Personal identification

Full name
Rocío Yñiguez

Citation names

  • Yñiguez, Rocío

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Scopus Author Id
Degree Classification
1983/10/01 - 1989/06/30
Universidad de SEvilla, facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Doktor (PhD))
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
"Los Estudios de Economía y Hacienda en la Universidad de Sevilla y Biografía académica de los catedráticos hasta la creación de la facultad de Ciencias económicas y empresariales en 1971" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
1993/10/01 - Current Full Professor (University Teacher) Universidad de Sevilla, Spain


Designation Funders
2023/06/14 - Current Horizon Europe (HORIZON) project 101071300 Sustainable Horizons - European Universities designing the horizons of sustainability
project Horizon- 101071300
Research Fellow
European Union, Belgium

Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2020/01/01 - Current Research in applied Economics (Research group-Goverment of Andalucia, Spain)
2020/02/01 - 2022/04/30 Global warming and demand for electricity in the residential sector and the productive sectors in Spain and Andalusia
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Junta de Andalucía, Spain
2015/01/01 - 2017/12/31 Claves para Desacoplar Crecimiento y Emisiones de CO2 en España
ECO 14-56399-R
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain
2014/06/01 - 2014/11/30 Time Series of Supply-Usetables for Europe in Nace Rev.2, Current and Previous Year Prices (1995-2009)


Designation Funders
2021/07/20 - 2024/07/20 Sustainability of the Sevillian Olive Sector with Protected Geographical Indication: Georeferencing of Parcels and its Economic and Environmental Impact
Principal investigator
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Indicación Geográfica protegida Aceituna de mesa manzanilla y gordal de Sevilla, Spain


Designation Funders
2011/10/03 - Current Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente.
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Fundacion Roger Torne, Spain

