Muran, J. C.. "The Relationship between Ambivalence
and Alliance Ruptures in the Therapeutic Process". Paper presented in 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy
Research, 2018.
- Gonçalves, Camilla; Lopes, Rodrigo; Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Sartes, Laisa. "Adaptation and validation
of the Brazilian version of the Questionnaire of Ambivalence in Psychotherapy: preliminary results". Paper presented in 49th
Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, 2018.
- Rosa, Catarina; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Araújo, R.; Bem-Haja, P.; Silva, C. F.. "Rumination Room: A procedure that combines
executive control activation and exposure to ruminative thoughts.". Paper presented in Research Day 2017, 2017.
- Rosa, Catarina; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Araújo, R.; Bem-Haja, P.; Silva, C. F.. "Rumination Room: Um procedimento que combina
ativação do controlo executivo e exposição a pensamentos ruminativos.". Paper presented in XII Encontro Nacional da Associação
Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental na FPCEUP, 2017.
- Prioste, Ana; Rocha, F.; Narciso, Isabel; Gonçalves, M. M.. "Anxious and depressive symptomatology in families with adolescent
children: What is the role of parental self differentiation. [PT - original title: Sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva em
famílias com filhos adolescentes: Qual o papel da diferenciação do self dos pais]". Paper presented in XIII Jornadas Internacionais
RELATES (Red Española/Europea y Lationamericana de Escuelas Sistémica), Lisboa, Portugal, 2017.
- Gonçalves, M. M.; Matos, M.; Conde, R.. "Prevalence of violence against immigrant women: Systematic literature review". Paper
presented in II Congresso Internacional, Crime Justiça e Sociedade, 2014.
- Gonçalves, M. M.; Matos, M.. "Native versus immigrant Portuguese women: Trajectories of multiple victimization". Paper presented
in XX Jornadas do GAF - Entre Laços e Desequilíbrios - Violências: Reeditar o presente rumo a novos paradigmas, 2014.
- Borges, R.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Santos, Anita. "Change processes in narrative therapy: Patterns of innovative moments centered
on the problem and centered on change". Paper presented in Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting, 2009.
- Magro, T.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Matos, Marlene; Santos, Anita. "Narrative Therapy and Externalizing Conversations in Therapeutic
Change". Paper presented in Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting, 2009.
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Santos, Anita; Dias, R.; Gonçalves, J.. "Innovative moments in therapeutic process - A case study".
Paper presented in Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Conference, 2008.
- Matos, Marlene; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Lopes, R.; Santos, Anita. "Psychological Intervention with Battered Women: A Cognitive-Behavioral
Approach". Paper presented in Symposium Internacional Sobre Psicología Clínica y de la Salud, 2008.
- Santos, Anita; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Unique outcomes and the narrative change - analysis of a successful and a failure clinical
case". Paper presented in Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Conference, 2006.
Edited book |
- Almeida, L. S.; Simões, M. R.; Gonçalves, M. M.. Instrumentos e Contextos de Avaliação Psicológica Vol. II) [Psychological
assessment instruments and contexts, (Vol. II).]. Coimbra, Portugal: Edições Almedina. 2014.
- Machado, C.; Gonçalves, M. M.; Almeida, L. S.; Simões, M. R.. Instrumentos e contextos de avaliação psicológica (Vol. I)
[Psychological assessment instruments and contexts (Vol. I).]. Coimbra, Portugal: Edições Almedina. 2011.
- Almeida, L. S.; Simões, M. R.; Machado, C.; Gonçalves, M. M.. Avaliação psicológica: Instrumentos validados para a população
portuguesa (Vol. III) [Psychological assessment: Validated instruments for the Portuguese population (Vol. III)]. Coimbra,
Portugal: Quarteto Editora. 2007.
- Almeida, L. S.; Simões, M. R.; Machado, C.; Gonçalves, M. M.. Avaliação psicológica: Instrumentos validados para a população
portuguesa. Coimbra, Portugal: Quarteto Editora. 2004.
- Simões, M. R.; Machado, C.; Gonçalves, M. M.; Almeida, L. S.. Avaliação psicológica: Instrumentos validados para a população
portuguesa (Vol. II) [Psychological assessment: Validated instruments for the Portuguese population (Vol. II)]. Coimbra,
Portugal: Quarteto Editora. 2004.
- Gonçalves, M. M.; Almeida, L. S.; Machado, C.; Simões, M. R.. Avaliação Psicológica: Instrumentos Validados para a população
portuguesa (Vol. I) [Psychological assessment: Validated instruments for the Portuguese population (Vol. I)]. Coimbra,
Portugal: Quarteto. 2003.
