Dora Maria Fonseca Martins Ginja Teixeira, PhD in Chemistry, a is Assistant Professor in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of the Science and Technology School of Évora University. As Investigator, she is member of two Research Centres based at Évora University: Integrated Researcher at HERCULES Laboratory - Cultural Heritage Studies and Safeguard, and Collaborator in MED- Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development. Since 2022, she is also member of IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory. She is author of more than 60 Articles in Peer Review International Journals and 5 Book Chapters ; participated in more than 30 Scientific Projects, in three of which as Principal Investigator, and as Partner Principal Investigator in one European Project; supervised two postdoctoral projects; presented about 80 communications in National and International Congresses and was member of the Organizing Committee of seven Scientific International Meetings; she has collaborated as Special Issue Editor and as Reviewer in several International Scientific Journals. As a teacher, she was responsible for a large number of Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral Curricular Units and supervised 3 PhD, 10 Master and dozens of Bachelor's theses. Through her 30 years academic career, she held several University Management Positions at Évora University, namely Vice-Director of the Chemistry Department (2013-2015) and President of the Pedagogical Council of the Sciences and Technology School (2013 -2019). She was also a member of several Statutory Bodies and coordinated working groups, with special emphasis on the recent coordination of the working group that prepared the proposal of the Évora University Academic Regulation, currently in force.

Personal identification

Full name
Dora Maria Fonseca Martins Ginja Teixeira

Author identifiers

Ciência ID