F.R. Maia earned her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Porto in 2014, collaborating with the University of Nevada and the University of Lisbon. She then joined 3B's Research Group as a Post-Doc fellow, focusing on developing bioengineered materials for 3D native microenvironments and physiologically relevant in vitro models-on-chip for cancer research. In 2015, she spent 8 months at the University of Auckland under Professor Jillian Cornish (Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds scholarship). By 2017, she secured an FCT Post-Doc fellowship, transitioning to a Junior Investigator position in 2019. International secondments included Xi’an Jiaotong University, China (1 month), and University College London (2 months). Although these absences hindered publication output, they enhanced her expertise in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. She has authored 55 publications, including 18 as first author, accumulating 1850 citations (h-index 23 - Google Scholar). Of these, 35 were published in the last 5 years, with 10 as 1st author and 8 as corresponding author in Q1 journals. Highlights include 1 supporting citation, a contribution to the “Best Biomaterials Books of All Time” (featured on CNN, Forbes, and Inc.), 1 highly cited paper, and 2 granted patents (WO/2018/225050). She also edited a major reference work, Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix: Biologically-Derived Materials (ISBN-10: 303156362X), and a special issue in Pharmaceutics on hydrogels for osteochondral lesions. Her research focuses on hydrogel development and polymer enhancement for cell encapsulation, protein/growth factor loading, and promoting cell differentiation. She is proficient in material functionalization and characterization methods (e.g., cryo-SEM, rheometry) and advanced techniques (e.g., µ-CT, XPS, XRD, HR-SEM, AFM). She has gained expertise in in vitro studies, from cell isolation to biocompatibility testing, and in physiologically relevant in vitro models-on-chip. For so, she provides cell culture lectures to new researchers. Notably, she developed a method for decellularizing cell-derived extracellular matrices, advancing silk scaffolds for bone tissue engineering and establishing a new research line. She has contributed to 11 completed projects FCT and European Commission (EC)-funded (total: €5M), primarily focusing on biological evaluation and developing biomaterials to mimic native tissue environments for drug testing, resulting in 18 publications. Currently, she is involved in an EU-funded project (ref. 101097036), leading to a diagnostic tool patent. She has also co-coordinated H2020 projects (BAMOS H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016-73415), prepared proposals for La Caixa Foundation, FCT, and ERC projects, and supervised 3 PhD students (1 completed, 2 ongoing), 3 MSc students (1 her in her research line), and 4 research trainees. She actively participates in international/national conferences, delivering oral and poster presentations. She has delivered invited talks on biomaterial development and organized workshops within EC-funded projects (e.g., FoReCaST and BAMOS). She has reviewed for 27 scientific journals, belongs to editorial board of 2 journals, served as an expert evaluator for an international funding agency, and acted as a jury member for PhD defenses and evaluations. Her international collaborations span institutions such as the University of Auckland (Jillian Cornish), University College London (Chaozong Liu), and UNESP (Ana Paula Alves). Five publications have emerged from these efforts. Recently, she partnered with Africa Gonzalez (UVigo) to apply for the CaixaResearch Health 2025 call. She has contributed to public science outreach through initiatives like “UPA-Universidade Portas Abertas da Universidade do Minho,” “SAW: School At Work,” and “Pint of Science.”

Personal identification

Full name
Fátima Raquel Azevedo Maia

Citation names

  • Maia, F. Raquel

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • raqazevedo_maia@hotmail.com (Professional)


  • 253510900 (Professional)


  • 3B's Research Group, I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics of University of Minho, - Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, 4805-017 , Barco GMR , Guimarães, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology - Materials Engineering
  • Medical and Health Sciences - Medical Biotechnology - Biomaterials


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2)
Degree Classification
2017 - 2019/01/31
Development of a 3D-tumor-model-on-a-chip (Pós-doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2008 - 2014
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
"Nanostructured 3D matrices to direct mesenchymal stem cells behaviour" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Approved with distinction
2012/06/25 - 2012/06/29
Advanced Summer School – Interrogations at the biointerface – The self-renewal/differentiation interface (Outros)
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal

Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya, Spain
2011/12/04 - 2011/12/14
Introductory course in Laboratory Animal Science (FELASA Cat. B) (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
2011/06/20 - 2011/06/24
Advanced Summer School – Interrogations at the biointerface - The cancer/regeneration interface (Outros)
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
2009/06/22 - 2009/06/24
10th Advanced Summer Course in Cell-Materials Interactions (Outros)
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
2008/06/16 - 2008/06/20
9th Advanced Summer Course in Cell-Materials Interactions (Outros)
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
2007 - 2008
MSc in Biology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Functionalization of a 3D gel-like matrix to induce osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2007/06/18 - 2007/06/22
8th Advanced Summer Course in Cell-Materials Interactions (Outros)
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
2003 - 2007
Biology (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"In vitro testing of different injectable polymers with in situ gel-forming ability as vehicles for ceramic microcarriers" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2019/02 - Current Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/04 - 2019/01 Postdoc (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014/09/15 - 2017/03 Postdoc (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/10/01 - 2016/05/31 Visiting Researcher (Research) University of Auckland, New Zealand
2008/10/01 - 2014/03/21 Researcher (Research) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2009/09/29 - 2010/03/31 Researcher (Research) University of Nevada Reno, United States
2007/10/01 - 2008/09/30 Researcher (Research) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2006/03/01 - 2007/09/30 Research Trainee (Research) Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
2004/11/01 - 2006/01/31 Research Trainee (Research) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2022/07/11 - Current Review Editor of Integrative and Regenerative Pharmacology (specialty section of Frontiers in Pharmacology) Frontiers Media SA, United Kingdom
Integrative and Regenerative Pharmacology (specialty section of Frontiers in Pharmacology), United States
2022/07/11 - Current Review Editor of Bio-interactions and Bio-compatibility (specialty section of Frontiers in Biomaterials Science) Frontiers Media SA, United Kingdom
Bio-interactions and Bio-compatibility (specialty section of Frontiers in Biomaterials Science), United Kingdom


Host institution
2015/01/01 - Current Cell Culture Trainer Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal


Designation Funders
2024/02/15 - Current A European “shield” against colorectal cancer based on novel, more precise and affordable risk-based screening methods and viable policy pathways
2014 - 2014 Development of new products and regenerative therapies for the treatment of several articular pathologies
Post-doc Fellow
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT
2008/10 - 2012/09 2nd recruiting program
2nd recruiting program
PhD Student Fellow
Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia, Portugal
Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia
2010 - 2012 Multifunctional extracellular matrix-analogues as biomaterials for bone regeneration
PhD Student Fellow
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT
2008 - 2010 Substrate-mediated guidance of stem cells behaviour: effect of immobilized cues in 2D and 3D microenvironments
PhD Student Fellow
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica


Designation Funders
2017 - 2022/10/01 Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing: Osteochondral Scaffold innovation applied to osteoarthritis
European Research Council
2022/01/01 - 2022/08/22 HEALTH-UNORTE: Setting-up biobanks and regenerative medicine strategies to boost research in cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neurological, oncological, immunological and infectious diseases
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal
2022/01/01 - 2022/08/22 Janus Approach to Cancer Theranostics (JUSThera)
2022/01/01 - 2022/08/22 Impulso de una red de I+i en química biológica para diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades neurológicas
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal
2022/01/01 - 2022/08/22 Forefront Research in 3D Disease Cancer Models as in vitro Screening Technologies
2018/07/01 - 2022/08/01 Modelling cancer Metastasis into the humAn microcirculation system using a mulTi-organ-on-a-CHip approach
2018/07/01 - 2022/08/01 Kefiran exopolysaccharide: Promising biopolymer for use in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering
Post-doc Fellow
2018/07/01 - 2022/08/01 Functionalized biomaterials and 3D printing tools for Tissue Engineering of complex tissues
2018/03/01 - 2022/08/01 3D bioprintable and cell-compatible Bioinks for treatment of Metabolic Diseases
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT
2016/09/01 - 2021/02/01 MRI-guided, intrathecal delivery of nanogel-embedded glial progenitors for treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
European Commission
2019/01/01 - 2020/07/31 Frontiers of technology for theranostics of cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases
2016/04/01 - 2020/01/03 Hierarchical Ionic-doped Nanocomposite Scaffolds for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal
2015/10 - 2017/03 An integrated multidisciplinary tissue engineering approach combining novel high-throughput screening and advanced methodologies to create complex biomaterials-stem cells constructs
European Research Council
2015/09/28 - 2016/05/31 Skeletal tissue regeneration
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development