- Simões, M. R.; Gonçalves, M. M.; Almeida, L. S.. Testes e provas psicológicas em Portugal (Vol. II) [Psychological Tests
in Portugal (Vol. II)]. Braga, Portugal: SHO. 1999.
- Gonçalves, M. M.; Ribeiro, I.; Araújo, S.; Machado, C.; Almeida, L. S.; Simões, M. R.. Avaliação psicológica: Formas e
contextos (Vol. V). Braga, Portugal: Associação dos psicólogos Portugueses. 1997.
- Almeida, L.; Araújo, S.; Gonçalves, M. M.; Machado, C.; Simões, M. R.. Avaliação psicológica: Formas e contextos Vol. IV)
[Psychological assessment: Forms and contexts (Vol. IV)]. Braga, Portugal: Associação dos Psicólogos Portugueses (APPORT).
- Almeida, L. S.; Simões, M. R.; Gonçalves, M. M.. Provas Psicológicas em Portugal (Vol. I) [Psychological Tests and Tests
(Vol. I)]. Braga, Portugal: Associação dos Psicólogos Portugueses (APPORT). 1995.
Journal article |
- Esposito, Giovanna; Cutolo, Anna Sara; Passeggia, Raffaella; Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Reliability of the
innovative moments coding system for groups and the association between markers of change and outcomes.". Group Dynamics:
Theory, Research, and Practice (2024):
Published • 10.1037/gdn0000212
- Miguel M. Gonçalves; Tuvia Peri. "Innovative Moments as Markers of Meaningful Change: Introducing the Special Section". Journal
of Constructivist Psychology (2024):
- Fritz Mende; João Batista; Sally O'Keeffe; Nick Midgley; Rui Braga; Miguel M. Gonçalves; Margarida Rangel Henriques. "Innovative
moments with young patients treated for depression: An analysis of post-therapy interviews". Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
- Filipa Salomé; Miguel M. Gonçalves; Catarina Canário; Margarida Rangel Henriques. "Internal Dialogical Activity Scale - Revised
(IDAS-R): A Portuguese Adaptation Study". Journal of Constructivist Psychology (2023):
- Cardoso, Paulo; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Mendes, Inês; Sousa, Inês; Taveira, Maria do Céu; Silva, Filipa. "Eliciting reconceptualization
innovative moments to foster change in Career Construction Counseling". The Career Development Quarterly 71 1 (2023):
- Miguel M. Gonçalves. "Acceptance and commitment therapy and its unacknowledged influences: Some old wine in a new bottle?".
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (2023):
- Giovanna Esposito; Anna Sara Cutolo; Raffaella Passeggia; Silvia Formentin; Mario Miguel Gonçalves. "Tracking change in group
interventions: a further adaptation of the Innovative Moments Coding System for Groups". Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology,
Process and Outcome (2022):
- Cátia Braga; Helena Ferreira; Inês Sousa; Miguel M. Gonçalves. "Ambivalence resolution in the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic
Treatment of Emotional Disorders: An exploratory case study". Psychotherapy Research (2022):
- Carina Magalhães; Patrícia Pinheiro; Miguel Gonçalves; Jéssica Silva. "Innovative Moments and Case Formulation". Revista
de Psicoterapia (2022):
- Camilla Gonçalves Brito Santos; Rodrigo da Cunha Teixeira Lopes; João Tiago Terra da Cruz Oliveira; Miguel M. Gonçalves; Laisa
Marcorela Andreoli Sartes. "Propriedades Psicométricas da Versão Brasileira do Questionário de Ambivalência em Psicoterapia
- QAP". Psico-USF (2022):
- Batista, João; Marinai, Janine C.; Gouveia, Melissa; Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Write and Let Go: An Online
Writing Program for University Students". Frontiers in Psychology 13 (2022):
Published • 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.874600
- Maira Leon Ferreira; Mariana Carret Soares; Nathálya Soares Ribeiro; Andressa Bianchi Gumier; Inês Sousa; Pablo Fernández-Navarro;
Laisa Marcorela Andreoli Sartes; Miguel M. Gonçalves. "Innovative moments on online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for alcohol
dependence: a case study". Análise Psicológica (2021):
- João Tiago Oliveira; Inês Sousa; António P. Ribeiro; Miguel M. Gonçalves. "Premature termination of the unified protocol for
the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: The role of ambivalence towards change". Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
- Miguel M. Gonçalves; João Batista; Cátia Braga; João Tiago Oliveira; Pablo Fernandéz-Navarro; Carina Magalhães; Helena Ferreira;
Inês Sousa. "Innovative moments in recovered cases treated with the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional
disorders". Psychotherapy Research (2021):
- Patrícia Pinheiro; Miguel M. Gonçalves; Daniela Nogueira; Rui Pereira; Isabel Basto; Daniela Alves; João Salgado. "Emotional
processing during the therapy for complicated grief". Psychotherapy Research (2021):
- João Tiago Oliveira; Divo Faustino; Fátima Freitas; Miguel M. Gonçalves; Eugénia Ribeiro; Sónia Gonçalves; Paulo P. P. Machado.
