Alexandra de Carvalho Antunes. Ph.D. in Architecture (History of Architecture/Architectural Heritage) (Lusiada University, 2009); Post-PhD in History of Architecture and Cultural Heritage (University of Lisbon, 2016); Post-PhD in Geosciences (Historic Materials) (University of Aveiro, 2016); Master in Art, Heritage and Restoration (University of Lisbon, 2003). / * Degrees in Art, Archaeology and Restoration (University College London and Technology School/Polytechnic of Tomar, 1998); and in Conservation and Restoration (Technology School/Polytechnic of Tomar, 1993). / * Postgraduate Certificate in Cultural Heritage Law (University of Lisbon, 2016); Postgraduate Certificate in Urban Rehabilitation (EPUL and National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, 1995); and Postgraduate Certificate in The Modern World: Global History since 1760 (University of Virginia Corcoran Department of History, 2013). / * SINCE 2017, is invited European Commission Expert - to assess and evaluate European research projects. Member of the Evaluation Committees of (1) LEaDing Fellows Postdoc Programme/Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands (since 2018); (2) EEA Grants Romania (since 2019); (3) Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, namely Program PROMIS (since 2019); and (4) EEA Grants Portugal (Coastal Cultural Heritage, 2020). / * MEMBER of the Scientific Committees (peer-reviewer, indexed in Web of Science) of (1) Social & Cultural Geography (Routledge/Taylor & Francis); (2) Microscopy and Microanalysis (Cambridge University Press); (3) International Journal of Conservation Science; (4) International Journal of Architectural Heritage (Routledge/Taylor & Francis); (5) Conservar Património; (6) International Research Journal of Architecture and Planning; and (7) PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural (University of La Laguna). / * HAS 13 books, 7 book chapters, 24 papers in journals, 33 conference papers, and 28 technical reports. Edited 7 books. / * Assistant PROFESSOR of Architectural Heritage and Heritage Sciences (2007-2015). Supervised 1 Ph.D. thesis and 19 MSc dissertations. JURY of 11 Academic Degrees. Received 9 awards and/or honors. Participated as Principal investigator in 1 project and Researcher in 5 projects. / * ORGANIZED 12 scientific events. Participated in 103 events. / * FOUNDER of the Portuguese Construction History Society. * FOUNDER of the European Students' Association for Cultural Heritage (ESACH). / * CO-EDITOR of "Advances in Cultural Heritage Studies, Year 2020" (ISBN 978-989-54519-8-2) and "New Perspectives in Interdisciplinary Cultural Heritage Studies" (year 2018) (ISBN 978-989-99912-8-6).

Personal identification

Full name
Alexandra de Carvalho Antunes

Citation names

  • Antunes, Alexandra de Carvalho
  • Antunes, A.C.
  • Alexandra de Carvalho Antunes
  • A.C. Antunes

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
