Conference poster |
- Marzieh Moeenfard; Silva, José Avelino; Sara Fernandes Ramos; H. Indriðason; Þ. Eysteinsson; Þ.H. Jónsson; A. Sigurgeirsson;
Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9). "Semi-volatile organic contaminants (SVOCs) in pine needles from Iceland". Paper
presented in SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018.
- Marzieh Moeenfard; Silva, José Avelino; Sara Fernandes Ramos; M. Matache; Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9). "Comparison
of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) levels in pine needles towards a uniform assessment using diferent species". Paper
presented in EMEC18 |18th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, 2017.
- Silva, José Avelino; Marzieh Moeenfard; Sara Ramos; Eduardo Silva; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Lúcia
Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Alves, Arminda; Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9). "Seasonal and spatial trends
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and synthetic musks in Portugal using pine needles". Paper presented in 16th
International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2017), 2017.
- Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Silva, José Avelino; Sara Fernandes
Ramos; Lúcia Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Semi-volatile Organic Contaminants Trapped
in Environmental Matrices - Methods to Release Them". Paper presented in 17th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry
(EMEC 17), 2016.
- Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Silva, José Avelino; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Lúcia Maria
Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Chemical Scoring of synthetic musks and siloxanes in aquatic
environments". Paper presented in SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 2015.
- Pedro Jimenez Guerrero; Sara Fernandes Ramos; Silva, José Avelino; Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64); J.P. Montávez; Nuno Miguel
Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9). "A seasonal atmospheric assessment of POPs and pseudo - POPs using passive sampling and modelling".
Paper presented in A seasonal atmospheric assessment of POPs and pseudo - POPs using passive sampling and modelling,
- Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Silva, José Avelino; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Alessandra
Cincinelli; Pedro Jimenez Guerrero; Lúcia Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Can the
urban fingerprint of siloxanes be characterised by their presence in different environmental matrices?". Paper presented in
SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 2015.
- Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Silva, José Avelino; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Alessandra
Cincinelli; Pedro Jimenez Guerrero; Lúcia Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "An approach
to the environmental scoring of siloxanes". Paper presented in SCARCE International Conference "River Conservation under
Water Scarcity: Integration of water quantity and quality in Iberian Rivers under global change", 2014.
- Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Silva, José Avelino; Lúcia Maria
Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Musks are All Around – A Comprehensive Review". Paper presented
in ICEH 2014 | 3rd International Congress on Environmental Health, 2014.
- Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Silva, José Avelino; Lúcia Maria
Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Prioritization Approach to Score and Rank Synthetic Musk
Compounds for Environmental Risk Assessment". Paper presented in ChemPor 2014 | 12th International Chemical and Biological
Engineering Conference, 2014.
- Marzieh Moeenfard; Silva, José Avelino; Alejandro Santos; Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Cafestol and Kahweol Content in
Espresso Coffees as Influenced by Preparation Parameters". Paper presented in ChemPor 2014 | 12th International Chemical
and Biological Engineering Conference, 2014.
- Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Pedro Jimenez Guerrero; Sara Fernandes Ramos; Silva, José Avelino; Arminda Alves
(4513-42A0-CA64); J.P. Montávez. "Levels and distribution of atmospheric persistent and emerging pollutants in the southeast
Iberian Peninsula". Paper presented in The International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management, 2014.
- Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Silva, José Avelino; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Sara Fernandes
Ramos; Eduardo Silva; Raquel Nevado; Lúcia Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Multi-Compound
Methodology Applied to Several Environmental Matrices – A Performance Study". Paper presented in ExTech 2014 | 16th International
Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, 2014.
- Pedro Jimenez Guerrero; Sara Fernandes Ramos; Silva, José Avelino; Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64); J.P. Montávez; Nuno Miguel
Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9). "Assessing seasonal levels and trends in the atmosphere using a multi-compound approach". Paper
presented in ExTech 2014 | 16th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, 2014.
- Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Silva, José Avelino; Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Lúcia Maria
Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Detection and fate of synthetic musks in wastewater treatment
plants – a review". Paper presented in SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, 2014.
- Silva, José Avelino; Sara Fernandes Ramos; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9);
Lúcia Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Occurrence of synthetic musks in mainland Portugal
– a biosampling approach using pine needles". Paper presented in SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, 2014.
- Ana Catarina Reis; João H. O. S. Pereira; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Silva, José Avelino; Arminda
Alves (4513-42A0-CA64); Maria Teresa Borges; Vítor Jorge Pais Vilar (951A-E736-A7A3); Rui A.R. Boaventura; Olga Cristina Pastor
Nunes (BA14-BD30-C9AF). "Biodegradation of Amoxicillin Solutions by a Mixed Culture and Oxidation of Metabolic By-products
by Solar Photocatalysis". Paper presented in EAAOP3 | 3rd European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced
Oxidation Processes, 2013.
- Nuno Miguel Ratola Neto (9915-C88B-D9F9); Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Silva, José Avelino; Rita Araújo;
Lúcia Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Biomonitoring of Current Use Pesticides (CUPs)
by Pine Needles". Paper presented in ICOETox | 2nd International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology,
- Silva, José Avelino; Sara Fernandes Ramos; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64);
Lúcia Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E). "Comparison of different methods to quantify POPs and emergent pollutants using
pine needles". Paper presented in ICCE 2013 | 14th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment,
- Marzieh Moeenfard; Silva, José Avelino; Nuno Borges (8D13-7A60-AADB); Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Cafestol, kahweol and
related esters profile in espresso coffee". Paper presented in ENC2012 | 7th National Meeting on Chromatography, 2012.
- Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Silva, José Avelino; Lúcia Maria Silveira Santos (1215-05A1-F23E). "Caracterização
físico-química de casca de amêndoa para utilização como adsorvente natural". Paper presented in XXII Encontro Nacional
da SPQ - 100 Anos da Química em Portugal, 2011.
- Silva, José Avelino; Marzieh Moeenfard; Nuno Borges (8D13-7A60-AADB); Alejandro Santos; Arminda Alves (4513-42A0-CA64). "Ocorrência
de cafestol e caveol em amostras de café [Ocurrence of cafestol and kahweol in coffee samples]". Paper presented in XXII
Encontro Nacional da SPQ - 100 Anos da Química em Portugal, 2011.
- Diogo Rodrigues; Filipa Duarte; Vera Maria Ferreira da Cruz Homem (7710-2DF1-E703); Silva, José Avelino; Lúcia Maria Silveira
Santos (1215-05A1-F23E); Luis Miguel Palma Madeira (E416-00B7-6DD2). "Degradation of the antibiotic Amoxicillin by Fenton’s
reagent oxidation". Paper presented in IJUP | 3º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, 2010.
Journal article |
- Natalia Soledad Graziani; Maria Florencia Tames; Ana Carolina Mateos; José Avelino Silva; Sara Ramos; Vera Homem; Nuno Ratola;
Hebe Carreras. "Estimation of urban POP and emerging SVOC levels employing Ligustrum lucidum leaves". Atmospheric Pollution
Research (2019):
- Tavera Busso, I.; Tames, F.; Silva, J.A.; Ramos, S.; Homem, V.; Ratola, N.; Carreras, H.. "Biomonitoring levels and trends
of PAHs and synthetic musks associated with land use in urban environments". Science of the Total Environment 618 (2018):
- Silva, José Avelino; Ratola, N.; Ramos, S.; Homem, V.; Silva, J.A.; Jiménez-Guerrero, P.; Amigo, J.M.; Santos, L.; Alves,
A.. "Using air, soil and vegetation to assess the environmental behaviour of siloxanes". Environmental Science and Pollution
Research 24 13 (2017): 3273-3284.
- Homem, V.; Capela, D.; Silva, J.A.; Cincinelli, A.; Santos, L.; Alves, A.; Ratola, N.. "An approach to the environmental prioritisation
of volatile methylsiloxanes in several matrices". Science of the Total Environment 579 (2017): 506-513.
- Ramos, S; Silva, JA; Homem, V; Cincinelli, A; Santos, L; Alves, A; Ratola, N. "Solvent-saving approaches for the extraction
of siloxanes from pine needles, soils and passive air samplers". ANALYTICAL METHODS (2016):
- Vera Homem; José Avelino Silva; Nuno Ratola; Lúcia Santos; Arminda Alves. "Long lasting perfume – A review of synthetic musks
in WWTPs". Journal of Environmental Management 149 (2015): 168-192.
- Homem, V; Silva, JA; Ratola, N; Santos, L; Alves, A. "Prioritisation approach to score and rank synthetic musk compounds for
environmental risk assessment". JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY (2015):
- Silva, JA; Ratola, N; Ramos, S; Homem, V; Santos, L; Alves, A. "An analytical multi-residue approach for the determination
of semi-volatile organic pollutants in pine needles". ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA (2015):
- Moeenfard, M.; Silva, J.A.; Borges, N.; Santos, A.; Alves, A.. "Diterpenes in espresso coffee: impact of preparation parameters".
European Food Research and Technology 240 4 (2015): 763-773.
- Silva, José. "Quantification of Diterpenes and their Palmitate Esters in Coffee Brews by HPLC-DAD". International Journal
of Food Properties (2014):
- Pereira, J.H.O.S.; Reis, A.C.; Homem, V.; Silva, J.A.; Alves, A.; Borges, M.T.; Boaventura, R.A.R.; Vilar, V.J.P.; Nunes,
O.C.. "Solar photocatalytic oxidation of recalcitrant natural metabolic by-products of amoxicillin biodegradation". Water
Research 65 (2014): 307-320.
- Ratola, N.; Homem, V.; Silva, J.A.; Araújo, R.; Amigo, J.M.; Santos, L.; Alves, A.. "Biomonitoring of pesticides by pine needles
- Chemical scoring, risk of exposure, levels and trends". Science of the Total Environment 476-477 (2014): 114-124.
- Homem, V.; Avelino Silva, J.; Cunha, C.; Alves, A.; Santos, L.. "New analytical method for the determination of musks in personal
care products by quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe extraction followed by GC-MS". Journal of Separation Science
36 13 (2013): 2176-2184.
- Silva, JA; Borges, N; Santos, A; Alves, A. "Method Validation for Cafestol and Kahweol Quantification in Coffee Brews by HPLC-DAD".
- Ratola, N; Amigo, JM; Oliveira, MSN; Araujo, R; Silva, JA; Alves, A. "Differences between Pinus pinea and Pinus pinaster as
bioindicators of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons". ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY (2011):