"Penn State Worry Questionnaire in emotional disorders: validation and normative data for Portuguese population". British
Journal of Guidance & Counselling (2021):
- Faustino, Divo; Oliveira, João Tiago; Batista, João; Braga, Cátia; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Marcadores narrativos da mudança
em psicoterapia: Os momentos de inovação". Revista Psicologia para Psicólogos (2021): 16-19.
- Oliveira, J.T.; Faustino, D.; Machado, P.P.P.; Ribeiro, E.; Gonçalves, S.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Sudden Gains and Ambivalence
in the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorder". International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
- Batista, J.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Internalized relationships and narrative change in psychotherapy: A
thematic analysis case study". Journal of Constructivist Psychology 34 2 (2021): 231-244.
- Habermas, T.; Delarue, I.; Eiswirth, P.; Glanz, S.; Krämer, C.; Landertinger, A.; Krainhöfner, M.; Batista, J.; Gonçalves,
M.M.. "Differences Between Subclinical Ruminators and Reflectors in Narrating Autobiographical Memories: Innovative Moments
and Autobiographical Reasoning". Frontiers in Psychology 12 (2021):
- Pinheiro, P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Sousa, I.; Salgado, J.. "What is the effect of emotional processing on depression? A longitudinal
study". Psychotherapy Research 31 4 (2021): 507-519.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Magalhães, C.; Braga, C.; Milhazes, A.; Batista, J.; Neimeyer, R.A.. "FIND: A Feedback
Initiated Narrative Development Protocol to Elicit Resources in Psychotherapy". Journal of Constructivist Psychology
34 2 (2021): 138-150.
- Ferreira, Maira Leon; Soares, Mariana Carret; Ribeiro, Nathálya Soares; Gumier, Andressa Bianchi; Sousa, Inês; Fernández-Navarro,
Pablo; Sartes, Laisa Marcorela Andreoli; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Innovative moments on online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
for alcohol dependence". (2021):
- Braga, Cátia Sofia Macedo; Batista, João; Ferreira, Helena; Sousa, Ines; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Ambivalence resolution in
meaning reconstruction grief therapy: an exploratory study". (2021):
- Oliveira, João Tiago; Faustino, Divo; Machado, Paulo P.P.; Ribeiro, Eugénia; Gonçalves, Sónia; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Sudden
gains and ambivalence in the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders". Journal of Cognitive
Therapy (2021):
- Eugénia Ribeiro; Adriana Sampaio; Miguel M. Gonçalves; Maria Do Céu Taveira; Jácome Cunha; Ângela Maia; Marlene Matos; et
al. "Telephone-based psychological crisis intervention: the Portuguese experience with COVID-19". Counselling Psychology
Quarterly (2020):
- João Tiago Oliveira; António P. Ribeiro; Miguel M. Gonçalves. "Ambivalence in Psychotherapy Questionnaire: Development and
validation studies". Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (2020):
- da Silva, C.S.C.; Teixeira, M.A.P.; Cardoso, P.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Duarte, M.E.. "Innovative moments
and narrative change in career counselling: a case study". International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
20 3 (2020): 635-652.
- Cardoso, P.M.; Savickas, M.L.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Facilitating Narrative Change in Career Construction Counseling". Journal
of Career Development (2020):
- Batista, J.; Silva, J.; Magalhães, C.; Ferreira, H.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Studying psychotherapy change
in narrative terms: The innovative moments method". Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 20 3 (2020): 442-448.
- Silva, J.R.; Da Silva, R.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Rosa, C.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Understanding Extreme Violent Behavior in Ultra
Firms: Exploring Identity Fusion from a Dialogical Perspective". Journal of Constructivist Psychology 33 3 (2020):
- Pinheiro, Patrícia; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Sousa, Inês; Salgado, João. "Does emotional processing predict change in depression?
a longitudinal study.". Psychotherapy Research (2020):
- Miguel M. Gonçalves; Inês Sousa; Catarina Rosa. "Correlation structure in hierarchical linear modelling: An illustration with
the therapeutic alliance". Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (2019):
- João Batista; Joana Silva; Sara Freitas; Daniela Alves; Anabela Machado; Inês Sousa; Pablo Fernández-Navarro; Carina Magalhães;
Miguel M. Gonçalves. "Relational schemas as mediators of innovative moments in symptom improvement in major depression". Psychotherapy
Research 29 1 (2019): 58-69.