Book chapter
  1. Oliveira, Eduarda P.; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Engineering enzymatic- and photo-crosslinked silk-based hydrogels for regenerative medicine". In Silk-Based Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering, Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 221-239. Elsevier, 2024.
  2. Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, J. Miguel. "Hydrogels for three-dimensional tissue engineering models". In Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 569-590. Elsevier, 2024.
    Published • 10.1016/b978-0-12-823948-3.00014-2
  3. Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Nano inks for tissue engineering". In Smart Multifunctional Nano-Inks, 505-520. Elsevier, 2023.
  4. Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "3D-bioprinted in vitro disease models". In 3D Printing in Medicine, 179-198. Elsevier, 2023.
  5. Ramos, Pedro; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Protein-Based Materials as Cancer In Vitro Models". In Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix, 1-23. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
  6. Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, R. L.; Oliveira, J. M.. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Cell-Derived Matrices for Scaffolds Improvement". In Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix, 1-21. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
  7. Maia, Fátima Raquel; Reis, Rui Luís; Oliveira, Joaquim Miguel. Corresponding author: Maia, Fátima Raquel. "Decellularized hASCs-derived matrices as biomaterials for 3D in vitro approaches". In Methods in Cell Biology - Cell-derived Matrices Part B, edited by Caballero, D.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. Elsevier, 2020.
    Published • 10.1016/bs.mcb.2019.11.019
  8. Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Nanoparticles and Microfluidic Devices in Cancer Research". In Biomaterials- and Microfluidics-Based Tissue Engineered 3D Models, 161-171. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  9. Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Correlo, Vitor M.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Microfluidic Devices and Three Dimensional-Printing Strategies for in vitro Models of Bone". In Biomaterials- and Microfluidics-Based Tissue Engineered 3D Models, 1-14. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  10. Raquel Maia, F.; Correlo, Vitor M.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.; Reis, Rui L.. "Natural Origin Materials for Bone Tissue Engineering". In Principles of Regenerative Medicine, 535-558. Elsevier, 2019.
  11. Maia, F. Raquel; Carvalho, Mariana R.; Oliveira, J. Miguel; Reis, Rui L.. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Tissue Engineering Strategies for Osteochondral Repair". In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 353-371. Springer International Publishing, 2018.
  12. da Silva Morais, Alain; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.; da Silva Morais, A.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Cell Culture Methods". In Bio-orthopaedics, 619-635. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.
Conference abstract
  1. Maia, F. Raquel; Musson, D.S.; Naot, D.; da Silva, L.P.; Bastos, A.R.; Costa, J.B.; Oliveira, J.M.; et al. "Gellan Gum Spongy-like Hydrogels Reinforced with Hydroxyapatite for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications". Paper presented in 2017 TERMIS - Americas Conference & Exhibition, Charlotte, 2017.
  2. Carvalho, M.R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Silva-Correia, J.; Costa, B. M.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.; Costa, B.. "Cancer cell tracking using dendrimer nanoparticles uptake in a microfluidic platform". Paper presented in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Meeting (TERMIS-EU Chapter), Davos, 2017.
  3. Vieira, S.; Vial, S.; Maia, F. Raquel; Carvalho, M.; Reis, R.L.; Granja, P.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Gellan Gum-coated Gold Nanorods as Nanotools for Bone Tissue Engineering". Paper presented in 4th TERMIS-WC 2015, Boston, 2015.
  4. Pina, S.; Jimenez, G.; Canadas, R.F.; Maia, F. Raquel; Marques, A.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Reis, R.L.. "Calcium Phosphates-based Biomaterials with Sr- and Zn-Dopants for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering". Paper presented in 4th TERMIS World Congress, Boston, 2015.
Conference paper
  1. Lemos, R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Riebeiro, V.P.; Costa, J.B.; Coutinho, P.J.G.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "CARBON NANOTUBES-REINFORCED CELL-DERIVED MATRIX-SILK FIBROIN SCAFFOLDS FOR BONE TISSUE ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS". Paper presented in Anais do XI Latin American Congress of Artificial Organs and Biomaterials (COLAOB), 2021.
Conference poster
  1. EP Oliveira; L Cols; Maia, F. Raquel; RL Reis; P Ramos-Cabrer; JM Oliveira. "Cmcht/pamam Nanoparticles Loaded With Manganese For Magnetic Resonance Imaging Applications". Paper presented in TERMIS 2024 World Congress, 2024.
  2. Ramos P.; Carvalho M. R.; Maia, F. Raquel; R. L. Reis; Oliveira J. M. "Engineering silk fibroin hydrogels as extracellular matrix for colorectal cancer tumour model". Paper presented in Final Achilles conference, Tendon Regeneration: a throwback to the lessons learned and prospects to the future, 2022.
  3. Pina S.; Hurle K.; Maia, F. Raquel; Ribeiro V.P.; Oliveira J.M.; Goetz-Neunhoeffer F.; Reis R.L.. "Brushite-forming Li-substituted ß-TCP bone cements: Hydration/setting mechanism and osteogenic activity". Paper presented in Final Achilles conference, Tendon Regeneration: a throwback to the lessons learned and prospects to the future, Guimarães, 2022.
  4. Oliveira E.; Maia, F. Raquel; Carvalho M.R.; Stanaszek L.; Silva-Correia J.; Walczak P.; Reis R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Manganese-loaded dendrimers for MRI imaging". Paper presented in Final Achilles conference, Tendon Regeneration: a throwback to the lessons learned and prospects to the future, 2022.
  5. Bastos, A.R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Oliveira J.M.; Reis R.L.; Correlo V. M.. "A 3D printed bone tissue model based on alginate/gellan gum/hydroxyapatite bioink". Paper presented in Final Achilles conference, Tendon Regeneration: a throwback to the lessons learned and prospects to the future, 2022.
  6. Lemos, R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Ribeiro, V.P.; Costa J.B.; Coutinho P.J.G.; Reis R.L.; Oliveira J.M.. "Reinforced cell-derived matrix-silk fibroin scaffolds for bone tissue engineering". Paper presented in Final Achilles conference, Tendon Regeneration: a throwback to the lessons learned and prospects to the future, 2022.
  7. Lemos, R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Ribeiro, V.P.; Costa, J.B.; Coutinho, P. J. G.; Reis, R. L.; Oliveira, J. M.. "DEVELOPMENT OF HIERARCHICAL SCAFFOLDS FOR BONE TISSUE ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS". Paper presented in FoReCaST Final Conference, 2D and 3D in vitro Tissue Models for Drug Screening: Strengths and Limitations of the Cancer Models, 2021.