Red electrica Española, Spain


Book chapter
  1. Pablo-Romero, M.; Roman, R.; SanchezBraza,A.; Yñiguez, Rocío. "Renewable energy, emmisions and health". In Renewable Energy: Utilisation and System Integration, 173-20'2. Vienna, Austria: InTech-Open, 2016.
  2. Pablo-Romero, M.; Roman, R.; Yñiguez, Rocío; Cansino, JM. "Taxes Incentives to Promote Res Deployment: The Eu-27 Case". In Sustainable Growth and Applications in Renewable Energy Sources, 107-122. Vienna, Austria: InTech-Open, 2011.
  3. Arevalo, MT.; Yñiguez, Rocío; Castro-Nuño, M. "Un estudio multicreterio de la capacidad inversora bajo el principio de estabilidad presupuestaria: el caso español". In Herramientas operativas para el análisis multicriterio del desarrollo económico local, 43-76. 2009.
Journal article
  1. Buitrago-Esquinas, E.; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Yñiguez, Rocío. "Artificial intelligence and sustainable tourism planning: A hetero-intelligence methodology proposal". ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH EMPIRICAL INSIGHTS (2024):
    Open access • Under revision
  2. Mogollo, S.; Zilio, M.; Buitrago-Esquina, .; Caraballo-Pou,MA; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Zilio, M.. "Economic impact of Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta) along the Andalusian coastline: the case of Tarifa, Spain". Wetlands Ecology and Management (2023):
  3. martinez-Moreno, M.; Yñiguez, Rocío; Esquina-Buitrago, E.; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. Corresponding author: martinez-Moreno, M.. "A global and comparative assessment of the level of economic circularity in the EU". JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 425 138759 (2023):
  4. Galiano-Bastarrica,L.; Buitrago-Esquinas, E.; Caraballo Pou, MA.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Galiano-Bastarrica,L.. "An integrated assessment model for comparing electricity decarbonisation scenarios: the case for Spain". Energy Policy 178 113592 (2023):
  5. Buitrago-Esuinas, E.; Foronda- Robles, C.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Yñiguez, Rocío. "A literature review on overtourism to guide the transition to responsible tourism.". Revista de Estudios Andaluces 45 (2023): 71-90.
  6. Galiano-Bastarrica,L.; Buitrago-Esquinas, E.; Caraballo Pou, MA.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Galiano-Bastarrica,L.. "Environmental adjustment of the EU27 GDP: an econometric quantitative model". Environment Systems and Decisions 43 1 (2022): 115-128.
  7. Buitrago-Esquinas, E.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Yñiguez, Rocío. "Measuring overtourism: a necessary tool for landscape planning". Land 10 9 (2021): 889.
  8. Cansino, JM; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Yñiguez, Rocío. "Promoting electro mobility in Spain. Public measures and main data (2007-2012)". Transportation Research. Part D: Transport & Environment 59 59 (2018): 325-345.
  9. Sanz-Diaz, MT.; Velasco-Morente, F; Yñiguez, Rocío; Díaz-Calleja, E.. Corresponding author: Sanz-Diaz, MT.. "An analysis of Spain's global and environmental efficiency from a European Union perspective". Energy Policy 104 (2017): 183-193.
  10. Pablo-Romero, M.; Pozo-barajas, R.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Pablo-Romero, M.. "Global changes in residential energy consumption". Energy policy 101 (2017): 342-352.
  11. Yñiguez, Rocío; Sanz-Diaz, MT.; Rueda-Cantuche, JM. Corresponding author: Sanz-Diaz, MT.. "The relevance of multi-country input-output tables in measuring emissions trade balance of countries: The case of Spain". SORT-STATISTICS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH TRANSACTIONS 40 1 (2016): 3-30.
  12. Sanchez-frano, MJ; Buitrago-Esquinas, E.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Sanchez-frano, MJ. "What drives social integration in the domain of social network sites? Examining the influences of relationship quality and stable and dynamic individual differences". ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW (c / 1468-4535) 39 1 (2015): 5-25.
  13. Yñiguez, Rocío; Cansino, JM; Sanz-Diaz, MT.; Gonzale-Limon, JM.; Santamaria, M.. Corresponding author: Sanz-Diaz, MT.. "Economic assessment of CO2 emissions savings in Spain associated with the use of biofuels for the transport sector in 2010". UTILITIES POLICY 29 (2014): 25-32.
  14. Cansino, JM; Pablo-Romero, M.; Roman-Collado, R.; Yñiguez, R.. Corresponding author: Cansino, JM. "Promotion of biofuel consumption in the transport sector: An EU-27 perspective". RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 16 8 (2012): 6013-6021.
  15. Sanchez-Franco, MJ; Buitrago-Esquinas, E.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Sanchez-Franco, MJ. "How to intensify the individual's feelings of belonging to a social networking site? Contributions from community drivers and post-adoption behaviours". MANAGEMENT DECISION (0025-1747 / 1758-6070) 50 6 (2012): 1137-1154.
  16. Yñiguez, Rocío. "La primera crisis en la economía global". REVISTA DE ECONOMIA MUNDIAL 30 (2012): 277-282.
  17. Cansino, JM; Pablo-Romero, M.; Roman-Collado, R.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Cansino, JM. "Promoting renewable energy sources for heating and cooling in EU-27 countries". ENERGY POLICY 39 6 (2011): 3803-3812.
  18. Cansino, JM; Pablo-Romero, M.; Roman-Collado, R.; Yñiguez, Rocío. Corresponding author: Cansino, JM. "Tax incentives to promote green electricity: An overview of EU-27 countries". ENERGY POLICY (2010):
  19. Raga-Gil J.; Castro-Nuño, M; Yñiguez, Rocío. "Los efectos económicos de la redistribución de la renta: ¿la pérdida de eficiencia se justifica por la mejora de la equidad?". Revista del Instituto de Estudios Económicos 4 (2007): 65-76.

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2022/07/14 - Current Instituto Andaluz de Investigación e Innovación en Turismo (IATUR) Researcher

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2023/01/01 - 2023/12/31 reviewer/consultor of NCN funds projects in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering.
Advisor / Consultant
the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2022/12/14 - 2022/12/15 International conference on Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century 2022 International Association for Development of the Information Society. São Paulo, Brazil
2021/12/15 - 2021/12/17 International conference on Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century 2021 International Association for Development of the Information Society. São Paulo, Brazil
2020/02/05 - 2020/02/07 International Conference on Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century 2020 International Association for Development of the Information Society. São Paulo, Brazil

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2022/06/21 - Current Onloine Information Review
2021/04/05 - Current Journal of Risk and Financial Management
2021/03/02 - Current Economies
2020/05/15 - Current Intenational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2020/02/15 - Current Smart Cities
2019/04/06 - Current Information
2019/01/10 - Current Symmetric
2019/01/01 - Current Energies,
2018/10/06 - Current Water


2002 Premio de Investigación Ciudad de Sevilla
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, Spain