- Urmanche, A.; Muran, J.C.; Oliveira, J.T.; Goncalves, M.M.; Eubanks, C.F.. "Ambivalence, Resistance, and Alliance Ruptures
in Psychotherapy:It's Complicated". Psychoanalytic Psychology 36 2 (2019): 139-147.
- Cardoso, P.; Savickas, M.L.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Innovative Moments in Career Construction Counseling: Proposal for an Integrative
Model". Career Development Quarterly 67 3 (2019): 188-204.
- Rescorla, L.A.; Adams, A.; Ivanova, M.Y.; Bilenberg, N.; Bjarnadottir, G.; Capron, C.; De Pauw, S.; et al. "The CBCL/1½–5’s
DSM-ASD Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analyses Across 24 Societies". Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2019):
- Braga, C.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Ambivalence predicts symptomatology in cognitive-behavioral and narrative
therapies: An exploratory study". Frontiers in Psychology 10 MAY (2019):
- Fernández-Navarro, P.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Soylemez, K.K.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Innovative Moments as Developmental Change Levels:
A Case Study on Meaning Integration in the Treatment of Depression". Journal of Constructivist Psychology (2019):
- Nasim, R.; Shimshi, S.; Ziv-Beiman, S.; Peri, T.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Oliveira, J.T.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Exploring innovative
moments in a brief integrative psychotherapy case study". Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 29 4 (2019): 359-373.
- da Silva, R.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Rosa, C.; Silva, J.. "Tracking narrative change in the context of extremism
and terrorism: Adapting the Innovative Moments Coding System". Aggression and Violent Behavior 47 (2019): 204-214.
- Nasim, R.S.; Ziv-Beiman, S.; Leibovich, A.; Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Peri, T.. "Innovative Moments and Session Impact in
Brief Integrative Psychotherapy: An Exploratory Study". Journal of Psychotherapy Integration (2019):
- Rescorla, L.A.; Given, C.; Glynn, S.; Ivanova, M.Y.; Achenbach, T.M.; Bilenberg, N.; Bjarnadottir, G.; et al. "International
comparisons of autism spectrum disorder behaviors in preschoolers rated by parents and caregivers/teachers". Autism
23 8 (2019): 2043-2054.
- Pablo Fernández-Navarro; Catarina Rosa; Inês Sousa; Vanessa Moutinho; Ana Antunes; Carina Magalhães; António P. Ribeiro; Miguel
M. Gonçalves. "Reconceptualization innovative moments as a predictor of symptomatology improvement in treatment for depression".
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (2018):
- Cátia Braga; António P. Ribeiro; Miguel M. Gonçalves; João Tiago Oliveira; Alexandra Botelho; Helena Ferreira; Inês Sousa.
"Ambivalence resolution in brief psychotherapy for depression". Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (2018):
- Braga, C.; Oliveira, J.T.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Ambivalence resolution in emotion-focused therapy: The successful
case of Sarah". Psychotherapy Research 28 3 (2018): 423-432.
- Pinheiro, P.; Mendes, I.; Silva, S.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Salgado, J.. "Emotional processing and therapeutic change in depression:
A case study". Psychotherapy 55 3 (2018): 263-274.
- da Silva, R.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Rosa, C.; Silva, J.. "Disengagement from Political Violence and Deradicalization:
A Narrative-Dialogical Perspective". Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (2018): 1-24.
- Sousa, M.P.; Henriques, M.R.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Mother–child Narrative Interaction in Adoptive Families: Differences Across
Narrative Contexts". Journal of Child and Family Studies 27 9 (2018): 2871-2886.
- Ribeiro, E.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Santos, B.. "How Reconceptualization of the Self Is Negotiated in Psychotherapy: An Exploratory
Study of the Therapeutic Collaboration". Journal of Humanistic Psychology (2018):
- Lopes, R.T.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Sinai, D.; Machado, P.P.. "Clinical outcomes of psychotherapy dropouts: Does dropping out of
psychotherapy necessarily mean failure?". Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 40 2 (2018): 123-127.