  8. Pina, S.; Hurle, K. ; Maia, F. Raquel; Ribeiro, V.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Goetz-Neunhoeffer, F.; Reis, R.L.. "OSTEOGENIC LITHIUM-DOPED BRUSHITE CEMENTS FOR BONE REGENERATION". Paper presented in FoReCaST Final Conference, 2D and 3D in vitro Tissue Models for Drug Screening: Strengths and Limitations of the Cancer Models, 2021.
  9. Bastos, A. R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Oliveira, J.M.; Reis, R.L.; Correlo, V. M.. "3D MODELS RECAPITULATING A BONE MICROENVIRONMENT CAPABLE OF PROMOTING THE DI FFERENTIATION OF OSTEOBLASTS TOWARDS OSTEOCYTES". Paper presented in FoReCaST Final Conference, 2D and 3D in vitro Tissue Models for Drug Screening: Strengths and Limitations of the Cancer Models, 2021.
  10. Melo, H.P.M.; Maia, F. Raquel; Nunes, A.S.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J. M.; Araújo, N.A.M.. "Combining experiments and in silico modeling to infer the role of adhesion and proliferation on the collective dynamics of cells". Paper presented in 3rd Condensed Matter Physics National Conference, 2021.
  11. Carvalho M.R.; Carvalho C.R; Maia, F. Raquel; Caballero, D.; Kundu S.C; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J. M.. "Precision targeting of colerectal cancer cells using YIGSR laminin peptide". Paper presented in TERM STEM 2019, 2019.
  12. Bastos A.R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Oliveira, J.M.; Reis, R.L.; Correlo V.M.. "Effect of the cell density on human bone marrow derived osteoblasts in gellan gum-hydroxyapatite spongy-like hydrogels under osteogenic differentiation". Paper presented in TERM STEM 2019, 2019.
  13. Bastos, A. R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Oliveira, J. M.; Reis, R.L.; Correlo, V. M.. "Development of 3D Co-culture Systems aiming to produce realistic 3D-bone tissue models". Paper presented in 1st Discoveries Forum on Regenerative and Precision Medicine, 2019.
  14. Radhouani, Hajer; Correia, Susana; Gonçalves, Cristiana; Maia, F. Raquel; Oliveira, Joaquim Miguel; Reis, Rui L.. "Kefiran cryogels for controlled release in tissue engineering". Paper presented in ACHILLES 1st conference, 2019.
  15. C. Gonçalves; S. S. Silva; J.M. Gomes; I. M. Oliveira; F.R. Maia; H. Radhouani; R. L. Reis; J. M. Oliveira. "Green processing of SAIB-chitin scaffolds for tissue engineering applications". Paper presented in TERMIS-EU Chapter 2019, 2019.
  16. Maia, Raquel; Lemos, R; Reis, Rui L; Correlo, Vitor M; Oliveira, J. Miguel. "Evaluation of decellularization process to obtain matrices for tissue regeneration approaches". Paper presented in Hangzhou International Conference on Biomaterials, Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 2018.
  17. Carvalho, M. R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Silva-Correia, Joana; Costa, B. M.; Reis, R. L.; Oliveira, J. M.. "A microfluidic platform for the investigation of cancer cells’ nanoparticle uptake and real time tracking". Paper presented in TERMIS-EU Meeting, 2017.
  18. Alheib, O.; Bastos, Ana R; Maia, Raquel; Santos, T.C.; Reis, Rui L; Correlo, Vitor M. "3D hybrid scaffolds for tissue engineering applications using water dissolvable sacrificial approach". Paper presented in TERM STEM / FORECAST 2017, 2017.
  19. Bastos, Ana R; da Silva, Lucilia P; Maia, Raquel; Rodrigues, T.; Sousa, F.; Oliveira, J. Miguel; Cornish, Jillian; Correlo, Vitor M; Reis, Rui L. "Lactoferrin-hydroxyapatite containing spongy-like hydrogels for bone tissue engineering". Paper presented in TERM STEM / FORECAST, 2017.
  20. Carvalho, Mariana; Maia, Raquel; Vieira, Sílvia; Reis, Rui L; Oliveira, J. Miguel. "Silk fibroin hydrogels for the development of a colorectal cancer extravasation 3D model on a chip". Paper presented in TERM STEM / FORECAST, 2017.
  21. Maia, Raquel; Carvalho, Mariana; Reis, Rui L; Correlo, Vitor M; Oliveira, J. Miguel. "Production of decellularized matrices for bone tissue regeneration approaches". Paper presented in TERM STEM / FORECAST, 2017.
  22. Gonçalves, Cristiana; Silva, Simone S.; Oliveira, Isabel M.; Maia, Raquel; Radhouani, Hajer; Oliveira, J. Miguel; Reis, Rui L. "Green Processing of SAIB-based scaffolds for Tissue engineering applications". Paper presented in TERM STEM / FORECAST, 2017.
  23. Maia, Raquel; Musson, David S; Naot, Dorit; da Silva, Lucilia P; Bastos, Ana R; Costa, João B; Oliveira, J. Miguel; et al. "Evaluation of differentiation capacity of osteoclast precursors on Gellan Gum-based spongy-like hydrogels". Paper presented in CHEM2NATURE Second School, 2017.
  24. Ribeiro, Viviana P.; da Silva Morais, Alain; Maia, Raquel; Oliveira, Ana L.; Oliveira, J. Miguel; Reis, Rui L. "Combinatory approach for developing silk fibroin-based scaffolds to support human adipose-derived stem cells chondrogenic differentiation". Paper presented in European Society for Biomaterials, 2017.
  25. Ribeiro, Viviana P.; da Silva Morais, Alain; Maia, Raquel; Oliveira, Ana L.; Oliveira, J. Miguel; Reis, Rui L. "Enzymatically cross-linked silk fibroin scaffolds support human adipose-derived stem cells chondrogenesis for cartilage tissue engineering applications". Paper presented in Society for Biomaterials, 2017.
  26. Carvalho, M.R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Investigation of Dendrimer-based nanoparticles cellular uptake and cell tracking in a semi-automated microfluidic platform". Paper presented in 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, 2016.
  27. Maia, Raquel; Rodrigues, Gabriela; Granja, Pedro L.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Three-dimensional culture of mesenchymal stem cells in deformable low-stiffness matrices". Paper presented in 8th International Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies, 2013.
  28. Alencastre, I.; Maia, Raquel; Silva, A.; Molinos, M; Leite, M.; Santos, SG; Barrias, Cristina C.; et al. "Interdisciplinary applications of Imaging Flow Cytometry". Paper presented in International Symposium in Applied Bioimaging, Bridging Development and Application, 2012.
  29. Maia, Raquel; Fonseca, Keila B.; Lourenço, Ana F.; Granja, Pedro L.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Response of 3D-cultured MSC to changes in matrix intrinsic properties". Paper presented in Interrogations at the BioInterface" Advanced Summer School, 2012.
  30. Maia, Raquel; Fonseca, Keila B.; Lourenço, Ana F.; Cruz, Filipe A.; Granja, Pedro L.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Effect of matrix physicochemical properties on 3D-Cultured mesenchymal stem cells". Paper presented in Advance Summer School – Interrogations at the biointerface, 2011.
  31. Maia, Raquel; Fonseca, Keila B.; Granja, Pedro L.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Development of nanostructured 3D matrices to direct mesenchymal stem cells behaviour". Paper presented in 11th Edition of the "Trends in NanoTechnology" International Conference, 2010.
  32. Maia, Raquel; Bidarra, Sílvia J.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "3D culture of human mesenchymal stem cells within multifunctional alginate hydrogels". Paper presented in 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials, 2009.