- Meira, L.; Salgado, J.; Sousa, I.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Psychological Change in Everyday Life: An Exploratory
Study". Journal of Constructivist Psychology 31 3 (2018): 257-272.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Mendes, I.; Alves, D.; Silva, J.; Rosa, C.; Braga, C.; et al. "Three narrative-based coding
systems: Innovative moments, ambivalence and ambivalence resolution". Psychotherapy Research 27 3 (2017): 270-282.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Silva, J.R.; Mendes, I.; Rosa, C.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Batista, J.; Sousa, I.; Fernandes, C.F.. "Narrative Changes
Predict a Decrease in Symptoms in CBT for Depression: An Exploratory Study". Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
24 4 (2017): 835-845.
- Esposito, G.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Alves, D.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Freda, M.F.. "Meaning Coconstruction in Group Counseling: The Development
of Innovative Moments". Journal of Constructivist Psychology 30 4 (2017): 404-426.
- Esposito, G.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Freda, M.F.. "Mirroring in Group Counseling: Analyzing Narrative Innovations".
Small Group Research 48 4 (2017): 391-419.
- Cunha, C.; Mendes, I.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Angus, L.; Greenberg, L.S.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Self-narrative reconstruction in emotion-focused
therapy: A preliminary task analysis". Psychotherapy Research 27 6 (2017): 692-709.
- Prioste, A.; Narciso, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Pereira, C.R.. "Values’ family flow: associations between grandparents, parents
and adolescent children". Journal of Family Studies 23 1 (2017): 98-117.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Batista, J.; Freitas, S.. "Narrative and Clinical Change in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: A Comparison of Two
Recovered Cases". Journal of Constructivist Psychology 30 2 (2017): 146-164.
- Montesano, A.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Feixas, G.. "Self-narrative reconstruction after dilemma-focused therapy for depression: A
comparison of good and poor outcome cases". Psychotherapy Research 27 1 (2017): 112-126.
- Barbosa, E.; Cunha, C.; Santos, A.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Salgado, J.. "Narrative change in Gloria Films: Comparing various processes
of therapeutic innovation". Psychotherapy Research 27 1 (2017): 89-101.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Angus, L.. "Narrative measures in psychotherapy research: Introducing the special section". Psychotherapy
Research 27 3 (2017): 251-252.
- Montesano, Adrian; Oliveira, João Tiago; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "How do self-narratives change during psychotherapy?: a review
of innovative moments research". (2017):
- João Tiago Oliveira; Miguel M Gonçalves; Cátia Braga; António P Ribeiro. "Cómo Lidiar con la Ambivalencia en Psicoterapia:
Un Modelo Conceptual para la Formulación de Caso". Revista de Psicoterapia (2016):
- Ribeiro, A.P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Silva, J.R.; Brás, A.; Sousa, I.. "Ambivalence in Narrative Therapy: A Comparison Between
Recovered and Unchanged Cases". Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 23 2 (2016): 166-175.
- Alves, D.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Ribeiro, E.; Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Ambivalence in grief therapy: The
interplay between change and self-stability". Death Studies 40 2 (2016): 129-138.
- Cardoso, P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Duarte, M.E.; Silva, J.R.; Alves, D.. "Life Design Counseling outcome and process: A case study
with an adolescent". Journal of Vocational Behavior 93 (2016): 58-66.
- Ribeiro, A.P.; Braga, C.; Stiles, W.B.; Teixeira, P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Ribeiro, E.. "Therapist interventions and client ambivalence
in two cases of narrative therapy for depression". Psychotherapy Research 26 6 (2016): 681-693.
- Rosa, C.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Identity multivoicedness: Risks and challenges of a unifying metaphor,A multivocalidade identitária:
Riscos e desafios de uma metáfora aglutinadora". Psicologia USP 27 2 (2016): 212-218.
- Prioste, A.; Narciso, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Pereira, C.R.. "Adolescent Parents’ Values: The Role Played by Retrospective Perceptions
of The Family-of-Origin". Journal of Child and Family Studies 25 1 (2016): 224-231.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Silva, J.R.; Mendes, I.; Sousa, I.. "Narrative innovations predict symptom improvement: Studying
innovative moments in narrative therapy of depression". Psychotherapy Research 26 4 (2016): 425-435.
- Batista, João; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Mudança narrativa em psicoterapia breve: os momentos de inovação". (2016):
- Rosa, Catarina; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "A multivocalidade identidária: Riscos e desafios de uma metáfora aglutinadora". (2016):
- Prioste, A.; Narciso, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Pereira, C.R.. "Family Relationships and Parenting Practices: A Pathway to Adolescents’
Collectivist and Individualist Values?". Journal of Child and Family Studies 24 11 (2015): 3258-3267.
- Lopes, R.T.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Fassnacht, D.; Machado, P.P.P.; Sousa, I.. "Time to improve and recover from depressive symptoms
and interpersonal problems in a clinical trial". Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 22 2 (2015): 97-105.
- Lopes, R.T.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Sinai, D.; Machado, P.P.P.. "Predictors of dropout in a controlled clinical trial of psychotherapy
for moderate depression". International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 15 1 (2015): 76-80.
- Gonçalves, Miguel; Santos, Anita; Matos, Marlene; Mendes, Inês; Martins, Carla. "Therapeutic change and moments of innovation".
PSICOLOGIA 23 1 (2014): 55.
- Ribeiro, A.P.; Ribeiro, E.; Loura, J.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Stiles, W.B.; Horvath, A.O.; Sousa, I.. "Therapeutic collaboration
and resistance: Describing the nature and quality of the therapeutic relationship within ambivalence events using the Therapeutic
Collaboration Coding System". Psychotherapy Research 24 3 (2014): 346-359.
- Lopes, R.T.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Machado, P.P.P.; Sinai, D.; Bento, T.; Salgado, J.. "Narrative Therapy vs. Cognitive-Behavioral
Therapy for moderate depression: Empirical evidence from a controlled clinical trial". Psychotherapy Research 24 6
(2014): 662-674.
- Cardoso, P.; Silva, J.R.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Duarte, M.E.. "Narrative innovation in life design counseling: The case of Ryan".
Journal of Vocational Behavior 85 3 (2014): 276-286.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Gabalda, I.C.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Pinheiro, P.; Borges, R.; Sousa, I.; Stiles, W.B.. "The Innovative Moments
Coding System and the Assimilation of Problematic Experiences Scale: A case study comparing two methods to track change in
psychotherapy". Psychotherapy Research 24 4 (2014): 442-455.
- Alves, D.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Baptista, J.; Ribeiro, E.; Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Innovative moments in grief therapy:
The meaning reconstruction approach and the processes of self-narrative transformation". Psychotherapy Research 24
1 (2014): 25-41.
- Cardoso, P.; Silva, J.R.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Duarte, M.E.. "Innovative moments and change in Career Construction Counseling".
Journal of Vocational Behavior 84 1 (2014): 11-20.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Silva, J.R.. "Moments of innovation in psychotherapy: Narratives of the dialogic processes,Momentos de inovação
em psicoterapia: Das narrativas aos processos dialógicos". Analise Psicologica 32 1 (2014): 27-43.
- Lopes, R.T.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Fassnacht, D.B.; Machado, P.P.P.; Sousa, I.. "Long-term effects of psychotherapy on moderate
depression: A comparative study of narrative therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy". Journal of Affective Disorders
167 (2014): 64-73.
- Ribeiro, A.P.; Mendes, I.; Stiles, W.B.; Angus, L.; Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Ambivalence in emotion-focused therapy for
depression: The maintenance of problematically dominant self-narratives". Psychotherapy Research 24 6 (2014): 702-710.
- Alves, D.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Ribeiro, E.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Ambivalence and innovative moments in grief
psychotherapy: The cases of Emily and Rose". Psychotherapy 51 2 (2014): 308-321.
- Ribeiro, E.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Horvath, A.O.; Stiles, W.B.. "How collaboration in therapy becomes therapeutic:
The therapeutic collaboration coding system". Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 86 3 (2013):
- Alves, D.; Fernández-Navarro, P.; Baptista, J.; Ribeiro, E.; Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, M.. "Erratum to: Innovative moments in
grief therapy: The meaning reconstruction approach and the processes of selfnarrative transformation (Psychotherapy Research,
(2013), 10.1080/10503307.2013.814927)". Psychotherapy Research (2013):
- Rosa, C.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Dialogical self strategies of self-organization: Psychotherapy and restructuring of internal management,Estratégias
dialógicas de auto-organização da identidade: Psicoterapia e reestruturação da gestão interna". Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
29 3 (2013): 305-312.
- Silva, Joana R.; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "I momenti innovativi in psicoterapia: Panoramica di un programma di ricerca". (2013):
- Bento, Tiago; Ribeiro, António P.; Salgado, João; Mendes, Inês; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Bento, T.; Ribeiro, A.P.; et al. "The
Narrative Model of Therapeutic Change: An Exploratory Study Tracking Innovative Moments and Protonarratives Using State Space
Grids". Journal of Constructivist Psychology 27 1 (2013): 41-58.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Mendes, I.; Cruz, G.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Sousa, I.; Angus, L.; Greenberg, L.S.. "Innovative moments and change
in client-centered therapy". Psychotherapy Research 22 4 (2012): 389-401.