  33. Maia, Raquel; Bidarra, Sílvia J.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Preparation and characterization of alginate hydrogels modified with and osteogenic peptides". Paper presented in 10th Advanced Summer Course in Cell-Materials Interactions, 2009.
  34. Maia, Raquel; Bidarra, Sílvia J.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "In vitro evaluation of self-assembling peptide gel as a potential vehicle for mesenchymal stem cells pre-cultured on ceramic microspheres". Paper presented in 8th Advanced Summer Course in Cell-Materials Interactions, 2007.
  35. Maia, Raquel; Barbosa, MA; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Analysis of the effect of a self-assembling peptide gel on human mesenchymal stem cells cultured on ceramic microcarriers". Paper presented in II National meeting of Postgraduation in Biological Sciences, 2007.
Edited book
  1. Maia, F. Raquel; Joaquim Miguel Oliveira; Reis, Rui L.. Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix: Biologically-Derived Materials. Springer Cham. 2024.
    Published • 10.1007/978-3-031-56363-8 • Editor
Journal article
  1. Bastos, Ana Raquel; Maia, F. Raquel; Oliveira, Joaquim Miguel; Reis, Rui Luís; Correlo, Vítor Manuel. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "In vitro Bone Tissue Engineering Strategies: The Relevance of Cells and Culturing Methods in Bone Formation and Remodeling". Macromolecular Bioscience (2025): https://doi.org/10.1002/mabi.202400453.
  2. Rangel, Rita de Cássia Reis; Rangel, André Luiz Reis; da Silva, Kerolene Barboza; Escada, Ana Lúcia do Amaral; Chaves, Javier Andres Munoz; Maia, F. Raquel; Pina, Sandra; et al. "Characterization of Iron Oxide Nanotubes Obtained by Anodic Oxidation for Biomedical Applications—In Vitro Studies". Materials 17 15 (2024): 3627. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma17153627.
  3. Bastos, Ana Raquel; da Silva, Lucília P.; Maia, F. Raquel; Franco, Albina; Noro, Jennifer; Silva, Carla; Oliveira, J. Miguel; Reis, Rui Luís; Correlo, Vitor Manuel. "Hydroxyapatite/alginate/gellan gum inks with osteoconduction and osteogenic potential for bioprinting bone tissue analogues". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 271 (2024): 132611. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.132611.
  4. de Sousa, Talita Kathleen Correia; Maia, F. Raquel; Pina, Sandra; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim Miguel; Carobolante, João Pedro Aquiles; Escada, Ana Lúcia do Amaral; Longhitano, Guilherme Arthur; Alves, Ana Paula Rosifini. "Anodic Oxidation of 3D Printed Ti6Al4V Scaffold Surfaces: In Vitro Studies". Applied Sciences 14 4 (2024): 1656. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app14041656.
  5. Radhouani, Hajer; Gonçalves, Cristiana; Maia, F. Raquel; Oliveira, Eduarda P.; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Development of Conjugated Kefiran-Chondroitin Sulphate Cryogels with Enhanced Properties for Biomedical Applications". Pharmaceutics 15 6 (2023): 1662. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics15061662.
  6. Escobar, Ane; Carvalho, Mariana R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor-Loaded CMCht/PAMAM Dendrimer Nanoparticles for Peripheral Nerve Repair". Pharmaceutics 14 11 (2022): 2408. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14112408.
  7. Canadas, Raphaël F; Liu, Ziyu; Gasperini, Luca; Fernandes, Diogo C; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L; Marques, Alexandra P; Liu, Chaozong; Oliveira, Joaquim M. "Numerical and experimental simulation of a dynamic-rotational 3D cell culture for stratified living tissue models". Biofabrication 14 2 (2022): 025022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1758-5090/ac55a2.
  8. Hurle, K.; Maia, F.R.; Ribeiro, V.P.; Pina, S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Goetz-Neunhoeffer, F.; Reis, R.L.. "Osteogenic lithium-doped brushite cements for bone regeneration". Bioactive Materials (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.12.025.
  9. Lemos, Rafael; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Engineering of Extracellular Matrix-Like Biomaterials at Nano- and Macroscale toward Fabrication of Hierarchical Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering". Advanced NanoBiomed Research (2021): 2100116. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anbr.202100116.
  10. Maia, F. Raquel; Bastos, Ana R.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.; Correlo, Vitor M.; Reis, Rui L.. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Recent approaches towards bone tissue engineering". Bone (2021): 116256. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bone.2021.116256.
  11. Melo, Hygor P. M.; Maia, F. Raquel; Nunes, André S.; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.; Araújo, Nuno A. M.. "Combining experiments and in silico modeling to infer the role of adhesion and proliferation on the collective dynamics of cells". Scientific Reports 11 1 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-99390-x.
  12. Bastos, Ana Raquel; Raquel Maia, F.; Miguel Oliveira, J.; Reis, Rui Luís; Correlo, Vitor Manuel. "Influence of gellan gum-hydroxyapatite spongy-like hydrogels on human osteoblasts under long-term osteogenic differentiation conditions". Materials Science and Engineering: C 129 (2021): 112413. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2021.112413.
  13. Oliveira, Isabel Matos; Fernandes, Diogo Castro; Maia, F. Raquel; Canadas, Raphael Faustino; Reis, Rui Luís; Oliveira, Joaquim Miguel. "Bioengineered Nanoparticles Loaded-Hydrogels to Target TNF Alpha in Inflammatory Diseases". Pharmaceutics 13 8 (2021): 1111. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13081111.
  14. Jean Valdir Uchôa Teixeira; Fátima Raquel Azevedo Maia; Mariana Carvalho; Rui Reis; Joaquim Miguel Oliveira; Paulo Noronha Lisboa-Filho; Ana Paula Rosifni Alves Claro. "Synthesis of mussel-inspired polydopamine-gallium nanoparticles for biomedical applications". Nanomedicine (2021): https://doi.org/10.2217/nnm-2020-0312.
  15. I. M. Oliveira; M. R. Carvalho; D. C. Fernandes; C. M. Abreu; F. R. Maia; H. Pereira; D. Caballero; et al. "Modulation of inflammation by anti-TNF a mAb-dendrimer nanoparticles loaded in tyramine-modified gellan gum hydrogels in a cartilage-on-a-chip model". Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2021): https://doi.org/10.1039/D1TB00802A.
  16. C. Gonçalves; J. M. Gomes; F. R. Maia; H. Radhouani; S. S. Silva; R. L. Reis; J. M. Oliveira. "Fabrication of biocompatible porous SAIB/silk fibroin scaffolds using ionic liquids". Materials Chemistry Frontiers (2021): https://doi.org/10.1039/D1QM00583A.
  17. Lemos, Rafael; Maia, F. Raquel; Ribeiro, Viviana P; Costa, João; Coutinho, Paulo; Reis, Rui; Oliveira, Joaquim Miguel. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Carbon nanotubes-reinforced cell-derived matrix-silk fibroin hierarchical scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications". Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d1tb01972d.
  18. Pereira, H.; Cengiz, I.F.; Maia, F.R.; Bartolomeu, F.; Oliveira, J.M.; Reis, R.L.; Silva, F.S.. "Physicochemical properties and cytocompatibility assessment of non-degradable scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications". Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 112 (2020): 103997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2020.103997.