- Conde Dias, A.R.; Machado, C.; Gonçalves, M.. "From "chastity as a gift" to "doing it as a sign of love": A longitudinal analysis
of the discourses on female sexuality in popular magazines in Portugal". SAGE Open 2 4 (2012): 1-13.
- Alves, D.; Mendes, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Neimeyer, R.A.. "Innovative Moments in Grief Therapy: Reconstructing Meaning Following
Perinatal Death". Death Studies 36 9 (2012): 795-818.
- Prioste, Ana; Narciso, Isabel; Goncalves, Miguel. "Personal Values Questionnaire Readapted: development process and initial
contributions to the validation". Revista Iberoamericana De Diagnostico Y Evaluacion-E Avaliacao Psicologica 1 34 (2012):
- Rescorla, L.A.; Achenbach, T.M.; Ivanova, M.Y.; Bilenberg, N.; Bjarnadottir, G.; Denner, S.; Dias, P.; et al. "Behavioral/Emotional
Problems of Preschoolers: Caregiver/Teacher Reports From 15 Societies". Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
20 2 (2012): 68-81.
- Cunha, C.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Hill, C.E.; Mendes, I.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Sousa, I.; Angus, L.; Greenberg, L.S.. "Therapist interventions
and client innovative moments in emotion-focused therapy for depression". Psychotherapy 49 4 (2012): 536-548.
- Castro Cunha, C.A.; Spínola, J.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "The emergence of innovative moments in narrative therapy for depression:
Exploring therapist and client contributions". Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome 15 2
(2012): 62-74.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Loura, J.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Ribeiro, E.; Santos, A.; Matos, M.. "Treatment interaction in moments of ambivalence:
An exploratory study a case of failure,Interacção terapêutica em momentos de ambivalência: Um estudo exploratório de um caso
de insucesso". Analise Psicologica 30 4 (2012): 467-490.
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Ribeiro, António P.. "Therapeutic change, innovative moments and the reconceptualization of the self:
a dialogical account". (2012):
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Loura, J.; Ribeiro, António P.; Ribeiro, Eugénia.; Santos, Anita; Matos, Marlene. "Interacção terapêutica
em momentos de ambivalência: um estudo exploratório de um caso de insucesso". (2012):
- Prioste, A.; Narciso, I.; Gonçalves, M.. "Personal Values Questionnaire Readapted: Development process and initial contributions
to the validation,Questionário de Valores Pessoais Readaptado: Processo de desenvolvimento e contributos iniciais para a validação".
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica 2 34 (2012): 175-199.
- Gonçalves, M. M.; Loura, J.; Ribeiro, A. P.; Ribeiro, E.; Santos, A.; Matos, M.; Santos, A. & Matos, M.. "Therapeutic interaction
in moments of ambivalence: An exploratory study of a case of failure". Análise Psicológica 30 1 (2012): 55-78.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Stiles, W.B.; Conde, T.; Matos, M.; Martins, C.; Santos, A.. "The role of mutual in-feeding
in maintaining problematic self-narratives: Exploring one path to therapeutic failure". Psychotherapy Research 21 1
(2011): 27-40.
- Mendes, I.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Angus, L.; Greenberg, L.S.; Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Narrative change in emotion-focused psychotherapy:
A study on the evolution of reflection and protest innovative moments". Psychotherapy Research 21 3 (2011): 304-315.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Ribeiro, A.P.; INÊS, M.; Matos, M.; Santos, A.. "Tracking novelties in psychotherapy process research: The
innovative moments coding system". Psychotherapy Research 21 5 (2011): 497-509.
- Rescorla, L.A.; Achenbach, T.M.; Ivanova, M.Y.; Harder, V.S.; Otten, L.; Bilenberg, N.; Bjarnadottir, G.; et al. "International
comparisons of behavioral and emotional problems in preschool children: Parents' reports from 24 societies". Journal of
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 40 3 (2011): 456-467.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Stiles, W.B.. "Narrative and psychotherapy: Introduction to the special section". Psychotherapy Research
21 1 (2011): 1-3.
- Ribeiro, A.P.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Maintenance and Transformation of Problematic Self-Narratives: A Semiotic-Dialogical Approach".
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 45 3 (2011): 281-303.
- Ribeiro, A.P.; Bento, T.; Salgado, J.; Stiles, W.B.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "A dynamic look at narrative change in psychotherapy:
A case study tracking innovative moments and protonarratives using state space grids". Psychotherapy Research 21 1
(2011): 54-69.
- Santos, A.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Matos, M.. "Innovative moments and poor outcome in narrative therapy". Counselling and Psychotherapy
Research 11 2 (2011): 129-139.
- Gennaro, A.; Gonçalves, M.; Mendes, I.; Ribeiro, A.; Salvatore, S.. "Dynamics of sense-making and development of the narrative
in the clinical exchange". Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome 14 1 (2011): 90-120.
- Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Stiles, William B.. "Introducing the special section on narrative and psychotherapy". (2011):
- Ribeiro, A.P.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Innovation and stability within the dialogical self: The centrality of ambivalence". Culture
and Psychology 16 1 (2010): 116-126.
- Mendes, I.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Angus, L.; Greenberg, L.S.; Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Narrative change in emotion-focused therapy:
How is change constructed through the lens of the innovative moments coding system?". Psychotherapy Research 20 6 (2010):
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Mendes, I.; Ribeiro, A.P.; Angus, L.E.; Greenberg, L.S.. "Innovative moments and change in emotion-focused
therapy: The case of Lisa". Journal of Constructivist Psychology 23 4 (2010): 267-294.
- Ribeiro, A.P.; Bento, T.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Salgado, J.. "Self-narrative reconstruction in psychotherapy: Looking at different
levels of narrative development". Culture and Psychology 16 2 (2010): 195-212.
- Rosa, Catarina; Gonçalves, Miguel. "Um Olhar Empírico sobre a Identidade Dialógica: Um Estudo sobre a Conjugalidade". (2010):
- Cunha, Carla; Gonçalves, Miguel M.. "Commentary: Accessing the Experience of a Dialogical Self: Some Needs and Concerns".
Culture & Psychology 15 1 (2009): 120-133.
Published • 10.1177/1354067x08099618
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Matos, M.; Santos, A.. "Narrative therapy and the nature of “innovative moments” in the construction of change".
Journal of Constructivist Psychology 22 1 (2009): 1-23.
- Matos, M.; Santos, A.; Gonçalves, M.; Martins, C.. "Innovative moments and change in narrative therapy". Psychotherapy
Research 19 1 (2009): 68-80.
- Cunha, C.; Gonçalves, M.M.. "Accessing the experience of a dialogical self: Some needs and concerns". Culture and Psychology
15 1 (2009): 120-133.
- Santos, A.; Gonçalves, M.; Matos, M.; Salvatore, S.. "Innovative moments and change pathways: A good outcome case of narrative
therapy". Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 82 4 (2009): 449-466.
- Santos, Anita; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Matos, Marlene; Salvatore, S.. "Innovative moments and change pathways in a good outcome
case of narrative therapy". Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 18 (2009): 449-466.
- Santos, Anita; Matos, Marlene; Gonçalves, Miguel M.; Mendes, Inês; Martins, Carla. "Momentos de inovação e mudança terapêutica".
Psicologia 23 (2009): 55-78.
- Machado, C.; Gonçalves, M.; Matos, M.; Dias, A.R.. "Child and partner abuse: Self-reported prevalence and attitudes in the
north of Portugal". Child Abuse and Neglect 31 6 (2007): 657-670.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Machado, C.. ""Homophobia": A dialogical-semiotic approach". Integrative Psychological and Behavioral
Science 41 3-4 (2007): 262-271.
- Tavares, S.; Salgado, João Manuel de Castro Faria; Gonçalves, M. M.. "Commentary on commentaries: A space for dialogues among
different perspectives". European Journal of School Psychology 4 (2007): 439-443.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Guilfoyle, M.. "Dialogism and psychotherapy: Therapists’ and clients’ beliefs supporting monologism". Journal
of Constructivist Psychology 19 3 (2006): 251-271.
- Cunha, Carla; Gonçalves, M. M.. "Co-authorship, imagination and change (Re-autoria, imaginação e mudança)". Psychologica
41 (2006): 151-167.
- Gonçalves, M.M.; Salgado, J.. "Mapping the multiplicity of the self". Culture and Psychology 7 3 (2001): 367-377.
- Miguel Gonçalves; Sandra Cuadrado Nicoli. "Terapia narrativa con niños y adolescentes: ¿de qué están hechos los problemas?".
Revista de Psicoterapia (2000):
Report |
- Reis, R. L.; Rodrigues, Eloy; Ferreira, Eugénio C.; Palha, Joana Almeida; González-Méijome, José Manuel; Gomes, Manuela E.;
Gonçalves, Miguel M.; et al. 2017. Estratégia institucional para a gestão dos dados de investigação: estudo e recomendações.
Thesis / Dissertation |
- Araújo, Ana Rafaela Lourenço. "A ambivalência em casos completos e de abandono terapêutico em terapia breve". Master, 2018.