  19. Cengiz, Ibrahim Fatih; Maia, Fatima Raquel; da Silva Morais, Alain; Silva-Correia, Joana; Pereira, Helder; Canadas, Raphael F; Espregueira-Mendes, João; et al. "Entrapped in cage (EiC) scaffolds of 3D-printed polycaprolactone and porous silk fibroin for meniscus tissue engineering". Biofabrication (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1758-5090/ab779f.
  20. Goncalves, Cristiana; Silva, Simone S.; Gomes, Joana M.; Oliveira, Isabel M.; Canadas, Raphael F.; Maia, F. Raquel; Radhouani, Hajer; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Ionic liquid-mediated processing of SAIB-Chitin scaffolds". ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c00385.
  21. Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Finding the Perfect Match between Nanoparticles and Microfluidics to respond to the Cancer Challenges". Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine (2019): 102139. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nano.2019.102139.
  22. Carvalho, Mariana R.; Carvalho, Cristiana R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Caballero, David; Kundu, Subhas C.; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Peptide-Modified Dendrimer Nanoparticles for Targeted Therapy of Colorectal Cancer". Advanced Therapeutics (2019): 1900132. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adtp.201900132.
  23. Bastos, Ana R.; da Silva, Lucília P.; Maia, F. Raquel; Pina, Sandra; Rodrigues, Tânia; Sousa, Filipa; Oliveira, Joaquim M.; et al. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Lactoferrin-Hydroxyapatite Containing Spongy-Like Hydrogels for Bone Tissue Engineering". Materials 12 13 (2019): 2074. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma12132074.
  24. Radhouani, Hajer; Bicho, Diana; Gonçalves, Cristiana; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.. "Kefiran cryogels as potential scaffolds for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications". Materials Today Communications (2019): 100554. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2019.100554.
  25. Pina, S.; Ribeiro, V.P.; Marques, C.F.; Maia, F.R.; Silva, T.H.; Reis, R.L.; Oliveira, J.M.. "Scaffolding strategies for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications". Materials 12 11 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85067279110&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  26. Radhouani, Hajer; Gonçalves, Cristiana; Maia, F. Raquel; Oliveira, Joaquim M.; Reis, Rui L.. "Biological performance of a promising Kefiran-biopolymer with potential in regenerative medicine applications: a comparative study with hyaluronic acid". Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 29 8 (2018): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10856-018-6132-7.
  27. Carvalho, Mariana R.; Vieira, Sílvia; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.; Carvalho, M. R.; Maia, F. Raquel; Vieira, S.; Reis, R. L.; Oliviera, J. M.. "Tuning Enzymatically Crosslinked Silk Fibroin Hydrogel Properties for the Development of a Colorectal Cancer Extravasation 3D Model on a Chip". Global Challenges 2 5-6 (2018): 1700100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gch2.201700100.
  28. Ribeiro, Viviana P.; da Silva Morais, Alain; Maia, F. Raquel; Canadas, Raphael F.; Costa, João B.; Oliveira, Ana L.; Oliveira, Joaquim M.; Reis, Rui L.. "Combinatory approach for developing silk fibroin scaffolds for cartilage regeneration". Acta Biomaterialia 72 (2018): 167-181. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2018.03.047.
  29. Maia, F. Raquel. Corresponding author: Maia, F. Raquel. "Differentiation of osteoclast precursors on Gellan Gum-based spongy-like hydrogels for bone tissue engineering". Biomedical Materials (2018): http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-605X/aaaf29.
  30. Maia, F. Raquel. "Kefiran biopolymer: Evaluation of its physicochemical and biological properties". Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers (2018): http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0883911518793914.
  31. Carvalho, Mariana R; Maia, F Raquel; Silva-Correia, Joana; Costa, Bruno M; Reis, Rui L; Oliveira, Joaquim M. "A semiautomated microfluidic platform for real-time investigation of nanoparticles’ cellular uptake and cancer cells’ tracking". Nanomedicine 12 6 (2017): 581-596. http://dx.doi.org/10.2217/nnm-2016-0344.
  32. Ondrésik, Marta; Azevedo Maia, Fatima R.; da Silva Morais, Alain; Gertrudes, Ana C.; Dias Bacelar, Ana H.; Correia, Cristina; Gonçalves, Cristiana; et al. "Management of knee osteoarthritis. Current status and future trends". Biotechnology and Bioengineering 114 4 (2016): 717-739. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bit.26182.
  33. Maia, F. Raquel. "Gellan Gum-coated Gold Nanorods: an Intracellular Nanosystem for Bone Tissue Engineering". RSC Advances (2015): http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2015/RA/c5ra13556g#!divAbstract.
  34. Maia, F. Raquel; Barbosa, Mariana; Gomes, David B.; Vale, Nuno; Gomes, Paula; Granja, Pedro L.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Hydrogel depots for local co-delivery of osteoinductive peptides and mesenchymal stem cells". Journal of Controlled Release 189 (2014): 158-168. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.06.030.
  35. Maia, F. Raquel; Fonseca, Keila B.; Rodrigues, Gabriela; Granja, Pedro L.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Matrix-driven formation of mesenchymal stem cell–extracellular matrix microtissues on soft alginate hydrogels". Acta Biomaterialia 10 7 (2014): 3197-3208. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2014.02.049.
  36. Maia, F. Raquel; Lourenço, Ana H.; Granja, Pedro L.; Gonçalves, Raquel M.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Effect of Cell Density on Mesenchymal Stem Cells Aggregation in RGD-Alginate 3D Matrices under Osteoinductive Conditions". Macromolecular Bioscience 14 6 (2014): 759-771. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mabi.201300567.
  37. Maia, F. Raquel; Bidarra, Sílvia J.; Granja, Pedro L.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Functionalization of biomaterials with small osteoinductive moieties". Acta Biomaterialia 9 11 (2013): 8773-8789. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2013.08.004.
  38. Fonseca, Keila B.; Maia, F. Raquel; Cruz, Filipe A.; Andrade, Douglas; Juliano, Maria A.; Granja, Pedro L.; Barrias, Cristina C.. "Enzymatic, physicochemical and biological properties of MMP-sensitive alginate hydrogels". Soft Matter 9 12 (2013): 3283. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/SM/c3sm27560d#!divAbstract.
Journal issue
  1. Maia, F. Raquel; Joaquim Miguel Oliveira; Reis, Rui L.. "Application Prospect of Hydrogels in the Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions". Pharmaceutics (2023): https://www.mdpi.com/journal/pharmaceutics/special_issues/2MHQXQ2055#info.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Maia, Raquel. "Nanostructured 3D matrices to direct mesenchymal stem cells behaviour". PhD, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, 2014. https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/101657/2/27636.pdf.

Intellectual property

  1. Casanova, Marta R.; Casanova, César; Maia, F. Raquel; Reis, Rui L.; Oliveira, J. Miguel. 2025. "A MICROFLUIDIC CHIP FOR CAPTURE OF BIOLOGICAL AND NON-BIOLOGICAL ENTITIES, METHODS OF PRODUCTION AND USES THEREOF". Portugal.


Other output
  1. Combining experiments and in silico modeling to infer the role of adhesion and proliferation on the collective dynamics of cells. 2021. Hygor P. M. Melo; F. Raquel Maia; André S. Nunes; Rui L. Reis; Joaquim M. Oliveira; Nuno A. M. Araújo. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.29.437400.
  2. Calcium Phosphates-based Biomaterials with Sr- and Zn-Dopants for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering. 2015. Maia, F. Raquel.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/04/11 Biomaterials, biodegradable, and biomimetic Dissemination of science
Escola secundária de Felgueiras (Felgueiras, Portugal)
2021/12/07 Carbon nanotubes-reinforced cell-derived matrix-silk fibroin scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications XI Latin American Congress of Artificial Organs and Biomaterials
2021/11/18 Development of carbon nanotubes-reinforced cell-derived matrix-silk fibroin scaffolds for bone tissue engineering H2020 BAMOS - Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing for early intervention of osteoarthritis, 10th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2021),
2021/06/29 3D-scaffolds for bone replacement Symposium on Mechanical Engineering, within the 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering – DCE21
Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica (Porto, Portugal)
2020/10/15 Development of decellularized ECM for osteochondral tissue mimetic 3D bioprinting Autumn Webinar BAMOS
2019/11/06 Evaluation of human explants as ex vivo models of disease 3rd workshop BAMOS
I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics of University of Minho (Braga, Portugal)
2019/11/06 In vitro evaluation of a promising kefiran-biopolymer for tissue engineering applications 3rd workshop BAMOS
I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics of University of Minho (Braga, Portugal)
2019/11/06 Developement of physiologically relevant bioinks with Au nanoparticles as a novel theranostics approach for bone tissue engineering 3rd workshop BAMOS
I3Bs - Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics of University of Minho (Braga, Portugal)
2019/07 Development of decellularized matrices to produce an in vitro colorectal cancer model FoReCaST 2nd workshop - Nanotechnology in cancer detection and treatment: from the lab to the clinic
3B's Research Group, University of Minho (Porto, Portugal)
2019/05 Targeting colorectal cancer using highly specific peptide-modified CMCht/PAMAM dendrimer nanoparticles TERMIS-EU
(Rhodes, Greece)
2018/08 Evaluation of decellularization process to obtain matrices for tissue regeneration approaches Hangzhou International Conference on Biomaterials, Bio-Design and Manufacturing
(Hangzhou, China)
2017/12 Gellan Gum Spongy-like Hydrogels Reinforced with Hydroxyapatite for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications TERMIS-AM
(Charlotte, United States)
2017/06 A microfluidic platform for the investigation of cancer cells’ nanoparticle uptake and real time tracking CHEM2NATURE Second School
(Porto, Portugal)
2017 Combinatory approach for developing silk fibroin-based scaffolds seeded with human adipose-derived stem cells for a cartilage tissue engineering applications TERMIS-EU
2017 A semi-automated microfluidic platform for real-time tracking of cancer cells and investigation of nanoparticles cellular uptake Society for Biomaterials
2016/10 A microfluidic platform for the investigation of nanoparticles cellular uptake and cancer cells tracking in real-time TermStem 2016
3B's Research Group (Guimarães, Portugal)
2016 Investigation of Dendrimer-based nanoparticles cellular uptake and cell tracking in a semi-automated microfluidic platform 10th World Biomaterials Congress
(Montreal, Canada)
2015/11 Development of a 3D bone tissue culture in vitro Department of Medicine, Cell and Molecular Biology Bone Research Group, University of Auckland
(Auckland, New Zealand)
2015 Investigation of Dendrimer-based nanoparticles cellular uptake and cell tracking in a semi-automated microfluidic platform 27th European Conference on Biomaterials
(Krakow, Poland)
2015 Sr- and Zn-Substituted Calcium Phosphates-Based Composites for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering Scaffolding 27th European Conference on Biomaterials
(Krakow, Poland)
2015 The Gellan-Gum Coated Gold Nanorods as Intracellular Drug Release System for Osteogenic differentiation 27th European Conference on Biomaterials
(Kraków, Poland)
2012 The influence of cell density and culture conditions within 3D hydrogel matrices on mesenchymal stem cells behavior 9th World Biomaterials Congress
(Chengdu, China)
2011 Modulation of 3D-cultured hMSC behaviour through changes in matrix physicochemical properties TERMIS-EU
(Granada, Spain)
2010 Development of nanostructured 3D matrices to direct mesenchymal stem cells behaviour 11th Edition of the "Trends in NanoTechnology" International Conference
(Braga, Portugal)
2009 Functionalization of a 3D gel-like matrix to induce osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells II Meeting of Young Researchers of Porto University
(Porto, Portugal)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2018 - Current 3D Co-culture of osteoblasts and osteoclasts as a model for in vitro studies of bone disorders
2019/08/01 - 2021/09 Engineering ECM-like biomaterials for fabrication of hierarchichal scaffolds for Bone Tissue Regeneration
Co-supervisor of Rafael Lemos
Biophysics and Bionanosystems (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016 - 2019/11 In Vitro 3D Tissue Engineered Models on a Chip for Cancer Research
Co-supervisor of Mariana Carvalho
2017/01 - 2017/12 In vitro and in vivo characterization of 3D cell-scaffold constructs for application in bone tissue engineering
Co-supervisor of Helena Pereira
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/12 Preparation of conductive fibers for biomedical applications
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2017 - Current SAW: School At Work, it is a collaborative work between 3B’s Research Group and the Colegio do Ave with the intent to provide students' scientific and technical training with a view to their integration into higher education or the professional world. (2017)
Other (Co-organisor)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Colégio do Ave, Portugal
2017/01/16 - 2021/01/15 BAMOS 1st workshop: This workshop was organized as part of the H2020 European project Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing: Osteochondral Scaffold (BAMOS) innovation applied to osteoarthritis. This first event was aligned with the proposed development of a collaborative staff exchange program and it focuses on “Current status and future trends of Osteoarthritis treatment”. In this sense, during the workshop experts in the field presented the most recent developments and the future trends in this area. (2017/11/06 - 2017/11/06)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/01/16 - 2021/01/15 BAMOS 3rd workshop: This workshop is being organized as part of the H2020 European project Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing: Osteochondral Scaffold (BAMOS) innovation applied to osteoarthritis. This first event is aligned with the proposed development of a collaborative staff exchange program and it focuses on “Current status and future trends of Osteoarthritis treatment”. In this sense, during this workshop experts in the field will present the most recent developments and the future trends in this area. (2019/11/06 - 2019/11/06)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/06/01 - 2020/06/01 FoReCaST was the 1st workshop organized by 3B's Research Group team focusing on a new dimension in cancer research: The tumour microenvironment. A range of world scientific leaders met and presented their latest research, covering the most relevant topics related to tumour models and their uses in cancer research and drug screening. In this context, 3B's-UMINHO strategically used the knowledge gained during the last - 2o years in the field of biomaterials sciences and tissue engineering to consolidate this new research topic. (2017/11/15 - 2017/11/17)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/06/01 - 2020/06/01 FoReCaST is the 2nd workshop organized and was focused on nanotechnology in cancer detection and treatment: from the lab to the clinic. A range of world scientific leaders met and presented their latest research, covering the most relevant topics related to nanotechnology in cancer research, tumour models and their uses in cancer research and drug screening. In this context, 3B's-UMINHO strategically used the knowledge gained during the last 20 years in the fields of biomaterials sciences and tissue engineering to consolidate this new research topic (2019/07/11 - 2019/07/12)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2021 - Current Best Student at UMinho 2021: intended for 11th and 12th-grade students with better academic performance, providing them with the opportunity to contact directly with UMinho professors and researchers, from areas of knowledge in which they are most interested.
Best Student at UMinho 2021
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020 - Current "One day in the life of....": job shadowing program. Program to help students make decisions regarding higher education.
"One day in the life of...."
Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal
2019 - Current “UPA-Universidade Portas Abertas da Universidade do Minho”: annual presentation of UMINHO to students of all ages, teachers, parents and guardians and the general public, where different workshops and visits to the University's research laboratories take place and, in parallel, occurs an educational offer fair with cultural and sports presentations.
UPA-Universidade Portas Abertas da Universidade do Minho
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021/05/05 - 2021/05/07 Present at UPA Digital 2021 (Universidade do Minho Portas Abertas Digital 2021) the oral communication entitled "Discovering biomaterials and tissue engineering"
UPA Digital 2021
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021/01/11 - 2021/01/20 Research is useful when it is shared and put to good use. Constantly through its lifespan, REMIX seeks to inform the community about its activities and its results. The project strives to address both the TERM scientific community it works with and the wider public, to promote TERM and its relevance to the medical sciences and, ultimately, to people’s health and wellbeing.
REMIX Online Seminars 2021
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/05/21 - 2019/05/21 "Pint of Science”, a global science festival that brings scientists to share their latest research with the general public.
Pint of Science
2008 - 2013 “Science in Summer Holidays (Ciência nas Férias)”, organized in the framework of the Ciência Viva action "Ocupação Científica a Jovens nas Férias", to give students from high school level the opportunity to work for 2 weeks at INEB during their summer holidays.
Science in Summer Holidays
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
2009 - 2012 Porto de Crianças: annual visits to 1st-grade schools, organised by the Office for Science and Communication of the Associate Laboratory IBMC-INEB in association with “Câmara Municipal do Porto”, to promote the experimental teaching of sciences. Projects have a duration of 4 weeks (1 visit per week).
Porto de Crianças
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal

Camara Municipal do Porto, Portugal
2008 - 2009 "A Engenharia Biomédica vai à Escola”, since 2003: annual visits to several high schools of the district of Porto to increase the awareness of students for the Biomedical Engineering field and Science in general.
A Engenharia Biomédica vai à Escola
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2022/10/04 Development of new processing techniques of Fe-35Mn biodegradable alloy for biomedical applications: In vitro studies
(Thesis) Main arguer
Kerolene Barboza da Silva (PhD)
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Brazil

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2021/03/26 - Current The European Society for Biomaterials
2017/03/01 - Current A4TEc - Association for the Advancement of Tissue Engineering and Cell Based Technologies & Therapies association member

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2015/01/01 - Current Cell culture training Cell Culture training (Outros) Biomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Portugal

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2024/12/10 - Current Expert reviewer for the Fulbright Commission in the Czech Republic
The J. William Fulbright Commission, Czech Republic
2022/02/02 - Current Expert reviewer
Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance, India
2021/05/21 - 2021/05/21 External Evaluator of the PhD thesis - "Experimental study of different combinations of biomaterials with polylactic acid matrix in additive manufacturing with biomedical purposes
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2024/12/10 - Current Materials Today Bio (2590-0064) Elsevier
2022/07/21 - Current Cells (2073-4409) MDPI
2021/07 - Current Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications (2666-8939) Elsevier
2021/04/09 - Current Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2050-7518) Royal Society of Chemistry
2021/01 - Current Bioactive Materials (2452-199X) Elsevier
2020/11 - Current Carbohydrate Polymers (0144-8617) Elsevier
2020/11 - Current Materials (1996-1944) MDPI
2020/10 - Current Nanomedicine (1748-6963) Future Medicine
2020/04/15 - Current Polymers (2073-4360)
2020/02 - Current Lab on a Chip (1473-0189) The Royal Society of Chemistry
2020/01/28 - Current ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2373-9878) American Chemical Society
2020/01/21 - Current Advanced Science (2198-3844) Wiley Online Library
2019/11/06 - Current International Journal of Molecular Sciences (1422-0067) MDPI AG
2019/11/06 - Current Biomaterials (0142-9612) Elsevier
2019/03 - Current Applied Sciences ( 2076-3417) MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland
2019/03 - Current ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (1944-8252) American Chemical Society
2019 - Current Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (1932-7005) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2018 - Current ACS Applied Bio Materials (2576-6422) American Chemical Society
2018 - Current Advanced Healthcare Materials (2192-2640) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2018 - Current Journal of Advanced Science (1881-3917) Society of Advanced Science
2018 - Current Biomedical Materials (1748-605X) IOP Publishing
2018 - Current Gels (2310-2861) MDPI AG
2018 - Current Scientific Reports (2045-2322) Springer Nature
2016 - Current Acta Biomaterialia (1742-7061) Elsevier
2016 - Current Macromolecular Bioscience (1616-5195) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)

Other distinction

2017 Postdoc researcher scholarship (SFRH/BPD/117492/2016)
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
2015 Travel Grant from Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, Germany
2010 TNT2010 Poster Awards
2010 Travel Grant Proj. 004/2010
Fundação Luso-Americana, Portugal
2008 PhD fellowship (Ref. 2nd recruiting program From INL)
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal